Fleet Commander Class
The Fleet Commander class allows you to take a command and control position, and coordinate your allies in an orchestra of death.

Fleet Commanders deal damage through their fighters and bots, and can provide various bonuses to their allies with Aura Generators. They can also use Field Amplification Devices to greatly increase the effects of their auras, which can be coordinated with allies for massive spikes of outgoing damage.
The presence of a Fleet Commander can be a formidable force multiplier for a squad -- if their auras are within effective range.
Fleet Commanders are similar to Shield Monkeys and Engineers in that they are not direct-fire classes -- they mostly rely on assets complementary to their main ships to deal damage.
Fleet Commander is often considered the friendliest class to play for a new player, as it allows them to do a wide range of content solo with relatively minimal investment compared to other classes. Fleet Commanders are naturally tanky as capital ships, and are generally free to invest gear and augmenters towards further survivability. The (mostly) automated nature of fighters and bots lends to mechanically simpler combat, in comparison to direct fire classes like Seer or Sniper.
Zen Skills
Zen skills cost (1 * Level) skill points per level, up to a max of level 50.
Zen of Capital Ships: Specializing in capital ships.
- Per level:
- +1% Capacity in Capital Ship
- +1.760% Capacity in Heavy Fighter
- +1.760% Capacity in Support Freighter
- +1% Shield Max in Capital Ship, 1% Turning in Capital Ship
- +1% Thrust in Capital Ship
Zen of Fleet Commander: Mastering Fleet Commander.
- Per level:
- +1% Hostility
- +1% Energy Max
- +1% Field Generation
Class Skills
Fleet Focus 1 Your focus is on augmenting and coordinating a battle fleet. 15% Shield Recovery, 15% Docking Speed, 15% Radar, 15% Tractor Power |
Fleet Focus 2 Your focus is on augmenting and coordinating a battle fleet. 15% Shield Recovery, 15% Docking Speed, 15% Radar, 15% Tractor Power |
Fleet Focus 3 Your focus is on augmenting and coordinating a battle fleet. 15% Shield Recovery, 15% Docking Speed, 15% Radar, 15% Tractor Power |
Fleet Commander Class 1 45% Energy Charge |
Fleet Commander Class 2 45% Range, 45% Tracking |
Fleet Commander Class 3 38% Field Generation |
Flight Controller Control vast squadrons of fighters. +20% shield, energy, speed, turning, damage, energy charge, thrust, tracking radar, and range for fighters, +34% fighter slots. Does not affect fighters from bots. |
Radiation Expert Who needs children anyway? +40% damage to wilds bots, +20% wild bot combat stats (Additive with Bot Mastery), 15% Radiation Damage, +20% Damage |
Bot Mastery You really know your bots. +20% damage to combat bots, +10% to combat stats on combat bots. |
Combat stats are: Shield, Energy, Speed, Turning, Shield Recharge, Energy Recharge, Thrust, Visibility, Weight, Tracking, Radar, Tractor and Range.
Advanced Subskills
Shake it Off | +500 shield charge and +500 energy charge while in stasis | ||
Centered | +500 shield charge and +500 energy charge (Effect is canceled on firing or taking damage, requires 15 seconds to reapply) | ||
Strategic Deployment | +50 speed (Effect is canceled on firing or taking damage, requires 30 seconds to re-apply. Also affects bots) | ||
Resilient | 100% chance on damage to gain +50% resistance (90% for bots) for 1 second, effect can occur at most once every 30 seconds | ||
Bot Ph.D. | +8 combat bot slots, +2 max number of combat and wild bots, combat bots inherit 30% of the stats from your skills. (Adv Skills excluded). | ||
Droney | +1 temporary drone deployment slot and passes 50% of skills to drones. (Adv Skills excluded). | ||
Extra Tweaked | Up to +10% Augmenter Tweaking (+20% for bots), bonus tweaking is scaled (divided) by the number of equipped augmenters | ||
Fleet Protector | +100% transference healing when healing own possessions | ||
Fleet Admiral | All Field Generators will affect allied capital ships | ||
Wild Man | +50% wild bot slots, +50% resistance to all for wild bots | ||
Advanced Flight Controller | +15% damage for Fighters. |