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==== <span style="diplay:none"> Subspace </span> ====
As a last note, the Subspace inter-layer should not be confused with Subspace proper.  
As a last note, the Subspace inter-layer should not be confused with Subspace proper.  
The Subspace layer is the most recently discovered actual layer, and is home to the extremely powerful and dangerous Aveksaka,  
The Subspace layer is the most recently discovered actual layer, and is home to the extremely powerful and dangerous Aveksaka,  
an ancient race who pilot organic starships. Those entering the Subspace layer proper should be well-prepared,  
an ancient race who pilot organic starships. Those entering the Subspace layer proper should be well-prepared,  
or they may not leave alive. (Note: accurate depictions of the flower-like Subspace layer are unavailable as of yet.)
or they may not leave alive. (Note: accurate depictions of the flower-like Subspace layer are unavailable as of yet.)

Revision as of 21:03, 13 February 2016

SandBox.jpg This is a sandbox! This is the place to try things out without the worry of ruining a real article. Any content here won't last very long and could be deleted at any time. Enjoy, have fun, and good luck. Oh, please leave this note here. (or put it back when your done) thanks, ArrowHate 15:51, 13 January 2008 (PST)

Physical Surgical Radiation
Mining Transference Heat
Laser Energy Weakness

Physical Surgical Radiation
Mining Transference Heat
Laser Energy Weakness

Visual Reference Ship Name TL Hull Space Weaps Size L E H P Vis Source Mods
Max Speed Augs Elec R S M T Reflect Weight
Sorting Options --> Ship Name TL Hull Spd LR ER HR PR Vis Reflect
Flamlite 3 200 3 160 10% 10% 30% 10% 102 Vulcan Shields +20%, Energy +20%, Critical Hit Resistance +30%
70 2 0 0% 0% -10% 0% 504% 1,016,000
Pax Lyrae 5 310 3 160 10% 10% 10% 40% 102 Paxius Shields +25%, Energy +25%, Critical Hit Resistance +30%
70 2 0 10% 10% -20% 0% 504% 1,024,000
Pax Vega 9 425 4 200 20% 20% 20% 40% 102 Mira Shields +40%, Energy +40%, Thrust +15%, Critical Hit Resistance +30%
80 2 0 20% 20% -20% 0% 631% 1,040,000
Earthforce Frigate 10 450 3 168 10% 10% 10% 40% 102 Beta Antares Shields +100%, Energy +100%, Range +50%, Radar +50%, Critical Hit Resistance +30%
90 2 0 10% 10% -20% 0% 500% 2,100,000
Hybridized Frigate 11 450 3 178 10% 10% 10% 40% 102 Hybridization Shields +100%, Energy +100%, Shield Recharge +15%, Radar +50%, Range +50%, Critical Hit Resistance +30%
99 2 0 10% 10% -20% 0% 500% 2,115,000
Interdiction Frigate 11 450 3 168 10% 10% 10% 40% 102 Unobtainable Shields +150%, Energy +150%, Range +75%, Radar +100%, Critical Hit Resistance +30%
90 2 0 10% 10% -20% 0% 600% 2,200,000
Bear 12 600 3 250 25% 25% 25% 50% 102 Blueprint Shields +200%, Energy +200%, Range +40%, Radar +40%, Critical Hit Resistance +30%
70 2 25 25% 25% -10% 0% 789% 3,600,000
Earthforce Destroyer 13 550 3 168 20% 20% 20% 50% 102 Blueprint Shields +200%, Energy +200%, Range +40%, Radar +40%, Critical Hit Resistance +30%
75 2 0 25% 25% 5% 0% 700% 3,800,000
Visual Reference Ship Name TL Hull Space Weaps Size L E H P Vis Source Mods
Max Speed Augs Elec R S M T Reflect Weight
Sorting Options --> Ship Name TL Hull Spd LR ER HR PR Vis Reflect
Flamlite 3 200 3 160 10% 10% 30% 10% 102 Vulcan Shields +20%, Energy +20%, Critical Hit Resistance +30%
70 2 0 0% 0% -10% 0% 504% 1,016,000
Pax Lyrae 5 310 3 160 10% 10% 10% 40% 102 Paxius Shields +25%, Energy +25%, Critical Hit Resistance +30%
70 2 0 10% 10% -20% 0% 504% 1,024,000
Pax Vega 9 425 4 200 20% 20% 20% 40% 102 Mira Shields +40%, Energy +40%, Thrust +15%, Critical Hit Resistance +30%
80 2 0 20% 20% -20% 0% 631% 1,040,000
Earthforce Frigate 10 450 3 168 10% 10% 10% 40% 102 Beta Antares Shields +100%, Energy +100%, Range +50%, Radar +50%, Critical Hit Resistance +30%
90 2 0 10% 10% -20% 0% 500% 2,100,000
Hybridized Frigate 11 450 3 178 10% 10% 10% 40% 102 Hybridization Shields +100%, Energy +100%, Shield Recharge +15%, Radar +50%, Range +50%, Critical Hit Resistance +30%
99 2 0 10% 10% -20% 0% 500% 2,115,000
Interdiction Frigate 11 450 3 168 10% 10% 10% 40% 102 Unobtainable Shields +150%, Energy +150%, Range +75%, Radar +100%, Critical Hit Resistance +30%
90 2 0 10% 10% -20% 0% 600% 2,200,000
Bear 12 600 3 250 25% 25% 25% 50% 102 Blueprint Shields +200%, Energy +200%, Range +40%, Radar +40%, Critical Hit Resistance +30%
70 2 25 25% 25% -10% 0% 789% 3,600,000
Earthforce Destroyer 13 550 3 168 20% 20% 20% 50% 102 Blueprint Shields +200%, Energy +200%, Range +40%, Radar +40%, Critical Hit Resistance +30%
75 2 0 25% 25% 5% 0% 700% 3,800,000

