Difference between revisions of "User:Andsimo"

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= Common Augmenters =
= Common Augmenters =
{| border="2" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center;"
{| border="2" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center;"
|- align="center"
! Tech
! Tech
! Name
! Name
Line 22: Line 22:
! Source
! Source
! Restrictions
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Aggravation Augmenter}}
| 1
| Damage +16%, Hostility +40%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Agility Augmenter}}
| 1
| Speed +10%, Docking Speed +50%, Thrust +20%, Turning +80%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Capacity Augmenter}}
| 1
| Capacity +40%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Damage Augmenter}}
| 1
| Damage +20%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Docking Augmenter}}
| 1
| Docking Speed +200%, Capacity +20%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Electric Augmenter}}
| 1
| Energy Charge +40%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Energy Augmenter}}
= Blueprint Augmenters =
| 1
| Energy +120%, Energy Charge +12%
''See Also: [[Augmenter Blueprints|Augmenter Blueprints]]''
| AI Drop
{| border="2" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center;"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Fading Augmenter}}
| 1
| Visibility -55%, Hostility -26%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Firing Augmenter}}
| 1
| Rate of Fire +40%, Tracking +20%, Radar +20%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Hostile Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max -10%, Shield Recovery -33%, Damage +31%, Hostility +30%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| 1
| Docking Speed +40%, Thrust +80%, Turning +100%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Radar Augmenter}}
| 1
| Damage +2%, Tracking +20%, Radar +200%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Range Augmenter}}
= Uncommon & Rare Augmenters =
| 1
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
| Damage +2%, Range +40%, Hostility -10%
| AI Drop
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
! Description
| 11
| Angel Augmenter
| 4
| Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Hostility -67%, Transference Power +80%, Transference Efficiency +40%
| Drops from [[Seraph]]
|- align="center"
| Heavenly
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Recovery Augmenter}}
| 20
| 1
| Astralogica Augmenter
| Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +2%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Speed +40%, Visibility +200%, Capacity +60%, Hostility -40%, Resistance to damage +20%  
| Drops from [[Pax Astralogica]]
|- align="center"
| Idiot's Guide to Exploration
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Resistance Augmenter}}
| 10
| 1
| Dark Augmenter
| Resistance +20%
| 4
| AI Drop
| Turning +30%, Capacity +10%, Energy +50%, Shield Recharge +20%, Visibility -75%, Critical Hit Chance +20%, Resistance +5%
| Drops from [[Dark Guard]]
|- align="center"
| From the shadows
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Shield Augmenter}}
| 10
| Blue Beta Augmenter
| 1
| 1
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +4%
| Energy Max +200%, Damage +20%, Visibility -67%, Radar +50%  
| AI Drop
| Drops from [[Space Blue Beta]]
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Speed Augmenter}}
| 15
| Blue Gamma Augmenter
| 1
| 1
| Rate of Fire +16%, Speed +16%, Thrust +16%
| Energy Max +180%, Turning +40%, Damage +40%, Thrust +40%, Visibility -75%, Rate of Fire -50%, Radar +100%  
| AI Drop
| Drops from [[Space Blue Gamma]]
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Stealth Augmenter}}
| 0
| 1
| Blue Interceptor Augmenter
| Shield Max +10%, Visibility -67%
| 2
| AI Drop
| Turning +60%, Damage +20%, Thrust +300%  
| Drops from [[Space Blue Alpha Interceptor]]
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Targeting Augmenter}}
| 15
| 1
| Bouquet Augmenter
| Damage +6%, Tracking +60%, Radar +20%
| 7
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +200%, Speed +40%, Damage -33%, Energy Charge +100%, Thrust +80%, Docking Speed +200%, Hostility -67%
| Drops from [[Basil]]
|- align="center"
| You really shouldn't have
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Thrust Augmenter}}
| 22
| 1
| Delquadrikamdon Augmenter
| Speed +2%, Thrust +400%, Tractor Power +10%
| 13
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +50%, Energy Charge +30%, Damage +60%, Range +20%, Resistance to Damage +30%
| [[Demented Delquadrikamdon]] drop
|- align="center"
| Ascended Metallic Warfare!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Traction Augmenter}}
| 13
| 1
| Diamond Augmenter
| Energy +40%, Energy Charge +10%, Tractor Power +20%
| 4
| AI Drop
| Range +50%, Resistance +30%, Inertial Dampening -40%
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Rudimentary Damage Augmenter}}
| 1
| Energy +100%, Damage +10%
| [[Janitor's Outpost]]
|- align="center"
| Diamond Power!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Rudimentary Electric Augmenter}}
| 20
| 1
| Equalaugmenter
| Energy +50%, Energy Charge +20%
| 12
| [[Janitor's Outpost]]
| Shield Max +22%, Energy Max +22%, Speed +22%, Turning +22%, Shield Recovery +22%, Energy Regen +22%, Thrust +22%, Visibility -22%, Range +22%, Electric Tempering -22%, Resistance to damage +22%
| Drops from [[Equanimity]]
|- align="center"
| Some augs are more equal than others
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Rudimentary Shield Augmenter}}
| 1
| 1
| Shield Max +30%, Shield Recovery +2%, Energy +100%
| Flyboy Augmenter
| [[Janitor's Outpost]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Agility Augmenter}}
| 1
| 1
| Speed +10%, Docking Speed +50%, Thrust +20%, Turning +80%, Capacity +20%
| Energy Max +10%, Damage +20%, Shield Recovery +10%
| AI Drop
| Drops from [[Flyswatter Maggot]], [[Flyswatter Flylet]]
|- align="center"
| Made for combat.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Capacity Augmenter}}
| 20
| 1
| Forgone Augmenter
| Capacity +50%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +100%, Tracking +80%, Electric Tempering -26%, Critical Percent +20%, Critical Strength +40%  
| Drops from [[Forgone]]
|- align="center"
| Fate comes for ye
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Damage Augmenter}}
| 3
| Frost Augmenter
| 1
| 1
| Damage +20%, Capacity +20%
| Energy Max +110%, Energy Charge +40%, Visibility +30%, Weapon Hold +100%
| AI Drop
| [[Frost Shard]] drop
|- align="center"
| Brrr  !
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Docking Augmenter}}
| 8
| 1
| Goblin Augmenter
| Docking Speed +200%, Capacity +20%
| 3
| AI Drop
| Damage +40%, Weight +70%, Rate Of Fire -20%, Range +80%, Hostility +20%  
| Drops from [[Goblin]]
|- align="center"
| Nasty
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Electric Augmenter}}
| 6
| 1
| Golden Augmenter
| Energy Charge +40%, Capacity +20%
| 2
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +40%, Visibility +400%, Radar +40%, Electric Tempering -46%, Critical Percent +20%  
| Drops from Goldenboy Statues
|- align="center"
| Shinier object
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Energy Augmenter}}
| 19
| 1
| Green Augmenter
| Energy +120%, Energy Charge +12%, Capacity +20%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +100%, Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +80%, Radar +40%, Range +50%  
| Drops from [[Big Green]]
|- align="center"
| It's not easy being green
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Firing Augmenter}}
| 7
| 1
| Hue Augmenter
| Rate of Fire +40%, Capacity +20%
| 3
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Visibility +100%, Resistance to Damage +20%  
| Drops from [[Monochrome Hue]]
|- align="center"
| All the colors of the monochromebow
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| 5
| 1
| Inferno Augmenter
| Thrust +80%, Turning +100%, Capacity +20%
| 2
| AI Drop
| Shield -33%, Damage +40%, Shield Recovery -18%, Range +44%
| DG drop from [[Inferno Plus|Inferno+]]
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Radar Augmenter}}
| 13
| 1
| Parsley Augmenter
| Damage +2%, Tracking +20%, Capacity +20%, Radar +200%
| 6
| AI Drop
| Energy Charge +50%, Speed +10%, Critical Hit Chance +20%, Critical Hit Strength +60%
| DG drop from [[Parsley]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Range Augmenter}}
| 1
| Damage +2%, Range +40%, Capacity +20%, Hostility -10%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| Pinch me
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Recovery Augmenter}}
| 20
| 1
| Pick Augmenter
| Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +2%, Capacity +20%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Damage +40%, Thrust +200%, Turning +60%, Tracking -26%, Rate of Fire +60%, Resistance to Damage +20%
| Drops from [[Icepick]]
|- align="center"
| Pick me!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Shield Augmenter}}
| 3
| 1
| Pyrite Augmenter
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +4%, Capacity +20%
| 2
| AI Drop
| Visibility +200%, Electric Tempering -46%, Critical Percent +10%  
| Drops from [[Goldenboy Pyrite]]
|- align="center"
| Shiny object
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Speed Augmenter}}
| 9
| 1
| Rock augmenter
| Rate of Fire +16%, Speed +16%, Thrust +16%, Capacity +20%
| 5
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +40%, Damage +20%, Weight +20%, Tracking +20%, Range +40%  
| Drops from [[Ragnarock]]
|- align="center"
| Solid
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Stealth Augmenter}}
| 18
| 1
| Rose Augmenter
| Shield Max +10%, Capacity +20%, Visibility -67%
| 10
| AI Drop
| Shield -40%, Damage +90%, Tracking -28%, Docking Speed -67%, Hostility +100%
| Drops from [[Rosemary|Rosemaries]]
|- align="center"
| Only one?
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Targeting Augmenter}}
| 9
| 1
| Ruby Augmenter
| Damage +6%, Tracking +60%, Capacity +20%, Radar +20%
| 4
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +100%, Shield Recovery +40%, Radar +200%
| Drops from [[Ruby Transport]]
|- align="center"
| Red Power!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Thrust Augmenter}}
| 12
| 1
| Serenity Augmenter
| Speed +2%, Thrust +400%, Capacity +20%, Tractor Power +10%
| 5
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +120%, Speed -40%, Shield Recovery +60%, Resistance to Damage +20%
| Drops from [[Serenity|Serenities]]
|- align="center"
| Serenity at last!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Agility Augmenter}}
| 16
| 1
| Slumber Augmenter
| Speed +20%, Docking Speed +50%, Thrust +20%, Turning +80%
| 8
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +80%, Energy Max +120%, Turning -33%, Thrust -33%, Capacity +40%, Critical Percent +15%, Critical Strenght +60%
| Drops from [[Slumberchrome]]
|- align="center"
| Yawn
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Capacity Augmenter}}
| 4
| Tear Augmenter
| 1
| 1
| Speed +6%, Capacity +40%
| Energy Max +140%, Damage +40%, Rate Of Fire -40%  
| AI Drop
| Drops from [[Tear]]
|- align="center"
| Don't cry for me
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Damage Augmenter}}
| 14
| 1
| Thorn Augmenter
| Damage +20%, Speed +20%
| 6
| AI Drop
| Turning +80%, Damage +10%, Energy Charge +30%, Thrust +40%, Tractor Strength +40%  
| Drops From [[Cleft Thorn]]
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Docking Augmenter}}
| 5
| 1
| Tinted Augmenter
| Rate of Fire +30%, Speed +20%, Docking Speed +200%, Thrust +20%
| 2
| AI Drop
| Damage +26%, Visibility -82%, Radar -67%  
| Drops From [[Monochrome Tint]]
|- align="center"
| Tintalicious
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Electric Augmenter}}
| 9
| 1
| Volt Augmenter
| Energy Charge +40%, Speed +6%
| 4
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +160%, Energy Charge +60%, Visibility +200%  
| Drops from [[Voltage]]
|- align="center"
| It just keeps going and going…
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Energy Augmenter}}
| 7
| 1
| Zombie Rat Queen's Augmenter
| Energy +120%, Energy Charge +12%, Speed +6%
| 2
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +100%, Energy Charge +60%, Visibility +100%, Range +40%
| Drops from [[Zombie Rat Queen]]
|- align="center"
| Undead Rats?!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Firing Augmenter}}
| 1
|Banu Qo Akk'oj
| Rate of Fire +40%, Speed +20%
| AI Drop
|Shield Recovery +14%, Energy Charge +10%, Tractor Power +30%, Drone Ops +20%
|[[Mira]] drop
|- align="center"
|Permanent upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| 5
| 1
| Barbe Bleu's Mods Augmenter
| Speed +20%, Thrust +80%, Turning +100%
| 4
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +50%, Energy Charge +30%, Rate of Fire +30%  
| Drops From [[Barbe Bleu]]
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Radar Augmenter}}
| 3
| Cadet Augmenter
| 1
| 1
| Damage +2%, Tracking +20%, Speed +20%, Radar +200%
| Shield Recovery +18%, Energy Charge +24%, Weapon Hold +40%
| AI Drop
| Mission reward in the [[Nexus]]
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Range Augmenter}}
| 2
| Cadet Sniper Badge
| 1
| 1
| Damage +2%, Range +40%, Speed +20%, Hostility -10%
| Damage +18%, Tracking +60%, Rate of Fire -20%, Range +40%  
| AI Drop
| Mission reward in the [[Nexus]]
|- align="center"
| Wear it proudly!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Recovery Augmenter}}
| 7
| 1
| Calcite Augmenter
| Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +2%, Speed +20%
| 2
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +40%, Energy Max +40%, Visibility +100%, Capacity +40%, Resistance to Damage +20%  
| [[Ancient Asteroid Being]] drop [[Neurobound]]
|- align="center"
| Remains of an Ancient Asteroid Being
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Shield Augmenter}}
| 2
| Creaky<nowiki></nowiki>s Oil Can
| 1
| 1
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +4%, Speed +20%
| Speed +16%, Turning +16%, Damage +16%, Rate Of Fire +16%, Radar +16%
| AI Drop
| [[Nexus Missions]]
|- align="center"
| Keep your ship running smoothly.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Speed Augmenter}}
| 0
| Enforcer Scout Augmenter
| 1
| 1
| Rate of Fire +16%, Speed +30%, Thrust +16%
| Turning +20%, Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +22%, Thrust +20%  
| AI Drop
| [[Nexus Cadet Missions#Report to Earthforce Outpost!|Nexus Cadet Missions]]
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Stealth Augmenter}}
| 0
| Flylet Broodship Augmenter
| 1
| 1
| Shield Max +10%, Speed +20%, Visibility -67%
| Shield Max +20%, Energy Max +40%, Speed +10%, Visibility +100%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range +20%  
| AI Drop
| [[Diseased Flylet Broodship]] Drop
|- align="center"
| She's big n tough, when you're in a zebucart
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Targeting Augmenter}}
| 5
| Glacial Augmenter
| 1
| 1
| Damage +6%, Tracking +60%, Speed +20%, Radar +20%
| Visibility +30%, Rate Of Fire +20%, Electric Tempering -33%, Resistance to damage +20%  
| AI Drop
| [[Lady Aurora]] Drop
|- align="center"
| Brrr &nbsp;!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Thrust Augmenter}}
| 7
| 1
| Infernal Augmenter
| Speed +20%, Thrust +400%, Tractor Power +10%
| 3
| AI Drop
| Shield -60%, Shield Recovery -40%, Damage +50%, Tracking +60%, Range +60%  
| Made from BP - DG drop, requires: Initial - 3mil creds, 3k metal, 2 inferno augs. Periodic: 3mil creds, 5 immolations.
|- align="center"
| Burn baby, burn!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">4</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Blockade Runner Augmenter}}
| 7
| 2
| Infernus Augmenter
| Shield Max +50%, Thrust +90%, Turning +20%, Visibility -60%, Resistance +6%
| 1
| Energy Charge +40%, Rate Of Fire +50%, Range +40%
| [[Infernus]] drop
| Hot hot hot!
| 6
| Ismail Augmenter
| 10
| Turning +40, Thrust +60%, Capacity +40% , Docking Speed +438%
| Drops from [[Ismail]]
|- align="center"
| I will see you in hell!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Aggravation Augmenter}}
| 3
| Jujo'qii Augmenter
| 2
| 2
| Damage +24%, Hostility +45%
| no stats
| AI Drop
| Drops from [[Jujo'qii]]
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Agility Augmenter}}
| 9
| 2
| KoQuii Ukuk Akk'oj
| Speed +12%, Docking Speed +70%, Thrust +40%, Turning +100%
| 8
| AI Drop
| Damage +25%, Visibility -67%, Rate of Fire -10%, Range +40%, Elec Temp -10%  
| &nbsp;
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Capacity Augmenter}}
| 6
| 2
| Lavrite Augmenter
| Capacity +60%
| 1
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +180%, Drone Operations +20%
| [[Lavrite]] drop
|- align="center"
| Hot hot hot!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Damage Augmenter}}
| 3
| 2
| Lyceum Initiate Augmenter
| Damage +30%
| 1
| AI Drop
| Turning +24%, Damage +4%, Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Rate Of Fire +20%  
| Mission reward for [[Augmenter Tweaking]] mission in [[Nexus]]
|- align="center"
| A symbol of knowledge!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Docking Augmenter}}
| 5
| 2
| Magmarar Augmenter
| Docking Speed +400%, Capacity +26%
| 1
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +110%, Speed +20%, Tracking +60%, Rate Of Fire +40%  
| [[Magmarar]] drop
|- align="center"
| Hot hot hot!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Electric Augmenter}}
| 1
| 2
| Nexus Augmenter
| Energy Charge +60%
| 1
| AI Drop
| Capacity +40%, Docking Speed +100%  
| [[Nexus]] drop
|- align="center"
| Special Nexus Instructions.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Energy Augmenter}}
| 3
| Nexus Scion Augmenter
| 2
| 2
| Energy +180%, Energy Charge +16%
| Speed +10%, Shield Recovery +60%
| AI Drop
| [[Nexus]] drop
|- align="center"
| Resource from the old guy himself.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Fading Augmenter}}
| 0
| 2
| Oilheart<nowiki></nowiki>s Augmenter
| Visibility -71%, Hostility -37%
| 1
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +54%, Energy Charge +18%
| [[Hostile Science Missions|Hostile Science]] mission reward
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Firing Augmenter}}
| 6
| Opaque Augmenter
| 2
| 2
| Damage +6%, Rate of Fire +50%, Tracking +20%, Radar +20%
| Damage +35%, Visibility -86%, Radar -86%
| AI Drop
| [[Augmenter Blueprints|BP]] built from tinted augs
|- align="center"
| Colors are overrated
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Hostile Augmenter}}
| 3
| Piman<nowiki></nowiki>s Augmenter
| 2
| 2
| Shield Max -18%, Shield Recovery -40%, Damage +41%, Hostility +41%
| Capacity +57%  
| AI Drop
| [[Piman Missions]]
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| 5
| 2
| Prefect Augmenter
| Docking Speed +40%, Thrust +120%, Turning +150%
| 100
| AI Drop
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Tracking +20%, Range +20%, Hostility -19%  
| Drops from [[Mister the Prefect]], Requires [[Leadership]] 2
|- align="center"
| With Love, from Mister the Prefect.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Radar Augmenter}}
| 1
| Rattie Moe Augmenter
| 2
| 2
| Damage +4%, Tracking +20%, Radar +300%
| Speed +4%, Capacity +17%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range +20%
| AI Drop
| Drops from [[Rattie Moe]]
|- align="center"
| Bionic augment for a bionic rat!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Range Augmenter}}
| 4
| 2
| Rime Augmenter
| Damage +4%, Range +60%, Hostility -10%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| Energy Max +50%, Visibility +30%, Capacity +40%, Drone Operations +10%
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| [[Lord Borean]]
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Recovery Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +4%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| Brrr &nbsp;!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Resistance Augmenter}}
| 8
| 2
| Sergeant's Enforcer Augmenter
| Resistance +30%
| 1
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +40%, Hostility +36%  
| Mission Reward
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Shield Augmenter}}
| 3
| Slimebottle's Augmenter
| 2
| 2
| Shield Max +90%, Shield Recovery +8%
| Shield Max +16%, Energy Charge +40%, Turning +35%  
| AI Drop
| [[Deep Space Missions#Slimebottle|Slimebottle Missions]]
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Speed Augmenter}}
| 3
| 2
| Solo<nowiki>'</nowiki>s Special Modifications
| Rate of Fire +24%, Speed +24%, Thrust +24%
| 15
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +30%, Speed +10%, Thrust +40%, Capacity +30%  
| [[Deep Space Missions#Harrison Solo|Harrison Solo Missions]]
|- align="center"
| Modeled on the Aluminum Mallard great space capabilities!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Stealth Augmenter}}
| 7
| Suqqa KoQuii Akk'oj
| 2
| 2
| Shield Max +20%, Visibility -80%
| Damage +15%, Speed +6%, Visibility -67%, Critical Hit Chance +5%, Critical Hit Strength +70%  
| AI Drop
| [[Mira]]
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Targeting Augmenter}}
| 1
| 2
| The Maggot Augmenter
| Damage +10%, Tracking +90%, Radar +30%
| 1
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +44%, Damage +20%  
| Dropped by [[The Maggot]]
|- align="center"
| Made for Combat
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Thrust Augmenter}}
| 3
| Unger's Energy Augmenter
| 2
| 2
| Speed +4%, Thrust +500%, Tractor Power +20%
| Energy Max +120%, Speed +12%, Energy Charge +18%  
| AI Drop
| Retired Augmenter once obtainable through mission dealing with [[Sporeside]].
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Traction Augmenter}}
| 1
| 2
| Volcom Modifications
| Energy +50%, Energy Charge +14%, Tractor Power +30%
| 1
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +70%, Speed +10%, Rate of Fire +20%, Critical Percent +20%  
| [[Volcom Pirate Missions]]
|- align="center"
| Hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Agility Augmenter}}
| 6
| 2
| Vulcanox Augmenter
| Speed +12%, Docking Speed +70%, Thrust +40%, Turning +100%, Capacity +30%
| 1
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +90%, Visibility +10%, Capacity +30%, Resistance to damage +20%
| [[Vulcanox]] drop
|- align="center"
| Hot hot hot!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Capacity Augmenter}}
| 1
| 2
| Wingship Defence Augmenter
| Capacity +70%
| 1
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +40%, Shield Recovery +10%, Resistance to Damage +4%  
| &nbsp;? Neurobound
|- align="center"
| Sleek defence
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Damage Augmenter}}
| 7
| 2
| ZetaAug
| Damage +30%, Capacity +30%
| 1
| AI Drop
| Speed +26%, Capacity +20%  
| Retired Aug
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Docking Augmenter}}
| 3
| Zobitan Augmenter
| 2
| 2
| Docking Speed +400%, Capacity +30%
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +36%  
| AI Drop
| Dropped by [[Zobitan]] and [[Zobitan's Hareem]]
|- align="center"
| Hermit life
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Electric Augmenter}}
| 20
| 2
| Albatross Augmenter
| Energy Charge +60%, Capacity +30%
| 20
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +120%, Energy Charge +80%, Vis +250%, Tracking +60%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range +40%  
| Req [[Piracy]] 20, Drops from [[Captain Albatross]]
|- align="center"
| How do you like me now, Pirate?
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Energy Augmenter}}
| 13
| 2
| Aku KoQuii Augmenter
| Energy +180%, Energy Charge +16%, Capacity +30%
| 6
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +20%, Energy Charge +60%, Capacity +6%,  Visibility -67%, Resistance +5%  
| -
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Firing Augmenter}}
| 20
| 2
| Arsonist's Augmenter
| Damage +6%, Rate of Fire +50%, Capacity +30%
| 10
| AI Drop
| Speed +20%, Energy Charge +60%, Tracking +80%, Hostility +40%, Electric Tempering -33%, Critical Percent +30%  
| Drops from [[The Arsonist]]
|- align="center"
| Volitile... very volitile.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| 18
| 2
| Arson Augmenter
| Thrust +120%, Turning +150%, Capacity +30%
| 8
| AI Drop
| Energy Charge +60%, Electric Tempering -19%, Rate of Fire +30%, Range +35%, Tracking +100%, Speed +18%, Hostility +20%, Critical Hit Chance +20%  
| Drops from [[The Mausoleum]] Ubers. [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 18 required
|- align="center"
| Volatile.. Very volatile.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Radar Augmenter}}
| 20
| 2
| Astranomologica Augmenter
| Damage +4%, Tracking +18%, Capacity +30%, Radar +300%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Speed +44%, Visibility +240%, Capacity +66%, Hostility -52%, Resistance to damage +30%  
| [[Astranomologica Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Enlightened light to exploration
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Range Augmenter}}
| 13
| 2
| Bellarmine Augmenter
| Damage +4%, Range +60%, Capacity +30%, Hostility -10%
| 6
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +180%, Energy Charge +60%, Thrust +200%, Range +24%  
| Drops From [[Cardinal Bellarmine]] and [[Cardinal Bellarmine from Hell]]
|- align="center"
| I will see you in hell!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Recovery Augmenter}}
| 18
| 2
| Bunny Augmenter
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +4%, Capacity +30%
| 6
| AI Drop
| Turning +34%, Damage +34%, Shield Recovery +34%, Thrust +34%, Resistance to damage +34%  
| [[Easter Bunny]] Drop
|- align="center"
| Hop hop hop
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Shield Augmenter}}
| 19
| 2
| Calypso Augmenter
| Shield Max +90%, Shield Recovery +8%, Capacity +30%
| 32
| Turning +30%, Thrust +60%, Capacity +100%, Weight -46%, Docking speed +800%
| AI Drop
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| Built to the Emperor's Own Taste
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Speed Augmenter}}
| 19
| 2
| Calypso+ Augmenter
| Rate of Fire +24%, Speed +24%, Thrust +24%, Capacity +30%
| 32
| AI Drop
| Turning +34%, Thrust +66%, Capacity +110%, Weight -54%, Docking speed +1000%  
| [[Calypso+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Built to the Emperor's+ Own Taste
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Stealth Augmenter}}
| 20
| 2
| Conclusion Augmenter
| Shield Max +20%, Capacity +30%, Visibility -80%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +150%, Tracking +88%, Electric Tempering -33%, Critical Percent +22%, Critical Strength +44%  
| [[Conclusion Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| The future is certain
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Targeting Augmenter}}
| 20
| 2
| Dark Inferno Augmenter
| Damage +10%, Tracking +90%, Capacity +30%, Radar +30%
| 3
| AI Drop
| Damage +60%, Tracking +80%, Range +60%, Resistance to damage +10%  
| [[Dark Doom]] drop
|- align="center"
| Burn baby, burn!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Thrust Augmenter}}
| 20
| 2
| Dark Goblin Augmenter
| Speed +4%, Thrust +500%, Capacity +30%, Tractor Power +20%
| 3
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +60%, Damage +80%, Capacity +20%, Range +10%, Hostility +40%  
| [[Dark Maelstrom]] drop
|- align="center"
| Nasty
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Agility Augmenter}}
| 12
| 2
| Gonzales Augmenter
| Speed +30%, Docking Speed +70%, Thrust +40%, Turning +100%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Range +44%, Tracking +60%, Speed +100%, Docking Speed +400%, Thrust -50%, Turning -50%
| Drops from [[Speedy Gonzales]]
|- align="center"
| Speedy Gonzales own Modifications
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Capacity Augmenter}}
| 20
| 2
| Greener Augmenter
| Speed +12%, Capacity +60%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +110%, Damage +22%, Rate of Fire +88%, Radar +44%, Range +54%
| [[Greener Augmenter Greenprint]]
|- align="center"
| It's not easier being greener
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Damage Augmenter}}
| 16
| 2
| Grinch's Special Augmenter
| Damage +30%, Speed +30%
| 0
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +100%, Energy Max +100%, Damage +48%, Hostility +50%
| [[Astro-Grinch]] Drop
|- align="center"
| It's a mean one.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Docking Augmenter}}
| 17
| 2
| Hibernation Augmenter
| Rate of Fire +36%, Speed +30%, Docking Speed +400%, Thrust +30%
| 8
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +90%, Energy Max +130%, Turning -46%, Thrust -46%, Capacity +50%, Critical Percent +20%, Critical Strength +75%
| [[Hibernation Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Zzzzzzzz....
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Electric Augmenter}}
| 16
| 2
| Ishi Augmenter
| Energy Charge +60%, Speed +12%
| 8
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +25%, Shield Recovery +60%, Tracking +40%, Speed +40%, Thrust +100%, Turning +100%, Visibility -67%
| -
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Energy Augmenter}}
| 13
| 2
| KoQuii' Vazuk Augmenter
| Energy +180%, Energy Charge +16%, Speed +12%
| 6
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +40%, Shield Recovery +20%, Rate of Fire +80%, Visibility -67%, Critical Percent +10%
| -
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Firing Augmenter}}
| 20
| 2
| Mad Scientist Augmenter
| Damage +6%, Rate of Fire +50%, Speed +30%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Speed +40%, Energy Max +74%, Energy Charge +74%, Docking Speed +200%, Rate of Fire +90%, Capacity +10%
| Drops from the [[Mad Scientist]]
|- align="center"
| Mad! Mad I tell you!
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| 20
| 2
| Mattock Augmenter
| Speed +30%, Thrust +120%, Turning +150%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Turning +66%, Damage +44%, Thrust +110%, Tracking -20%, Rate Of Fire +66%, Resistance to damage +30%
| [[Mattock Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Chipping away at the mine face
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Radar Augmenter}}
| 18
| 2
| One Dozen Roses Augmenter
| Damage +4%, Tracking +18%, Speed +30%, Radar +300%
| 65
| AI Drop
| Shield -33%, Speed +20%, Damage +90%, Tracking -26%, Docking Speed -67%, Hostility +100%, Electric Tempering -18%, Resistance to damage +10%
| [[One Dozen Roses Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Beautiful and Prickly and Expensive
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Range Augmenter}}
| 18
| 2
| Two Dozen Roses Augmenter
| Damage +4%, Range +60%, Speed +30%, Hostility -10%
| 120
| AI Drop
| Shield -33%, Speed +30%, Damage +90%, Tracking -26%, Docking Speed -67%, Hostility +100%, Electric Tempering -26%, Resistance to damage +16%
| [[Two Dozen Roses Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Beautiful and Prickly and Expensive
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Recovery Augmenter}}
| 20
| 2
| Navigator's Augmenter
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +4%, Speed +30%
| 3
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +50%, Damage +30%, Shield Recovery +50%, Rate Of Fire +30%, Resistance to damage +30%
| [[Navigator's Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| A Paxian ship modification created with Eridium.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Shield Augmenter}}
| 18
| 2
| Metis Augmenter
| Shield Max +90%, Shield Recovery +8%, Speed +30%
| 10
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +100%, Turning +20%, Damage +80%, Capacity -10%, Rate Of Fire +30%, Radar +300%
| Drops from [[The Mausoleum]]. [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 18 required
|- align="center"
| permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Speed Augmenter}}
| 11
| 2
| Pirate's Mark
| Rate of Fire +24%, Speed +42%, Thrust +24%
| 7
| AI Drop
| Damage +24%, Rate of Fire +24%, Shield Max +60%, Capacity +20%, Hostility +60%, Visibility -60%, Critical Percent +5%
| Requires [[Piracy]] 11, [[Tortuga]] mission reward
|- align="center"
| Don't let merchants see this.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Stealth Augmenter}}
| 20
| 2
| Poseidon, the Earthshaker
| Shield Max +20%, Speed +30%, Visibility -80%
| 10
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +130%, Damage +20%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +50%  
| [[Poseidon, the Earthshaker Tablet]]
|- align="center"
| God of the Sea, Earthquakes and Horses.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Targeting Augmenter}}
| 20
| 2
| Qa Augmenter
| Damage +10%, Tracking +90%, Speed +30%, Radar +30%
| 10
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +80%, Damage +45%, Energy Charge +45%, Visibility -80%, Resistance to Damage +10%
| -
| Permanent Upgrade
| 16
| Qokuji Augmenter
| 8
| Shield Max +80%, Energy Max +100%, Damage +40%, Range +20%, Speed +10%, Visibility -67%
| -
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Thrust Augmenter}}
| 19
