Difference between revisions of "Fighters"

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m (Dark Fighter Blueprint, not Dark Fighter Defender Blueprint)
Line 502: Line 502:
| none  
| none  
| 16,000  
| 16,000  
| [[Dark Transport]] Drop and [[Dark Fighter Defender Blueprint|BP]] (dropped from [[Dark Transport]])  
| [[Dark Transport]] Drop and [[Dark Fighter Blueprint|BP]] (dropped from [[Dark Transport]])  
| Dark Fighter Defense  
| Dark Fighter Defense  
| N/A  
| N/A  

Revision as of 01:32, 21 September 2014


Fighters are independent fighting ships that will attack whatever the target of the entity that launched them was at their time of launch. Some can find new targets if their current ones are lost or destroyed. Fighters can take 1, 2, or 4 slots. Fighters require the appropriate level of Equipment to launch as well as an equipped Fighter Bay of the same tech or higher. To launch a fighter, select a target, then double click or right click use the fighter.

Visual Reference Name TL Size Slots Launch Cost Lifespan Weapon Shield Engine Energy Radar Augs Mastery Weight Source Description Aura Comment
Exploding Rat Kitten 0 1 1 1 Rations 60 sec Tiny Explosive Rat Gland Rat Carapace StarFeather Built In Ande Radar none none 1,000 Halloween Drop Awww, so cute an fwuzzy-wuzzy! Who's gonna go boom-boom? You-ooo! N/A These do not return to the owner's ship, 30? speed, 34 damage
Micro Vulcanite Fighter.jpg Micro Vulcanite Fighter  ?  ?  ?  ?  ? Vulcanite Shards, Molten Splash Firstline StarFeather Core Power Hulett Radar 0 0  ? Unobtainable  ? N/A Launched from Mini Vulcanite Fighter
Zebucart.png Micro Zebu Fighter  ?  ?  ?  ?  ? Frizzler FeatherWall Coalfurnace Core Power Ande Radar 2  ?  ? Unobtainable?  ? N/A These do not return to the owner's ship
Space Rat Kitten 0 1 1 1 Rations 60 sec Dung Pellets Rat Carapace StarFeather Built In Ande Radar none none 1,000 Halloween Drop Toss them out the airlock and send them to their deaths. Awwww, so cute! N/A These do not return to the owner's ship, 30? speed
Nexus Drone Fighter.PNG Nexus Drone Fighter 0 5 1 1 Nuclear Waste, 200 elec 20 sec Ethereal Laser Prototype Bubblewrap StarFeather Flux Capacitor Ande Radar none none 1,000 Nexus Mission Fighter bay launched, nuclear powered carnage, just on a small scale. N/A Repeat mission for more, the fighters have a +15% firing speed stat and a -20% damage stat, 80 speed
Flyswatter Broodling Embryoc2.png Flyswatter Broodling Embryo 2 5 1 1 Space Oat, 100 elec 60 sec Fly Pellet Fractured Flyswatter Carapace Coalfurnace Core Power Flyswatter Antennae none none 1,000 Master Maggot Ewwwwww! They defecate everytime they land? Flies are gross! N/A About 80 speed
Mini Vulcanite Fighter.jpg Mini Vulcanite Fighter 3 3 1 500 elec  ? Zobitan Beam Bubblewrap StarFeather Core Power Hulett Radar none none 750 Vulcanite Hatchery Send the little buggers to their doom! N/A Launches 2 Micro Vulcanite Fighters
Flyswatter Broodling Larvac2.png Flyswatter Broodling Larva 5 5 1 1 Space Oat, 200 elec 60 sec Fly Pellet x2 Fractured Flyswatter Carapace Coalfurnace Core Power Flyswatter Antennae 1 none 1,000 Flylet Master Ewwwwww! They defecate everytime they land? Flies are gross! N/A About 80 speed
Bulker Light Fighter.PNG Bulker Light Fighter 4 20 1 300 elec 20 sec Ethereal Laser Bubblewrap StarFeather Core Power Hulett Radar none none 10,000 Found on Bulk Trader Nip at your enemies heels with sharp little teeth. N/A 120 speed
Chihuahua Light Fighter.PNG Chihuahua Light Fighter 4 15 1 200 elec 20 sec Chihuahua Ethereal Laser Bubblewrap StarFeather Core Power Hullet Radar none none 10,000 East Vindia - 500 Credits Nip at your enemies heels with sharp little teeth. Makes target slightly more vulnerable to mining damage. N/A -5% resistance to mining, 120 speed
Whippet Light Fighter.jpg Whippet Light Fighter 7 20 1 250 elec 25 sec Ethereal Laser, Mining Laser Bubblewrap Glissom Tesslator Hullet Radar none none 10,000 Whippet Light Fighter Blueprint Nip quickly at your enemies heels N/A none
Ujqii Ishi 8 3 1 500 elec  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ? none 750 Ujqii Ishi Qua Ishi Q'iii! N/A Can aquire new targets, can't remove. Made from the Ujqii Ishi Qua, similar to a Vulcanite Hatchery.
