Volcom Pirate Missions
This mission chain becomes available if the New Pilot selected to become a Volcom Pirate and they begin in Volcom Testing Grounds.
[hide]- 1 Mutara Outpost
- 2 Volcom Outpost
- 2.1 'Salvage' Operations
- 2.2 Shieldin' Trainin'
- 2.3 Eliminate the Engineers
- 2.4 Turn Off the Cameras!
- 2.5 Missing Shipments
- 2.6 Dealing with Insubordination
- 2.7 Finding Work
- 2.8 Whiskey Outpost!
- 2.9 Whack the Mole
- 2.10 Raiding the Star Runners
- 2.11 Finding More Work
- 2.12 Vorian's Plan
- 2.13 Double-Crossed!
- 3 Rogue's Rendezvous
Mutara Outpost
Prove You're Tough!
Location: Mutara Outpost, Volcom Testing Grounds
- Agent: Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi
- Mission: Prove You're Tough!
Prove You're Tough! "So, anutha hunk'a slag dat wants to be in wit da Volcom, eh?" says Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi smugly. "We gots ways to many of ya twerps 'round here as it is al'eady... I think it's high time we do's summtin' bout dat, yeh?" "So here's da deal. Volcoms gotta be tough!" roars Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi, as he pounds a metal fist on the desk in front of him. "And I wants ya to show just how tough ya can be. Get out 'dere and show dem other pansies who think they're Volcom 'material' dat 'der wrong!" You stand there for a moment, wondering if you've heard corretly. "Wut are ya, stupid or summtin'? I want ya to leave here and I ain't want ya back 'till ya've thinned the herd... ya know wut I mean?" As you shrug and walk out of the room, you hear Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi chuckling under his breath. "Wit any luck, dat schmuck ain't gonna be back in here...dumber den a box 'a rocks, heheheh!" *Credits given: 35,000 *Experience given: 300 under level 0 *Reward: Volcom Scoop *Reward: Ion Peashooter Summary Kill 3 Volcom Applicants for Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi in Volcom Testing Grounds and return to Mutara Outpost. You can attack other ships by selecting them with [LEFT CLICK] and firing on them with the [SPACE BAR]. Remember, you can scoop up items dropped by destroyed ships by pressing the [C KEY].
Location: Mutara Outpost, Volcom Testing Grounds
- Agent: Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi
- Mission: Prove You're Tough!
Prove You're Tough! "Didn't es'pect ta be seeing ya back in here, rookie," says Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi, looking a little less annoyed at you than before. "I knows what ya did...watched da whole show from right here." He points to an old, cracked radar display on his desk. You get the feeling that it received the full force of his knuckles more than once. "Yeah, you really ate dem alive out 'dere! BOOM! BLAM! KERBLOOSH!" Joey yells with a chuckle. "You..you's definitely tough. But is you Volcom-tough? Now dats da question..."
Are You Volcom-Tough?
Location: Mutara Outpost, Volcom Testing Grounds
- Agent: Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi
- Mission: Are You Volcom-Tough?
Are You Volcom-Tough? "So. Ya mights be able to handle a couple newbies dat can barely fly 'der ships - let alone shoot whiles doin' it. But it takes more den dat ta be Volcom-tough," says Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi as he leans back in his chair, arms behind his head and dirty boots on the desk. "Yous gotta be ables ta run with da big dogs, ya know wut I mean?" Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi scratches his chin as he stares at you. "It makes me wonders...are you's dat tough? 'Cus ya gonna hafta prove dat ta me...naw, you ain't done dat yet." He pushes himself forward, puts his feet down and presses the intercom button on his desk. His voice echoes through Mutara Outpost. "Alright, ya whelps! We's got Demon Hunter here, who thinks he's Volcom-tough! I needs a couple of ya ta get out 'der and shows him just what dat means!" Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi looks at you with a grin. "I think ya know what I wants ya to do. It's kill, or be killed. Ya make it back here in one piece...and I let ya in." * Credits given: 35,000 * Experience given: 400 under level 0 * Reward: Ion Caipirnha x 3 Summary Kill 2 Volcom Supplicants in Volcom Testing Grounds for Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi and return to Mutara Outpost. Remember, you can target a Volcom Supplicant by hitting the [Z KEY], or selecting it with [LEFT CLICK]. Once selected, you can then use the [SPACE BAR] to fire at it.
Location: Mutara Outpost, Volcom Testing Grounds
- Agent: Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi
- Mission: Are You Volcom-Tough?