| 2
| Reaver Augmenter
| Speed +30%, Thrust +500%, Tractor Power +20%
| 5
| AI Drop
| Speed +19%, Damage +55%, Thrust +55%, Capacity +19%, Range +19%, Hostility +80%, Critical Percent +20%, Critical Strength +40%, Resistance to Damage -14%
| Reward From [[Brigand's Stronghold]] mission, Neuro Bound
|- align="center"
| Pirate for life
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Aggravation Augmenter}}
| 20
| 4
| Sivar's Augmenter
| Damage +30%, Hostility +54%
| 20
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +200%, Electric Tempering -33%, Damage +40%, Rate of Fire +80%, Speed +20%, Thrust +100%, Turning +50%, Critical Hit Chance -10%
| [[Sivar Hvar'kann]] drop
|- align="center"
| Justice for the Kalthi, Retribution against the UrQa.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Agility Augmenter}}
| 10
| 4
| Solid Rock Augmenter
| Speed +14%, Docking Speed +100%, Thrust +60%, Turning +140%
| 5
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +50%, Damage +30%, Weight +30%, Tracking +30%, Range +44%
| [[Solid Rock Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Very Solid
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Capacity Augmenter}}
| 18
| 4
| Vesta Augmenter
| Capacity +73%
| 8
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +100%, Energy Max +100%, Damage +40%, Range +40%, Resistance to Damage +7%
| Drops from [[The Mausoleum]]. [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 18 required
|- align="center"
| permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Damage Augmenter}}
| 20
| Vulture Augmenter
| 4
| 4
| Damage +40%
| Energy Bank +100%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range -10%, Speed +35%, Damage +50%, Shield Bank +60%, Visibility +100%, Hostility +40%, Resistance to Damage +14%
| AI Drop
| [[Vulture Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Prey on the weak
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Docking Augmenter}}
| 19
| 4
| Wattage Augmenter
| Docking Speed +600%, Capacity +32%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +40%, Energy Max +20%, Damage +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Visibility +100%, Range +50%, Electric Tempering -40%  
| [[Wattage Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Wattage Lightning baby
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Electric Augmenter}}
| 16
| 4
| Wyrm Augmenter
| Energy Charge +74%
| 8
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +100%, Shield Recovery +70%, Energy Charge +30%, Tracking +40%, Rate of Fire +40%  
| [[Mr. Wyrm]] drop
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Energy Augmenter}}
| 20
| 4
| Zombie Rat Broodmother's Augmenter
| Energy +220%, Energy Charge +22%
| 8
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +100%, Energy Charge +80%, Visibility +100%, Range +50%, Tracking +48%  
| Obtained from Zombie Rat Broodmother during the [[Halloween]] event
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Fading Augmenter}}
| 21
| 4
| Artemis Patrol Augmenter
| Visibility -78%, Hostility -43%
| 20
| AI Drop
| Visibility -150%, Tracking +90%, Radar +800%, Range +60%
| Built from a [[Artemis Patrol Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Pervert Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Firing Augmenter}}
| 21
| 4
| Hermes Patrol Augmenter
| Damage +12%, Rate of Fire +58%, Tracking +20%, Radar +20%
| 20
| AI Drop
| Speed +40%, Shield Recovery +50%, Thrust +110%, Visibility -79%, Docking Speed +240%, Radar +800%
| Hermes Patrol Augmenter Blueprint
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Hostile Augmenter}}
| 21
| 4
| Capital Defensive Augmenter
| Shield Max -26%, Shield Recovery -46%, Damage +51%, Hostility +51%
| 50
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +100%, Speed +10%, Shield Recovery +40%, Capacity +40%, Radar +200%, Resistance to damage +50%
| [[Red Photon Warship Prototype]] drop, Capital Ship only
|- align="center"
| Damage control, capital style
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| 4
|Grand Navigator's Defensive Augmenter
| Docking Speed +40%, Thrust +160%, Turning +200%
| AI Drop
|Shield Max +60%, Speed +10%, Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +50%, Capacity +40%, Radar +200%, Resistance to damage +50%
|[[Subspace Missions]], Capital Ship only
|- align="center"
|A defensive Paxian ship modification created with Eridium.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Radar Augmenter}}
| 4
|Capital Offensive Augmenter
| Damage +6%, Tracking +20%, Radar +400%
| AI Drop
|Energy Charge +60%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage +60%, Rate of Fire +70%, Range +20%
|[[Red Photon Warship Prototype]] drop, Capital Ship only
|- align="center"
|Make big guns even bigger
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Range Augmenter}}
| 4
|Grand Navigator's Offensive Augmenter
| Damage +6%, Range +74%, Hostility -10%
| AI Drop
|Shield Max +60%, Energy Max +100%, Electric Tempering -15%, Damage +70%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range +30%, Resistance to Damage +15%
|[[Subspace Missions]], Capital Ship only
|- align="center"
|An offensive Paxian ship modification created with Eridium.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Recovery Augmenter}}
| 21
| 4
| Cerberus Augmenter
| Shield Recovery +74%, Energy Charge +6%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Speed -30%, Visibility +100%, Tracking +100%, Radar +400%, Range -50%, Hostility +40%, Weapon Hold +50%, Multifire +200%
| Random AI drop
|- align="center"
| A couple of extra heads never hurt
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Resistance Augmenter}}
| 22
| 4
| Chronos Augmenter
| Resistance +40%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +54%, Damage +54%, Capacity +54%, Tractor Strength +54%  
| Random Drop
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Shield Augmenter}}
| 22
| 4
| Chronos+ Augmenter
| Shield Max +110%, Shield Recovery +12%
| 10
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +60%, Damage +60%, Capacity +60%, Tractor Strength +100%  
| [[Chronos+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Speed Augmenter}}
| 22
| 4
| Cygnus Augmenter
| Rate of Fire +32%, Speed +32%, Thrust +32%
| 1
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +110%, Turning +40%, Damage +60%, Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Thrust -20%, Docking Speed +200%, Rate Of Fire +10%
| [[Cygnus Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| We will call you Cygnus, the God of Balance you shall be
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Stealth Augmenter}}
| 21
| 4
| Dark Thorn Augmenter
| Shield Max +30%, Visibility -84%
| 6
| AI Drop
| Turning +80%, Damage +20%, Energy Charge +80%, Thrust +60%, Tractor Strength +60%
| Dark Diablo drop
|- align="center"
| Ouch
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Targeting Augmenter}}
| 22
| 4
| Divine Augmenter
| Damage +14%, Tracking +110%, Radar +40%
| 1
| AI Drop
| Turning +40%, Thrust +72%, Capacity +120%, Weight -61%, Docking Speed +1200%
| [[Divine Behemoth]]
|- align="center"
| The Ancient Emperor, reborn.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Thrust Augmenter}}
| 21
| 4
| Divine Wattage Augmenter
| Speed +6%, Thrust +600%, Tractor Power +30%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +40%, Energy Max +40%, Damage +60%, Energy Charge +40%, Visibility +100%, Range +70%, Electric Tempering -46%
| Built from a [[Divine Wattage Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Divine Wattage Lightning Baby
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Traction Augmenter}}
| 22
| 4
| Grand Navigator's Augmenter
| Energy +60%, Energy Charge +20%, Tractor Power +40%
| 3
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +60%, Damage +40%, Shield Recovery +60%, Rate Of Fire +40%, Resistance to damage +40%
| Built from [[Augmenter Blueprints|BP]]
|- align="center"
| A Paxian ship modification created with Eridium.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Agility Augmenter}}
| 21
| 5
| Hawk Augmenter
| Speed +14%, Docking Speed +100%, Thrust +60%, Turning +140%, Capacity +40%
| 10
| AI Drop
| 30% Turning, 30% Tracking, 22% Speed, 100% Radar, 60% Thrust, 90% Damage, 70% Shield, 100% Visibility, -15% Electric Tempering, 10% Critical Hit Chance
| Built from a [[Hawk Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Prey from the skies
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Capacity Augmenter}}
| 21
| 5
| Invigorating Aphrodite Augmenter
| Capacity +80%
| 20
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +210%, Turning +60%, Damage +40%, Energy Charge +70%, Thrust +60%, Docking Speed +300%
| Built from a [[Invigorating Aphrodite Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Damage Augmenter}}
| 5
| Damage +40%, Capacity +40%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Docking Augmenter}}
| Invigorating Dionysis Augmenter
| 5
| 21
| Docking Speed +600%, Capacity +40%
| Shield Max +100%, Energy Max +200%, Turning -10%, Damage +28%, Energy Charge +70%, Thrust -30%, Docking Speed +200%
| AI Drop
| [[Invigorating Dionysis Augmenter Blueprint|BP]] Built
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Electric Augmenter}}
| 21
| 5
| Kidd's Modification
| Energy Charge +74%, Capacity +40%
| 21
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +30%, Turning +40%, Shield Recovery +50%, Rate Of Fire +80%, Range +40%, Resistance to damage +40%
| [[Captain Kidd]]
|- align="center"
| A little of this, a lot of that.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Energy Augmenter}}
| 21
| 5
| Markswoman Artemis Augmenter
| Energy +220%, Energy Charge +22%, Capacity +40%
| 21
| AI Drop
| Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +20%, Tracking +200%, Range +142%, Visibility -40%
| [[Markswoman Artemis Augmenter Blueprint|BP]] Built
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Firing Augmenter}}
| 21
| 5
| Nightfury's Anger
| Damage +12%, Rate of Fire +58%, Capacity +40%
| 6
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +120%, Energy Max +60%, Electric Tempering +24%, Damage +70%, Rate of Fire +90%, Range +40%, Speed +10%, Thrust -18%, Turning -33%, Capacity -10%, Radar -26%, Visibility +200%
| Drops From The Red Night Fury, who roams perilous space.
|- align="center"
| Through the eyes of the beast
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| 21
| 5
| Nightfury's Patience
| Thrust +160%, Turning +200%, Capacity +40%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Shield Recovery +100%, Electric Tempering +24%, Damage +40%, Range +20%, Tracking +40%, Thrust -18%, Turning -33%, Capacity -10%, Resistance to Damage +30%
| Drops From The Red Night Fury, who roams perilous space.
|- align="center"
| Through the eyes of the beast
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Radar Augmenter}}
| 22
| 5
| Ohm Augmenter
| Damage +6%, Tracking +16%, Capacity +40%, Radar +400%
| 1
| AI Drop
| Energy Max +60%, Energy Charge +60%, Visibility +400%, Range -18%, Weapon Hold +50%, Electric Tempering -52%, Resistance to Damage +50%, Inertial Dampening -57%
| Built from a [[Ohm Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Put up resistance, stop the charging
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Range Augmenter}}
| 22
| 5
| Qa'ik Banu Akk'oj
| Damage +6%, Range +74%, Capacity +40%, Hostility -10%
| 10
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +116%, Energy Charge +32%, Capacity +14%, Drone Operations +28%, Defensive Drone Operations -6%, Resistance to Damage +38%
| [[UrQa'qa Qu'ishi]] drop
|- align="center"
| Akk'oj Banu
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Recovery Augmenter}}
| 22
| 5
| Qa'ik Urk'qii Akk'oj
| Shield Recovery +74%, Energy Charge +6%, Capacity +40%
| 10
| AI Drop
| Shield Recovery +58%, Damage +58%, Resistance to Damage +58%, Critical Percent +18%, Critical Strength +58%
| [[UrQa'qa Qu'ishi]] drop
|- align="center"
| Akk'oj Urk'qii
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Shield Augmenter}}
| 22
| 5
| Qa'ik Vazuk Akk'oj
| Shield Max +110%, Shield Recovery +12%, Capacity +40%
| 10
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +140%, Damage +60%, Rate of Fire +130%, Electric Tempering +10%, Inertial Dampening -35%
| [[UrQa'qa Qu'ishi]] drop
|- align="center"
| Akk'oj Vazuk
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Speed Augmenter}}
| 21
| 5
| Racing Hermes Augmenter
| Rate of Fire +32%, Speed +32%, Thrust +32%, Capacity +40%
| 20
| AI Drop
| Shield Recovery +50%, Speed +60%, Turning +38%, Thrust +260%, Docking Speed +1200%, Visibility -71%
| Built from a [[Racing Hermes Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Stealth Augmenter}}
| 21
| 5
| Raging Aphrodite Augmenter
| Shield Max +30%, Capacity +40%, Visibility -84%
| 20
| AI Drop
| Damage +80%, Docking Speed +300%, Rate of Fire +92%, Thrust +60%, Turning +60%
| Built from a [[Raging Aphrodite Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Targeting Augmenter}}
| 21
| 5
| Raging Dionysis Augmenter
| Damage +14%, Tracking +110%, Capacity +40%, Radar +40%
| 20
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +100%, Turning -10%, Damage +70%, Rate of Fire +80%, Thrust -30%, Docking Speed +200%
| Built from a [[Raging Dionysis Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Thrust Augmenter}}
| 5
|Rhea Augmenter
| Speed +6%, Thrust +600%, Capacity +40%, Tractor Power +30%
| AI Drop
|Shield Max +64%, Speed +64%, Turning +64%, Radar +64%, Electric Tempering -52%
|Random Drop
|- align="center"
|Permanent Upgrade
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Agility Augmenter}}
| 21
| 5
| Tarkin's Augmenter
| Speed +38%, Docking Speed +100%, Thrust +60%, Turning +140%
| 6
| AI Drop
| Shield Max +100%, Energy Max +40%, Energy Charge +40%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage -18%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range +40%, Thrust +40%, Turning +40%, Visibility +100%, Hostility +160%, Resistance +44%, Critical Percent +10%.
| Built from a [[Tarkin's Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| Only through the projection of power do we bring order.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Capacity Augmenter}}
| 5
|Grand Moff Augmenter
| Speed +24%, Capacity +74%
| AI Drop
|Shield Max +175%, Energy Max +40%, Damage -10%, Thrust +150%, Range +50%, Hostility +200%, Resistance to Damage +50%
|[[ Grand Moff Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
|Rule Through the fear of force rather than force itself.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Damage Augmenter}}
| 5
|Lunarian Augmenter
| Damage +40%, Speed +38%
| AI Drop
|Shield Max +100%, Energy Charge +50%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage +60%, Rate of Fire +80%
|[[Lunarian Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
|Lunarian Technology
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Docking Augmenter}}
| 5
|Selenite Augmenter
| Rate of Fire +42%, Speed +38%, Docking Speed +600%, Thrust +40%
| AI Drop
|Shield Max +140%, Electric Tempering -48%, Rate of Fire +130%, Range +70%, Tracking +60%
|[[Selenite Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
|Selenite Technology
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Electric Augmenter}}
| 5
|Perilous Augmenter
| Energy Charge +74%, Speed +24%
| AI Drop
|Shield Max +130%, Energy Charge +56%, Rate of Fire +78%, Range +44%, Resistance to Damage +28%
|[[Perilous Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
|Face the peril? No, it's too perilous.
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Energy Augmenter}}
| 5
= Ship Mastery Augmenters =
| Energy +220%, Energy Charge +22%, Speed +24%
| AI Drop
These augs give the given percentage bonus to the following stats: Shield, Energy, Speed, Turning, Damage, Shield Recovery, Energy Charge, Thrust, negative Visibility, Capacity, Tracking, Docking Speed, Rate Of Fire, Radar, Tractor Strength, Range, Transference Power, Transference Efficiency, Weapon Hold, negative Electric Tempering, Drone Operations, Critical Percent, Critical Strength, and Resistance to damage.
They are the same tech as their given number, they all have the description "Make everything run a little smoother", and are dungeon drops.
''Note: Due to rounding in Star Sonata, the stats displayed ingame are not 100% accurate. The first ship mastery augmenter (0) has a stat of  +4%, and each aug after that gains .60% in stats per tech level.''
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Weight
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Firing Augmenter}}
| 5
| Damage +12%, Rate of Fire +58%, Speed +38%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| 5
| Speed +38%, Thrust +160%, Turning +200%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Radar Augmenter}}
| 5
| Damage +6%, Tracking +16%, Speed +38%, Radar +400%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Range Augmenter}}
| 5
| Damage +6%, Range +74%, Speed +38%, Hostility -10%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Recovery Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Recovery +74%, Energy Charge +6%, Speed +38%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Shield Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +110%, Shield Recovery +12%, Speed +38%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Speed Augmenter}}
= God Augmenters =
| 5
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
| Rate of Fire +32%, Speed +54%, Thrust +32%
| AI Drop
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Weight
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Stealth Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +30%, Speed +38%, Visibility -84%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Targeting Augmenter}}
| 5
| Damage +14%, Tracking +110%, Speed +38%, Radar +40%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Thrust Augmenter}}
| 5
| Speed +38%, Thrust +600%, Tractor Power +30%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Aggravation Augmenter}}
| 6
| Damage +36%, Hostility +60%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Agility Augmenter}}
| 6
| Speed +16%, Docking Speed +150%, Thrust +80%, Turning +180%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Capacity Augmenter}}
| 6
| Capacity +80%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Damage Augmenter}}
= [[Acropolis]] God Augmenters =
| 6
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
| Damage +46%
| AI Drop
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Weight
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Docking Augmenter}}
| 6
| Docking Speed +800%, Capacity +38%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Electric Augmenter}}
| 6
| Energy Charge +80%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Energy Augmenter}}
| 6
| Energy +280%, Energy Charge +26%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Fading Augmenter}}
| 6
| Visibility -80%, Hostility -46%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Firing Augmenter}}
| 6
| Damage +16%, Rate of Fire +64%, Tracking +20%, Radar +20%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Hostile Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max -33%, Shield Recovery -52%, Damage +58%, Hostility +58%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
= Combined Augmenters =
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Nimbleness Augmenter}}
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
| 6
| Docking Speed +40%, Thrust +200%, Turning +250%
! Tech
| AI Drop
! Name
! Size
! Weight
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Radar Augmenter}}
| 6
| Damage +8%, Tracking +20%, Radar +500%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Range Augmenter}}
| 6
| Damage +8%, Range +80%, Hostility -10%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Recovery Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +8%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Resistance Augmenter}}
| 6
| Resistance +46%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Shield Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +130%, Shield Recovery +16%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Speed Augmenter}}
| 6
| Rate of Fire +38%, Speed +38%, Thrust +38%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Stealth Augmenter}}
= Skill Specific Augmenters =
| 6
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
| Shield Max +40%, Visibility -86%
| AI Drop
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Weight
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Targeting Augmenter}}
| 6
| Damage +18%, Tracking +120%, Radar +50%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Thrust Augmenter}}
| 6
| Speed +8%, Thrust +700%, Tractor Power +30%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Traction Augmenter}}
| 6
| Energy +70%, Energy Charge +24%, Tractor Power +50%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Agility Augmenter}}
| 6
| Speed +16%, Docking Speed +150%, Thrust +80%, Turning +180%, Capacity +50%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Capacity Augmenter}}
| 6
| Capacity +90%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Damage Augmenter}}
| 6
| Damage +46%, Capacity +50%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Docking Augmenter}}
= [[The Serengeti]] Augmenters =
| 6
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
| Docking Speed +800%, Capacity +50%
| AI Drop
! Tech
! Name
|- align="center"
! Size
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
! Weight
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Electric Augmenter}}
! Bonuses
| 6
! Source
| Energy Charge +80%, Capacity +50%
! Restrictions
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Energy Augmenter}}
| 6
| Energy +280%, Energy Charge +26%, Capacity +50%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Firing Augmenter}}
| 6
| Damage +16%, Rate of Fire +64%, Capacity +50%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| 6
| Thrust +200%, Turning +250%, Capacity +50%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Radar Augmenter}}
| 6
| Damage +8%, Tracking +14%, Capacity +50%, Radar +500%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Range Augmenter}}
| 6
| Damage +8%, Range +80%, Capacity +50%, Hostility -10%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Recovery Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +8%, Capacity +50%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Shield Augmenter}}
=Olympus Augmenters=
| 6
| Shield Max +120%, Shield Recovery +16%, Capacity +50%
These augmenters are obtained within [[Olympus]].
| AI Drop
==General Augmenters==
|- align="center"
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Speed Augmenter}}
! Tech
| 6
! Name
| Rate of Fire +38%, Speed +38%, Thrust +38%, Capacity +50%
! Size
| AI Drop
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
| 21
| Ares' Rage Augmenter
| 20
| Damage: +120%
| [[Pretender Ares]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Stealth Augmenter}}
| Cunning of Hermes Augmenter
| 6
| 30
| Shield Max +40%, Capacity +50%, Visibility -86%
| Speed: +20% Radar: +200% Damage: +60% Visibility: -67% Critical Percent: -18% Critical Strength: +150%
| AI Drop
| [[Pretender Hermes]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Targeting Augmenter}}
| Cunning of Hermes+ Augmenter
| 6
| 25
| Damage +18%, Tracking +120%, Capacity +50%, Radar +50%
| Speed: +24% Radar: +200% Damage: +70% Visibility: -67% Critical Percent: -15% Critical Strength: +160%
| AI Drop
| [[Cunning of Hermes+ Augmenter Blueprint|BP]] Built
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Thrust Augmenter}}
| Cyclops Augmenter
| 6
| 20
| Speed +8%, Thrust +700%, Capacity +50%, Tractor Power +30%
| Capacity: +60% Tracking: -18% Energy: +40% Speed: -18% Damage: +40% Resistance to Damage: +50%
| AI Drop
| [[Cyclop]] Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Agility Augmenter}}
| Deimos Augmenter
| 6
| 20
| Speed +46%, Docking Speed +150%, Thrust +80%, Turning +180%
| Rate of Fire: +130% Range: +60% Shield Bank: +100% Visibility: -60%
| AI Drop
|[[Deimos]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Capacity Augmenter}}
| Hephaestus' Skin Augmenter
| 6
| 20
| Speed +30%, Capacity +80%
| Capacity: +24% Resistance to Damage: +70%
| AI Drop
| [[Pretender Hephaestus]] Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Damage Augmenter}}
| Hermes Swiftness Augmenter
| 6
| 20
| Damage +46%, Speed +46%
| Speed: +150% Visibility: -18%
| AI Drop
| [[Pretender Hermes]] Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Docking Augmenter}}
| Jovian Augmenter
| 6
| 20
| Rate of Fire +48%, Speed +46%, Docking Speed +800%, Thrust +40%
| Energy: +50% Shield Recovery: +50% Shield Max: +50% Visibility: -67% Resistance to Damage: +50%
| AI Drop
| [[Europa]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Electric Augmenter}}
| Molten Fires of Hephaestus Augmenter
| 6
| 30
| Energy Charge +80%, Speed +30%
| Capacity: +40% Energy: +250% Rate of Fire: 25% Speed: -20% Shield Max: +130% Hostility: +100% Resistance to Damage: +33%
| AI Drop
| [[Pretender Hephaestus]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Energy Augmenter}}
|Molten Fires of Hephaestus+ Augmenter
| 6
| Energy +280%, Energy Charge +26%, Speed +30%
| Capacity: +45% Energy: +250% Rate of Fire: 55% Speed: -20% Shield Max: +130% Hostility: +100% Resistance to Damage: +33%
| AI Drop
|[[Molten Fires of Hephaestus+ Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Firing Augmenter}}
| Phobos Augmenter
| 6
| 20
| Damage +16%, Rate of Fire +64%, Speed +46%
| Damage: 60% Shield Max: +100% Visibility: -60% Electric Tempering: -20%
| AI Drop
| [[Phobos]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| Poseidon's Reserve Augmenter
| 6
| 20
| Speed +46%, Thrust +200%, Turning +250%
| Energy: +600% Shield Max: +200%
| AI Drop
| [[Pretender Poseidon]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Radar Augmenter}}
| Poseidon's Tsunami Augmenter
| 6
| 30
| Damage +8%, Tracking +14%, Speed +46%, Radar +500%
| Energy: +100% Thrust: +40% Damage: +80% Shield Bank: +70% Electricity: -20% Tractor Strength: +40% Electrical Tempering -33%
| AI Drop
| [[Pretender Poseidon]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Range Augmenter}}
|Poseidon's Tsunami+ Augmenter
| 6
| Damage +8%, Range +80%, Speed +46%, Hostility -10%
| Energy: +160% Thrust: +40% Damage: +80% Shield Bank: +100% Electricity: -15% Tractor Strength: +40% Electrical Tempering -33%
| AI Drop
|[[Poseidon's Tsunami+ Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Recovery Augmenter}}
| War Chant of Ares Augmenter
| 6
| 30
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +8%, Speed +46%
| Range: +20% Speed: +20% Damage: +115% Electricity: +45% Critical Hit Chance: +15% Resistance to Damage: -25%
| AI Drop
| [[Pretender Ares]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Shield Augmenter}}
|War Chant of Ares+ Augmenter
| 6
| Shield Max +120%, Shield Recovery +16%, Speed +46%
| Range: +20% Speed: +40% Damage: +115% Electricity: +45% Critical Hit Chance: +15% Resistance to Damage: -25%
| AI Drop
|[[War Chant of Ares+ Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Speed Augmenter}}
| Zeus' Lightning Source Augmenter
| 6
| 20
| Rate of Fire +38%, Speed +60%, Thrust +38%
| Energy Charge: +160%
| AI Drop
| [[Pretender Zeus]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Stealth Augmenter}}
| Zeus' Planar Field Augmenter
| 6
| 30
| Shield Max +40%, Speed +46%, Visibility -86%
| Capacity: +30% Range: +20% Shield Recovery: +50% Damage: +60% Energy Charge: +30% Electric Tempering: +30% Resistance to Damage: +20%
| AI Drop
| [[Pretender Zeus]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Targeting Augmenter}}
| Zeus' Planar Field+ Augmenter
| 6
| 25
| Damage +18%, Tracking +120%, Speed +46%, Radar +50%
| Capacity: +30% Range: +60% Shield Recovery: +50% Damage: +60% Energy Charge: +30% Electric Tempering: +30% Resistance to Damage: +20%
| AI Drop
| [[Zeus' Planar Field+ Augmenter Blueprint|BP]] Built
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Thrust Augmenter}}
==Drone Mastery Augmenters==
| 6
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
| Speed +46%, Thrust +700%, Tractor Power +30%
| AI Drop
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
| 21
| Ares Offensive Mode Augmenter
| 12
| Energy: +120% Rate of Fire: +40% Damage: +10% Shield Max: +30% Energy Charge: +60% Visibility: +200% Trans Power: +70% Trans Efficiency: +50% Offensive Drone Operations: +40%
|- align="center"
| [[Neurobound]], Requires [[Drone Mastery]] 1
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Aggravation Augmenter}}
| 21
| 8
| Hephaestus General Mode Augmenter
| Damage +40%, Hostility +66%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Capacity: +40% Energy: +50% Speed: +20% Shield Max: +80% Visibility: +100% Trans Power: +60% Trans Efficiency: +60% Drone Operations: +20% Resistance to Damage: +10%
|- align="center"
| [[Neurobound]], Requires [[Drone Mastery]] 1
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Agility Augmenter}}
| 21
| 8
| Poseidon's Defensive Mode Augmenter
| Speed +18%, Docking Speed +200%, Thrust +100%, Turning +200%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Energy: +180% Shield Recovery: +60% Shield Max: +130% Tractor Power: +40% Visibility: +100% Trans Power: +50% Trans Efficiency: +70% Defensive Drone Operations: +60%
|- align="center"
| [[Neurobound]], Requires [[Drone Mastery]] 1
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Capacity Augmenter}}
| 21
| 8
| Zeus Everlasting Mode Augmenter
| Capacity +90%
| 12
| AI Drop
| Energy: +60% Shield Recovery: +70% Shield Max: +80% Energy Charge: +70% Visibility: +200% Trans Power: +80% Trans Efficiency: +80% Drone Operations: +5% Everlasting Drone Operations: +40%
|- align="center"
| [[Neurobound]], Requires [[Drone Mastery]] 1
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Damage Augmenter}}
| 8
= Holiday Augmenters =
| Damage +52%
| AI Drop
== Halloween Augmenters ==
These augmenters are obtained by AI that appear on the Halloween Event.
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
| 10
| Baby Troll Augmenter
| 5
| Shield Max +50%, Energy Max +50%, Shield Recovery +30%, Energy Charge +20%, Resistance to damage +20%
| [[Trolls|Baby Troll]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 12
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Docking Augmenter}}
| Troll Augmenter
| 8
| 5
| Docking Speed +1000%, Capacity +44%
| Shield Max +60%, Energy Max +50%, Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +20%, Resistance to damage +22%
| AI Drop
| [[Trolls|Troll]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 14
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Electric Augmenter}}
| Gnarly Troll Augmenter
| 8
| 5
| Energy Charge +90%
| Shield Max +70%, Energy Max +50%, Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Resistance to damage +24%
| AI Drop
| [[Trolls|Gnarly Troll]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 16
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Energy Augmenter}}
| Rock Troll Augmenter
| 8
| 5
| Energy +340%, Energy Charge +30%
| Shield Max +80%, Energy Max +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Resistance to damage +43%
| AI Drop
| [[Trolls|Rock Troll]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 16
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Fading Augmenter}}
| Trick Troll Augmenter
| 8
| 5
| Visibility -83%, Hostility -50%
| Shield Max +80%, Energy Max +50%, Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Resistance to damage +26%
| AI Drop
| [[Trolls|Trick Troll]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Firing Augmenter}}
| Undead Narwhal Augmenter
| 8
| 20
| Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +68%, Tracking +20%, Radar +20%
| Shield Max +40%, Speed +40%, Damage +40%, Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range +30%, Electric Tempering -20% Resistance to damage +10%
| AI Drop
| Undead Narwhal Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 18
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Hostile Augmenter}}
| Vampyre Augmenter
| 8
| 10
| Shield Max -40%, Shield Recovery -57%, Damage +66%, Hostility +66%
| Speed +44%, Damage +38%, Shield Recovery +44%, Energy Charge +28%
| AI Drop
| [[Vampyre]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Nimbleness Augmenter}}
== Easter Augmenters ==
| 8
| Docking Speed +40%, Thrust +240%, Turning +300%
These augmenters are obtained by AI that appear on the Easter Event.
| AI Drop
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
| 18
| Bunny Augmenter
| 6
| Turning + 34%, Damage + 34%, Shield Recovery + 34%, Thrust + 34%, Resistance to Damage + 34%
| Drops from [[Easter Bunny]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 21
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Radar Augmenter}}
| Zombie Bunny Augmenter
| 8
| 20
| Damage +10%, Tracking +20%, Radar +600%
| Turning + 46%, Damage + 46%, Shield Recovery + 46%, Thrust + 46%, Resistance to Damage + 46%
| AI Drop
| Drops from [[Zombie Easter Bunny]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Range Augmenter}}
=Aveksakan Augmenters=
| 8
These augmenters are obtained from the Aveksaka.
