Deep Space Missions
Assigned in Deep Space, these missions usually require players to ferry items to galaxies inside or outside the star system or to kill certain AI (sometimes uber AI).
This is considered the 'second step' in a new player's playing life.
[hide]Harrison Solo
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Harrison Solo
- Mission: Care to help a fellow pilot in need?
Care to help a fellow pilot in need? Simon! You have to help me out! I wasn't really looking and one of those Space Jelly got me out there in Deep Space and my ship, the famously known Aluminium Mallard, is now stranded at Anchor Point without any propulsion!! I have to deliver this package to Pizza's Agent in Voyagers last stop. Prove to me you can do that and I have an even more dangerous task for you to accomplish once you are experienced enough. Meet me in Blue Refuge next. * Credits given: 25000 * Experience given. Summary Bring the Suspicious Package to Pizza's Agent in Voyagers last stop. Solo recommend that you do it fast following the Fuel Station and get the maximum speed boosts you can get from them. If you stray too much from this patch the giants suns gravity wells will catch you and slow you doww.
Location: Voyagers last stop (or first stop, it really depends), Deep Space
- Agent: Pizza's Agent
- Mission: Care to help a fellow pilot in need?
Care to help a fellow pilot in need? Oota Goota Solo? Pomditi takooo, Pomditale!
Twin Pillars Run
Location: Blue Refuge, Deep Space
- Agent: Harrison Solo
- Mission: Twin Pillars Run
Twin Pillars Run You never heard of the Alluminium Mallard? It's the ship that made the Twin Pillars Run in less then twelve parsecs. But, it's currently still not working and I'm in deep trouble Simon! Pizza will get my head if I don't do a delivery today. A contact of mine will bring the goods to Anchor Point in 1 hour and you have to bring it to Pizza's Agent in Voyagers last stop as soon as possible before the package decay. You see, it's a very fragile material and will decay very soon if left in the open, ruining it. We can't let that happen. You have to do the run as fast as you can, get yourself a fast ship and come back when you are ready. Talk to my first mate here, Barf, for the details on how to get the package. * Credits given: 250000 * Experience given. Summary To do the Twin Pillars Run get yourself a fast ship and stay on the path using the Fuel Station as much as possible. Get the Very Suspicious Package to Pizza's Agent in Voyagers last stop.
Barf Starts Talking
Location: Blue Refuge, Deep Space
- Agent: Barf
- Mission: First Mate
First Mate Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Raaaaaaaaaaarrrr! Warrr Raaarrrrr Rarrar!! (It's obvious by now that you don't understand one word of what he is barking. You need to find a translator droid somewhere. Summary Find a translator droid to understand what Barf is barking. You might want to look in the Nexus, chances are one or parts of one have been found there.
Translator Droid
Location: Janitor Outpost, The Nexus
- Agent: Janitor Wilco
- Mission: Translator Droid?
Translator Droid? Translator Droid you say? They are not very useful, you sure you want one? Ok ok, I might be able to repair one if you can bring me the parts. I'm sure I left some body parts in the scrapyard around here, check it out. You will also need some metal, some microchips and ohh yeah, obviously, you will need to find a not too badly damaged positronic brain from somewhere. I suggest you try some of those scary bionic rats, the big ones like the kings and queens, they might have what you need. Bring me that and I'll see what I can do. * Reward: Translator Droid Summary Bring 20 Metals, 10 Microchips, 1 Not Too Badly Damaged Positronic Brain and 1 Droid Body Parts to Wilco and he should be able to transform this crap into a Translator Droid.
Location: Janitor Outpost, The Nexus
- Agent: Janitor Wilco
Note: Per a 2009 post, Droid Body Parts are mined from Debris orbiting near Janitor Outpost by shooting them with a Surgical damage weapon. This does not seem to be true any more. If anyone finds the answer please update this wiki.
Note: Just checked and you CAN currently (2020) get droid body parts from the wreckages orbiting Janitor Outpost using a surgical weapon. And the brain comes from Rattie Moe, I didn't check king or queen rats. If body parts not dropping was an issue in the past, it seems to have been fixed.
- Mission: Translator Droid?
