Nexus Missions
These missions are located in the Nexus.
[hide]Nexus Station
Ration Relief
Location: Nexus Station, The Nexus
Agent: Olga the Administrator
Mission: Ration Relief
Ration Relief "Hey, Demon Hunter, we have an emergency here!" says Olga the Administrator, motioning you over. "Because of the recent attacks on the Nexus Station, we've lost our supply of rations. I've been reduced to eating things like Instant Pot Noodles and SpagBol! It's horrendous! Say, can you help me out? Anything's better than those greasy Pot Noodles!" she cries, raking through her hair. Then she pauses and looks outside a large window, staring at a number of yellowish, wriggling creatures. "Heck, even those rats look pretty tasty right about now..." * Credits given: 50,000 Summary Obtain 10 Rations for Olga the Administrator in The Nexus. Rations can be found by killing Space Rats. Use your scoop [C KEY] to pick them up.
Location: Nexus Station, The Nexus
Agent: Olga the Administrator
Mission: Ration Relief
Ration Relief "Finally, I can stop eating my socks!" she says, visibly relieved. "Here, Demon Hunter - for fending off an untimely famine!"
Ahab's Training
Location: Nexus Station, The Nexus
Agent: Ahab
Mission: Ahab's Training
Ahab's Training As you step into the docking bay, you are greeted by a thin, grizzly old man with a steel peg leg. "Ahoy there, matey! Ahrr, I be facing a terrible crisis here, for you don't know the horrors of outer space like I do! Ahrr...I'll need some proof of yer guts though, you understand, then we'll see if you're ready to take on a real creature of unimaginable strength! "Reckon you can prove yourself? Head into the belly o' the beast, and if yer man enough, kill me five space rats!" * Credits given: 100,000 * Experience given: 900 under level 4 Summary Travel to Tunnels and Droppings and kill 5 Space Rats for Ahab. What does this lunatic want...?
Location: Nexus Station, The Nexus
Agent: Ahab
Mission: Ahab's Training
Ahab's Training You find Ahab in his den, peeling off a sweat-encrusted sock and stare at his one good leg, "Ahrr, matey, be having the courage of a lion, you are! I'll ring up a few ol' friends, and then we'll see what you can really do, hohoh..."
Rat Attack
Location: Nexus Station, The Nexus
Agent: Olga the Administrator
Mission: Rat Attack
Rat Attack "If there's one thing I can't stand," exclaims Darcy the old Lady, "It's space vermin, like those rats!" She puts a suspicious pie into her microwave and invites you sit down for a meal - which you politely but promptly decline. "Not a fan of pot pie? Oh, well. Anyway, you look like you could use a bit of a workout. Kill some rats for me and I'll give you a nice family heirloom. You can find some in Tunnels and Droppings - and pay special attention to those King Rats. I hate them the most!" * Credits given: 100,000 * Experience given: 800 under level 5 * Reward: Old Lady Furnace Summary Kill 4 Giant Rats and 1 King Rat in Tunnels and Droppings and return to Darcy the Old Lady in The Nexus.
Location: Nexus Station, The Nexus
Agent: Olga the Administrator Mission: Rat Attack
Rat Attack "Hehehe! That tought them a lesson!" Darcy the Old Lady crackles - yet you can't help but notice a tinge of sadness in her voice. "Many thanks, Demon Hunter..."
Rat Attack II: The Scampering
Location: Nexus Station, The Nexus
Agent: Chaucer the Old Man
Mission: Rat Attack II: The Scampering
Rat Attack II: The Scampering "Stop right there, I say!" a voice calls out as you walk back toward your ship. You pause and glance behind you. Chaucer the Old Man rusher toward you, waving his arms wildly. "I heard you were off killing some space rats - but you got the wrong ones! It's really the Queen Rats that must die, die, DIE! Pick some of 'em off for me, and I'll give you a handy little present!" * Credits given: 250,000 * Experience given: 400 under level 6 * Reward: Old Man Block Summary Kill 4 Huge Rats and 1 Rat Queen in Pellets and Waste and return to Chaucer the Old Man in The Nexus.
Location: Nexus Station, The Nexus
Agent: Chaucer the Old Man Mission: Rat Attack II: The Scampering
Rat Attack II: The Scampering Chaucer the Old Man is grinning as he says, "You killed those rats and we got one up on that crazy old lady! Good job, Demon Hunter, good job. You've earned that little puppy of mine, you have!"