| Damage +10%, Range +90%, Hostility -10%
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
| AI Drop
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
| 7
| Antulaghu Zavas
| 1
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Electric Tempering -26%, Resistance to Damage +10%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 7
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Recovery Augmenter}}
| Ayudhinlaghu Sattva
| 8
| 1
| Shield Recovery +90%, Energy Charge +10%
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Damage +20%, Speed +14%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 7
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Resistance Augmenter}}
| Caralaghu Psu
| 8
| 3
| Resistance +52%
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Rate Of Fire +50%, Range +30%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 7
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Shield Augmenter}}
| Dhatrilaghu Bhava
| 8
| 1
| Shield Max +150%, Shield Recovery +20%
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Range +40%, Transference Power +10%, Transference Efficiency +10%, Tractor Strength +30%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 11
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Speed Augmenter}}
| Antuaguru Zavas
| 8
| 1
| Rate of Fire +44%, Speed +44%, Thrust +44%
| Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Electric Tempering -33%, Resistance to Damage +10%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 11
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Stealth Augmenter}}
| Ayudhinaguru Sattva
| 8
| 1
| Shield Max +50%, Visibility -87%
| Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Damage +20%, Speed +14%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 11
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Targeting Augmenter}}
| Caraaguru Psu
| 8
| 5
| Damage +22%, Tracking +134%, Radar +60%
| Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Rate Of Fire +50%, Range +30%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 11
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Thrust Augmenter}}
| Dhatrilaghu Bhava
| 8
| 1
| Speed +10%, Thrust +800%, Tractor Power +30%
| Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Range +40%, Transference Power +20%, Transference Efficiency +10%, Tractor Strength +30%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 15
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Traction Augmenter}}
| Antuguruka Zavas
| 8
| 1
| Energy +70%, Energy Charge +30%, Tractor Power +60%
| Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Electric Tempering -40%, Resistance to Damage +10%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 15
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Agility Augmenter}}
| Ayudhinguruka Sattva
| 9
| 1
| Speed +18%, Docking Speed +200%, Thrust +100%, Turning +200%, Capacity +60%
| Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Damage +30%, Speed +14%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 15
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Capacity Augmenter}}
| Caraguruka Psu
| 9
| 1
| Capacity +100%
| Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Rate Of Fire +70%, Range +30%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 15
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Damage Augmenter}}
| Dhatriguruka Bhava
| 9
| 1
| Damage +52%, Capacity +60%
| Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Range +40%, Transference Power +30%, Transference Efficiency +10%, Tractor Strength +15%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 19
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Docking Augmenter}}
| Antualasa Zavas
| 9
| 1
| Docking Speed +1000%, Capacity +60%
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +50%, Electric Tempering -40%, Resistance to Damage +10%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 19
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Electric Augmenter}}
| Ayudhinalasa Sattva
| 9
| 1
| Energy Charge +90%, Capacity +60%
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +50%, Damage +30%, Speed +18%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 19
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Energy Augmenter}}
| Caraalasa Psu
| 9
| 1
| Energy +340%, Energy Charge +30%, Capacity +60%
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +50%, Rate of Fire +70%, Range +40%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 19
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Firing Augmenter}}
| Dhatrialasa Bhava
| 9
| 1
| Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +68%, Capacity +60%
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +50%, Tractor Strength +40%, Range +40%, Transference Power +40%, Transference Efficiency +10%  
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 20
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| Antu Zavas
| 9
| 1
| Thrust +240%, Turning +300%, Capacity +60%
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +60%, Electric Tempering -40%, Resistance to Damage +10%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 20
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Radar Augmenter}}
| Ayudhin Sattva
| 9
| 1
| Damage +10%, Tracking +12%, Capacity +60%, Radar +600%
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +60%, Damage +30%, Speed +18%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 20
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Range Augmenter}}
| Cara Psu
| 9
| 1
| Damage +10%, Range +90%, Capacity +60%, Hostility -10%
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +60%, Rate of Fire +70%, Range +40%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 20
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Recovery Augmenter}}
| Dhatri Bhava
| 9
| 1
| Shield Recovery +90%, Energy Charge +10%, Capacity +60%
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +60%, Tractor Strength +40%, Range +40%, Transference Power +50%, Transference Efficiency +10%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Shield Augmenter}}
| Antuatiguru Zavas
| 9
| 1
| Shield Max +134%, Shield Recovery +20%, Capacity +60%
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Electric Tempering -46%, Resistance to Damage +10%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Speed Augmenter}}
| Ayudhinatiguru Sattva
| 9
| 1
| Rate of Fire +44%, Speed +44%, Thrust +44%, Capacity +60%
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Damage +40%, Speed +18%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Stealth Augmenter}}
| Bhisaj Bhava
| 9
| 1
| Shield Max +50%, Capacity +60%, Visibility -87%
| Shield Max +50%, Speed +30%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Range +40%, Hostility -18%, Transference Power +60%, Transference Efficiency +60%
| AI Drop
| [[Bhisaj Bhava Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Healer.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Targeting Augmenter}}
| Caraatiguru Psu
| 9
| 1
| Damage +22%, Tracking +134%, Capacity +60%, Radar +60%
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range +40%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Thrust Augmenter}}
| Dhatriatiguru Bhava
| 9
| 1
| Speed +10%, Thrust +800%, Capacity +60%, Tractor Power +30%
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Tractor Strength +40%, Range +40%, Transference Power +60%, Transference Efficiency +10%
| AI Drop
| Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Agility Augmenter}}
| Hantr Psu
| 9
| 1
| Speed +52%, Docking Speed +200%, Thrust +100%, Turning +200%
| Shield -26%, Speed +25%, Turning +100%, Thrust +150%, Visibility -86%, Tracking +100%, Range +35%, Weapon Hold +100%, Critical Percent +20%, Critical Strength +125%
| AI Drop
| Hantr Drop.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Capacity Augmenter}}
| Isvasa Sattva
| 9
| 1
| Speed +36%, Capacity +90%
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Tracking -60%, Radar +200%, Electric Tempering -10%, Multifire +100%, Visibility +200%
| AI Drop
| [[Isvasa Sattva Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Sniper.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Damage Augmenter}}
| Janayitri Zavas
| 9
| 1
| Damage +52%, Speed +52%
| Speed +20%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Range +80%, Resistance to Damage +20%
| AI Drop
| [[Janayitri Zavas Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Mothership.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Docking Augmenter}}
| Saluna Psu
| 9
| 1
| Rate of Fire +54%, Speed +52%, Docking Speed +1000%, Thrust +40%
| Speed +20%, Damage -10%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Thrust +70%, Tractor Strength +70%, Resistance to damage +20%
| AI Drop
| [[Saluna Psu Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Latcher.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Electric Augmenter}}
| Samdita Sattva
| 9
| 1
| Energy Charge +90%, Speed +36%
| Speed +18%, Damage +30%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Visibility -100%, Tractor Strength +10%
| AI Drop
| [[Samdita Sattva Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Detainer.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Energy Augmenter}}
| Samgrahaka Bhava
| 9
| 1
| Energy +340%, Energy Charge +30%, Speed +36%
| Shield Max +25%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Capacity +30%, Resistance to Damage +14%, Defensive Drone Ops +30%, Everlasting Drone Ops +30%
| AI Drop
| [[Samgrahaka Bhava Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Builder.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Firing Augmenter}}
| Subhatta Sattva
| 9
| 1
| Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +68%, Speed +52%
| Speed +20%, Damage +40%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Hostility +40%, Resistance to damage +12%
| AI Drop
| [[Subhatta Sattva Blueprint]]. Spirit of the distinguished Warrior.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| Vaidya Bhava
| 9
| 1
| Speed +52%, Thrust +240%, Turning +300%
| Shield Max +100%, Damage +30%, Shield Recovery +70%, Rate of Fire +10%, Transference Power +50%, Transference Efficiency +50%, Resistance to Damage +30%
| AI Drop
| T22 drop.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Radar Augmenter}}
| Vacohara Psu
| 9
| 1
| Damage +10%, Tracking +12%, Speed +52%, Radar +600%
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range +40%, Electric Tempering -26%, Critical Percent +20%
| AI Drop
| [[Vacohara Psu Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Messenger.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Range Augmenter}}
| Vazi Zavas
| 9
| 1
| Damage +10%, Range +90%, Speed +52%, Hostility -10%
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Capacity +80%, Resistance to Damage +10%
| AI Drop
| [[Vazi Zavas Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Controller.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Recovery Augmenter}}
| Rajanicara Psu
| 9
| 1
| Shield Recovery +90%, Energy Charge +10%, Speed +52%
| Speed +18%, Damage +20%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Visibility -100%, Range +40%
| AI Drop
| [[Rajanicara Psu Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Sentinel.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Shield Augmenter}}
| Raurava Bhava
| 9
| 1
| Shield Max +134%, Shield Recovery +20%, Speed +52%
| Shield Max +200%, Speed -10%, Damage +100%, Rate of Fire -40%, Resistance to damage +20%
| AI Drop
| Raurava Drop.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 22
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Speed Augmenter}}
| Zarkara Sattva
| 9
| 1
| Rate of Fire +44%, Speed +66%, Thrust +44%
| Turning +60%, Damage +70%, Thrust +100%, Rate of Fire +80%, Hostility +80%, Resistance to damage +30%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Stealth Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +50%, Speed +52%, Visibility -87%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Targeting Augmenter}}
| 9
| Damage +22%, Tracking +134%, Speed +52%, Radar +60%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Thrust Augmenter}}
| 9
| Speed +52%, Thrust +800%, Tractor Power +30%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Aggravation Augmenter}}
| 10
| Damage +44%, Hostility +75%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Agility Augmenter}}
| 10
| Speed +20%, Docking Speed +250%, Thrust +120%, Turning +220%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Capacity Augmenter}}
| 10
| Capacity +100%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Damage Augmenter}}
| 10
| Damage +58%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Docking Augmenter}}
| 10
| Docking Speed +1200%, Capacity +50%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Electric Augmenter}}
| 10
| Energy Charge +100%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Energy Augmenter}}
| 10
| Energy +400%, Energy Charge +34%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Fading Augmenter}}
| 10
| Visibility -85%, Hostility -55%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Firing Augmenter}}
| 10
| Damage +24%, Rate of Fire +70%, Tracking +20%, Radar +20%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Hostile Augmenter}}
| 10
| Shield Max -46%, Shield Recovery -62%, Damage +74%, Hostility +75%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| 10
| Docking Speed +40%, Thrust +280%, Turning +350%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Radar Augmenter}}
| 10
| Damage +12%, Tracking +20%, Radar +700%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Range Augmenter}}
| 10
| Damage +12%, Range +100%, Hostility -10%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Recovery Augmenter}}
| 10
| Shield Recovery +100%, Energy Charge +12%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Resistance Augmenter}}
| 10
| Resistance +58%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Shield Augmenter}}
| 10
| Shield Max +170%, Shield Recovery +24%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Speed Augmenter}}
| 10
| Rate of Fire +48%, Speed +48%, Thrust +48%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Stealth Augmenter}}
| 10
| Shield Max +60%, Visibility -89%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Targeting Augmenter}}
| 10
| Damage +26%, Tracking +150%, Radar +70%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Thrust Augmenter}}
| 10
| Speed +12%, Thrust +900%, Tractor Power +30%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Traction Augmenter}}
| 10
| Energy +70%, Energy Charge +34%, Tractor Power +70%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Agility Augmenter}}
| 11
| Speed +20%, Docking Speed +250%, Thrust +120%, Turning +220%, Capacity +70%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Capacity Augmenter}}
| 11
| Capacity +110%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Damage Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +58%, Capacity +70%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Docking Augmenter}}
| 11
| Docking Speed +1200%, Capacity +70%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Electric Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy Charge +100%, Capacity +70%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Energy Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy +400%, Energy Charge +34%, Capacity +70%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Firing Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +24%, Rate of Fire +70%, Capacity +70%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| 11
| Thrust +280%, Turning +350%, Capacity +70%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Radar Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +12%, Tracking +10%, Capacity +70%, Radar +700%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Range Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +12%, Range +100%, Capacity +70%, Hostility -10%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Recovery Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Recovery +100%, Energy Charge +12%, Capacity +70%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Shield Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +150%, Shield Recovery +24%, Capacity +70%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Speed Augmenter}}
| 11
| Rate of Fire +48%, Speed +48%, Thrust +48%, Capacity +70%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Stealth Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +60%, Capacity +70%, Visibility -89%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Targeting Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +26%, Tracking +150%, Capacity +70%, Radar +70%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Thrust Augmenter}}
| 11
| Speed +12%, Thrust +900%, Capacity +70%, Tractor Power +30%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Agility Augmenter}}
| 11
| Speed +58%, Docking Speed +250%, Thrust +120%, Turning +220%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Capacity Augmenter}}
| 11
| Speed +42%, Capacity +100%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Damage Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +58%, Speed +58%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Docking Augmenter}}
| 11
| Rate of Fire +60%, Speed +58%, Docking Speed +1200%, Thrust +40%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Electric Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy Charge +100%, Speed +42%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Energy Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy +400%, Energy Charge +34%, Speed +42%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Firing Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +24%, Rate of Fire +70%, Speed +58%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| 11
| Speed +58%, Thrust +280%, Turning +350%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Radar Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +12%, Tracking +10%, Speed +58%, Radar +700%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Range Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +12%, Range +100%, Speed +58%, Hostility -10%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Recovery Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Recovery +100%, Energy Charge +12%, Speed +58%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Shield Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +150%, Shield Recovery +24%, Speed +58%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Speed Augmenter}}
| 11
| Rate of Fire +48%, Speed +74%, Thrust +48%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Stealth Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +60%, Speed +58%, Visibility -89%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Targeting Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +26%, Tracking +150%, Speed +58%, Radar +70%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Thrust Augmenter}}
| 11
| Speed +58%, Thrust +900%, Tractor Power +30%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Aggravation Augmenter}}
| 13
| Damage +56%, Hostility +100%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Agility Augmenter}}
| 13
| Speed +24%, Docking Speed +350%, Thrust +160%, Turning +260%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Capacity Augmenter}}
| 13
| Capacity +120%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Damage Augmenter}}
| 13
| Damage +72%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Docking Augmenter}}
| 13
| Docking Speed +1400%, Capacity +60%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Electric Augmenter}}
| 13
| Energy Charge +120%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Energy Augmenter}}
| 13
| Energy +500%, Energy Charge +40%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Fading Augmenter}}
| 13
| Visibility -88%, Hostility -62%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Firing Augmenter}}
| 13
| Electric Tempering -2%, Damage +28%, Rate of Fire +80%, Tracking +20%, Radar +20%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Hostile Augmenter}}
| 13
| Hostility +82%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Nimbleness Augmenter}}
| 13
| Speed +10%, Docking Speed +40%, Thrust +320%, Turning +400%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Radar Augmenter}}
| 13
| Damage +20%, Tracking +20%, Radar +800%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Range Augmenter}}
| 13
| Damage +14%, Range +120%, Hostility -10%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Recovery Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Recovery +120%, Energy Charge +14%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Resistance Augmenter}}
| 13
| Resistance +68%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Shield Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +200%, Shield Recovery +28%, Resistance +10%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Speed Augmenter}}
| 13
| Rate of Fire +58%, Speed +58%, Thrust +58%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Stealth Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +70%, Visibility -91%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Targeting Augmenter}}
| 13
| Damage +30%, Tracking +180%, Radar +80%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Thrust Augmenter}}
| 13
| Speed +14%, Thrust +1100%, Weight +40%, Tractor Power +30%
| AI Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Traction Augmenter}}
| 13
| Energy +70%, Energy Charge +40%, Tractor Power +80%
| AI Drop
= Blueprint Augmenters =
''See Also: [[Augmenter Blueprints|Augmenter Blueprints]]''
{| border="2" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center;"
|- align="center"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Minor Defensive Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +58%, Shield Recovery +38%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Minor Invigorating Augmenter}}
| 1
| Energy +116%, Energy Charge +38%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Minor Marksman Augmenter}}
| 1
| Range +38%, Tracking +58%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Minor Monkey Augmenter}}
| 1
| Thrust +582%, Turning +58%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Minor Patrol Augmenter}}
| 1
| Radar +582%, Visibility -65%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Minor Racer Augmenter}}
| 1
| Speed +16%, Docking Speed +400%, Thrust +90%, Turning +28%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Minor Rage Augmenter}}
| 1
| Damage +19%, Rate of Fire +38%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Minor Sardine Augmenter}}
| 1
| Weight -18%, Capacity +46%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Artillery Augmenter}}
| 1
| Damage +30%, Rate of Fire -33%, Range +40%, Tracking +20%, Inertial Dampening -10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Assassin Augmenter}}
| 1
| Damage +10%, Speed +6%, Radar +50%, Visibility -33%, Critical Hit Strength +25%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Barrage Augmenter}}
| 1
| Energy +100%, Rate of Fire +40%, Range +30%, Tracking -20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Defender Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +30%, Energy Charge +10%, Rate of Fire +15%, Turning +10%, Hostility +20%, Resistance +6%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Defensive Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +50%, Shield Recovery +34%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Frenzy Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max -18%, Shield Recovery -18%, Energy +60%, Damage +25%, Rate of Fire +25%, Range -10%, Speed +10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Harrier Augmenter}}
| 1
| Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range +20%, Speed +20%, Thrust +160%, Turning -33%, Visibility +100%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Hauling Augmenter}}
| 1
| Energy +100%, Thrust +200%, Turning +60%, Capacity +30%, Inertial Dampening +100%, Tractor Power +20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Holding Augmenter}}
| 1
| Energy Charge +20%, Weight -10%, Capacity +40%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Insanity Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max -18%, Energy Charge +20%, Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +20%, Weight -10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Interceptor Augmenter}}
| 1
| Energy +40%, Damage +16%, Tracking +40%, Speed +10%, Thrust +200%, Turning +60%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Invigorating Augmenter}}
| 1
| Energy +100%, Energy Charge +34%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Madness Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max -10%, Electric Tempering -10%, Rate of Fire +60%, Speed +16%, Thrust +60%, Turning +60%, Visibility +200%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Marauder Augmenter}}
| 1
| Damage +30%, Speed +10%, Thrust +50%, Turning +50%, Capacity +5%, Visibility -33%, Resistance -18%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Marksman Augmenter}}
| 1
| Range +34%, Tracking +50%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Messenger Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +30%, Energy +30%, Speed +30%, Docking Speed +200%, Thrust +100%, Turning +60%, Weight -10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Monkey Augmenter}}
| 1
| Thrust +500%, Turning +50%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Obliteration Augmenter}}
| 1
| Damage +10%, Rate of Fire +10%, Range +20%, Critical Hit Strength +30%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Patrol Augmenter}}
| 1
| Radar +500%, Visibility -59%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Racer Augmenter}}
| 1
| Speed +14%, Docking Speed +400%, Thrust +80%, Turning +18%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Rage Augmenter}}
| 1
| Damage +17%, Rate of Fire +34%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Rejuvenating Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +20%, Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Resistance +2%, Transference Efficiency +40%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Reviving Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +30%, Shield Recovery +20%, Rate of Fire +20%, Speed +4%, Transference Power +20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Sardine Augmenter}}
| 1
| Weight -15%, Capacity +38%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Scoundrel Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +25%, Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range -25%, Visibility -18%, Resistance +6%, Critical Hit Chance +2%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Smuggling Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +40%, Speed +20%, Thrust +50%, Turning +40%, Capacity +20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Stimulating Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +20%, Shield Recovery +20%, Energy +30%, Energy Charge +20%, Range +20%, Tracking +20%, Capacity +5%, Transference Power +10%, Transference Efficiency +10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Vanguard Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +20%, Energy Charge +10%, Damage +10%, Speed +5%, Thrust +20%, Hostility +30%, Resistance +4%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Warrior Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +20%, Electric Tempering -8%, Damage +15%, Hostility +20%, Resistance +3%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Enforcer Rank]]
| Requires 1 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Basic Defensive Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +83%, Shield Recovery +55%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Basic Invigorating Augmenter}}
| 2
| Energy +166%, Energy Charge +55%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Basic Marksman Augmenter}}
| 2
| Range +55%, Tracking +83%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Basic Monkey Augmenter}}
| 2
| Thrust +828%, Turning +83%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Basic Patrol Augmenter}}
| 2
| Radar +828%, Visibility -78%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Basic Racer Augmenter}}
| 2
| Speed +28%, Docking Speed +500%, Thrust +110%, Turning +32%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Basic Rage Augmenter}}
| 2
| Damage +28%, Rate of Fire +55%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Basic Sardine Augmenter}}
| 2
| Weight -26%, Capacity +62%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Artillery Augmenter}}
| 2
| Damage +50%, Rate of Fire -32%, Range +40%, Tracking +40%, Critical Hit Chance +1%, Inertial Dampening -15%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Assassin Augmenter}}
| 2
| Damage +15%, Speed +15%, Radar +100%, Visibility -33%, Critical Hit Strength +50%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Barrage Augmenter}}
| 2
| Energy +150%, Damage +10%, Rate of Fire +60%, Range +35%, Tracking -20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Defender Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +40%, Energy Charge +20%, Rate of Fire +18%, Turning +20%, Hostility +30%, Resistance +14%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Defensive Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +71%, Shield Recovery +47%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Frenzy Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max -18%, Shield Recovery -18%, Energy +60%, Damage +40%, Rate of Fire +40%, Range -18%, Speed +26%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Harrier Augmenter}}
| 2
| Damage +30%, Rate of Fire +30%, Range +50%, Speed +20%, Thrust +160%, Turning -33%, Visibility +100%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Hauling Augmenter}}
| 2
| Energy +100%, Thrust +200%, Turning +60%, Capacity +40%, Inertial Dampening +60%, Tractor Power +40%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Holding Augmenter}}
| 2
| Energy Charge +30%, Weight -18%, Capacity +50%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Insanity Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max -18%, Energy Charge +20%, Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +40%, Weight -18%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Interceptor Augmenter}}
| 2
| Energy +60%, Damage +28%, Tracking +40%, Speed +20%, Thrust +200%, Turning +60%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Invigorating Augmenter}}
| 2
| Energy +142%, Energy Charge +47%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Madness Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max -10%, Electric Tempering -13%, Rate of Fire +80%, Speed +20%, Thrust +60%, Turning +60%, Visibility +200%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Marauder Augmenter}}
| 2
| Damage +46%, Speed +16%, Thrust +75%, Turning +75%, Capacity +10%, Visibility -33%, Resistance -18%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Marksman Augmenter}}
| 2
| Range +47%, Tracking +71%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Messenger Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +40%, Energy +40%, Speed +60%, Docking Speed +200%, Thrust +100%, Turning +60%, Weight -18%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Monkey Augmenter}}
| 2
| Thrust +708%, Turning +71%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Obliteration Augmenter}}
| 2
| Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range +30%, Critical Hit Strength +50%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Patrol Augmenter}}
| 2
| Radar +708%, Visibility -73%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Racer Augmenter}}
| 2
| Speed +26%, Docking Speed +500%, Thrust +100%, Turning +20%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Rage Augmenter}}
| 2
| Damage +24%, Rate of Fire +47%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Rejuvenating Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +30%, Shield Recovery +30%, Energy Charge +30%, Resistance +3%, Transference Efficiency +80%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Reviving Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +40%, Shield Recovery +30%, Rate of Fire +45%, Speed +10%, Hostility -18%, Transference Power +45%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Sardine Augmenter}}
| 2
| Weight -23%, Capacity +54%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Scoundrel Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +25%, Damage +32%, Rate of Fire +32%, Range -25%, Visibility -21%, Resistance +10%, Critical Hit Chance +4%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Smuggling Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +40%, Speed +38%, Thrust +100%, Turning +80%, Capacity +30%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Stimulating Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +30%, Shield Recovery +30%, Energy +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Range +20%, Tracking +20%, Capacity +7%, Transference Power +20%, Transference Efficiency +20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Vanguard Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +30%, Energy Charge +20%, Damage +15%, Speed +5%, Thrust +20%, Hostility +30%, Resistance +10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Warrior Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +30%, Electric Tempering -10%, Damage +35%, Hostility +20%, Resistance +5%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 6 [[Paranormal Research Diploma]]