Are You Volcom-Tough? "Yeah, yer definitely Volcom-tough...dose other guys didn't stands a chance!" says Joey, roaring with laughter. "'Ohs da humanity!' BOOOM! Hunks'a slag erry' where! You is brutal, Demon Hunter. Ya can - ya can really tears it up out 'dere, hahaha!" He's laughing so hard that he can barely speak. At last he calms down and looks you in the eye. "Never saw dis comin', but Demon Hunter, yer in!"
Get Your Neurons in Shape!
Location: Mutara Outpost, Volcom Testing Grounds
- Agent: Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi
- Mission: Get Your Neurons in Shape!
Get Your Neurons in Shape! "So if you's gonna be a Volcom, ya gotta keeps your mind in tip-top shape," grunts Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi, tapping a metal finger on the side of his head. "Just like mine!" "We has our very own Neural Training facilities on Mutara Outpost - you's should check 'em out. Come back here whens ya learned summtin', and ya can tells me all about it." * Credits given: 15,000 * Reward: Micro HotFusion Summary Train Electrical Engineering to level 1 here at the Mutara Outpost. You can do this by accessing the skills tab at this station. Training skills requires Skill Points, which can be acquired by leveling your character.
Location: Mutara Outpost, Volcom Testing Grounds
- Agent: Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi
- Mission: Get Your Neurons in Shape!
Get Your Neurons in Shape! "Way ta go, way ta shoot, way ta score!" Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi pats you on the back with his metal hand - just a little too hard. "I heard ya learneds a little 'bout Energy Banks. Dat's good - 'cause, uh, I'm having da boys put a new one on yer ship right now, hahaha!" "Oh, and da training? Ya gets used to it afta a while." He grins widely at you. "Fore long, ya won't evens notice da needle."
Nuclear Transport
Location: Mutara Outpost, Volcom Testing Grounds
- Agent: Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi
- Mission: Nuclear Transport
Nuclear Transport "So now that yer in, Demon Hunter, I gotta little job for ya. Ya see, it's not all 'bout bustin' heads...we gotta make a little money too." He rubs a metal thumb up against his fingertips. "How else am I gonna afford threads like dese?" he says, popping the collar of his dingy jacket. "Anyway, I needs ya ta run some cargos for me...and let's just say...it ain't da most, eh, safe stuff either. Just happens that da dangerous stuff is always da most valuable. When ya meet a Crack Whore, you'll know what I mean!" Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi says with a loud laugh. "So here's da deal...pick up say, ten? Yeah, ten Nuclear Waste at da station here and take it ta Volcom Outpost In Volcom Outpost fer me." "Oh, and if ya know whats good fer ya, you'll steer clear'a any Earthforce Patrols. Now get outta here!" * Credits given: 15,000 * Experience given: 500 under level 1 * Reward: Nexus Expansion Summary Buy 10 Nuclear Waste at Mutara Outpost in Volcom Testing Grounds and bring it to Volcom Outpost in Volcom Outpost. You can do this by accessing the Trade tab of the station interface.
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Engineer Deisel
- Mission: Nuclear Transport
Nuclear Transport "Finally!" sighs Engineer Deisel. "Joey said he'd have this stuff taken to me ages ago. If it weren't for that metal fist of his, I might just have a word with him about his delivery schedule!" Engineer Diesel glances at you. "You must be the new guy Joey told me about, Said you can really...'tears ut yo iyt 'der," he says, with a fairly impressive impersonation of Joey's voice. But his voice abruptly changes to a much darket tone. "We'll see about that..."
Volcom Outpost
'Salvage' Operations
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Engineer Deisel
- Mission: 'Salvage' Operations
'Salvage' Operations "It's our lucky day, Demon Hunter!" says Engineer Diesel, staring at a large red dot on his screen. "You see that? It's a Bulk Trader, and it's completely helpless! Odds are, it's flush with cargo too..." The red dot on the radar screen blinks rapidly and catches Engineer Diesel's attention. "Hmmm, just one little problem...it might not be a derelict yet - there could still be a pilot on board. We're not goin' to let that stop us, though..." Engineer Diesel winks at you and turns off the radar display. "My scanners are sayin' it's a derelict, and we have every right to loot the cargo out of it - definitely not a soul in the cockpit. How do you feel about salvagin' that wreck, Demon Hunter?" *Credits given: 35,000 *Experience given: 400 under level 1 Summary Destroy the Crippled Bulk Trader in Volcom Outpost and salvage the debris from it. Remember, you can scoop debris using the [C KEY] while you have a scoop equipped, provided it will fit in your ship's available hull space.
