Space Clouds

Weekly Dev Blog – 19th June



As. part of the continuing work on Junkyard tweaks, Jeff has worked up a plan to deprecate Junkyard Tokens and make everything work based on credits. Part of the plan would open up the ability to sell any item to AI bases, even those that are currently listed as “too expensive to sell.”

Concerning low level bases in Wild Space, the team agreed that there should be no PvP ranges in Wild Space, but we do want to figure out a way for the UI to indicate this to players. There is no ETA on this change yet.


ClxS has created code support for alternate currencies in AI bases. Content devs will be gradually transfering over to this system, which means in the long run you won’t have to fiddle around with turn-in missions in the future.


Work is ongoing on a new T22-23 content zone centered around Stella AI.


Introductory Kalthi ships will now be obtained via blueprint (roughly the same cost as before) so you don’t need to buy the actual ship at Paxian Stronghold.

Quality Assurance Improvements

Developer Blog

Hi everyone! I’m pretty excited about some improvements we have been making to our testing and quality assurance protocols. What this means for players is that we’ll have more frequent patches, better oversight on what goes live, and better balance testing of upcoming changes to the game.

These improvements have been made possible by several volunteers from the community. My colleague NCCIntrepid has taken the lead on Quality Assurance, assembling a team from the Press Corps to identify and fix bugs before they go live. His team has already covered the two most recent patches. Once a bug is discovered, they have worked out a rapid reporting system so that Developers and Contributors can resolve the issues and provide you with a smooth gameplay experience.

Some of our Press Corps volunteers have also been doing great work testing new content for balance before it’s finalized. I’d like to recognize the hard work of Joshua, Tornado, and Newman (Kanga) in particular.

If you would like to try your hand at testing or quality assurance, please drop me a line and we’ll go from there!

Ring Station

Server/Client Patch 06.14.2018

- Content Changes-
* A Kalthi Torpedo, the Kalthi Fist, has been added. It’s blueprint should drop from the same place other Kalthi blueprints drop.
* Sivar’s Augmenter: Rate of Fire reduced to 80% from 100%.
* Fixed the bonnet paxian mission, fixed exploration missions overall telling you to go to the wrong galaxy.
* Corrected credit cost on the mercurian zeal from (875m init and periodic to 87.5m init and periodic)
* Expanded list of stella ai names, 10 was too few.
* Made the Equipment skill instead of Station Management requirement work for Blueprint Packs correctly (blueprint packs now require Equipment, instead of Station Management)
* Made it so that a black box only vanishes if the base owner scoops it. If a team-mate scoops it, they will receive a copy
* Added a check to prevent items that prevent warp or decay on universe reset items from being transferred to the TSL
* Added better protections for AI only items relating to slaves

- Client Changes -
* improved the game client memory management capability.
** nearly all textures can now be unloaded from memory as needed if the memory reach critical levels. (this fix the client when not using dds textures among other things)
** added “/debug texreload” chatcommand to reload all textures, this combined with dds disabled, allow texture changes to be loaded without restarting the client (very useful if you are working on a skin either ship or ui).
** if texture preloading is enabled, then they wont be unloaded unless memory reach critical, if preload is not enabled, then textures are unloaded after not being used for 5 minutes (this time goes down as the memory reach closer to critical).
* Fixes store close dialog button.
* Fixed a bug where running the client in windowed mode caused the window to get a little big bigger every time
* Fixed engine mount on Earthforce Police Zebra skin.
* Fixed bug which would caused corrupted items to appear in tables, especially on the colony and base log windows
* Added /debug bgdetect to toggle the client background state detection (the code that lower framerate and reduce the render resolution when client is in not visible). This function is mostly here to simplify streaming / video recording since those hook directly the game render and can never be obscured.
** be warned that using this functionality constantly can have negative impact especially if your hardware is contested while the game is covered.
* Fixed owner not being displayed on base control tab
* Changed phoenix and glauco visuals

Server Patch 06.05.2018

This is a rather small patch but also include some behind the scene changes aimed at reducing the lag spikes on live.

* Fixed typo in Seer Wraith skill
* Renamed a few of the aug stat bonuses so they’re a bit clearer (e.g., Critical Percent -> Critical Hit Chance) or don’t use shortened words (e.g., Trans Power -> Transference Power).
* SivarHvar’kann now properly drops his unique loot.
* Fix for north and south base thruster directions being swapped.
* Added item stats to mc output
* Reduced the resists on Dungeon Qokuji’qi
* Increased shields on Reaver’s a little bit
* Added commas to the credit reward in mission descriptions

Developer Meeting – 1st May

Developer Blog

Hi everyone, here’s a report from press corps member DJ on this week’s meeting.


