Super Items

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Superitems can give bonuses to yourself/allies, debuff enemies, launch missiles/fighters/drones, and much much more. They must be equipped and charged before they can be activated.

The number of superitems you can equip depends on your ship's hull type

  • Light Fighter - 3
  • Heavy Fighter - 3
  • Support Freighter - 3
  • Industrial Freighter - 3
  • Capital Ship - 5

Table column key

  • Charge Time - how long in seconds it takes to charge
  • Charge Elec - how much energy/second is required to charge
  • ZoD - is this super item affected by Zen of Devices? (no by default)
  • Category - only one superitem/neurotweak from each category can be equipped at a time
  • Shield Use - the amount of shields consumed when activated
  • Elec/Dam Charging - how much charge is gained for each unit of damage taken (most superitems do not charge from taking damage)

Some superitems can be built out of Neurotweaks. Those blueprints can be found in Shadow.

There are many class and focus specific superitems. Those are quite powerful and can be purchased in Lyceum.


Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size ZoD Category Damage DPE Range Shield Use Elec/Dam Charging Source Restrictions
Activate Primary Cannon 0
Transforms the frigate into a turret. Disables engines temporarily.
Trepidation Turret Tweak
Trepidation Stationary Mode
15.0 33.3 100 1 Trepidation Frigate inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Ancient Dragon Mode Device 0
Transform to combat mode!
Increases Shield Regeneration
Upgrades ship
40.0 25 100 1 Kelvin, Kelvin+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Blue Pill 0
There's no such thing as a ceasefire.
Anchors your ship
Transforms your ship
18.0 1 100 1 Delquadrikamdan inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Cadet's Fervor 0
Show those pirates who's boss!
Increase shield regeration
Increases speed
Shield Charge +100 for 10.5s, Max Speed +20 for 12.5s
25.0 20 100 1 Cadet, Recommissioned Cadet inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Disable Primary Cannon 0
Transforms the frigate
Does a Trepidation Mobile Mode
15.0 33.3 100 1 Trepidation Turret inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Envelopment Device 0
A nice little womb to hide in
Does a Envelopment
Envelope with 1000 shields. It lasts 10 seconds and cannot be damaged by you and your allies.
25.0 10 100 1 Wingship, Wingship+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Ion Salvation Device 0
Periodic Salvation for your energy bank
Increases energy regeneration
Energy Charge +40 for 7.5s
16.7 0.6 100 1 Mini Volcom, Outlaw's Volcom, Salty Tear, Tear, Volcom, Volcom+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
IonCannon Device 0
A special burst of ion blasts
IonCannon x4
20.0 20 100 1 Yes 800 2 500 Phunka.dll, Phunka.dll+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Mini Mass Driver Device 0
Fires a barrage of magnetically accelerated projectiles at your target.
Mini Mass Driver x4
12.0 20 100 1 Yes 480 2 240 Zebu Gunship, Zebucart, Zebucart+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Mini Mass Driver+ 0
Both barrels blazing
Mini Mass Driver x6
12.0 25 100 1 Yes 600 2 240 Heavy Zebucart, Oversized Zebucart inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Phunky Gremlin Device 0
Don't use it after dark
Does a Gremcannon
8.1 6.2 100 1 Yes 150 3 240 Phunka.dll, Phunka.dll+, Serpica, Super Phunka inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Port IonCannon Device 0
A special burst of ion blasts
IonCannon x4
20.0 20 100 1 Yes 800 2 500 Helga, Helga+, Oversized Helga inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Red Pill 0
Negotiations have ended. Unlock your true potential for 18 seconds.
Anchors you in place
Transformms your ship
180.0 1 100 1 Delquadrikamdon inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Shield Salvation Device 0
Quickly gain +480 shields
Increases shield regen
Shield Charge +80 for 11s
20.0 15 100 1 Heavy Zebucart, Oversized Zebucart, Salty Tear, Tear, Zebu Freighter, Zebucart, Zebucart+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Spice Protection 0
Improves speed and shield charge for 5 seconds and resists for one second
Grants to the user:
    +75% Resistance to all Damage for 1 second
    +30% Speed for 5 seconds
    +175% Shield Charge for 5 seconds
25.0 20 100 1 Anise, Anthos, Bygone Basilus, Kalos Anthos, Sansho, Trepidation Frigate inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Starboard IonCannon Device 0
A special burst of ion blasts
IonCannon x4
20.0 20 100 1 Yes 800 2 500 Helga, Helga+, Oversized Helga inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Sublime Surge 0
Combination of speed and protection.
Inflicts upon the user:
+50% Speed for 5 seconds
+100% Thrust for 5 seconds
-50% Turning for 5 seconds
Also activates a 400 diameter envelopment
with 150,000 shields that lasts 10 seconds.
30.0 200 3,900 39 Empyreal Analemma, Empyreal Ascension, Empyreal Equinox, Empyreal Estelle inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
The Finisher 0
Finish your target with surgical to increase drops
Light Laser x20
Surgical Laser
20.0 20 100 1 Yes 800 2 210 Outlaw's Volcom, Serpica, Volcom, Volcom+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Unholy Treat 0
Give all your allies copious amounts of sugar
Does a Sugar Rush
30.0 300 100 0 Unholy Venaticora inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Unholy Trick 0
Sneak up on the enemy. Increases speed, thrust and damage. Decrease range, resist and visibility
Does a Unholy Ambush
30.0 100 100 0 Unholy Venaticora inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
MagCannon Device 1
It's away!
Does a MagCannon x2
12.0 19.1 100 1 Yes 485 2.1 500 Wingship, Wingship+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Zebu Drone Device 1
Deploys a stationary defensive platform that can assault enemies or heal allies.
Does a Zebu Drone
30.0 20 100 1 Yes Oversized Zebucart, Zebu Freighter inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Fly Pellet Strafer 2 2
Both barrels blazing
Fly Pellet x2
8.0 5 100 1 Yes 160 4 200 Flyswatter Larva inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Oilheart's Supersonic Afterburner 2
Pour on the juice, at supersonic speeds!
Grants to the user:
    -100% Turning for 5 seconds
    After 2 seconds, +420 flat Thrust for 3 seconds
    After 2 seconds, +40% Speed for 3 seconds
    After 2 seconds, +Forced Thrust for 3 seconds
20.0 4.5 100 1 Oilheart's Supersonic Afterburner Blueprint
Prototype Blue Autoblaster 2
A dangerous stream of Blue Bullets.
Blue Bullets Mini Alpha x8
20.0 17.5 100 1 Yes 840 2.4 240 Salvaged Space Blue, Space Blue Alpha Scout, Space Blue Prototype inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Aether Escape Device 3
Run away! And hide! At the same time!
Increases Visibility
Increases Speed
Max Speed +150, Visibility +100% for 15s
25.0 20 10,000 1 Aether Scout, Aether Scout+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Aether Retreator 3
Don't chase me bro!
Retreator x4
12.0 8.3 10,000 1 Yes 400 4 300 Aether Scout, Aether Scout+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Azurite Torpedo Barrage 3
Charge up 10 torpedoes and unleash them
Torpedo x10
10.0 42.5 20,000 30 850 2 510 Azurite inbuilt Can't unequip, AI ONLY, Size 0 when equipped
Black Hole Device 3
It's really not safe to use this...
Black Hole Generator x3
40.0 15 100 1 Yes 1,800 3 400 Brigand's Volcom inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Blue Scout Drone Factory 3
Fabricates disposable pirate drones.
Does a Blue Scout Drone
198.0 10 100 1 Blue Outpost Requires 3 in Drone Deployment
Christmasicus's Red Trick Device 3
Deploys a three minute lifespan Christmasicus's Red Trick.
Does a Christmasicus's Red Trick
180.0 2.2 100 1 Pax Christmasicus inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped, Requires 3 in Drone Deployment
Fly Pellet Strafer 3 3
Both barrels blazing
Fly Pellet x3
8.1 6.2 100 1 Yes 180 3.6 200 Blasting Powder Flyswatter Flylet, Flyswatter Flylet, Flyswatter Maggot inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Ice Shard Explosion 3
Freezes you in place
Icy Shards x6
15.1 16.6 10,000 1 Yes 750 3 240 Ice Shard inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Injured Rage Device 3
No shield regen, but double the damage
Lowers shield regeneration
Increases Damage
Shield Charge -20, Damage +100% for 15.5s
60.0 5 100 1 Blasting Powder Flyswatter Flylet, Flyswatter Egg, Flyswatter Embryo, Flyswatter Flyboy, Flyswatter Flylet, Flyswatter Larva, Flyswatter Maggot inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Oilheart's Afterburner device 3
Pour on the juice
Forced Charge Ahead
Turning -100% for 5s, Forced Thrust +1, Thrust +2, Max Speed +20% for 3s after 2s
20.0 25 10,000 1 Bule Stealth Trader, Bulk Trader, Bulk Trader II, Bulk Trader II+, Bulk Trader+, Tanzanite, Zircon inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Paxian Salvation 3
Protection from a dangerous universe.
Increases resistances
Increases shield regeneration
Vulnerability to all -50% for 5s, Shield Charge +70 for 10s
30.0 10 100 1 Hybridized Paximinus, Paximinus inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Roswell Drone Device 3
Some extra help
Does a Roswell Drone
120.0 16.6 100 1 Big Roswell, Big Roswell+, Roswell, Roswell+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Secondary Roswell Drone Device 3
Some extra extra help
Does a Roswell Drone
120.0 16.6 100 1 Big Roswell, Big Roswell+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Alpha Blue Autoblaster 4
A dangerous stream of Blue Bullets.
Blue Bullets Alpha x8
20.0 15 100 1 Yes 1,000 3.33 400 Space Blue Alpha, Space Blue Alpha Transwarp, Space Blue Hunter inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Aveksaka Plasma Device I 4
Fires an alien plasma barrage.
Zuladuraaguru x6
60.0 15 100 1 Yes 3,000 3.33 400 Hybridized Paximinus inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Envelopment Device II 4
A nice little womb to hide in
Does a Envelopment II
Envelope with 2000 shields. It lasts 10 seconds and cannot be damaged by you and your allies.
30.0 10 100 1 Oversized Wingship, Wingship II, Wingship II Pro, Wingship II+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Fly Pellet Strafer 4 4
Both barrels blazing
Fly Pellet x4
8.0 7.5 100 1 Yes 225 3.75 200 Flyswatter Flyboy inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Freighter Defense 4
Special built in defense for freighters
Really Big Laser x3
Envelopment II
20.0 15 8,000 1 Yes 600 2 440 Bule Stealth Trader, Bulk Trader, Bulk Trader II, Bulk Trader II+, Bulk Trader+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Frost Shard Volley 4
Laser fire and ice.
Freezes you in place
C-Beam x3
Frost Shards x3
30.1 15.5 10,000 1 Yes 1,680 3.59 300 Frost Shard inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
MagCannon Device II 4
It's a hit!
Does a MagCannon II x2
12.0 15 100 1 Yes 670 3.72 500 Aquamarine, Oversized Wingship, Wingship II, Wingship II Pro, Wingship II+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Rosburst Drone Device 4
Some extra help
Does a Roswell Drone
100.0 15 100 1 Oversized Rosburst, Rosburst, Rosburst+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Secondary Freighter Defense 4
Additional special built in defense for freighters
Really Big Laser x3
Envelopment II
20.0 15 8,000 1 Yes 600 2 440 Bulk Trader II, Bulk Trader II+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Blue Microwarp Device 5
A Microwarp device based on stolen Earthforce technology.
Does a Earthforce Prototype Microwarp
Activates a 250 distance warper
20.0 12.5 100 1 Space Blue Alpha Transwarp inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Christmasicus's Blue Trick Device 5
Deploys a one minute lifespan Christmasicus's Blue Trick. Reduced from tech 8 to tech 5, exclusive for the Pax Christmasicus!
Does a Christmasicus's Blue Trick
180.0 6.6 100 1 Pax Christmasicus inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped, Requires 5 in Drone Deployment
Christmasicus's Green Trick Device 5
Deploys a two minute lifespan Christmasicus's Green Trick.
Does a Christmasicus's Green Trick
180.0 5 100 1 Pax Christmasicus inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped, Requires 5 in Drone Deployment
Circle of Light 5
Makes a circle of destructive light
Light Laser x9
8.0 15 8,000 1 Yes 630 5.25 210 Green Kasper, Kasper, Kasper+, Mini Kasper, Mzungu Disk inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Flit Device 5
Pour on the juice
Increases Resistances and Damage
Does Flit x3
Activates a 300 distance warper 3x in a row, Vulnerability to all -50%, Damage +50% for 4.5s
30.1 16.6 10,000 1 Ghostship, Ghostship+, Kasper, Kasper+, Mini Kasper, Mzungu Disk, Tanzanite inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Glacial Block 5
Freeze yourself in a block of impenetrable ice!
Increases all resistances except heat
Freezes you in place
60.0 10 10,000 1 Glacial Shard inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped, Neurobound