Ahab's True Intention
Location: Nexus Station, The Nexus
Agent: Ahab
Mission: Ahab's True Intention
Ahab's True Intention Ahab scratches his grey beard, then points to his steel peg leg. "You know what monster did this to me, do ya?" You shake your head, and he smiles grimly. "It were Rattie Moe, the most fearsome space rat that ever lived..." You glance skeptically at him. "Don't get me wrong, matey, Rattie Moe exists! He is the most dangerous space rat that ever roamed the star-lanes...but you've proven yerself three times over, you 'ave! Think your up to it? Or are you chicken?" * Credits given: 350,000 * Experience given: 500 under level 6 * Reward: Bubble and Squeak Summary Kill Rattie Moe, which is found in Pellets and Waste. Return to Ahab at Nexus Station when you are finished.
Location: Nexus Station, The Nexus
Agent: Ahab Mission: Ahab's True Intention
Ahab's True Intention "Ahrr, I'm forever in ye debt!" weeps Ahab. "I'd have died out thar alone, with me harpoon I would! Thank'ee - here's a token of my appreciation! Use it well, matey!"
Janitor's Outpost
Oats Captain
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Farmer John
Mission: Oats Captain
Oats Captain Farmer John cracks a heartwarming smile. "I know what they say: I have a blue thumb. I grow the juiciest, most wholesome and bountiful space oats this side of the universe!" Then he looks away from you and sighs. "Well - normally that is true, but this year the crops have been rough due to Zycostan Locusts and irregular sun spots. But my reputation! That's what will truly suffer...unless I come up with some space oats to show off. Maybe you can help me? Get me some 'replacement oats' and save my good name: The trusted name of Farmer John!" * Credits given: 1,000,000 Summary Acquire 20 Space Oats and return to Farmer John in The Nexus. Flyswatters are know to collect Space Oats - perhaps you can find some from them.
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Farmer John Mission: Oats Captain
Oats Captain "Ah, that's the stuff! I'll just repackage these in my patented organic hemp bags and no one will know the difference!" laughs Farmer John. "Thank you kindly, Demon Hunter!"
Exploring Fly Incubator
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Creaky the Robot
Mission: Exploring Fly Incubator
Exploring Fly Incubator As you wander throught the halls of Janitor's Outpost, you are stopped by the rusty iron figure of Creaky the Robot. He pulls you aside and says, "I've heard reports of strange going-ons over in Fly Incubator from some 'experts.' Tales of new Flyswatters - those crazy, vicious little creatures - hatching fresh broods! Hell's bells, I remember when this region of space was all virgin and nobody had even heard of a Flyswatter before!" Creaky rattles a fist before continuing. "Since you can't trust everything those nincompoops tell you, I want another opinion. You, I trust. Don't ask me why! Now, go to Fly Incubator and scout it out, then come back to me. I'll pay you for you first time!" * Credits given: 25,000 * Experience given: 500 under level 9 Summary Visit Fly Incubator and report back to Creaky the Robot in The Nexus.
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Creaky the Robot
Mission: Exploring Fly Incubator
Exploring Fly Incubator You inform Creaky the Robot of what you have seen. "Ah, 'tis as I had feared!" Creaky squeaks anxiously. "They're growing in numbers by the day...and in our own backyard to boot!" Then he starts to rant to no one in particular. "D'you know how annoying it is to clean up this station with those damned vermin flinging goddanged pellets everywhere? They're EVERY-where, I say!" he exclaims as he wheels away, steam popping out of his wired head.
Stop Them as Embryos
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Creaky the Robot
Mission: Stop Them as Embryos
Stop Them as Embryos Creaky the Robot suddenly springs to life when you approach him. "Stop them! Before it's too late!" he cries. You vaguely wonder what he's talking about before he yells, "The Flyswatters! They're everywhere! ERRY-where!" "Something needs to be done, Demon Hunter!" Creaky the Robot continues. "And I know just the thing! The trick, Demon Hunter, is to take care of 'em early. If more people did that, we wouldn't have the problem we have today! Stupid young folk lazing around in front of the viewscreens all day, listening to crap and not out exterminating these flies - leavin' all the work to us old folk! No respect!" Creaky the Robot's eyes suddenly dim and he goes silent. You step towards him, wondering if he somehow fell asleep, when he jumps up and yells: "Stop them! Before it's too late! The Flyswatters! They're everywhere! ERRY-where!" "Something needs to be done, Demon Hunter!" Creaky the Robot croaks again. "And I know just the thing!" You hear him continue his rant as you leave and can't tell if he's stuck in a loop...or just really old. * Credits given: 5,000 * Experience given: 500 under level 9 Summary Kill 6 Flyswatter Embryos in Fly Incubator and return to Creaky the Robot in The Nexus.
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Creaky the Robot
Mission: Stop Them as Embryos
Stop Them as Embryos "Not too bad for a young whippersnapper!" the robot cackles, having heard of your exploits. "Here you go! Five thousand credits! Back in my day, five thousand credits could last you a week - even longer if you didn't have to take your girl out to town on a Friday night! Ahh, those were the days...Demon Hunter, don't you go and sped them all in one place!"
