East Vindia Missions
[hide]- 1 Welcome to East Vindia
- 1.1 Prove that you are a merchant
- 1.2 Haul in 100 Rations
- 1.3 Haul in 100 Nukes
- 1.4 Haul in 100 Metal
- 1.5 Haul in 200 Oats
- 1.6 Find 50 Promethium
- 1.7 Rush in 1 Fermium
- 1.8 Haul in 200 Psion Icicles
- 1.9 Merchant Defense, bring 5 Pirate Crests
- 1.10 Kill Pirate Maboule and bring back the cargo
- 1.11 More NCC-Bulks!
- 2 Advanced Fighters
Welcome to East Vindia
Prove that you are a merchant
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Vindia Trading Post
Vindia Trading Post Ismail is pleased to see you. Come in! Enter my shop. You are in the Vindia Trading Post, a remote merchant outpost in the eastern parts of the universe. Before I can allow you to work for us and do some trading goods, I need proof that you are a registered merchant. * Credits given: 10000 * Experience given. Summary Ismail want proof that you are a registed merchant. Bring him 1 Trader Signet.
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Vindia Trading Post
Vindia Trading Post I'm glad to finally see some official ID Simon. Here is a little cash as a token for my good will. Now we can talk.
Haul in 100 Rations
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Ration Trading
Ration Trading Now that we can trade, let's get down to business. Here in this remote Post we are always in need of more rations. I want you to bring me 100 rations. Let's say, at 100 credits each? Feel like an honest price? * Credits given: 10000 * Experience given. * Reward: Mobile Eutanasy House Summary Bring 100 rations to the Trading Post. You can often find rations on space rats. Or you can buy a cannery and convert peasants to rations. You can also use a base to convert them from space oats.
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Ration Trading
Ration Trading Good work Simon. It didn't take you too long at least, cause I was getting hungry. Hmm, let's see what's next now that the basics are covered for at least a while. Here is an old Eutanasy House that I don't use anymore. Might be more usefull to you if you need quick rations.
Haul in 100 Nukes
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Nukes
Nukes Seem that alot of people want Nuclear Waste these days. I thought the motto was Not in My BackYard? Anyway, I'll offer you median price + 40% for 100 Nuclear Waste. They are heavy to transport so I hope you got a good engine. * Credits given: 70000 * Experience given. Summary Bring 100 Nuclear Waste to Ismail. He will pay median price + 40% for each (700).
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Nukes
Nukes So your engine and hull did hold after while even with that load? That's a good sign of things to come. Here is your reward.
Haul in 100 Metal
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Metal Mining
Metal Mining A client of mine is currently requesting alot of metal. In fact, he's buying all the metal he can find atm. Guy name is Palda or Palpa something, sound familiar? He said he's building a death star, not sure if it's of any significance. Seem like a nice enough guy. Anyway, bring me 100 metal, I'll buy it at 200 each. * Credits given: 20000 * Experience given. * Reward: Trader's Expander Summary Bring 100 Metals to Ismail. You might have to mine to get that metal since you can't buy any at most space station. Buy a mining laser and try it on an asteroid and hope to get metals. Or you can try mining a planet using a userbase with metal ressources on it.
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Metal Mining
Metal Mining Here is your 20k. My next requests are gonna need you to have a bigger ship, so I hope that by that time you can buy something like a bulk or you will find it difficult to keep up. Here is a Trader's Expander for your bulk to help you even more in the hull space department.
Haul in 200 Oats
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Space Oats
Space Oats In the hopes of stopping universe hunger, a client of mine is requesting some non-transformed space oats. They are going to experiment with a Oat cloning process and see where it will get them. Bring 200 oat, I will give you 100 credit each. * Credits given: 20000 * Experience given. Summary Bring 200 Space Oats to Ismail. Space Oats can be found on some planets where you can use harvestor to extract it. Or you can try "asking" some of traders around the universe and see if they have any.
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Space Oats
Space Oats Good good! I sold that space oat for a good price to a new startup. Anyway, here is your money.
Find 50 Promethium
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: So what is Promethium?
So what is Promethium? So what is Promethium you ask? It's an energy source created by all living things. In other words it bind the galaxy together.. or something. Well, now that you know what it is, bring me 50 sample of Promethium. Be quick cause that material is not stable and will decay over time. I will pay you 5000 credits each. Ah yes, I almost forgot. When you are done, leave me your old Nu-Conv and I'll give you a better one that I saved for some of my special traders. * Credits given: 250000 * Experience given. * Reward: Advanced Mobile Nu-Conv Summary Find and bring 50 Promethium to Ismail. It's converted from Fermium using something called a Mobile Nu-Conv. You can mine fermium around certain suns or in places like ring or blue outpost. Good luck. Also bring a Nu-Conv to get an advanced version.
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: So what is Promethium?
So what is Promethium? Good job on the promethium Simon! I know it's not an easy task to do. Now to quickly convert into something usefull.. Here we go. Also here is your Advanced Nu-Conv.
Rush in 1 Fermium
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Even more problematic then Promethium
Even more problematic then Promethium A client is demanding me to bring him a fragment of Fermium. This is not an easy task as you may now know since Fermium decay very quickly. I will give you 500000 credits for your trouble if you can bring me one. * Credits given: 500000 * Experience given. Summary Bring 1 fermium to Ismail.
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Even more problematic then Promethium
Even more problematic then Promethium Hurry!!!!!!!! Quick, let me go sell it to my other client *start running while screaming*. *5 min later*. I was barely quick enough to finish the transaction. Here is your money, sorry again for your troubles.
