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Commodities (abbreviated commods) are the backbone of commerce in Star Sonata. Commodities always take up 1 hull space each but their weight can vary drastically.

Common Commodities

These commodities are easily found throughout the universe. Most AI bases stock them and most can be extracted from planets and moons, or mined from asteroids.

Built Commodities

Some commodities are built from other commodities. The following are the most common ones:

Name Value Made With Requires Notes
Crack Whores 600-1400 Crack House, Den or Palace Peasants and Silicon  
Fine Space Whisky 1000-2000 Large Distillery Space Whisky and Baobabs Not sell-able to colonies.
Microchips 100-150 Micro-fab Silicon  
Rations 30-150 MRE Factory or Cannery Space Oats or Peasants Required for workers on bases.
Space Whisky 200-600 Distillery Made from Space Oats Not sell-able to colonies. Also produced as waste from Whisky Outpost Generator

Some are a bit more expensive to build:

Name Value Made With Requires Notes
Titanium Sheets Market Titanium Sheet BP Microchips, Nuclear Waste and Metal.  
Bars: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Market Bar BP Cyanure and metal Each kind has it's own special metal that can be used.
Promethium 18,000-36,000 Nuclear Convo-Tronics Fermium Half Life 25 minutes

Rare Extracted commodities

There are a number of rare extractable commodities. Often these are quite valuable and are required for some high-end construction.

  • Vis
  • Quantumum
  • Energon
  • Tin
  • Bronze
  • Titanium
  • Silver
  • Copper
  • Gold
  • Platinum
  • Alien Bacteria
  • Bacta
  • Frozen Blob
  • Jelly Beans
  • Adamantium
  • Rubicite
  • Ablution Crystals

Uncommon Dropped Commodities

Many AI drop commods used in training skills or building.

Name Dropped By Used for
Space Boomerangs Pax Astralogica Building Pax Astronomicas and training shielding
Sputter Nutters Equanimities Building Equanimities and training weapons
Dark Remains Dark Freighters, Dark Guards or Mined Used to build Dark Freighters, or training skills
Blue Whisper Space Blue Alpha Scout, or mined Used in production, or training skills
Blue Aether Space Blue Alpha, Space Blue Alpha Interceptor Used in production, training skills, or as a key in Blue Outpost
Blue Vapor Space Blue Beta or mined Used in production, training skills, or as a key to Blue Research
Blue Dust Space Blue Gamma Used in production, or training skills

Rare "Uber" Commodities

Uber AI drop commods used in the highest end construction projects. These commods can be extremely rare and valuable.

Name Dropped By Used for
Nutter Sputters Sputty Nutty Required to build an Equanimizer
Astronomica Boomerang Marco Columbus Required to build a Pax Astronomica
Dark Helmet Dark Curse Required to build a Death Striker
Reaver Corpse Reavers and Grim Reaver Required to build a Reaver
Dark Freighter Remains Captain Bartholomew Roberts Required to build a Dark Freighter
Scorch's Remains Scorch Required to build Scorch's Immolation
Rackham's Remains Rackham Required to build a Rackham's Bigger Pulse
Barbe Noire Barbe Noire Required to build a Rosmarinus

Complete Sortable Listing

Add Trade Good Suggested Price refers to the price given at a user base when one goes to place the item in the trade bay.