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Engineer Deisel
- Mission: 'Salvage' Operations
'Salvage' Operations "Great job out there! I've got my boys unloadin' your ship as we speak!" says Engineer Diesel with a grin. "From what I've seen, you pulled in a good haul too." He looks down at the details displayed on his terminal. "A VERY good haul! Haha! With you around, we're goin' to make a lot of money...don't you worry about a thing!"
Shieldin' Trainin'
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Engineer Deisel
- Mission: Shieldin' Trainin'
Shieldin' Trainin' You've got some tougher missions up ahead...so I think it's time you got some more trainin', Demon Hunter," says Engineer Diesel. "So it's good that our Neural Training facilities are finally back in operation - I heard it was somethin' bout a virus one of the guys here got from surfin' a site called 'Orion Slave Girls XXX.' Needless to say, someone is gettin' chewed out over it. Fixin' it was a lot of work!" "So how 'bout you train another skill for me? Gainin' access to more advanced shieldin' technologies would definitely help you stay alive out there!" * Reward: Micro Guardian Summary Train Shielding level 1 here at Volcom Outpost. You can do this by accessing the skills tab at this station. Training skills requires skill points which can be acquired by leveling your character.
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Engineer Deisel
- Mission: Shieldin' Trainin'
Shieldin' Trainin' "Not bad, Demon Hunter, not bad at all. Now that you have advanced shieldin' trainin', you can use this old protector unit that I had lyin' around. It's much more powerful than your old one!"
Eliminate the Engineers
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Engineer Deisel
- Mission: Eliminate the Engineers
Eliminate the Engineers "We have a problem, Demon Hunter, Earthforce is on to us and that can only mean trouble. "He points to a large red blip on the radar display in the room. "You see that? It's an observation drone bein' set up to keep tabs on our 'activities' here. We do not wont them findin' out what's going on in these parts unless the thought of endin' up on the prison moon sounds nice to you." Engineer Diesel highlights some smaller red dots circling the big central blip on the radar. "You see those? They're the Earthforce engineers settin' up that drone. Pretty east targets if you ask me...and if someone were to take them out, that drone is defenseless..." He turns and winks at you. Meanin' we can swoop in and reprogram it to send false reports back to Earthforce effectively hidin' everything that goes on here." Engineer Diesel smiles. "Pretty good plan, right? Now I just need you to make it happen." * Credits given: 35,000 * Experience given: 500 under level 2 Summary Kill 3 Earthforce Engineers in Volcom Outpost for Engineer Diesel and return to Volcom Outpost when you are done.
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Engineer Deisel
- Mission: Eliminate the Engineers
Eliminate the Engineers "Very nice, Demon Hunter!" congratulates Engineer Diesel. "Joey wasn't wrong about you: You really do know how to fly that hunk of junk and can handle those guns. I doubt those engineers had any idea what was comin'."
Turn Off the Cameras!
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Engineer Deisel
- Mission: Turn Off the Cameras!
Turn Off the Cameras! Engineer Diesel flicks on the radar display again. The blip you recognize as the drone is nearly obscured by a swarm of smaller red dots. "Bad news, Demon Hunter. It seems one of the technicians got a distress signal out, and now Earthforce is all over that drone! There's no way I'm gonna be able to get in there to reprogram it. Damn shame too, I cooked up a real nice code...but hey, what are you gonna do?" "Anyway, since we can't reprogram it, I've got orders from higher-ups and they say, 'We want Earthforce's eye DESTROYED. NOW.'" You don't know who Engineer Diesel is impersonating, but the voice sends chills down your spine. His voice shifts back to his own, and he continues, "How that happens is up to you - that's right, you're goin' out there to take that drone out." * Credits given: 50,000 * Experience given: 200 under level 2 * Reward: Volcom Modifications Summary Destroy the Earthforce Observation Drone in Volcom Outpost.
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Engineer Deisel
- Mission: Turn Off the Cameras!
Turn Off the Cameras! "There really is no slowin' you down, is there?" says Engineer Diesel, staring at a blank radar display. "There's nothin' left out theree! And that's not all...you've attracted some attention too. I've got orders to send you to someone real high up on the ladder: The big boss, Vorian!" Engineer Diesel rubs his nose and says, "I hope that's a good thing for you." Though you figure Engineer Diesel isn't telling the whole story, you head off to the docking bay. Before you can step out of the room, however, he calls you back. "Hey, before you go see the big guy...you might want to upgrade a few things. I Managed to land you a ship upgrade kit; you really should use it. And if you need to learn some more levels in piloting, do that too the Volcom you'll be flyin' is more than worth it. Check out the station here, learn some skills, get a few new parts...oh yeah, and take this!" He tosses a small bundle of circuitry at you. "It's a ship augmentation, custom-built by me! I hope you like it!"
