Space Clouds

Psionic Shrouding Micropatch Update

The Story

The Seer subskill Psionic Shrouding has been on our “radar” lately. On April 27 we began to receive reports that Seers were dodging beam attacks from bases while sneaking around killing trade bots. This surprised us because Seer doesn’t have any source of Evasion, or so we thought. After a look in the code, we discovered that Psionic Shrouding provides a hidden source of dodge chance: a hefty 20% per level! Based on how the code was written, this bonus is only meant to apply versus non-targeted damage, i.e. when a stray shot happens to pass over the Seer. The logic is that a cloaked Seer should have a pretty good chance to avoid getting hit by shots that are intended for someone else, or when the attacker can’t see them anymore.



The Problem

The problem is that the scenario being reported didn’t match our expected behavior. The bases could see the Seer and shoot at it, and yet the Seer was able to dodge. After further review of the code and comprehensive testing with the help of some players, we figured out the problem. The code was checking if the Seer was “invisible” to the attacker, not “undetectable.” As a result, any time the Seer was detected by radar, but not in visual range, they would receive the bonus 60% dodge chance from Psionic Shrouding.

Why Now?

This isn’t the first time Seers have been reported sneaking around galaxies to “pop” trade bots. That type of sabotage has been a staple of player conflicts for years. Why is it that we have only just identified the problem? In this case, unlike all previous ones, the player who reported the issue was able to provide us with new information we had never heard before: that Seers were dodging targeted beam attacks from bases. In all previous instances, the reports we received were solely that Seers were killing trade bots, which could have simply been due to lacking radar bonuses on the defensive bases. We had no reason to suspect a bug until now.

The Changes

  1. The Psionic Shrouding bonus of 20% dodge chance per level has been changed to only apply when the attacker cannot view or detect the Seer.

  2. The client description of Psionic Shrouding will be updated next patch to include the 20% dodge chance per level versus attackers that do not detect the Seer.


I want to be frank that this mechanic was brought to light by the war between Eminence Front and Star Revolution X, and that the proposed change may have some effect on that war. Large-scale conflict between endgame players always tends to expose quirks and bugs in the system, so this is nothing new. However, I want to respect players’ time and not make unnecessary changes to the game while a war is in progress. For that reason, I sought feedback from twenty-four current members of the affected teams (Eminence Front and Star Revolution X) who also work in various roles on the dev team. The proposal received unanimous support as a sensible change that addresses an obvious bug.

As many players already know, I am always available on Discord @enk#3571 if you have any questions or comments about the game or the operations of the dev team. Drop me a line!

Universe Reset May 23rd 2020

The researchers at Lyceum have nervously announced that, during some routine maintenance at the Engineer’s Workshop, someone accidentally tipped over the Self-Accelerating-Universe-Cruncher, and the universe as we know it will come to an end.

The engineering school graduate that made the device had a nasty run-in with hungry space urchins, the brightest minds in Lyceum can’t figure out how to turn it off, and everyone else is too afraid to try.

2020 reset 1

Scientists have sealed the device in an old storage closet, but a display on the screen of the device says ‘MAY 23’. Presumably, on that date it will crunch this universe, and — if luck holds — spit out a remarkably similar one.

Lyceum warns pilots to pack up their bases and remove the credits on their trade bots to ensure that they make it safely into the new universe!

The universe reset will be held on Saturday, May 23rd.
BST: 18:00
EDT: 13:00
CDT: 12:00
MDT: 11:00
PDT: 10:00

Server/Client Patch 4/9/2020

(+changes require a new uni)


[Item Changes]