*Patch Worked with Jey to replicate and fix the last client bug that was holding up the patch, so now he says there’s nothing stopping him and he’s planning for the patch on Wednesday.

*Fixed a bug that had broken lasers when nothing targeted or target out of range.

*Tested and fixed SOBID Attack Pattern targets

*Added Diseased Larvae with attack patterns to Mutara Gardens

*Changed the bonus thrust and turning on all Zebucarts from +100% to +50%

*Greatly buffed the rof mod on Earthforce Supply Ship from 0.07 to 0.50

*Changed loadout on Gatekeeper Supply Ship to have Nano Heavy Tracking laser so he can’t crit the player with rad just before he dies and cause confusing warp interdiction effect

*Add pop up error message when trying to jump through a blocked wormhole to make it more obvious to the player

*Moved the asteroid belt in Mutara Scrapyard so that none of the wreckage can ever happen to block the wormhole.  Removed all the wreckage that looks like scoopable debris or ships to be less confusing, just leaving asteroids and bulk trader parts.

*Gave Rat Carapace and a couple other low level AI shields some regen when they previously had zero regen.  AI will not initiate an attack unless they are at full shields, and it’s kind of weird when an AI fights another AI, loses a little shields, and then will just never again attack anything.


*Noticed some Dampeners where not the same tech level as their counterparts and the decision was made to make corresponding base dampeners same tech level as each other. (Adamantiumized Dampeners+ will all be tech level 16, Laconia Dampeners+ will be tech level 14)


*Drone meta: Anni defenders will not grem any longer. (Was not intended to) Drones in a BVB attack for defenders are to be used as a delay tactic, as in one drone is supposed to take place of one active player during the PvP of the fight. They may be a little stronger than we want them, but we will hold off on a full rebalance of permanent drones so that there’s time for proper testing.

*Working with the Testing team for the Base Construction vulnerability aura. Upon the testing results this will be decided about going live.

Additional Notes

*Forcefield Generator drone rework is done.

*Unforge balance completed.

*Golden Base resistances buffed to be between Lac kits and Dem kits of their respected tech levels


Ring Station

Server / Client Patch 05.10.2018

This is a small patch, mostly to fix issues that were added in the recent updates and some small quality of life fixes.

* Changed Deimos and Phobos Augmenters from rare to uncommon quality. (Deimos: 180% RoF -> 130% RoF, Phobos: +80% Damage -> +60% Damage)
* Added commas to /showsquaddamage
* Adjusted tech of the unsticky stable station diffusers, corrected 2 dampener bp pack descriptions to be more accurate. Deprecated the adonis, argonaut, and paxian unstable station diffusers.
* Fixed a bug that allowed the sun’s aura to be ignored with previously attached station (asteroid station)
* fix for first gal name being duplicated in oplist
* Fixed a vacuum scooping bug
* Fixed the construction related bug where periodics were not properly consumed. If you had a bugged build, it will still request a large amount to catch up (it did not actually consume periodics up to that point), but once caught up the periodic cost should be back to normal.
* Fixed a delay in the inventory refresh
* Improved map loading so that it should not lockup during loading anymore and refresh as new data is received

Server Patch 05.05.2018

*** bugs fix patch notes 05.08.2018 ***
* Fix for comets orbiting too fast at high eccentricities.
* Electrified Georg Ohm no longer has Lunarian, Selenite and Perilous Augmenters equipped to his ship. Thus, he will no longer drop them.
* Travel Fields now reduce Shield and Energy Recharge by 90% instead of 100%.
* Termites should no longer pose a substantial threat to bases.
* Reduced class reset cost from 500mil at lvl 500 to 500mil at lvl 1500.
* Fixes for drones fighting ai permanent drones.