Missing Shipments
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Vorian the Rouge
- Mission: Missing Shipments
Missing Shipments Vorian the Rouge clares at you darkly as you step into the room. "We've heard so much about you, Demon Hunter. You think you're worthy of your place in the Volcom? We've heard that many times before..." Vorian laughs and hits a button on his desk. A panel in the left wall slides up, revealing a mutilated corpse. "You may think you have proved yourself to the Volcom...but, WE ARE THE VOLCOM!" Vorian snarls, thumbing his chest. "And you have not proved yourself to us just yet!" Vorian the Rouge strokes his beard. "Perhaps we should give you a test... something to prove your usefulness to us. Yes...Demon Hunter, Volcom Outpost is missing shipments of supplies from Rogue's Rendezvous. When we miss shipments, WE, LOSE, CREDITS!" he roars, rising up from his seat. Then, suddenly, he relaxes and sits back down. "And this can not happen, can it? Go to Rogue's Rendezvous. Pick up some cargo from the station. Find out why the other shipments are missing." Vorian stares at the corpse behind the wall panel. "We want a name, Demon Hunter. We want to know who we should punish for this." * Credits given: 50,000 * Experience given: 350 under level 3 Summary Travel to Rogue's Rendezvous and pick up 3 Volcom Cartel Crates from the station there.
Package Pickup
Location: Rogue's Garrison, Rogue's Rendezvous
- Agent: Volcom "Merchant"
- Mission: Package Pickup
Package Pickup "eh? Ya don't look like nuthin' like the guy that was s'posed ta be here," says Volcom "Merchant" in confusion. "Whatevah - if you got the money, I got the stuff." * Reward: Volcom Cartel Crates x3 Summary Pay Volcom "Merchant" for the shipment of Volcom Cartel Crates.
Location: Rogue's Garrison, Rogue's Rendezvous
- Agent: Volcom "Merchant"
- Mission: Package Pickup
Credits cost: 30,000 Package Pickup "Very nice doin business wit ya! Demon Hunter, was it? You know Joey da Bruiser? Big guy, metal fists. If ya ever see 'em, tell 'em I said...'Hey.' Jus' like that!"
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Vorian the Rouge
- Mission: Missing Shipments
Missing Shipments Vorian's menacing leer is now just a hard stare. His face reddens as he hears about the missing shipments. "ANOTHER GROUP OF PIRATES?" he yells, slamming his fist down on the desk. Breathing heavily, Vorian the Rouge turns toward you and screams, "GET! OUT!"
Dealing with Insubordination
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Vorian the Rouge
- Mission: Dealing with Insubordination
Dealing with Insubordination Vorian the Rouge has a sinister smile on his face as you step into his office. "Not everyone is good enough to make it here, and this is very clear to us. We're still not shure you are." Vorian turns away from you. "We know you are resourceful...but your loyalty is still in question." He stares at you over his shoulder. "Ahh, another test? We think we should give you another test...to prove just how loyal to us you really are..." Vorian brings up a map on the viewscreen in his office. "You told me there were some Volcom that forsook our group. They parade around brazenly under another banner, JUST TO SPITE US! They attack OUR ships and steal from US! And I think you know what needs to be done about this...don't you?" Vorian the Rouge highlights a specific reigon on the map. "Go back to Rogue's Rendezvous. Find the rest of the Black Hole Brigands. DESTROY THEM!" * Credits given: 100,000 * Experience given: 400 under level 3 * Reward: Volcom Radar Summary Find and kill two members of the Black Hole Brigands in Rogue's Rendevous.
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Uzrod
- Mission: Dealing with Insubordination
Dealing with Insubordination You enter Voran's office expecting to see that creepy smile, but you are greeted by another person instead. "You must be Demon Hunter," the stranger says. "I am Urzod, and since Vorian is occupied with some 'special' matters right now, you'll be reporting to me." You notice that the wall panel is shut tight, and muffled screams can be heard from behind it. "Now, I assume the Black Hole Brigands have been dealt with? Good...Vorian the Rouge will be pleased. Very pleased..."