Glacial Freeze 5
Freeze yourself in a block of impenetrable ice!
Increases all resistances except heat
Freezes you in place
Forced Thrust +1, Weapon Recoil +12000, Physical Vulnerability -25%, Surgical Vulnerability -25%, Radiation Vulnerability -25%, Mining Vulnerability -25%, Energy Vulnerability -25%, Max Speed -100%, Turning -95% for 5.5s
60.0 10 10,000 1 Arctia mission and trade in Neurobound
Golden Torpedo Device 5
Reach out and smack 'em with some 22 carat Gold
Golden Torpedo x4
20.0 20 8,000 1 Yes 1,600 4 530 Goldenboy Sovereign inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Infernal Lava Burst 5
A self-damaging molten ball of death.
Lowers shield charge
Does a Vulcanite Lava Burst
60.0 10 10,000 1 Yes 3,000 5 1000 Vulcan mission Neurobound
Nuclear Warhead Device 5
Sacrifice yourself to destroy the enemy!
Does a Nuclear Warhead
10.0 100 100,000 100 5,520 5.52 50 Vervaardiger Processing Can be used 1 times.
Paint Abuser Device 5
Remove all the paints!
Paint Abuser x6
24.0 25 100 1 Yes 1,800 3 300 Monochrome Tint inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Prototype Blue Microwarp Device 5
A Microwarp device based on stolen Earthforce technology.
Does a Earthforce Prototype Microwarp
Activates a 250 distance warper
20.0 12.5 100 1 Can be used 5 times.
Rime Drone Device 5
This drone is chilly!
Does a Small Rime Drone
20.0 30 10,000 1 Rime Shard inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Santa's Blue Trick Device 5
Deploys a one minute lifespan Santa's Blue Trick.
Does a Santa's Special Blue Trick
180.0 6.6 100 1 Santa's Special Sleigh inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped, Requires 5 in Drone Deployment
Santa's Green Trick Device 5
Deploys a two minute lifespan Santa's Green Trick.
Does a Santa's Special Green Trick
180.0 5 100 1 Santa's Special Sleigh inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped, Requires 5 in Drone Deployment
Santa's Red Trick Device 5
Deploys a three minute lifespan Santa's Special Red Trick.
Does a Santa's Special Red Trick
180.0 2.2 100 1 Santa's Special Sleigh inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped, Requires 5 in Drone Deployment
Sub Space Hook 5
Dig into the fabric of space time to slow your momentum.
Grants to the user:
    After 1 second, -85.71% Speed for 4 seconds
    After 1 second, +Forced Thrust for 4 seconds
20.0 4.5 100 1 Sub Space Hook Blueprint
Voltage Overcharge Laser Device 5
Be careful with all that EMF!
Voltage Overcharge Laser x4
12.0 16.6 8,000 1 Yes 850 4.25 110 Voltage inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Shade Beam Device 6
Shade the world, shade it to an unsaturated state.
Shade Beam Device Emitter x3
Shade Beam
20.0 85 8,000 1 4,400 2.58 470 Monochrome Tinge inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Envelopment Device III 7
A nice little womb to hide in
Does a Envelopment III
Envelope with 3000 shields. It lasts 10 seconds and cannot be damaged by you and your allies.
25.0 10 100 1 Faranji Wingship, Unt Faranji Wingship, Wingship III, Wingship III+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
MagCannon Device III 7
Does a MagCannon III x2
12.0 16.6 100 1 Yes 1,500 7.5 500 Wingship III, Wingship III+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Roscap Mining Punch 7
Standard mining weapon, blows up starships!
Mining Laser III x5
20.0 17.5 100 1 Yes 2,500 7.14 350 Roscap inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Roshield Device 7
Standard shield enhancer, makes you survive longer!
Roshield Booster
30.0 10 100 1 Roscap inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Super Torpedo Device 7
Reach out and touch someone
Does a Super Torpedo
12.0 16.6 8,000 1 Yes 1,500 7.5 910 Ghostship, Ghostship+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Aveksaka Defender Device I 8
Deploys an Aveksaka drone.
Does a Adhara Ekam
120.0 20 100 1 Hybridized Prismatica inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Aveksaka Plasma Device II 8
Fires an alien plasma barrage.
Zuladuraaguru x6
54.1 18.5 100 1 Yes 9,000 9 400 Hybridized Ragnarok inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Firestreak Missile Salvo Device 8
Unleash a reign of fire
Does a Small Firestreak Missile
30.0 33.3 8,000 1 Blaze Inferno, Inferno, Inferno+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Goblin Boogie Device 8
Do the Goblin Boogie!
Forced Thrust
Increases Speed
Disables Turning Thrusters
Does Ion Peashooter x9
Does Sticky Boogie x3
Increases turning, range, and radar
40.0 20 8,000 1 Yes 6,000 7.5 300 Giant Goblin inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Lesser Sine 8
Enlighten your foe
Pulse Gun II x17
20.0 25 20,000 1 Yes 3,600 7.2 300 Mini Mad Scientist inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Rosfire Drone Device 8
Some extra help
Does a Roswell Drone
36.0 20 100 1 Oversized Rosfire, Rosfire, Rosfire+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Wall of Lead 8
Eat Lead
Mass Driver x15
20.0 50 20,000 1 Yes 3,000 3 300 Hybridized Ragnarok, Ragnarock, Ragnarok, Ragnarok+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Faranji Paragon Device 9
An ancient blossom.
Fires an 8 spread mag cannon with very high
speed and no tracking, evenly spaced around you.
At the end of the bullets' lifespan, massive
Energy damage (up to 4,375, with tremendous
fall off) within a 250 range radius occurs.
If the bullets are absorbed through collision,
the area damage does not occur.
A direct hit with any of the bullets deals
only 35 Energy damage.
20.0 150 100 1 280 0.09 300 Faranji Wingship inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Afterburner Device 10
zoom zoom
Radish Torch x10
40.0 25 8,000 1 Yes 10,000 10 30 Bule Saudaron, Saudara, Saudara+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Oilheart's Better Supersonic Afterburner 10
Pour on the juice, at supersonic speeds!
Grants to the user:
    -100% Turning for 5 seconds
    After 2 seconds, +7,800 flat Thrust for 3 seconds
    After 2 seconds, +200% Speed for 3 seconds
    After 2 seconds, +Forced Thrust for 3 seconds
20.0 4.5 100 1 Oilheart's Better Supersonic Afterburner Blueprint
Rock n Load Device 11
Hit them where it hurts!
Rock n Loadin Booster
Interdiction Bullet Alpha x6
60.1 66.6 5,100 51 6,000 1.5 240 Interdiction Frigate inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Warp Interdictor 11
Stop them from escaping!
Warp Interdictor Drone
120.0 10 5,100 51 Interdiction Frigate, Recon Frigate inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Absolution Device 12
Cleanse your neighbours with the light, then cleanse yourself.
Increases Shield Recharge
Does Salvation
40.0 150 100 1 Absolution inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Envelopment Device IV 12
A nice little womb to hide in
Does a Envelopment IV
Envelope with 10000 shields. It lasts 10 seconds and cannot be damaged by you and your allies.
25.0 14 100 1 Wingship IV, Wingship IV+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
MagCannon Device IV 12
Just impacted on the surface
Does a MagCannon IV x3
12.0 28.7 100 1 Yes 5,500 15.94 500 Wingship IV, Wingship IV+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Master Mass Driver Device 12
Both barrels blazing
Master Mass Driver x4
12.0 25 100 1 Yes 5,000 16.66 240 Zebu Master, Zebu Master+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Shield Cerate Device 12
Periodic Cerate for your shield
Increases shield regeneration
20.0 20 100 1 Zebu Master, Zebu Master+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Aveksaka Defender Device III 13
Deploys an Aveksaka drone.
Does a Adhara Tra
120.0 33.3 100 1 Hybridized Serenity inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Aveksaka Plasma Device III 13
Fires an alien plasma barrage.
Zuladuraaguru x6
50.0 30 100 1 Yes 30,000 20 400 Hybridized Celestica inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Blade Strike 13
A swing of the knight's blade
Sword Pulse x7
6.0 90 10,000 10 15,500 28.7 160 Gareth inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Green's Device 13
A special device made by Mr. Green himself!
Green Radiation Blast x8
Mr. Green's Jump Drive
Green Radiation Blast x8
30.1 16.6 10,000 1 7,965 15.93 240 Green Kasper inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Mandible Shotgun Device I 13
Three gunpowder assisted bites
Mandible Shotgun x3
10.0 90 10,000 10 22,750 25.27 500 Weevil inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Spearhead Strike 14
My spear is the spear that will pierce the heavens!
Charge Straight Ahead
Does Spearhead Piercing Ray x8
Does Spearhead Particle Wave x10
16.0 31.2 8,000 1 10,000 20 500 Spearhead, Spearhead+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Double Sub Space Hook 15
Dig into the fabric of space time to slow your momentum.
Grants to the user:
    After 1 second, -97.44% Speed for 4 seconds
    After 1 second, +Forced Thrust for 4 seconds
20.0 4.5 100 1 Double Sub Space Hook Blueprint
Bule Sidhe Mine Device 16
The Way of the Bule Super Sidhe
Does a Bule Sidhe Mine
300.0 100 100 1 Bule Super Sidhe inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Crawl Wyrm Regurgitate 16
Sticky Napalm x9
19.0 368 100 1 25,000 3.57 300 Crawl Wyrm inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Envelopment Device V 16
A nice little womb to hide in
Does a Envelopment V
Envelope with 25000 shields. It lasts 10 seconds and cannot be damaged by you and your allies.
25.0 16 100 1 Wingship V inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Galatine Strike 16
A swing of the knight's blade
Sword Pulse x7
6.0 116 10,000 10 28,200 40.51 160 Gawain inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
MagCannon Device V 16
Scratch one
Does a MagCannon V x3
12.0 37.5 100 1 Yes 12,000 26.66 500 Wingship V inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Mandible Shotgun Device II 16
Four gunpowder assisted bites
Mandible Shotgun x4
10.0 116 10,000 10 40,700 35.08 500 Stag inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Sidhe Mine Device 16
The Way of the Sidhe
Does a Sidhe Mine
300.0 100 100 1 Sidhe, Sidhe+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Claw Missile Device 17
The Claw of the sea, summoned to clutch prey!
Does a Claw Missile
7.0 42.8 1,000 1 Shrimp, Shrimp+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Krill Fighter Device 17
Minions of the sea, attack!
Does a Krill Fighter
40.0 50 1,000 1 Shrimp, Shrimp+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Mastodon's Tusks 17
All before you shall be gored.
Mastodon's Tusk x2
30.0 500 5,100 51 60,000 4 440 Hybridized Mastodon, Mastodon inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Alien Claw Missile Device 18
The Claw of the subspace sea, summoned to clutch prey!
Does a Alien Claw Missile
7.0 42.8 1,000 1 Hybridized Shrimp inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Alien Krill Fighter Device 18
Minions of the subspace sea, attack!
Does a Alien Krill Fighter
60.1 41.6 1,000 1 Hybridized Shrimp inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Aveksaka Defender Device IV 18
Deploys an Aveksaka drone.
Does a Adhara Katur
120.0 41.6 100 1 Hybridized Selenologica inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Clarent Strike 18
A swing of the kingslayer blade
Clarent Pulse x12
6.0 126 10,000 10 39,800 52.36 160 Mordred inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Mandible Shotgun Device III 18
Five gunpowder assisted bites
Mandible Shotgun x5
10.0 126 10,000 10 57,500 45.41 500 Scarab inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Bule Abadi Imploder Device 19
Death to the Infidels
Does a Bule Abadi Imploder
300.0 100 100 1 Bule Abadi Spectre, Bule Abadi Spectre X inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Cherub's Disorientation 19
Disorientate your opponents with a spray of bullets!
Stealthy Tweak
Excommunicator x8
120.0 50 2,000 0 18,000 3 500 Cherub inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Overloaded Mining Laser Prototype 19
Cut ships in two!
Catalytic Mining Array x10
54.0 475 2,000 1 100,000 3.9 530 Earthforce Overload Prototype inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped, Requires Capital Ship
A Flaming Egg? 20
From the flames of the bird, flock new wings together
Bird Rebirth Tweak
120.0 1 30,000 1 Glaucopennia inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
A Freezing Egg? 20
From the frost of the bird, flock new wings together
Bird Rebirth Tweak
120.0 1 30,000 1 Phoenix inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Blue Photon Translocation Device 20
Get the drop on them! Warp behind your target and receive: First +25% Vulnerability for 5 seconds, then -99.9% Visibility for 5 seconds.
Blue Photon Translocation
Blue Photon Power Transfer
20.0 250 1,000 1 Blue Photon Corvette inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Fire Primary Cannon 20
Fire an overwhelmingly powerful pulse cannon
Does a Trepidation Frigate Cannon
5.0 48.6 100 1 10,200 41.97 2300 Trepidation Turret inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Fire Primary Weapon 20