| Requires 6 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Std. Defensive Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +100%, Shield Recovery +66%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Std. Invigorating Augmenter}}
| 5
| Energy +199%, Energy Charge +66%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Std. Marksman Augmenter}}
| 5
| Range +66%, Tracking +100%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Std. Monkey Augmenter}}
| 5
| Thrust +996%, Turning +100%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Std. Patrol Augmenter}}
| 5
| Radar +996%, Visibility -82%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Std. Racer Augmenter}}
| 5
| Speed +42%, Docking Speed +600%, Thrust +130%, Turning +34%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Std. Rage Augmenter}}
| 5
| Damage +33%, Rate of Fire +66%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Std. Sardine Augmenter}}
| 5
| Weight -33%, Capacity +76%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Artillery Augmenter}}
| 5
| Damage +60%, Rate of Fire -31%, Range +60%, Tracking +60%, Critical Hit Chance +3%, Inertial Dampening -20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Assassin Augmenter}}
| 5
| Damage +19%, Speed +20%, Radar +100%, Visibility -40%, Critical Hit Strength +100%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Barrage Augmenter}}
| 5
| Energy +180%, Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range +40%, Tracking -20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Defender Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +80%, Energy Charge +30%, Rate of Fire +20%, Turning +30%, Hostility +40%, Resistance +18%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Defensive Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +85%, Shield Recovery +57%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Frenzy Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max -18%, Shield Recovery -18%, Energy +60%, Damage +55%, Rate of Fire +55%, Range -26%, Speed +30%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Harrier Augmenter}}
| 5
| Damage +35%, Rate of Fire +35%, Range +50%, Speed +30%, Thrust +160%, Turning -33%, Visibility +100%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Hauling Augmenter}}
| 5
| Energy +100%, Thrust +200%, Turning +60%, Capacity +50%, Inertial Dampening +60%, Tractor Power +60%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Holding Augmenter}}
| 5
| Energy Charge +40%, Weight -33%, Capacity +60%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Insanity Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max -18%, Energy Charge +40%, Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +60%, Weight -18%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Interceptor Augmenter}}
| 5
| Energy +60%, Damage +34%, Tracking +50%, Speed +32%, Thrust +200%, Turning +60%, Critical Hit Chance +5%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Invigorating Augmenter}}
| 5
| Energy +170%, Energy Charge +57%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Madness Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max -10%, Electric Tempering -17%, Damage +5%, Rate of Fire +125%, Speed +24%, Thrust +60%, Turning +60%, Visibility +200%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Marauder Augmenter}}
| 5
| Damage +56%, Speed +22%, Thrust +100%, Turning +100%, Capacity +14%, Visibility -33%, Resistance -18%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Marksman Augmenter}}
| 5
| Range +57%, Tracking +85%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Messenger Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +60%, Energy +60%, Speed +70%, Docking Speed +260%, Thrust +100%, Turning +60%, Weight -26%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Monkey Augmenter}}
| 5
| Thrust +852%, Turning +85%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Obliteration Augmenter}}
| 5
| Damage +35%, Rate of Fire +35%, Range +45%, Critical Hit Strength +60%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Patrol Augmenter}}
| 5
| Radar +852%, Visibility -79%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Racer Augmenter}}
| 5
| Speed +40%, Docking Speed +600%, Thrust +120%, Turning +22%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Rage Augmenter}}
| 5
| Damage +28%, Rate of Fire +57%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Rejuvenating Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +40%, Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +40%, Resistance +6%, Transference Efficiency +100%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Reviving Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +50%, Shield Recovery +40%, Rate of Fire +50%, Speed +20%, Hostility -33%, Transference Power +50%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Sardine Augmenter}}
| 5
| Weight -31%, Capacity +70%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Scoundrel Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +25%, Damage +44%, Rate of Fire +44%, Range -25%, Visibility -26%, Resistance +14%, Critical Hit Chance +6%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Smuggling Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +40%, Speed +44%, Thrust +100%, Turning +80%, Capacity +40%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Stimulating Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +30%, Shield Recovery +40%, Energy +60%, Energy Charge +30%, Range +20%, Tracking +20%, Capacity +9%, Transference Power +28%, Transference Efficiency +28%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Vanguard Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +30%, Energy Charge +30%, Damage +20%, Speed +10%, Thrust +20%, Hostility +30%, Resistance +16%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Warrior Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +45%, Electric Tempering -12%, Damage +50%, Hostility +20%, Resistance +7%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Constable Rank]]
| Requires 11 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Good Defensive Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +110%, Shield Recovery +73%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Good Invigorating Augmenter}}
| 6
| Energy +220%, Energy Charge +73%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Good Marksman Augmenter}}
| 6
| Range +73%, Tracking +110%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Good Monkey Augmenter}}
| 6
| Thrust +1098%, Turning +110%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Good Patrol Augmenter}}
| 6
| Radar +1098%, Visibility -84%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Good Racer Augmenter}}
| 6
| Speed +48%, Docking Speed +700%, Thrust +150%, Turning +36%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Good Rage Augmenter}}
| 6
| Damage +37%, Rate of Fire +73%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Good Sardine Augmenter}}
| 6
| Weight -40%, Capacity +88%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Artillery Augmenter}}
| 6
| Damage +70%, Rate of Fire -30%, Range +70%, Tracking +70%, Critical Hit Chance +7%, Inertial Dampening -25%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Assassin Augmenter}}
| 6
| Damage +24%, Speed +25%, Radar +200%, Visibility -40%, Critical Hit Strength +100%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Barrage Augmenter}}
| 6
| Energy +200%, Damage +30%, Rate of Fire +90%, Range +45%, Tracking -33%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Defender Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +80%, Energy Charge +30%, Rate of Fire +20%, Turning +40%, Hostility +80%, Resistance +22%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Defensive Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +94%, Shield Recovery +63%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Frenzy Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max -18%, Shield Recovery -18%, Energy +60%, Damage +65%, Rate of Fire +65%, Range -26%, Speed +32%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Harrier Augmenter}}
| 6
| Damage +40%, Rate of Fire +40%, Range +50%, Speed +40%, Thrust +160%, Turning -33%, Visibility +100%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Hauling Augmenter}}
| 6
| Energy +100%, Thrust +200%, Turning +60%, Capacity +60%, Inertial Dampening +60%, Tractor Power +80%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Holding Augmenter}}
| 6
| Energy Charge +40%, Weight -33%, Capacity +80%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Insanity Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max -18%, Energy Charge +45%, Damage +25%, Rate of Fire +80%, Weight -18%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Interceptor Augmenter}}
| 6
| Energy +60%, Damage +40%, Tracking +60%, Speed +38%, Thrust +200%, Turning +60%, Critical Hit Chance +8%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Invigorating Augmenter}}
| 6
| Energy +188%, Energy Charge +63%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Madness Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max -10%, Electric Tempering -20%, Damage +5%, Rate of Fire +150%, Speed +28%, Thrust +60%, Turning +60%, Visibility +200%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Marauder Augmenter}}
| 6
| Damage +68%, Speed +26%, Thrust +100%, Turning +100%, Capacity +16%, Visibility -33%, Resistance -18%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Marksman Augmenter}}
| 6
| Range +63%, Tracking +94%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Messenger Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +60%, Energy +60%, Speed +80%, Docking Speed +300%, Thrust +100%, Turning +60%, Weight -26%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Monkey Augmenter}}
| 6
| Thrust +942%, Turning +94%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Obliteration Augmenter}}
| 6
| Damage +40%, Rate of Fire +40%, Range +55%, Critical Hit Strength +70%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Patrol Augmenter}}
| 6
| Radar +942%, Visibility -81%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Racer Augmenter}}
| 6
| Speed +46%, Docking Speed +700%, Thrust +140%, Turning +24%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Rage Augmenter}}
| 6
| Damage +31%, Rate of Fire +63%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Rejuvenating Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +40%, Resistance +7%, Transference Efficiency +120%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Reviving Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +65%, Shield Recovery +40%, Rate of Fire +60%, Speed +30%, Hostility -33%, Transference Power +60%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Sardine Augmenter}}
| 6
| Weight -37%, Capacity +82%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Scoundrel Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +25%, Damage +54%, Rate of Fire +54%, Range -25%, Visibility -29%, Resistance +14%, Critical Hit Chance +8%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Smuggling Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +40%, Speed +50%, Thrust +100%, Turning +80%, Capacity +50%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Stimulating Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +30%, Shield Recovery +60%, Energy +60%, Energy Charge +30%, Range +20%, Tracking +20%, Capacity +11%, Transference Power +32%, Transference Efficiency +32%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Vanguard Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Damage +30%, Speed +14%, Thrust +40%, Hostility +30%, Resistance +16%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Warrior Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +55%, Electric Tempering -14%, Damage +55%, Hostility +40%, Resistance +10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 14 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Exc. Defensive Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +122%, Shield Recovery +82%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Exc. Invigorating Augmenter}}
| 9
| Energy +245%, Energy Charge +82%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Exc. Marksman Augmenter}}
| 9
| Range +82%, Tracking +122%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Exc. Monkey Augmenter}}
| 9
| Thrust +1224%, Turning +122%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Exc. Patrol Augmenter}}
| 9
| Radar +1224%, Visibility -86%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Exc. Racer Augmenter}}
| 9
| Speed +50%, Docking Speed +1000%, Thrust +170%, Turning +38%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Exc. Rage Augmenter}}
| 9
| Damage +41%, Rate of Fire +82%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Exc. Sardine Augmenter}}
| 9
| Weight -46%, Capacity +100%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Artillery Augmenter}}
| 9
| Damage +75%, Rate of Fire -29%, Range +80%, Tracking +80%, Critical Hit Chance +10%, Inertial Dampening -25%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Assassin Augmenter}}
| 9
| Damage +30%, Speed +27%, Radar +200%, Visibility -57%, Critical Hit Strength +100%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Barrage Augmenter}}
| 9
| Energy +210%, Damage +40%, Rate of Fire +100%, Range +50%, Tracking -33%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Defender Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +100%, Energy Charge +30%, Rate of Fire +30%, Turning +40%, Hostility +80%, Resistance +26%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Defensive Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +105%, Shield Recovery +70%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Frenzy Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max -18%, Shield Recovery -18%, Energy +60%, Damage +75%, Rate of Fire +75%, Range -33%, Speed +34%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Harrier Augmenter}}
| 9
| Damage +50%, Rate of Fire +50%, Range +50%, Speed +40%, Thrust +160%, Turning -33%, Visibility +100%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Hauling Augmenter}}
| 9
| Energy +100%, Thrust +200%, Turning +60%, Capacity +70%, Inertial Dampening +60%, Tractor Power +100%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Holding Augmenter}}
| 9
| Energy Charge +40%, Weight -40%, Capacity +90%, Inertial Dampening -18%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Insanity Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max -18%, Energy Charge +50%, Damage +30%, Rate of Fire +100%, Weight -18%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Interceptor Augmenter}}
| 9
| Energy +60%, Damage +40%, Tracking +70%, Speed +44%, Thrust +200%, Turning +60%, Critical Hit Chance +10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Invigorating Augmenter}}
| 9
| Energy +210%, Energy Charge +70%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Madness Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max -15%, Electric Tempering -23%, Damage +10%, Rate of Fire +165%, Speed +32%, Thrust +60%, Turning +60%, Visibility +200%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Marauder Augmenter}}
| 9
| Damage +78%, Speed +30%, Thrust +100%, Turning +100%, Capacity +20%, Visibility -33%, Resistance -18%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Marksman Augmenter}}
| 9
| Range +70%, Tracking +105%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Messenger Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +80%, Energy +60%, Speed +90%, Docking Speed +360%, Thrust +100%, Turning +60%, Weight -33%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Monkey Augmenter}}
| 9
| Thrust +1050%, Turning +105%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Obliteration Augmenter}}
| 9
| Damage +45%, Rate of Fire +45%, Range +65%, Critical Hit Strength +80%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Patrol Augmenter}}
| 9
| Radar +1050%, Visibility -83%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Racer Augmenter}}
| 9
| Speed +48%, Docking Speed +1000%, Thrust +160%, Turning +26%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Rage Augmenter}}
| 9
| Damage +35%, Rate of Fire +70%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Rejuvenating Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +50%, Resistance +9%, Transference Efficiency +140%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Reviving Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +80%, Shield Recovery +40%, Rate of Fire +75%, Speed +30%, Hostility -33%, Transference Power +75%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Sardine Augmenter}}
| 9
| Weight -44%, Capacity +94%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Scoundrel Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +25%, Damage +62%, Rate of Fire +62%, Range -25%, Visibility -32%, Resistance +16%, Critical Hit Chance +10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Smuggling Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +40%, Speed +56%, Thrust +100%, Turning +80%, Capacity +50%, Resistance +10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Stimulating Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +30%, Shield Recovery +60%, Energy +60%, Energy Charge +30%, Range +20%, Tracking +20%, Capacity +13%, Transference Power +36%, Transference Efficiency +36%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Vanguard Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +45%, Energy Charge +30%, Damage +30%, Speed +20%, Thrust +50%, Hostility +40%, Resistance +20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Warrior Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +60%, Electric Tempering -16%, Damage +65%, Hostility +60%, Resistance +12%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 3 [[Honorary Mention]]
| Requires 17 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adamanturized Defensive Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +144%, Shield Recovery +96%, Resistance +8%, Transference Power +30%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adamanturized Invigorating Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy +288%, Energy Charge +96%, Electric Tempering -13%, Transference Efficiency +40%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adamanturized Marksman Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +60%, Range +70%, Tracking +90%, Radar +150%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adamanturized Monkey Augmenter}}
| 11
| Speed +40%, Docking Speed +400%, Thrust +960%, Turning +150%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adamanturized Patrol Augmenter}}
| 11
| Radar +600%, Visibility -88%, Tractor Power +200%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adamanturized Racer Augmenter}}
| 11
| Speed +60%, Docking Speed +1200%, Thrust +200%, Turning +30%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adamanturized Rage Augmenter}}
| 11
| Electric Tempering -21%, Damage +54%, Rate of Fire +92%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adamanturized Sardine Augmenter}}
| 11
| Weight -55%, Capacity +130%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Sup. Defensive Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +137%, Shield Recovery +91%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Sup. Invigorating Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy +274%, Energy Charge +91%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Sup. Marksman Augmenter}}
| 11
| Range +91%, Tracking +137%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Sup. Monkey Augmenter}}
| 11
| Thrust +1368%, Turning +137%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Sup. Patrol Augmenter}}
| 11
| Radar +1368%, Visibility -88%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Sup. Racer Augmenter}}
| 11
| Speed +52%, Docking Speed +1100%, Thrust +190%, Turning +40%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Sup. Rage Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +46%, Rate of Fire +92%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Adv. Sup. Sardine Augmenter}}
| 11
| Weight -52%, Capacity +112%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Demented Defensive Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +144%, Shield Recovery +96%, Transference Power +30%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Demented Invigorating Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy +288%, Energy Charge +96%, Transference Efficiency +40%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Demented Marksman Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +56%, Range +60%, Tracking +90%, Radar +150%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Demented Monkey Augmenter}}
| 11
| Speed +30%, Docking Speed +300%, Thrust +960%, Turning +150%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Demented Patrol Augmenter}}
| 11
| Radar +600%, Visibility -88%, Tractor Power +120%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Demented Racer Augmenter}}
| 11
| Speed +57%, Docking Speed +1200%, Thrust +200%, Turning +30%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Demented Rage Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy +80%, Damage +54%, Rate of Fire +92%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Demented Sardine Augmenter}}
| 11
| Weight -55%, Capacity +120%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Artillery Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +80%, Rate of Fire -28%, Range +90%, Tracking +90%, Critical Hit Chance +13%, Inertial Dampening -33%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Assassin Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +40%, Speed +29%, Radar +200%, Visibility -71%, Critical Hit Strength +100%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Barrage Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy +230%, Damage +50%, Rate of Fire +100%, Range +55%, Tracking -33%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Defender Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +100%, Energy Charge +36%, Rate of Fire +34%, Turning +40%, Hostility +100%, Resistance +30%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Defensive Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +117%, Shield Recovery +78%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Frenzy Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max -18%, Shield Recovery -18%, Energy +100%, Damage +85%, Rate of Fire +85%, Range -33%, Speed +36%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Harrier Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +55%, Rate of Fire +55%, Range +50%, Speed +50%, Thrust +160%, Turning -33%, Visibility +100%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Hauling Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy +100%, Thrust +200%, Turning +60%, Capacity +80%, Inertial Dampening +60%, Tractor Power +120%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Holding Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy Charge +40%, Weight -46%, Capacity +100%, Inertial Dampening -18%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Insanity Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max -26%, Energy Charge +55%, Damage +35%, Rate of Fire +120%, Weight -18%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Interceptor Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy +60%, Damage +40%, Tracking +80%, Speed +50%, Thrust +200%, Turning +60%, Critical Hit Chance +20%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Invigorating Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy +234%, Energy Charge +78%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Madness Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max -20%, Electric Tempering -26%, Damage +15%, Rate of Fire +185%, Speed +36%, Thrust +60%, Turning +60%, Visibility +200%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Marauder Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +86%, Speed +40%, Thrust +100%, Turning +100%, Capacity +20%, Visibility -33%, Resistance -18%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Marksman Augmenter}}
| 11
| Range +78%, Tracking +117%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Messenger Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +80%, Energy +60%, Speed +100%, Docking Speed +400%, Thrust +100%, Turning +60%, Weight -33%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Monkey Augmenter}}
| 11
| Thrust +1170%, Turning +117%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Obliteration Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +50%, Rate of Fire +50%, Range +75%, Critical Hit Strength +90%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Patrol Augmenter}}
| 11
| Radar +1170%, Visibility -85%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Racer Augmenter}}
| 11
| Speed +50%, Docking Speed +1100%, Thrust +180%, Turning +28%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Rage Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +39%, Rate of Fire +78%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Rejuvenating Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +70%, Shield Recovery +70%, Energy Charge +50%, Resistance +13%, Transference Efficiency +160%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Reviving Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +90%, Shield Recovery +40%, Rate of Fire +90%, Speed +30%, Hostility -40%, Transference Power +90%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Sardine Augmenter}}
| 11
| Weight -50%, Capacity +106%
| [[Lyceum]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Scoundrel Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +25%, Damage +70%, Rate of Fire +70%, Range -25%, Visibility -36%, Resistance +18%, Critical Hit Chance +10%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Smuggling Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +40%, Speed +66%, Thrust +100%, Turning +80%, Capacity +55%, Resistance +10%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Stimulating Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +40%, Shield Recovery +60%, Energy +60%, Energy Charge +40%, Range +20%, Tracking +20%, Capacity +15%, Transference Power +40%, Transference Efficiency +40%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Vanguard Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +50%, Energy Charge +36%, Damage +35%, Speed +20%, Thrust +60%, Hostility +50%, Resistance +20%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Warrior Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +70%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage +70%, Hostility +70%, Resistance +14%
| Mission in [[Lyceum]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Shard Token]] + 1 Billion Credits
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Artillery Augmenter}}
| 13
| Damage +90%, Rate of Fire -25%, Range +100%, Tracking +100%, Critical Hit Chance +15%, Inertial Dampening -33%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Assassin Augmenter}}
| 13
| Damage +50%, Speed +33%, Radar +200%, Visibility -75%, Critical Hit Strength +100%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Barrage Augmenter}}
| 13
| Energy +250%, Damage +60%, Rate of Fire +120%, Range +50%, Tracking -25%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Defender Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +100%, Energy Charge +40%, Rate of Fire +40%, Turning +40%, Hostility +120%, Resistance +34%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Frenzy Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max -26%, Shield Recovery -26%, Energy +100%, Damage +100%, Rate of Fire +100%, Range -40%, Speed +40%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Harrier Augmenter}}
| 13
| Damage +60%, Rate of Fire +60%, Range +50%, Speed +60%, Thrust +160%, Turning -33%, Visibility +100%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Hauling Augmenter}}
| 13
| Energy +100%, Thrust +200%, Turning +60%, Capacity +100%, Inertial Dampening +40%, Tractor Power +160%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Holding Augmenter}}
| 13
| Energy Charge +40%, Weight -57%, Capacity +120%, Inertial Dampening -33%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Insanity Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max -33%, Energy Charge +60%, Damage +50%, Rate of Fire +140%, Weight -18%, Resistance -5%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Interceptor Augmenter}}
| 13
| Energy +100%, Damage +45%, Tracking +100%, Speed +70%, Thrust +200%, Turning +60%, Critical Hit Chance +20%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Madness Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max -33%, Electric Tempering -33%, Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +200%, Speed +40%, Thrust +60%, Turning +60%, Visibility +200%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Marauder Augmenter}}
| 13
| Damage +100%, Speed +44%, Thrust +100%, Turning +100%, Capacity +20%, Visibility -33%, Resistance -15%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Messenger Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +80%, Energy +80%, Speed +120%, Docking Speed +600%, Thrust +100%, Turning +60%, Weight -46%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Obliteration Augmenter}}
| 13
| Damage +55%, Rate of Fire +55%, Range +80%, Critical Hit Strength +100%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Rejuvenating Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +80%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +50%, Resistance +15%, Transference Efficiency +200%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Reviving Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +120%, Shield Recovery +40%, Rate of Fire +100%, Speed +30%, Hostility -57%, Transference Power +100%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Scoundrel Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +25%, Damage +76%, Rate of Fire +76%, Range -25%, Visibility -40%, Resistance +24%, Critical Hit Chance +10%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Smuggling Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +40%, Speed +76%, Thrust +100%, Turning +80%, Capacity +60%, Resistance +10%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Stimulating Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +60%, Energy +60%, Energy Charge +60%, Range +30%, Tracking +30%, Capacity +15%, Transference Power +50%, Transference Efficiency +50%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Vanguard Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +60%, Energy Charge +40%, Damage +40%, Speed +20%, Thrust +60%, Hostility +60%, Resistance +22%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Warrior Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +80%, Electric Tempering -20%, Damage +74%, Hostility +80%, Resistance +16%
| Mission in [[Lyceum Research Concourse]] or exchange in [[The Acropolis]] for 1 [[Allied Commendation]] + 2.5 Billion
| Requires 20 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
= Uncommon & Rare Augmenters =
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
|- align="center"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
! Description
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Augmenter Plug}}
| 1
| Energy +60%
| It doesn't do much, but keeps the slot secure
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Blue Interceptor Augmenter}}
| 1
| Damage +20%, Thrust +300%, Turning +60%
| Drops from [[Space Blue Alpha Interceptor]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Enforcer Scout Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +22%, Thrust +20%, Turning +20%
| [[Nexus Cadet Missions#Report to Earthforce Outpost!|Nexus Cadet Missions]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Flylet Broodship Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +20%, Energy +40%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range +20%, Speed +10%, Visibility +100%
| [[Diseased Flylet Broodship]] Drop
| She's big n tough, when you're in a zebucart
|- align="center"
| 0
| Oilheart<nowiki>’</nowiki>s Augmenter
| 1
| Shield Max +54%, Energy Charge +18%
| [[Hostile Science Missions|Hostile Science]] mission reward
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Flyboy Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Recovery +10%, Energy +10%, Damage +20%
| Drops from [[Flyswatter Maggot]], [[Flyswatter Flylet]]
| Made for combat.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Nexus Augmenter}}
| 1
| Docking Speed +100%, Capacity +40%
| [[Nexus]] drop
| Special Nexus Instructions.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Rattie Moe Augmenter}}
| 1
| Rate of Fire +20%, Range +20%, Speed +4%, Capacity +17%
| Drops from [[Rattie Moe]]