Name Add Trade Good
Suggested Price
Half-life Weight Source Comments Description
A Billion ? None 1 Christmas Drop _ Merry Christmas!
Ablution Crystals 1000 None 30000 Extract using Ablution Extractor used for Equipment How to cleanse the soul?
Adamantium 50,000,000 None 4000 Extract using Adamantium Extractor used to build Adamantium Sheets Iron-based alloy, malleaable in its molten state but its virtually indestructible once cooled.
Adamantium Sheet 50,000,000 None 1000000 Built from Adamantium used to build Adamantianized Base Gear Iron-based alloy, malleable in its molten state but its virtually indestructible once cooled.
Adonis Crest ? None 1000 Built from Adonis Augmenters used for Station Tweaking Symbol of the Adonis
Alien Bacteria 5,000,000 None 1 Extract using Alien Bacteria Extractor used to build high level things you probably don't want to know what left those there.
Ambrosia Crest ? None 1000 Built from Ambrosia Augmenters used for Station Tweaking Symbol of the Ambrosia
Ampage Specialized Trade Goods 50,000 None 10,000 Ampage Drop Used for Pirating Mission Special Ampage Trade Goods.
Anaconda Scales ? None 1 Anaconda Drop in Snake Hole used for Shielding 20 in Emphatic Biology Slimy but protective.
Ancient Pax Medal 50,000 None ? Paxius Missions Reward used for Warp Navigation in Paxius Feel proud.
Andaman Crest ? None 1,000,000 Built from Andaman Augmenters Used for Station Research Symbol of the Andaman
Arcadian Crest ? None 1000 Built from Arcadian Augmenters used for Station Tweaking Symbol of the Arcadian
Argonaut Crest ? None 1000 Built from Argonaut Augmenters used for Station Tweaking Symbol of the Argonaut
Astronomica Boomerangs 1000 50 Hours 10000 Marco Columbus Drop used to build a Pax Astronomica Always comes back around...
Bacta ? None 100 Extract using Bacta Extractor used to build high level things Bacta is a combination of gelatinous, translucent red alazhi and kavam bacterial particles
Baobabs 800 None 300 Extract using Tree Cutter Sellable to Colony luxury wood
Barbe Rouge's Letter of Recommendation ? None 1 Barbe Rouge Drop Used in Tortuga Missions From Barbe Rouge, with love.
Basil Bouquet ? 25 Minutes 100 Basil Drop Used to get out of Bonnet and to build Basil Great for salads.
Basil Salad ? ? ? Drops from Stede Bonnet Commod needed to build Basil ?
Blue Aether 1000 10 Minutes ? Drops from Space Blue Alpha Used to train Warp Navigation 1 in Sol capture it before it's gone...
Blue Dust ? ? ? Drops from Space Blue Gamma Used to train Tractoring and Remote Control ?
Blue Vapor ? 20 Minutes ? Drops from Space Blue Beta Used to train Weaponry and Remote Control, and to build a Vortex Pellet ?
Blue Whisper ? 32 Minutes 5000 Drops from Space Blue Alpha Scout Used to train Piracy and [[Remote Control A Whisper of a Blue
Bronze 2,000,000 None ? Convert from Tin and Copper using Bronze Furnace, or mined in Arena Lobby Used to make Bronze Bars Made from a fair amount of Tin and Copper.
Bronze Bar ? None ? Built from Bronze or Cyanure and metals, or converted using Mobile Bronze Forge Used for various Bar Skills 1 ton of bronze
Bronze Sensor 1000 none 1000 made with a factory using 1 Bronze and 1 Vitalized Microchips Used in making high-end and fine-tuned gear Detect stuff.
Bule Red Orb ? None 10000 Ruin -- ? Used to build Orb Drone what is this good for?
Bulk Trader II Specialized Trade Goods 50,000 None 10,000 Goldenboy Ingot Drop Used for Pirating Mission Special Bulk Trader II Trade Goods.
Carum petroselinum BENTH 1000 50 hours 100 Dropped by Leonard McCoy in Bonnet Used to make Parsley Some plant with a complicated name.
Carcass ? 2 hours 10,000 Dropped by Vultures Used to make Vulture Fine quality meat
Christmas Tree ? none 100 Christmas Drop _ It's full of stars! Err Lights!
Chrome Knobs ? 32 minutes 10 Dropped by Rumble 3 AI used to train Piloting 17-19 in Rumble 3 pathetic trophies
Chronoton Radiation ? None 1 Dropped by Temporal Rifts Converted to Temporal Flux using
Temporal Generator
