Bar Skills
Bar skills are skills that improve attributes such as hull space, speed, turning, thrust, negative weight and docking speed. They give a small increase, for a heavy price. To get all bar skills from 0 to 5 with bars, it will cost you a total of 78 Gold Bars and 9 Platinum bars.
The total cost for all Bar Skills from 0-22 in Free Market is 4,561,044,359,720 (4.56t). The total cost for all Bar Skills from 6-22 in Free Market is 4,427,070,992,441 (4.43t), meaning that getting bar skills to 5 with gold and platinum bars first will save you 133,973,367,279 (134b) in raw credits.
It is much cheaper to use Gold Bars and Platinum Bars to get the first 5 levels, after that you can only get higher skills by paying raw credits for it in Free Market at Von Mises. Let's call the starting Price a, then the formula would be credits for level y=a*(level x)^1.5.
Leveling bar skills from 5 to 10 can also be done using Shard of Empowerment that are farmed within the Anatolia zone. The crests that the mobs drops can be traded into Splendid Trove at the first ring galaxies outside of Anatolia. However once docked you may not undock unless you convert all your crests.
See also Skill Inheritance.
[hide]Infinite Precision Parking
Infinite Precision Parking is a Skill that boosts docking speed on ships by 10% per level. This skill costs 5 skill points per level (as of January 14, 2019).
Location | Level | Requirements | Notes |
Deflector | 3 | Gold Bar x 2 | |
Lunacy | 5 | Gold Bar x 4 | |
Emperor's Club | 5 | Gold Bar x 4 | Emperors only |
Anatolia | 10 | Shard of Empowerment x 5 | Splendid Trove from the Anatolia zone have a chance to drop Shard of Empowerment. |
Free Market | 100 | Lots of Credits | Limited by your Piloting skill |
Credit Cost
Level | Cost | Cumulative | Cumulative starting from level 6 |
1 | 250,000,000 | 250,000,000 | |
2 | 707,106,781 | 957,106,781 | |
3 | 1,299,038,106 | 2,256,144,886 | |
4 | 2,000,000,000 | 4,256,144,886 | |
5 | 2,795,084,972 | 7,051,229,857 | |
6 | 3,674,234,614 | 10,725,464,471 | 3,674,234,614 |
7 | 4,630,064,794 | 15,355,529,265 | 8,304,299,408 |
8 | 5,656,854,249 | 21,012,383,514 | 13,961,153,657 |
9 | 6,750,000,000 | 27,762,383,514 | 20,711,153,657 |
10 | 7,905,694,150 | 35,668,077,664 | 28,616,847,807 |
11 | 9,120,718,173 | 44,788,795,837 | 37,737,565,980 |
12 | 10,392,304,845 | 55,181,100,682 | 48,129,870,825 |
13 | 11,718,041,645 | 66,899,142,327 | 59,847,912,470 |
14 | 13,095,800,854 | 79,994,943,180 | 72,943,713,323 |
15 | 14,523,687,548 | 94,518,630,728 | 87,467,400,871 |
16 | 16,000,000,000 | 110,518,630,728 | 103,467,400,871 |
17 | 17,523,198,909 | 128,041,829,636 | 120,990,599,779 |
18 | 19,091,883,092 | 147,133,712,728 | 140,082,482,871 |
19 | 20,704,769,982 | 167,838,482,709 | 160,787,252,852 |
20 | 22,360,679,775 | 190,199,162,483 | 183,147,932,626 |
21 | 24,058,522,399 | 214,257,684,881 | 207,206,455,024 |
22 | 25,797,286,679 | 240,054,971,560 | 233,003,741,703 |
23 | 27,576,031,259 | 267,631,002,819 | 260,579,772,962 |
Micro Warp Capabilities
Micro Warp Capabilities is a skill that boosts speed on ships by 2% per level. This skill costs 25 skill points per level (as of January 14, 2019).