*** uni reset patch notes ***
* The Blue Photon Corvette no longer grants +1000 Damage for 5 seconds, it now grants +100% damage for 5 seconds.
* Grand Navigator’s Offensive Augmenter: 100% Energy, 80% Firing, 30% Range, 70% Damage, 60% Shields, -15% Electric Tempering, 15% Resistance to Damage
* Persephone Augmenter: 50% Turning, 10% Hull Space, 50% Energy, 22% Rate of Fire, 10% Speed, 50% Radar, 100% Thrust, 18% Critical Hit Chance
* Hebe Augmenter: Damage increased to 70%.
* Helios Augmenter: Damage increased to 40%
* Ares Augmenter: Rate of Fire increased to 80%
* Metis Augmenter: Damage increased to 80%, Firing increased to 30%
* Heracles Augmenter: 50% Firing, 33% Range, 60% Damage, 66% Hostility, -12% Electric Tempering
* Hades Augmenter: 60% Shield Regeneration, 50% Damage, -20% Shield Bank, -50% Visibility, 10% Critical Hit Chance, 100% Critical Hit Strength
* Deimos Augmenter: Rate of Fire +190%, Shield +100%, Range +40%, Visibility -89%
* Phobos Augmenter: Shield Max +100%, Damage +80%, Visibility -89%, Electric Tempering -20%
* War Chant of Ares Augmenter: 20% Range, 20% Speed, 125% Damage, 45% Electricity, +15% Critical Hit Chance, -25% Resistance to Damage
* War Chant of Ares Augmenter+: 20% Range, 20% Speed, 135% Damage, 45% Electricity, +19% Critical Hit Chance, -20% Resistance to Damage
* Molten Fires of Hephaestus Augmenter: Shield Max +130%, Energy Max +300%, Rate of Fire +25%, Electricity +20%, Speed -40%, Capacity +40%, Hostility +100%, Resistance to Damage +33%
* Molten Fires of Hephaestus Augmenter+: Shield Max +130%, Energy Max +300%, Rate of Fire +40%, Electricity +20%, Speed -33%, Capacity +45%, Hostility +100%, Resistance to Damage +35%
* Poseidon’s Tsunami Augmenter: 100% Energy Bank, 40% Thrust, 80% Damage, 70% Shield Bank, -20% Electricity, +40% Tractor, -60% Electric Tempering
* Poseidon’s Tsunami Augmenter+: 160% Energy Bank, 40% Thrust, 80% Damage, 100% Shield Bank, -15% Electricity, +40% Tractor, -60% Electric Tempering
* Zeus’ Planar Field Augmenter: 30% Hull Space, 20% Range, 50% Shield Recovery, 64% Damage, 30% Electricity, 30% Electric Tempering, 20% Resistance to Damage
* Zeus’ Planar Field Augmenter+: 30% Hull Space, 20% Range, 65% Shield Recovery, 70% Damage, 30% Electricity, 22% Electric Tempering, 20% Resistance to Damage
* The Lasers on Subspace AI that grem no longer grem, they now reduce your turning by a large amount.
* Reduced Lunarian Energized Shield, Lunarian Destructor Shield, Lunarian Modulating Shield, Selenite Energized Shield, Selenite Destructor Shield, Selenite Modulating Shield’s Visibility by a factor of 10.
* Neutralizing Pulse, Earthshaking Cannon, Lacerating Bloom, Demolishing Pulse, Burning Bloom, Lancing Tusks, and Smashing Tusks Blueprints no longer require Tech 20 skill boss commodities in their builds. The T21 upgraded versions now require them, this is a reduction in the total amount of these commodities needed to build the Tech 22 versions of these weapons.
* Super Shield Soother has had it’s -electricity regeneration removed and it now has a charge up time like every other Shield Regeneration tweak.
* re-enabled team message variables, fixed the crash caused by ‘oplist’
* Fixes for less frequent drone cross healing and healing in protected gals