to enter Enigmatic Sector
What's this? Quantum particles of time? Oh my!
Cloud Mercury ? None 300,000 Mined in XYZ or Lunacy used to make Porpoise vaporous mercury you'll go mad for
Complicated Factory Parts ? none 500000 Built Used in building complicated factories Not quite so fabulous, since they are quite complicated.
Conclusion Icicle ? 2 hours, 46 minutes, 40 seconds 100 Forgone Drop Needed for training Electrical Engineering Cold clarity
Constable Rank ? None 10 Mission Reward Used in Constable Missions Mark of Rank.
Copper 500,000 None ? Extract using Copper Extractor Used to make Bronze A ductile malleable reddish-brown corrosion-resistant diamagnetic metallic element; occurs in various minerals but is the only metal that occurs abundantly in large masses; used as an electrical and thermal conductor.
Copper Chunks ? None 100,000 Mined in Blue Outpost  ? A big chunck of copper. Breaks in to 5 to 20 copper
Crack Whore's Spirit 200 None 10 Halloween Drop Used in Graveyard Missions How'd she die? She'd rather not say... it's just that she regrets it.
Crack Whores 620 None 450 Convert from Peasants and Silicon using Crack House Sellable to Colony popular on every deep space station
Cyanure 1,000 ? ? ? Used to make Bars ?
Dark Matter 50,000,000 None 1000 Extract using Dark Matter Extractor Used to make high level gear Unseen matter. As the name implies, dark matter does not interact with light or other electromagnetic radiation, so it cannot be seen directly.
Dark Remains 1,000 5 hours 100,000 Dark Transport Drop Used to build Dark Freighter, and to train Astral Injection Some wreckage.
Dementium 10,000 None 100,000 Built from Dementium Fragments using BP from Lunacy Missions Used for Engine 19 in Lunacy
Also used to build Demented things
Stable and Glowy Material
Dementium Fragments 1,000 50 hours 10,000 Rare Drop Used to build Dementium Unstable Rare and Glowy Material
Diamond 5,000,000 None 100 Extract using Diamond Extractor Used to build high level things Very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem.
Energized Microchips ? none 40 Convert from Microchips using ?? Used in building high level gear. Microchips infused with energy.
Energon 50,000,000 None 1000 Extract using Energon Extractor Used to build high level things Energon is the primary source of power for the Transformers. using Energon, transformers live, power their machinery, and even craft weapons.
Enforcer Rank ? None 10 Sol Mission Reward Used to get Mission Rewards in Sol Mark of Rank.
Enriched Nuclear Material 100 1 hour, 15 minutes 3000 Convert from Nuclear Waste using Enrichment Plant or mined from an asteroid Sun. Used to fuel high tech energies U-243 at it's best.
Exc. Proximity Sensor 1,000,000 none 30,000 BP Used to build some Proximity Module ?
Exc. Tracking Gizmo 1,000,000 none 30,000 BP Used to build some Tracking Module ?
Faranji Debris ? None 1 Mined in Enigmatic Sector DG Used in Enigmatic Sector Mission Faranji space debris
Faranji Luscious East 10 mil None 10,000 Ruin -- ? used to build Luscious West Luscious greed, north
Faranji Wreckage ? None 1 Mined in Enigmatic Sector DG _ Blaster marks still fresh!
Fermium 90,000 30 seconds 1000 Mined from Asteroids, or Extract using Fermium Extractor converted to Promethium Don't blink, or it's gone
Fine Space Whiskey 1200 None 300 Convert from Space Whiskey using Giant Space Still ? Smooth
Fly Wings ? 32 Minutes 10 Rumble Drop used for Piloting 12 in Rumble Glorious, yet grotesque trophy
Frozen Blob ? None 100,000 Extract using Frozen Blob Extractor Used to build high level things Someday, someone will find it and it will be awakened again!
Funky Furniture ? None 1,000 Convert from ? using Iquea Workshop ? Household furniture at its best.
Gabriel's Neurolich 1000 20 Minutes ? Drops from Seraphs used to train Astral Injection and Cloaking, and to enter Penance Angelic neuralconnectors
Gargantuan Goblets ? 5 hours 100,000 Green Battleship Drop Used to train Remote Control 17 in Beta Antares Hug the cup.