Torch the Larvae
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Creaky the Robot
Mission: Torch the Larvae
Torch the Larvae Creaky the Robot greets you once again, his eyes glowing faintly as he takes a swig from a beer canister. "Yes, yes, Demon Hunter, we've made a dent in the Flyswatter population - I barely had any pellets to clean off the station this morning! But some of the Embryos have survived to become Larvae! Bah!" Creaky the Robot clanks around angrily in a circle, swinging the can about. "Stupid goddanged Larvae...bigger pellets and they smell horrible, stupid sons of biscuits eating away all my power cords...!" You wait for him to finish his tantrum. "The sooner you stop 'em, Demon Hunter, the better! The Larvae are a little further in - past the Fly Incubator, in Fly Times. Do an old 'bot a favor and clean 'em out for me, would you?" * Credits given: 100,000 * Experience given: 400 under level 10 Summary Kill 6 Flyswatter Larvae in Fly Times and return to Creaky the Robot in The Nexus.
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Creaky the Robot
Mission: Torch the Larvae
Torch the Larvae Creaky the Robot rumbles to life as you exit your ship. His various mechanical parts squeak noisily - partly from old age, partly from a hangover - as he approaches you. "Very good, very good, Demon Hunter! Finally a young'un that know how to treat us old folk! Showin' us a little respect! You earned this, Demon Hunter, so enjoy it - now get outta my sight, I've got a killer headache!"
There Must Be a Maggot!
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Creaky the Robot
Mission: There Must Be a Maggot!
There Must Be a Maggot! "There must be a Maggot somewhere behind all of this!" raves Creaky the Robot, his eyes sparking. "These Embryos can't just start hatching by themselves! Demon Hunter? Demon Hunter!" Creaky whirls his head around until his eyes settle on you. "Ah, Demon Hunter! Those damned lazy young folk must've let a Larva slip - now the blasted thing's grown into a Maggot!" he growls, stomping around. "And that Maggot is spewing out more than pellets - it's popping out eggs to hatch more Embryos! Demon Hunter, you need to stop it! Get yourself back over to Fly Times and deal with that slimy little critter!" * Credits given: 25,000 * Experience given: 400 under level 10 * Reward: Creaky's Oil Can Summary Find and kill the Maggot in Fly Times and return to Creaky the Robot in The Nexus. A good place to look might be the suns...
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Creaky the Robot
Mission: There Must Be a Maggot!
There Must Be a Maggot! Creaky the Robot rumbles to life, his mounted eyes glittering brightly when you tell him of your battle with the Maggot. "Good-bye and good riddance, I say! Damned little critter was stirring up all sorts of trouble - ah, but no more, since you've swatted it down! I was getting sick and tired of cleaning up those pellets! Pellets, pellets, pellets! Nothing but pellets soiling up my station all day! And then those pesky flies keep digging wormhole right in my backyard! Closing a wormhole is expensive! I can't afford to do it all the time! But now that they're gone, I can get some peace and quiet! Do you have any idea how hard it is to sleep with them buzzing around all night long?" As you leave, you can still hear Creaky the Robot ranting about the flies - but he definitely seems happier.
Meeting Slimebottle
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Creaky the Robot
Mission: Meeting Slimebottle
Meeting Slimebottle Creaky the Robot's eyes flash dimly when you meet him again. "Demon Hunter, I was speaking to professor Slimebottle and he states that the death of the Maggot is not going to stop the Flyswatter scourge! It seems there are other Maggots coming from the place even further out than Fly Times! I swear of O see one more fly pellet around here I'm going to march right down to Earthforce Headquarters and demand to speak to the officer in charge! I was in the war and this is how they treat a veteran? With fly pellets?" You quietly ignore Creaky as he continues to rant, having become rather used to his stomping around in the docking bay. "Demon Hunter, I want you to go and talk to Lucien Slimebottle. He's staying here on my station for a bit. These Flyswatters need to be stopped!" Summary Talk to Lucien Slimebottle.
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Lucien Slimebottle
Mission: Meeting Slimebottle
Meeting Slimebottle "What is it? I am doing important things here," snaps Lucien Slimebottle. "Oh - Creaky the Robot sent you? That daft android! I can hardaly sleep with his insane clanking!" He sighs. "Well, I was in need of an assistant - and if we stop the Flyswatters, maybe that damned robot will quiet down!"