Translator Droid? Ok this should do it. Let me work on that a bit. *ting* *ting* *ting*. Ok done, here it is, hopefully it's usefull for you for something.
Barf Finishes Talking
Location: Blue Refuge, Deep Space
- Agent: Barf
- Mission: First Mate
First Mate Finally you activate the translator droid and try to have him talk to Barf. "Hi, I'm Z-6P0, human relation droid. I'm fluent in up to 6 forms of communications, how can I help you?"
Location: Blue Refuge, Deep Space
- Agent: Barf
- Mission: First Mate
First Mate Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Raaaaaaaaaaarrrr! Warrr Raaarrrrr Rarrar!! (bis) You let the droid talk to barf. "Unfortunatly sir, that *langage* is not one of the 6 forms of communication I am currently fluent in, you might want to try another translator?" You threaten do dismantle the droid on the spot if he doesn't find a solution. "But sir! I'm certainly usefull for other things! Have you tried handling the tookie a mint?" *Z-6Po hands Barf a mint*, the tall tookie cough a little, and clear his throat. *cough*. "Sorry about that he said *cough*, I had something in my throat. So yes, the contact for the shipment. Go meet Billy Dee Williams in Anchor Point as soon as possible. * Reward: Very Suspicious Package Summary Meet Billy Dee Williams at Anchor Point as soon as possible.
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Billy Dee Williams
- Mission: First Mate
First Mate Call me Dee. Solo told me some good things about you. Him and I go wayyy back. Ok now, take this and hurry. This stuff is very unstable. I hope you got a fast ship and that piece of junk I just saw docked 10 minutes ago wasn't yours.
NOTE: Warning the Very Suspicious Package has a 1 minute and 45 second half life and needs to be taken back to voyager's last stop, so as soon as you finish this mission, start running!
Finishing The Twin Pillars Run
Location: Voyagers last stop (or first stop, it really depends), Deep Space
- Agent: Pizza's Agent
- Mission: Twin Pillars Run
Twin Pillars Run You find the agent and leave the package just in time. The agent look at it and wave his gun at you saying you can now go back. That was a close one, hopefully Solo got something good for you this time.
Location: Blue Refuge, Deep Space
- Agent: Harrison Solo
- Mission: You made it!
You made it! My neck is saved! Thanks to you Simon! You have proven yourself to be a very able pilot. I'll spread the word around about your smuggling skills. In the meantime let me dig something out of the Mallard that could be usefull for you. * Credits given: 250000 * Experience given. * Reward: Solo's Special Modifications Summary Solo is getting something out in the Mallard that hopefully will benefit you in some way.
Location: Blue Refuge, Deep Space
- Agent: Harrison Solo
- Mission: You made it!
You made it! Here, I made these special modifications myself, take great care now.
Space Jelly Research
Find Acidic Remains
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Nicolas Stapleton
- Mission: A horrid creature?
A horrid creature? Why good day there chap, what's your name? Ah, Simon is it? Why then, Simon! In case you don't know me, I'm Nicolas Stapleton, and I'm the leading expert on Cosmobiology around here. Why when it comes to the beasts of outer-space, I'm ace! Now that we're formally introduced, I think I have a task for you Simon. Being in my field of work, I'm excited to know about any new species, so the rumors of 'space jellies' has me quite roused, despite my collegues opinion that I'm a bit daft. How about you bring me a specimen from this new species, it would prove to my peers that I'm not mad at all! * Credits given: 50000 * Experience given. Summary Find one of these 'Space Jellies' and bring back a specimen. Nicolas Stapleton doesn't care what state it's in.
NOTE: Requires 1 Jelly's Acidic Remains
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Nicolas Stapleton
- Mission: A horrid creature?
A horrid creature? Oh my! This is a horrid creature indeed! Why I am quite shocked that something this foul even exists in our realm! Pardon me, but I fear I simply must take this specimen back to my laboratory for further inspection!
Find Jelly Blood
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Nicolas Stapleton
- Mission: An interesting creature.
