Waser Wifle's Levelling Guide
Welcome to Waser Wifle's Levelling Guide. This guide will show you how to ace through level 20 to level 1000 in no time, following the steps I went through.
[hide]Level 20-50
To start off, go to Blue Outpost, and start killing the Space Blue Alphas and the Space Blue Alpha Interceptors. This should get you to around level 50 or so. By this time you should have an Earthforce Frigate, if you do not, i recommend you get one, and also buy/build some Arson Drones, and also some Paximinus slaves would be handy, be sure to give them the best shield and energy you can, and give them a Mining Laser III and X-Surgical Laser each. Also start training in Fleet Focus and Fleet Commander in the Lyceum, it is a good class to level with.
Level 50-150
Next, head to a Danger Factor 70 galaxy, around here you should find plenty of Goblins to kill, and also you should find some Seraphs, the Goblins should get you up to about level 90-100, and the Seraphs can get you up to about level 200.
Level 150-300
Next, you can go into Warp 2 and find Basils, Parsleys, Cleft Thorns and Slumberchromes. These should get you to around level 250-300. Now would be a good idea to get Drone Deployment 16, and Remote Control 14 if you havn't done so already. Also try and get Piloting 16 so you can use a Earthforce Cruiser and Acme Combat Drones.
Level 300-600
Now, it would be a good idea to venture into Warp 3, and find yourself some Multifire Basils, Space Blue Gammas, Rosemarys, and Multifire Slumberchromes. Hopefully by this time you should have a Earthforce Destroyer, or a Earthforce Cruiser and several Paximinus slaves, so killing these AI shouldn't be too hard. The Basils, Gammas, and Rosemarys will get you to 500 or so, but the Multifire Slumbers should get you to 600 easily enough. Remember to use Surgical on them.
Level 600-1000
By this time you should be ready for Perilous Space. You can stay Fleet Commander if you wish, but i strongly recommend going Gunner, as it is very easy to kill AI and gets you incredibly fast levels, as long as you have a Earthforce Dreadnought, and Equipment 20. You can also go any other class you desire, but Gunner is the best for solo levelling. Once in Perilous Space, find yourself some Big Greens, Forgones and Icepicks to level on. If you think you can take them, go deeper into Perilous Space and take on Drops, Reavers, or even a Green Battleship. This will easily get you up to level 1000.
Thanks for Reading
Thanks for reading this levelling guide, i hope it helped you hit the big numbers fast and easy.