  • All engines have been given appropriate rarities, for most engines this will result in no change to stats. For some engines it will result in an improvement. For other engines it will result in a reduction.
  • All hull expanders have been given appropriate rarities, for most hull expanders this will result in no change to stats. For some hull expanders it will result in an improvement. For other hull expanders it will result in a reduction.
  • Reduced Zebucart Turning Augmod from 50% to 25% to increase the level of control new players have when attempting to maneuver.
  • Silent Death Overloader is now Tech 20, it now gives +53% Damage instead of +23% Damage.
  • Reduced the size of Ganglinite MagCannon from 52 to 16. This is closer to its pre-rebalance size and should result in new players not having to sell all their weapons to be able to fit it on their hull.
  • Removed neurobound tag from Qokuji’qii and Space Blue Delta fighters (the other mission reward fighters in these series were not neurobound.
    • Changed drops of Small Tamed Wasp Generator on hives to Small Tamed Wasp.
    • Changed drops of Ujqii Ishi Qua(drops from Qu’ishiii Qo in Mira) , and Vulcanite Hatchery(from Magmarar in vulcan) fighter generators to Ujqii Ishi and Mini Vulcanite Fighter fighters.
  • Set the following prefabs to complete instantly on build start on the planet: Space Oat Hydroponics Project,Deep Core Mining Project and Deeper Core Mining Project.
  • Changed Shattering Hunyelite from Uncommon to Rare due to the blueprint’s drop rate.
  • Changed all of the drop tweak superitems(that have bps sold in Shadow) to have 20s charge times to match the dropped tweaks they are based off of as intended.
  • Reduce max workforce of Cirdan’s Proton Stream Blueprint from 10k to 1k, to reduce amount of prom needed per tick from 2000 to 200.
  • Bases that can only be attached or unattached now state this fact in their info box.
  • Changed the tech of Lynx Auto Mining Drone Blueprint from T20 to T18. This results in the blueprint matching the tech of the drone.
  • Removed Aug Slots from Taurus, Perseus, Lynx Auto Mining Drone.
  • Changed Olympus Entrance drone and Red Photon Complex Drone to non-scoopable.
  • Red Photon Shield Booster Generator and Red Photon Energy Booster Generator are now Shipbound instead of Sticky.
  • Rabbit Hunter Assistant’s no longer drop in crates.
  • Micro Vulcanite, Mini Vulcanite, Ujqii Ishi, Slumber Mc Chrome Face Fighter, and Bulker Guard Fighter crates are no longer shipbound.
  • +Added in a new drone and a new blueprint for a drone to Bonnet bosses.


[AI Changes]

  • Kalthi Terminators’ will now fire their chaining beam weapon more often and for less damage, while having significantly less tracking and chain range. However, the damage drop off from each successive chain has been removed. The visual thickness of the weapon has also been increased so as to increase its visibility.
    • +Kalthi Terminators and Destroyers will no longer attack players that they do not have personal or team hatred towards.
  • The Vaidya (Shielding 22) uber will now clear all parasites, fires, and nanites upon remodulating their resistance profile. With this change, firestacking during a heat vulnerability phase will no longer heal the boss after they change to a new vulnerability.
  • Fixed the spawns in the instances of Akuq’ba and Dragon’s Lair to spawn all at once instead of one at time.
  • Made bots not randomly enable “Activate Primary Cannon” and “Disable Primary Cannon” super items on the Trepidation Fridate. It can still be toggled manually via the inventory by the player.



  • Removed mention of “ship module”/aka planetescanner from the 2 breadcrumb missions to Paxius.
  • Fixed the “KILL THE MAGGOT!!!” mission not giving experience due to a missing difficulty value.
  • Changed the Marco’s Demise mission to clearly state that the player must travel to Perilous Space to be able to kill the Grim Revear.
  • Changed Continuing Defense to auto-complete instead of requiring player interaction to launch one of the random boss kill missions.
    • Changed the Continuing Defense mission to complete on warp into KusoQ’kur instead starting one of the 3 missions.
  • Added locations to mission summary for the Jungle missions to kill the bosses.
  • +Added a new mission at Beta Antares to introduce new players to the damage testing range.
  • +Removed Fine Space Whiskey from Mzungu Angani, Sol, East Vindia and Whiskey Outpost.
  • +Added a breadcrumb mission to the Engineer base in Lyceum bringing you to Perpetual Motion at level 25.
    • +Added a level 25 mission that gives players that visit Perpetual Motion and dock there a free Minor Damage Drone Controller.
    • +Moved the AC Drone Controller combination turn-in missions from Shadow to Perpetual Motion.
    • +The Drone Controller mission in Perpetual Motion grants the first level of Astral Injection for free.