Haul in 200 Psion Icicles
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Psion Icicles Shipment
Psion Icicles Shipment Another interesting demand I got lately was for a shipment of Psion Icicles. I told my client that I had the perfect candidate for the job (you). Bring me 200 sample of those and I'll pay 20000 each. * Credits given: 4000000 * Experience given. * Reward: Trader's Propulsion Summary Bring 200 Psion Icicles to Ismail.
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Psion Icicles Shipment
Psion Icicles Shipment So it was that heavy? Hmm, let me see what I can do for that. Does reducing your pay in half and providing you with a most powerfull engine specially designed for your freigther sound like a good idea? Yes? I thought so.
Merchant Defense, bring 5 Pirate Crests
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Merchant Defense
Merchant Defense Like you probably know by now, to be a good merchant you have to defend yourself against a multitude of threats from Pirates, Bounty Hunters and others. Do your part in clearing some of that evilness from the universe and bring me back proofs of your doings. * Credits given: 100000 * Experience given. Summary Bring 5 Pirate Crest to Ismail. You can generally find them by killing some pirates that plague the surrounding galaxies.
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Merchant Defense
Merchant Defense Good job Simon, indeed you show alot of potential. There is something new. I just heard very bad news. An important cargo was just stolen from under my nose! More details to come.
Kill Pirate Maboule and bring back the cargo
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Merchant Defense
Pirate Maboule Pirate Maboule just got us! He was operating as a trader here and had been for a while, gaining our trust and now he stole everything!!!!!!! Everything I tell you! I will even give you one of my famous ship if you kill him and can bring back my precious cargo! Please Simon, you are my only hope at this moment, I'm counting on you! * Credits given: 1000000 * Experience given. * Reward: NCC-Bulk Summary Find Pirate Maboule, kill him and recover the stolen cargo.
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Merchant Defense
Pirate Maboule You did it!!! This is a miracle. All my stuff that was stolen is here, intact, thanks to you Simon. You truly are my hero. The hero of the people of this Trading Post even. Here, take this money and I'm pleased to present you this ship, the NCC-Bulk, a very good bulk trader from our fleet. Make good use of it. To Boldly Trade Where No One Has Ever Traded Before!
More NCC-Bulks!
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: NCC-Bulk
NCC-Bulk Simon, you need another NCC-Bulk? Well you did save us from Pirate Maboule. I suppose 'the Hero of this Trading Post' would deserve another if they wanted, but you have to pay for it! That is the Merchant's way! Bring me 20 Trader Insignia and I will get a new NCC-Bulk ready for you, even if I hate to break another one out of the package... They're collectors items you know! * Reward: NCC-Bulk Summary Bring Ismail 20 Trader Insignia to trade for one NCC-Bulk.
Advanced Fighters
Kill Scorch
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Dousing the fire
Dousing the fire Ismail looks very tense, shouting orders into a dozen of holophones that lie on his desk. The entire room is filled with cacophonous chirping and you decide that it's best not to disturb the Master Merchant at this time. Ismail does not think so however, and invites you to sit down, making the room quiet with one press of a button. "Don't worry about them" he says nodding at the pile of dead phones on his desk, "I needed a break anyway. Meanwhile I have something important to tell you." He magically produces a canteen and takes a sip of something, then continues. "Simon, you probably know that East Vindian Merchant Cartel is one of the top commercial organisations in this universe. Part of our success is due to our close relations with Earthforce, we provide them with top of the line goods, and they protect us. Or so they say." Ismail slams his fist on the desk. "Those damn doughnut munchers have failed again! Just a few days ago one of those blasted Infernal pirates called Scorch destroyed an entire convoy of our ships returning from Wild Space!" He takes a deep breath. "Simon, that particular pirate is very dangerous and threatens all of operations in that area! Since you've already proven your commintment to ending the plague of piracy, perhaps you'll be willing to dispose of this one as well?" * Reward: Trader Badge x 5 * Reward: Cerberus Fighter x 2 Summary Bring Ismail the remains of Scorch to prove that the universe is safe once more
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Dousing the fire
Dousing the fire "Brilliant work, Simon! Now my merchants can trade in relative safety. I was going to ship these prototype fighters to Earthforce, but since they're nothing but a bunch of bumbling morons, I want you to have them."
St. Bernards
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Fighter research
Fighter research "Simon, tell me, are you happy with our current fighter technology?" asks Ismail, pouring you a glass of hard liquor. "Well..." - you're about to come up with an extravagant lie, but he cuts you off mid-sentence. "Of course you're not! They explode too much, too often and are a pain to replace! But luckily, I have an exclusive fighter generator available, for master merchants only. Just prove your commitment to the guild and I will give you the generator." * Reward: Small St. Bernard Fighter Generator Summary Bring 10 Trader Badge back to Ismail.
Cerberus Fighters
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Cerberus fighters
Cerberus fighters "So you want more of those exclusive fighters? I don't blame you, but they're not easy to obtain. Perhaps if you brought a proof that the universe has become a little safer, I could part with a few." * Reward: Small Cerberus Fighter Generator Summary Bring Ismail 25 Master Pirate Crest to prove that there are less evil pirates out there!
Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia
- Agent: Ismail
- Mission: Cerberus fighters
Cerberus fighters "My goodness, look at all these crests! That's a hell of a lot of dead pirates!" Ismail presses a button on his earphone and whispers something quickly. "There, these fighters should make your future skirmishes a lot less costly."