Location | Level | Requirements | Notes |
Steppes | 3 | Platinum Bar x 1 | |
Lunacy | 5 | Platinum Bar x 2 | |
Emperor's Club | 5 | Platinum Bar x 2 | Emperors only |
Anatolia | 10 | Shard of Empowerment x 5 | Splendid Trove from the Anatolia zone have a chance to drop Shard of Empowerment. |
Free Market | 100 | Lots of Credits | Limited by your Piloting skill |
Credit Cost
Level | Cost | Cumulative | Cumulative starting from level 6 |
1 | 2,000,000,000 | 2,000,000,000 | |
2 | 5,656,854,249 | 7,656,854,249 | |
3 | 10,392,304,845 | 18,049,159,094 | |
4 | 16,000,000,000 | 34,049,159,094 | |
5 | 22,360,679,775 | 56,409,838,868 | |
6 | 29,393,876,913 | 85,803,715,781 | 29,393,876,913 |
7 | 37,040,518,355 | 122,844,234,135 | 66,434,395,267 |
8 | 45,254,833,996 | 168,099,068,130 | 111,689,229,262 |
9 | 54,000,000,000 | 222,099,068,130 | 165,689,229,262 |
10 | 63,245,553,203 | 285,344,621,333 | 228,934,782,465 |
11 | 72,965,745,388 | 358,310,366,720 | 301,900,527,852 |
12 | 83,138,438,763 | 441,448,805,483 | 385,038,966,615 |
13 | 93,744,333,162 | 535,193,138,645 | 478,783,299,777 |
14 | 104,766,406,830 | 639,959,545,474 | 583,549,706,606 |
15 | 116,189,500,386 | 756,149,045,860 | 699,739,206,992 |
16 | 128,000,000,000 | 884,149,045,860 | 827,739,206,992 |
17 | 140,185,591,271 | 1,024,334,637,131 | 967,924,798,263 |
18 | 152,735,064,736 | 1,177,069,701,867 | 1,120,659,862,999 |
19 | 165,638,159,855 | 1,342,707,861,721 | 1,286,298,022,853 |
20 | 178,885,438,200 | 1,521,593,299,920 | 1,465,183,461,052 |
21 | 192,468,179,188 | 1,714,061,479,108 | 1,657,651,640,240 |
22 | 206,378,293,432 | 1,920,439,772,540 | 1,864,029,933,672 |
23 | 220,608,250,072 | 2,141,048,022,612 | 2,084,638,183,744 |
Multiversal Leaking
Multiversal Leaking is a skill that decreases weight on ships by 2% per level. This skill costs 5 skill points per level (as of January 14, 2019).
Location | Level | Requirements | Notes |
Lavanite | 3 | Gold Bar x 2 | |
Ruby Steppes | 5 | Gold Bar x 4 | |
Emperor's Club | 5 | Gold Bar x 4 | Emperors only |
Anatolia | 10 | Shard of Empowerment x 5 | Splendid Trove from the Anatolia zone have a chance to drop Shard of Empowerment. |
Free Market | 100 | Lots of Credits | Limited by your Piloting skill |
Credit Cost
Level | Cost | Cumulative | Cumulative starting from level 6 |
1 | 500,000,000 | 500,000,000 | |
2 | 1,414,213,562 | 1,914,213,562 | |
3 | 2,598,076,211 | 4,512,289,773 | |
4 | 4,000,000,000 | 8,512,289,773 | |
5 | 5,590,169,944 | 14,102,459,716 | |
6 | 7,348,469,228 | 21,450,928,944 | 7,348,469,228 |
7 | 9,260,129,589 | 30,711,058,532 | 16,608,598,816 |
8 | 11,313,708,499 | 42,024,767,030 | 27,922,307,314 |
9 | 13,500,000,000 | 55,524,767,030 | 41,422,307,314 |
10 | 15,811,388,301 | 71,336,155,330 | 57,233,695,614 |