Ghostly Worker 200 None 10 Halloween Drop used in Graveyard missions This worker died during a ration strike, now he regrets leaving his post!
Ghosts 13000 None 10 Random Drop used in Graveyard missions Captured soul of the dead!
Giant Goblets ? 5 hours 100,000 Big Green Drop Used to train Remote Control 16 in End of the Universe Kiss the cup.
Goblets ? 30 minutes 1000 Goblin Drop Used to train Warp Navigation 2 in Lavanite, and for Astral Injection Kiss the cup.
Gold 5,000,000 None 1460 Extract using Gold Extractor Used to build Gold Bars A soft, shiny, yellow, heavy, malleable, ductile transition metal, gold does not react with most chemicals.
Gold Bar 1,000,000 None 10,000 Built from Gold or Cyanure Used for various Bar Skillls 1 ton of Gold
Gold Dubloon 50,000 None 1 Tortuga and Piracy Mission Reward Used in Tortuga Missions To trade for stuff on the black market.
Goldenboy Coin Specialized Trade Goods 50,000 None 10,000 Goldenboy Ingot Drop Used for Pirating Mission Special Goldenboy Ingot Trade Goods.
Goldenboy Ingot Specialized Trade Goods 50,000 None 10,000 Goldenboy Ingot Drop Used for Pirating Mission Special Goldenboy Ingot Trade Goods.
Goldenboy Nugget Specialized Trade Goods 50,000 None 10,000 Goldenboy Nugget Drop Used for Pirating Mission Special Goldenboy Nugget Trade Goods.
Goldenboy Pyrite Specialized Trade Goods 50,000 None 10,000 Goldenboy Pyrite Drop Used for Pirating Mission Special Goldenboy Pyrite Trade Goods.
Goldenboy Statue Specialized Trade Goods 50,000 None 10,000 Goldenboy Statue Drop Used for Pirating Mission Special Goldenboy Statue Trade Goods.
Good Proximity Sensor ? none 20000 BP Used to build some Proximity Module Used in building a proximity module.
Good Shield Booster ? none 20000 BP Used to build some Shield Module Used in building a shield module.
Good Tracking Gizmo 1,000,000 none 20,000 BP Used to build some Tracking Module Used in building a tracking module.
Grammies ? 32 Minutes 10 Rumble 2 Drop Used for Piloting 16 in Rumble 2 Not-so-glorious trophies
Hell Fire Remains 1,000,000 2 hours, 3 minutes 5 Cleft Thorn Drop used to build Scorch's Immolation Still hot hot hot!
Holochart Fragment Alpha 50,000 None 1 Mined in Tortuga used to build Holochart Part of an old map
Holochart Fragment Beta 50,000 None 1 Mined in Tortuga used to build Holochart Part of an old map
Holochart Fragment Delta 50,000 None 1 Tortuga AI Drop used to build Holochart Part of an old map
Holochart Fragment Gamma 50,000 None 1 Tortuga AI drop used to build Holochart Part of an old map
Holochart Fragment Epsilon 50,000 None 1 Spawns in Tortuga as green debris used to build Holochart Part of an old map
Honorary Diploma 50,000 None 10 Lyceum Mission Reward used for Infinite Knowledge in Lyceum Not exactly the same, but at least it's something!
Honorary Mention 50,000 None 10 Lyceum Mission Reward used for Infinite Knowledge in Lyceum They recognize that you did... something.
Huge Launching Tube 50,000,000 None 10,000 DG Drop Used in Streamlined Fighter Bay Blueprints Speed up a fighter or missile bay.
Imperial Chest ? None 1000 Reward for reporting an exploitable bug Breaks into 1 Imperial Seal A golden chest, this must contain something valuable
Imperial Seal ? None 1000 Cleaned with Imperial Cleaning Machine from Unclean Imperial Seal Neuro-Bound
Used for various Imperial Seal Skills
Approved by the Emperor Himself
Immature Rat Kitten ? None 100 Convert from Rat Flesh and Rations using Rat Hatchery used in Graveyard mission to make Rat Kitten Too young for even you to toss out the airlock.
Infernal Cell ? None 1000 Infernal Tempest Mission Reward, 5 in return for 3 Xeno Isotope, 3 Neutron Rod, and 7 Solar Radiation turned in at Earthforce Headquarter for Sol Missions. Store of untapped energy.
Jelly Beans ? None 10 Extract using Jelly Bean Extractor 10 Jelly Beans used for building Alien Bactery Extractor(initial cost) Jelly beans are a type of confectionery that comes in many different (primarily fruit) flavors.
