Remote Control

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Remote Control (abbreviated RC) is a skill that lets you use bots and capture ships of a tech level up to your Remote Control level. For example, if you have Remote Control 5 you may only use tech 5 or less ships. Remote control requires Piloting skill of equal or greater level. For more information, see the section at the bottom of the page.

Each level of RC gives a bonus +1500 shield to slaves, maxing out at +27,000 at level 18, 28500 at level 19, 30,000 at level 20.

It costs 3 skill points per level. The credit cost is equal to level^3*1000.

See also Skill Inheritance.

Where to Train

Location Station Accessibility Warp Level Level Requirements Notes
Arctia Arctia Outpost 1
Arctia Arctia Outpost 2 (Mission Based)
Lavanite Lava Visions Warp 1 2
  • 1 Blue Whisper
  • Space Blue Alpha Scout drop and mined in Blue Outpost
    Glass Matrix Ice Matrix Warp 1 4
  • 1 Blue Aether
  • Space Blue Alpha drop
    Blue Royal Court (Prism Empires) Blue Palace Warp 1 5
  • 1 Azure Essence
  • Azurite drop
    Blue Royal Court (Prism Empires) Blue Parliament Warp 1 6
  • 1 Zircon Essence
  • Zircon drop
    Prism Refraction Station Warp 1 6
  • 1 Blue Vapor
  • Space Blue Beta drop and mined at Blue Outpost
    Vervaardiger Processing Vervaardiger Production Factory Warp 2 10
  • 1 Blue Dust
  • Space Blue Gamma drop
    Serpica Scale Center Warp 1 14
  • 1 Traginium
  • Mined in Bonnet and rarely in Arena Lobby
    The End of the Universe Restaurant at the End of the Universe P2P only Warp 3 16
  • 3 Giant Goblets
  • Big Green and Bigger Green drop
    Beta Antares Beta Antares Shipyards Warp 1 17
  • 1 Gargantuan Goblets
  • Green Battleship drop
    Lunacy Sonata Asylum Warp 3 18
  • 1 Mad Scientist's Other Brain
  • Mad Scientist drop (NOTE: This is not 'Mad Scientist's Brain')
    Beta Antares Beta Antares Shipyards P2P only Warp 1 19
  • 1 Red Photon Prototype Blueprint (Mission Based)
  • Red Photon Warship Prototype drop (NOTE: Requires Piloting 21 to unlock mission 'Remote Dominance')
    Lyceum Research Concourse Lyceum Subspace Research Station P2P only Warp 3 20
  • 1 Undamaged Aveksaka Cortex (Mission Based)
  • 25% chance to drop from any tech 22 boss (NOTE: Requires Piloting 22 to unlock Aveksaka Cortex)

    Other Important Information

      • Trade slots: (Remote Control + Bot Research) * 2
      • Combat slots: (Remote Control + Bot Research) * 2 + 8 (if you have Bot Ph.D.)
      • Wild slots: Remote Control * 2 * 1.5 (if you have Wild Man)
      • Maximum number of Trade bots: Remote Control + Bot Research (Minimum of two)
      • Maximum number of Combat bots: (Remote Control + Bot Research) /2 [Rounded up] + 2 (if you have Bot Ph.D.)

    There is a swarm limit on combat bots. The maximum number of combat bots you can have equals half of your level in Remote Control. With Remote Control 20 and Bot Research 5 , the maximum number of combat bots you can have active is 15 ((20{Remote Control}+ 5(Bot Research)/2[Rounded Up] There are exceptions for levels 1-3, level 1 allows 1 bot, level 2 and 3 both allow 2 bots minimum.

    When activating a bot a note in events gives you an update as to how many slots you have left. This doesn't apply to wild bots because there is no way to make a docked ship into a wild bot.