| Bionic augment for a bionic rat!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|The Maggot Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +44%, Damage +20%
| Dropped by [[The Maggot]]
| Made for combat.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Volcom Modifications}}
| 1
| Energy +70%, Rate of Fire +20%, Speed +10%, Critical Hit Chance +20%
| [[Volcom Pirate Missions]]
| Hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Wingship Defence Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +40%, Shield Recovery +10%, Resistance +5%
| &nbsp;? Neurobound
| Neurobound
| Sleek defence
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">2</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Cadet Sniper Badge}}
| 1
| Damage +18%, Rate of Fire -18%, Range +40%, Tracking +60%
| Mission reward in the [[Nexus]]
| Wear it proudly!
|- align="center"
| 2
| Creaky<nowiki>’</nowiki>s Oil Can
| 1
| Speed +16%, Turning +16%, Damage +16%, Rate Of Fire +16%, Radar +16%
| [[Nexus Missions]]
| Keep your ship running smoothly.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">3</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Cadet Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Rate of Fire +16%, Resistance +3%, Weapon Hold +40%
| Mission reward in the [[Nexus]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">3</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Frost Augmenter}}
| 1
| Energy +110%, Energy Charge +40%, Visibility +30%, Weapon Hold +100%
| [[Frost Shard]] drop
| Brrr...!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">3</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Jujo'qii Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +40%, Energy +60%, Damage +10%, Rate of Fire +20%, Capacity +5%, Hostility +20%, Resistance +3%
| Drops from [[Jujo'qii]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">3</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Lyceum Initiate Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Damage +4%, Rate of Fire +20%, Turning +24%
| Mission reward for [[Augmenter Tweaking]] mission in [[Nexus]]
| A symbol of knowledge!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">3</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Nexus Scion Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Recovery +60%, Speed +10%
| [[Nexus]] drop
| Resource from the old guy himself.
|- align="center"
| 3
| Piman<nowiki>’</nowiki>s Augmenter
| 2
| Capacity +57%
| [[Piman Missions]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">3</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Pyrite Augmenter}}
| 1
| Electric Tempering -46%, Visibility +200%, Critical Hit Chance +10%
| Drops from [[Goldenboy Pyrite]]
| Shiny object
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">3</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Slimebottle's Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +16%, Energy Charge +40%, Turning +35%
| [[Deep Space Missions#Slimebottle|Slimebottle Missions]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">3</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Solo's Special Modifications}}
| 1
| Shield Max +30%, Speed +10%, Thrust +40%, Capacity +30%
| [[Deep Space Missions#Harrison Solo|Harrison Solo Missions]]
| Modeled on the Aluminium Mallard great space capabilities!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">3</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Unger's Energy Augmenter}}
| 1
| Energy +150%, Energy Charge +20%, Electric Tempering -3%, Speed +11%
| Retired Augmenter once obtainable through mission dealing with [[Sporeside]].
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">3</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Zobitan Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +36%
| Dropped by [[Zobitan]] and [[Zobitan's Hareem]]
| Hermit life.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">4</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Rime Augmenter}}
| 2
| Energy +50%, Capacity +40%, Visibility +30%, Drone Ops +10%
| [[Lord Borean]]
| Brrr...!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">4</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Tear Augmenter}}
| 2
| Energy +140%, Damage +40%, Rate of Fire -27%
| Drops from [[Tear]]
| Don't cry for me
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Barbe Bleu's Mods Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +50%, Energy Charge +30%, Rate of Fire +30%
| Drops From [[Barbe Bleu]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Glacial Augmenter}}
| 2
| Electric Tempering -33%, Rate of Fire +20%, Visibility +30%, Resistance +15%
| [[Lady Aurora]] Drop
| Brrr...!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Inferno Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max -33%, Shield Recovery -19%, Damage +44%, Range +44%, Tracking +44%
| DG drop from [[Inferno Plus|Inferno+]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Magmarar Augmenter}}
| 2
| Energy +110%, Rate of Fire +40%, Tracking +60%, Speed +20%
| [[Magmarar]] drop
| Hot hot hot!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Prefect Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Rate of Fire +25%, Range +20%, Tracking +20%, Speed +5%, Hostility -30%, Resistance +5%
| Drops from [[Mister the Prefect]], Requires [[Leadership]] 2
| Requires 2 in [[Leadership]]
| With Love, from Mister the Prefect.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Tinted Augmenter}}
| 2
| Damage +26%, Radar -67%, Visibility -76%
| Drops From [[Monochrome Tint]]
| Tintalicious
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Golden Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +40%, Electric Tempering -46%, Radar +40%, Visibility +300%, Critical Hit Chance +20%
| Drops from Goldenboy Statues
| Shinier object
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ismail Augmenter}}
| 2
| Docking Speed +438%, Thrust +60%, Turning +40%, Capacity +40%
| Drops from [[Ismail]]
| I will see you in hell!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Lavrite Augmenter}}
| 2
| Energy +180%, Drone Ops +20%
| [[Lavrite]] drop
| Hot hot hot!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Opaque Augmenter}}
| 2
| Damage +35%, Radar -86%, Visibility -86%
| [[Augmenter Blueprints|BP]] built from tinted augs
| Colors are overrated
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Vulcanox Augmenter}}
| 2
| Energy +90%, Capacity +30%, Visibility +10%, Resistance +20%
| [[Vulcanox]] drop
| Hot hot hot!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Calcite Augmenter}}
| 3
| Shield Max +40%, Energy +40%, Capacity +40%, Visibility +100%, Resistance +20%
| [[Ancient Asteroid Being]] drop [[Neurobound]]
| Neurobound
| Remains of an Ancient Asteroid Being
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hue Augmenter}}
| 3
| Energy +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Visibility +100%, Resistance +20%
| Drops from [[Monochrome Hue]]
| All the colors of the monochromebow
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Infernal Augmenter}}
| 3
| Shield Max -44%, Shield Recovery -33%, Damage +66%, Range +66%, Tracking +66%
| Made from BP - DG drop, requires: Initial - 3mil creds, 3k metal, 2 inferno augs. Periodic: 3mil creds, 5 immolations.
| Burn baby, burn!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Infernus Augmenter}}
| 3
| Energy Charge +40%, Rate of Fire +50%, Range +40%
| [[Infernus]] drop
| Hot hot hot!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sapphire Augmenter}}
| 3
| Shield Max +90%, Electric Tempering -26%, Thrust +100%
| Blue Power!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Suqqa KoQuii Akk'oj}}
| 3
| Damage +15%, Speed +6%, Visibility -67%, Critical Hit Chance +5%, Critical Hit Strength +70%
| [[Mira]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|ZetaAug}}
| 3
| Speed +25%, Docking Speed +200%, Capacity +25%, Radar +120%
| Retired Aug
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Zombie Rat Queen's Augmenter}}
| 3
| Energy +100%, Energy Charge +60%, Range +40%, Visibility +30%
| Drops from [[Zombie Rat Queen]]
| Undead Rats?!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">8</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Banu Qo Akk'oj}}
| 3
| Shield Recovery +14%, Energy Charge +10%, Tractor Power +30%, Drone Ops +20%
|  [[Mira]] drop
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">8</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Goblin Augmenter}}
| 3
| Damage +40%, Rate of Fire -15%, Range +80%, Turning -20%, Hostility +20%
| Drops from [[Goblin]]
| Nasty
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">8</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sergeant's Enforcer Augmenter}}
| 3
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +40%, Hostility +36%
| Mission Reward
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">9</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|KoQuii Ukuk Akk'oj}}
| 4
| Electric Tempering -7%, Damage +25%, Range +40%, Visibility -67%
| &nbsp;
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| 9
| Rock augmenter
| 5
| Shield Max +40%, Damage +20%, Weight +20%, Tracking +20%, Range +40%
| Drops from [[Ragnarock]]
| Solid
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">9</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ruby Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Recovery +70%, Energy +100%, Radar +200%
| Drops from [[Ruby Transport]]
| Red Power!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">9</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Volt Augmenter}}
| 4
| Energy +160%, Energy Charge +60%
| Drops from [[Voltage]]
| It just keeps going and going...
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Blue Beta Augmenter}}
| 4
| Energy +200%, Damage +20%, Radar +60%, Visibility -67%
| Drops from [[Space Blue Beta]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Dark Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy +50%, Turning +30%, Capacity +10%, Visibility -75%, Resistance +5%, Critical Hit Chance +20%
| Drops from [[Dark Guard]]
| From the shadows
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Solid Rock Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Max +40%, Damage +25%, Range +45%, Tracking +30%, Weight +30%, Resistance +2%
| [[Solid Rock Augmenter Blueprint]]
| Very Solid
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Angel Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Hostility -67%, Transference Power +80%, Transference Efficiency +40%
| Drops from [[Seraph]]
| Heavenly
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Emerald Augmenter}}
| 5
| Damage +40%, Turning +100%, Capacity +20%
| Green Power!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Pirate's Mark}}
| 5
| Shield Max +60%, Damage +25%, Rate of Fire +25%, Capacity +20%, Visibility -45%, Hostility +70%, Critical Hit Chance +5%
| Requires [[Piracy]] 11, [[Tortuga]] mission reward
| Requires 1 in [[Piracy]]
| Don't let merchants see this.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">12</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Gonzales Augmenter}}
| 5
| Range +44%, Tracking +60%, Speed +100%, Docking Speed +400%, Thrust -50%, Turning -50%
| Drops from [[Speedy Gonzales]]
| Speedy Gonzales own Modifications
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">12</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Serenity Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +120%, Shield Recovery +60%, Speed -23%, Resistance +20%
| Drops from [[Serenity|Serenities]]
| Serenity at last!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Aku KoQuii Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +20%, Energy Charge +60%, Capacity +6%, Visibility -67%, Resistance +5%
| -
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Bellarmine Augmenter}}
| 6
| Energy +180%, Energy Charge +60%, Range +24%, Thrust +200%
| Drops From [[Cardinal Bellarmine]] and [[Cardinal Bellarmine from Hell]]
| I will see you in hell!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Diamond Augmenter}}
| 6
| Range +50%, Resistance +30%, Inertial Dampening -40%
| Diamond Power!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|KoQuii' Vazuk Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +40%, Shield Recovery +25%, Rate of Fire +80%, Visibility -67%, Critical Hit Chance +10%
| -
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Parsley Augmenter}}
| 6
| Energy Charge +50%, Speed +10%, Critical Hit Chance +20%, Critical Hit Strength +60%
| DG drop from [[Parsley]]
| Pinch me
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Thorn Augmenter}}
| 6
| Energy Charge +45%, Damage +15%, Thrust +40%, Turning +80%, Tractor Power +40%
| Drops From [[Cleft Thorn]]
| Ouch
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Blue Gamma Augmenter}}
| 7
| Shield Max +75%, Energy +190%, Damage +60%, Rate of Fire -60%, Thrust +40%, Turning +40%, Radar +100%, Visibility -75%
| Drops from [[Space Blue Gamma]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Bouquet Augmenter}}
| 7
| Energy +200%, Energy Charge +100%, Damage -33%, Speed +40%, Docking Speed +200%, Thrust +80%, Hostility -67%
| Drops from [[Basil]]
| You really shouldn't have
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Grinch's Special Augmenter}}
| 8
| Shield Max +130%, Energy +130%, Damage +55%, Hostility +100%
| [[Astro-Grinch]] Drop
| It's a mean one.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ishi Augmenter}}
| 8
| Shield Max +25%, Shield Recovery +60%, Tracking +40%, Speed +40%, Thrust +100%, Turning +100%, Visibility -67%
| -
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Qokuji Augmenter}}
| 8
| Shield Max +80%, Energy +100%, Damage +40%, Range +30%, Speed +11%, Visibility -67%
| -
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Slumber Augmenter}}
| 8
| Shield Max +80%, Energy +120%, Thrust -10%, Turning -33%, Capacity +40%, Critical Hit Chance +15%, Critical Hit Strength +60%
| Drops from [[Slumberchrome]]
| Yawn
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Wyrm Augmenter}}
| 8
| Shield Recovery +70%, Energy +100%, Energy Charge +30%, Rate of Fire +40%, Tracking +40%
| [[Mr. Wyrm]] drop
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hibernation Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +90%, Energy +130%, Thrust -46%, Turning -46%, Capacity +50%, Critical Hit Chance +20%, Critical Hit Strength +75%
| [[Hibernation Augmenter Blueprint]]
| Zzzzzzzz....
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">18</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Arson Augmenter}}
| 9
| Energy Charge +60%, Electric Tempering -19%, Rate of Fire +30%, Range +35%, Tracking +100%, Speed +18%, Hostility +20%, Critical Hit Chance +20%
| Drops from [[The Mausoleum]] Ubers. [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 18 required
| Requires 18 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
| Volatile... Very volatile.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">18</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Bunny Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Recovery +34%, Energy Charge +34%, Damage +34%, Thrust +34%, Turning +34%, Resistance +34%
| Hop hop hop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">18</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Metis Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +100%, Damage +80%, Rate of Fire +30%, Turning +20%, Capacity -10%, Radar +300%
| Drops from [[The Mausoleum]]. [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 18 required
| Requires 18 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
| permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">18</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|One Dozen Roses Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max -33%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage +90%, Tracking -26%, Speed +20%, Docking Speed -67%, Hostility +100%, Resistance +10%
| [[One Dozen Roses Augmenter Blueprint]]
| Beautiful and Prickly and Expensive
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">18</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Rose Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max -33%, Electric Tempering -10%, Damage +90%, Tracking -26%, Speed +10%, Docking Speed -67%, Hostility +100%, Resistance +7%
| Drops from [[Rosemary|Rosemaries]]
| Only one?
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">18</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Subnavigator's Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +40%, Shield Recovery +40%, Damage +25%, Rate of Fire +25%, Resistance +25%
| A Paxian ship modification created with Eridium.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">18</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Two Dozen Roses Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max -33%, Electric Tempering -26%, Damage +90%, Tracking -26%, Speed +30%, Docking Speed -67%, Hostility +100%, Resistance +16%
| [[Two Dozen Roses Augmenter Blueprint]]
| Beautiful and Prickly and Expensive
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">18</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Vesta Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +100%, Energy +100%, Damage +40%, Range +40%, Resistance +7%
| Drops from [[The Mausoleum]]. [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 18 required
| Requires 18 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
| permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Calypso Augmenter}}
| 10
| Docking Speed +800%, Thrust +60%, Turning +30%, Weight -46%, Capacity +100%
| AI Drop
| Built to the Emperor's Own Taste
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Calypso+ Augmenter}}
| 10
| Docking Speed +1000%, Thrust +66%, Turning +34%, Weight -54%, Capacity +110%
| [[Calypso+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
| Built to the Emperor's+ Own Taste
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Green Augmenter}}
| 10
| Energy +240%, Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range +50%, Radar +110%
| Drops from [[Big Green]]
| It's not easy being green
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|La Buse Augmenter}}
| 10
| Rate of Fire +100%, Speed +35%, Capacity +20%, Hostility +100%, Critical Hit Strength +60%, Evasion +2%, Weapons Slots +3
| Ruthless as a buzzard
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Reaver Augmenter}}
| 10
| Damage +55%, Range +19%, Speed +19%, Thrust +55%, Capacity +19%, Hostility +80%, Resistance -14%, Critical Hit Chance +20%, Critical Hit Strength +40%
| Reward From [[Brigand's Stronghold]] mission, Neuro Bound
| Requires 1 in [[Piracy]], Neurobound
| Pirate for life
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Augmenter Plug}}
| 10
| Energy +284%
| It still doesn't do much, but the slot is very secure
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Wattage Augmenter}}
| 10
| Shield Max +40%, Energy +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Electric Tempering -40%, Damage +50%, Range +50%, Visibility +100%
| [[Wattage Augmenter Blueprint]]
| Wattage Lightning baby
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Albatross Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +120%, Energy Charge +80%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range +40%, Tracking +60%, Visibility +80%
| Req [[Piracy]] 20, Drops from [[Captain Albatross]]
| Requires 1 in [[Piracy]]
| How do you like me now, Pirate?
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Arsonist's Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy Charge +60%, Electric Tempering -33%, Tracking +100%, Speed +24%, Hostility +40%, Critical Hit Chance +20%, Critical Hit Strength +40%
| Drops from [[The Arsonist]]
| Volatile... Very volatile.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Astralogica Augmenter}}
| 11
| Speed +40%, Capacity +60%, Visibility +200%, Hostility -40%, Resistance +20%
| Drops from [[Pax Astralogica]]
| Idiot's guide to exploration
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Astranomologica Augmenter}}
| 11
| Speed +44%, Capacity +66%, Visibility +240%, Hostility -52%, Resistance +30%
| [[Astranomologica Augmenter Blueprint]]
| Enlightened guide to exploration
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Conclusion Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +150%, Electric Tempering -33%, Tracking +88%, Critical Hit Chance +22%, Critical Hit Strength +44%
| [[Conclusion Augmenter Blueprint]]
| The future is certain
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Dark Goblin Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +60%, Energy +120%, Damage +80%, Range +10%, Turning +60%, Capacity +20%, Hostility +40%
| [[Dark Maelstrom]] drop
| Nasty
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Dark Inferno Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +60%, Range +60%, Tracking +80%, Speed +20%, Radar +150%, Resistance +10%
| [[Dark Doom]] drop
| Burn baby, burn!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Equalaugmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +22%, Shield Recovery +22%, Energy +22%, Energy Charge +22%, Electric Tempering -20%, Range +22%, Speed +22%, Thrust +22%, Turning +22%, Visibility -20%, Resistance +22%
| Drops from [[Equanimity]]
| Some augs are more equal than others
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Forgone Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +150%, Electric Tempering -26%, Tracking +80%, Critical Hit Chance +20%, Critical Hit Strength +40%
| Drops from [[Forgone]]
| Fate comes for ye
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Greener Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy +250%, Damage +22%, Rate of Fire +88%, Range +55%, Radar +160%
| [[Greener Augmenter Greenprint]]
| It's not easier being greener
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Mad Scientist Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy +74%, Energy Charge +74%, Rate of Fire +90%, Speed +40%, Docking Speed +200%, Capacity +10%
| Drops from the [[Mad Scientist]]
| Mad! Mad I tell you!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Mattock Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +44%, Rate of Fire +66%, Tracking -18%, Thrust +110%, Turning +66%, Resistance +30%
| [[Mattock Augmenter Blueprint]]
| Chipping away at the mine face
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Navigator's Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +50%, Shield Recovery +50%, Damage +30%, Rate of Fire +30%, Resistance +30%
| [[Navigator's Augmenter Blueprint]]
| A Paxian ship modification created with Eridium.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Pick Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +40%, Rate of Fire +60%, Tracking -20%, Thrust +100%, Turning +60%, Resistance +24%
| Drops from [[Icepick]]
| Pick me!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Poseidon, the Earthshaker}}
| 11
| Shield Max +130%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +70%, Damage +20%
| [[Poseidon, the Earthshaker Tablet]]
| God of the Sea, Earthquakes and Horses.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Poseidon, the Earthshaker}}
| 11
| Shield Max +130%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +70%, Damage +20%
| God of the Sea, Earthquakes and Horses.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Qa Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +80%, Energy Charge +45%, Damage +45%, Visibility -80%, Resistance +10%
| -
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sivar's Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy +200%, Electric Tempering -33%, Damage +40%, Rate of Fire +80%, Speed +20%, Thrust +100%, Turning +50%, Critical Hit Chance -10%
| [[Sivar Hvar'kann]] drop
| Justice for the Kalthi, Retribution against the UrQa.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Vulture Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +60%, Energy +100%, Damage +50%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range -10%, Speed +35%, Visibility +100%, Hostility +40%, Resistance +15%
| [[Vulture Augmenter Blueprint]]
| Prey on the weak
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Zombie Rat Broodmother's Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy +100%, Energy Charge +80%, Damage +30%, Range +50%, Tracking +48%, Visibility +100%, Resistance +15%
| Obtained from Zombie Rat Broodmother during the [[Halloween]] event
| Undead Rats?!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Artemis Patrol Augmenter}}
| 12
| Range +60%, Tracking +90%, Radar +800%, Visibility -86%
| Built from a [[Artemis Patrol Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Capital Defensive Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +100%, Shield Recovery +40%, Speed +10%, Capacity +40%, Radar +200%, Resistance +50%
| [[Red Photon Warship Prototype]] drop, Capital Ship only
| Requires Capital Ship
| Damage control, capital style
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Capital Offensive Augmenter}}
| 12
| Energy Charge +60%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage +60%, Rate of Fire +70%, Range +20%
|  [[Red Photon Warship Prototype]] drop, Capital Ship only
| Requires Capital Ship
| Makes big guns even bigger
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Cerberus Augmenter}}
| 12
| Range -40%, Tracking +100%, Speed -10%, Radar +400%, Visibility +100%, Hostility +40%, Critical Hit Chance -18%, Weapon Hold +50%, Multifiring +200
| Random AI drop
| A couple extra heads never hurt
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Dark Thorn Augmenter}}
| 12
| Energy Charge +80%, Damage +20%, Thrust +60%, Turning +80%, Tractor Power +60%
| Dark Diablo drop
| Ouch
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Divine Wattage Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +40%, Energy +40%, Energy Charge +40%, Electric Tempering -46%, Damage +60%, Range +70%, Visibility +100%
| Built from a [[Divine Wattage Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
| Divine Wattage Lightning baby
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hawk Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +70%, Electric Tempering -15%, Damage +90%, Tracking +30%, Speed +22%, Thrust +60%, Turning +30%, Radar +100%, Visibility +100%, Critical Hit Chance +10%
| Built from a [[Hawk Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
| Prey from the skies
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hermes Patrol Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Recovery +50%, Speed +40%, Docking Speed +240%, Thrust +110%, Radar +800%, Visibility -79%
| Hermes Patrol Augmenter Blueprint
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Invigorating Aphrodite Augmenter}}
| 12
| Energy +210%, Energy Charge +70%, Damage +40%, Docking Speed +300%, Thrust +60%, Turning +60%
| Built from a [[Invigorating Aphrodite Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Invigorating Dionysis Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +100%, Energy +200%, Energy Charge +70%, Damage +28%, Docking Speed +200%, Thrust -26%, Turning -10%
| [[Invigorating Dionysis Augmenter Blueprint|BP]] Built
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Kidd's Modification}}
| 12
| Shield Max +30%, Shield Recovery +50%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range +40%, Turning +40%, Resistance +40%
| [[Captain Kidd]]
| A little of this, a lot of that.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Markswoman Artemis Augmenter}}
| 12
| Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range +142%, Tracking +200%, Visibility -33%
| [[Markswoman Artemis Augmenter Blueprint|BP]] Built
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Nightfury's Anger}}
| 12
| Shield Max +120%, Energy +60%, Electric Tempering +24%, Damage +70%, Rate of Fire +90%, Range +40%, Speed +10%, Thrust -18%, Turning -33%, Capacity -10%, Radar -26%, Visibility +200%
| Drops From The Red Night Fury, who roams perilous space.
| Through the eyes of the beast
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Nightfury's Patience}}
| 12
| Shield Recovery +100%, Electric Tempering +24%, Damage +40%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range +20%, Tracking +40%, Thrust -18%, Turning -33%, Capacity -10%, Resistance +30%
| Drops From The Red Night Fury, who roams perilous space.
| Through the eyes of the beast
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Racing Hermes Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Recovery +50%, Speed +60%, Docking Speed +1200%, Thrust +260%, Turning +38%, Visibility -71%
| Built from a [[Racing Hermes Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Raging Aphrodite Augmenter}}
| 12
| Damage +80%, Rate of Fire +82%, Docking Speed +300%, Thrust +60%, Turning +60%
| Built from a [[Raging Aphrodite Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Raging Dionysis Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +100%, Damage +70%, Rate of Fire +80%, Docking Speed +200%, Thrust -26%, Turning -10%
| Built from a [[Raging Dionysis Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Tarkin's Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +100%, Energy +40%, Energy Charge +40%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage -18%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range +40%, Thrust +40%, Turning +40%, Visibility +100%, Hostility +160%, Resistance +44%, Critical Hit Chance +10%
| Built from a [[Tarkin's Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
| Only through the projection of power do we bring order.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Chronos Augmenter}}
| 13
| Energy +54%, Damage +54%, Capacity +54%, Tractor Power +54%
| Random Drop
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Chronos+ Augmenter}}
| 13
| Energy +60%, Damage +60%, Capacity +60%, Tractor Power +100%
| [[Chronos+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Cygnus Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +110%, Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Damage +60%, Rate of Fire +10%, Docking Speed +200%, Thrust -18%, Turning +40%
| [[Cygnus Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
| We will call you Cygnus, the God of Balance you shall be
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Delquadrikamdon Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +50%, Energy Charge +30%, Damage +60%, Range +20%, Resistance +30%
| [[Demented Delquadrikamdon]] drop
| Ascended Metallic Warfare!
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Divine Augmenter}}
| 13
| Docking Speed +1200%, Thrust +72%, Turning +40%, Weight -61%, Capacity +120%
| [[Divine Behemoth]]
| The Ancient Emperor, reborn.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Faded Delquadrikamdon Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +30%, Energy Charge +50%, Damage +100%, Range +30%, Evasion +5%
| Ghostly Metallic Warfare
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Grand Moff Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +175%, Energy +40%, Damage -10%, Range +50%, Thrust +150%, Hostility +200%, Resistance +50%
|  [[ Grand Moff Augmenter Blueprint]]
| Rule through the fear of force rather than force itself.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Grand Navigator's Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +60%, Damage +40%, Rate of Fire +40%, Resistance +40%
| Built from [[Augmenter Blueprints|BP]]
| A Paxian ship modification created with Eridium.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Grand Navigator's Defensive Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +50%, Speed +10%, Capacity +40%, Radar +200%, Resistance +50%
|  [[Subspace Missions]], Capital Ship only
| Requires Capital Ship
| A defensive Paxian ship modification created with Eridium.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Grand Navigator's Offensive Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +60%, Energy +100%, Electric Tempering -15%, Damage +70%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range +30%, Resistance +15%
|  [[Subspace Missions]], Capital Ship only
| Requires Capital Ship
| An offensive Paxian ship modification created with Eridium.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Lunarian Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +100%, Energy Charge +50%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage +60%, Rate of Fire +80%
|  [[Lunarian Augmenter Blueprint]]
| Lunarian Technology
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ohm Augmenter}}
| 13
| Energy +60%, Energy Charge +60%, Electric Tempering -52%, Range -18%, Visibility +400%, Resistance +50%, Inertial Dampening -57%, Weapon Hold +50%
| Built from a [[Ohm Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
| Put up resistance, stop the charging.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Perilous Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +130%, Energy Charge +56%, Rate of Fire +78%, Range +44%, Resistance +28%
|  [[Perilous Augmenter Blueprint]]
| Face the peril? No, it's too perilous.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Qa'ik Banu Akk'oj}}
| 13
| Shield Max +116%, Energy Charge +32%, Capacity +14%, Resistance +38%, Drone Ops +28%, Defensive Drone Ops -6%