Kendalite 10,000,000 None ? Mined from asteroids in Contracosta Used as a mission item to get a key for the rest of the Contracosta chain. Used most commonly for ganglinite research.
Laconia 5,000,000 None 400 Extract using Laconia Extractor Used to make Laconia Sheets A rare and nearly magical metal.
Laconia Sheet 5,000,000 None 100,000 Built from Laconia Used to fortify things Laconia, one of the most durable substance known to man.
Large Launching Tube 25,000,000 None 10,000 DG Drop Used in Streamlined Fighter Bay Blueprints Speed up a fighter or missile bay.
Lion Heart Key ? none 1000 ? Drop Used to enter Lion galaxy in The Serengeti The key to the lion heart
Love Cylinder Remains ? 2 hours 30 minutes 5 Rosemary Drop Used to build various surgical things Seem less intimidating that way.
Luscious North ? none 10,000 Built from orbs used to build Luscious West Luscious greed, west
Luscious South ? none 10,000 Spawns as green debris in The Neutral Zone ? Luscious greed, east
Luscious West ? none 10,000 Built from other Luscious used for Slave Research Luscious greed, south
Mad Scientist's Brain ? 50 hours 100000 Drops from Mad Scientist Used for Electrical Engineering 20 in Lunacy Even dead this thing is probably more intelligent then you.
Mad Scientist's Other Brain ? 150 hours 100000 Drops from Mad Scientist Used for Remote Control 18 in Lunacy Even dead this thing is probably more intelligent then you.
Master Pirate Crest 10,000 None 100 Drops from W2 and W3 Pirate AI Mark from a pirate
Medium Launching Tube ? N/A 10000 DGs used for Fighter Bay Blueprints Speed up fighter or missile bay
Metals 90 None 550 Extract using Metal Drill Used to build just about everything make the universe go 'round
Microbes Amoureuses ? None 1 Built from Microbes Noirs, Commodity Blueprints used for tuition for Warp Navigation 4 in Emphatic Biology and Station Management 20 in Biologique Tout le monde aiment les microbes amoureuses.
Microbes Noirs ? 33 minutes, 20 seconds 1 Mined in Emphatic Biology Used to build Microbes Amoureuses Microves Noirs, pas pour les marches noirs.
Microchips 150 None 10 Built from silicon using MicroFab Used to build many things Pentium LVX's
Milli's Burger ? 55 hours, 33 minutes, 20 seconds 5 The End of the Universe -- 500 million Used in Apprentice's Ward Missions The composite interest over the last few trillion years should be
Mining Token 5 None 10 Mined from Asteroids in Arena Lobby Used in Arena Lobby Missions Great for making any good miner proud!
Monochrome Hue Specialized Trade Goods 50,000 None 10,000 Monochrome Hue Drop Used for Pirate Mission Special Monochrome Hue Trade Goods.
Monochrome Tint Specialized Trade Goods 50,000 None 10,000 Monochrome Tint Drop Used for Pirate Mission Special Monochrome Tint Trade Goods.
Mzungu Green Orb ? None 10,000 Ruin -- ? Used to build Orb Drone what is this good for?
Nathaniel's Emblem ? None 10 Nathaniel Courthope and Captain Albatross Drop Used for Piracy 20 Token of your pirating.
NCC-Bulk Specialized Trade Goods 50,000 None 10,000 NCC-Bulk Drop Used for Pirate Mission Special NCC-Bulk Trade Goods.
Neural Keysyncs ? None 1 Drop from all DG AI key used to get through locked warps in DGs,
decays upon warping and on relogging.
Delicate membrane allows intergalactic travel through locked gates
Neutron Rod _ 45 Minutes 2000 mined from Asteroids in Infernal Tempest near the Alpha sun used for missions in Infernal Tempest Eating this is a bad idea, in fact you probably shouldn't be touching it.
Nuclear Waste 500 None 1400 Extract using Nuclear Waste Collector Used to fuel energies not in my back yard!
Olduvai Gorge key ? None 1000 ? Key to Olduvai Gorge Used in accessing Olduvai Gorge
Paranormal Research Diploma ? None 100 Graveyard Mission Reward used for missions in Graveyard Proof that you believe in ghosts!
Pax Astralogica Specialized Trade Goods 50,000 None 10,000 Pax Astralogica Drop Used for Pirate Mission Special Pax Astralogica Trade Goods.