* Bases outside of the userbase placement limits (over 30k from the nearest solarbody e.g. suns, planets, wormholes, etc) will not count for galaxy ownership. If the only kits in the galaxy are outside of this limit, the galaxy will go un-owned. If a galaxy is owned with kits outside of their team beyond the limits, they will be converted to bvb kits
+ Updated the spread of Juxtas and Concourses in Wild Space. They no longer only appear on the edge of the map
+ Lowered the amount of Kalthi Dephts galaxies from 250 to 140
+ Lowered the amount of Perilous Space galaxies from 300 to 250
+ Increased the amount of Earthforce Layer galaxies from 450 to 500 to allow better AI spread over Danger Factors
* Frozen Snowflakes holoprojector reward now has bigger snowflakes
* Lord Borean’s Snow Crown has proper holo text now
+ Artica AI spawn locations have been improved. They will also spawn in a burst of snowflakes to mark their entrance into existence
+ New holoprojector from Arctia, Lady Aurora’s Snow Crown. Auroral lights shine through, creating a flurry of kaleidoscopic snow
* Psionic Weapons Jammer to no longer cause over RoF cap on AI and players
+ Points of Interest in Subspace are now visible from the beginning of the universe, without being explored
* Primal Jungle Drone no longer has 2 more augmenters than the Jungle Drone. The specific augmenters removed are the Aspect of the Monkey and Aspect of the Elephant Augmenters. These drones should now be appropriately better than Jungle Drones, instead of comparable to some Tech 20 drones
* Buffed base weapons in accordance with galaxy assault changes
* Adjusted temporary drone weights.
+ Added The Vault
* Changed old gadget using bp manhours/workforce to match raw commod versions
* Changed a diploma tagged bp for sale in lyceum to berserker tagged
* Bonnet mission “Drones” now requires a Bonnet Pirating Drone instead of a regular Pirating Drone from Brigand’s Stronghold.
* Added the ability for holoprojectors to do a tweak when they convert to a different projector
* Removed base aug bps from a drop list
* Added Twisted Crimson skin to Nikola, Twisted Honey, Bule Eradicator and UrQa Vo’kii Uka Uu’Qa
* Added Twisted Blacklight skin to Nikola, Twisted Honey, Vanguard, Bule Eradicator and UrQa Vo’kii Uka Uu’Qa
* Added Twisted Honey skin to Twisted Vanguard, Bule Eradicator and UrQa Vo’kii Uka Uu’Qa
* Added Ruby Scrupling skin.
* Added Dark Scrupling skin
* Added Angry Scrupling skin.
* Added Raging Scrupling skin
* Added Golden Bana King Skin
* Added Mechanical Bana King skin
* Fixed Bimbus 3000 cooldown
* Added “Idle Attack Patterns” where AI can do certain defined patterns while not attacking rather than the default AI behavior
* Added tutorial event and sound for attempting to jump through a blocked wormhole
* Added the ability to play a specified sound when a new mission pops up, and added voices for the tutorial bot when the first 3 missions pop up in the pirate Nexus
* Made some changes to Mutara Gardens galaxy
* Gave the Gatekeeper ship in Mutara Scrapyard an idle pattern to just stay parked next to the wormhole and to slowly rotate around it when engaged
* Fixed a bug that was preventing mission indicators from showing sometimes
* Gave Junkyard station kits inbuilt hydroponics
* Updated resists on the Unforge for base Rebalance. It now has 40% resists to all but heat and 1000 Soak to all but heat
* Added a summary and mission text note to Honorary Mention and Diploma exchange missions about requiring a Silver Bar and a Gold Bar respectively
* Added Diseased Larvae with attack patterns to Mutara Gardens
* Changed the bonus thrust and turning on all Zebucarts from +100% to +50%
* Greatly buffed the rof mod on Earthforce Supply Ship from 0.07 to 0.50
* Changed loadout on Gatekeeper Supply Ship to have Nano Heavy Tracking laser so he can’t crit the player with rad just before he dies and cause confusing warp interdiction effect
* Add pop up error message when trying to jump through a blocked wormhole to make it more obvious to the player
* Base Construction Vulnerability
* Fixed chargeable neurotweaks being unsellable
* Added a minimum orbit velocity to planets in the universe generation so that they will never have an orbit slower than the server can handle. (this should eliminate planets far from their star being stationary)
* Fixed a case where planets in certain rare solarsystem types did not have an orbit and were stationary
* Removed equip method on Rich Christmas Pudding tweak and added 5,000 energy initial usage
* Removed the grem effect from annihilator platforms
* Removed/deprecated 3 missions in Mutara Gardens
* Removed the money rewards from some of the early Nexus pirate missions — to be added to later pirate missions.
* Increased forcefield drones’ health, lifespan, and time between generation of envelopments by five times
* Space Rats in The Nexus will now idle and attack with attack patterns
* Made Space Rat hull a lot faster