[Universe Changes]

  • Reworked Blue Photon Test Range to have higher HP targets, fewer targets, a stationary sun for panels, an ai base to change loadouts, and AI aura drones to recharge energy.
  • +Moved the AC Drone Controller combination recipes from Shadow to a new base in Perpetual Motion.
  • +Relocated all levels of Astral Injection to Perpetual Motion, it is now trained via a new mission line at the central station.
  • +Increased the respawn rate of the drones that drop keys in Copper 4.
  • +Changed The Seregenti wormhole to Ngorongoro from showing the locked image to being a normal wormhole image since the keys have long been removed.
  • +Added a comet that drops a variety of Blue commodities to Blue Outpost.
  • +Sun auras in Red Photon Research will now affect drones
  • +Removed Gear Glue from the Metal Processing, Inc. in Arena Lobby.
  • +Extended NB Roman gear AC to weapons, engines, cloaks, and radars in Olympus Entrance.
    • +Added AC trade for 10 shard dust to 1 pretender shard in the same base.


[Typo Fixes]

  • Fixed Typo for the Strontium Tier 4 Platinum Bounty for Caracaras incorrectly stating Harriers in the mission text.



  • Added support for adding commas to numbers over 1 trillion.
  • The /ap command will now search the current galaxy for a space object with given name and autopilot to it if galaxy with given name is not found.
  • Grant 2 Class Skill skillpoints at level 10 instead of one at 5, one at 10.
  • Added mods support to actionbar, modded items put in the actionbar should now properly remember which mod it was and will search for the item matching the mod before picking another one.
  • Improved the algorithm used to auto recenter ships that have been drifting. It should now cover more cases even if players are around.

Easter 2020

Easter is here! The bunnies have setup shop in Eastern Warren accessible from Sol, Elmer Fudd has returned to Handel’s Cove and is on the hunt for rabbits, and egg boxes litter the universe. The event will run until April 24th.

Happy hunting!

Stay at Home Special Free PvP Event Server

A lot of people are stuck at home and bored, so Star Sonata will be launching a temporary new, totally free, PvP oriented server! The PvP server will last for 30 days with prizes for players who beat certain challenges.

This special event server will launch on Saturday, March 21 at 1:00 pm EST.  It will end after Sunday, April 19.  Hopefully we’ll be allowed out of our houses by then.

There will be some minor difference compared to Liberty, the main server.

  • All areas except Nexus will be open PvP

  • Repair costs are increased and death will cause 10% durability damage for increased credit drops after a PvP kill

  • Universe size will be smaller and Wild Space will have a unique shape

  • Subspace will be disabled

  • Reworked Zen of Shield and Energy skills

  • Item mod rate is increased

  • Every aspect of playing on this new server is completely free. No subscription required for anything.

  • Logging in to the PvP server requires an account on the main Liberty server.  For your rewards to transfer to your main account, log in with that account. If you are returning and no longer have an account on Liberty, please create one there before moving over to the PvP server.

The server challenge rewards are:



First person to claim Emperor

100 Space Points (a $50 value)

First person to level 1900

Special tech 20 Plague Rat ship

First kill of Emperor in UZ

A unique personal tech 22 version of any UZ ship

First kill of Pretender Zeus

A unique personal tech 22 version of any Olympus ship

First 190 people to have a level 601+ character

+1 character slot on live plus their top character and all its stuff will be copied over to live at the end of the event.  Names that are duplicates to live will have a random number appended to them when copied over.

To claim one of the first 4 rewards, send a screen cap of your accomplishment with your character name to an admin, and we will verify on the admin panel. Winners will be announced as we go. Once 190 characters have reached level 601, we will make an announcement and copy down a list of those people. Their stuff and rewards will be granted at the end of the event.  Let the chaos commence.

If you haven’t already, join our Star Sonata Discord channel.

Zebucart attack

Subscription Changes

As of the patch on March 3rd, premium characters (p2p) are now able to log back onto their accounts with f2p status!

The following list describes exactly what this means for you today, and a few more changes that will go into effect next universe reset.

Lapsed Subscription Changes

Current Universe Changes

  • Trade skills are enabled
  • Bases cannot be placed in Wild Space
  • Bases in Wild Space will function normally
  • Trade Bot orders will be executed normally
  • T21+ skills will be retained (this won’t change)
  • PvP in Wild space is enabled
  • Access to premium zones (Perilous Space, Kalthi Depths, Subspace, etc) is disabled.

