From Starsonata Wiki
This template provides an alternative way for inserting rows into a table of weapons. By substituting this template in place of the regular table syntax the calculation of a weapon's DPS, DPE, and EPS, number formatting and the provision of default values when none are provided will be done automatically.
In a weapons table insert the template instead of a row:
|- align="center" | ... | ...
{{weaponRow | ... | ... }}
Then input your own values into the template following the same format as per the instructions, e.g.:
- Capitalise names
- Don't group numbers
- Use punctuation for text
Note that values can be omitted completely when using the template syntax and the order of values doesn't matter.
Template Syntax
{{weaponRow | Name= ExampleWeaponName | Tech= 0 | Size= 9001 | Damage= 9001 | Range= 9001 | Recoil= 0.1 | Elec= 9001 | Vis= 1 for 1s | Weight= 10000 | Source= Drops from [[Jeff_L]] | Description= This poor critter has been trained to feed on newbies. | Comments= Be weary of fleas | Imagepagename= bloodthirsty_mongrel.jpg }}
Table Syntax
|- align="center" | ExampleWeaponName | 0 | 9,001 | 9,001 | 9,001 | 0.1 | 9,001 | 1 for 1s | 10,000 | 90,010 | 1 | 90,010 | Drops from [[Jeff_L]] | This poor critter has been trained to feed on newbies. | Be weary of fleas | [[Image:bloodthirsty_mongrel.jpeg]]