Server Patch 05.04.2018

Client changes

* Some slight performance tweak, should result in 5-10% higher framerate under high spaceobjects scenario.
* Removed black background from Red Photon flag (ID 222).
* Added new flag (ID 44) for team The Elites found in Edge of Reason.
* Fixed the following engine mounts: Behemoth, Goblin, Kelvin, Earthforce Cruiser, Earthforce Battlecruiser, Earthforce Battleship, Earthforce Overload Prototype, Earthforce Dreadnought, Red Photon Warship, Faranji Wingship, Pax Stratos, Ares War Chariot+, Delquadrikamdon
* Altered faction selection image to give better interpretation of options. Credit to Doran.
* Added a server dropdown to the login screen
* Kalthi warrior no longer has black triangles in the corner of its body and front spikes.
* Fix for floaty text memory leak
* Changed the default camera view to top down.
* Made it so that sounds will load through mods (the skin system can now be used to mod sounds)
* C1 style gal circle (plain circle instead of a sphere texture)
* made it so that the random gal link color is only for wild space
* Gave the map a more “classic” feel to it.
* The map now show less station tabs than previously, up to a max of 15.
* Added per-team colors to owned gal links.
* Improved Space Rat textures.
* Tabs instead of spaces between cells when copying tables
* Added mods to the copy to clipboard functionality for inventories
* Added pagination to skins UI
* Fixed the target circle to point to the front of the ship
* Improved UI target rings resolutions.
* Fixed the rendering of icons next to the players name (such as the emp star)
* Fixed an issue where the “class skills available” dialog was sometimes blocking drag n dropped items that it shouldn’t be even when invisible.
* Fixed orthographic mode clipping
* Fixed ortho camera changing to perspective
* Added a server selection combo box on the connection screen
* Multiple client crash fixes.
* Fix for a file handle leak in the client.


* Made wormholes count as object for userbase distance check.
* Andaman laser mission now gives fembot assembly plant as intended
* St. Bernard Packs will now open a generator instead of 10 Prefab Fighters.
* Corrected fab/compl bundle amounts should be 40 of each
* Fixed Ares Aegis and Poseidon Trident Generators
* Quickened Demon Tracking Device now states the loss of 50% range for its duration
* Fix for space blue fighter mission
* Fix to the Twisted Travel Field Projector/Twisted Enraged Travel Field Projector not affecting ships.
* Fixed Brute force roaming out and disabling himself.