An interesting creature. The more I study this specimen, the more intriguing I find it to be Simon. How can any creature this acidic survive without destroying itself? Why this creatures very bodily fluids would decompose if run through flesh this caustic! Hmm... I must be away with the faeries, the answer is so obvious! This creatures very fluids must be just as hostile as its body for it to survive. This is only a hypothesis, perhaps you could help me prove this Simon. Do you it would be too much to ask if I requested some of this Space Jelly's Blood? * Credits given: 75000 * Experience given. * Reward: Neutralized Jelly's Blood Summary Find another Space Jelly and bring back a sample of it's blood for Nicolas Stapleton. Remember he's counting on you!
NOTE: Requires 1 Jelly's Blood
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Nicolas Stapleton
- Mission: An interesting creature.
An interesting creature. "Interesting, why even it's blood contains high concentrations of acid. I guess my theory was correct. Hmm.. I wonder what would happen if I attempted to neutralize the acidity of the blood...", says Nicolas Stapleton. Upon doing so, there is a large bang and a cloud of oddly coloured smoke drifts upward from the blood sample. "Remarkable! I would dare say that this blood has been transformed into something you might find usable! Here have this Simon!", he says and hands you a vial of glowing purple liquid.
Repeatable Neutralized Jelly's Blood
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Nicolas Stapleton
- Mission: More Jelly's blood?!
More Jelly's blood?! Why I can't beleive this! I just gave you a vial of that repulsive creatures blood, what could you make want some more already?! Well, nevermind your reasons Simon, you do have more blood for me to neutralize now don't you? You don't?! Why you bloody well know I can't neutralize what I don't have! Maybe if you return with more Space Jelly's Blood, I can help you out. * Experience given. * Reward: Neutralized Jelly's Blood Summary Return to Nicolas Stapleton with 3 Jelly's Blood and 1 Jelly's Acidic Remains so he can create another vial of Neutralized Jelly's Blood.
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Nicolas Stapleton
- Mission: More Jelly's blood?!
More Jelly's blood?! "Ok, here you go" says Nicolas Stapleton handing you another vial of the strange purple liquid. "Although I dare say, what you use it for is a mystery to me indeed. I have no idea why anyone would want that creatures blood!"
Stapleton's Acid Shooter
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Nicolas Stapleton
- Mission: A Remarkable Creature!
A Remarkable Creature! "I'd wager you didn't know I also knew a thing or two about engineering", says Nicolas Stapleton. "This space jelly's acid is very strong, if you would, watch this". Nicolas Stapleton produces a special eyedropper and lets a few drops of the jelly's acid fall until a metal plate sitting on his lab bench. With a sizzle and a wisp of smoke, the acid bores a hull straight though. "Simon, if you beleive that was something, you should have witnessed what that beast did to my instruments during the discection! On to the point anyway. I beleive that I can create a special weapon for your ship that would make excellent use of this acid. Now if you would be kind enough to supply me with the materials I require, I'd very much like to get to work". * Credits given: 100000 * Experience given. * Reward: Stapleton's Acid Shooter Summary Nicolas Stapleton thinks he can create something special using the Space Jelly's Acid! Find 2 Jelly's Acid and one Volcom's Pulse and return them Nicolas Stapleton.
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Nicolas Stapleton
- Mission: A Remarkable Creature!
A Remarkable Creature! Here you go Simon, and indeed I'm pleased to have learned all I have about this new species. Why without your help Simon, I'd still be the laughingstock of the University! Ah, but thanks to you and your exquisite performance, I'm sure to be given a research grant! Many thanks again Simon, cherrio!
Meet Lucien Slimebottle
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Sven Torvalds
- Mission: Meeting Slimebottle
Meeting Slimebottle Sven Torvalds looks up from his terminal and says, "Hey Simon, just let me check this into CVS." He stands up, gently takes you by the arm and starts speaking of a wonderful opportunity for you. "My friend, Lucien Slimebottle, over in Deep Space, is looking for qualified pilots. He's a good guy, if a wee bit full of himself. If you meet him, just pretend you've heard of his research. Things will go more smoothly that way." * Credits given: 20000 Summary Travel to Voyagers last stop (or first stop, it really depends) and talk to Lucien Slimebottle.
Location: Voyagers last stop (or first stop, it really depends), Deep Space
- Agent: Lucien Slimebottle
- Mission: Meeting Slimebottle
Meeting Slimebottle What is it? I am doing important things here. Oh, Sven sent you? Very well, then.