Prepare the weapon and FIRE!
Battle Sphere Beam x11
25.0 240 8,000 20 400,000 66.66 3000 Battle Sphere inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Grand Paxian Salvation 20
Protection from a dangerous universe.
Increased resistances
Increased shield regeneration
40.0 50 100 1 Hybridized Coronae, Hybridized Scutelogica, Hybridized Sheliak, Hybridized Venaticora, Pax Coronae, Pax Heliosoleta, Pax Scutelogica, Pax Sheliak, Pax Stratos, Pax Venaticora, Unholy Venaticora inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Hephaestus Ultimate Doomsday Weapon
Ultimate Doomsday Weapon x4
40.0 50 8,000 1 Yes 80,000 40 1200 Hephaestus Crystal Machine, Hephaestus Machine, Hephaestus Machine+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Interstellar Warhead Device 20
Mutual destruction!
Does a Interstellar Warhead
10.0 1000 300,000 300 25,000 2.5 50 Vervaardiger Processing Can be used 1 times.
Levitas Lightning Device 20
A whole messa lighting
Really Big Lightning Bolt x5
20.0 250 8,000 1 Yes 40,000 8 510 Pax Levitas inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Lion Maul Device 20
Maul your victim and rip them to pieces!
Grants to the user:
    After 3 seconds, +100% Damage for 6 seconds
    -15% Range for 9 seconds
90.0 1 100,000 0 Hybridized Lion, Lion inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Oilheart's Best Supersonic Afterburner 20
Pour on the juice, at supersonic speeds!
Grants to the user:
    -100% Turning for 5 seconds
    After 2 seconds, +16,000 flat Thrust for 3 seconds
    After 2 seconds, +400% Speed for 3 seconds
    After 2 seconds, +Forced Thrust for 3 seconds
20.0 4.5 100 1 Oilheart's Best Supersonic Afterburner Blueprint
Rat Fume Device 20
eww eww eww
Rat Fumes x10
20.0 100 8,000 10 Yes 25,000 12.5 30 Mega Moe kill trade in at The Junkyard Neurobound
Red Photon Doomsday Device 20
Prototype weapon technology
Fires a medium speed pulse gun with 900
range and no tracking.
Upon hit, inflicts the target with:
    +100% Vulnerability to All for 3 seconds
60.1 33.3 8,000 1 100,000 50 900 Red Photon Carrier, Red Photon Logistics Cruiser, Red Photon Support Cruiser, Red Photon Warship inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Scavenger 20
Pick apart their hull as if they were a carcass.
Vulture Sense
Vulture Beak x2
60.0 250 10,000 0 30,000 2 240 Vulture inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Sin of the Times 20
Enlighten your foe
Titan Pulse Gun x17
20.0 50 20,000 1 Yes 40,000 40 380 Apprentice's Ward, Apprentice's Ward+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Singularity Shield Device 20
Shield your allies within the singularity
Does a Singularity Shield System
60.0 100 520,000 0 Golagoay Vazaha Archetype X inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Sniper Re-Router Device 20
Grants to the user:
    -20% Recoil for 5 seconds
    +20% Damage for 5 seconds
    +200% Visibility for 5 seconds
    +100% Radar for 5 seconds
    -92% Speed for 5 seconds
90.0 1 100,000 0 Absentis inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Tsunami Device 20
Too soon?
Tsunami Wave
Tsunami Wave 2
Tsunami Wave 3
30.0 50 8,000 1 300 0.2 1200 Poseidon Crown, Poseidon Wave, Poseidon Wave+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Unidyne Core Dump 20
Unidyne's classified heavy support weaponry. Injects a Parasite that reduces target damage output by 25% and shield regen by 50%.
Unidyne Core x17
30.0 2000 25,000,000 500 170 0 300 Unidyne Core Dump Blueprint Requires Capital Ship
Unt Faranji Paragon Device 20
A beautiful, ancient blossom.
Fires an 8 spread mag cannon with very high
speed and no tracking, evenly spaced around you.
At the end of the bullets' lifespan, massive
Energy damage (up to 45,000, with tremendous
fall off) within a 400 range radius occurs.
If the bullets are absorbed through collision,
the area damage does not occur.
A direct hit with any of the bullets deals
only 300 Energy damage.
20.0 475 100 1 2,400 0.25 500 Unt Faranji Wingship, Unt Faranji Wingship X inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Wave Motion Laser Device 20
Redirect engines
No turn no thrust 3s Tweak
Wave Motion Laser x6
120.0 50 10,000 1 Yes 210,000 35 3000 Paxian Battle Frigate inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Adrenaline Syringe 21
Syringe, inject, HALT! -90% Speed, +1 Thrust for 1 second.
Does a Hermes Anti-Adrenaline Injector
15.0 100 1,000 0 60,000 40 170 Argeiphontes Hermes, Argeiphontes Hermes+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Ares Aegis Generator 21
Summons the mighty shield of Ares
Does a Ares Aegis
180.0 6.6 10,000 1 Yes Ares War Chariot, Ares War Chariot+, Mars War Chariot inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Aveksaka Defender Device V 21
Deploys an Aveksaka drone.
Does a Super Adhara Pajca
120.0 50 100 1 Hybridized Astronomica, Hybridized Scutelogica inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Aveksaka Plasma Device V 21
Fires an alien plasma barrage.
Zuladuraaguru x6
40.0 50 100 1 Yes 90,000 45 400 Hybridized Ward inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Aveksaka Regenerative Device V 21
Deploys a regenerative alien drone.
Does a Aveksaka Regenerative Pod
60.0 83.3 100 1 Hybridized Venaticora inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Blockade Runner Device 21
High intensity recoiless clearance
Blockade Runner x10
8.0 50 20,000 1 Yes 18,000 45 400 Hybridized Scutelogica, Pax Scutelogica inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Boarding Hooks 21
Get over here!
Kidd's Boarding Hook's x4
20.0 250 100 1 1,200 0.24 1000 0.05 Prawn inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Bolt of Lightning Generator 21
Summons a Bolt of Lightning missile
Does a Zeus Bolt of Lightning
12.0 41.6 10,000 1 Zeus Throne, Zeus Throne+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Chariot Blades 21
You'd better move out of the way
Scythe's Edge x10
20.0 50 10,000 1 Yes 50,000 50 200 Ares War Chariot, Ares War Chariot+, Mars War Chariot inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Dark Kobaldstein's Defensive Injector 21
Reinforcement of armor. Injects a positive Seer Virus.
Does a Dark Kobaldstein's Defensive Buff
15.0 4 2,000 25 Seer Virus -9 240 Dark Kobaldstein drop Requires 1 in Seer Class
Dark Kobaldstein's Offensive Injector 21
Offence of enemies. Injects a positive Seer Virus.
Does a Dark Kobaldstein's Offensive Buff
15.0 4 2,000 25 Seer Virus -9 240 Dark Kobaldstein drop Requires 1 in Seer Class
Dragon Flamethrower 21
Fiery stream of death
Hyper Beam Charge Sound
Fiery Inhale
Weak Dragon Breath x10
30.0 500 100 1 150,000 10 4000 Evening Fury inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Flamberge Charge Drone Device 21
A little pillbox of excitement.
Deploys a stationary drone with
moderate shields and resistances.
It heals allies with a moderate range
Transference wand that grants:
+500 flat Energy Charge for 10 seconds
-5% Energy damage taken for 10 seconds
to allies healed.
The drone lasts 30 seconds.
60.0 100 17,000 170 Flamberge inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Flamberge Thruster 21
Oilheart's legacy.
Grants immunity to Grem effects
for 7 seconds.
Inflicts upon the user:
-100% Turning for 2 seconds
After 2 seconds:
+25% Resistance to All Damage for 5 seconds
-95% Turning for 5 seconds
+150% Speed for 5 seconds
+600% Thrust for 5 seconds
+Forced Thrust for 5 seconds
60.0 100 100 1 Flamberge inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Hephaestus Hospital 21
Hephaestus's emergency regenerative shield drone launcher.
Hephaestus Hospital Drone
40.0 250 17,000 0 4,000 Hephaestus Crystal Machine, Hephaestus Machine, Hephaestus Machine+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Hunter 21
You can't hide, you can't run.
Hawk Talon
Hawk Claws x3
60.1 547 10,000 0 67,350 2.05 300 Hawk inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Iron Curtain 21
What's he doing in there? What the hell is he doing in there?
Increases shield charge
Increases resistances
Lowers speed
60.0 1 100 1 Delquadrikamdon inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Mobile Concealment Array Deployer 21
Watch your enemies, unseen.
Does a Concealment Array
300.0 66.6 100 1 Argeiphontes Hermes, Argeiphontes Hermes+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Rat Pellet Device 21
A repurposed Mega Rat Pellet can be useful sometimes
Does a Mega Rat Pellet
60.0 125 10,000 1 Mega Moe trade in at The Junkyard Neurobound
Red Alert 21
Brace for impact!
Does a Delquadrikamdan Overshield
30.0 1 100 1 Delquadrikamdan inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Red Photon Prototype Remote Weapon Augmentation 21
If it was safe it wouldn't be a prototype.
Grants to friendly non-capital ships within 2,500 range:
    -31% Recoil for 5 seconds
Inflicts upon the user:
    -35% Resistance to Damage for 5 seconds
10.0 4000 52,000 100 Red Photon Warship Prototype drop Requires 1 in Fleet Commander Class, Requires Capital Ship
Semi-Blackhole Pulse Generator 21
Not quite black, just.. black-ish
Semi-Blackhole Pulse x3
30.0 33.3 8,000 1 300 0.3 1200 RNF/BNF drop
Subspace Submerger 21
20,000 leagues under space
Increases Resistance
Lowers Visibility
Does Wave Rider x 5
10.0 50 10,000 1 Yes 20,000 40 300 Poseidon Crown, Poseidon Wave, Poseidon Wave+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Trident Generator 21
Summons the Trident of Poseidon
Does a Poseidon Trident
120.0 50 10,000 1 Poseidon Crown, Poseidon Wave, Poseidon Wave+ inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Adamantiumized Protection 22
Armor up your allies! Gives resists and shield charge for ten seconds at 500 range. User gains half benefits.
Delquad's Protection
40.0 200 10,000 1 Adamantium Delquadrikamdon inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Adamantiumized Spotter 22
Power up your allies! Gives damage, radar and range for five to ten seconds at 500 range. User gains half benefits.
Delquad's Vision
40.0 400 10,000 1 Adamantium Delquadrikamdon inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Adamantiumized Warper 22
Rapidly traverse between allies! Activates a targetable microwarp with 1000 range while temporarily weakening weapons and increasing resists
Does a Delquadrikamdon's Rapid Translocator
10.0 150 10,000 1 Adamantium Delquadrikamdon inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Alien Ambush 22
Bend space and time to sneak up on them!
Does a Rajanicar'ayu Zazatkostha
198.0 10 100 1 Yes Rajanicar'ayu inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Alien Cocoon 22
Reform your ship into a protective cocoon.
Does a Cocoon Evolution
45.0 11.1 100 1 Antuayu inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Alien Evasive Manuvers 22
Get outta dodge?
Does a Vacohararakta
180.0 5.5 100 1 Vacohar'ayu inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Alien Panic Button 22
Get outta dodge!
Avesaka Gravometric Disturbance
Alien Untangler
61.0 4.1 100 1 Yes Isvas'ayu inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Alien Siege Mode 22
Unleash chaos!
Increases Damage
Increases Rate of Fire
Increases Splash Range
Increases Projectile Velocity
Reduces Electric Tempering
Reduces Resistances
Disables Movement
45.0 11.1 100 1 Antuayu inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Armored Commander's Fabricated Armada 22
Utilize a special Kalthi nano-fab in the ship's War Core to create some durable fighters on demand.
Queues into a fighter bay 2 fighters with distinct properties:
    Kalthi Armored Brawling Fighter (8000 DPS):
        Fights your target with high shields and medium damage.
        Uses a Radiation beam and a Heat pulse gun.
    Kalthi Armored Inhibiting Fighter (5000 DPS):
        Uses a 1500 range tractor to inflict -50% Speed and -25% Thrust.
        Has very high shields and uses a Mining beam for damage.
Each uses 1 fighter slot for a total of 2, and last 1 minute.
60.0 700 10,000 0 Kalthi Armored Commander inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Armored Deployer Platform Device 22
Fabricate with nanites a couple of stronger drones on demand.
Deploys an Armored Destruction Drone and then a
Replenishing Drone 1 second after to assist in combat.
120.0 5 10,000 0 Kalthi Armored Deployer inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Aveksaka Plasma Device VI 22
Fires an alien plasma barrage.
Zuladuraaguru x6
38.0 52.6 100 1 Yes 100,000 50 400 Hybridized Sheliak inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Aveksaka Subjugator 22
Command and control your enemies attention!
Subjugator Laser x2
40.0 50 100 1 100,000 50 350 Subhatt'ayu inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Aveksaka Submerger 22
Into the depths of Subspace!
Alien Plasma Booster x5
30.0 100 10,000 1 Yes 15,000 5 300 Isvas'ayu inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Blinding Virus Injector 22
Leave them in the dark and haunt their helpless selves.
After a 1 second delay, fires a beam that inflicts:
    -50% Damage for 5 seconds
    -100% Radar for 5 seconds
    +300% Visibility for 5 seconds
