Uber AI
Ubers or bosses are AI ships that are unique in some way, and are notably stronger than other regular AI. Many of these ubers drop unique and valuable loot.
Ubers can often toe the borders between regular AI, 'mini-ubers', and ubers', depending on their spawn rarity & quantity, relative strength, and whether or not they appear in a custom dungeon. In any case, fighting an uber usually means spending more effort than usual to get something that could be worthwhile.
[hide]Baby Ubers
Slightly more challenging for your average newbie working their way through their first 50 levels.
- Agent Howser
- Barbe Bleu
- Cadet W. Crusher
- Flylet Master
- Earthforce Captive
- IGOR Powermax 2000 (depreciated)
- Joey the Bruiser
- Jorgan Friedman
- Jujo'qii
- Maggot Master
- Officer Wesley
- Rattie Moe
- The Maggot
- Topaz Eye Jimmy
- Trader Lazrack
- Urzod
- Volcom Commander
- Vorian the Rouge
- Zobitan
Easy Ubers
Players that have found their footing in Star Sonata and eased into a class's role should be able to hold their own against these bosses.
Average Ubers
Ubers that give level 200-500 players a fair fight.
Jungle: Somewhat more difficult than the zone's level 200-250 range suggests, but The Jungle offers tech 12/14 loot that is useful well into higher tech levels.
- Primal Monkey - Prince Bandar-Log
- Primal Leopard - Lord Bagheera
- Primal Elephant - Princess Hathi
- Primal Tiger - King Shere Kahn
- Primal Bear - Subemperor Baloo
Above Average Ubers
These can be killed by a Tech 19-20 player, and have a short respawn time. Some roam the expanses of Warp 3 EarthForce and Perilous Space, while others call a custom dungeon home and won't take kindly to intruders.
Random DG:
- Barbe Noire
- Cardinal Bellarmine from Hell
- Black Bart (DG boss)
- Captain Albatross
- Dark Curse
- Nathaniel Courthope (DG boss)
- Marcus Columbo (DG boss)
- Nutty Sputty (DG boss)
EarthForce/Perilous Space Roamers
Perilous Space Only
- Electric Eel
- Captain Bartholomew Roberts (Peri roamer)
- Closeness
- Grim Reaver
- Marco Columbus (Peri roamer)
- Nathaniel Courthope (Peri roamer)
- Loneliness
- Stellation
- Sputty Nutty (Peri roamer)
- Undead Narwhal (Halloween only)
- Undead Tobal
Tech 20 Skill Ubers
These Ubers pose as challenges for players looking to acquire some of the Tech 20 skills. Each skill has its corresponding boss, kill mission, and commodity required for the mission.
- Copper Blob (Equipment 20)
- Anaconda (Shielding 20)
- Mad Scientist (Electrical Engineering 20)
- Qokujiii Qa'ik (Weaponry 20)
Hard Ubers
These may require help from a friend or two to take down. Non-rift DG and custom dungeon Ubers have a weekly lockout once killed, and take 30 minutes to respawn.
- Arby
- Astro-Grinch (Christmas only)
- Big Green Mothership
- Hive
- Nightfury
- Queen Hive
- Sivar Hvar'kann
- Vigilante
Random Perilous Space DG:
- James Watt
- Georg Ohm
- Aroused Slumberchrome
- Big Green Dreadnought
- Kilo Wattage
- Ragnarocker
- Super Omega Platform
The Mausoleum Ubers
Infernal Darkness Ubers
Serengeti Ubers Note: Names had been renamed from their original Kilrathi names to avoid IP infringement. https://www.starsonata.com/patch_notes/server-patch-472021/
- Guardian of the Lyceum
- Knight Noragh Khalad (Knight Ghorah Khar)
- Prince Ar’hath Rhak’kai (Prince Sutaghi Kilrathi)
- Baron Cah’ra Rhak’kai (Baron Duma Kilrathi)
- Princess Takhagha Rhak’kai (Princess Ragitagha Kilrathi)
- Sir Gar Kirasra (Sir Gharda Khar)
- High Vizir Rakhnis Grahad’rhi (High Vizir nar Qarg)
- Grand Advisor Thir’ras Rhak’kai (Grand Advisor Thrak'hra)
- King Rathos Rhak’kai (King Khan Kilrathi)
- Corrupted Guardian
- Emperor Sharahn Rhak'kai IV (Emperor Shaddam Kilrathi IV)
Olympus Ubers
The Pretenders of Olympus are a group of Ubers that occupy Olympus. Although impostors, they serve as a challenge for aspiring Tech 20 players looking to acquire Tech 21 skills and equipment.