Maggot Master
Location: Voyagers last stop (or first stop, it really depends), Deep Space
- Agent: Lucien Slimebottle
- Mission: Maggot Master
Maggot Master You have heard of Lucien Slimebottle's research into flyswatter technology. Now you experience his exalted presence. "Greetings, Simon," he intones. "I'm wondering if you are familiar with my work? Yes? Good good, I will not bore you then. Though I am famous throughout the universe, I cannot be content with what I have achieved. Therein lies the dilemma. Further research requires more rare materials to study and it's to that end that I turn to you. There's a rare form of the flyswatter, the Maggot Master, who inhabits Dynamic Move. Onboard his ship he employs, I theorize, a Maggot Condenser. This somehow enables him to create new maggots out of the very vapor of space. Such a device could be invaluable in my hands, bringing me fame and fortune! So perhaps you can recover it for me. The last young pilot I sent on this task returned in an escape pod but I'm very confident you will fare better. That said, you must beware: the path to the Master of Maggots is long and treacherous, well guarded by his minions." * Credits given: 100000 * Experience given. * Reward: Slimebottle's Augmenter Summary Travel to Dynamic Move at the end of a chain of galaxies off of Powder Keg. Acquire 1 Maggot Condenser by killing the Master of Maggots. Return to Lucien Slimebottle in Deep Space.
Location: Voyagers last stop (or first stop, it really depends), Deep Space
- Agent: Lucien Slimebottle
- Mission: Maggot Master
Maggot Master Exactly what I needed, Simon! Now, greater fame and glory shall be mine. Mine!
Flylet Test
Location: Voyagers last stop (or first stop, it really depends), Deep Space
- Agent: Lucien Slimebottle
- Mission: Flylet Test
Flylet Test "Great science never stops!" Lucien Slimebottle confidently informs you. "Especially not when I'm the one doing it! However, behind every great scientist like myself lies a team of little people, like you. Yes, I have another task for you. However, I'm not sure you're quite up to it. So prove yourself to me. It's the Flyswatter Flylets we're after now. Can you handle them? Kill eight and I'll believe you can." * Credits given: 250000 * Experience given. Summary Kill 8 Flyswatter Flylets and return to Lucien Slimebottle in Deep Space.
Location: Voyagers last stop (or first stop, it really depends), Deep Space
- Agent: Lucien Slimebottle
- Mission: Flylet Test
Flylet Test I knew you could do it with my support and encouragement! Good job!
Flylet Master
Location: Voyagers last stop (or first stop, it really depends), Deep Space
- Agent: Lucien Slimebottle
- Mission: Flylet Master
Flylet Master Lucien Slimebottle is happy to see you, as usual. "A great moment in science is drawing near!" he announces with impressive grandeur. "We are a great team: myself, I am on the verge of a great discovery; and you, well, you are ready to carry out my basic tasks. Now, I need a Flylet Archbreeder, a rare device carried only, at least to my extensive knowledge, by the Master of Flylets. Remember where you found the Master of Maggots? Well, our friend, the Master of Flylets, is just a little bit farther. Be careful and get me that Archbreeder in one piece!" * Credits given: 750000 * Experience given. * Reward: Slimebottle's Pod Summary Travel to Boil and Bubble (off of Powder Keg). Acquire 1 Flylet Archbreeder by killing the Master of Flylets. Return to Lucien Slimebottle in Deep Space.
Location: Voyagers last stop (or first stop, it really depends), Deep Space
- Agent: Lucien Slimebottle
- Mission: Flylet Master
Flylet Master "Tremendous, Simon, tremendous!" Lucien Slimebottle dances with joy. "A great, great day for me! I really am the best scientific mind in the universe after all!"
Birthday Card
Deliver the card
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Barbara Lewis
- Mission: Birthday Card
Birthday Card A spunky young lady approaches you, "Hi, I'm Barbara Lewis. I was wondering if you'd take a note to my brother. He's off doing research into... well... the end of the universe. Apparently a new planet is coming, and it's destined to disrupt life as we know it. Personally, I think he's crazy but I still want to send him a birthday card. He's stationed himself on a remote outpost called Calligos Station, in Edge of Reason. It's not very safe out there; a band of pirates calling themselves The Elites has established a foothold in this galaxy. Well, I don't know if they're all that elite, but you still might want to watch out for them. They know how to chase you down over the long distance to Calligos Station, so get a fast ship. Thanks!" * Credits given: 20000 * Experience given. Summary Deliver a birthday card to Nate Lewis at Calligos Station in Edge of Reason (off of Edge of Reason).