90.0 500 10,000 0 Seer Virus 2,021 0.04 600 Kalthi Wrathful Stinger inbuilt Can't remove, Requires 3 in Seer Class
Bule Hyperdrive 22
Bule curving space to suit their needs. Does a 200 distance warp with 700 speed velocity afterwards.
Anti-Graviton Shield
Bule Hyperdrive Device
30.0 1 1,000 1 Bule Eradicator inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Bule Wormhole Generator 22
Generate your very own wormhole for your friendlies to warp through.
Bule Wormhole
3600.0 1 1,000 0 Bule Eradicator inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Bunkered Offense Protocol 22
Protect your drone array and enrage them. Be smart about when you use this, though.
Activates an Anti-Graviton Shield.
After 1 second, applies the following
effects to allied drones within 500 range:
    +25% Resistance to All Damage for 5 seconds
    +25% Damage for 5 seconds
    +75% Radar for 5 seconds
    +25% Shield Charge for 5 seconds
Additionally, inflicts upon the user:
    +25% Resistance to All Damage for 5 seconds
    -95% Speed for 5 seconds
    -80% Turning for 5 seconds
    +Forced Thrust for 5 seconds
120.0 100 10,000 0 Kalthi Armored Deployer inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Cloning Pods 22
Create organic clones to do your bidding!
Rajanicar'ayu Rahnti x2
60.2 16.6 100 1 Rajanicar'ayu inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Commander Coordination Array 22
A trifecta of drones that support your command.
Deploys 3 drones in succession with 1 second intervals.
The first is a Kalthi Coordinator Destruction Drone:
    Fires at targets and boasts middling shields of the three.
The second is a Kalthi Coordinator Replenishing Drone:
    Uses a Kalthi Aid with 1,500 range to heal allies.
    It has the highest shields and considerable regeneration.
The third is a Kalthi Coordinator Auxiliary Drone:
    It has the least shields of the three and no regeneration.
    Pulses every 5 seconds and grants only to your
        possessions within 2,000 range:
        +60% Damage for 2 seconds for fighters only
        +300% Energy Charge for 1 second
The drones last 2 minutes.
180.0 750 8,000 0 Kalthi Armored Commander inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Commander's Fabricated Armada 22
Divert energy to a special nano-fab that constructs autonomous fighters on demand.
Queues into a fighter bay 2 fighters with distinct properties:
    Kalthi Brawling Fighter (7500 DPS):
        Fights your target with moderate shields and high damage.
        Uses a Radiation beam and a Heat pulse gun.
    Kalthi Inhibiting Fighter (4500 DPS):
        Uses a 1500 range tractor to inflict -50% Speed and -25% Thrust.
        Has high shields and uses a Mining beam for damage.
Each uses 1 fighter slot for a total of 2, and last 1 minute.
60.0 600 10,000 0 Kalthi Commander inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Contriver's Anchor Module 22
Throw out your space anchor, it is time to put an end to this movement.
Does a Merchant Anchor Tweak
30.0 1 52,000 0 Merchant Navy Contriver inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Contriver's Beam Module 22
I came in like a wrecking ball.
Does a Merchant Beam Tweak
30.0 1 52,000 0 Merchant Navy Contriver inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Contriver's Docking Module 22
Let's not overshoot that docking attempt.
Does a Merchant Docking Tweak
30.0 1 52,000 0 Merchant Navy Contriver inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Coordinator Gemini Support Platform 22
Establish a temporary stronghold using the logistical bastion of the Armored division.
Roots the ship briefly and grants +50% Resistance to Damage.
After 2 seconds, transwarps two drones on top of each other.
The first is the powerful Kalthi Coordinator Destruction Platform,
with very high shields and low regeneration.
It fires at enemies with a modified Kalthi Striker, Kalthi Fire,
and Kalthi Planetary Artillery 'Wrath'.
The second is the Kalthi Coordinator Aux-Replenishing Sub-Drone
with moderate shields and high regeneration that heals allies
with a long range Kalthi Aid.
The drones last 1 minute.
180.0 1666 8,000 0 Kalthi Armored Deployer inbuilt Can't remove, Requires 3 in Engineer Class
Corrupted Backstab Device 22
Corruption spreads insidiously. Translocates the user behind their target if their target is within 500 distance.
Corrupted Escape
Corrupted Cyborg Incision x8
30.0 70.8 1,000 10 106,207 50 260 Kalthi Depths AI drop Can be used 10 times.
Deployer Platform Device 22
Fabricate with nanites a couple of drones on demand.
Deploys a Destruction Drone and then a Replenishing Drone
1 second after to assist in combat.
120.0 5 10,000 0 Kalthi Deployer inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Deployer Weak Point Cover Up 22
Protect your friends! Give them some shields, too.
Activates an Anti-Graviton Shield.
After 1 second, grants all allied ships
within 500 range:
    +15% Resistance to All Damage for 5 seconds
    +100% Critical Resistance for 5 seconds
    +50% Shield Charge for 5 seconds
Additionally, inflicts upon the user:
    +35% Resistance to All Damage for 5 seconds
    -80% Speed for 5 second
    +Forced Thrust for 1 second
60.0 10 10,000 0 Kalthi Wrathful Deployer inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Divine Feet of adum 22
adum's feet move you.
Increases Thrust
Increases Speed
60.0 10 1,000 0 Divine Behemoth inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Electrified Defense Matrix 22
Reroute weapons power to the structural integrity field!
Grants to the user:
    +66% Max Shield for 5 minutes
    +50% Electric Tempering for 5 minutes
    +100% Hostility for 5 minutes
270.0 1 10,000 10 Electrified George Ohm drop
Energy Overcharger 22
Get them some energy, stat!
Increased Energy Charge
Lowers Rate of Fire
Lowers Shield Charge
40.0 50 100 1 Samgrahak'ayu inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Faded Warp Rift 22
Instant movement on demand
Does a Faded Translocator
10.0 100 10,000 1 Faded Delquadrikamdon inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Fighter Overdrive Blitz 22
A powerful field amplification that makes your little fighters rival whole armadas.
Disables your currently active field generator for 5 seconds.
Creates a 2,500 range radius amplification
field that affects only your own fighters,
granting a plethora of boons:
    +35% Range for 5 seconds
    +500% Radar for 5 seconds
    +65% Speed for 5 seconds
    +50% Turning for 5 seconds
    +50% Thrust for 5 seconds
    +75% Tracking for 5 seconds
    +50% Resistance to All Damage for 5 seconds
    +10% Evasion for 5 seconds
    +125% Damage for 5 seconds
    -40% Recoil for 5 seconds
Afterwards, all fighters that received the
buffs of the blitz will be inflicted with:
    +200% Recoil for 5 seconds
    -75% Speed for 5 seconds
    -200% Evasion for 5 seconds
60.0 2000 8,000 0 Kalthi Armored Commander inbuilt Can't remove, Requires 3 in Fleet Commander Class
Giga Shield Conversion Device 22
A powerful shield disruption blast, inverting and converting.
After a 3 second wind up, a massive blast with 1,000 range occurs,
dealing 50,000 Energy damage.
Enemies are inflicted with:
    -20% Shield Charge for 10 seconds
    -25% Damage for 10 seconds
Allies are granted:
    +25% Shield Charge for 10 seconds
    +25% Resistance to All Damage for 10 seconds
Also inflicts to the Shield Monkey when the blast occurs:
    -35% Shield Charge for 10 seconds
    -20% Shield max for 10 seconds
240.0 200 10,000 0 50 Kalthi Wrathful Deployer inbuilt Can't remove, Requires 3 in Shield Monkey Class
Gravity Well Stabilizer 22
Grasp and hold onto the fabric of space. Family sized!
Charges up for 2 seconds, then emits
a 750 range aura that inflicts:
+Forced Thrust
-99% Speed
Additionally grants +25% Energy Charge
for 30 seconds to the user when
the aura becomes active.
The aura lasts 10 seconds and affects
all Allies within range, including
you and fighters.
Afterwards, grants to all Allies
within 750 range:
+100% Thrust for 2 seconds
120.0 500 100 1 Voulge inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Harrier Dive 22
Fold your wings and dive!
Does a Harrier Wings x2
15.0 53.6 100 0 40,530 50.41 100 Harrier inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Healing Burst Device 22
Get them some healing, stat!
Alien Healing Burst x3
60.0 50 100 1 -100,000 750 Bhisajayu inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Hi-Speed Combat Probe 22
A Kalthi speed demon's best friend.
Deploys a small mobile drone with extremely high mobility factor.
The drone rapidly fires a weak 300 range laser that inflicts:
    -25% Beam resistance for 3 seconds
    -10% Damage for 3 seconds
The drone has a Warp Wake range of 1,000 range, and is moderately durable.
It is exceptional weak to Physical, but resistant to beams.
It also grants to allies within 150 range:
    +500% Radar
    -50% Visibility
The drone lasts 1 minute.
180.0 266 10,000 0 Kalthi Armored Stinger inbuilt Can't remove, Requires 3 in Speed Demon Class
Hull Regeneration 22
Launch alien microorganisms to reinvigorate your hull!
Bhisaj Varpratinu x6
30.0 100 100 1 Vaziayu inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Inherent Warrior Focus: Heart 22
Channel the heart of the Kalthi Warrior through your ship's systems, consuming shields to supercharge your energy. This focus module is built in, so another Focus can be equipped.
Inflicts upon the user:
    -Disables main weapons for 5 seconds.
    +500% Energy Charge for 5 seconds
    Loses 15% of current shields
After 5 seconds, grants:
    -20% Electric Tempering to
    all allies within 500 range
    for 10 seconds
The aura does not affect Capital Ships, but
does affect drones and fighters.
120.0 100 1 0 Kalthi Armored Warrior, Kalthi Warrior, Kalthi Wrathful Warrior inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Intangible Armor 22
Fade outside of reality. Greatly increases resists at the cost of damage and recovers shields
Electron Storm
30.0 200 10,000 1 Faded Delquadrikamdon inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Kalthi Armored Sanctuary 22
Powerful damage mitigation utilized by the most esteemed Kalthi Warriors.
After a 0.5 second delay, deploys a 600 diameter envelopment
with 750,000 shields that lasts 10 seconds.
15.0 300 10,000 0 Kalthi Armored Warrior inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Kalthi Blazing Engagement 22
Devastate armadas or chase down a foe with a unique Berserker engagement, the Kalthi way.
Inflicts upon the user:
    -100% Turning for 1 second
    -Grem immunity for 5 seconds
    -Critical effect immunity for 5 seconds
After a 1 second delay, grants the user:
    -50% Turning for 4 seconds
    +50% Resistance to All Damage for 4 seconds
    +300% Thrust for 4 seconds
    +250% Speed for 4 seconds
    +100 Speed for 4 seconds
    +Forced Thrust for 4 seconds
While rushing forward:
1) Spray bullets to the front and sides
that deal 2,500 heat damage and inflict:
    +1 Forced Left Turn for 3 seconds
    +1 Forced Thrust for 3 seconds
2) Create 350 radius range explosions
centered on the user that push enemies
away. Also deals heavy Physical AoE
damage around the user that inflicts
    -50% Range for 5 seconds and
    +2500 Visibilty for 5 seconds
to enemies hit.
At the end, you will forcibly slow down.
180.0 27.7 10,000 0 1,875,000 375 600 Kalthi Armored Warrior inbuilt Can't remove, Requires 3 in Berserker Class
Kalthi Burn 22
Set them all ablaze, and watch as they melt under your fury.
Inflicts upon the user:
    -75% Turning for 3 seconds.
    +100000% Recoil for 4 seconds.
After 3 seconds, fires a cone of Heat beams that inflict:
    -25% Heat resistance for 10 seconds in a 500 range radius
When the beams are fired, you cannot turn for 1 second.
Each beam deals 15,000 damage and fires in a 90 degree arc.
The beams have 3,000 range and are non-ethereal.
An additional beam is fired tracking your selected target.
120.0 300 10,000 0 510,000 14.16 3000 Kalthi Wrathful Commander inbuilt Can't remove, Requires 3 in Gunner Class
Kalthi Capital Repulsion Blast 22
A ship-centered explosion that pushes back enemies.
Releases a blast with 1,500 range radius.
The blast knocks back all foes and disables their engines for 3 seconds.
The blast itself deals a negligible amount of damage.
Temporarily grants the user:
    +80% Tracking for 10 seconds
    +50% Resistance to All Damage for 10 seconds
45.0 200 8,000 0 5,000 0.55 50 Kalthi Wrathful Commander inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Kalthi Dueling Sting 22
Deliver a crippling strike that gives you the upper hand.
After 1 second, fires a non-ethereal Energy beam forward that inflicts:
    -50% Turning for 3 seconds
    -50% Tracking for 3 seconds
    -30% Damage for 3 seconds
The beam has 90 degrees of tracking and 600 range.
45.0 66.6 10,000 0 60,000 20 600 Kalthi Armored Stinger inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Kalthi Hidden Dagger Sting 22
Cripple them, and turn the lights off.
After 1 second, fires an ethereal Energy beam forward that inflicts:
    -85% Turning for 3 seconds