Peasants 200 None 200 Bought from colonies or AI base. population of colonies politically correct term for slaves
Personal Computers ? None 400 Convert from ? using Dall Computer Assembly Plant ? Making world's go round all across the universe.
Petroleum ? None 1000 Extract using Petroleum Extractor Used to build high level things A generic term applied to oil and oil products in all forms.
Phantom Peasant ? None 10 Halloween Drop Used in Graveyard Missions A disgruntled dead Peasant... how suprising.
Pieces o' Eight ? N/A 1 Brigand's Stronghold missions none To Trade for stuff on the black market.
Pilot's Renevant 200 None 10 Halloween Drop Used in Graveyard Missions He found out that sometimes a Hotrod can go to fast. Coincidentally, he forgot his pressure
Pirate Crest 10,000 None ? Drops from pirating AI Used in Sol Missions Mark from a pirate
Plasma Crystals 1,000,000 None 10,000 Extracted from Hyper using Plasma Extractor Used to build Plasmite Drone _
Platinum ? None 1617 Extracted using Platinum Extractor Used to build Platinum Bars A dense (heavy) silvery grey metal, atomic number 78, atomic weight 195.078
Platinum Bar ? None 20,000 Built from Platinum or Cyanure Used for various Bar Skills 1 ton of Platinum
Primal Panther Powercore ? none 250000 UZ Drop Used to build Panther Still flicker with energy.
Primal Zebra Powercore 1,000,000 none 250000 UZ Drop Used to build Zebra Still flicker with energy.
Promethium 18,000 25 minutes 2000 converted from Fermium using Nuclear Convotronic Used to build just about everything Stealing fire from the Gods!
Promethium Crystals _ None 100,000 DG Drop Breaks into 75 to 150 Promethium Crystalized Promethium
Psion Icicles 13,000 None 10,000 bought in Absolution Used to build Base Weapons and Porpoises frozen brilliance, rather valuable to some
Quantumum 5,000,000 None 100 Extract using Quantumum Extractor Used to build high level things Powerful energy particle that sometime stay in a stable state.
Quickened Microchips 5000000 none 30 Made with a Built from silicon using ??using 1 Quantumum and 1 Microchip Used for building modules for high-end gear Microchips infused with energy.
Rations 80 None 200 converted from Space Oats using MRE Factory Used to feed Workers K-rations, grits, and more
Ravings ? 50 minutes 1 Wingship II+ drop in Fraternity Used to train Slave Tweaking Rabble, Rabble RABBLE!
Rosemary Sprig ? 25 Minutes 100 Rosemary Drop Used for Piracy 14 at Bipolar Great for potatoes.
Rosfire Specialized Trade Goods 50,000 None 10,000 Rosfire Drop Used for Pirate Mission Special Rosfire Trade Goods.
Rotting Remains ? None 1000 Dropped by Undead Tobal during the Halloween season Used to build Rotting Equanimizer Nasty! Why do zombies have to be so gross?
Rousings ? 50 minutes 1 Zebucart+ drop in Equality Used to train Slave Tweaking Rabble, Rabble Rabble!
Royal Rat Gland ? 72 hours 200 Dropped by Royal Undead Rat during the Halloween season Used as a key to enter Undead Broodmother Nest Despite how gross they are, they're actually quite useful.
Rubicite 50,000,000 none 1000 Extract using Rubicite Extractor Used to build high level things Crystalline and somewhat metallic red allow used to make some interesting materials.
Santa Letter ? None 1 Christmas Drop _ Dear Santa, this year i want 15 bil and 1 izer with good augs. Signed: saiyan-24.
Scorched Trader Badge 50,000 None 10 High Level Trader AI Drop Used in Pirate Missions Proof that BIG guns don't mean safety in this universe.
Scorched Trader Insignia 50,000 None 10 Mid Level Trader AI Drop Used in Pirate Missions Proof that you can loot something that shoots back.
Scorched Trader Signet 50,000 None 10 Low Level Trader AI Drop Used in Pirate Missions Proof that the undefended merchant isn't safe.
Scorch's Remains ? 50 hours 100,000 Scorch Drop Used to build Scorch's Immolation Still burning hot
Scrap Parts 50 None ? Mined from Asteroids around Janitor Outpost in Nexus Used in Nexus Missions ?
