Cardinal Bellarmine from Hell
From Starsonata Wiki
After his initial defeat in Judgement, Cardinal Bellarmine has managed to escape hell and now he's back for vengeance! Hiding at the last level of a random Warp 2 or Warp 3 dungeon, Bellarmine is quick to obliterate anyone, foolish enough to come to his lair unprepared, with his five multifired Excommunicators and three Heavenly Lasers. His Vicar is difficult to see, and has a built in aura generator that delivers a negative vision tweak, ensuring his ship would stay hidden until it's too late.

Bellarmine from Hell, multifiring his three heavenly lasers at a careless UrQa Suqqa Vazuk Speed Demon.
Gear List:
Unique loot:
- 35,000,000 credits
- Ablution Crystals
- Absolution Blueprint
- Abstructor
- Bellarmine Augmenter
- Dementium
- Excommunicator
- Hell's Gate
- Simple Power
- The Preacher Blueprint
- Vicar Blueprint
Random loot: