Red Rogue
A notorious group of pirates from elsewhere and elsewhen, brought in from an alternate dimension. They are in conflict with the Paxian Operatives of the Paxian Foothold, in the Kalthi Depths. Somewhat reminiscent of the Space Blue Pirates, but something is a bit off...
Aside from Temporal Interstice being their area of operations, Red Rogues can be tracked down and located with several tiers of Temporal Trackers in the Kalthi Depths. Defeating these formidable fighters rewards a variety of Tech 23 loot.
[hide]Temporal Trackers (Red Rogue Hunts)
Prototype Temporal Tracker
Can be acquired at Paxian Foothold for 100m Credits, 1 Paxian Requisition Voucher
Sometimes drops from Raiders & Interceptors.
- Spawns:
- 2 Red Rogue Raiders/Red Rogue Interceptors
Temporal Tracker
Can be acquired at Paxian Foothold for 200m Credits, 2 Paxian Requisition Voucher (requires Peacemaking 11)
Sometimes drops from Raiders, Interceptors & Destroyers.
- Spawns:
- 1 Red Rogue Destroyer
- 4 Red Rogue Raiders/Red Rogue Interceptors
Tuned Temporal Tracker
Can be acquired at Paxian Foothold for 500m Credits, 5 Paxian Requisition Voucher (requires Peacemaking 12)
Sometimes drops from Destroyers & Pillagers.
- Spawns:
- 1 Red Rogue Pillager
- 3 Red Rogue Destroyers
- 6? Red Rogue Raiders/Red Rogue Interceptors
Attuned Temporal Tracker
Can be acquired at Paxian Foothold for 1b Credits, 10 Paxian Peacekeeper's Recommendation (requires Peacemaking 12)
Sometimes drops from Pillagers and Reavers.
- Spawns:
- 1 Red Rogue Reaver (with up to 8 Red Rogue Hunter fighters)
- 10? 12? 15? Red Rogue Raiders/Interceptors
- 4 Red Rogue Destroyers
Attuned Temporal Tracker: Captain Redbeard
Can be acquired at Paxian Foothold for 15b Credits, 25 Attuned Temporal Tracker, 200 Paxian Requisition Voucher, 15 Causal Anomaly, (requires Peacemaking 12 and "Captain Redbeard?" quest completion to unlock)
Rarely drops from Reavers.
- Spawns:
- 1 Captain Redbeard
- 6? Red Rogue Destroyers
- 20? Red Rogue Interceptors/Raiders
- It's a lot of stuff. Bring a friend or two
Red Rogues primarily deal energy and radiation damage with their attacks. Enemies of varying power will spawn depending on the tier of tracker used.
Red Rogue Raider
- Level ~4500
- Spawns with every tier of tracker
- Slower, but tankier
- At 33% shields: uses a super that warps it ~3k away, and fires a barrage of energy pulses with knockback
- ~2m shields, varies with inbuilt augs
- Resistances:
- Beam: 24%
- Energy: 2%
- Heat: 36%
- Physical: -27%
- Radiation: 2%
- Surgical: 2%
- Mining: 36%
- Transference: -10%
- Drops:
- 10 Salvaged Equipment
- 2 Temporal Quirk
- 1 Uncommon RR gear item
- (Sometimes) (Black Box) Charred Temporal Transcorder
- (Sometimes) Prototype Temporal Tracker
Red Rogue Interceptor
- Level ~4500
- Spawns with every tier of tracker
- Faster, but less durable
- At 66% shields: uses a super that increases its damage
- At 33% shields: uses a super that increases its speed and fires several chaining lasers from its sides
- ~2m shields, varies with inbuilt augs
- Resistances:
- Beam: 24%
- Energy: 2%
- Heat: 36%
- Physical: -27%
- Radiation: 2%
- Surgical: 2%
- Mining: 36%
- Transference: -10%
- Drops:
- 10 Salvaged Equipment
- 2 Temporal Quirk
- 1 Uncommon RR gear item
- (Sometimes) (Black Box) Charred Temporal Transcorder
- (Sometimes) Prototype Temporal Tracker
Red Rogue Destroyer
- Spawns from Temporal Trackers and higher
- Has a wind-up, chaining laser + pulse spray attack that fires every ~30 seconds
- ~3m shields, varies with inbuilt augs
- Resistances:
- Beam: 5%
- Energy: 37%
- Heat: 59%
- Physical: 37%
- Radiation: 37%
- Surgical: 37%
- Mining: 38%
- Transference: -10%
- Drops:
- 20 Salvaged Equipment
- 6 Temporal Quirk
- 3 Uncommon RR items
- (Sometimes) (Black Box) Damaged Multiversal Mapping Unit
- (Sometimes) Temporal Tracker
- (Sometimes) Tuned Temporal Tracker
Red Rogue Pillager
- Spawns from Tuned Temporal Trackers
- Has a stronger wind-up, chaining laser + pulse spray attack that fires every ~1 minute
- 6,190,000 shields, varies with inbuilt augs/gear
- Resistances:
- Beam: 5%
- Energy: 37%
- Heat: 59%
- Physical: 37%
- Radiation: 37%
- Surgical: 37%
- Mining: 38%
- Transference: -10%
- Drops:
- 1 Rare RR item
- (Sometimes) (Black Box) Frayed Transversal Traversal Conduits
- (Sometimes) Tuned Temporal Tracker
- (Sometimes) Attuned Temporal Tracker
Red Rogue Reaver
- Spawns from Attuned Temporal Trackers
- Has an even stronger wind-up, chaining laser + pulse spray attack that fires every ~2 minutes
- 36,120,000 shields, varies with inbuilt augs/gear
- Resistances:
- Beam: 5%
- Energy: 28%
- Heat: 53%
- Physical: 28%
- Radiation: 28%
- Surgical: 28%
- Mining: 26%
- Transference: -10%
- Drops:
- 1-2 Causal Anomalies
- 3 Rare RR items
- (Rarely) 1 Exotic RR item
- (Sometimes) Tuned Temporal Tracker
- (Sometimes) Attuned Temporal Tracker
- (Sometimes) (Black Box) Phased Temporal Transponder
- (Sometimes) (Black Box) Temporally Entangled Regression Chamber
- (Rarely) Attuned Temporal Tracker: Captain Redbeard
Captain Redbeard
- Spawns from Attuned Temporal Tracker: Captain Redbeard
- Has a even stronger wind-up, backstab + splashing laser + pulse spray attack that fires every ~30 seconds
- Splash laser reduces damage by -75%
- Redbeard's turning is impaired when using this wind-up splash laser, offering a chance to dodge the attack
- At 25%-ish shields, deploys healing drones similar to those of Reavers
- 28m shields?
- Resistances:
- Beam: 5%
- Energy: 33%
- Heat: 57%
- Physical: 33%
- Radiation: 33%
- Surgical: 33%
- Mining: 35%
- Transference: -10%
- Drops:
- (Sometimes) 1 Exotic Redbeard item, rarely 2
- 1 Exotic Red Rogue item?
- 5 Causal Anomalies ?
(All items except for the Redbeard's Rogue drop directly without needing to be built from blueprints.)
Black Boxes
Can be redeemed for Paxian Peacekeeper's Recommendations at Paxian Foothold (requires Peacemaking), or to start the mission for Junior Operative's Augmenters.
- Charred Temporal Transcorder -- 1 Recommendation
- Damaged Multiversal Mapping Unit -- 2 Recommendations
- Frayed Transversal Traversal Conduits -- 5 Recommendations
- Phased Temporal Transponder -- 10 Recommendations
- Temporally Entangled Regression Chamber -- starts Junior Operative's Augmenters mission
- Engines
- Hull Extensions
- Overloaders
- Energies
- Cloaks
Drops from Pillagers & Reavers.
- (Ship) Riftjumper
- Weapons
- Tractors
Drops from Reavers and/or Captain Redbeard.
- Weapons
- Tweaks
- Red Block Pill Crate (contains 50)
- Red Glow Pill Crate (contains 50)
- Missiles
- Ammo Crate - Red Burst Missile (contains 50)
- Ammo Crate - Red Piercing Missile (contains 50)
- Drones
- (Fighter Bay) Red Hanger
- (Missile Launcher) Red Silo
Redbeard only
- (Ship - as blueprint) Redbeard's Rogue (Blueprint)
- (Shield) Redbeard's Bulwark
- (Engine) Redbeard's Impeller
- (Overloader) Redbeard's Tricks
- (Fighter) Korbolko the Barbarous
- (Energy) Redbeard's Bank
- (Augmenter) Redbeard's Modifications