Kalthi Depths
Gear up your strongest ships, prepare your fleets, and get ready to face... MADNESS.
Kalthi Depths, originally known as Perilous Perilous Space, is a layer found above the Perilous Space layer. When it was originally created it was an extension of the Perilous Space layer. Within can be found remnants of the Kalthi League, the protective Moonfighters as well as the Corrupted Cyborgs. This tech 22 area is far more dangerous than most zones in the game, offering a lot of endgame gear and items for players to obtain. You will however require Warp Navigation 4 to enter.
Kalthi Depths is a premium area - only premium players can access this layer.
The Kalthi Depths layer (formerly known as Perilous Perilous Space) is a zone situated after the creation of the Alien Defense Alliance in response to the Aveksaka in the Subspace dimension. The Kalthi located in this layer went unnoticed by Paxian explorers and have been cut off from Hyperion by UrQa ships destroying their scouts. They are openly hostile towards players due to being paranoid about the UrQa attempting to send spies in to infiltrate them, though they would allow players to enter Kalthi Stronghold and dock at their station without being attacked. Since then, the Paxians, using Aveksakan-Paxian hybrid technology, have taken over the stronghold (now renamed to Paxian Stronghold to reflect this), and control the border between Kalthi Depths and the rest of our universe.
The Kalthi who were stationed here have been unable to contact other Kalthi ever since the invasion of Hyperion. Knowing of the invasion of their homeworld, the Stronghold they built had been their attempt at rebuilding and hopefully to reestablish contact with Hyperion.
Kalthi Depths contains many dangerous enemies and is not owned by anyone due to its hectic nature.
Base Building
Deployment of bases and permanent drones is not possible in this layer.
Points of Interest
- Paxian Stronghold - The center of Kalthi Depths, safeguarded by the Paxian Operatives.
- Prejudice - The source of all Twisted gear. Within lies 3 bosses and 3 mini-bosses. A player must be above level 2000 to access the missions here.
- Anomalous Passageway - A galaxy guarded by numerous Delquadrakimdan, led by a powerful Demented Delquad.
- Akuq'ba - The menacing UrQa'qa Qu'ishi lies inside this galaxy.
- Celestial Encampment - the gate way into Empyrean and the Tech 23 skill zone.
- Ruined Sanctuary - some fallen delquads hang out around here and is notable solo instances.
AI Ships
Birds of Prey
Kalthi Armada
- Kalthi Armada Deployer
- Kalthi Armada Warrior
- Kalthi Armada Stinger
- Kalthi Armada Commander
- Kalthi Armada Armored Commander
- Kalthi Armada Wrathful Commander
- Kalthi Destroyer
- Kalthi Terminator
Corrupted Cyborgs
- Cybernetic Support
- Cybernetic Skrimisher
- Cybernetic Light Fighter
- Cybernetic Dark Fighter
- Cybernetic Interceptor
- Cybernetic Brawler
- Cybernetic Rejector
- Cybernetic Cruiser
- Cybernetic Battleship
Uber AI
Dungeon Galaxies
As of the 8.31.2019 patch, Dungeon Galaxies were deprecated from Kalthi Depths. Instead, drop loots of the DG Bosses were moved into various roamers found on the list above.
Later patches 07.28.2023, 10.27.2023 would reintroduce DGs into Kalthi Depths with unique AI and loot. The space within these dungeon galaxies is strange, filled with unusual variations of otherwise familiar enemies.
(Work in progress)
Guard AI
- Decrepit Phoenix
- Frail Glaucopennia
- Hawk
- Roc
- Stellation
- Conclusion
- Delquadrakimdan
- Red Wattage
- Omega Battlestation
- Icepick Assassin
Boss AI
Listed alongside each boss (or boss family) are their unique drops.
- Bors, drops:
- Crystal Abomination, Crystal Ceta, Crystal Shard, drops:
- Crystal Carcinizer, drops:
- Cybernetic Destroyer, Cybernetic Dropship, drops:
- Jelly Mothership, drops:
- Palatial Pax, drops:
- Prettiest Thang, drops:
KD DG Exclusive Drops
- Trailblazer Holoprojector (rare)
- Tarnished Imperial Chest (rare)
- Huge Station Gear Token Crate
- Crystalline Cannon (not Crystal family exclusive)
- Molten Metal Sprayer
- Point Defense Omega
- The Wall
- Hyperbole Stream
- Carrier Force
- Glorious Resolve
- Mercenary Drive
- Gladiator's Chamber
- Puzzling Partition
- Quantum Compartment
- Brilliant Bastion
- Ironclad Armor
- Perilous Panoply
- Lasso Scoop
- Theia Scoop
- Brazen Gossamer
- Explorer's Vision
- Grand Tower
- Ocean Gauge
- Molten Metal Drone