Contracosta Missions
From Starsonata Wiki
This mission chain is started through the WANTED: Mercenary Scientist mission.
[hide]Ferrite Research Alpha
Vicious Science
Location: Ferrite Research Alpha, Contracosta
- Agent: Gary Oilheart
- Mission: Vicious Science
Vicious Science Gary Oilheart really is pleased to see me, you think to yourself as you sip a drink. "Comfortable? Good!" says Gary Oilheart. "Now - some bozos have been building a Ganglinite research station over in Twirl and Twist. It's not that the competition bothers me, mind you. No sir! I just don't want anyone getting hurt! Ganglinite is dangerous stuff, definitely not for pretty amateurs!" "You could really do me - and them! - a big favor by removing their fledgling research facility. But first, we need to see exactly what they are up to. Pop into Twirl and Twist and quickly evaluate their defenses before we strike. Return right away and we'll decide on the next step." * Credits given: 100,000 * Experience given: 600 under level 13 * Reward: Ganglinite MagCannon Summary Explore Twirl and Twist and evaluate the strength of their defense in preparation for a strike!
Location: Ferrite Research Alpha, Contracosta
- Agent: Gary Oilheart
- Mission: Vicious Science
Vicious Science Gary Oilheart welcomes you back with, "Hmm, it might turn out to be harder than expected. They use long-range defense drones and have reinforced the main research station. I think I might have something that could to the job!: He points to a blue cylinder of steel wired with heavy circuitry. "Take the Ganglinite MagCannon, and let's see about that attack!"
Vicious Science II
Location: Ferrite Research Alpha, Contracosta
- Agent: Gary Oilheart
- Mission: Vicious Science II
Vicious Science II "Now is the time to strike, Demon Hunter!" yells Gary Oilheart excitedly. "You should be able to destroy that recearch facility, now that you are armed with my deadly Ganglinite MagCannon!" * Credits given: 250,000 * Experience given: 600 under level 14 * Reward: Ganglinite Push Alpha Summary Destroy the Ganglinite Research Beta station in Twirl and Twist, and return to Gary Oilheart in Contracosta with its remains.
Location: Ferrite Research Alpha, Contracosta
- Agent: Gary Oilheart
- Mission: Vicious Science II
Vicious Science II Gary Oilheart pats you proundly on the back. "Great job, Demon Hunter! 'Tis another great day for science!"
Vicious Science III
Location: Ferrite Research Alpha, Contracosta
- Agent: Gary Oilheart
- Mission: Vicious Science III
Vicious Science III You return to the docking bay, only to find Gary Oilheart pacing about nervously. "Ah, Demon Hunter! Just the person I wanted to see! Despite your worthy efforts, these fools have continued their research. They just don't know what's good for them! What's more, they've rebuilt their research station - this time in Twin Giants. I'm afraid they've taken greater care in setting up defensive measures as well." He sighs. "Alas...we tried to be nice about it, but these people are simply problematic. See what you can do, Demon Hunter!" Gary Oilheart fumbles through his purse. "Here's something you might need to get to their location. Don't ask me how I got it. Good luck to you!" * Credits given: 250,000 * Experience given: 600 under level 15 * Reward: Ganglinite Alphawall Summary Destroy Ganglinite Research Gamma station in Twin Giants and bring the remains to Gary Oilheart in Contracosta.
Location: Ferrite Research Alpha, Contracosta
- Agent: Gary Oilheart
- Mission: Vicious Science III
Vicious Science III "Well done, Demon Hunter! Let scientific freedom reign once more!" says Gary Oilheart, as you return with the station remains in tow. "I've sent some workers to install a token of appreciation that you may find useful! It shall be in your ship."
Dealing with the Authorities
Location: Ferrite Research Alpha, Contracosta
- Agent: Gary Oilheart
- Mission: Dealing with the Authorities
Dealing with the Authorities "It really has been a pleasure, Demon Hunter! Koto Research is practically destroyed, and scientific freedom abounds once again! Although..." Gary Oilheart glances worriedly at you. "There is one slight would seem that Koto Research contacted Earthforce, and they might have dispatched a few Cadets to investigate your recent, ah, 'foray' into scientific research...but, I'm sure that if you leave right away, you'll miss them entirely! Well, adieu to you!" * Credits given: 500,000 * Experience given: 300 under level 15 Summary Return to Volcom Outpost in Volcom Outpost. Try to avoid the Cadet Patrols! If you're spotted, you'll have to take 'em out!
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Urzod
- Mission: Dealing with the Authorities
Dealing with the Authorities "Feeling a little bold today, Demon Hunter? You are quite a Volcom - brazenly picking off Earthforce Investigators like that. Vorian would be very pleased to hear about this!"