| [[UrQa'qa Qu'ishi]] drop
| Akk'oj Banu
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Qa'ik Urk'qii Akk'oj}}
| 13
| Shield Recovery +58%, Damage +58%, Resistance +58%, Critical Hit Chance +18%, Critical Hit Strength +58%
| [[UrQa'qa Qu'ishi]] drop
| Akk'oj Urk'qii
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Qa'ik Vazuk Akk'oj}}
| 13
| Shield Max +140%, Electric Tempering +10%, Damage +60%, Rate of Fire +130%, Inertial Dampening -35%
| [[UrQa'qa Qu'ishi]] drop
| Akk'oj Vazuk
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Rhea Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +64%, Electric Tempering -52%, Speed +64%, Turning +64%, Radar +64%
|  Random Drop
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Rhea+ Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +94%, Electric Tempering -52%, Speed +94%, Turning +94%, Radar +94%
| Permanent Upgrade
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Selenite Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +140%, Electric Tempering -48%, Rate of Fire +130%, Range +70%, Tracking +60%
|  [[Selenite Augmenter Blueprint]]
| Selenite Technology
= Ship Mastery Augmenters =
These augs give the given percentage bonus to the following stats: Shield, Energy, Speed, Turning, Damage, Shield Recovery, Energy Charge, Thrust, negative Visibility, Capacity, Tracking, Docking Speed, Rate Of Fire, Radar, Tractor Strength, Range, Transference Power, Transference Efficiency, Weapon Hold, negative Electric Tempering, Drone Operations, Critical Percent, Critical Strength, and Resistance to damage.
They are the same tech as their given number, they all have the description "Make everything run a little smoother", and are dungeon drops.
''Note: Due to rounding in Star Sonata, the stats displayed ingame are not 100% accurate. The first ship mastery augmenter (0) has a stat of  +4%, and each aug after that gains .60% in stats per tech level.''
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
|- align="center"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Weight
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 0}}
| 1
| Shield Max +4%, Shield Recovery +4%, Energy +4%, Energy Charge +4%, Electric Tempering -4%, Damage +4%, Rate of Fire +4%, Range +4%, Tracking +4%, Speed +4%, Docking Speed +4%, Thrust +4%, Turning +4%, Capacity +4%, Radar +4%, Visibility -4%, Resistance +4%, Critical Hit Chance +4%, Critical Hit Strength +4%, Transference Power +4%, Transference Efficiency +4%, Tractor Power +4%, Drone Ops +4%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 1}}
| 1
| Shield Max +5%, Shield Recovery +5%, Energy +5%, Energy Charge +5%, Electric Tempering -4%, Damage +5%, Rate of Fire +5%, Range +5%, Tracking +5%, Speed +5%, Docking Speed +5%, Thrust +5%, Turning +5%, Capacity +5%, Radar +5%, Visibility -4%, Resistance +5%, Critical Hit Chance +5%, Critical Hit Strength +5%, Transference Power +5%, Transference Efficiency +5%, Tractor Power +5%, Drone Ops +5%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">2</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 2}}
| 1
| Shield Max +5%, Shield Recovery +5%, Energy +5%, Energy Charge +5%, Electric Tempering -5%, Damage +5%, Rate of Fire +5%, Range +5%, Tracking +5%, Speed +5%, Docking Speed +5%, Thrust +5%, Turning +5%, Capacity +5%, Radar +5%, Visibility -5%, Resistance +5%, Critical Hit Chance +5%, Critical Hit Strength +5%, Transference Power +5%, Transference Efficiency +5%, Tractor Power +5%, Drone Ops +5%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">3</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 3}}
| 1
| Shield Max +6%, Shield Recovery +6%, Energy +6%, Energy Charge +6%, Electric Tempering -6%, Damage +6%, Rate of Fire +6%, Range +6%, Tracking +6%, Speed +6%, Docking Speed +6%, Thrust +6%, Turning +6%, Capacity +6%, Radar +6%, Visibility -6%, Resistance +6%, Critical Hit Chance +6%, Critical Hit Strength +6%, Transference Power +6%, Transference Efficiency +6%, Tractor Power +6%, Drone Ops +6%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">4</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 4}}
| 2
| Shield Max +6%, Shield Recovery +6%, Energy +6%, Energy Charge +6%, Electric Tempering -6%, Damage +6%, Rate of Fire +6%, Range +6%, Tracking +6%, Speed +6%, Docking Speed +6%, Thrust +6%, Turning +6%, Capacity +6%, Radar +6%, Visibility -6%, Resistance +6%, Critical Hit Chance +6%, Critical Hit Strength +6%, Transference Power +6%, Transference Efficiency +6%, Tractor Power +6%, Drone Ops +6%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 5}}
| 2
| Shield Max +7%, Shield Recovery +7%, Energy +7%, Energy Charge +7%, Electric Tempering -7%, Damage +7%, Rate of Fire +7%, Range +7%, Tracking +7%, Speed +7%, Docking Speed +7%, Thrust +7%, Turning +7%, Capacity +7%, Radar +7%, Visibility -7%, Resistance +7%, Critical Hit Chance +7%, Critical Hit Strength +7%, Transference Power +7%, Transference Efficiency +7%, Tractor Power +7%, Drone Ops +7%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 7}}
| 3
| Shield Max +8%, Shield Recovery +8%, Energy +8%, Energy Charge +8%, Electric Tempering -8%, Damage +8%, Rate of Fire +8%, Range +8%, Tracking +8%, Speed +8%, Docking Speed +8%, Thrust +8%, Turning +8%, Capacity +8%, Radar +8%, Visibility -8%, Resistance +8%, Critical Hit Chance +8%, Critical Hit Strength +8%, Transference Power +8%, Transference Efficiency +8%, Tractor Power +8%, Drone Ops +8%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">8</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 8}}
| 3
| Shield Max +9%, Shield Recovery +9%, Energy +9%, Energy Charge +9%, Electric Tempering -8%, Damage +9%, Rate of Fire +9%, Range +9%, Tracking +9%, Speed +9%, Docking Speed +9%, Thrust +9%, Turning +9%, Capacity +9%, Radar +9%, Visibility -8%, Resistance +9%, Critical Hit Chance +9%, Critical Hit Strength +9%, Transference Power +9%, Transference Efficiency +9%, Tractor Power +9%, Drone Ops +9%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">9</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 9}}
| 4
| Shield Max +9%, Shield Recovery +9%, Energy +9%, Energy Charge +9%, Electric Tempering -9%, Damage +9%, Rate of Fire +9%, Range +9%, Tracking +9%, Speed +9%, Docking Speed +9%, Thrust +9%, Turning +9%, Capacity +9%, Radar +9%, Visibility -9%, Resistance +9%, Critical Hit Chance +9%, Critical Hit Strength +9%, Transference Power +9%, Transference Efficiency +9%, Tractor Power +9%, Drone Ops +9%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 10}}
| 4
| Shield Max +10%, Shield Recovery +10%, Energy +10%, Energy Charge +10%, Electric Tempering -10%, Damage +10%, Rate of Fire +10%, Range +10%, Tracking +10%, Speed +10%, Docking Speed +10%, Thrust +10%, Turning +10%, Capacity +10%, Radar +10%, Visibility -10%, Resistance +10%, Critical Hit Chance +10%, Critical Hit Strength +10%, Transference Power +10%, Transference Efficiency +10%, Tractor Power +10%, Drone Ops +10%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 11}}
| 5
| Shield Max +11%, Shield Recovery +11%, Energy +11%, Energy Charge +11%, Electric Tempering -10%, Damage +11%, Rate of Fire +11%, Range +11%, Tracking +11%, Speed +11%, Docking Speed +11%, Thrust +11%, Turning +11%, Capacity +11%, Radar +11%, Visibility -10%, Resistance +11%, Critical Hit Chance +11%, Critical Hit Strength +11%, Transference Power +11%, Transference Efficiency +11%, Tractor Power +11%, Drone Ops +11%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">12</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 12}}
| 5
| Shield Max +11%, Shield Recovery +11%, Energy +11%, Energy Charge +11%, Electric Tempering -11%, Damage +11%, Rate of Fire +11%, Range +11%, Tracking +11%, Speed +11%, Docking Speed +11%, Thrust +11%, Turning +11%, Capacity +11%, Radar +11%, Visibility -11%, Resistance +11%, Critical Hit Chance +11%, Critical Hit Strength +11%, Transference Power +11%, Transference Efficiency +11%, Tractor Power +11%, Drone Ops +11%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 13}}
| 6
| Shield Max +12%, Shield Recovery +12%, Energy +12%, Energy Charge +12%, Electric Tempering -11%, Damage +12%, Rate of Fire +12%, Range +12%, Tracking +12%, Speed +12%, Docking Speed +12%, Thrust +12%, Turning +12%, Capacity +12%, Radar +12%, Visibility -11%, Resistance +12%, Critical Hit Chance +12%, Critical Hit Strength +12%, Transference Power +12%, Transference Efficiency +12%, Tractor Power +12%, Drone Ops +12%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 14}}
| 6
| Shield Max +12%, Shield Recovery +12%, Energy +12%, Energy Charge +12%, Electric Tempering -12%, Damage +12%, Rate of Fire +12%, Range +12%, Tracking +12%, Speed +12%, Docking Speed +12%, Thrust +12%, Turning +12%, Capacity +12%, Radar +12%, Visibility -12%, Resistance +12%, Critical Hit Chance +12%, Critical Hit Strength +12%, Transference Power +12%, Transference Efficiency +12%, Tractor Power +12%, Drone Ops +12%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 15}}
| 7
| Shield Max +13%, Shield Recovery +13%, Energy +13%, Energy Charge +13%, Electric Tempering -12%, Damage +13%, Rate of Fire +13%, Range +13%, Tracking +13%, Speed +13%, Docking Speed +13%, Thrust +13%, Turning +13%, Capacity +13%, Radar +13%, Visibility -12%, Resistance +13%, Critical Hit Chance +13%, Critical Hit Strength +13%, Transference Power +13%, Transference Efficiency +13%, Tractor Power +13%, Drone Ops +13%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 16}}
| 8
| Shield Max +14%, Shield Recovery +14%, Energy +14%, Energy Charge +14%, Electric Tempering -13%, Damage +14%, Rate of Fire +14%, Range +14%, Tracking +14%, Speed +14%, Docking Speed +14%, Thrust +14%, Turning +14%, Capacity +14%, Radar +14%, Visibility -13%, Resistance +14%, Critical Hit Chance +14%, Critical Hit Strength +14%, Transference Power +14%, Transference Efficiency +14%, Tractor Power +14%, Drone Ops +14%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 17}}
| 9
| Shield Max +14%, Shield Recovery +14%, Energy +14%, Energy Charge +14%, Electric Tempering -13%, Damage +14%, Rate of Fire +14%, Range +14%, Tracking +14%, Speed +14%, Docking Speed +14%, Thrust +14%, Turning +14%, Capacity +14%, Radar +14%, Visibility -13%, Resistance +14%, Critical Hit Chance +14%, Critical Hit Strength +14%, Transference Power +14%, Transference Efficiency +14%, Tractor Power +14%, Drone Ops +14%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">18</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 18}}
| 9
| Shield Max +15%, Shield Recovery +15%, Energy +15%, Energy Charge +15%, Electric Tempering -14%, Damage +15%, Rate of Fire +15%, Range +15%, Tracking +15%, Speed +15%, Docking Speed +15%, Thrust +15%, Turning +15%, Capacity +15%, Radar +15%, Visibility -14%, Resistance +15%, Critical Hit Chance +15%, Critical Hit Strength +15%, Transference Power +15%, Transference Efficiency +15%, Tractor Power +15%, Drone Ops +15%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 19}}
| 10
| Shield Max +15%, Shield Recovery +15%, Energy +15%, Energy Charge +15%, Electric Tempering -14%, Damage +15%, Rate of Fire +15%, Range +15%, Tracking +15%, Speed +15%, Docking Speed +15%, Thrust +15%, Turning +15%, Capacity +15%, Radar +15%, Visibility -14%, Resistance +15%, Critical Hit Chance +15%, Critical Hit Strength +15%, Transference Power +15%, Transference Efficiency +15%, Tractor Power +15%, Drone Ops +15%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 20}}
| 11
| Shield Max +16%, Shield Recovery +16%, Energy +16%, Energy Charge +16%, Electric Tempering -15%, Damage +16%, Rate of Fire +16%, Range +16%, Tracking +16%, Speed +16%, Docking Speed +16%, Thrust +16%, Turning +16%, Capacity +16%, Radar +16%, Visibility -15%, Resistance +16%, Critical Hit Chance +16%, Critical Hit Strength +16%, Transference Power +16%, Transference Efficiency +16%, Tractor Power +16%, Drone Ops +16%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 21}}
| 12
| Shield Max +17%, Shield Recovery +17%, Energy +17%, Energy Charge +17%, Electric Tempering -15%, Damage +17%, Rate of Fire +17%, Range +17%, Tracking +17%, Speed +17%, Docking Speed +17%, Thrust +17%, Turning +17%, Capacity +17%, Radar +17%, Visibility -15%, Resistance +17%, Critical Hit Chance +17%, Critical Hit Strength +17%, Transference Power +17%, Transference Efficiency +17%, Tractor Power +17%, Drone Ops +17%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ship Mastery Augmenter 22}}
| 13
| Shield Max +17%, Shield Recovery +17%, Energy +17%, Energy Charge +17%, Electric Tempering -16%, Damage +17%, Rate of Fire +17%, Range +17%, Tracking +17%, Speed +17%, Docking Speed +17%, Thrust +17%, Turning +17%, Capacity +17%, Radar +17%, Visibility -16%, Resistance +17%, Critical Hit Chance +17%, Critical Hit Strength +17%, Transference Power +17%, Transference Efficiency +17%, Tractor Power +17%, Drone Ops +17%, Multifiring +10, Weapons Slots +1
= God Augmenters =
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
|- align="center"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Weight
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Apollo Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Recovery +30%, Energy Charge +20%, Turning +40%
| DG Drops
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Apollo+ Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Recovery +34%, Energy Charge +24%, Turning +44%
| [[Apollo+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hestia Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +80%, Energy +140%, Visibility +100%
| DG Drops
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hestia+ Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +100%, Energy +160%, Visibility +80%
| [[Hestia+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Aphrodite Augmenter}}
| 2
| Damage +32%, Docking Speed +200%, Thrust +50%, Turning +50%
| DG Drops
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Aphrodite+ Augmenter}}
| 2
| Damage +40%, Docking Speed +300%, Thrust +60%, Turning +60%
| [[Aphrodite+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Artemis Augmenter}}
| 2
| Range +68%, Tracking +77%, Visibility -33%
| DG Drops
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Artemis+ Augmenter}}
| 2
| Range +78%, Tracking +80%, Visibility -33%
| [[Artemis+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Dionysis Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Max +100%, Damage +37%, Docking Speed +200%, Thrust -26%, Turning -10%
| DG Drops
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Dionysis+ Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Max +100%, Damage +45%, Docking Speed +200%, Thrust -26%, Turning -10%
| [[Dionysis+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hermes Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Recovery +40%, Speed +30%, Docking Speed +200%, Thrust +100%, Visibility -67%
| DG Drops
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hermes+ Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Recovery +50%, Speed +40%, Docking Speed +240%, Thrust +110%, Visibility -71%
| [[Hermes+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hephaestus Augmenter}}
| 6
| Energy +160%, Damage +20%, Rate of Fire -33%, Tracking +60%, Speed -26%, Capacity +108%
| DG Drops
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hephaestus+ Augmenter}}
| 6
| Energy +160%, Damage +30%, Rate of Fire -33%, Tracking +80%, Speed -26%, Capacity +110%
| [[Hephaestus+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Poseidon Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +100%, Shield Recovery +70%, Damage +28%, Range -20%
| DG Drops
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Poseidon+ Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +110%, Shield Recovery +100%, Damage +30%, Range -20%
| [[Poseidon+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ares Augmenter}}
| 8
| Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +50%, Rate of Fire +90%, Turning +30%
| DG Drops
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ares+ Augmenter}}
| 8
| Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +50%, Rate of Fire +120%, Turning +30%
| [[Ares+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Athena Augmenter}}
| 8
| Shield Max +100%, Damage +48%, Radar +400%
| DG Drops
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Athena+ Augmenter}}
| 8
| Shield Max +100%, Damage +72%, Radar +400%
| [[Athena+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">18</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Zeus- Augmenter}}
| 9
| Energy Charge +67%, Electric Tempering -10%, Damage +60%, Range +10%
| DG Drops
| Requires 18 in [[Infinite Knowledge]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hera Augmenter}}
| 10
| Energy +100%, Tracking +90%, Speed +75%, Thrust +100%, Turning +60%, Capacity +25%, Radar -40%
| DG Drops
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hera+ Augmenter}}
| 10
| Energy +120%, Tracking +100%, Speed +80%, Thrust +110%, Turning +70%, Capacity +30%, Radar -30%
| [[Hera+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Zeus Augmenter}}
| 10
| Energy Charge +72%, Damage +60%, Range +10%
| DG Drops
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Zeus+ Augmenter}}
| 10
| Energy Charge +80%, Damage +70%, Range +40%
| [[Zeus+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
= [[Acropolis]] God Augmenters =
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
|- align="center"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Weight
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Demeter Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Recovery +30%, Damage +10%, Range +20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Persephone Augmenter}}
| 2
| Energy +50%, Rate of Fire +22%, Speed +10%, Thrust +100%, Turning +50%, Capacity +10%, Radar +50%, Critical Hit Chance +18%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hebe Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy +200%, Rate of Fire +70%, Speed +20%, Thrust +20%, Turning +20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Helios Augmenter}}
| 6
| Energy Charge +70%, Damage +40%, Rate of Fire -10%, Weapon Hold +40%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Heracles Augmenter}}
| 8
| Electric Tempering -12%, Damage +60%, Rate of Fire +50%, Range +33%, Hostility +66%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hades Augmenter}}
| 10
| Shield Max -20%, Shield Recovery +60%, Damage +50%, Visibility -50%, Critical Hit Chance +10%, Critical Hit Strength +100%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
= Combined Augmenters =
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
|- align="center"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Weight
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Minor Combined Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +30%, Energy +50%, Rate of Fire +20%, Thrust +50%, Capacity +10%, Visibility -33%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Minor Combined Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +30%, Energy +50%, Rate of Fire +20%, Thrust +50%, Capacity +2%, Visibility -33%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
| Neurobound
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">1</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Minor Combined Augmenter}}
| 1
| Shield Max +30%, Energy +50%, Rate of Fire +20%, Speed +10%, Thrust +50%, Capacity +10%, Visibility -33%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
| Neurobound
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Basic Combined Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +20%, Energy +30%, Damage +10%, Rate of Fire +15%, Range +30%, Tracking +30%, Docking Speed +100%, Thrust +50%, Turning +25%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Basic Combined Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +20%, Energy +30%, Damage +10%, Rate of Fire +15%, Range +30%, Tracking +30%, Docking Speed +100%, Thrust +50%, Turning +25%, Capacity +6%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
| Neurobound
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Basic Combined Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +20%, Energy +30%, Damage +10%, Rate of Fire +15%, Range +30%, Tracking +30%, Speed +7%, Docking Speed +100%, Thrust +50%, Turning +25%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
| Neurobound
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Std. Combined Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Max +64%, Energy +60%, Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +25%, Speed +15%, Docking Speed +100%, Thrust +40%, Visibility -33%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Std. Combined Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +64%, Energy +60%, Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +25%, Speed +15%, Docking Speed +100%, Thrust +40%, Capacity +8%, Visibility -33%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
| Neurobound
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Std. Combined Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +64%, Energy +60%, Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +25%, Speed +21%, Docking Speed +100%, Thrust +40%, Visibility -33%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
| Neurobound
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Good Combined Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +95%, Shield Recovery +40%, Energy +60%, Damage +35%, Rate of Fire +25%, Range -25%, Speed -10%, Capacity +15%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Good Combined Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +95%, Shield Recovery +40%, Energy +60%, Damage +35%, Rate of Fire +25%, Range -25%, Speed -10%, Capacity +22%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
| Neurobound
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Good Combined Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +95%, Shield Recovery +40%, Energy +60%, Damage +35%, Rate of Fire +25%, Range -25%, Speed -4%, Capacity +15%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
| Neurobound
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Exc. Combined Augmenter}}
| 8
| Shield Max +50%, Shield Recovery +30%, Energy +30%, Energy Charge +40%, Damage +10%, Rate of Fire +55%, Docking Speed +50%, Turning +30%, Radar +50%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Exc. Combined Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +50%, Shield Recovery +30%, Energy +30%, Energy Charge +40%, Damage +10%, Rate of Fire +55%, Docking Speed +50%, Turning +30%, Capacity +9%, Radar +50%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
| Neurobound
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Exc. Combined Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Max +50%, Shield Recovery +30%, Energy +30%, Energy Charge +40%, Damage +10%, Rate of Fire +55%, Speed +8%, Docking Speed +50%, Turning +30%, Radar +50%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
| Neurobound
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sup. Combined Augmenter}}
| 10
| Shield Max +40%, Energy +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Damage +50%, Tracking +30%, Speed +18%, Thrust +40%, Turning +25%, Capacity +20%, Radar -50%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Spacy Sup. Combined Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +40%, Energy +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Damage +50%, Tracking +30%, Speed +18%, Thrust +40%, Turning +25%, Capacity +26%, Radar -50%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
| Neurobound
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speedy Sup. Combined Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +40%, Energy +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Damage +50%, Tracking +30%, Speed +24%, Thrust +40%, Turning +25%, Capacity +20%, Radar -50%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
| Neurobound
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ult. Combined Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +40%, Energy +40%, Electric Tempering -33%, Damage +40%, Speed +40%, Turning +40%, Capacity +40%, Radar +40%, Tractor Power +40%
| [[Combined augmenter missions]]
= Skill Specific Augmenters =
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
|- align="center"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Weight
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Berserker Proficiency Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +30%, Energy +40%, Electric Tempering -10%, Damage +20%, Thrust +20%, Hostility +40%, Resistance +4%, Weapon Hold +50%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Berserker Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Defensive Ops Proficiency Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +40%, Shield Recovery +30%, Energy +10%, Visibility +100%, Transference Power +15%, Transference Efficiency +25%, Defensive Drone Ops +15%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Engineer Proficiency Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +20%, Energy +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Inertial Dampening -10%, Tractor Power +20%, Drone Ops +2%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Everlasting Ops Proficiency Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +30%, Shield Recovery +20%, Energy +30%, Energy Charge +40%, Visibility +200%, Transference Power +20%, Transference Efficiency +20%, Everlasting Drone Ops +10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Fleet Commander Proficiency Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +40%, Shield Recovery +20%, Energy +60%, Energy Charge +20%, Speed +4%, Turning +20%, Capacity +10%, Visibility +40%, Resistance +4%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Fleet Commander Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|General Ops Proficiency Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +20%, Energy +20%, Speed +10%, Capacity +20%, Visibility +100%, Transference Power +20%, Transference Efficiency +20%, Drone Ops +5%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Gunner Proficiency Augmenter}}
| 2
| Energy Charge +10%, Electric Tempering -10%, Damage +30%, Range +20%, Speed +4%, Capacity +14%, Hostility +20%, Weapon Hold +50%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Offensive Ops Proficiency Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +10%, Energy +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Visibility +200%, Transference Power +25%, Transference Efficiency +15%, Offensive Drone Ops +10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Seer Proficiency Augmenter}}
| 2
| Damage +20%, Range +10%, Radar +100%, Visibility -46%, Critical Hit Chance +10%, Critical Hit Strength +30%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Seer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Shield Monkey Proficiency Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +40%, Shield Recovery +20%, Damage +15%, Capacity +10%, Hostility -10%, Transference Power +10%, Transference Efficiency +20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Shield Monkey Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sniper Proficiency Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Recovery +10%, Energy Charge +10%, Damage +30%, Range +20%, Radar +20%, Visibility -33%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Sniper Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speed Demon Proficiency Augmenter}}
| 2
| Shield Max +20%, Energy +40%, Energy Charge +10%, Electric Tempering -10%, Damage +16%, Rate of Fire +20%, Tracking +20%, Speed +10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Speed Demon Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Berserker Aptitude Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Max +55%, Energy +60%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage +20%, Thrust +30%, Hostility +40%, Resistance +6%, Weapon Hold +50%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Berserker Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Defensive Ops Aptitude Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Max +40%, Shield Recovery +30%, Energy +10%, Visibility +100%, Transference Power +30%, Transference Efficiency +50%, Defensive Drone Ops +30%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Engineer Aptitude Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Max +20%, Energy +40%, Energy Charge +50%, Transference Efficiency +20%, Inertial Dampening -18%, Tractor Power +20%, Drone Ops +6%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Everlasting Ops Aptitude Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Max +30%, Shield Recovery +40%, Energy +30%, Energy Charge +40%, Visibility +200%, Transference Power +40%, Transference Efficiency +40%, Everlasting Drone Ops +20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Fleet Commander Aptitude Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +20%, Energy +60%, Energy Charge +20%, Speed +10%, Capacity +20%, Visibility +40%, Resistance +10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Fleet Commander Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|General Ops Aptitude Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Max +20%, Energy +20%, Speed +10%, Capacity +20%, Visibility +100%, Transference Power +40%, Transference Efficiency +40%, Drone Ops +10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Gunner Aptitude Augmenter}}
| 4
| Energy Charge +16%, Electric Tempering -13%, Damage +30%, Range +20%, Speed +6%, Capacity +16%, Hostility +20%, Weapon Hold +50%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Offensive Ops Aptitude Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Max +10%, Energy +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Visibility +200%, Transference Power +50%, Transference Efficiency +30%, Offensive Drone Ops +20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Seer Aptitude Augmenter}}
| 4
| Damage +30%, Range +10%, Radar +100%, Visibility -57%, Critical Hit Chance +10%, Critical Hit Strength +40%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Seer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Shield Monkey Aptitude Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +30%, Energy Charge +10%, Damage +20%, Capacity +10%, Hostility -10%, Transference Power +20%, Transference Efficiency +20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Shield Monkey Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sniper Aptitude Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Damage +40%, Range +30%, Radar +40%, Visibility -46%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Sniper Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speed Demon Aptitude Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Max +20%, Energy +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Electric Tempering -10%, Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +30%, Tracking +20%, Speed +14%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Speed Demon Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|The Art of Gunnery Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy Charge +30%, Electric Tempering -31%, Damage +60%, Range +60%, Speed +14%, Capacity +26%, Hostility +60%, Weapon Hold +100%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]], Requires Capital Ship
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Berserker Prowess Augmenter}}
| 7
| Shield Max +80%, Energy +100%, Electric Tempering -26%, Damage +30%, Thrust +40%, Hostility +50%, Resistance +8%, Weapon Hold +60%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Berserker Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Defensive Ops Prowess Augmenter}}
| 7
| Shield Max +80%, Shield Recovery +40%, Energy +20%, Visibility +100%, Transference Power +40%, Transference Efficiency +60%, Defensive Drone Ops +45%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Engineer Prowess Augmenter}}
| 7
| Shield Max +40%, Energy +50%, Energy Charge +70%, Transference Efficiency +40%, Inertial Dampening -26%, Tractor Power +30%, Drone Ops +10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Everlasting Ops Prowess Augmenter}}
| 7
| Shield Max +40%, Shield Recovery +50%, Energy +30%, Energy Charge +50%, Visibility +200%, Transference Power +60%, Transference Efficiency +60%, Everlasting Drone Ops +30%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Fleet Commander Prowess Augmenter}}
| 7
| Shield Max +80%, Shield Recovery +40%, Energy +80%, Energy Charge +40%, Capacity +20%, Visibility +40%, Resistance +16%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Fleet Commander Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|General Ops Prowess Augmenter}}
| 7
| Shield Max +30%, Energy +40%, Speed +10%, Capacity +30%, Visibility +100%, Transference Power +50%, Transference Efficiency +50%, Drone Ops +15%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Gunner Prowess Augmenter}}
| 7
| Energy Charge +20%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage +40%, Range +30%, Speed +10%, Capacity +18%, Hostility +30%, Weapon Hold +50%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Offensive Ops Prowess Augmenter}}
| 7