Next Universe Changes

  • Trade skills will be disabled
  • Bases cannot be placed in Wild Space
  • Bases in Wild Space cannot fire, extract, or trade
  • Trade Bot orders will not be executed in Wild Space
  • T21+ skills will be retained (this won’t change)
  • PvP in Wild Space is disabled
  • Access to premium zones (Perilous Space, Kalthi Depths, Subspace, etc) is disabled.

**All of these changes are subject to alterations between now and reset.

Additional Changes

Next Universe Notification Changes

  • Any subscribed account without auto-renew enabled will receive an email notification one week before the subscription expires.
  • A team message will be announced one day before bases lose bonuses (optional toggle in settings)

Future Subscription Bonuses

  • XP boost: 25% more XP from kills
  • 10 extra docked ship slots
  • 1000 extra TSL capacity
  • Setting up auto-renewal will reward one extra SP per month renewed!

Server/Client Patch 3/04/2020

(+changes require a new uni)


[Item Changes]

  • Adjusted the Commodities order within the Trade Bay and the Bot Trade Order Menu to be more friendly to players for QoL.
  • Added Antu Agniparvata and Vazi Pralinata to appropriate laser drop list.
  • Adjusted some Super Item effect descriptions to properly show what they do.
  • Added new transference weapon to Demented Delquad boss loot.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Pretender Poseidon not to do any splash damage.
  • Poseidon Splash fighters now do splash damage as they are intended.
    • Poseidon Splash fighters no longer have a Trident Prong equipped.
  • Gave the Red Photon Doomsday Device a new visual.
  • Modified Queen’s Hive Missile to be non-neurobound.
  • Liposuction scrap value has been fixed.
  • Adjusted Honey, Wasp and Twisted fighter weapons that were incorrectly set due to a bug. Resulting in slight reductions in range and increase in recoil.
  • Changed Dark Shielding Blueprint from T21 to T20 to reflect the tech of item being built.
  • Corrected the Advanced Eucration Flux Blueprint from T20 to T21 to reflect the tech of the item being built.
  • Corrected Mzungu Energybank Blueprint and Mzungu Protector Blueprint from T15 to T16 to reflect the rarity of the item being built.
  • Adjusted the tech of Large Blue Photon Stock Missile Production from T15 to T20 to reflect the tech of the missile being produced.
  • Updated descriptions for Energon and Peasants.
  • Removed the out of combat speed boost and evasion from Green Defense Fighters.
  • Var Zuladura Katur, Var Zazatamzu Katur, Var Mizra Katur, Var Bhisaj Katur have been given the same energy as their Tra counterparts.
  • Change weight of Crate of Pirate Crest, Crate of Veteran Pirate Crest and Crate of Master Pirate Crests from 7 million to 100 and changed from breaking into 5 to 4 to 6 to match the strongboxes of the same item.
  • +Removed the only drop of Crate of Master Pirate Crests from Barbe Noir and replaced with a Master Pirate Strongbox.


[AI Changes]

  • Reduced the weapon range, recoil and slightly increased damage for the Deflector drone. This restores the stats to what it historically was.
    • +Moved Deflector and Reflector drones 50 farther out from the center so they don’t kill the Light Nuzzle and Aqua Nuzzle on irradiation.
  • Corrected missing visual for the Target Dummy.
  • Removed the evasion from the fighters Master Flylet and Master Maggot use.
  • +Fixed an issue with Queen Hive phases not activating.



  • Adjusted Ahab’s Training Mission from 10 rat kills to 5 kills.
  • Adjusted Ration Relief mission to start at the same time as Ahab’s Training.
  • +Added Priority Target mission for Lord Mulligan boss.
  • +Increased expected levels on Strontium KD AI kill missions (this means you will get more exp from them at higher levels).