Bule Outpost
Shields 1,000,000 Regen 1,500/s
Weapon Type Damage Range DPS Notes
Bule Mentality Energy 539 x4 248 2855 539 self-damage
Bule Trans-Dim Station Laser Surgical 496 2070 1094 Ethereal
Weapon Damage DPS / RoF Shield 1,000,000
Range Effects Regen 1500/s
Bule Mentality 539 x4 2855 / 0.755
248 Does 539 damage to self
Bule Trans-Dim Station Laser 496 1094 / 0.453
2070 Ethereal
Weapon Damage DPS / RoF Shield 1,000,000
Range Effects Regen 1500/s
Bule Mentality 539 x4 2855 / 0.755
248 Does 539 damage to self
Bule Trans-Dim Station Laser 496 1094 / 0.453
2070 Ethereal
Weapon Damage DPS / RoF Shield 1,000,000
Range Effects Regen 1500/s
Bule Mentality 539 x4 2855 / 0.755
248 Does 539 damage to self
Bule Trans-Dim Station Laser 496 1094 / 0.453
2070 Ethereal

Numbers Alphabet Dates Currency Unsortable
1 Z 02-02-2004 5.00 This
2 y 13-apr-2005 Column
3 X 17.aug.2006 6.50 Is
4 w 01.Jan.2005 4.20 Unsortable
5 V 05/12/2006 7.15 See?
Total: 15 Total: 29.55




\sqrt{x^2+2x+1}=|x+1| - \left(\left(\frac{2x^2}{x}\right)^2\right)^2



poly 19 10 12 21 24 20 Tree poly 14 28 44 49 80 27 45 17 Sandbox poly 76 21 69 9 76 3 89 9 other tree

desc bottom-left </imagemap>



Hull Class {{{imagesize}}}
Heavy Fighter
Hull Space
Augmenter Slots 1 Weapon Slots {{{Weaps}}}
Size 1 Weight 58,000,000,000
Visibility Over 9000 Reflectivity {{{Reflectivity}}}
 -100%  -95%  -90%  -95%  -80%  -95%  -90%  95%
Herp ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Inbuilt Elec Skill Needed Docking Speed
10000 {{{SkillNeeded}}} {{{DockingSpeed}}}
Built in Items
+100% Noobiness, +9001% Power Level
Source Price Item Size
Sol 69b 145
New and Improved, NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM
Capturable Radex-able
Yes No

