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m (Where to Train: Removed "the dark")
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|5 [[Trader Insignia]]
|5 [[Trader Insignia]]
|[[The Dark]]
|1 [[Dark Remains]]
|[[Dark Transport]] drop
|[[East Vindia]]
|East Vindia Trading Post
|5 [[Trader Badge]]

Revision as of 06:14, 15 February 2015

The Equipment skill allows you to equip a class of miscellaneous gear of a given tech level (i.e. Hull Expanders, Shield Chargers, etc.).

Training Equipment costs skill points equal to 2+desired level. For instance, level 12 Equipment costs 14 skill points.

Where to Train

Location Base Name Level Requirements Notes
Sol Earth Central 3
Blue Outpost Blue Outpost 5 1 Blue Whisper Space Blue Alpha Scout drop and mined in Blue Outpost
Sol Earthforce Headquarter 5 1 Enforcer Rank
Vulcan Vulcan Mining Facility 7 50 Nuclear Waste
Prism Refraction Station 9 2 Solar Prisms Mined in Prism
The Junkyard 11 100 Silicon
XYZ Z 11 See XYZ for how to find the hidden Z station
Absolution 15 1 Hellfire Remains Cleft Thorn drop
Perpetual Motion 15 1 Trader Signet
Bipolar Black Precipice 17 2 Ablution Crystals Rare Absolution and Seraph drop and Cardinal Bellarmine
and Cardinal Bellarmine from Hell drop and extracted from planets
Capella 17 1 Traginium Mined in Bonnet and rarely in Arena Lobby
Gargan 18 5 Trader Insignia
Bipolar White Haven 19 2 Transcendantal Hull Expander ?? drop
Copper 20 1 Kill of Copper Blob and 1 Copper Heart (Mission Based) Requires level 450
Lyceum Spartan Garrison 21 4 Shards from Staff Quarters or Several Olympus Uber Kills (Mission Based) Requires level 1000