[Universe Changes]

  • Irradiated Subspace Anomaly visuals have been fixed. Bad timer values resulted in their radiation cloud effect flickering and twitching constantly.
  • +Added upgraded DPS kits for AI empires
  • +Removed the Warp Beacon from Glass Matrix
  • +Removed the Warp Beacon from Iq’Bana.
  • +Added a new custom warp beacon to Beta Antares.
  • +Unteamed the Free Market Warp Beacon.
  • +Changed the entire Serengeti zone to non-PvP.
    • Removed the lockout for killing some of the Panthers in the Serengeti Nebula instance. Only killing Baron will grant the lockout now for this gal of the instance.
    • Removed Single Panther from Lake Manyara instance and replaced it with an additional Rhino.
    • +Removed the keys for instance warps in Ngoronoro and Ngoronoro crater other than Lion and Emperor.
    • +Made Zebras and Panthers in Ngoronoro guard their respective warp.
    • +Replaced 2 Zebras for Rhinos in Ngorogoro Crater.
  • +Removing the Scrap Prefab Missions from Creaky’s Junkquarters in The Junkyard.
  • +Moved credit cost of Andaman Extermination Blueprint from periodic to initial to match other extermination bps.
  • +Changed “The Dark” from locking to the north spiral to locking to the south spiral of Earthforce layer during uni generation.
  • +Removed the link and wormholes between Lyceum and Lyceum Wormhole Research.
  • +Updated and revised the shouts that DG bosses use.
  • +Added new Condenser Augmenter Packs to the Augmenter Lab station within Acropolis.
    • Removed Augmenter Condensers from drop tables.
    • Adjusted rarity of some Blueprint Packs.
  • +Corrected the “Investigate the Pretenders” mission to end at Olympus Entrance instead of Serengeti Blockade.
  • +Changed Hallway to Mother to no PvP.
  • +Added 40 additional random AI team names. Removed inappropriate AI team names.
  • +Added an AC turn in mission to trade 1 Allied Commendation for 600 million credits at the E.F.V. Avenger at the Allied Staging Sector.


[Typo Fixes]

  • Fixed Typos in “Cleaning House” Mission.
  • Fixed Typos “A Blue Connection” Mission.
  • Updated the description of the Hidden Nanite Infusion Device to correctly state 175% instead of 200%. The damage has been 175% but the description just falsely states 200%.



  • Added the no discount indicator to blueprint tooltip from construction tab.
  • AI Empires now follow galaxy lockdown.
  • Unattached bases can now be used as attached bases if you have an acceptable solarbody selected to attach them to.
  • Fixed a bug when attempting to cancel a build for which no blueprints are on base.
  • Expired premium players can now login as a free to play.

Engineer Revamp 2020


We have been working on finalizing our proposal for an Engineer revamp to go live alongside the Shield Monkey and healing revamp (which is nearly finalized) and a rebalance of all the support freighters. Our proposed changes aim to make Engineers more engaging to play. We are especially focusing on making each new skill immediately impactful and gameplay-changing. In order to get a feel for our proposed changes to the class, we will be implementing the items listed below on the test2 server for playtesting and player feedback. Nothing is set in stone, but at least this is what we’re going to start with.

Skill Changes

Engineer Skill

Engineer Class 1: 1 Additional energy slot in support freighters and capital ships
Engineer Class 2: +25% drone ops. (More on how drone ops will now work below.)
Engineer Class 3: 1 Extra aug slot.

Drone Mastery

+1 drone slot per level (no drone ops anymore)

Beam Mastery

+33% tractor power, +33% tractor range, drones will prioritize your tractor target (both friend and foe if applicable), and do 33% more crit damage against that target (all per level for 3 levels)

Damage Control

Engineer overloads his shield with extra electricity. 20% of incoming damage per level is absorbed by the energy bank, scaled with current energy percent. When maxed at level three, this skill will grant the Engineer up to 60% damage mitigation, although that figure will scale down as their energy bank drains. Provided the Engineer has good energy stats, this skill will outperform the current Damage Control skill for mitigation.

Adv Subskills

Mechanical Engineer: +3 temporary drone equip slots, can repair while in combat

Computer Engineer: Your attacks leave a computer virus, causing your drones to do up to double damage to target up to 100% of the value of your attacks. Also works with healing.

Electrical Engineer: Your weapons do 10x damage, but take 10x more energy per damage to fire, scaled with your energy bank percent.

Civil Engineer: +100 armor on temp drones (done)

Changes to Drone Ops

Drone ops will no longer give drones a bunch of stats, but instead give drones 1% of your ship’s augmenter stats. All four drone ops bonuses are converted into this new stat.