    -35% Tracking for 3 seconds
    -75% Radar for 3 seconds
The beam has 45 degrees of tracking and 600 range.
90.1 333 10,000 0 120,000 4 600 Kalthi Wrathful Stinger inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Kalthi Sting 22
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. That's not a Kalthi saying, but it applies.
After 1 second, fires a non-ethereal Energy beam forward that inflicts:
    -25% Turning for 3 seconds
The beam has 45 degrees of tracking and 600 range.
90.1 66.6 10,000 0 60,000 10 600 Kalthi Stinger inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Kalthi Warrior Focus: Body 22
Reinforce your ship's systems by sacrificing your offensive abilities.
Inflicts upon the user:
    Disables main weapons for 5 seconds
    +500% Shield Charge for 5 seconds
    Immunity to Critical damage for 5 seconds
After 5 seconds, grants the user:
    -50% Vulnerability to Damage for 5 seconds
    -50% Speed for 5 seconds
120.0 100 1,000,000 50 Kalthi Warrior Focus Kalthi Warrior Focus: Body Blueprint Requires Heavy Fighter
Kalthi Warrior Focus: Heart 22
Channel the heart of the Kalthi Warrior through your ship's systems, consuming shields to supercharge your energy.
Inflicts upon the user:
    -Disables main weapons for 5 seconds.
    +750% Energy Charge for 5 seconds
    Lose 10% of current shields
After 5 seconds, grants:
    -30% Electric Tempering to 
    all allies within 500 range
    for 10 seconds
The aura does not affect Capital Ships, but
does affect drones and fighters.
120.0 100 1,000,000 50 Kalthi Warrior Focus Kalthi Warrior Focus: Heart Blueprint Requires Heavy Fighter
Kalthi Warrior Focus: Mind 22
Heighten the senses of your ship at the cost of efficiency.
Inflicts upon the user:
    +200% Radar for 15 seconds
    +50% Tracking for 15 seconds
    +50% Speed for 15 seconds
    +100% Thrust for 15 seconds
    +50% Range for 15 seconds
    +25% Electric Tempering for 15 seconds
Deploys a 1500 radius electron cloud with
very high illumination lasting 30 seconds.
120.0 100 1,000,000 50 Kalthi Warrior Focus Kalthi Warrior Focus: Mind Blueprint Requires Heavy Fighter
Mega Dangerous Dung Device 22
Dangerous dung goes Boom!
Does a Mega Dangerous Dung
30.0 33.3 10,000 25 Yes 50,000 50 5000 Mega Moe trade in at The Junkyard Neurobound
Nest Drone Device 22
Deploys an alien platform!
Does a Alien Nest Drone
300.0 106 100 1 Vaziayu inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Night Decoy Deployer 22
Deploy the Night Decoy!
Deploys a Decoy Ship
30.0 333 8,000 1 Silent Night inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Night Stalker 22
Creep in the night
Reduces Visibility
Reduces Damage
30.1 183 8,000 1 Silent Night inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Qua Uuu Qa 22
Qua Uuu. Kii!
Does a Uuu Qa Missile
10.0 1000 100 1 UrQa'qa Qu'ishi Qa inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Regenerative Burst Device 22
Overload your shielding systems!
Does a Alien Regenerative Burst
45.5 5.5 100 1 -319 400 Samgrahak'ayu inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Resistant 22
Diffusing impact from outer space.
Increases Resistances
Lowers Speed
60.0 100 10,000 0 Resistance inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
S4ND-B46 Combat System 22
Slide into the fire fight and lay down protection at the right moment.
Deploys 3 drones in quick succession that drift slightly.
Each drone boasts very high shields and a 250 range shield projector.
The shield strength scales very well with the ship.
Approximately 450 is the optimal speed to maximize area
coverage as well as prevent gaps between deployments.
The drones last 45 seconds.
180.0 250 10,000 0 Kalthi Armored Stinger inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Shield Overcharger 22
Overload your shielding systems!
-50% shield charge
Double Transference Power
60.2 16.6 100 1 Bhisajayu inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Spectral Attack 22
Spook your enemy or outright kill them. Starts with a targetable microwarp, then greatly increases rate of fire and fires projectiles decreasing enemy mobility
Faded Attack Translocator
Faded Assault Cannon x12
60.0 200 10,000 1 160,920 13.41 500 Faded Delquadrikamdon inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Subhatta Charge 22
Show 'em who's boss!
Does a Subhattarakta
30.1 8.3 100 1 Subhatt'ayu inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Telepathic Call 22
Calls alien reinforcements from the depths of subspace.
Does a Sahvitr'ayu Rahnti
30.0 33.3 100 1 Vacohar'ayu inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Twisted Essence 22
Hide under the layer of Twisted space.
Does a Twisted Space Opener
30.0 333 10,000 1 Adam's Karkh'ala Scythe, Twisted Vanguard inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Twisted Field Amplifying Device 22
Amplifies field generators by 300% and decreasing range to a maximum of 500 for 8 seconds.
Twisted Field Projector Amplification
30.0 3333 5,100 0 Field Amplifier Twisted Honey inbuilt Can't remove, Requires 1 in Fleet Commander Class
Twisted Mobile Bubble Drone Device 22
Deploy a defensive bubble drone to protect your ship with.
Does a Twisted Mobile Bubble Drone
60.0 150 22,000 0 Twisted Nikola Support Freighter inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Twisted Punch 22
Twisted way of greeting.
Twisted Energy Shunt
Twisted Fate of Death Burst x6
Raging Twisted Fate of Death Burst x6
18.0 111 2,000 1 100,000 50 300 Twisted Fate of Death inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Twisted Translocator 22
Get outta dodge!
Twisted Space Ripper
28.0 10 100 1 Adam's Karkh'ala Scythe, Twisted Vanguard inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Urqa Qua Ki Ki Qu 22
Urqa Qua Ki Ki Qu!
Explosive Ki Qu x3
30.0 333 8,000 1 300 0.03 2000 UrQa Vo'kii Uka Uu'Qa inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Voulge Charge Drone Device 22
An extension of the mobile fortress.
Deploys a stationary drone with
moderate shields and resistances.
It heals allies with a moderate range
Transference wand that grants:
+750 flat Energy Charge for 10 seconds
-10% Energy damage taken for 10 seconds
to allies healed.
The drone lasts 30 seconds.
60.0 150 17,000 170 Voulge inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Voulge Thruster 22
"For an immobile brick, you're pretty mobile." - Sgt. Oilheart
Grants immunity to Grem effects
for 10 seconds.
Inflicts upon the user:
-100% Turning for 2 seconds
After 2 seconds:
+50% Resistance to All Damage for 5 seconds
-95% Turning for 5 seconds
+200% Speed for 5 seconds
+600% Thrust for 5 seconds
+Forced Thrust for 5 seconds
60.0 150 100 1 Voulge inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Wrathful Commander's Fabricated Armada 22
Utilize a special Kalthi nano-fab in the ship's War Core to create some powerful fighters on demand.
Queues into a fighter bay 2 fighters with distinct properties:
    Kalthi Wrathful Brawling Fighter (9000 DPS):
        Fights your target with moderate shields and high damage.
        Uses a Radiation beam and a Heat pulse gun.
    Kalthi Wrathful Inhibiting Fighter (5500 DPS):
        Uses a 1500 range tractor to inflict -50% Speed and -25% Thrust.
        Has high shields and uses a Mining beam for damage.
Each uses 1 fighter slot for a total of 2, and last 1 minute.
60.0 700 10,000 0 Kalthi Wrathful Commander inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Wrathful Deployer Platform Device 22
Fabricate with nanites a couple of stronger drones on demand.
Deploys a Destruction Drone and then a Wrathful
Replenishing Drone 1 second after to assist in combat.
120.0 5 10,000 0 Kalthi Wrathful Deployer inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Wrathful Scouting Stinger Device 22
Launch a stealthy fighter. It's remote controlled, so you're not sending any pilots to their deaths.
Queues into a fighter bay a fast fighter with very low visibility.
It sports high radar and high evasion, but has low shields.
It is equipped with a 300 range laser that inflicts:
    +5800 Visibility for 3 seconds.
    -50% Tracking for 3 seconds.
The fighter deals 11839 DPS and lasts 1 minute.
90.0 300 10,000 0 Kalthi Wrathful Stinger inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Wrathful Snare Mine Device 22
Set a trap and prepare for the prey's ensnarement.
Deploys a Wrathful Snare Mine under your ship.
It is a stationary, low-visibility drone with
high shield bank but no damage resistances.
It cannot be healed by external sources.
The mine arms 10 seconds after deployment.
When an entity considered an enemy is within
500 range, the mine will emit debuff effects
in a 1000 range radius inflicting upon all
enemies within range with:
    -95% Speed for 1 second.
    -35% Resistance to damage for 1 second.
    +4500 Visibility for 1 second
    +Forced Thrust for 1 second
This effect pulses 10 times every second.
While active the mine gains very high damage
resistance but gradually drains shields
until it self-destructs after 10 seconds.
The drone has a lifespan of 10 minutes.
90.0 75 1,000 1 Kalthi Wrathful Warrior inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
All Hands On Deck 23
Keep your allies intact.
Warps you to the side of your target,
as long as they are within 2000 distance,
Upon arrival, you and allied drones within 750 distance are granted the following:
+100% Transference Power for 10 seconds
+100% Shield Recharge for 10 seconds
40.0 25 100 1 Pax Scutum inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Badger Blockade 23
Not a care in the world.
For 10 seconds:
+150% Thrust
+50% Speed
-50% Weight
-50% Vulnerability to Damage
30.0 100 1,000 0 Honey Badger inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Bisarme Blast 23
Rip and tear.
Fires 5 Area of Effect Mining Projectiles
On impact gives:
+150% Inertial Dampening
-50% Weight
40.0 150 10,000 1 150,000 25 2000 Bisarme inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Bisarme Bombard 23
Siege mode.
For 7 seconds:
+120% Tracking
-75% Inertial Dampening
+87.5% Damage
+50% Range
40.0 150 10,000 1 Bisarme inbuilt
Chelonic Call 23
Together, we are strong.
Grants to all allied fighters within 3,000 range:
+300% Hostility for 3 seconds
+300% Lifesteal for 3 seconds
-50% Recoil for 3 seconds
+84% Speed for 5 seconds
+60% Thrust for 5 seconds
+Forced Thrust for 5 seconds
40.0 1000 10,000 1 Crystalline Chelonia inbuilt Can't remove, Requires 3 in Flight Controller
Coalition Armanents 23
A very poor idea. For someone.
Inflicts upon the user:
+50% Resistance to All Damage for 5 seconds
+200% Projectile Speed for 5 seconds
-95% Speed for 5 seconds
+Forced Thrust for 1 second
Fires a series of frontal barrages of various effects, with
a 1 second delay between actions:
- Coalition Heavy Laser
- Coalition Heavy Laser, Coalition Rocket Artillery
- Coalition Heavy Laser
- Coalition Heavy Laser
- Coalition Heavy Laser, Coalition Rocket Artillery
The Coalition Heavy Laser is a non-ethereal Energy beam with
90 degrees of tracking, 2300 range, and deals heavy Energy
damage. It also inflicts -10% Resistance to each damage type for 5 seconds.
The Coalition Rocket Artillery is an 8-bullet Heat pulse
with 1750 range that inflicts -50% Turning for 5 seconds,
and also has a 100 range AoE blast on impact.
60.0 250 100 1 488,642 32.57 2300 Empyreal Eclipse inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Coalition Preventative Field Emitter 23
Temporary protection for many.
Inflicts upon the user:
+50% Speed for 5 seconds
-50% Rate of Fire for 5 seconds
-50% Shield Charge for 5 seconds
-80% Vulnerability to All for 5 seconds
+50% Electric Tempering for 5 seconds
Also pulses every second for the next 5 seconds
the following effects to all of your deployed drones within 500 range.
-50% Rate of Fire for 1 seconds
-50% Shield Charge for 1 seconds
-80% Vulnerability to All for 1 seconds
30.0 800 100 1 Empyreal Zenith inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Coalition Regenerative Field Emitter 23
Sacrifice your ship's system for your allies.
Inflicts upon the user:
+50% Speed for 5 seconds
-350,000 Shield Charge for 1 second
-13,333 Shield Charge for 5 seconds
+50% Electric Tempering for 5 seconds
Also pulses every second for the next 5 seconds
a beneficial effect to allies within 500 range.
+26,666 flat Shield Charge for 1 second
30.0 1200 100 1 Empyreal Zenith inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Combat Doctrine 23
Automated combat systems.
This superitem activates automatically when charged,
creating a cycle of effects that affect the ship.
Upon activation, initially, grants the user:
+100% Electric Tempering for 10 seconds.
After 10 seconds, the user gains:
+33% Shield Charge for 10 seconds
+50% Transference Power for 10 seconds
After another 10 seconds, the user gains:
-25% Recoil for 10 seconds
+25% Transference Efficiency for 10 seconds
30.0 1 100 1 Empyreal Apex inbuilt Can't remove
Commanding Blockade 23
Defend yourself and your allies.
Activates an aura, granting to yourself
and allies within 375 range:
+33% Resistance to All Damage for 5 seconds
The aura does not affect drones or fighters.