| Shield Max +20%, Energy +80%, Energy Charge +40%, Visibility +200%, Transference Power +60%, Transference Efficiency +40%, Offensive Drone Ops +30%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Seer Prowess Augmenter}}
| 7
| Damage +40%, Range +20%, Radar +120%, Visibility -67%, Critical Hit Chance +10%, Critical Hit Strength +50%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Seer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Shield Monkey Prowess Augmenter}}
| 7
| Shield Max +100%, Shield Recovery +30%, Energy Charge +15%, Damage +20%, Capacity +15%, Hostility -20%, Transference Power +30%, Transference Efficiency +30%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Shield Monkey Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sniper Prowess Augmenter}}
| 7
| Shield Recovery +30%, Energy Charge +30%, Damage +50%, Range +40%, Radar +40%, Visibility -52%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Sniper Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speed Demon Prowess Augmenter}}
| 7
| Shield Max +30%, Energy +70%, Energy Charge +20%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage +30%, Rate of Fire +40%, Tracking +20%, Speed +20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Speed Demon Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|The Art of Fast Killing Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +60%, Energy Charge +50%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage +40%, Rate of Fire +40%, Speed +40%, Capacity +6%, Critical Hit Chance +6%, Critical Hit Strength +20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Speed Demon Class]], Requires Light Fighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|The Art of Destruction Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +110%, Energy +120%, Electric Tempering -40%, Damage +30%, Rate of Fire +20%, Hostility +100%, Resistance +14%, Weapon Hold +60%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Berserker Class]], Requires Heavy Fighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Berserker Mastery Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +100%, Energy +120%, Electric Tempering -33%, Damage +30%, Thrust +50%, Hostility +70%, Resistance +10%, Weapon Hold +60%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Berserker Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Defensive Ops Mastery Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +120%, Shield Recovery +50%, Energy +30%, Visibility +100%, Transference Power +50%, Transference Efficiency +70%, Defensive Drone Ops +60%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Engineer Mastery Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +60%, Energy +60%, Energy Charge +90%, Transference Efficiency +60%, Inertial Dampening -26%, Tractor Power +40%, Drone Ops +16%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Everlasting Ops Mastery Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +70%, Energy +60%, Energy Charge +70%, Visibility +200%, Transference Power +80%, Transference Efficiency +80%, Everlasting Drone Ops +40%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Fleet Commander Mastery Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +100%, Shield Recovery +60%, Energy +100%, Energy Charge +60%, Capacity +20%, Visibility +40%, Resistance +20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Fleet Commander Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|General Ops Mastery Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +60%, Energy +60%, Speed +10%, Capacity +40%, Visibility +100%, Transference Power +60%, Transference Efficiency +60%, Drone Ops +20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Gunner Mastery Augmenter}}
| 11
| Energy Charge +20%, Electric Tempering -23%, Damage +50%, Range +40%, Speed +10%, Capacity +22%, Hostility +40%, Weapon Hold +66%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Offensive Ops Mastery Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +30%, Energy +120%, Energy Charge +50%, Visibility +200%, Transference Power +70%, Transference Efficiency +50%, Offensive Drone Ops +40%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Seer Mastery Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +40%, Range +30%, Radar +130%, Visibility -75%, Critical Hit Chance +14%, Critical Hit Strength +60%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Seer Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Shield Monkey Mastery Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +140%, Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +20%, Damage +20%, Capacity +20%, Hostility -30%, Transference Power +50%, Transference Efficiency +30%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Shield Monkey Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Sniper Mastery Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +40%, Damage +60%, Range +40%, Radar +40%, Visibility -57%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Sniper Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Speed Demon Mastery Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +40%, Energy +100%, Energy Charge +30%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage +30%, Rate of Fire +40%, Tracking +30%, Speed +30%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Speed Demon Class]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|The Art of Commanding Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +100%, Energy +110%, Energy Charge +60%, Thrust +40%, Capacity +30%, Radar +60%, Resistance +30%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Fleet Commander Class]], Requires Capital Ship
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|The Art of Engineering Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +60%, Energy +60%, Energy Charge +80%, Capacity +10%, Transference Power +40%, Transference Efficiency +40%, Tractor Power +40%, Drone Ops +20%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]], Requires Freighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|The Art of Healing Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +80%, Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +40%, Rate of Fire +50%, Transference Power +40%, Transference Efficiency +40%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Shield Monkey Class]], Requires Freighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|The Art of Sharpshooting Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +70%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range +90%, Tracking +50%, Radar +40%, Visibility -67%, Hostility -18%, Critical Hit Chance +10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Sniper Class]], Requires Heavy Fighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|The Art of Stealth Augmenter}}
| 11
| Damage +60%, Speed +10%, Capacity +6%, Radar +140%, Visibility -79%, Critical Hit Chance +14%, Critical Hit Strength +80%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Seer Class]], Requires Light Fighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ultimate Art of Commanding Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +100%, Energy +220%, Energy Charge +70%, Thrust +60%, Capacity +40%, Radar +80%, Resistance +36%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Fleet Commander Class]], Requires Capital Ship
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ultimate Art of Destruction Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +140%, Energy +140%, Electric Tempering -33%, Damage +50%, Rate of Fire +30%, Hostility +130%, Resistance +20%, Weapon Hold +80%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Berserker Class]], Requires Heavy Fighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ultimate Art of Engineering Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +80%, Energy +80%, Energy Charge +90%, Capacity +10%, Resistance +10%, Transference Power +50%, Transference Efficiency +80%, Tractor Power +40%, Drone Ops +24%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]], Requires Freighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +70%, Energy Charge +60%, Electric Tempering -33%, Damage +60%, Rate of Fire +60%, Speed +60%, Capacity +6%, Critical Hit Chance +10%, Critical Hit Strength +40%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Speed Demon Class]], Requires Light Fighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ultimate Art of Gunnery Augmenter}}
| 13
| Energy Charge +30%, Electric Tempering -46%, Damage +70%, Range +70%, Speed +20%, Capacity +40%, Hostility +70%, Weapon Hold +100%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]], Requires Capital Ship
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter}}
| 13
| Shield Max +80%, Shield Recovery +70%, Energy Charge +40%, Rate of Fire +70%, Speed +20%, Resistance +20%, Transference Power +60%, Transference Efficiency +50%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Shield Monkey Class]], Requires Freighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ultimate Art of Sharpshooting Augmenter}}
| 13
| Energy Charge +20%, Damage +90%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range +100%, Tracking +50%, Radar +100%, Visibility -67%, Hostility -18%, Critical Hit Chance +10%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Sniper Class]], Requires Heavy Fighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ultimate Art of Stealth Augmenter}}
| 13
| Electric Tempering -10%, Damage +80%, Speed +20%, Capacity +6%, Radar +200%, Visibility -89%, Critical Hit Chance +20%, Critical Hit Strength +100%
| Mission in [[The Acropolis]]
| Requires 1 in [[Seer Class]], Requires Light Fighter
= [[The Serengeti]] Augmenters =
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
|- align="center"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Weight
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Aspect of the Mastodon}}
| 11
| Energy +700%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
| Requires Capital Ship
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Combined Aspect of the Mastodon}}
| 11
| Shield Max +88%, Energy +166%, Energy Charge +44%, Damage +31%, Rate of Fire +66%, Range +45%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
| Requires Capital Ship
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">12</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Aspect of the Bear}}
| 5
| Shield Max +44%, Energy Charge +44%, Damage +20%, Resistance +20%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
| Requires Capital Ship
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">12</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Aspect of the Elephant}}
| 5
| Shield Max +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +20%, Transference Efficiency +30%, Defensive Drone Ops +30%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
| Requires Freighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Aspect of the Jungle}}
| 6
| Shield Max +75%, Shield Recovery +40%, Capacity +30%, Resistance +20%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">12</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Aspect of the Leopard}}
| 5
| Shield Max +40%, Energy Charge +40%, Damage +22%, Rate of Fire +60%, Speed +10%, Hostility -33%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
| Requires Light Fighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Aspect of the Lion}}
| 11
| Damage +78%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">12</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Aspect of the Monkey}}
| 5
| Shield Max +40%, Energy Charge +40%, Electric Tempering -10%, Damage +40%, Rate of Fire +20%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
| Requires Heavy Fighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Aspect of the Panther}}
| 11
| Rate of Fire +200%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
| Requires Light Fighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Aspect of the Rhino}}
| 11
| Shield Max +233%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
| Requires Freighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">12</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Aspect of the Tiger}}
| 5
| Shield Max +40%, Energy Charge +40%, Electric Tempering -5%, Damage +30%, Rate of Fire +20%, Resistance +6%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Aspect of the Zebra}}
| 11
| Energy Charge +140%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
| Requires Heavy Fighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Combined Aspect of the Lion}}
| 11
| Shield Max +88%, Energy Charge +44%, Electric Tempering -5%, Damage +50%, Rate of Fire +66%, Resistance +8%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Combined Aspect of the Panther}}
| 11
| Shield Max +88%, Energy Charge +44%, Damage +31%, Rate of Fire +110%, Speed +12%, Hostility -33%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
| Requires Light Fighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Combined Aspect of the Rhino}}
| 11
| Shield Max +142%, Energy Charge +44%, Damage +31%, Rate of Fire +66%, Transference Power +31%, Transference Efficiency +30%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
| Requires Freighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Combined Aspect of the Zebra}}
| 11
| Shield Max +88%, Energy Charge +73%, Electric Tempering -10%, Damage +31%, Rate of Fire +66%, Hostility +40%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
| Requires Heavy Fighter
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|The Emperor's Augmenter}}
| 11
| Shield Max +60%, Energy +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Electric Tempering -26%, Damage +28%, Rate of Fire +60%, Range +50%, Resistance +5%, Critical Hit Chance +10%
| [[Serengeti]] drop
=Olympus Augmenters=
These augmenters are obtained within [[Olympus]].
==General Augmenters==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
|- align="center"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Molten Fires of Hephaestus+ Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +130%, Energy +250%, Rate of Fire +55%, Speed -20%, Capacity +45%, Hostility +100%, Resistance +33%
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ares' Rage Augmenter}}
| 12
| Damage +120%
| [[Pretender Ares]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Cunning of Hermes Augmenter}}
| 12
| Damage +60%, Speed +20%, Radar +200%, Visibility -67%, Critical Hit Chance -18%, Critical Hit Strength +150%
| [[Pretender Hermes]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Cunning of Hermes+ Augmenter}}
| 12
| Damage +70%, Speed +24%, Radar +200%, Visibility -67%, Critical Hit Chance -15%, Critical Hit Strength +160%
| [[Cunning of Hermes+ Augmenter Blueprint|BP]] Built
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Cunning of Hermes Augmenter}}
| 12
| Damage +60%, Speed +20%, Radar +200%, Visibility -67%, Critical Hit Chance -18%, Critical Hit Strength +150%
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Cunning of Hermes+ Augmenter}}
| 12
| Damage +70%, Speed +24%, Radar +200%, Visibility -67%, Critical Hit Chance -15%, Critical Hit Strength +160%
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Cyclops Augmenter}}
| 12
| Energy +40%, Damage +40%, Tracking -18%, Speed -18%, Capacity +60%, Resistance +50%
| [[Cyclop]] Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Deimos Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +100%, Rate of Fire +130%, Range +60%, Visibility -60%
|  [[Deimos]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hephaestus' Skin Augmenter}}
| 12
| Capacity +24%, Resistance +70%
| [[Pretender Hephaestus]] Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hermes Swiftness Augmenter}}
| 12
| Speed +150%, Visibility -18%
| [[Pretender Hermes]] Drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Jovian Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +50%, Shield Recovery +50%, Energy +50%, Visibility -67%, Resistance +50%
| [[Europa]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Molten Fires of Hephaestus Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +130%, Energy +250%, Rate of Fire +25%, Speed -20%, Capacity +40%, Hostility +100%, Resistance +33%
| [[Pretender Hephaestus]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Molten Fires of Hephaestus+ Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +130%, Energy +250%, Rate of Fire +55%, Speed -20%, Capacity +45%, Hostility +100%, Resistance +33%
|  [[Molten Fires of Hephaestus+ Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Molten Fires of Hephaestus Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +130%, Energy +250%, Rate of Fire +25%, Speed -20%, Capacity +40%, Hostility +100%, Resistance +33%
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Phobos Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +100%, Electric Tempering -20%, Damage +60%, Visibility -60%
| [[Phobos]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Poseidon's Reserve Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +200%, Energy +600%
| [[Pretender Poseidon]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Poseidon's Tsunami Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +70%, Energy +100%, Energy Charge -20%, Electric Tempering -33%, Damage +80%, Thrust +40%, Tractor Power +40%
| [[Pretender Poseidon]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Poseidon's Tsunami+ Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +100%, Energy +160%, Energy Charge -15%, Electric Tempering -33%, Damage +80%, Thrust +40%, Tractor Power +40%
|  [[Poseidon's Tsunami+ Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|War Chant of Ares Augmenter}}
| 12
| Energy Charge +45%, Damage +115%, Range +20%, Speed +20%, Resistance -25%, Critical Hit Chance +15%
| [[Pretender Ares]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|War Chant of Ares+ Augmenter}}
| 12
| Energy Charge +45%, Damage +115%, Range +20%, Speed +40%, Resistance -25%, Critical Hit Chance +15%
|  [[War Chant of Ares+ Augmenter Blueprint|Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|War Chant of Ares Augmenter}}
| 12
| Energy Charge +45%, Damage +115%, Range +20%, Speed +20%, Resistance -25%, Critical Hit Chance +15%
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|War Chant of Ares+ Augmenter}}
| 12
| Energy Charge +45%, Damage +115%, Range +20%, Speed +40%, Resistance -25%, Critical Hit Chance +15%
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Zeus' Lightning Source Augmenter}}
| 12
| Energy Charge +160%
| [[Pretender Zeus]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Zeus' Planar Field Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +30%, Electric Tempering +30%, Damage +60%, Range +20%, Capacity +30%, Resistance +20%
| [[Pretender Zeus]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Zeus' Planar Field+ Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +30%, Electric Tempering +30%, Damage +60%, Range +60%, Capacity +30%, Resistance +20%
| [[Zeus' Planar Field+ Augmenter Blueprint|BP]] Built
==Drone Mastery Augmenters==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
|- align="center"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ares Offensive Mode Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +30%, Energy +120%, Energy Charge +60%, Damage +10%, Rate of Fire +40%, Visibility +200%, Transference Power +70%, Transference Efficiency +50%, Offensive Drone Ops +40%
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]], Neurobound
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hephaestus General Mode Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +80%, Energy +50%, Speed +20%, Capacity +40%, Visibility +100%, Resistance +10%, Transference Power +60%, Transference Efficiency +60%, Drone Ops +20%
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]], Neurobound
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Poseidon's Defensive Mode Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +130%, Shield Recovery +60%, Energy +180%, Visibility +100%, Transference Power +50%, Transference Efficiency +70%, Tractor Power +40%, Defensive Drone Ops +60%
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]], Neurobound
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Zeus Everlasting Mode Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +80%, Shield Recovery +70%, Energy +60%, Energy Charge +70%, Visibility +200%, Transference Power +80%, Transference Efficiency +80%, Drone Ops +5%, Everlasting Drone Ops +40%
| Requires 1 in [[Engineer Class]], Neurobound
= Holiday Augmenters =
== Halloween Augmenters ==
These augmenters are obtained by AI that appear on the Halloween Event.
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
|- align="center"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Baby Troll Augmenter}}
| 4
| Shield Max +50%, Shield Recovery +30%, Energy +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Resistance +20%
| [[Trolls|Baby Troll]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">12</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Troll Augmenter}}
| 5
| Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +40%, Energy +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Resistance +22%
| [[Trolls|Troll]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Gnarly Troll Augmenter}}
| 6
| Shield Max +70%, Shield Recovery +50%, Energy +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Resistance +24%
| [[Trolls|Gnarly Troll]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Rock Troll Augmenter}}
| 8
| Shield Max +80%, Energy +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Resistance +46%
| [[Trolls|Rock Troll]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Trick Troll Augmenter}}
| 8
| Shield Max +80%, Shield Recovery +60%, Energy +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Resistance +26%
| [[Trolls|Trick Troll]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">18</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Vampyre Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Recovery +44%, Energy Charge +28%, Damage +38%, Speed +44%
| [[Vampyre]] drop
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Undead Narwhal Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Max +40%, Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage +40%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range +30%, Speed +40%, Resistance +10%
| Undead Narwhal Drop
== Easter Augmenters ==
These augmenters are obtained by AI that appear on the Easter Event.
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
|- align="center"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">18</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Bunny Augmenter}}
| 9
| Shield Recovery +34%, Energy Charge +34%, Damage +34%, Thrust +34%, Turning +34%, Resistance +34%
| Drops from [[Easter Bunny]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Zombie Bunny Augmenter}}
| 12
| Shield Recovery +46%, Damage +46%, Thrust +46%, Turning +46%, Resistance +46%
| Drops from [[Zombie Easter Bunny]]
=Aveksakan Augmenters=
These augmenters are obtained from the Aveksaka.
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
|- align="center"
! Tech
! Name
! Size
! Bonuses
! Source
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Antulaghu Zavas}}
| 3
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Electric Tempering -26%, Resistance +10%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ayudhinlaghu Sattva}}
| 3
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Damage +20%, Speed +14%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Caralaghu Psu}}
| 3
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Rate of Fire +50%, Range +30%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Dhatrilaghu Bhava}}
| 3
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Range +40%, Transference Power +10%, Transference Efficiency +10%, Tractor Power +30%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Antuaguru Zavas}}
| 5
| Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Electric Tempering -33%, Resistance +10%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ayudhinaguru Sattva}}
| 5
| Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Damage +20%, Speed +14%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Caraaguru Psu}}
| 5
| Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Rate of Fire +50%, Range +30%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Dhatriaguru Bhava}}
| 5
| Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Range +40%, Transference Power +20%, Transference Efficiency +10%, Tractor Power +30%
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Dhatrilaghu Bhava}}
| 3
| Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Range +40%, Transference Power +10%, Transference Efficiency +10%, Tractor Power +30%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Antuguruka Zavas}}
| 7
| Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Electric Tempering -40%, Resistance +10%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ayudhinguruka Sattva}}
| 7
| Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Damage +30%, Speed +14%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Caraguruka Psu}}
| 7
| Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Rate of Fire +70%, Range +30%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Dhatriguruka Bhava}}
| 7
| Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Range +40%, Transference Power +30%, Transference Efficiency +10%, Tractor Power +30%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Antualasa Zavas}}
| 10
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +50%, Electric Tempering -40%, Resistance +10%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ayudhinalasa Sattva}}
| 10
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +50%, Damage +30%, Speed +18%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Caraalasa Psu}}
| 10
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +50%, Rate of Fire +70%, Range +40%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Dhatrialasa Bhava}}
| 10
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +50%, Range +40%, Transference Power +40%, Transference Efficiency +10%, Tractor Power +40%
| Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Antu Zavas}}
| 11
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +60%, Electric Tempering -40%, Resistance +10%
| Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ayudhin Sattva}}
| 11
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +60%, Damage +30%, Speed +18%
| Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Cara Psu}}
| 11
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +60%, Rate of Fire +70%, Range +40%
| Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Dhatri Bhava}}
| 11
| Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +60%, Range +40%, Transference Power +50%, Transference Efficiency +10%, Tractor Power +40%
| Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Antuatiguru Zavas}}
| 13
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Electric Tempering -46%, Resistance +10%
| Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Ayudhinatiguru Sattva}}
| 13
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Damage +40%, Speed +18%
| Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Bhisaj Bhava}}
| 13
| Shield Max +50%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Range +40%, Speed +30%, Hostility -18%, Transference Power +60%, Transference Efficiency +60%
| [[Bhisaj Bhava Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Healer.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Caraatiguru Psu}}
| 13
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range +40%
| Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Dhatriatiguru Bhava}}
| 13
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Range +40%, Transference Power +60%, Transference Efficiency +10%, Tractor Power +40%
| Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Hantr Psu}}
| 13
| Shield Max -26%, Range +35%, Tracking +100%, Speed +25%, Thrust +150%, Turning +100%, Visibility -86%, Critical Hit Chance +20%, Critical Hit Strength +125%, Weapon Hold +100%
| Hantr Drop.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Isvasa Sattva}}
| 13
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Electric Tempering -10%, Tracking -60%, Radar +200%, Visibility +200%, Multifiring +100
| [[Isvasa Sattva Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Sniper.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Janayitri Zavas}}
| 13
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Range +80%, Speed +20%, Resistance +20%
| [[Janayitri Zavas Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Mothership.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Rajanicara Psu}}
| 13
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Damage +20%, Range +40%, Speed +18%, Visibility -67%
| [[Rajanicara Psu Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Sentinel.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Raurava Bhava}}
| 13
| Shield Max +200%, Damage +100%, Rate of Fire -40%, Speed -10%, Resistance +20%
| Raurava Drop.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Saluna Psu}}
| 13
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Damage -10%, Speed +20%, Thrust +70%, Resistance +20%, Tractor Power +70%
| [[Saluna Psu Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Latcher.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Samdita Sattva}}
| 13
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Damage +30%, Speed +18%, Visibility -67%, Tractor Power +10%
| [[Samdita Sattva Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Detainer.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Samgrahaka Bhava}}
| 13
| Shield Max +25%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Capacity +30%, Resistance +14%, Defensive Drone Ops +30%, Everlasting Drone Ops +30%
| [[Samgrahaka Bhava Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Builder.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Subhatta Sattva}}
| 13
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Damage +40%, Speed +20%, Hostility +40%, Resistance +12%
| [[Subhatta Sattva Blueprint]]. Spirit of the distinguished Warrior.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Vacohara Psu}}
| 13
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Electric Tempering -26%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range +40%, Critical Hit Chance +20%
| [[Vacohara Psu Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Messenger.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Vaidya Bhava}}
| 13
| Shield Max +100%, Shield Recovery +70%, Damage +30%, Rate of Fire +10%, Resistance +30%, Transference Power +50%, Transference Efficiency +50%
| T22 drop.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Vazi Zavas}}
| 13
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Capacity +80%, Resistance +10%
| [[Vazi Zavas Blueprint]]. Spirit of the Controller.
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Zarkara Sattva}}
| 13
| Damage +70%, Rate of Fire +80%, Thrust +100%, Turning +60%, Hostility +80%, Resistance +30%
| Zarkara Drop.
| Zarkara Drop.
Line 7,188: Line 1,844:
These are augmenters that can be acquired from the [[Twisted Zone]].
These are augmenters that can be acquired from the [[Twisted Zone]].
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
|- align="center"
! Tech
! Tech
! Name
! Name
Line 7,195: Line 1,851:
! Source
! Source
! Restrictions
! Restrictions
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Mechanical Hound Augmenter}}
|Twisted Tesla Augmenter
| 13
| Shield Recovery +80%, Energy +200%, Speed +30%, Thrust +110%, Turning +65%, Resistance +14%, Transference Power +90%, Transference Efficiency +90%, Drone Ops +30%
|Shield Max +125%, Energy Max +125%, Energy Charge +60%, Capacity +16%, Trans Power +60%, Trans Efficiency +40%, Offensive Drone Operations +30%, Defensive Drone Operations +30%
| [[Mechanical Hound Augmenter Blueprint]]
|[[Twisted Tesla Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Twisted Death Augmenter}}
|Twisted Death Augmenter
| 13
| Damage +20%, Range +50%, Speed +40%, Weight -40%, Capacity +8%, Radar +100%, Visibility -85%, Resistance -10%, Critical Hit Chance +20%, Critical Hit Strength +120%, Weapon Hold +50%
| Damage +20%, Range +50%, Speed +40%, Weight -40%, Capacity +8%, Radar +100%, Visibility -85%, Resistance to Damage -10%, Critical Percent +20%, Critical Strength +120%, Weapon Hold +50%
| [[Twisted Death Augmenter Blueprint]]
|[[Twisted Death Augmenter Blueprint]]
|- align="center"
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| {{Linkable Entry|Twisted Tesla Augmenter}}
|Mechanical Hound Augmenter
| 13
| Shield Max +125%, Energy +125%, Energy Charge +60%, Capacity +16%, Transference Power +60%, Transference Efficiency +40%, Offensive Drone Ops +30%, Defensive Drone Ops +30%
|Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Max +200%, Speed +30%, Thrust +110%, Turning +65%, Resistance to Damage +14%, Trans Power +90%, Trans Efficiency +90%, Drone Operations +30%
| [[Twisted Tesla Augmenter Blueprint]]
|[[Mechanical Hound Augmenter Blueprint]]
[[Category: Gear]][[Category: Equipment]]
[[Category: Gear]][[Category: Equipment]]