How this will play out is that instead of Engineers trying to maximize for the most Drone Ops possible, almost at the expense of everything else, they will need to get a mixture of Drone Ops and the stats they want their drones and ship to actually have. We estimate that (with the extra aug slot) drones will overall be a little bit more powerful under this system, but also much more specialized. Drones will also have access to stats they didn’t have before, like electric tempering and transference power. Players will be able to specialize for burst DPS, sustain, tankiness, range, etc. much more than they could before with only a single drone controller. Of course, we will make sure to thoroughly test this change on the test2 server in order to verify our theorycrafting, and make changes accordingly.

Drone controllers will still work the same, to get dynamic changes in drone abilities, but the new Drone Ops will allow a much more personalized baseline and create much more interesting augmenter choices than before. In addition, the Engineer’s ship will share a lot of stats with their drones now, making it possible for Engineers to actually use their weapons in combat.. Hello, spacebar!

Item Changes and New Items

Elec Beam

Instead of giving a constant elec amount to target, elec beams link the two ships’ energy, sending a portion of the elec consumption of the target to the Engineer’s ship to be consumed there instead. If either ship banks out, the beam disconnects. Different beams have different percentages that go to the engineer, with higher constant additional elec cost for higher percentages. We came up with this concept because we weren’t happy with the lack of scaling in the current elec beam mechanic. Once the Engineer can power their end of the beam, there is no advantage to further developing the character’s energy stats. While this new concept will take a lot of testing to balance, it will encourage Engineers to really develop their energy stats, rewarding them with potentially even higher energy support abilities than they can currently get with the highest-tier elec beams.

Repair Drone

Repair Drone generates a short range field around the drone with nanobots that repair allied ships at a rate of 1% per second as long as the ally can pay the docked repair cost. Can be used in combat. Requires Mechanical Engineer

Tesla Field Generator

Tesla Field Generator is a new type of field generator that will wirelessly transmit elec to allies in range (500ish) at a rate of 1% of their missing bank per second scaled by the engineers energy bank percent, doubly effective with drones. (With lightning graphical effects) Rename Super Capacitor and Super Capacitor Mk II to be Tesla Field Gens. Disallow use on slaves.

New High Tech Non-Mobile Drones

Create new high tech non mobile drones that do more DPS and more HPS than the current high tech mobile drones so that mobile drones will no longer be best DPS or HPS for any given tech or damage type.

New God Aug Drone Controllers

Zeus, Ares, Athena, and whatever else looks appropriate. Possibly also create plus versions made out of the God+ augs.

Questions and Comments

Please direct all questions and comments about this blog post to the forum here:


Server/Client Patch 2/5/2020

(+changes require a new uni)


[Item Changes]

  • Unt Faranji Gatling Laser X has had its size and stats adjusted.
  • Almost every Tech 0 to Tech 20 engine makes use of the new particle system.
  • Jujo’qii Augmenter was not sticky, changed to be sticky like it should.
  • Moved excessive initial prom requirements on the Andaman, Achilles, and Annihilator Station Exterminator Blueprints to periodic.
  • All energies have been given appropriate rarities, for most energies this will result in no change. For some energies it will result in an improvement. For other energies it will result in a reduction.
    • Low tech AI base energies have had their stats shifted a bit so that there is more variety in Energy Bank sizes.
    • Amped Zeus Olympios Energy and Amped Jupiter Olympios Energy have been changed from Ultralight to Normal, increasing their power beyond the base versions instead of them being weaker.
    • Primal Lion Heart now uses 1 Promethium every 300 seconds, this brings the electricity regeneration back to where it was previous to the energy rarity changes.
  • Vulcaroid Missiles are no longer shipbound.
  • Updated Missile Crates descriptions to list the Tech and Damage Type of the missile they contain.
  • The Rainbow Force Field holoprojector is no longer neurobound.
  • Fixed a bug preventing planetary expedition from working.
    • This was already pushed in a hotfix.
  • Adjusted the IC Extractor BP’s to properly show build amount in the build menu.
  • Wasp Chamber is now a factory that produces Tamed Killer Wasps.


[AI Changes]

  • Added credit drops to UZ mini ubers.