Location: Calligos Station, Edge of Reason
- Agent: Nate Lewis
- Mission: Birthday Card
Birthday Card Nate Lewis and his coworker Nancy are poring over astrolonomical charts. You hesitate to disturb them but, well, you do have a birthday card. Nate Lewis examines it quizzically, then puts it aside. "Birthday cards!" he exclaims. "How can someone think of such trivial things at a time like this? The twelth planet is coming!"
Birthday Wish
Location: Calligos Station, Edge of Reason
- Agent: Nate Lewis
- Mission: Birthday Wish
Birthday Wish I have no time for cards! There is important work to be done. Though I do appreciate the sentiment... but my sister should know that I have no time for this. I'm doing important research! What I really need, in fact, is a new Starburst Engraver. Of course, this isn't as easy to deliver as a card. However, take this description of what I need back to Barbara Lewis. See if she can help me out on what is truly important. * Credits given: 20000 * Experience given. * Reward: Minor Capacity Augmenter Summary Deliver Requisition to Barbara Lewis at Anchor Point in Deep Space.
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Barbara Lewis
- Mission: Birthday Wish
Birthday Wish Barbara Lewis greets you anxiously, "How did my brother look? Was he well? Did he like the card?" You deliver his requisition. Also, take this, might prove usefull someday.
Birthday Wish Continued
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Barbara Lewis
- Mission: Birthday Wish
Birthday Wish So, he wants a Starburst Engraver, eh? It isn't easy to get ahold of. Fortunately, I can pull some strings. But you... do you have what it takes to get this to my brother? You'll need a large spaceship just to carry it and it's rather heavy. Then there are the pirates to watch out for... but if you think you're up for the task, I'm sure Nate will give you something of value to a spacefarer like yourself. * Credits given: 50000 * Experience given. * Reward: Starburst Engine Summary Deliver Starburst Engraver to Nate Lewis at Calligos Station in Edge of Reason.
Location: Calligos Station, Edge of Reason
- Agent: Nate Lewis
- Mission: Birthday Wish
Birthday Wish Nate Lewis begins unwrapping his Starburst Engraver before you even get your cargo hold open. "Yes! Just what we need!" he exclaims. "Thank you very much. Let me see... here's a little something that may aid you in the coming apocalypse. Now I must get to work..."
The Jolly Rogers
Jolly Strike
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Zahara Esselstyn
- Mission: Jolly Strike
Jolly Strike You are approached by a lady called Zahara Esselstyn whose face carries a look of concern, "Well met, Simon. I have heard you have a taste for adventure; a nose for excitement. I think we can perhaps help each other. As you may or may not know, I make my money honestly; through trading. As of late, a group of scurrilous rogues calling themselves the Jolly Rogers has been plaguing my merchant fleet. Our sources tell us they have been launching strikes from Dagger Caprice. If you could find it in you to eliminate a number of these scoundrels, I would see to it that you're rewarded." * Credits given: 35000 * Experience given. Summary Kill 8 Jolly Rogers in Dagger Caprice (off of Dagger Caprice) and return to Zahara Esselstyn in Deep Space.
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Zahara Esselstyn
- Mission: Jolly Strike
Jolly Strike Zahara Esselstyn is clearly happy with your accomplishments, "Take this, and be on your way."
Jolly Strike 2
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Zahara Esselstyn
- Mission: Jolly Strike 2
Jolly Strike 2 You are met once again by Zahara Esselstyn. "Oh Simon, things are still not running smoothly," she frets, "despite your previous efforts. After much research, we've determined that these pirates are using some kind of next-generation neural communication device to coordinate their attacks. It's probably what makes them so effective. I need you to acquire some receivers -- and a transmitter too. We can hopefully analyze them and find some way of striking back." * Credits given: 50000 * Experience given. * Reward: Lunar Radar Summary Travel to Cutlass Caprice (off of Cutlass Caprice). Acquire 3 Jolly Trance Receivers and a Jolly Trance Transmitter. Return to Zahara Esselstyn in Deep Space.
