A number of important ratios are used to compare items in Star Sonata. For example, it is often important to note the electric usage of a weapon when designing a ship.
The most common ratio is DPS, or Damage Per Second. In layman's terms this is how much damage a weapon is capable of pumping out per second of continues fire. For example, if a weapon does 20 damage per shot and is capable of firing once every 0.8 seconds the DPS would be 25. ( 1/0.8 * 20 damage = 25 )
The next most common ratio talked about is EPS. That is, Energy Per Second. This is often used when referring to electric generators but can also be used to refer to the consumption of shields, weapons or chargers. For example: A shield that generated once every 1.2 seconds and cost 45 energy to regenerate would have a EPS of 37.5. ( 1/1.2 * 45 = 37.5 )
Damage per energy is one way to gauge the efficiency of a weapon. It shows how much damage is generated per unit of energy used.
Rarely used, but sometimes important is the Shots per Second ratio. It is calculated in the same way as other ratios.
Reg/Elec or RPE
This is a measure of how much regeneration you get for each energy spent. This is one way to gauge the efficiency of a shield or charger.