  • Fixed issues with Bule and Vo’kii ship missions start and end points being missing from the Twisted Agent station.
    • This was already pushed in a hotfix.


[Universe Changes]

  • Fix to Blue Emperor’s stadium arena exit using a red wormhole visual instead of blue.
  • +Moved Bipolar from DF220 Perilous to DF160 of North Arm of Earthforce Layer.
  • +Locked Iq’Bana to the South Arm of Earthforce Layer.
  • +Removed Ship Tech Upgrades from common AI base tradebays. You can still acquire all of them from Beta Antares.
  • +Converted the Christmas letter turn in to AC turn in at the station in Lapland.
  • +The Z axis values of Enigmatic Sector objects have been set to zero. This will stop ships from flying below the planets and stars in that system.


[Typo Fixes]

  • The mission “Marco’s Demise” now correctly states it requires 20 Paxian Pacifier Fighters in its summary in place of the old generator requirement.



  • Added command “/ShowStatSources” to list where the different components of your ship stats come from.
  • Converted /showsquaddamage info to a dialog box.
  • Reduced rank required to abandon your own base in team territory from operator+ to soldier+
  • Removed the concept of galaxies “freezing” when no one is in them for 5 minutes. Instead replaced by a deep sleep state, when in deep sleep objects in the galaxy can still act in a limited fashion, traveling, trading etc will continue working albit much slower than normal. This means bots will no longer end up trapped in DGs because they froze while they were coming out, nor will AI get stuck in a sleeping galaxy while they travel.
  • AI (and by extension combat bots) will now only unpack 1 missile/fighter crate of every type that isn’t already unpacked in its inventory.
  • Fix for destroyed fighters not updating quantity when added to player ship inventory.
  • Added a failsafe to handle cases where an AI drifted too far out and got lost. This will only bring the AI back to the center if there are no players in the galaxy or any galaxies near it, this is not meant to simplify recentering after a failed fight and instead to reduce the likelihood of stumbling into a galaxy with no visible boss because it went too far and never came back.

Server/Client Patch 1/10/2020

(+changes require a new uni)


[Item Changes]

  • Small Bulker Guard Fighter Generator now properly converts into a crate.
  • Zarkar’ayu Cloning Vat now makes a Fighter instead of a Generator.
  • Space Blue Alpha Prototype Fighter Generator is now AI Only.


[AI Changes]

  • High tier Perilous Space AI (Delquads, Battlestations, Rocs, etc.) no longer spawn in the lower danger factors of Kalthi Depths.


[BvB Siege Changes]

  • Added notification to the team chat when a bvb kit is placed in one of their gals.


[Universe Changes]

  • +Kalthi Stingers, Warriors, and Deployers now spawn in Kalthi Depths again. They are not able to warp to other galaxies.
  • +Unlocked Spartan Garrison Station in Serengeti Blockade to Free to Play.
  • +Locked Serengeti Missions Except for Lyceum Guardian, Investigate the Pretenders, and Zaphragi Tractors (Tractoring 19) to Pay to Play.
  • +Change Leveasseur, Morgan, Asteroid Being, dungeon Pheonix, Glaucopenia, and DG James Watt, Georg Ohm, Marcus Columbo, Nutty Sputty, Black Bart, Captain Albatross, Dark Curse, Barbe Noire and Iggy Bang to have 10 minute respawn times instead of 30 minutes.
  • +The following zones have been manually set to no PvP (some may not be pvp already but weren’t defined in the XML): Iq’ Bana zone, Snake Hole zone, Copper zone, Ruby Steppes zone, Steppe Zone, All Rumbles, Prism, Colored Empires zone, Bonnet zone, Enigmatic Sector zone, Underworld, Nihilite, Hyper (will be reviewed later if we want to keep basing here), Tortuga, Blue Outpost boss areas, Strontium-90, Absolution Zone, The Junkyard, Graveyard, Blanco, Plaguespace, Liberty zone, Vulcan, Bipolar, Arctia, Lapland, Vervaardiger Processing, Capella, Fortress, Gargan, Jungle zone, Labyrinth


[Typo Fixes]

  • Typo correction for /endwar error sent back from user, changed text from /war [player] to /endwar [player]



  • Tweaked the /war declaration error to display how much funds you need in team funds (previously it did not tell you and you had to guess)