Content Changes

* Changed warmongering team skill to 1SP
* Increased range of weapon that gives corrosive plasma for hazmat collection mission
* Added dusty commodities crates for various prospectable commodities for the use in comets.
* Made Halley’s Comet use the new elliptical orbit system.
* The new Recycled Armada Augmenters mission in Serengeti Blockade has been replaced by a new set of five missions. They work similar to the mission they replace, however you can choose which spirit blueprint you will get in exchange for 4 blueprints.
* Added Bloody Mastadon skin.
* Copper AI can no longer dock at the Copper entrance station.
* Station Point Defense Array now requires, in addition to its other requirements, 500 Titanium and 500 Gold to build (was 100 Titanium, 12 Gold Sensors and 10 Gold Nuggets)
* Hidden Nanite infusion device now does 1.75 damage, we will keep an eye on the place that nanite is in for both PvP and PvAI and continue to make adjustments accordingly.
* New Combined Aspect of the Mastodon Augmenter Token mission added to the Augmenter Tweaking mission chain.
* Added the ability for missions to reset at the same time as daily/weekly galaxy lockouts, and added monthly mission resets that reset at the first of every month. Once completed, missions with this tag cannot be accepted until their next daily/weekly/monthly period. Missions with this tag will have a tag like [Daily] in front of their name. Missions on cooldown will show up in the lockout tab alongside galaxy lockouts.
* The AI Outpost exchange missions will now indicate the amount of tokens they require in the summary text as well.
* Vacohar’ayu (ship): Weapon slots from 3 to 4
* Silent Night (ship): Visibility from 30 to 12, Reflectivity from 75% to 61%, Damage from 20% to 30%, Critical Hit Chance from 10% to 5%, Critical Hit Strength from 0% to 15%
* Removed some Missed Lore Skills from the following items: Unt Faranji Gatling X, Unt Faranji Station Tech, Unt Faranji Diffuser, Kikale Mzungu Frigate, Ancient Transdim Extension and, Bule Abadi Cell.
* Added Stratos Knight skin.
* Made the vulture’s inbuilt generator 0 size.
* Added Blacklight Nikola skin
* Increased the Danger Factor range that Smashing Shiv, Lancing Shiv, Earthshaking Driver, Burning Petals, Lacerating Petals, Demolishing Discharge, and Neutralizing Discharge drop within. They should drop from slightly higher and lower difficulty dungeons now.
* Prawn build cost reduced from 50,000,000,000 to 10,000,000,000.
* Jungle ships no longer require Aluminum Sheets, they now require Titanium Sheets. Primal Jungle ships require Titanium Sheet’s and Laconia Sheet’s.
* Travel fields (Both Capital and Berserker) no longer reduce your shield or energy bank, they now reduce your regeneration instead.
* Reduced the number of missiles launched by Kalthi Commanders.
* Agamemnon Fighters (Launched from Big Green Battleships) now last 60 seconds instead of 20 seconds.
* The mission “Restless Spirits” no longer tells the player it is necessary for the Paranormal Research quest line.
* Perilous Space Roamers now spawn more often, drop more credits, and have their spawn locations randomized (This means bosses like Sputty Nutty, Marco Columbus, Closeness, etc.)
* Lunarian and Selenite Drone Blueprints now have a small chance to drop from any Kalthi Depths boss, like other Lunarian/Selenite loot.
* The Sniper Blind no longer gives +200 and +1000 damage, instead it gives a 25%/33% damage boost. There is also a -75%/-99% reduction in tracking to go along with the effect.
* Sniper’s Ricochet Device has been changed to Sniper’s Spotter Device, and deploys a drone with a short duration Spotty Beam. The drone also gives +15%/25% Range and Rate of Fire as an aura.
* Bule Abadi Adum’s Test Expander will no longer show up in ruins.
* Buffed some Augmenters
** Tinted Augmenter now has 26% Damage instead of 4% Damage.
** Opaque Augmenter now has 35% Damage instead of 6% Damage.
** Dark Augmenter: 30% Turning, 10% Hull, 50% Energy Bank, 20% Shield Recharge, -75% Visibility, 20% Critical Hit Chance, 5% Resistance to Damage.
** Vulture Augmenter: 100% Energy Bank, 80% Rate of Fire, -10% Range, 35% Speed, 50% Damage, 60% Shield Bank, 100% Visibility, 40% Hostility, 15% Resistance to Damage.
** Hawk Augmenter: 30% Turning, 30% Tracking, 22% Speed, 100% Radar, 60% Thrust, 90% Damage, 70% Shield, 100% Visibility, -15% Electric Tempering, 10% Critical Hit Chance.
* Altered Blue Photon Corvette model and texture.