Finding Work
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Uzrod
- Mission: Finding Work
Finding Work "You've worked hard for the Volcom so far, Demon Hunter...and I'm sure you'll prove quite useful in the future - it's just that currently, we don't have any...'jobs' for you." Urzod glances back up at you. "But for the time being, I'm shure you can land a little work somewhere else. Why don;t you go out into the 'verse for a spell, see what you can find and come back when you've accomplished something? You might even be able to get a job here at our station. Vorian has some big plans...and I'm sure we can find a place for you in them when you come back." Summary Check the Volcom Outpost for another job.
Urgent Delivery
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Some Dude
- Mission: Urgent Delivery
Urgent Delivery 'Hey! Yo! C'mere, dude! I gotta get this package over to my homie at The Nexus. Help me out? Yeah!" * Credits given: 15,000 * Experience given: 250 under level 3 Summary Deliver the Pugent Package to Another Dude at Nexus Station in The Nexus.
Location: Nexus Station, The Nexus
- Agent: Another Dude
- Mission: Urgent Delivery
Urgent Delivery "Totally thighbone, dude! I've been waiting for this for what seems like hours!"
Top Secret Delivery!
Location: Nexus Station, The Nexus
- Agent: Blue Pirate Agent
- Mission: Top Secret Delivery!
Becomes available after level 7.
Top Secret Delivery! "Hey! You!" hisses a shadowy figure, beckoning you over. You can barely see his face beneath a navy-blue fedora. "Yeah, you! I've got something for ya. Somethin' big. Somethin' important. I've been watchin' ya, Demon Hunter, and I know you're a Volcom. I need ya to get this back to Vorian, pronto! If he doubts ya, just tell 'im that the Blue Pirate Agent sent it." The Blue Pirate Agent looks over his shoulder as he hands you a small datadisc. "Hide this well and watch out for the Cadets - I think they're on to me. Just make sure you get it to Vorian!" he says as he hurries away. * Credits given: 100,000 * Experience given: 200 under level 7 Summary Return to Volcom Outpost with the Top Secret Datadisc and deliver it to Vorian.
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Urzod
- Mission: Top Secret Delivery!
Top Secret Delivery! "Hello again, Demon Hunter," Urzod says. "You have something for me? What! From who?" You tell him that the Blue Pirate Agent handed you the disc. Urzod narrows his yeys and says "Vorian has to see this right away!"
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Uzrod
- Mission: Finding Work
Finding Work "So, I heard you spent some time dealing with smelly packages and space vermin... It's hardly pirate's work, but I'm sure it paid well. I trust you didn't waste all those credits on Crack Whores or Space Whisky? Good. We're going to need you in top-notch shape for Vorian's plans..."
Whiskey Outpost!
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Uzrod
- Mission: Whiskey Outpost!
Whiskey Outpost! "Hmmm...this information looks promising. Partial defense schematics, patrol times and rouyrd..." Urzod murmurs, reading the ouput on the screen embedded in Vorian's desk. "A-ha! Here we go, it seems the Blue Pirates are, indeed, our friends! They gave us something very useful: The prefix codes for a lightly-defended Earthforce station that we could raid! Just think, the pay-off must be unimaginable!" A horrified scream - followed by cruel laughter - passes through the left wall. Urzod ignores it and you do your best to quell you curiosity and follow his example. "Since Vorian is busy, I'm in charge of this assault. I'll send a Volcom squad over to Whiskey Outpost - but I am going to need someone to lead the charge! How do you feel about spearheading the attack, Demon Hunter?" * Credits given: 1,000,000 * Experience given: 750 under level 7 * Reward: Volcom Dynamo Summary Destroy 4 Cadet Defenders and the Cadet Commander in Whiskey Outpost! Whiskey Outpost is located off Cadet Academy in The Nexus.
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Vorian the Rouge
- Mission: Whiskey Outpost!
Whiskey Outpost! "Excellent, Demon Hunter! You've shown the Nexus that the Volcom are something to be feared...even Earthforce can't protect themselves from us! We pillaged their station, destroyed their ships and wreaked havoc!" Vorian says, laughing loudly. For the first time since you've met him, Vorian the Rouge seems genuinely content. "Demon Hunter, I am very pleased with your work so far..."