Serengeti Nebula key 1,000,000 none 1000 ? Used in accessing Serengeti Nebula Used in accessing Serengeti Nebula
Serenity Specialized Trade Goods 50,000 None 10,000 Serenity Drop Used for Pirating Mission Special Serenity Trade Goods.
Silicon 50 None 800 Extract using Silicon Extractor Used build Microchips, Crack Whores, and base Transference weapons Basic element in electronics and bodily augmentations
Silver ? None 792 Extract using Silver Extractor Used to build Silver Bars A soft white lustrous transition metal, silver has the highest electrical and thermal conductivity
Silver Bar ? None 1,000 Built from Silver or Cyanure Used for various Bar Skills 1 ton of Silver
Small Launching Tube 1,000,000 None 10,000 DG Drop used for Fighter Bay Blueprints Speed up fighter or missile bay
Snowball ? None 1 Christmas Drop _ Melting...
Solar Prisms ? None 300 Mined in Prism Used to build Porpoise and Prismatic Conversion a perfect refraction
Solar Radiation ? 12 Minutes, 30 seconds 2000 Produced by Infernal Battery Used in Infernal Tempest Missions Strange radiations
Somewhat Defragmented Holochart ? None 1 Tortuga mission reward Converted to Treasure Holochart using Holochart Defragmenter Nearly readable.
Souls 13,000 None 10 Random Drop used in Graveyard missions Captured soul of the dead!
Space Boomerangs 1,000 30 minutes 10,000 Pax Astralogica Drop Used to build Pax Astronomica and for Engine 18 in Nihilite Always comes back around...
Space Oats 35 None 300 Extract using Harvester Used to make Rations and Space Whiskey agricultural space tragedy fodder
Space Whiskey 120 None 300 Convert from Space Oats using Space Still Fuels some energies Take the edge off
Specialized Trade Goods 50,000 None 10,000 Goldenboy Bar Drop Used for Pirating Mission Special Goldenboy Bars Trade Goods.
Spirits 13,000 None 10 Random Drop used in Graveyard missions Captured soul of the dead!
Spoiled Rat Flesh 2,000 None 100 Undead Rat Drop Used in Graveyard Missions and to build a Rotting Equanimizer Ewww! The Decaying flesh of the undead!
Spoiled Rations 2,000 None 100 Undead Rat Drop Used in Graveyard Missions Yuck! I'm not eating those!
Sputter Nutters 1,000 30 minutes 10,000 Equanimity Drop Used for Electrical Engineering 18 in Nihilite Nut-rific!
Station Manager's Spectre ? None 10 Halloween Drop Used in Graveyard Missions Died during a ration strike, now he wishes he would have fed the workers.
Std. Proximity Sensor 100,000 none 10,000 BP Used to build some Proximity Module Used in building a proximity module.
Std. Tracking Gizmo 100,000 none 10,000 BP Used to build some Tracking Module Used in building a tracking module.
Sup. Class Augmenter Token ? None 10 Mission Reward for returning an Expertise augmenter to Parthenon in The Acropolis Redeemed at Augmenter Labs in The Acropolis for a Mastery Augmenter Can be redeemed for a higher tech Class Augmenter.
Sup. Tracking Gizmo 1,000,000 none 40,000 BP Used to build some Tracking Module Used in building a tracking module.
Tin 500,000 None 550 Extract using Tin Extractor Used to make Bronze This silvery, malleable poor metal that is not easily oxidized in air and resists corrosion is found in many alloys and is used to coat other metals to prevent corrosion.
Titanium 500,000 None 340 Extract using Titanium Extractor Used to make Titanium Sheets A type of metal alloy that is very strong.
Titanium Proximity Module ? none 50,000 ? ? Hopefully detect stuff that are close by.
Titanium Sheet 50,000 None 10,000 Built from Titanium Used to fortify things and for building Augmenters Pure durability.
Titanium Tracking Module ? none 50,000 ? ? Track fast moving space objects.
Towel 100 None 1 comes on captured Zebucarts in End of the Universe Used to build an Infinite Improbability Drive More useful than you could ever imagine.
Trader Badge ? None 10 Merchant Mission Reward. Used for Gargan Missions. This show that you can move ALOT of EXPENSIVE things around FAST! You rock!