Dashshund fighter.PNG Dachshund Light Fighter 10 25 1 300 elec 20 sec Ethereal Laser, Mining Laser III Bubblewrap String Displacer Neutrino Schism Hullet Radar II none none 10,000 Dachshund Light Fighter Blueprint Nip stubbornly at your enemies heels. Specializes in attacking large targets. N/A none
Fly Fighter.png Fly Fighter 12 3 1 455 elec 30 sec Fly Bite Epsilon Ice Easter Missile Engine Halved Antimatter Spyrite Radar 750 none none Easter Event Reward. Flies, everywhere! so many flies! N/A Can aquire new target if first target is lost.
BullDog light fighter.PNG Bulldog Light Fighter 12 30 1 350 elec 20 sec Bulldog Laser Bubblewrap String Displacer Neutrino Schism Sement Radar none none 12,000 Bulldog Light Fighter Blueprint Nip tenaciously at your enemies heels. Reduces target's speed. N/A none
SBA.png Space Blue Alpha Fighter 12 20 1 500 elec 18 sec Blue Bullets Alpha, Ethereal Laser II Pink Envelope Combat Engine I Blue Energy Sost Radar 2, tech 5 and lower none 14,000 Found on Space Blue Gamma, BP The power - or is it the annoyance? - of blue. N/A Can aquire new target if first target is lost.
Rabbit Hunter Assistant.png Rabbit Hunter Assistant 13 5 1 500 elec 30 sec Elmer's Rifle Epsilon Ice Halved Antimatter Winsblatt Revealer 1 random tech worthy aug none 1,000 Easter drop Helps with the hunt! N/A Can aquire new target if first target is lost.
Terrier Light Fighter.PNG Terrier Light Fighter 14 30 1 400 elec 20 sec Mass Driver, Ethereal Laser II Epsilon Ice Particle Chum Neutrino Chism Sement Radar none none 14,000 Terrier Light Fighter Blueprint Nip excitedly at your enemies heels. Specializes in killing small targets. N/A Can acquire a new target if first target is lost.
Lice Fighter.png Lice Fighter 15 3 2 1250 60 sec AI spotter Radiated Shell Easter Missile Engine Halved Antimatter Spyrite Radar none none 750 Easter Event Reward. Ewww!!! N/A Can aquire new target if first target is lost. Splits into multiples. fires contagious fertile gremlins.
Agamemnon Fighter 15 30 1 450 elec 20 sec Mining Laser III, Etherial Laser II, Splashing Medium Lasers(2) Epsilon Ice Dime Motion Halved Antimatter Sebat Radar none none 16,000  ? Medium sized green evil N/A none
Space Blue Alpha Fighter Mk.II 15 18 2 700 elec 22 sec 2500 Space Blue Alpha Fighter Mk.II (pack of 10) from Space Blue Alpha Fighter Mk.II Blueprint The power - or is it the annoyance? - of blue.... but better? N/A Can acquire a new target if first target is lost.
Collie.png Border Collie Light Fighter 16 35 1 450 elec 20 sec Border Collie Laser Bubble Wrap Particle Chum Faraday Collapse Sement Radar none none 16,000 Border Collie Light Fighter Blueprint Nip precisely at your enemies heels. Makes every enemy look somewhat like a sheep. N/A Weapon causes forced thrust and reduces turn speed.