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Zahara Esselstyn
- Mission: Jolly Strike 2
Jolly Strike 2 "Fantastic!" exclaims Zahara Esselstyn. "This will help us out tremendously."
Volcom Hunting
Kill 5 Volcoms
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Frederica DeAnza
- Mission: Volcom Hunting
Volcom Hunting Frederica DeAnza's striking figure presents itself outside your spaceship, "I've heard you're an up-and-coming pilot, Simon. Looking at your spaceship, I find it hard to believe. I have an important job that needs doing, but I'm not sure if you're ready for it. Prove your skill by reducing five Volcom ships to space dust. Then we'll talk about another task." * Credits given: 12000 * Experience given. Summary Kill 5 Volcoms and return to Frederica DeAnza at Anchor Point in Deep Space.
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Frederica DeAnza
- Mission: Volcom Hunting
Volcom Hunting Well, Simon, you have succeeded on this task. Although, it took you longer than I might have liked and, let's face it, it wasn't all that hard.
Kill Urzod
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Frederica DeAnza
- Mission: Giant Volcom
Giant Volcom Frederica DeAnza has another job for you, and you have a hard time refusing her, "I have a mission for you... but it involves death. That is why I had to make sure you could kill for me first. My old lover -- Urzod -- has stolen our sacred ship. We had it custom built when we eloped -- a unique vessel called a Giant Volcom. It was a symbol of our love, until I found out he was a pirate! And to top it off, now he has flown off with that harlot Etta. Hunt him down, Simon, and kill him." * Credits given: 100000 * Experience given. * Reward: Urzod Special Coating Summary Kill Urzod flying his Giant Volcom in Honey Moon and return to Frederica DeAnza at Anchor Point in Deep Space.
Location: Anchor Point, Deep Space
- Agent: Frederica DeAnza
- Mission: Giant Volcom
Giant Volcom Frederica DeAnza is smiling, though she is dressed in all black. "My heart can rest once again," she says. "But tell me... before you killed him, how did he look? Oh, forget it. I don't care. Also, take this, it's the last thing I had from urzod, I don't need it anymore. It's some kind of hair solution, I hope it can be usefull to you."
Missing Documents
Location: Voyagers last stop (or first stop, it really depends), Deep Space
- Agent: Nikolai Ovchinnikov
- Mission: Missing Documents
Missing Documents "Hi, Simon," a whiskery fellow says, "I'm an official representative for IGOR Corp and we have a slight problem. Some sensitive documents from a recent expedition have gone missing. Now, normally I'd handle this internally, but I have a suspicion that it may be an insider job. That's why I'm asking for your help. It's imperative we recover these documents as quickly as possible but this task requires discretion. I'm going to need you to talk to an agent who was on the expedition -- Alexander Lacka. Take this calling card as proof I sent you." Nikolai Ovchinnikov hands you a translucent calling card which melts onto the back of your hand. * Credits given: 10000 * Experience given. Summary Talk to Alexander Lacka at Bob's Diner in Nunki.
Location: (Random Station), (Random Warp 0 Galaxy)
- Agent: Alexander Lacka
- Mission: Missing Documents
Missing Documents You find Alexander Lacka holed up in an empty saloon. He avoids your gaze at first, and shies from your approach. Only when you present your calling card does he begin to talk.
Lacka's Clue
Location: (Random Station), (Random Warp 0 Galaxy)
- Agent: Alexander Lacka
- Mission: Lacka's Clue
Lacka's Clue It's clear that Alexander Lacka is not eager to talk. Yet something tells you he's hiding something, and that a part of him wishes to divulge that secret. The silence is tense. Finally, he speaks, "This... this I can say. I am not the one you need to talk to. You must... seek out Konstantin Pacozlao. Last I heard, he was in Paxius. Now please... do not try to talk to me any more." * Credits given: 20000 * Experience given. Summary Talk to Konstantin Pacozlao in Paxius.