11 | 18,241,436,347 | 89,577,591,676 | 75,475,131,960 |
12 | 20,784,609,691 | 110,362,201,366 | 96,259,741,650 |
13 | 23,436,083,291 | 133,798,284,656 | 119,695,824,940 |
14 | 26,191,601,707 | 159,989,886,363 | 145,887,426,647 |
15 | 29,047,375,097 | 189,037,261,459 | 174,934,801,743 |
16 | 32,000,000,000 | 221,037,261,459 | 206,934,801,743 |
17 | 35,046,397,818 | 256,083,659,276 | 241,981,199,560 |
18 | 38,183,766,184 | 294,267,425,460 | 280,164,965,744 |
19 | 41,409,539,964 | 335,676,965,423 | 321,574,505,707 |
20 | 44,721,359,550 | 380,398,324,972 | 366,295,865,256 |
21 | 48,117,044,797 | 428,515,369,769 | 414,412,910,053 |
22 | 51,594,573,358 | 480,109,943,127 | 466,007,483,411 |
23 | 55,152,062,518 | 535,262,005,645 | 521,159,545,929 |
Pocket Universe
Pocket Universe is a skill that increases hull space on ships by 1% per level. This skill costs 25 skill points per level (as of January 14, 2019).
Location | Level | Requirements | Notes |
Gargan | 3 | Gold Bar x 4 | |
Labyrinth | 3 | Gold Bar x 4 | |
Rumble Mumble | 5 | Platinum Bar x 1 | |
Emperor's Club | 5 | Platinum Bar x 1 | Emperors only |
Anatolia | 10 | Shard of Empowerment x 5 | Splendid Trove from the Anatolia zone have a chance to drop Shard of Empowerment. |
Free Market | 100 | Lots of Credits | Limited by your Piloting skill |
Credit Cost
Level | Cost | Cumulative | Cumulative starting from level 6 |
1 | 1,000,000,000 | 1,000,000,000 | |
2 | 2,828,427,125 | 3,828,427,124 | |
3 | 5,196,152,423 | 9,024,579,546 | |
4 | 8,000,000,000 | 17,024,579,546 | |
5 | 11,180,339,887 | 28,204,919,433 | |
6 | 14,696,938,457 | 42,901,857,889 | 14,696,938,456 |
7 | 18,520,259,177 | 61,422,117,066 | 33,217,197,633 |
8 | 22,627,416,998 | 84,049,534,063 | 55,844,614,630 |
9 | 27,000,000,000 | 111,049,534,063 | 82,844,614,630 |
10 | 31,622,776,602 | 142,672,310,664 | 114,467,391,231 |
11 | 36,482,872,694 | 179,155,183,357 | 150,950,263,924 |
12 | 41,569,219,382 | 220,724,402,738 | 192,519,483,305 |
13 | 46,872,166,581 | 267,596,569,319 | 239,391,649,886 |
14 | 52,383,203,415 | 319,979,772,733 | 291,774,853,300 |
15 | 58,094,750,193 | 378,074,522,926 | 349,869,603,493 |
16 | 64,000,000,000 | 442,074,522,926 | 413,869,603,493 |
17 | 70,092,795,636 | 512,167,318,561 | 483,962,399,128 |
18 | 76,367,532,368 | 588,534,850,929 | 560,329,931,496 |
19 | 82,819,079,927 | 671,353,930,856 | 643,149,011,423 |
20 | 89,442,719,100 | 760,796,649,955 | 732,591,730,522 |
21 | 96,234,089,594 | 857,030,739,549 | 828,825,820,116 |
22 | 103,189,146,716 | 960,219,886,265 | 932,014,966,832 |
23 | 110,304,125,036 | 1,070,524,011,301 | 1,042,319,091,868 |
Space Time Cornering
Space Time Cornering is a skill that boosts turning on ships by 3% per level. This skill costs 5 skill points per level (as of January 14, 2019).