Also inflicts upon the user:
+50% Recoil for 5 seconds
Also activates a 750 diameter envelopment
with 1,500,000 shields for 5 seconds.
45.0 250 100 1 Empyreal Aelia inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Commanding Spirit 23
Lead your allies.
Activates an aura, granting to yourself
and allies within 500 range:
+100% Projectile Speed for 5 seconds
+200% Tracking for 5 seconds
The aura does not affect drones or fighters.
30.0 200 3,900 39 Empyreal Saros inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Core Overload 23
Overload the Celestial Core and release some of its power.
Inflicts -250,000 Shield Charge for 1 second.
Grants to the user:
    +50% Resistance to All Damage for 10 seconds
    +33% Speed for 10 seconds
    +50% Thrust for 10 seconds
    +200% Hostility for 10 seconds
    75% Resistance to Transference for 10 seconds
    +5,000 flat Energy Charge for 10 seconds
30.0 1 100 1 Empyreal Eclipse inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Crystalline Barrage 23
Cut their engines.
Translocates the user behind their target if their target is within 2500 distance.
Fires 4 Crystalline MagCannons.
On projectile hit, applies -60% Speed for 10 seconds.
30.0 250 1,000 10 150,000 20 2100 Crystalline Shard inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Crystalline Shell 23
Defenses activate!
Upon use for 6 seconds:
+50% Shield Charge
+100% Weight
+50% Energy Charge
-33% Vulnerability to Damage
30.0 150 1,000 10 Crystalline Chelonia, Crystalline Shard inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Fallen Rapid Relocator 23
Rapidly traverse space!
Activates a microwarper with 1250 max distance.
Gain 50% resists for 2 seconds
10.0 800 10,000 1 Ruined Haraka, Ruined Kuhani, Ruined Shujaa inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Fallen Shelling Focus 23
Fire at a distance
Gain these effects for 6 seconds:
-30% Electric Tempering
+50% Projectile Velocity
+50% Range
+90% Damage
40.0 150 10,000 1 Ruined Haraka, Ruined Shujaa inbuilt
Focused Frenzy 23
Do not fight for victory, fight for peace.
Imparts the following effects to
your fighters within 3,000 range:
-33% Range for 10 seconds
-60% Recoil for 10 seconds
+50% Resistance to Damage for 10 seconds
+100% Thrust for 10 seconds
30.0 3000 500,000 1 Pax Spatha inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Forerunner's Shelling Focus 23
Bombard at a distance
Gain these effects for 6 seconds to self and your drones within 1000 distance:
-30% Electric Tempering
+50% Projectile Velocity
+50% Range
+90% Damage
30.0 150 10,000 1 Ruined Kuhani inbuilt
Inferior Foundries 23
Activates the internal foundries to create three fighter buffing dronesS
Inflicts upon the user:
    -50% Speed for 5 seconds
    -50,000 flat Shield Charge for 1 second
After 5 seconds, deploys 3 Coalition Automated Platforms
that deal low damage with a Titan Laser and emit
an aura that grants:
    +66% Damage within 2000 range to fighters only
The drones last 1 minute.
For each drone, the 30 and 60 second marks of the drone's
lifetime, it will activate a Coalition Mine Blast that deals
250,000 Energy damage to enemies within 300 range and
deal a significant amount of damage to the drone itself.
When the drone reaches under 25% shields, it will activate
one last Coalition Mine Blast and destroy itself.
180.0 6.6 100 1 Empyreal Noctis inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Interception Order 23
Catch up and destroy.
Activates a microwarper that transports you
1,000 range in the direction your ship is facing.
1 second after the microwarp occurs, activates
a tweak that grants the user:
-80% Resistance to All Damage for 1 second
+100% Thrust for 1 second
-33% Recoil for 1 second
30.0 400 3,900 39 Empyreal Perihelion inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Masala Blend 23
Spice things up a bit.
For 7 seconds:
-55% Recoil
-33% Range
-45% Vulnerability to Damage
-50% Weight
+50% Speed
40.0 150 10,000 1 Masala inbuilt
Masala Magic 23
We're here now!
Warps in front of the target, up to 2500 range.
40.0 150 10,000 1 Masala inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Matriarchal Blessing 23
Bless the chosen.
Gain these effects for 12 seconds at 650 range
+100% Speed and Thrust for you and your allies
+100% Trans Power for your allies
60.0 200 3,900 39 Cybernetic Nullifier Shell, Resplendent Nullifier Shell inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Matriarchal Fortification Bypasser 23
Nothing is safe.
Lose 10% of current shields.
Fires 7 pulse guns with heavy knockback to 1200 range
    Apply -100% Thrust for 2 seconds on impact
Also applies +200 speed to the target for 4s. Applies self knockback
12.0 500 3,900 39 161,231 26.87 1200 Cybernetic Nullifier Shell, Resplendent Nullifier Shell inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Matriarchal Overwhelming Fury 23
Defend your allies by causing extinction.
Lose 35% of current shields.
Gain these effects for 10 seconds:
+50% turning and thrust
+100% damage
-20% recoil
60.0 200 3,900 39 Cybernetic Nullifier Edge, Cybernetic Nullifier Shell, Resplendent Nullifier Shell inbuilt Can't remove
Matriarchal Pulse Cannon 23
Fires 3 waves of heat Projectiles
Inflicts -90% Speed and Forced Thrust on impact for 2 seconds
60.0 100 3,900 39 150,000 25 1800 Cybernetic Nullifier Edge inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Matriarchal Vigor 23
Run them down.
Gain these effects for 12 seconds at 650 range
+100% Speed for you and your Allies
+50% Crit Resist for you and your Allies
+200% Weight for your Enemies
-50% Tracking for your Enemies		
60.0 200 3,900 39 Cybernetic Nullifier Edge inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Nanotech Enhancing Beam 23
Power up an ally.
Instantly fires a 2,500 range ethereal Transference beam
with 90 degrees of tracking with low potency.
It inflicts upon the target:
+50% Shield Charge for 5 seconds
-25% Electric Tempering for 5 seconds
+33% Damage for 5 seconds
25.0 1000 100 1 -500 2500 Empyreal Apex inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Onslaught Prioritization 23
Switches engine power to weapon power.
Inflicts upon the user:
-80% Speed for 5 seconds
+200% Projectile Speed for 5 seconds
+Forced Thrust for 1 second
After 1 second, fires a fast Energy pulse straight
forward with no tracking. When it hits a target,
an aura is applied to the target.
The aura inflicts upon enemies of the target:
-50% Recoil for 3 seconds within 300 range
-25% Recoil for 3 seconds within 750 range
The aura does not affect drones or fighters.
45.0 200 3,900 39 88,119 9.79 1850 Empyreal Perihelion inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Operative's Cascade 23
An Operative can predict the precise locations where their enemies are the weakest.
Fires a circle of non-ethereal beams that inflict:
    -25% Surgical resistance for 10 seconds
    -50% Transference vulnerability for 10 seconds
When the beams are firing you cannot turn.
30.2 116 10,000 0 200,000 57.14 1500 Pax Gladius inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Operative's Desolator 23
An Operative is always ready to lay waste to their enemy.
After a 2 second delay, fires a 2000 range non-ethereal
beam that alternates between damage and debuffs.
The debuff beam injects a stackable Nanite that imparts:
-5% Resistance to Damage for 15 seconds
60.0 1666 100 1 1,000,000 10 2000 Pax Spatha inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Operative's Nook 23
An Operative always keeps something in reserve
Gain -60% Recoil and -25% Speed for 15 seconds
Activate 3 warheads that pull enemies in 1000
range towards you.
Then gain +50% Recoil for 15 seconds
30.0 833 8,000 1 400,000 16 1 Pax Pugio inbuilt Can't remove
Operative's Salvation 23
Covert protection.
Activates a neurotweak which grants the user:
-66% Incoming Damage for 5 seconds
+100% Shield Recharge for 5 seconds
30.0 1 1 1 Pax Gladius, Pax Pugio, Pax Scutum, Pax Spatha inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Operative's Supportive Injector 23
Inject your allies with a powerful nanite, decreasing their Speed but increasing ther Critical Hit Strength.
Fires a full tracking beam at your ally that
injects a Nanite with the following bonuses:
45% Critical Hit Strength for 60 seconds
-15% Speed for 60 seconds
15.0 1000 1 1 -15 500 Pax Scutum inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Overwhelming Darkness 23
Concealing and protective darkness for you. Destructive darkness for others.
Activates a 500 range aura with separate effects.
Affecting yourself and allies:
+25% Resistance to Beam for 5 seconds
-80% Visibility for 5 seconds
Affecting enemies:
-15% Resistance to Beam for 5 seconds
-33% Turning for 5 seconds
30.0 200 3,900 39 Empyreal Aphelion inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Quantum Barrage 23
Eliminate threats before they become threats.
Fire two cones of pulses in front of your ship,
injecting a Nanite that does the following:
-50% Speed for 10 seconds
-50% Thrust for 10 seconds
-50% Turning for 10 seconds
40.0 25 20,000 1 100,000 100 1000 Pax Pugio inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Rapid Repositioner 23
Redirects weapon power to engines.
Grants to allies within 500 range:
+33% Speed for 5 seconds
Also inflicts upon the user:
-33% Resistance to All Damage for 5 seconds
+100% Speed for 5 seconds
+50% Thrust for 5 seconds
-25% Damage for 10 seconds
10.0 500 3,900 39 Empyreal Saros inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Reckless Charge 23
A tempting red button.
Inflicts upon the user:
+33% Resistance to All Damage for 5 seconds
+50% Speed for 5 seconds
+50% Thrust for 5 seconds
-33% Recoil for 5 seconds
+200% Hostility for 5 seconds
+Forced Thrust for 5 seconds
During this tweak, the ship charges forward and fires
Energy pulses forward that deal light damage and
have a very light negative knockback force.
This charge ends when the tweak effecte expire
Unleashes a blast, inflicting upon enemies within 500 range:
-33% Speed for 4 seconds
-33% Resistance to All Damage for 4 seconds
-33% Thrust for 4 seconds
-33% Turning for 4 seconds
30.0 250 100 1 188,642 25.15 600 Empyreal Aelia inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Redbeard's Charge 23
The Captain prefered a more direct approach.
Actions: Upon activation
the user is granted:
    +25% Damage for 7.5 seconds.
    -50% Vulnerability to All for 7.5 seconds.
    +300 Speed for 7.5 seconds
    Forced Thrust for 8 seconds
    -50% Speed for 2.5 seconds after 7.5 seconds.
30.1 166 100 1 Redbeard's Rogue inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Redbeard's Temporal Tricks 23
Redbeard figured out how to turn pain into pleasure.
This superitem does not charge normally.
It only charges from damage that the user takes. 
Upon activation, the user is granted:
    -50% Electric Tempering for 10 seconds
    +100% Turning for 10 seconds
    +100% Thrust for 10 seconds
After a delay, unleashes damaging blast which inflicts the following upon nearby enemies:
    -25% Transference Vulnerability for 3 seconds
    Warp Interdiction for 3 seconds
16980.0 58.9 100 1 1,000,000 1 250 1 Redbeard's Rogue inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Rift Opener 23
Warp to them.
Attempts a backstab microwarp with 1,500 range,
placing you 200 distance behind your target.
After 1 second, Activates an Anti-Graviton Shield.
30.0 200 3,900 39 Empyreal Aphelion inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Ruined Haraka Burst 23
Tear them apart.
Fires Haraka Beam x 4.
On hit, applies -90% Turning for 5 seconds.
30.0 300 3,900 39 300,000 33.33 1000 Ruined Haraka inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Ruined Kuhani Barrage 23
Destroy them all.
Fires Kuhani Torpedoes x 5 in a cone forward.
On projectile hit, applies -40% Range for 8 seconds.
30.0 300 3,900 39 275,000 30.55 3000 Ruined Kuhani inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Ruined Shujaa Cannon 23
Demolish at range.
Fires Shujaa Cannons x 3
On projectile hit, applies -20% Mining Resistance for 5 seconds.
30.0 300 3,900 39 270,000 30 1500 Ruined Shujaa inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped
Temporal Field Emitter 23
Turn the space around your foe into an opportunity.
Charges up for 1.5 seconds before firing a 90 degree tracking
non-ethereal Energy beam that applies an aura
to the target.
Allies of the target including the target are afflicted with:
-25% Speed within 50 range for 5 seconds
-25% Thrust within 50 range for 5 seconds
Enemies of the target are granted:
+50% Speed within 750 range for 5 seconds
+50% Turning within 750 range for 5 seconds
-33% Recoil within 750 range for 5 seconds
45.0 400 100 1 12,618 0.7 2000 Empyreal Noctis inbuilt Can't unequip, Can't remove, Size 0 when equipped
Withering Volley 23
Sometimes force is the only thing available to you.
Fire two volleys of projectiles in front of your ship,
injecting a Nanite that does the following:
-20% Resistance to Damage for 10 seconds
-20% Critical Resistance for 10 seconds
40.0 25 20,000 1 100,000 100 2000 Pax Gladius inbuilt Can't unequip, Size 0 when equipped