Locust Fighter.png Locust Fighter 16 3 1 625 elec 30 sec Locust Swarm Epsilon Ice Easter Missile Engine Halved Antimatter Spyrite Radar none none 750 Easter Event Reward. Locusts, everywhere! So many the block out the sun! N/A Can aquire new target if first target is lost.
Dark Fighter Defender 16 30 1 700 elec 20 sec Mass Driver (2) Bubble Wrap Particle Churn Neutrino Schism Sement Radar none none 16,000 Dark Transport Drop and BP (dropped from Dark Transport) Dark Fighter Defense N/A Can aquire new target if first target is lost.
Can only be launched from Dark Freighter/+.
Pax Negotiator fighter.png Paxian Negotiator Fighter 16 28 1 900 elec 22 sec Liposuction Paxian Sovereign Explorer Paxian Fighter Engine Paxius Mythos  ? 3 random minor augs  ? 2,500 Paxian Negotiator Fighter (pack of 20) from Paxian Negotiator Fighter Blueprint You owe me one. N/A Can aquire new target if first target is lost.
Cerberus Fighter.png Cerberus Fighter 17 155 4 8000 elec 30 sec Neutron Laser III (2), Mining Laser III (2), Bordercollie Laser (2) Defunctstop Cloud Flow  ? Gigantic Revealer 3 17 in Fleet Commander 2500 East Vindia Missions Reward Extremely versatile fighter, with 3 damage types and an aura that yours other fighters alive. doubles resistance so as to halve incoming damage. Can aquire new target if first target is lost. Neuro bound
Jujuso'qii'i 17 25 2 1400 elec 23 sec 2500 Jujuso'qii (pack of 10) from Jujuso'qii Blueprint Feel The Burn! N/A Can aquire a new target if first target is lost.
Pax Pacifier.png  Paxian Pacifier Fighter 17
1600 elec
26 sec Love Cylinder x3 Unknown
none 2500
Paxian Pacifier (pack of 20) from Paxian Pacifier Fighter Blueprint Stop fighting!
N/A Can aquire new target if first target is lost.
SBD.png Space Blue Delta Fighter 17 80 4 8000 elec 30 sec Blue Bullet Beta (3) Defunctstop Hermit Power Oversized Ion Justice Revealer 3 17 in Fleet Commander 2500 Mission Reward Don't mess with us.... Unless you got doublons +40% Shield Can aquire new target if first target is lost. Neuro bound
St. Bernard Fighter 17 60 2 2500 elec 26 sec Neutron Laser 3 (2) Vazaha Protector 6 Combat Engine II  ? Revealer 3 none 2500 St. Bernard Fighter (pack of 10) from St. Bernard Fighter Blueprint I'm gonna save your ship... can't say as much for you ! N/A Can aquire new target if first target is lost.
Suqqa Uj'qii 17 15 1 900 20 sec Urqa'ka none 2500 Suqqa Uj'qii (pack of 30) from Suqqa Uj'qii Blueprint Ouch, thats hot! N/A
Peacemaker.png  Paxian Peacemaker Fighter 18 250 4 12000 elec 30 sec Overdone Lipo x5  ? Infinite Improbability Drive  ?  ? 3 18 in Fleet Commander  ? Mission reward. Nothing is as peacefull as spaceship debris. +40% Rate of Fire Can aquire new target if first target is lost. Neuro bound.
Qokuji'qii.png Qokuji'qii
4 10400 elec
30 sec Lion Incinerator
19 in Fleet Commander 2500
Iq' Bana Mission Reward Close range slow fighter. Especially efficient on large slow targets.
+40% Damage Can aquire new target if first target is lost. Neuro bound.
Death of First Born Fighter.png Death of First Born Fighter 20 3 2 1000 elec 60 sec Open Heart Laser Epsilon Ice Easter Missile Engine Halved Antimatter Spyrite Radar none none 750 Easter Event Reward. The ultimate plague 10% resistance to all allied ships Can aquire new target if first target is lost.
Stormcloud Fighter.png Stormcloud Fighter 20 15 3 3000 elec 30 sec AI spotter Radiated Shell Easter Missile Engine Halved Antimatter Spyrite Radar none none 750 Easter Event Reward. A storm is brewing N/A Can aquire new target if first target is lost. Splits into multiples.