Revision as of 20:08, 14 March 2020


Augmenters, also known as Augs, are semi-permanent attachments to Ships, Bases or Drones that provide bonuses and/or penalties to various attributes. An augmenter can only be equipped on a Base or Ship of equal or higher tech level than the aug. The number of augs you can equip varies depending on the object. Bases can have 4 on basic kits and up to 6 on more expensive ones. Ships can have between 1 and 6 augs equipped, depending on the type of ship.

All the augmenters equipped on a ship can be be removed and destroyed with the appropriate tech lvl of Reboot module, available in Lyceum, or they can be individually destroyed by docking in an AI base, right clicking the aug that you wish to remove, and selecting "Destroy Augmenter".

Augs, for the most part, are found by killing AI. Some augs, like combined augs, are rewards for missions and others, like Poseidon, the Earthshaker, are built from a blueprint. The rarer augmenters are named after Greek gods & goddesses, and usually offer a larger array of effects than just the common ones.

The effectiveness of augmenters can be improved with Augmenter Tweaking and Imperial Tweak.

You may wish to consult the formulae page for assistance.

See Also Augmenter Setups

Common Augmenters

Tech Name Size Bonuses Source Restrictions

Blueprint Augmenters

See Also: Augmenter Blueprints

Tech Name Size Bonuses Source Restrictions

Uncommon & Rare Augmenters

Tech Name Size Bonuses Source Restrictions Description
11 Angel Augmenter 4 Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Hostility -67%, Transference Power +80%, Transference Efficiency +40% Drops from Seraph Heavenly
20 Astralogica Augmenter 12 Speed +40%, Visibility +200%, Capacity +60%, Hostility -40%, Resistance to damage +20% Drops from Pax Astralogica Idiot's Guide to Exploration
10 Dark Augmenter 4 Turning +30%, Capacity +10%, Energy +50%, Shield Recharge +20%, Visibility -75%, Critical Hit Chance +20%, Resistance +5% Drops from Dark Guard From the shadows
10 Blue Beta Augmenter 1 Energy Max +200%, Damage +20%, Visibility -67%, Radar +50% Drops from Space Blue Beta Permanent Upgrade
15 Blue Gamma Augmenter 1 Energy Max +180%, Turning +40%, Damage +40%, Thrust +40%, Visibility -75%, Rate of Fire -50%, Radar +100% Drops from Space Blue Gamma Permanent Upgrade
0 Blue Interceptor Augmenter 2 Turning +60%, Damage +20%, Thrust +300% Drops from Space Blue Alpha Interceptor Permanent Upgrade
15 Bouquet Augmenter 7 Energy Max +200%, Speed +40%, Damage -33%, Energy Charge +100%, Thrust +80%, Docking Speed +200%, Hostility -67% Drops from Basil You really shouldn't have
22 Delquadrikamdon Augmenter 13 Shield Max +50%, Energy Charge +30%, Damage +60%, Range +20%, Resistance to Damage +30% Demented Delquadrikamdon drop Ascended Metallic Warfare!
13 Diamond Augmenter 4 Range +50%, Resistance +30%, Inertial Dampening -40% Diamond Power!
20 Equalaugmenter 12 Shield Max +22%, Energy Max +22%, Speed +22%, Turning +22%, Shield Recovery +22%, Energy Regen +22%, Thrust +22%, Visibility -22%, Range +22%, Electric Tempering -22%, Resistance to damage +22% Drops from Equanimity Some augs are more equal than others
1 Flyboy Augmenter 1 Energy Max +10%, Damage +20%, Shield Recovery +10% Drops from Flyswatter Maggot, Flyswatter Flylet Made for combat.
20 Forgone Augmenter 12 Shield Max +100%, Tracking +80%, Electric Tempering -26%, Critical Percent +20%, Critical Strength +40% Drops from Forgone Fate comes for ye
3 Frost Augmenter 1 Energy Max +110%, Energy Charge +40%, Visibility +30%, Weapon Hold +100% Frost Shard drop Brrr  !
8 Goblin Augmenter 3 Damage +40%, Weight +70%, Rate Of Fire -20%, Range +80%, Hostility +20% Drops from Goblin Nasty
6 Golden Augmenter 2 Shield Max +40%, Visibility +400%, Radar +40%, Electric Tempering -46%, Critical Percent +20% Drops from Goldenboy Statues Shinier object
19 Green Augmenter 12 Energy Max +100%, Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +80%, Radar +40%, Range +50% Drops from Big Green It's not easy being green
7 Hue Augmenter 3 Energy Max +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Visibility +100%, Resistance to Damage +20% Drops from Monochrome Hue All the colors of the monochromebow
5 Inferno Augmenter 2 Shield -33%, Damage +40%, Shield Recovery -18%, Range +44% DG drop from Inferno+ Permanent Upgrade
13 Parsley Augmenter 6 Energy Charge +50%, Speed +10%, Critical Hit Chance +20%, Critical Hit Strength +60% DG drop from Parsley Pinch me
20 Pick Augmenter 12 Damage +40%, Thrust +200%, Turning +60%, Tracking -26%, Rate of Fire +60%, Resistance to Damage +20% Drops from Icepick Pick me!
3 Pyrite Augmenter 2 Visibility +200%, Electric Tempering -46%, Critical Percent +10% Drops from Goldenboy Pyrite Shiny object
9 Rock augmenter 5 Shield Max +40%, Damage +20%, Weight +20%, Tracking +20%, Range +40% Drops from Ragnarock Solid
18 Rose Augmenter 10 Shield -40%, Damage +90%, Tracking -28%, Docking Speed -67%, Hostility +100% Drops from Rosemaries Only one?
9 Ruby Augmenter 4 Energy Max +100%, Shield Recovery +40%, Radar +200% Drops from Ruby Transport Red Power!
12 Serenity Augmenter 5 Shield Max +120%, Speed -40%, Shield Recovery +60%, Resistance to Damage +20% Drops from Serenities Serenity at last!
16 Slumber Augmenter 8 Shield Max +80%, Energy Max +120%, Turning -33%, Thrust -33%, Capacity +40%, Critical Percent +15%, Critical Strenght +60% Drops from Slumberchrome Yawn
4 Tear Augmenter 1 Energy Max +140%, Damage +40%, Rate Of Fire -40% Drops from Tear Don't cry for me
14 Thorn Augmenter 6 Turning +80%, Damage +10%, Energy Charge +30%, Thrust +40%, Tractor Strength +40% Drops From Cleft Thorn Permanent Upgrade
5 Tinted Augmenter 2 Damage +26%, Visibility -82%, Radar -67% Drops From Monochrome Tint Tintalicious
9 Volt Augmenter 4 Energy Max +160%, Energy Charge +60%, Visibility +200% Drops from Voltage It just keeps going and going…
7 Zombie Rat Queen's Augmenter 2 Energy Max +100%, Energy Charge +60%, Visibility +100%, Range +40% Drops from Zombie Rat Queen Undead Rats?!
8 Banu Qo Akk'oj 3 Shield Recovery +14%, Energy Charge +10%, Tractor Power +30%, Drone Ops +20% Mira drop Permanent upgrade
5 Barbe Bleu's Mods Augmenter 4 Shield Max +50%, Energy Charge +30%, Rate of Fire +30% Drops From Barbe Bleu Permanent Upgrade
3 Cadet Augmenter 1 Shield Recovery +18%, Energy Charge +24%, Weapon Hold +40% Mission reward in the Nexus Permanent Upgrade
2 Cadet Sniper Badge 1 Damage +18%, Tracking +60%, Rate of Fire -20%, Range +40% Mission reward in the Nexus Wear it proudly!
7 Calcite Augmenter 2 Shield Max +40%, Energy Max +40%, Visibility +100%, Capacity +40%, Resistance to Damage +20% Ancient Asteroid Being drop Neurobound Remains of an Ancient Asteroid Being
2 Creaky’s Oil Can 1 Speed +16%, Turning +16%, Damage +16%, Rate Of Fire +16%, Radar +16% Nexus Missions Keep your ship running smoothly.
0 Enforcer Scout Augmenter 1 Turning +20%, Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +22%, Thrust +20% Nexus Cadet Missions Permanent Upgrade
0 Flylet Broodship Augmenter 1 Shield Max +20%, Energy Max +40%, Speed +10%, Visibility +100%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range +20% Diseased Flylet Broodship Drop She's big n tough, when you're in a zebucart
5 Glacial Augmenter 1 Visibility +30%, Rate Of Fire +20%, Electric Tempering -33%, Resistance to damage +20% Lady Aurora Drop Brrr  !
7 Infernal Augmenter 3 Shield -60%, Shield Recovery -40%, Damage +50%, Tracking +60%, Range +60% Made from BP - DG drop, requires: Initial - 3mil creds, 3k metal, 2 inferno augs. Periodic: 3mil creds, 5 immolations. Burn baby, burn!
7 Infernus Augmenter 1 Energy Charge +40%, Rate Of Fire +50%, Range +40% Infernus drop Hot hot hot!
6 Ismail Augmenter 10 Turning +40, Thrust +60%, Capacity +40% , Docking Speed +438% Drops from Ismail I will see you in hell!
3 Jujo'qii Augmenter 2 no stats Drops from Jujo'qii Permanent Upgrade
9 KoQuii Ukuk Akk'oj 8 Damage +25%, Visibility -67%, Rate of Fire -10%, Range +40%, Elec Temp -10%   Permanent Upgrade
6 Lavrite Augmenter 1 Energy Max +180%, Drone Operations +20% Lavrite drop Hot hot hot!
3 Lyceum Initiate Augmenter 1 Turning +24%, Damage +4%, Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Rate Of Fire +20% Mission reward for Augmenter Tweaking mission in Nexus A symbol of knowledge!
5 Magmarar Augmenter 1 Energy Max +110%, Speed +20%, Tracking +60%, Rate Of Fire +40% Magmarar drop Hot hot hot!
1 Nexus Augmenter 1 Capacity +40%, Docking Speed +100% Nexus drop Special Nexus Instructions.
3 Nexus Scion Augmenter 2 Speed +10%, Shield Recovery +60% Nexus drop Resource from the old guy himself.
0 Oilheart’s Augmenter 1 Shield Max +54%, Energy Charge +18% Hostile Science mission reward Permanent Upgrade
6 Opaque Augmenter 2 Damage +35%, Visibility -86%, Radar -86% BP built from tinted augs Colors are overrated
3 Piman’s Augmenter 2 Capacity +57% Piman Missions Permanent Upgrade
5 Prefect Augmenter 100 Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Tracking +20%, Range +20%, Hostility -19% Drops from Mister the Prefect, Requires Leadership 2 With Love, from Mister the Prefect.
1 Rattie Moe Augmenter 2 Speed +4%, Capacity +17%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range +20% Drops from Rattie Moe Bionic augment for a bionic rat!
4 Rime Augmenter Energy Max +50%, Visibility +30%, Capacity +40%, Drone Operations +10% Lord Borean Brrr  !
8 Sergeant's Enforcer Augmenter 1 Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +40%, Hostility +36% Mission Reward Permanent Upgrade
3 Slimebottle's Augmenter 2 Shield Max +16%, Energy Charge +40%, Turning +35% Slimebottle Missions Permanent Upgrade
3 Solo's Special Modifications 15 Shield Max +30%, Speed +10%, Thrust +40%, Capacity +30% Harrison Solo Missions Modeled on the Aluminum Mallard great space capabilities!
7 Suqqa KoQuii Akk'oj 2 Damage +15%, Speed +6%, Visibility -67%, Critical Hit Chance +5%, Critical Hit Strength +70% Mira Permanent Upgrade
1 The Maggot Augmenter 1 Shield Max +44%, Damage +20% Dropped by The Maggot Made for Combat
3 Unger's Energy Augmenter 2 Energy Max +120%, Speed +12%, Energy Charge +18% Retired Augmenter once obtainable through mission dealing with Sporeside. Permanent Upgrade
1 Volcom Modifications 1 Energy Max +70%, Speed +10%, Rate of Fire +20%, Critical Percent +20% Volcom Pirate Missions Hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast!
6 Vulcanox Augmenter 1 Energy Max +90%, Visibility +10%, Capacity +30%, Resistance to damage +20% Vulcanox drop Hot hot hot!
1 Wingship Defence Augmenter 1 Shield Max +40%, Shield Recovery +10%, Resistance to Damage +4%  ? Neurobound Sleek defence
7 ZetaAug 1 Speed +26%, Capacity +20% Retired Aug Permanent Upgrade
3 Zobitan Augmenter 2 Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +36% Dropped by Zobitan and Zobitan's Hareem Hermit life
20 Albatross Augmenter 20 Shield Max +120%, Energy Charge +80%, Vis +250%, Tracking +60%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range +40% Req Piracy 20, Drops from Captain Albatross How do you like me now, Pirate?
13 Aku KoQuii Augmenter 6 Shield Max +20%, Energy Charge +60%, Capacity +6%, Visibility -67%, Resistance +5% - Permanent Upgrade
20 Arsonist's Augmenter 10 Speed +20%, Energy Charge +60%, Tracking +80%, Hostility +40%, Electric Tempering -33%, Critical Percent +30% Drops from The Arsonist Volitile... very volitile.
18 Arson Augmenter 8 Energy Charge +60%, Electric Tempering -19%, Rate of Fire +30%, Range +35%, Tracking +100%, Speed +18%, Hostility +20%, Critical Hit Chance +20% Drops from The Mausoleum Ubers. IK 18 required Volatile.. Very volatile.
20 Astranomologica Augmenter 12 Speed +44%, Visibility +240%, Capacity +66%, Hostility -52%, Resistance to damage +30% Astranomologica Augmenter Blueprint Enlightened light to exploration
13 Bellarmine Augmenter 6 Energy Max +180%, Energy Charge +60%, Thrust +200%, Range +24% Drops From Cardinal Bellarmine and Cardinal Bellarmine from Hell I will see you in hell!
18 Bunny Augmenter 6 Turning +34%, Damage +34%, Shield Recovery +34%, Thrust +34%, Resistance to damage +34% Easter Bunny Drop Hop hop hop
19 Calypso Augmenter 32 Turning +30%, Thrust +60%, Capacity +100%, Weight -46%, Docking speed +800% AI Drop Built to the Emperor's Own Taste
19 Calypso+ Augmenter 32 Turning +34%, Thrust +66%, Capacity +110%, Weight -54%, Docking speed +1000% Calypso+ Augmenter Blueprint Built to the Emperor's+ Own Taste
20 Conclusion Augmenter 12 Shield Max +150%, Tracking +88%, Electric Tempering -33%, Critical Percent +22%, Critical Strength +44% Conclusion Augmenter Blueprint The future is certain
20 Dark Inferno Augmenter 3 Damage +60%, Tracking +80%, Range +60%, Resistance to damage +10% Dark Doom drop Burn baby, burn!
20 Dark Goblin Augmenter 3 Shield Max +60%, Damage +80%, Capacity +20%, Range +10%, Hostility +40% Dark Maelstrom drop Nasty
12 Gonzales Augmenter 12 Range +44%, Tracking +60%, Speed +100%, Docking Speed +400%, Thrust -50%, Turning -50% Drops from Speedy Gonzales Speedy Gonzales own Modifications
20 Greener Augmenter 12 Energy Max +110%, Damage +22%, Rate of Fire +88%, Radar +44%, Range +54% Greener Augmenter Greenprint It's not easier being greener
16 Grinch's Special Augmenter 0 Shield Max +100%, Energy Max +100%, Damage +48%, Hostility +50% Astro-Grinch Drop It's a mean one.
17 Hibernation Augmenter 8 Shield Max +90%, Energy Max +130%, Turning -46%, Thrust -46%, Capacity +50%, Critical Percent +20%, Critical Strength +75% Hibernation Augmenter Blueprint Zzzzzzzz....
16 Ishi Augmenter 8 Shield Max +25%, Shield Recovery +60%, Tracking +40%, Speed +40%, Thrust +100%, Turning +100%, Visibility -67% - Permanent Upgrade
13 KoQuii' Vazuk Augmenter 6 Shield Max +40%, Shield Recovery +20%, Rate of Fire +80%, Visibility -67%, Critical Percent +10% - Permanent Upgrade
20 Mad Scientist Augmenter 12 Speed +40%, Energy Max +74%, Energy Charge +74%, Docking Speed +200%, Rate of Fire +90%, Capacity +10% Drops from the Mad Scientist Mad! Mad I tell you!
20 Mattock Augmenter 12 Turning +66%, Damage +44%, Thrust +110%, Tracking -20%, Rate Of Fire +66%, Resistance to damage +30% Mattock Augmenter Blueprint Chipping away at the mine face
18 One Dozen Roses Augmenter 65 Shield -33%, Speed +20%, Damage +90%, Tracking -26%, Docking Speed -67%, Hostility +100%, Electric Tempering -18%, Resistance to damage +10% One Dozen Roses Augmenter Blueprint Beautiful and Prickly and Expensive
18 Two Dozen Roses Augmenter 120 Shield -33%, Speed +30%, Damage +90%, Tracking -26%, Docking Speed -67%, Hostility +100%, Electric Tempering -26%, Resistance to damage +16% Two Dozen Roses Augmenter Blueprint Beautiful and Prickly and Expensive
20 Navigator's Augmenter 3 Shield Max +50%, Damage +30%, Shield Recovery +50%, Rate Of Fire +30%, Resistance to damage +30% Navigator's Augmenter Blueprint A Paxian ship modification created with Eridium.
18 Metis Augmenter 10 Shield Max +100%, Turning +20%, Damage +80%, Capacity -10%, Rate Of Fire +30%, Radar +300% Drops from The Mausoleum. IK 18 required permanent Upgrade
11 Pirate's Mark 7 Damage +24%, Rate of Fire +24%, Shield Max +60%, Capacity +20%, Hostility +60%, Visibility -60%, Critical Percent +5% Requires Piracy 11, Tortuga mission reward Don't let merchants see this.
20 Poseidon, the Earthshaker 10 Shield Max +130%, Damage +20%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +50% Poseidon, the Earthshaker Tablet God of the Sea, Earthquakes and Horses.
20 Qa Augmenter 10 Shield Max +80%, Damage +45%, Energy Charge +45%, Visibility -80%, Resistance to Damage +10% - Permanent Upgrade
16 Qokuji Augmenter 8 Shield Max +80%, Energy Max +100%, Damage +40%, Range +20%, Speed +10%, Visibility -67% - Permanent Upgrade
19 Reaver Augmenter 5 Speed +19%, Damage +55%, Thrust +55%, Capacity +19%, Range +19%, Hostility +80%, Critical Percent +20%, Critical Strength +40%, Resistance to Damage -14% Reward From Brigand's Stronghold mission, Neuro Bound Pirate for life
20 Sivar's Augmenter 20 Energy Max +200%, Electric Tempering -33%, Damage +40%, Rate of Fire +80%, Speed +20%, Thrust +100%, Turning +50%, Critical Hit Chance -10% Sivar Hvar'kann drop Justice for the Kalthi, Retribution against the UrQa.
10 Solid Rock Augmenter 5 Shield Max +50%, Damage +30%, Weight +30%, Tracking +30%, Range +44% Solid Rock Augmenter Blueprint Very Solid
18 Vesta Augmenter 8 Shield Max +60%, Shield Recovery +100%, Energy Max +100%, Damage +40%, Range +40%, Resistance to Damage +7% Drops from The Mausoleum. IK 18 required permanent Upgrade
20 Vulture Augmenter 4 Energy Bank +100%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range -10%, Speed +35%, Damage +50%, Shield Bank +60%, Visibility +100%, Hostility +40%, Resistance to Damage +14% Vulture Augmenter Blueprint Prey on the weak
19 Wattage Augmenter 12 Shield Max +40%, Energy Max +20%, Damage +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Visibility +100%, Range +50%, Electric Tempering -40% Wattage Augmenter Blueprint Wattage Lightning baby
16 Wyrm Augmenter 8 Energy Max +100%, Shield Recovery +70%, Energy Charge +30%, Tracking +40%, Rate of Fire +40% Mr. Wyrm drop Permanent Upgrade
20 Zombie Rat Broodmother's Augmenter 8 Energy Max +100%, Energy Charge +80%, Visibility +100%, Range +50%, Tracking +48% Obtained from Zombie Rat Broodmother during the Halloween event Permanent Upgrade
21 Artemis Patrol Augmenter 20 Visibility -150%, Tracking +90%, Radar +800%, Range +60% Built from a Blueprint Pervert Upgrade
21 Hermes Patrol Augmenter 20 Speed +40%, Shield Recovery +50%, Thrust +110%, Visibility -79%, Docking Speed +240%, Radar +800% Hermes Patrol Augmenter Blueprint Permanent Upgrade
21 Capital Defensive Augmenter 50 Shield Max +100%, Speed +10%, Shield Recovery +40%, Capacity +40%, Radar +200%, Resistance to damage +50% Red Photon Warship Prototype drop, Capital Ship only Damage control, capital style
22 Grand Navigator's Defensive Augmenter 50 Shield Max +60%, Speed +10%, Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +50%, Capacity +40%, Radar +200%, Resistance to damage +50% Subspace Missions, Capital Ship only A defensive Paxian ship modification created with Eridium.
21 Capital Offensive Augmenter 50 Energy Charge +60%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage +60%, Rate of Fire +70%, Range +20% Red Photon Warship Prototype drop, Capital Ship only Make big guns even bigger
22 Grand Navigator's Offensive Augmenter 50 Shield Max +60%, Energy Max +100%, Electric Tempering -15%, Damage +70%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range +30%, Resistance to Damage +15% Subspace Missions, Capital Ship only An offensive Paxian ship modification created with Eridium.
21 Cerberus Augmenter 12 Speed -30%, Visibility +100%, Tracking +100%, Radar +400%, Range -50%, Hostility +40%, Weapon Hold +50%, Multifire +200% Random AI drop A couple of extra heads never hurt
22 Chronos Augmenter 12 Energy Max +54%, Damage +54%, Capacity +54%, Tractor Strength +54% Random Drop Permanent Upgrade
22 Chronos+ Augmenter 10 Energy Max +60%, Damage +60%, Capacity +60%, Tractor Strength +100% Chronos+ Augmenter Blueprint Permanent Upgrade
22 Cygnus Augmenter 1 Shield Max +110%, Turning +40%, Damage +60%, Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Thrust -20%, Docking Speed +200%, Rate Of Fire +10% Blueprint We will call you Cygnus, the God of Balance you shall be
21 Dark Thorn Augmenter 6 Turning +80%, Damage +20%, Energy Charge +80%, Thrust +60%, Tractor Strength +60% Dark Diablo drop Ouch
22 Divine Augmenter 1 Turning +40%, Thrust +72%, Capacity +120%, Weight -61%, Docking Speed +1200% Divine Behemoth The Ancient Emperor, reborn.
21 Divine Wattage Augmenter 12 Shield Max +40%, Energy Max +40%, Damage +60%, Energy Charge +40%, Visibility +100%, Range +70%, Electric Tempering -46% Built from a Blueprint Divine Wattage Lightning Baby
22 Grand Navigator's Augmenter 3 Shield Max +60%, Damage +40%, Shield Recovery +60%, Rate Of Fire +40%, Resistance to damage +40% Built from BP A Paxian ship modification created with Eridium.
21 Hawk Augmenter 10 30% Turning, 30% Tracking, 22% Speed, 100% Radar, 60% Thrust, 90% Damage, 70% Shield, 100% Visibility, -15% Electric Tempering, 10% Critical Hit Chance Built from a Blueprint Prey from the skies
21 Invigorating Aphrodite Augmenter 20 Energy Max +210%, Turning +60%, Damage +40%, Energy Charge +70%, Thrust +60%, Docking Speed +300% Built from a Blueprint
21 Invigorating Dionysis Augmenter 21 Shield Max +100%, Energy Max +200%, Turning -10%, Damage +28%, Energy Charge +70%, Thrust -30%, Docking Speed +200% BP Built Permanent Upgrade
21 Kidd's Modification 21 Shield Max +30%, Turning +40%, Shield Recovery +50%, Rate Of Fire +80%, Range +40%, Resistance to damage +40% Captain Kidd A little of this, a lot of that.
21 Markswoman Artemis Augmenter 21 Damage +20%, Rate of Fire +20%, Tracking +200%, Range +142%, Visibility -40% BP Built Permanent Upgrade
21 Nightfury's Anger 6 Shield Max +120%, Energy Max +60%, Electric Tempering +24%, Damage +70%, Rate of Fire +90%, Range +40%, Speed +10%, Thrust -18%, Turning -33%, Capacity -10%, Radar -26%, Visibility +200% Drops From The Red Night Fury, who roams perilous space. Through the eyes of the beast
21 Nightfury's Patience 12 Shield Recovery +100%, Electric Tempering +24%, Damage +40%, Range +20%, Tracking +40%, Thrust -18%, Turning -33%, Capacity -10%, Resistance to Damage +30% Drops From The Red Night Fury, who roams perilous space. Through the eyes of the beast
22 Ohm Augmenter 1 Energy Max +60%, Energy Charge +60%, Visibility +400%, Range -18%, Weapon Hold +50%, Electric Tempering -52%, Resistance to Damage +50%, Inertial Dampening -57% Built from a Blueprint Put up resistance, stop the charging
22 Qa'ik Banu Akk'oj 10 Shield Max +116%, Energy Charge +32%, Capacity +14%, Drone Operations +28%, Defensive Drone Operations -6%, Resistance to Damage +38% UrQa'qa Qu'ishi drop Akk'oj Banu
22 Qa'ik Urk'qii Akk'oj 10 Shield Recovery +58%, Damage +58%, Resistance to Damage +58%, Critical Percent +18%, Critical Strength +58% UrQa'qa Qu'ishi drop Akk'oj Urk'qii
22 Qa'ik Vazuk Akk'oj 10 Shield Max +140%, Damage +60%, Rate of Fire +130%, Electric Tempering +10%, Inertial Dampening -35% UrQa'qa Qu'ishi drop Akk'oj Vazuk
21 Racing Hermes Augmenter 20 Shield Recovery +50%, Speed +60%, Turning +38%, Thrust +260%, Docking Speed +1200%, Visibility -71% Built from a Blueprint Permanent Upgrade
21 Raging Aphrodite Augmenter 20 Damage +80%, Docking Speed +300%, Rate of Fire +92%, Thrust +60%, Turning +60% Built from a Blueprint Permanent Upgrade
21 Raging Dionysis Augmenter 20 Shield Max +100%, Turning -10%, Damage +70%, Rate of Fire +80%, Thrust -30%, Docking Speed +200% Built from a Blueprint Permanent Upgrade
22 Rhea Augmenter 12 Shield Max +64%, Speed +64%, Turning +64%, Radar +64%, Electric Tempering -52% Random Drop Permanent Upgrade
21 Tarkin's Augmenter 6 Shield Max +100%, Energy Max +40%, Energy Charge +40%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage -18%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range +40%, Thrust +40%, Turning +40%, Visibility +100%, Hostility +160%, Resistance +44%, Critical Percent +10%. Built from a Blueprint Only through the projection of power do we bring order.
22 Grand Moff Augmenter 6 Shield Max +175%, Energy Max +40%, Damage -10%, Thrust +150%, Range +50%, Hostility +200%, Resistance to Damage +50% Grand Moff Augmenter Blueprint Rule Through the fear of force rather than force itself.
22 Lunarian Augmenter 1 Shield Max +100%, Energy Charge +50%, Electric Tempering -18%, Damage +60%, Rate of Fire +80% Lunarian Augmenter Blueprint Lunarian Technology
22 Selenite Augmenter 1 Shield Max +140%, Electric Tempering -48%, Rate of Fire +130%, Range +70%, Tracking +60% Selenite Augmenter Blueprint Selenite Technology
22 Perilous Augmenter 10 Shield Max +130%, Energy Charge +56%, Rate of Fire +78%, Range +44%, Resistance to Damage +28% Perilous Augmenter Blueprint Face the peril? No, it's too perilous.

Ship Mastery Augmenters

These augs give the given percentage bonus to the following stats: Shield, Energy, Speed, Turning, Damage, Shield Recovery, Energy Charge, Thrust, negative Visibility, Capacity, Tracking, Docking Speed, Rate Of Fire, Radar, Tractor Strength, Range, Transference Power, Transference Efficiency, Weapon Hold, negative Electric Tempering, Drone Operations, Critical Percent, Critical Strength, and Resistance to damage.

They are the same tech as their given number, they all have the description "Make everything run a little smoother", and are dungeon drops.

Note: Due to rounding in Star Sonata, the stats displayed ingame are not 100% accurate. The first ship mastery augmenter (0) has a stat of +4%, and each aug after that gains .60% in stats per tech level.

Tech Name Size Weight Bonuses Source Restrictions

God Augmenters

Tech Name Size Weight Bonuses Source Restrictions

Acropolis God Augmenters

Tech Name Size Weight Bonuses Source Restrictions

Combined Augmenters

Tech Name Size Weight Bonuses Source Restrictions

Skill Specific Augmenters

Tech Name Size Weight Bonuses Source Restrictions

The Serengeti Augmenters

Tech Name Size Weight Bonuses Source Restrictions

Olympus Augmenters

These augmenters are obtained within Olympus.

General Augmenters

Tech Name Size Bonuses Source Restrictions
21 Ares' Rage Augmenter 20 Damage: +120% Pretender Ares drop
21 Cunning of Hermes Augmenter 30 Speed: +20% Radar: +200% Damage: +60% Visibility: -67% Critical Percent: -18% Critical Strength: +150% Pretender Hermes drop
21 Cunning of Hermes+ Augmenter 25 Speed: +24% Radar: +200% Damage: +70% Visibility: -67% Critical Percent: -15% Critical Strength: +160% BP Built
21 Cyclops Augmenter 20 Capacity: +60% Tracking: -18% Energy: +40% Speed: -18% Damage: +40% Resistance to Damage: +50% Cyclop Drop
21 Deimos Augmenter 20 Rate of Fire: +130% Range: +60% Shield Bank: +100% Visibility: -60% Deimos drop
21 Hephaestus' Skin Augmenter 20 Capacity: +24% Resistance to Damage: +70% Pretender Hephaestus Drop
21 Hermes Swiftness Augmenter 20 Speed: +150% Visibility: -18% Pretender Hermes Drop
21 Jovian Augmenter 20 Energy: +50% Shield Recovery: +50% Shield Max: +50% Visibility: -67% Resistance to Damage: +50% Europa drop
21 Molten Fires of Hephaestus Augmenter 30 Capacity: +40% Energy: +250% Rate of Fire: 25% Speed: -20% Shield Max: +130% Hostility: +100% Resistance to Damage: +33% Pretender Hephaestus drop
21 Molten Fires of Hephaestus+ Augmenter 30 Capacity: +45% Energy: +250% Rate of Fire: 55% Speed: -20% Shield Max: +130% Hostility: +100% Resistance to Damage: +33% Blueprint
21 Phobos Augmenter 20 Damage: 60% Shield Max: +100% Visibility: -60% Electric Tempering: -20% Phobos drop
21 Poseidon's Reserve Augmenter 20 Energy: +600% Shield Max: +200% Pretender Poseidon drop
21 Poseidon's Tsunami Augmenter 30 Energy: +100% Thrust: +40% Damage: +80% Shield Bank: +70% Electricity: -20% Tractor Strength: +40% Electrical Tempering -33% Pretender Poseidon drop
21 Poseidon's Tsunami+ Augmenter 25 Energy: +160% Thrust: +40% Damage: +80% Shield Bank: +100% Electricity: -15% Tractor Strength: +40% Electrical Tempering -33% Blueprint
21 War Chant of Ares Augmenter 30 Range: +20% Speed: +20% Damage: +115% Electricity: +45% Critical Hit Chance: +15% Resistance to Damage: -25% Pretender Ares drop
21 War Chant of Ares+ Augmenter 25 Range: +20% Speed: +40% Damage: +115% Electricity: +45% Critical Hit Chance: +15% Resistance to Damage: -25% Blueprint
21 Zeus' Lightning Source Augmenter 20 Energy Charge: +160% Pretender Zeus drop
21 Zeus' Planar Field Augmenter 30 Capacity: +30% Range: +20% Shield Recovery: +50% Damage: +60% Energy Charge: +30% Electric Tempering: +30% Resistance to Damage: +20% Pretender Zeus drop
21 Zeus' Planar Field+ Augmenter 25 Capacity: +30% Range: +60% Shield Recovery: +50% Damage: +60% Energy Charge: +30% Electric Tempering: +30% Resistance to Damage: +20% BP Built

Drone Mastery Augmenters

Tech Name Size Bonuses Source Restrictions
21 Ares Offensive Mode Augmenter 12 Energy: +120% Rate of Fire: +40% Damage: +10% Shield Max: +30% Energy Charge: +60% Visibility: +200% Trans Power: +70% Trans Efficiency: +50% Offensive Drone Operations: +40% Neurobound, Requires Drone Mastery 1
21 Hephaestus General Mode Augmenter 12 Capacity: +40% Energy: +50% Speed: +20% Shield Max: +80% Visibility: +100% Trans Power: +60% Trans Efficiency: +60% Drone Operations: +20% Resistance to Damage: +10% Neurobound, Requires Drone Mastery 1
21 Poseidon's Defensive Mode Augmenter 12 Energy: +180% Shield Recovery: +60% Shield Max: +130% Tractor Power: +40% Visibility: +100% Trans Power: +50% Trans Efficiency: +70% Defensive Drone Operations: +60% Neurobound, Requires Drone Mastery 1
21 Zeus Everlasting Mode Augmenter 12 Energy: +60% Shield Recovery: +70% Shield Max: +80% Energy Charge: +70% Visibility: +200% Trans Power: +80% Trans Efficiency: +80% Drone Operations: +5% Everlasting Drone Operations: +40% Neurobound, Requires Drone Mastery 1

Holiday Augmenters

Halloween Augmenters

These augmenters are obtained by AI that appear on the Halloween Event.

Tech Name Size Bonuses Source Restrictions
10 Baby Troll Augmenter 5 Shield Max +50%, Energy Max +50%, Shield Recovery +30%, Energy Charge +20%, Resistance to damage +20% Baby Troll drop
12 Troll Augmenter 5 Shield Max +60%, Energy Max +50%, Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +20%, Resistance to damage +22% Troll drop
14 Gnarly Troll Augmenter 5 Shield Max +70%, Energy Max +50%, Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Resistance to damage +24% Gnarly Troll drop
16 Rock Troll Augmenter 5 Shield Max +80%, Energy Max +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Resistance to damage +43% Rock Troll drop
16 Trick Troll Augmenter 5 Shield Max +80%, Energy Max +50%, Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +20%, Resistance to damage +26% Trick Troll drop
21 Undead Narwhal Augmenter 20 Shield Max +40%, Speed +40%, Damage +40%, Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Rate of Fire +20%, Range +30%, Electric Tempering -20% Resistance to damage +10% Undead Narwhal Drop
18 Vampyre Augmenter 10 Speed +44%, Damage +38%, Shield Recovery +44%, Energy Charge +28% Vampyre drop

Easter Augmenters

These augmenters are obtained by AI that appear on the Easter Event.

Tech Name Size Bonuses Source Restrictions
18 Bunny Augmenter 6 Turning + 34%, Damage + 34%, Shield Recovery + 34%, Thrust + 34%, Resistance to Damage + 34% Drops from Easter Bunny
21 Zombie Bunny Augmenter 20 Turning + 46%, Damage + 46%, Shield Recovery + 46%, Thrust + 46%, Resistance to Damage + 46% Drops from Zombie Easter Bunny

Aveksakan Augmenters

These augmenters are obtained from the Aveksaka.

Tech Name Size Bonuses Source Restrictions
7 Antulaghu Zavas 1 Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Electric Tempering -26%, Resistance to Damage +10% Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
7 Ayudhinlaghu Sattva 1 Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Damage +20%, Speed +14% Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
7 Caralaghu Psu 3 Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Rate Of Fire +50%, Range +30% Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
7 Dhatrilaghu Bhava 1 Shield Recovery +20%, Energy Charge +20%, Range +40%, Transference Power +10%, Transference Efficiency +10%, Tractor Strength +30% Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
11 Antuaguru Zavas 1 Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Electric Tempering -33%, Resistance to Damage +10% Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
11 Ayudhinaguru Sattva 1 Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Damage +20%, Speed +14% Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
11 Caraaguru Psu 5 Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Rate Of Fire +50%, Range +30% Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
11 Dhatrilaghu Bhava 1 Shield Recovery +40%, Energy Charge +30%, Range +40%, Transference Power +20%, Transference Efficiency +10%, Tractor Strength +30% Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
15 Antuguruka Zavas 1 Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Electric Tempering -40%, Resistance to Damage +10% Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
15 Ayudhinguruka Sattva 1 Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Damage +30%, Speed +14% Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
15 Caraguruka Psu 1 Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Rate Of Fire +70%, Range +30% Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
15 Dhatriguruka Bhava 1 Shield Recovery +50%, Energy Charge +40%, Range +40%, Transference Power +30%, Transference Efficiency +10%, Tractor Strength +15% Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
19 Antualasa Zavas 1 Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +50%, Electric Tempering -40%, Resistance to Damage +10% Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
19 Ayudhinalasa Sattva 1 Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +50%, Damage +30%, Speed +18% Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
19 Caraalasa Psu 1 Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +50%, Rate of Fire +70%, Range +40% Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
19 Dhatrialasa Bhava 1 Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +50%, Tractor Strength +40%, Range +40%, Transference Power +40%, Transference Efficiency +10% Drops from Aveksakan AIs.
20 Antu Zavas 1 Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +60%, Electric Tempering -40%, Resistance to Damage +10% Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
20 Ayudhin Sattva 1 Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +60%, Damage +30%, Speed +18% Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
20 Cara Psu 1 Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +60%, Rate of Fire +70%, Range +40% Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
20 Dhatri Bhava 1 Shield Recovery +60%, Energy Charge +60%, Tractor Strength +40%, Range +40%, Transference Power +50%, Transference Efficiency +10% Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
22 Antuatiguru Zavas 1 Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Electric Tempering -46%, Resistance to Damage +10% Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
22 Ayudhinatiguru Sattva 1 Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Damage +40%, Speed +18% Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
22 Bhisaj Bhava 1 Shield Max +50%, Speed +30%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Range +40%, Hostility -18%, Transference Power +60%, Transference Efficiency +60% Bhisaj Bhava Blueprint. Spirit of the Healer.
22 Caraatiguru Psu 1 Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range +40% Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
22 Dhatriatiguru Bhava 1 Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Tractor Strength +40%, Range +40%, Transference Power +60%, Transference Efficiency +10% Drops from Aveksakan bosses and minis.
22 Hantr Psu 1 Shield -26%, Speed +25%, Turning +100%, Thrust +150%, Visibility -86%, Tracking +100%, Range +35%, Weapon Hold +100%, Critical Percent +20%, Critical Strength +125% Hantr Drop.
22 Isvasa Sattva 1 Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Tracking -60%, Radar +200%, Electric Tempering -10%, Multifire +100%, Visibility +200% Isvasa Sattva Blueprint. Spirit of the Sniper.
22 Janayitri Zavas 1 Speed +20%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Range +80%, Resistance to Damage +20% Janayitri Zavas Blueprint. Spirit of the Mothership.
22 Saluna Psu 1 Speed +20%, Damage -10%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Thrust +70%, Tractor Strength +70%, Resistance to damage +20% Saluna Psu Blueprint. Spirit of the Latcher.
22 Samdita Sattva 1 Speed +18%, Damage +30%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Visibility -100%, Tractor Strength +10% Samdita Sattva Blueprint. Spirit of the Detainer.
22 Samgrahaka Bhava 1 Shield Max +25%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Capacity +30%, Resistance to Damage +14%, Defensive Drone Ops +30%, Everlasting Drone Ops +30% Samgrahaka Bhava Blueprint. Spirit of the Builder.
22 Subhatta Sattva 1 Speed +20%, Damage +40%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Hostility +40%, Resistance to damage +12% Subhatta Sattva Blueprint. Spirit of the distinguished Warrior.
22 Vaidya Bhava 1 Shield Max +100%, Damage +30%, Shield Recovery +70%, Rate of Fire +10%, Transference Power +50%, Transference Efficiency +50%, Resistance to Damage +30% T22 drop.
22 Vacohara Psu 1 Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Rate of Fire +80%, Range +40%, Electric Tempering -26%, Critical Percent +20% Vacohara Psu Blueprint. Spirit of the Messenger.
22 Vazi Zavas 1 Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Capacity +80%, Resistance to Damage +10% Vazi Zavas Blueprint. Spirit of the Controller.
22 Rajanicara Psu 1 Speed +18%, Damage +20%, Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Charge +80%, Visibility -100%, Range +40% Rajanicara Psu Blueprint. Spirit of the Sentinel.
22 Raurava Bhava 1 Shield Max +200%, Speed -10%, Damage +100%, Rate of Fire -40%, Resistance to damage +20% Raurava Drop.
22 Zarkara Sattva 1 Turning +60%, Damage +70%, Thrust +100%, Rate of Fire +80%, Hostility +80%, Resistance to damage +30% Zarkara Drop.

Twisted Zone Augmenters

These are augmenters that can be acquired from the Twisted Zone.

Tech Name Size Bonuses Source Restrictions
22 Twisted Tesla Augmenter 24 Shield Max +125%, Energy Max +125%, Energy Charge +60%, Capacity +16%, Trans Power +60%, Trans Efficiency +40%, Offensive Drone Operations +30%, Defensive Drone Operations +30% Twisted Tesla Augmenter Blueprint
22 Twisted Death Augmenter 1 Damage +20%, Range +50%, Speed +40%, Weight -40%, Capacity +8%, Radar +100%, Visibility -85%, Resistance to Damage -10%, Critical Percent +20%, Critical Strength +120%, Weapon Hold +50% Twisted Death Augmenter Blueprint
22 Mechanical Hound Augmenter 24 Shield Recovery +80%, Energy Max +200%, Speed +30%, Thrust +110%, Turning +65%, Resistance to Damage +14%, Trans Power +90%, Trans Efficiency +90%, Drone Operations +30% Mechanical Hound Augmenter Blueprint