Aveksakan Ubers
Powerful Aveksakan beings located in their custom dungeons at the ends of Subspace. These ubers also correspond to skill missions offered at AI stations outside their dungeon rifts that ask for a kill and commodity to reward a Tech 22 skill.
- Adhara Akara (Engine 22)
- Zarkara Adhara (Equipment 22)
- Mahazaya Var Indrakoza (Drone Deployment 22)
- Janayitriadhara (Tractoring 22)
- Rajanicaravizvadrz (Cloaking 22)
- Rajanicaragupta (Radar 22)
- Vaidya (Shielding 22)
- Sahvika (Electrical Engineering 22)
- Janayitri Sahistha (Piloting 22)
- Janayitrideva (Weaponry 22)
Very Hard Ubers
Ubers that make players think twice before taking them on in a fight.
EarthForce Space roamers
- Lord Mulligan (can roam systems, initially passive)
Perilous Space roamers
- Lord Mulligan (initially passive)
- Zailaguru Ksatracara (initially passive)
Kalthi Depths roaming ubers
- Kalthi Armada Commander (initially passive, teamed)
- Kalthi Armada Armored Commander (initially passive, teamed)
- Kalthi Armada Wrathful Commander (initially passive, teamed)
- Merchant Navy Seal Commander (initially passive)
- Cybernetic Bartholomew (hostile)
- Red Rogue Reaver (initially passive, teamed, must be spawned with Temporal Trackers)
Kalthi Depths DG ubers
- Badger Queen
- Bors
- Crystal Abomination
- Crystal Carcinizer
- Crystal Ceta
- Crystal Shard
- Cybernetic Destroyer
- Cybernetic Dropship
- Guisarme
- Lucerne
- Partisan
- Masala King
- Jelly Mothership
- Palatial Pax
- Prettiest Thang
Empyreal Ubers
Automated ships of the Empyreal Concord occupying the space within Celestial Encampment. Three single-boss fleets, and three double-boss fleets.
Single boss:
- Rear Brawler Fleet (hostile)
- Artillery Fleet (hostile)
- Brawler Fleet (hostile)
Double boss:
- Apex Fleet (hostile)
- Protection Fleet (hostile)
- Zenith Fleet (hostile)
Insane Ubers
These Ubers are not to be messed with unless you know what you're doing. Some like Timotheus the Red will ignore you at first because of your insignificance, but some will not hesitate with their fury should you cross paths with them.
- Ancalagon the Black (custom dungeon, hostile)
Perilous Space roamers
- Timotheus the Red (initially passive)
- Twisted Fate of Death (Boss) (custom dungeon, initially passive)
- Twisted Dragon Eye (custom dungeon, hostile)
- Twisted Nikola (custom dungeon, hostile)
- Demented Delquad (custom dungeon, hostile)
- Fading Minelayer (custom dungeon, hostile)
- Fallen Kuhani (custom dungeon, hostile)
- Haraka Station (custom dungeon, hostile)
Kalthi Depths roaming ubers
- Captain Redbeard (initially passive, teamed, must be spawned with Temporal Trackers)
- Cybernetic Battleship (hostile if under-levelled, teamed)
- Cybernetic Cruiser (hostile if under-levelled, teamed)
- Electrified Georg Ohm (initially passive)
- Kalthi Destroyer (initially passive, teamed)
- Kalthi Terminator (initially passive, teamed)
- UrQa'qa Vazuk Vo'kii (initially passive as roamer, hostile in Akuq'ba)
- Matriarch Aurora (custom dungeon, hostile)
- Matriarch Aurora Prototype (custom dungeon, hostile)
- Enhanced Battleship & Enhanced Cruiser (custom dungeon, hostile)