Maggot Master
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Lucien Slimebottle
Mission: Maggot Master
Maggot Master You have heard of Lucien Slimebottle's research into Flyswatter technology, but now you are within his actual 'exalted' presence. "We meet again, Demon Hunter," he says. "I'm wondering if you are familiar with my work? A little? Good, good; I will not bore you then. Though I am famous throughout the universe, I connot be content with what I have achieved. Therein lies the conundrum: Further research requires rarer materials to study, and it's to that end that I turn to you, my new assistant!" "You see," he continues, "the Flyswatters are a rather primitive race of humanoids thought to have been evolved from dipterous creature. They are highly aggressive toward other species primarily due to a collective egomania, and as such, are highly resistant toward any for of social or culture change. Because of this, their technology is incredibly simple and lack the advanced components found in nearly all modern ships. However..." He pauses for a moment, his eyes gleaming zealously. "The Flyswatters also retain some organic components, which allow them to do wondrous things that are nigh on impossible to recreate with human technology!" "Now, there's a rare form of the Flyswatter Maggot - the Master Maggot - which inhabits Dynamic Move. I theorize its anatomy contains a Maggot Cloacae! This enables it to grow and even evolve new Flyswatters with a mere food cost - much less than normal Flyswatter sustenance! Such an organ could be invaluable in my hands, bringing me fame and fortune!" Lucien Slimebottle catches himself and changes gears quickly. "Oh - and it could thwart the Flyswatter menace! So, perhaps you can recover it for me. The last young pilot I sent on this task returned in an escape pod, but I'm very confident you will fare better...right?" Lucien Slimebottle stops you as you are about to leave. "That said, you must beware: The path to the Master of Maggots is long and treacherous, well guarded by his minions. Be careful or I - ehkm, we - won't get that Cloacae!" * Credits given: 100,000 * Experience given: 500 under level 11 * Reward: Slimebottle's Augmenter Summary Travel to Dynamic Move at the end of a chain of galaxies off Gunpowder. Acquire 1 Maggot Cloacae by killing the Master of Maggots. Return to Lucien Slimebottle in The Nexus.
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Lucien Slimebottle
Mission: Maggot Master
Maggot Master "Exacly what I needed, Demon Hunter! Now, greater fame and glory shall be mine...MINE!" Lucien Slimebottle again catches himself and clears his throat. "Ah, I mean, we're going to stop this Flyswatter menance! Once and for all!"
Flylet Test
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Lucien Slimebottle
Mission: Flylet Test
Flylet Test "Great science never stops!" Lucien Slimebottle confidently informs you. "Especially not when I'm the one doing it!" "However, behind every great scientist - like myself - lies a team of little people - like you. Yes, I have another task for you!" "This infestation doesn't stop with Maggots - I noticed we have Flylets here too. This means we might have a Flylet Master somewhere nearby. We need to safely recover its innards for the greater good! However, I'm not sure you're quite up to it - it really is much harder than your previous work as my assistant. So for YOUR safety, I need you to prove yourself to me." Lucien Slimebottle looks at you pityingly. "Come back after destroying four Flylets and then we'll see what we can do." * Credits given: 250,000 * Experience given: 400 under level 12 Summary Kill 4 Flyswatter Flylets and return to Lucien Slimebottle in The Nexus. Flyswatter Flylets can be found in Blasting Powder.
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Lucien Slimebottle
Mission: Flylet Test
Flylet Test "I knew you could do it with my support and encouragement! Excellent work, Demon Hunter! Lucien Slimebottle glances at you with a professional eye. "Perhaps you are ready to take on the Flylet Master!"
Flylet Master
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Lucien Slimebottle
Mission: Flylet Master
Flylet Master Lucien Slimebottle is happy to see you - at least, he looks that way. "A great moment in science is drawing near!" he announces with impressive grandeur. "We make a great team: I, on the verge of a great discovery, and you, well, you...ready to carry out my basic tasks! Now, I need a Flylet Archbreeder, a rare device found only, at least to my extensive knowledge, on the Flylet Master." "Remember where you fought the Flylets? Well, our friend - the Flylet Master - is just a little bit farther. Be careful and get me that Archbreeder in one piece!" * Credits given: 750,000 * Experience given: 500 under level 12 * Reward: Slimebottle's Pod Summary Travel to Burning Bridges, located off Black Powder. Aquire 1 Flylet Archbreeder by killing the Master of Flylets. Return to Lucien Slimebottle in The Nexus.
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
Agent: Lucien Slimebottle
Mission: Flylet Master
Flylet Master "Tremendous, Demon Hunter, tremendous! Lucien Slimebottle cries, dancing with joy. "'Tis a great, great day for me! I really am the best scientific mind in the entire universe!" Lucien Slimebottle stops abruptly and looks at you. "And the Flyswatter menace has been stopped! You hadn't thought I'd forgotten?"