Whack the Mole
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Vorian the Rouge
- Mission: Whack the Mole
Whack the Mole That glare you've gotten so used to has become even harder. You assume that Vorian the Rouge must be extremely upset at something and wait for him to start raging. "Demon Hunter...you think I would be pleased. After all, the raid on Whiskey Outpost was nothing but a success. The whole Nexus quivers at our name, The Volcom are rich beyond our wildest dreams..." His glare becomes even more hateful. "But I learned something: Files from Whiskey Outpost informed me that there was A SPY AMONG US!" he roars, exploding into a fervent rage. "EARTHFORCE KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT US NOW , AND YOU NEED TO MAKE SURE THAT SPY NEVER GIVES THOSE POLICING SCUMBAGS INFORMATION EVER AGAIN! YOU MUST KILL HIM FOR US!" Vorian the Rouge's glare softens just the slightest, but still embodies an evil that disturbs you. "Find the hole where this damn snake hides, and show him no mercy!" * Credits given: 250,000 * Experience given: 400 under level 8 Summary A Cadet spy has infiltrated the Volcom! Find and destroy him; he's hiding in Rogue's Rendezvous near Wolf's Moon!
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Vorian the Rouge
- Mission: Whack the Mole
Whack the Mole "I know he's dead. I know you wouldn't be here now if he wasn't," Vorian the Rouge says. His glare softens into a slight smile. "Yes. Yes, you are loyal to the Volcom. I can trust you, Demon Hunter...and I need Volcom I can trust."
Raiding the Star Runners
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Vorian the Rouge
- Mission: Raiding the Star Runners
Raiding the Star Runners "Demon Hunter, you would think that what we did to the Black Hole Brigands would be a warning to others who might oppose us. Surely, what happened in Whiskey Outpost is an example of our strength! However, I have been told another faction is smuggling goods in the Nexus..." Vorian the Rouge is noticeably angered by this. "WE WANT, YOU," he growls in between heavy breaths, "TO SHOW THEM WHAT WE DO TO PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LISTEN TO WARNINGS!" He pounds the desk and seems to calm down a bit, "Go into the Nexus. Find these...'Star Runners'...and show them that the Nexus belongs to US, the VOLCOM!" * Credits given: 250,000 * Experience given: 500 under level 8 * Reward: Volcom Armor Summary Find and kill three members of the Star Runners team in the Nexus.
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Urzod
- Mission: Raiding the Star Runners
Raiding the Star Runners Vorian the Rouge is absent again, although the faint scuffles from behind the wall explain everything. Instead, you once again are greeted by Urzod. "Ah, Demon Hunter! I take it that the Star Runners are nothing more than space dust now? They said they weren't smuggling? Just innocent merchant bystanders? No, no, they were just pulling your leg, as it were. Regardless, Vorian will be pleased."
Finding More Work
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Urzod
- Mission: Finding More Work
Finding More Work "Demon Hunter, you've proven yourself to be invaluable to Vorian recently. You assaulted Earthforce, found a mole and obliterated the Star Runners. But Vorian, as you know, is currently occupied," he says, staring at the closed wall panel. "So, perhaps you could take on some other work for a bit? Say, a bit of smuggling or even a mercenary contract? I'm sure there's something here you can do." * Experience given: 200 under level 15 Summary Check the Volcom Outpost for another job.
Volcom Cartel, Inc.
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Volcom Pirate Gibbs
- Mission: Volcom Cartel, Inc.
Volcom Cartel, Inc. "Hey! Ya busy?" yells Volcom Pirate Gibbs, as you enter the docking bay. "Cos if yer not, I could use ya help!" "Alright, I have some 'goods' dat I need delivered to Volcom 'Merchant' in The Nexus He's on Janitor's Outpost," Volcom Pirate Gibbs says, as he loads a cargo crate into your ship. "Make sure you get it there fast!, I'm late on dis one as it is and dis stuff ain't gonna sell unless it's fresh!" * Credits given: 250,000 * Experience given: 250 under level 9 Summary Deliver the latest 'shipment' to Janitor's Outpost in The Nexus for Volcom Pirate Gibbs.
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
- Agent: Volcom 'Merchant'
- Mission: Volcom Cartel, Inc.
Volcom Cartel, Inc. The Volcom 'Merchant' looks at you and sighs. "Another late shipment! Sometimes I wonder if dey know I'm tryin' to run a business here! Well, let's see what ya got for me..." The Volcom 'Merchant' unloads the crate from your ship, pops the top of the cargo container and takes a whiff. 'Whoooah...dat's got kick! Ya deffo got it here fresh enough to sell," says the Volcom 'Merchant', pinching his nose. If yer lookin' for some more work, talk to the station manager here. I hear he's got a pest problem."