Location | Level | Requirements | Notes |
Handel's Cove | 3 | Gold Bar x 3 | |
Underworld | 5 | Gold Bar x 5 | |
Emperor's Club | 5 | Gold Bar x 5 | Emperors only |
Anatolia | 10 | Shard of Empowerment x 5 | Splendid Trove from the Anatolia zone have a chance to drop Shard of Empowerment. |
Free Market | 100 | Lots of Credits | Limited by your Piloting skill |
Credit Cost
Level | Cost | Cumulative | Cumulative starting from level 6 |
1 | 500,000,000 | 500,000,000 | |
2 | 1,414,213,562 | 1,914,213,562 | |
3 | 2,598,076,211 | 4,512,289,773 | |
4 | 4,000,000,000 | 8,512,289,773 | |
5 | 5,590,169,944 | 14,102,459,716 | |
6 | 7,348,469,228 | 21,450,928,944 | 7,348,469,228 |
7 | 9,260,129,589 | 30,711,058,532 | 16,608,598,816 |
8 | 11,313,708,499 | 42,024,767,030 | 27,922,307,314 |
9 | 13,500,000,000 | 55,524,767,030 | 41,422,307,314 |
10 | 15,811,388,301 | 71,336,155,330 | 57,233,695,614 |
11 | 18,241,436,347 | 89,577,591,676 | 75,475,131,960 |
12 | 20,784,609,691 | 110,362,201,366 | 96,259,741,650 |
13 | 23,436,083,291 | 133,798,284,656 | 119,695,824,940 |
14 | 26,191,601,707 | 159,989,886,363 | 145,887,426,647 |
15 | 29,047,375,097 | 189,037,261,459 | 174,934,801,743 |
16 | 32,000,000,000 | 221,037,261,459 | 206,934,801,743 |
17 | 35,046,397,818 | 256,083,659,276 | 241,981,199,560 |
18 | 38,183,766,184 | 294,267,425,460 | 280,164,965,744 |
19 | 41,409,539,964 | 335,676,965,423 | 321,574,505,707 |
20 | 44,721,359,550 | 380,398,324,972 | 366,295,865,256 |
21 | 48,117,044,797 | 428,515,369,769 | 414,412,910,053 |
22 | 51,594,573,358 | 480,109,943,127 | 466,007,483,411 |
23 | 55,152,062,518 | 535,262,005,645 | 521,159,545,929 |
Titanium Foot
Titanium Foot is a Skill that boosts thrust on ships by 3% per level. This skill costs 5 skill points per level (as of January 14, 2019).
Location | Level | Requirements | Notes |
Nihilite | 3 | Gold Bar x 3 | |
The End of the Universe | 5 | Gold Bar x 5 | |
Emperor's Club | 5 | Gold Bar x 5 | Emperors only |
Anatolia | 10 | Shard of Empowerment x 5 | Splendid Trove from the Anatolia zone have a chance to drop Shard of Empowerment. |
Free Market | 100 | Lots of Credits | Limited by your Piloting skill |
Credit Cost
Level | Cost | Cumulative | Cumulative starting from level 6 |
1 | 500,000,000 | 500,000,000 | |
2 | 1,414,213,562 | 1,914,213,562 | |
3 | 2,598,076,211 | 4,512,289,773 | |
4 | 4,000,000,000 | 8,512,289,773 | |
5 | 5,590,169,944 | 14,102,459,716 | |
6 | 7,348,469,228 | 21,450,928,944 | 7,348,469,228 |
7 | 9,260,129,589 | 30,711,058,532 | 16,608,598,816 |
8 | 11,313,708,499 | 42,024,767,030 | 27,922,307,314 |
9 | 13,500,000,000 | 55,524,767,030 | 41,422,307,314 |
10 | 15,811,388,301 | 71,336,155,330 | 57,233,695,614 |
11 | 18,241,436,347 | 89,577,591,676 | 75,475,131,960 |
12 | 20,784,609,691 | 110,362,201,366 | 96,259,741,650 |
13 | 23,436,083,291 | 133,798,284,656 | 119,695,824,940 |
14 | 26,191,601,707 | 159,989,886,363 | 145,887,426,647 |
15 | 29,047,375,097 | 189,037,261,459 | 174,934,801,743 |
16 | 32,000,000,000 | 221,037,261,459 | 206,934,801,743 |
17 | 35,046,397,818 | 256,083,659,276 | 241,981,199,560 |
18 | 38,183,766,184 | 294,267,425,460 | 280,164,965,744 |
19 | 41,409,539,964 | 335,676,965,423 | 321,574,505,707 |
20 | 44,721,359,550 | 380,398,324,972 | 366,295,865,256 |
21 | 48,117,044,797 | 428,515,369,769 | 414,412,910,053 |
22 | 51,594,573,358 | 480,109,943,127 | 466,007,483,411 |
23 | 55,152,062,518 | 535,262,005,645 | 521,159,545,929 |
Total costs
This section lists the total costs to acquire all bar skills.
