Berserker Class

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Berserker's are seen primarily as the tank class within Star Sonata. Their job is through high hostility bonuses to generate "hate" or aggro so an AI will shoot at them first instead of potentially softer teammates. Berserker's generally use heavy fighters with high resistances to be able to soak large amounts of damage that would kill a player in another class.


Zen Skills

Zen skills cost 1 * Level skill points per level up to a max of level 50.

Zen of Heavy Fighters: Specializing in heavy fighters. 1% Shield Max in Heavy Fighter, 0.20% Damage in Heavy Fighter, 1% Capacity in Heavy Fighter

Zen of Berserker: Mastering Berserker. 1% Damage, 0.50% Hostility, -0.20% Speed

Class Skills

           Combat Focus 1
           Your focus is in combat. 4% Shield Max, 3% Damage
           Combat Focus 2
           Your focus is in combat. 4% Shield Max, 3% Damage
           Combat Focus 3
           Your focus is in combat. 4% Shield Max, 3% Damage
           Berserker Class 1
           100 Multifiring, +40 Bot multifire
           Berserker Class 2
           100 Multifiring
           Berserker Class 3
           10% Capacity, 20% Hostility, 30% Damage
           Ordnance Supremacy         
           A berserker can store his rage and then unleash it all at once. 30% Energy Max, 36% Damage
           Impervious Armor
           In his rage, the berserker can focus solely on his target. 10% Resistance to Damage
           Arsenal Expertise
           A true warrior masters a wide array of weaponry. -11% Electric Tempering, 20% Weapon Hold, 7% Capacity in Heavy Fighter, 7% Capacity in Light Fighter, 7% in Support Freighter
See Adv. Class Skills page
See Adv. Class Skills page
See Adv. Class Skills page

Advanced Subskills

General Skills
Combat Skills
Berserker Skills
Shake it Off +500 shield charge and +500 energy charge while in stasis
Centered +500 shield charge and +500 energy charge (Effect is canceled on firing or taking damage, requires 15 seconds to reapply)
Strategic Deployment 50% speed out of combat.
Resilient You and your possessions (Combat Bots, Drones, Fighters) take 20% less damage from any indirect Damage.
Bot Ph.D. They call you Doctor Robot. +8 combat bot slots, +2 max number of combat and wild bots, combat bots inherit an additional 10% of the stats from your skills. (Not all skills apply).
Droney You really, REALLY love drones. Drone Controllers get +100% tweaking on non-Engineer classes, and +15% tweaking on Engineer.
Big Banker +1 Capacitor slot
Berserker Classic +200% Multifire, -23% Rate of Fire
Weapons Master +200% Hostility, +3 weapon slots for ships with at least 1 weapon slot
Berserking Berserker +30% Speed, +10% Rate of Fire
Eye for an Eye +33% Shielding gained from Lifesteal, +25% Resistance