Collection Time
Location: Janitor's Outpost, The Nexus
- Agent: Creaky the Robot
- Mission: Collection Time
Available at level 13
Collection Time You are stopped once again by the rusty iron figure of Creaky the Robot. "Demon Hunter, I heard from a friend of a friend of a friend that you're heading back to Volcom Outpost. Could you do me one last favor? I owe Urzod a small fee for protecting me from himself. Kind of funny how these things work, isn't it? I would rather he get it on time...last time I was late...well...they don't call me Creaky just 'cause I'm old!" Creaky the Robot squeaks, his mounted eyeballs dimming. You almost feel bad for the old, broken-down robot. Almost. "If you could hurry it up too, I'd appreciate it! Urzod said that if he has to come back here, ever again, my name won't be 'Creaky' anymore - it'll be 'Broken'!" Creaky the Robot says, fuming. "Damn Urzod, no respect for his elders...I was in the war before he was even born!" * Credits given: 250,000 * Experience given: 200 under level 13 Summary Return Creaky the Robot's protection payment to Volcom Outpost.
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Urzod
- Mission: Collection Time
Collection Time "Awwwww, blast it all," says Urzod. "I was really looking forward to sending someone over to Janitor's Outpost to knock the legs off that annoying robot. Oh well...maybe next month."
WANTED: Mercenary Scientist
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Volcom Recruitment Board
- Mission: WANTED: Mercenary Scientist
WANTED: Mercenary Scientist A discreet bulletin on the holoboard catches your eye, and you stop by to read it. 'WANTED: One hired gun with an interest in furthering the causes of science (not to mention ridding the universe of a few meddling morons)! WHY: See Gary Oilheart at Ferrite Research Alpha in Contracosta for more details!' * Credits given: 250,000 * Experience given: 200 under level 13 Summary Travel to Contracosta to fill Gary Oilheart's mercenary contract.
Location: Ferrite Research Alpha, Contracosta
- Agent: Gary Oilheart
- Mission: WANTED: Mercenary Scientist
WANTED: Mercenary Scientist "Thank the maker!" cries Gary Oilheart. "Finally, someone replied to my ad! I knew that if I ran them in a real publication - not like 'Mercenaries Monthly,' that pathetic excuse of a magazine - someone would eventually take notice!" He claps his hands together in glee. "Anyway, Demon Hunter, how do you feel about...science?"
This mission continues over to Contracosta with Gary Oilhearts Contracosta Missions
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Urzod
- Mission: Finding More Work
Finding More Work "You have been busy, Demon Hunter. Very busy indeed...I'll have to fill you in on what you missed while you were gone. Vorian has some very, very big plans," Urzed says, grinning at you. "VERY big!"
Vorian's Plan
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Vorian the Rouge
- Mission: Vorian's Plan
Vorian's Plan Vorian the Rouge points to a stack of sleek black containers. "See those crates? They have quite a bit of special equipment om them: Advanced technology created by the Paxians...and Paxian stuff makes us credits, Demon Hunter. Lots of them." "Has Urzod told you? We have some very big plans - and for big plans, we need a lot of cash. So! Demon Hunter, travel to Paximinus, pirate some Paxian freighters and get us more of these crates!" * Credits given: 350,000 * Experience given: 500 under level 15 * Reward: Volcom's Beam Summary Collect 5 Paximinus Cargo Containers for Vorian the Rouge.
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Vorian the Rouge
- Mission: Vorian's Plan
Vorian's Plan Vorian the Rouge examines the containers. "Yes. The Blue Pirates will pay well for this haul. VERY well." He activates the communicator on his desk and speaks quietly into it. "Urzod: I want you to personally make sure these crates get to the Blue. We don't have to remind you on what they're worth." Vorian turns his attention back to you. "It seems finally we have the money to wipe Earthforce out of the Nexus, once and for all..."
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Vorian the Rouge
- Mission: Double-Crossed!
Double-Crossed! Vorian the Rouge glares at you as you walk into the room "Demon Hunter! We thought...we knew...WHO...WE...COULD...TRUST!" he snarls, his face reddening all the while. "URZOD! HE. STOLE. OUR! CRATES! ALL OUR CREDITS, GONE!" Vorian the Rouge slams his fist on the desk. "Demon Hunter, I need you to go to Rogue's Rendezvous and meet with Frederica DeAnze. Urzod-...!" Vorian spits in disgust. "MUST, BE, DEALT WITH!" * Credits given: 350,000 * Experience given: 100 under level 16 Summary Meet with Frederica DeAnza at Rogue's Garrison in Rogue's Rendezvous.
Location: Rogue's Garrison, Rogue's Rendezvous
- Agent: Frederica DeAnza
- Mission: Double-Crossed!