Blocker Tweaks

Blocker Tweaks
Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Source Restrictions
Simple Blockade 2
Deflect Incoming Ouchies.
Grants to the user:
    -66.67% Vulnerability to all Damage for 2 seconds
    -66.67% Shield Charge for 2 seconds
    +50% Recoil for 2 seconds
20.0 25 100 1 Blocker Tweak Simple Blockade Blueprint
Blockade 10
Deflect Incoming Ouchies.
Grants to the user:
    -85.71% Vulnerability to all Damage for 2 seconds
    -66.67% Shield Charge for 2 seconds
    +50% Recoil for 2 seconds
20.0 50 100 1 Blocker Tweak Blockade Blueprint
Advanced Blockade 18
Deflect Incoming Ouchies.
Grants to the user:
    -97.4% Vulnerability to all Damage for 2 seconds
    -66.67% Shield Charge for 2 seconds
    +50% Recoil for 2 seconds
20.0 100 100 1 Blocker Tweak Advanced Blockade Blueprint

Damage Tweaks

Damage Tweaks
Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Damage DPE Range Source Restrictions
Tiny Power Smash 2
Gather your power, by smashing things.
Grants to the user:
    After 3 seconds, +10% Damage for 1.5 seconds
20.0 125 100 1 Damage Tweak Tiny Power Smash Blueprint
Quick Onslaught 5
Better finish them off.
Grants to the user:
    -19.82% Recoil for 2 seconds
20.0 100 100 1 Damage Tweak Quick Onslaught Blueprint
Small Power Smash 6
Gather your power, by smashing things.
Grants to the user:
    After 3 seconds, +20% Damage for 2.5 seconds
20.0 250 100 1 Damage Tweak Small Power Smash Blueprint
Power Smash 10
Gather your power, by smashing things.
Grants to the user:
    After 3 seconds, +30% Damage for 3.5 seconds
20.0 500 100 1 Damage Tweak Power Smash Blueprint
Rapid Onslaught 12
Better finish them off.
Grants to the user:
    -33.3% Recoil for 2 seconds
20.0 200 100 1 Damage Tweak Rapid Onslaught Blueprint
Vapid Onslaught 13
Better finish them off.
Grants to the user:
    -46.15% Recoil for 2 seconds
    +100 flat Energy Charge for 1 second
20.0 400 100 1 Damage Tweak Vapid Onslaught Blueprint
Power Smash Z 14
Gather your power, by smashing things.
Grants to the user:
    After 3 seconds, +40% Damage for 3.75 seconds
20.0 750 100 1 Damage Tweak Power Smash Z Blueprint
Power Smash GT 18
Gather your power, by smashing things.
Grants to the user:
    After 3 seconds, +50% Damage for 6 seconds
20.0 1000 100 1 Damage Tweak Power Smash GT Blueprint
Aptitude Doughnut 19
Power up with awesomeness.
Grants to the user:
    +4,200 flat Thrust for 6 seconds
    +340,000 flat Turning for 6.5 seconds
    +400% Turning for 6.5 seconds
    +Forced Thrust for 6 seconds
    +Forced Left Turn for 6.5 seconds
    After 6.5 seconds, -26.09% Recoil for 6 seconds
20.0 50 100 1 Damage Tweak Aptitude Doughnut Blueprint
Swifty-Spry Onslaught 19
Better finish them off.
Grants to the user:
    -57.14% Recoil for 2 seconds
    +150 flat Energy Charge for 1 second
20.0 500 100 1 Damage Tweak Swifty-Spry Onslaught Blueprint
Nightfury Focus Generator 21
Focus. Strike. Feast.
Grants to the user:
    Critical hit effect immunity for 3 seconds
    +100% Tracking for 6 seconds
    +30% Range for 6 seconds
    +50% Damage for 6 seconds
40.0 100 100,000 10 Damage Tweak RNF/BNF drop
Nightfury Rage Generator 21
Angry Dragon, Fleeing Tiger
Grants to the user:
    +30% Speed for 6 seconds
    -25% Recoil for 6 seconds
    +25% Damage for 6 seconds
    +10% Resistance to all Damage for 6 seconds
40.0 100 100,000 10 Damage Tweak RNF/BNF drop
Kalthi Railgun Protocol 22
Take on the persona of a Kalthi Sniper. Lock down a target and then massively amplify your weapon systems at the cost of mobility.
Fires a 3000 range projectile at your target, knocking you backward.
Inflicts upon the target:
    -95% Speed for 3 seconds
    +Forced Thrust for 3 seconds
After 1 second, locks you in place and grant
    +150% Damage for 5 seconds
    +75% Recoil for 5 seconds
    -30% Tracking for 5 seconds
    +100% Projectile Velocity for 5 seconds
    -50% Turning for 5 seconds
    -100% Speed for 5 seconds
10.0 2250 52,000 0 Damage Tweak 7,849 0.34 3000 Kalthi Wrathful Warrior inbuilt Can't remove, Requires 3 in Ranger Class