Location: Celestica Secondus, Paxius
- Agent: Konstantin Pacozlao
- Mission: Lacka's Clue
Lacka's Clue When you find Konstantin Pacozlao he appears only slightly more open to dialogue than Alexander Lacka was.
Pacozlao's Friend
Location: Celestica Secondus, Paxius
- Agent: Konstantin Pacozlao
- Mission: Pacozlao's Friend
Pacozlao's Friend You tell Konstantin Pacozlao that Ovchinnikov sent you on this investigation. Apparently that name carries weight, as well as having his calling card in the back of your hand. "Ovchinnikov." he muses, "Yes. I trust that man." He leans over his drink towards your ear and whispers, "It was the tall man I didn't trust. I never even knew his name... he was assigned by IGOR Corp to our vessel just before we left for Lunacy. I recognized his accent, though. Surely he came from (Random Warp 0 Galaxy). That's where you might pick up his trail. I have a friend there, Lyubov Vabka. See if she can help you." * Credits given: 30000 * Experience given. Summary Talk to Lyubov Vabka in (Random Warp 0 Galaxy).
Location: (Random Station), (Random Warp 0 Galaxy)
- Agent: Lyubov Vabka
- Mission: Pacozlao's Friend
Pacozlao's Friend After asking around the station, you finally locate Konstantin Pacozlao in an old microchip factory. "What are you doing here? Who are you?" Lyubov Vabka demands. You tell her of Konstantin Pacozlao and she immediately calms down. "Oh, a friend of Kostya's. Very well."
Pacozlao's Friend
in Jest 8/10
Location: (Random Station), (Random Warp 0 Galaxy)
- Agent: Lyubov Vabka
- Mission: Lyuba's Reconaissance
Lyuba's Reconaissance "Tell me about this 'tall man,'" Lyubov Vabka commands. You relate what little information Kostya told you. It doesn't seem to register. "Do you know how many 'tall men' there are in this system that match your description? Why, (Random Warp 0 Galaxy) is the second home of the spinal extension surgery so popular in the 30th century." You begin to lose hope, when by chance you mention that this all started with a request by the IGOR Corp. Suddenly, Lyubov's face darkens. "No. It couldn't be him. No. Impossible." You press her, but little detail is forthcoming. "I think I may know the man whom you seek. However, this is not someone you wish to run into in the darkness of space." You weedle some more and finally she caves, "If you really must know, his name is Valentin Zagon. Do you want to die? Yes? Then you are on the right path. Well, I've heard that Valentin has retired in Lady Kelvin. Go there and scout it out. Do NOT try to engage him directly -- without knowing more information, it's suicide. Get a look at his spaceship, and return here. Hopefully in one piece." * Credits given: 40000 * Experience given. Summary Scout out Valentin Zagon's ship in Lady Kelvin and return to Lyubov Vabka in (Random Warp 0 Galaxy).
Location: (Random Station), (Random Warp 0 Galaxy)
- Agent: Lyubov Vabka
- Mission: Lyuba's Reconaissance
Lyuba's Reconaissance Impressive. You made it back alive.
Kill Valentin Zagon
Location: (Random Station), (Random Warp 0 Galaxy)
- Agent: Lyubov Vabka
- Mission: Valentin my Valentine
Valentin my Valentine You tell Lyuba about Valentin's ship. "That vessel was a prototype of the IGOR Corp many years ago --long since abandoned due to serious safety issues," She pauses, wondering how much she's willing to share. "I... used to work for IGOR. I know more about this vessel than I should. It is seemingly invincible against all weapon damage. However, it has a deadly weakness: surgical lasers. If you are to kill Valentin and recover these papers, you must use this information well. And for heaven's sake, please bring some friends along for the battle. Even with this knowledge, he is no easy prey." * Credits given: 250000 * Experience given. Summary Kill Valentin Zagon in Lady Kelvin, reover the missing papers, and return them to Nikolai Ovchinnikov in Deep Space.
Location: Voyagers last stop (or first stop, it really depends), Deep Space
- Agent: Nikolai Ovchinnikov
- Mission: Valentin my Valentine
Valentin my Valentine Nikolai Ovchinnikov sends you off to your ship without the papers with just a congratulatory handshake. Fat chance that you will ever work for IGOR Corp again, you think darkly.