Double-Crossed "Hmmm? You needed something?" says Frederica DeAnza. The bright lights of the docking bay illuminate a voluptuous silhouette as Frederica DeAnza walks toward you. "Oh, the situation with Urzod. So you're the one who Vorian sent," she sighs contemptuously. "Hmmmph!"
Rogue's Rendezvous
Volcom Hunting
Location: Rogue's Garrison, Rogue's Rendezvous
- Agent: Frederica DeAnza
- Mission: Volcom Hunting
Volcom Hunting Frederica DeAnza's striking figure leans against your spaceship. "I've heard you're an up-and-coming pirate, Demon Hunter. Looking at your spaceship, I find it hard to believe." She arches an eyebrow. "You know...I have an important job that needs doing, but I'm not sure if you're ready for it. As you know, Urzod's gone rogue and stole all the cash that Vorian made from the Paxian cargo. He also took quite a lot of Volcom with him. Turns out he was the leader of the 'Black Hole Brigands' the entire time...stabbing Vorian in the back and blaming it on his own men? How cute. But, with a crew, Urzod is dangerous. I need you to kill some of his men. If you accomplish that, then maybe we'll talk about picking off Urzod." * Credits given: 120,000 * Experience given: 400 under level 16 Summary Kill 5 Black Hole Brigands in Dagger Caprice and return to Frederica DeAnza at Rogue's Garrison in Rogue's Rendezvous.
Location: Rogue's Garrison, Rogue's Rendezvous
- Agent: Frederica DeAnza
- Mission: Volcom Hunting
Volcom Hunting Frederica DeAnza is waiting impatiently inside the docking bay as you power down your ship. "Well, Demon Hunter, it looks like you succeeded in cleaning out Urzod's pithy gang. Although...it took you longer than I might have like - and let's face it, it wasn't all that hard."
Location: Rogue's Garrison, Rogue's Rendezvous
- Agent: Frederica DeAnza
- Mission: Urzod
Urzod "I know ALL about Urzod," says Frederica DeAnza curtly. She pushes a lock of dark hair from her forehead and fold it behind her ear. "You see, Urzod...used to be my lover. After ripping Vorian off, he came here and stole my ship." She stares wistfully off into the distance. "We had it custom-made when we eloped - it was a unique vessel, a Giant Volcom. The only other one built, you know..." Frederica DeAnza scowls. "A symbol of our love? My ass. I'm sure that's what he was thinking all those years ago when he flew off with that harlot Etta and left me here...but to cross Vorian? And then come here...and steal...MY...SHIP?" she yells. She turns to you. "Hunt him down, Demon Hunter. Hunt him down and kill him." * Credits given: 1,000,000 * Experience given: 500 under level 16 * Reward: Volcom's Mini-Pulse Summary Kill Urzod in Honey Moon and return to Frederica DeAnza at Rogue's Garrison in Rogue's Rendezvous.
Location: Rogue's Garrison, Rogue's Rendezvous
- Agent: Frederica DeAnza
- Mission: Urzod
Urzod Frederoca DeAnza is smiling, though she is dressed in all black. "My heart can rest once again," she says. "But tell me...before you killed him, how did he look?" She blinks, shakes her head and sighs. "Oh, forget it. I don't care. Also, take this...it's the last thing that I still have from Urzod. I don't need it anymore."
Volcom Outpost, One Last Time
Location: Rogue's Garrison, Rogue's Rendezvous
- Agent: Frederica DeAnza
- Mission: Volcom Outpost, One Last Time
Volcom Outpost, One Last Time "It was a pleasure working with you, Demon Hunter. Maybe we'll bump into each other again one day," Frederica DeAnza says, winks at you slyly, "Could you imagine? Ahh, never mind. You should probably get back to Vorian anyway." She waves as she sees you off. "Goodbye...and good luck." Summary Return to Volcom Outpost in Volcom Outpost.
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi
- Mission: Volcom Outpost, One Last Time
Volcom Outpost, One Last Time Upon returning to Volcom Outpost, you collide with a group of anxious pirates that are rushing to the docking bay. You stop a fellow Volcom and ask him what is going on, but all you get is a blank stare and a shove. You rush back to Vorian's office, already suspecting what might have happened. Your hunch is confirmed as you meet up with an extremely upset Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi. Vorian...he's...he's gone!" Joey "The Bruiser" Lombardi stammers. "Earthforce took him out, and now dey's gonna come after da rest of us. You's gots ta get outta here, Demon Hunter! Da stuffs ya pulled on 'em? No way dey ain't comin' for ya! Head to Deep Space - try ta find some honest work, an' lay low!"