Biologique (often referred to as Bio) is a Star system that is a rather unique galaxy but rather important as well. This is the only place in game that offers the station management above level 16, other than Blue Photon Processing up to 20, and that skill can be found in Bio's sole AI station. Like Sporeside in The Nexus, this galaxy harbours an extreme Termite infestation and these pests can be quite a problem to any potential bases in this sector. Unfortunately, players must build in this sector if they wish to access the station skills offered here, so dealing with the termites in an efficient way is the challenge for anyone wishing to obtain the bounties of Biologique.
- Station Management: Max Level 20, 1 Microbes Amoureuses per lvl required.
- Remote Control: Max Level 10, 1 Blue Dust per lvl required.
- Station Tweaking: Max Level 4, 1 Silver Bar per lvl required.
Unique Equipment
- Base
- Microbes Amoureuses Blueprint
- Petroleum Extractor
- Jelly Bean Extractor
- Alien Bacteria Extractor Blueprint
- Bacta Extractor Blueprint
- Complicated Attached Station Kit VII
No missions are found here, although one of the Paxius Exploration missions requires a player explore here.
Interesting Facts
Biologique, and Sporeside were home to one of the most notorious bugs in SS' history. Termites used to drop billions in credits, as well as decent augs. This meant that farming the termites for credits was an easy way to become wildly rich. Numerous players were implicated in knowing the issue; notably (-_-) and some pants members faced bans / credit removal. See Sporeside for the worse part of the bug.