Drone Image Weapons Location Comments
Bellarmine's Cathedral Bellarmine's Cathedral.JPG Excommunicator, Heavenly Laser Penance Image is shrunk.
Big Copper Drone Big Copper Drone.JPG More Molten Copper Copper DG Immune to all damage types except energy.
Copper Drone Copper Drone.JPG Molten Copper Copper DG Immune to all damage types except energy.
Deflector Drone Deflector Drone.JPG Unknown Deflector & Reflector Causes a gremlin effect that prevents turning and warping, and forces thrust.
Earthforce Observation Drone Earthforce Observation Dronec2.png Nothing Volcom Outpost 100% resistant to Radiation
Ganglinite Defense Drone Ganglinite Research Beta MKIIc2.png Ganglinite MagCannon Twin Giants 100% resistant to Radiation
Ganglinite Defense Drone MK II Ganglinite Defense Drone MKIIc2.png Ganglinite MagCannon Twirl and Twist 100% resistant to Radiation
Ganglinite Research Beta MK II Ganglinite Research Beta MKIIc2.png Ethereal Prototype, Ganglinite MagCannon Twirl and Twist 100% resistant to Radiation
Ganglinite Research Gamma MK II Ganglinite Research Beta MKIIc2.png Ethereal Prototype, Medium Laser, Ganglinite MagCannon, Launches Micro Zebu Fighters Twin Giants 100% resistant to Radiation
Kasa Qii Kasa Qii.png Urqa'ka Ur'Ziq Bana Weak to heat.
Ten minute re-spawn time.
Pillbox (Galactic Central Drone) Galactic Central Drone.png None Center of every galaxy. Can not be shot or tractored.
Ice Fortress File:Ice Drone.png None Admin Deployed _
Prism Block Prismatic Pillbox.JPG Light Laser; Light of Truce (?) Prism Invincible.
Pillbox (Sol) Sol Pillbox.JPG Unknown Sol Invincible.
Red Photon Research Complex Red Photon Research Complex Main.jpg Unknown Red Photon Research Complex  
Red Photon Research Complex Main Red Photon Research Complex Main.jpg Unknown Red Photon Research Complex  
Ur'Iq Drone Ur'Iq Drone.JPG Urqa'Qii; Ethereal Laser Ur'Ziq Bana Weak to heat.
Four and a half minute re-spawn time.
Stealth Stealth.JPG Light of Peace (?) Underworld Invincible; not to be confused with the player-usable stealth drone.
V'Ger Plasma Turret V'Ger Plasma Turret.JPG Heavy Tracking Laser; Ethereal Laser (?) East Vindia Drops V'Ger Plasma Turret Remains for a mission.
Volcom Pirate Outpost Volcom Pirate Outpost.JPG Pulse Gun, Squat Laser, & C-beam Earthforce Trading Outpost Drops Volcom Attack Plans for a mission.

Test Ship Page

Visual Reference (Unsortable) Name Tech Hull Space Max Speed Augs Weaps Size Weight L E H P R S M T Vis Reflectivity Inbuilt Elec Mods

Diseased Larvae 0 45 20 0 1 30 2500 -10% -10% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 35 55% 0 Rate of Fire -50%, Thrust -50%, Damage -50%
Heavy Zebucart 0 60 90 3 3 44 2,500 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 0% 12 47% 0 Turning +35%, Damage +15%, Thrust +35%, Critical Hit Resistance +50%
Ragnarok 9 320 90 2 5 48 150,000 0% 0% 0% -100% 0% 0% 50% 0% 8 17% 0 Radar +80%, Shield -75%, Energy Recharge +40%, Hostility +50%

Flyswatter Embryo 0 30 22 1 2 14 5000 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 60  ? 0  
Zebucart.png Micro Zebu 0 45 50 2 2 24 5000 0% 0% 0% -50% 0% 0% 50% 0% 50  ? 0  
Item List [Expand]
Item Stat I Stat II
Box 0 1
Big Box 0 2
Huge Box 0 3
Boxxy 1 1000

Extra line

collapsible table

Don't mind me, just messing with a page layout down here.--starwyrm 19:26, 13 February 2016 (EST)

The Nexus

The universe is divided into several layers. Some are, inevitably, more dangerous than others. All of us began in the Nexus area. Where we went from there was up to us.

Earthforce Space


Most of us probably stayed in the more "welcoming" central layer patrolled and maintained by Earthforce, referred to as Earthforce Space.

Wild Space

Wild Space

The further reaches of space are known as Wild Space for good reason. No one faction lays claim to this area, and not all are very welcoming of newcomers.

Perilous Space

Perilous Space

Even further out, one stumbles into Perilous Space, a completely lawless land where some of the universe's more dangerous beings roam. It's said that far enough out in Perilous Space, one enters what's referred to as Perilous Perilous Space, where only the strongest have even the slightest chance of survival.

Minor Layers

In addition, there are several "pocket universes" of sorts that can be accessed from the normal universe, such as Arctia, Vulcan, or The Infernal Tempest. These are theorized to be some sort of sub-layers, each existing in a pocket of dead space between layers. However, that's just theory.


There are also "Inter-layers." Juxtaposition, Concourse, and Subspace function as the shortcuts of the universe.

Juxtaposition gateways connect to a sort of sub-layer from which other, nearby Juxtaposition gateways in the same layer can be accessed.

Concourse sub-layers connect opposite ends of each layer of the universe (except, perhaps, for Perilous Space), with a gateway on either side.

Subspace gateways are capable, meanwhile, of carrying you between layers of the galaxy with ease.

However, there are dangers to these shortcuts. Their wormholes can only be entered by those with the fourth and highest level of skill in Warp Navigation. And once you enter, nigh-invincible Amoetroidizodals await you, one in Juxtaposition, two in Concourse, and three in Subspace.


As a last note, the Subspace inter-layer should not be confused with Subspace proper. The Subspace layer is the most recently discovered actual layer, and is home to the extremely powerful and dangerous Aveksaka, an ancient race who pilot organic starships. Those entering the Subspace layer proper should be well-prepared, or they may not leave alive. (Note: accurate depictions of the flower-like Subspace layer are unavailable as of yet.)