Bar costs (using cheapest route)
Level | Requirements | Cumulative |
1 | Gold Bar x 14, Platinum Bar x 1 | Gold Bar x 14, Platinum Bar x 1 |
2 | Gold Bar x 14, Platinum Bar x 1 | Gold Bar x 28, Platinum Bar x 2 |
3 | Gold Bar x 14, Platinum Bar x 1 | Gold Bar x 42, Platinum Bar x 3 |
4 | Gold Bar x 18, Platinum Bar x 3 | Gold Bar x 60, Platinum Bar x 6 |
5 | Gold Bar x 18, Platinum Bar x 3 | Gold Bar x 78, Platinum Bar x 9 |
Credit costs
Level | Cost | Cumulative | Cumulative starting from level 6 |
1 | 4,750,000,000 | 4,750,000,000 | |
2 | 13,435,028,843 | 18,185,028,842 | |
3 | 24,681,724,008 | 42,866,752,849 | |
4 | 38,000,000,000 | 80,866,752,849 | |
5 | 53,106,614,466 | 133,973,367,314 | |
6 | 69,810,457,669 | 203,783,824,983 | 69,810,457,669 |
7 | 87,971,231,093 | 291,755,056,075 | 157,781,688,761 |
8 | 107,480,230,740 | 399,235,286,815 | 265,261,919,501 |
9 | 128,250,000,000 | 527,485,286,815 | 393,511,919,501 |
10 | 150,208,188,858 | 677,693,475,672 | 543,720,108,358 |
11 | 173,293,645,296 | 850,987,120,968 | 717,013,753,654 |
12 | 197,453,792,063 | 1,048,440,913,030 | 914,467,545,716 |
13 | 222,642,791,260 | 1,271,083,704,289 | 1,137,110,336,975 |
14 | 248,820,216,220 | 1,519,903,920,509 | 1,385,930,553,195 |
15 | 275,950,063,417 | 1,795,853,983,926 | 1,661,880,616,612 |
16 | 304,000,000,000 | 2,099,853,983,926 | 1,965,880,616,612 |
17 | 332,940,779,269 | 2,432,794,763,194 | 2,298,821,395,880 |
18 | 362,745,778,749 | 2,795,540,541,942 | 2,661,567,174,628 |
19 | 393,390,629,655 | 3,188,931,171,596 | 3,054,957,804,282 |
20 | 424,852,915,725 | 3,613,784,087,320 | 3,479,810,720,006 |
21 | 457,111,925,572 | 4,070,896,012,891 | 3,936,922,645,577 |
22 | 490,148,446,902 | 4,561,044,459,792 | 4,427,071,092,478 |
23 | 523,944,593,922 | 5,084,989,053,713 | 4,951,015,686,399 |