* Added free Toxified Photon Corvette skin to the Blue Photon Corvette.
* Added free Cybernetic Photon Corvette skin to the Blue Photon Corvette.
* Added new missions to the start of Subspace to fix any issues with not having an affiliation skill while trying to start the chain.
* Added Kalthi manufacturing items.
* All members of a team will now contribute to team tithe
* Added Rainbow Force Field to Ancient Asteroid Being drops.
* Added Pax Felicitas.
* Edited the amount of Kalthi Manufacturing Parts needed for a Perilium to account for the Kalthi Assembly step.
* Adjusted run cost of the Kalthi mobile factory.
* Added additional Rat names and adjectives to reduce duplicates in Nexus and holiday event rats.
* Made Space Rat Hatchery 10 times less common than Slaughterhouses, as you only need 1 per 10 Slaughterhouses
* Made blueprints require Equipment rather than Station Management
* Adjusted Earthforce Station Panels from 5% resistance to 15% shield and negative 5% energy.
* Added Horizon Station Solar Panel and Anti. As a dungeon blueprint drop.
* Added Citadel Station Solar Panel and Anti. As a dungeon blueprint drop.
* Added Crystalline Station Hybrid Solar Panel. As a dungeon blueprint drop.
* Added Avalon Station Solar Panel and Anti. As a dungeon blueprint drop.
* Added Adamantiumized Station Solar Panel and Anti. As a dungeon blueprint drop.
* Allied AI is now healable irrespective if it is attackable or not.
* A single BvB base can now be placed even if the adjacent owned galaxy hasn’t been owned long enough. Any more than one base will have to wait for the timer.
* Updated The Nexus pirate side background visuals.
* Added Earthforce Supplier skin for The Nexus.
* Added pirate Ai base skin for The Nexus.
* Added Automated Attached Miner Kit IV Blueprint to Capella AI base.
* Added a warning during planetscanner use for solarbodies having no base slots.
* Added Kalthi Orbital Habitats Blueprint.
* Added Hotrod Station Kit VI Blueprint. As a dungeon blueprint drop.
* Added Golaz Station Kit VII Blueprint. As a dungeon blueprint drop.
* Added Hermes Station Kit VIII Blueprint, separate from all existing drops.
* Added Gaia Station Kit IX Blueprint. As a dungeon blueprint drop.
* Added Depot Station Kit VII Blueprint to Dungeon Drops.
* Added Depot Station Kit VIII Blueprint to Dungeon Drops.
* Added Depot Station Kit IX Blueprint to Dungeon Drops.
* Added new drops to Serengeti for Primal Gear and possibly some ships!
* Vapor Condensor (and Mobile version) has been item renamed to Vapor Condenser. Any existing condensors will be automatically converted to the new version when taken out of storage.
* Added various features to disable AI only ships in player hands (they can no longer be undocked, if undocked already their stats will be nerfed severly. To get rid of them, dock the ai only ship and remove all items from it, it will then destroy itself.
* Added new comet tutorial to Capella, demonstrating how to acquire comet loot and finding out what each comet contains.
* Reduced player obtainable base kit transference resistance to 70% to somewhat increase effectiveness of HPS bases.
* Removed duplication of status in HQ field generators.
* Added 3 Depot Defender temporary drones to Depot kits.
* Moved the UrQa Kasa Akuk’oj Ukoq ruin to a dropped item on Bana Queen and Bana King. Separate from current drop lists. This is also within a crate for easier scooping.
* Gargantuan Give and Take has been converted into a crate of size 75 from 1585 for dg drop.
* Gargantuan Misdirection has been converted into a crate of size 50 from 1077 for dg drop.
* Gargantuan Ion Justice has been converted into a crate of size 50 from 900 for dg drop.
* Gargantuan Obsidian Ionizer has been converted into a crate of size 50 from 1069 for dg drop.
* Gargantuan Yallow has been converted into a crate of size 50 from 833 for dg drop.
* Gargantuan Fission Thrust has been converted into a crate of size 50 from 946 for dg drop.
* Gargantuan Moral Emphasis has been converted into a crate of size 25 from 418 for dg drop.
* Bhisaj Kavaca has been converted into a crate of size 25 from 841 for dg drop.
* Boson Blower has been converted into a crate of size 25 from 512 for dg drop.
* Tamed Wasp fighter is now scrappable at Junkyard like other prefab fighters.
* Rabbit Hunter Assistant Prefab fighter is now scrappable at Junkyard like other prefab fighters.
* Added Rubicite Station Kit Blueprint to dungeon drop lists.
* Added unpacking IC factories to Capella for purchase.