Trader Emblem 50,000 None 10 Drops from trader AI Used For Piracy levels in Handel's Cove Token of your pirating.
Trader Insignia ? None 10,000 Merchant Mission Reward. Used for Gargan Missions. This show that you can move ALOT of things around.
Trader Signet 50,000 None 10,000 Merchant Mission Reward. Used for Gargan Missions. This show that you can move things around.
Traginium 10,000 None 100,000 Mined from asteroids in Bonnet or Arena Lobby used for Piracy Condensed and stabilized promethium
Transformed Impossibly Dark Matter ? None 1,200,000 Radar 20 Mission reward from The Dark used to train Radar 20 in The Dark Still impossible to see, but less so.
Transformed Very Dark Matter ? None 120,000 Radar 19 Mission reward from The Dark used to train Radar 19 in The Dark Still impossible to see, but less so.
Translator Droid ? None 200 Nexus mission reward used for Enigmatic Sector Missions Is fluent in up to 6 different types of communication!
Treasure Holochart ? None 1 Converted from Holochart Fragments using Holochart Defragmenter used to find location of secret base in Tortuga Northernmost Point of Spuglass Hill, 5000 E by 1000 N.
Uber Kills ? None 1000 Uber Drop used for Temp Uni Contest nice - you killed an uber!
Unclean Imperial Seal ? None 1000 King Midas Drop, Emperor Reward, Reward for reporting exploitable bugs. used to build Imperial Seal Not yet Approved
Urk'Ududuu Qu ? 2 Hours, 30 Mins 5 Drop from Roaming level 1k Bana AI used to build ? Urko what?
Urk' Aku' Qua ? 2 Hours, 30 Mins 5 Drop from Jujuso'qi used to build ? Urko what?
Urk' Qokujiii Qa'ik ? 5 Hours 5 Drop from Qokujiii Qa'ik used to train Weaponry 20 Urko what?
Urk' Ukukuu Qu 1,000,000 2 Hours, 30 Mins 5 Drop from Qokuji'qi used to build Qa Quuu Drone Urko what?
Urko Ka' Qur ? 2 Hours, 30 Mins 5 Drop from Suqqa Uj'Qi used to build ? Urko what?
Urko Q 10,000 None 100 Drop from Suqqa Uj'Qi used to build ? Uj'qi Q
Urko Qa 10,000 None 100000 Drop from ? used to build Aku Qa Qokujii Qa
Urko Qu 10,000 None 1000 Drop from Suqqa Uj'Qi used to build ? Uj'qii Qu
Urko Quu 10,000 None 10,000 Drop from Jujuso'qi used to build ? Qokuji Qi
Vampire 2000 None 200 Halloween Drop Used in Graveyard Missions Wooden Stakes, Sunlight and Garlic sold separately.
Vazaha Blue Orb ? None 10,000 Ruin -- ? Used to build Orb Drone what is this good for?
Veteran Pirate Crest 10,000 None 100 Drops from piratey AI Used for various missions Mark from a pirate
Vicar's Robes ? None 100 Drops from Cardinal Bellarmine ?? Used to build a Vicar The Exact Same Robe the Vicar was wearing the day you got excommunicated!
Vis 500,000 None 10 Extract using Vis Extractor Used to build high level things Basic energy source sometimes found in nature.
Vitalized Microchips 1000 none 30 Made with a factory using 1 Vis and 1 Microchips Used in building modules in high-end and fine-tuned gear. Microchips infused with energy.
Voltage Specialized Trade Goods 50,000 None 10,000 Voltage Drop Used for Pirating Mission Special Voltage Trade Goods.
Vortex Pellets ? 30 minutes 1,000,000 Made with a Built from silicon using Vortex Convertersusing 1 Kromelite and 1 Blue Vapor Used for Warp Navigation 2 and Crazy Glue 10 Quasi-dimensional mumbo-jumbo.
Werewolves 2000 None ? Halloween Drop Used in Graveyard Missions ?
Workers 400 None 250 Convert from Microchips and Peasants using Galactic Training Module Used to provide Manhours in Bases 9 to 5er's
Zebra Armada Crest 1,000,000 None 1 UZ Drop ? This clearly used to belong to some ship from the Zebra Armada
Zebucart Specialized Trade Goods 50,000 None 10,000 Zebucart Drop Used for Pirating Mission Special Zebucart Trade Goods.
Zombies 400 None ? Halloween Drop Used in Graveyard Missions ?
Xeno Isotope _ 45 Minutes 2000 mined from Asteroids in Infernal Tempest near the Beta sun used for missions in Infernal Tempest What is this Xeno stuff?
Xeno Shield Remains ? 2 hours, 30 minutes 5 Forgone Drop Needed for building various stuff What is this Xeno stuff?