Misc stuff

* Allowed use of variables in team messages. Variables must be enclosed in $(), (e.g., “Hi, welcome to $(name)!”). Supported options are:
** name – the team’s name,
** chars – number of characters,
** slotcount and slotlimit – number of used account slots,
** hqloc – the location of the HQ kit, or “[no HQ]” if you don’t have one,
** gcount – number of owned galaxies,
** pcount – number of protected galaxies,
** pop – team’s total population
** popperc – percentage population ownership of the universe
** opcount – number of outposts
** oplimit – max number of outposts
** oplist – comma delimited list of outposts’ galaxy’s name
** director – the character name of the director
** councillorcount, officercount, operatorcount, soldiercount, peoncount – counts of the number of those at that rank
** score – current team score
* Fixed the lack of a space after the number of base slots when using planetscanners.
* Better optimized the teleport protections for high latency players

Next uni changes

+ Industrial Commod bases no longer deal in off-theme Industrial Commods (For example, a Girder base will only deal in Steel Girders, Titanium Reinforced Girders, Laconia Reinforced Girders and Adamantium Reinforced Girders and no longer deals in Fusion Cells, Sentient Chatbots, Fine Space Whisky, Paxian Figurines, Cyborg Brigades and Sub-Shield Buffers
+ Umbra nodes are now 2 times as common and yield 2 times as much Umbra on average
+ Updated the spread of Juxtas and Concourses in Wild Space. They no longer only appear on the edge of the map
+ Lowered the amount of Kalthi Depths galaxies from 250 to 140
+ Lowered the amount of Perilous Space galaxies from 300 to 250
+ Increased the amount of Earthforce Layer galaxies from 450 to 500 to allow better AI spread over Danger Factors
+ The Badlands, in the Jungle, can now drop Bauxite and Bronze from the asteroids.
+ Added comets, these new celestial bodies will orbit their stars for long periods of time in elliptical orbits, and when they come close to their star they will drop items. The items that they dropped can be determined by using a prospecting planet scanner on them.
+ The list of Aveksaka gal names in Subspace has been expanded with 24 new possible names.
+ The potential galaxy name LACS-01804 Lamba has been fixed to LACS-01804 Lambda.
+ Jungle Bosses, except for Subemperor Baloo, drop 100,000,000 credits when killed. Subemperor Baloo drops 200,000,000.
+ Added Sivar’s Augmenter, Glare, Broken Glare, Focus, Purifier and Purpose to Sivar Hvar’kann’s drops.
+ Added Electrified Georg Ohm, a roamer in Kalthi Depths who has a vastly increased chance to drop Georg Ohm’s loot, as well as Kalthi Depths specific loot.
+ Fixed the missing glowmap on the Red Photon Oversized Turret.
+ Added a vuln aura for unattached bases to all suns in buildable gals.
+ Updated pax mission for Felicitas
+ Fixed Aether Escape super item will now have a charge of 25 seconds, with a flat speed boost of 150 lasting for 15 seconds.
+ Added exit gate to Dark Diablo.
+ Added Compact Station Solar Panel and Anti. Will be sold in Free Market and The Acropolis.
+ Added Divine Station Solar Panel drop, separate from all existing drops.
+ Added UrQa Kasa Akuk’oj Ukoq ruin station solar panel.
+ Added Armada Station Solar Panel and Anti as a separate mission in Serengeti Blockade.
+ The Twisted Token reward missions will now auto-start upon entering Prejudice.
+ Made base amp holoprojector a fixed size.
+ Qa Quuu Drone has been converted into a crate of size 100 from 5000 for dg drop.
+ Quu Drone has been converted into a crate of size 25 from 560 for dg drop.
+ Changed resistances of Quu, Qa Quuu, and Kasa Quu to be in accord with the BvB rework.
+ Reworked paxian explorations missions, added 2 new items a microwarpers and travel ship.

Galaxy Assault Revamp

BvB Revamp

BvB Revamp

Hello everyone! In this post, I will fill you in on the final details of the galaxy assault revamp that will go live for the upcoming universe. Until that time, the changes detailed in this post will be up on the test server for everyone to experiment with.

Summary of changes



Players tanking pulses

Base mining vulnerability removed, base projectile damage increased, and base resistance increased to match.

Sun tanking

Unattached bases and permanent drones will receive serious vulnerability auras when near a sun.

Players spectating in spirits

Base and permanent drone target prioritization is revamped. Players won’t be shot by bases if they have anything better to do.

Base healing meta

Base transference resistance is increased somewhat to reduce the effectiveness of cross-healing between bases. However, base shield transference weapons are buffed to keep healing output constant.

Players having no combat role

Testing has confirmed that Unidyne Core Dumps are very effective at turning the tide of BvB.  Players are no longer priority targets of enemy bases, so it will be possible to actively participate in this way.

Buffer gal use

Active war and adjacent ownership instantly allows 1 BvB kit. Full 24 hours of adjacent ownership still required for 5 kits.

Junkyard kit spam

Junkyard kits now have the full 10 minute construction timer, but come with more junkyard hydros for convenience. Also, ALL kits that are under construction now receive a substantial vulnerability aura.

Developer Meeting Blog – 24th April

Ring Station

Hi everyone, here’s a report from press corps member DJ on this week’s meeting.


-Fixed bugs with missions in Nexus

-New Tutorial speech for certain missions in Nexus

-Attack/idle patterns introduced into Nexus and early level areas, still in development.

-Replaced older missions with more updated one in Nexus layer involving Volcom Outpost.

-Debugged mission indicators


-Station Expansion part one will be introduced at Uni Reset, part two under development

-Specialized Olympus fighters, bps requires Olympus gear.

-Possible DG rework(multiple AIs per lvl) -DGs one off with Hives and Delquads

Additional Notes

-Add soaks for Unforge in regards to base tanking

-Forcefield Generator Drones reworked and moved to testing for base tank/spamming

-Galaxy assault testing ongoing, minor changes coming and full list of changes coming this Saturday. Base healing weapons to be tweaked in regards to successful testing by our tester group

-Termite revamp