Energy Regen Tweaks

Energy Regen Tweaks
Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Source Restrictions
Ion Appletini 0
A pleasant energy boost.
Grants to the user:
    +60 flat Energy Charge for 6 seconds
Replenishes a total of 360 energy.
20.0 0.5 100 10 Energy Regen Tweak Ion Appletini Blueprint
Rejuvenating Warmth 1
A small rejuvenating boost for a loooong time.
Grants to the user:
    +14 flat Energy Charge for 1 minute and 36 seconds
    -18.18% Hostility for 1 minute and 36 seconds
Replenishes a total of 1,344 energy.
20.0 0.5 100 10 Energy Regen Tweak Rejuvenating Warmth Blueprint
Ion Deliverance 3
A pleasant energy boost.
Grants to the user:
    +80 flat Energy Charge for 7 seconds
Replenishes a total of 560 energy.
20.0 0.5 100 15 Energy Regen Tweak Ion Deliverance Blueprint
Rejuvenating Warmer Warmth 4
A small rejuvenating boost for a loooong time.
Grants to the user:
    +20 flat Energy Charge for 1 minute and 52 seconds
    -18.18% Hostility for 1 minute and 52 seconds
Replenishes a total of 2,240 energy.
20.0 0.5 100 20 Energy Regen Tweak Rejuvenating Warmer Warmth Blueprint
Ion Reawakening 6
A pleasant energy boost.
Grants to the user:
    +130 flat Energy Charge for 8 seconds
Replenishes a total of 1,040 energy.
20.0 0.5 100 15 Energy Regen Tweak Ion Reawakening Blueprint
Rejuvenating Warmy Warmth 7
A small rejuvenating boost for a loooong time.
Grants to the user:
    +32 flat Energy Charge for 2 minutes and 8 seconds
    -18.18% Hostility for 2 minutes and 8 seconds
Replenishes a total of 1,440 energy.
20.0 0.5 100 1 Energy Regen Tweak Rejuvenating Warmy Warmth Blueprint
Maniacal Rebirth 9
Gain energy by sacrificing a puppy.
Grants to the user:
    +160 flat Energy Charge for 9 seconds
Replenishes a total of 1,440 energy.
20.0 4.5 100 1 Energy Regen Tweak Maniacal Rebirth Blueprint
Sacrificial Rehabilitation 9
Gain energy by sacrificing a puppy.
Grants to the user:
    +160 flat Energy Charge for 9 seconds
Replenishes a total of 1,440 energy.
20.0 4.5 100 1 Energy Regen Tweak Sacrificial Rehabilitation Blueprint
RDD Dynamo 10
Drones at your service.
Grants to the user:
    +400 flat Energy Charge for 6.5 seconds
    +4000 flat Max Energy for 13 seconds
Replenishes a total of 2,600 energy.
20.0 4.5 100 1 Energy Regen Tweak RDD Dynamo Blueprint Requires 1 in Drone Mastery
Lasting Reserves 12
For these long days out in the cold, cold empty space.
Grants to the user:
    +200 flat Energy Charge for 8 seconds
Replenishes a total of 1,600 energy.
20.0 4.5 100 1 Energy Regen Tweak Lasting Reserves Blueprint Requires 1 in Berserker Class
Melting Warmth 13
A small boost for a loooong time.
Grants to the user:
    +56 flat Energy Charge for 2 minutes and 24 seconds
    -18.18% Hostility for 2 minutes and 24 seconds
Replenishes a total of 8,064 energy.
20.0 4.5 100 1 Energy Regen Tweak Melting Warmth Blueprint
Sacrificial Rejuvenation 15
Gain more energy by sacrificing a cat.
Grants to the user:
    +180 flat Energy Charge for 10 seconds
Replenishes a total of 1,800 energy.
20.0 4.5 100 1 Energy Regen Tweak Sacrificial Rejuvenation Blueprint
Satanic Rejuvenation 15
Gain more energy by sacrificing a cat.
Grants to the user:
    +180 flat Energy Charge for 10 seconds
Replenishes a total of 1,800 energy.
20.0 4.5 100 1 Energy Regen Tweak Satanic Rejuvenation Blueprint
Colossal Warmth 16
A small boost for a loooong time.
Grants to the user:
    +76 flat Energy Charge for 2 minutes and 40 seconds
    -18.18% Hostility for 2 minutes and 40 seconds
Replenishes a total of 12,160 energy.
20.0 4.5 100 1 Energy Regen Tweak Colossal Warmth Blueprint
Sacrificial Deliverance 18
Gain the most energy by sacrificing 2 cats.
Grants to the user:
    +200 flat Energy Charge for 12 seconds
Replenishes a total of 2,400 energy.
20.0 4.5 100 1 Energy Regen Tweak Sacrificial Deliverance Blueprint
Satanic Deliverance 18
Gain the most energy by sacrificing 2 cats.
Grants to the user:
    +200 flat Energy Charge for 12 seconds
Replenishes a total of 2,400 energy.
20.0 4.5 100 1 Energy Regen Tweak Satanic Deliverance Blueprint
Apollo's Glow 20
The power of a sun, in your hands!
Grants to the user:
    +126 flat Energy Charge for 4 minutes
    +4,000 flat Max Energy for 15 seconds
    After 15 seconds, +2,000 flat Max Energy for 15 seconds
    After 30 seconds, +1,000 flat Max Energy for 15 seconds
Replenishes a total of 30,240 energy.
20.0 4.5 100 1 Energy Regen Tweak Apollo's Glow Blueprint

Envelope Devices

Envelope Devices
Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Source Restrictions
Capital Kalthi Envelope Device 22
Deploys a Capital Kalthi Envelope
with 100000 shields. It lasts 5
seconds and cannot be damaged by
you and your allies.
15.0 666 17,000 200 Envelope Device Capital Kalthi Envelope Device Blueprint Requires Capital Ship
Capital Lunarian Envelope Device 22
Deploys a Capital Lunarian Envelope
with 150000 shields. It lasts
5 seconds and cannot be damaged
by you and your allies.
15.0 800 17,000 225 Envelope Device Capital Lunarian Envelope Device Blueprint Requires Capital Ship
Capital Selenite Envelope Device 22
Deploys a Capital Selenite Envelope
with 200000 shields. It lasts 5
seconds and cannot be damaged by
you and your allies.
15.0 933 17,000 250 Envelope Device Capital Selenite Envelope Device Blueprint Requires Capital Ship
Damaged Kalthi Envelope Device 22
Deploys a Damaged Kalthi Envelope
with 50000 shields. It lasts 4
seconds and cannot be damaged by
you and your allies.
15.0 133 17,000 80 Envelope Device Kalthi Depths AI drop
Kalthi Envelope Device 22
Deploys a Kalthi Envelope with
100000 shields. It lasts 5
seconds and cannot be damaged by
you and your allies.
15.0 133 17,000 125 Envelope Device Kalthi Envelope Device Blueprint
Lunarian Envelope Device 22
Deploys a Lunarian Envelope with
150000 shields. It lasts 5
seconds and cannot be damaged by
you and your allies.
15.0 266 17,000 150 Envelope Device Lunarian Envelope Device Blueprint
Selenite Envelope Device 22
Deploys a Selenite Envelope with
200000 shields. It lasts 5
seconds and cannot be damaged by
you and your allies.
15.0 400 17,000 175 Envelope Device Selenite Envelope Device Blueprint

Shield Regen (and Bank) Tweaks

Shield Regen (and Bank) Tweaks
Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Source Restrictions
Shield Lotion 0
Temporarily raises the spirits of your shields.
Grants to the user:
    +40 flat Shield Charge for 12 seconds
Replenishes a total of 480 shields.
20.0 4.5 100 1 Shield Regen Tweak Shield Lotion Blueprint
Shield Warden 4
Feel healthy again.
Grants to the user:
    +160 flat Shield Charge for 10 seconds
Replenishes a total of 1,600 shields.
20.0 4.5 100 1 Shield Regen Tweak Shield Warden Blueprint
Tycoon Shield Salvation 5
Consumed in massive quantities.
Grants to the user:
    +200 flat Shield Charge for 12 seconds
Replenishes a total of 2,400 shields.
20.0 4.5 100 1 Shield Regen Tweak Tycoon Shield Salvation Blueprint Requires 1 in Support Focus
Shield Alchemy 6
Feel healthy again, no energy required.
Grants to the user:
    +666 flat Shield Charge for 6 seconds
    -66.67% Damage for 6 seconds
Replenishes a total of 3,996 shields.
20.0 4.5 100 1 Shield Regen Tweak Shield Alchemy Blueprint
Shield Anaesthetic 9
Feel healthy again.
Grants to the user:
    +800 flat Shield Charge for 10 seconds
Replenishes a total of 8,000 shields.
20.0 4.5 100 1 Shield Regen Tweak Shield Anaesthetic Blueprint
Insto Shield Twist 11
Feel healthy again, what a twist!
Grants to the user:
    +2,000 flat Shield Charge for 3.5 seconds
Replenishes a total of 7,000 shields.
20.0 25 100 1 Shield Regen Tweak Insto Shield Twist Blueprint
Shield Application 13
Grants to the user:
    +2,000 flat Shield Charge for 12 seconds
Replenishes a total of 24,000 shields.
20.0 12.5 100 1 Shield Regen Tweak Shield Application Blueprint
Insto Shield Twist 2 15
Feel healthy again, what a twist!
Grants to the user:
    +9,000 flat Shield Charge for 4 seconds
Replenishes a total of 36,000 shields.
20.0 50 100 1 Shield Regen Tweak Insto Shield Twist 2 Blueprint
Shield Plaster 17
Feel healthy again.
Grants to the user:
    +4,000 flat Shield Charge for 12.5 seconds
Replenishes a total of 50,000 shields.
20.0 25 100 1 Shield Regen Tweak Shield Plaster Blueprint
Tycoon Shield Poltice 18
Consumed in massive quantities.
Grants to the user:
    +6,000 flat Shield Charge for 12 seconds
Replenishes a total of 72,000 shields.
20.0 125 100 1 Shield Regen Tweak Tycoon Shield Poltice Blueprint Requires 1 in Support Focus
Insto Shield Twist 3 19
Feel healthy again, what a twist!!
Grants to the user:
    +12,000 flat Shield Charge for 5 seconds
Replenishes a total of 60,000 shields.
20.0 75 100 1 Shield Regen Tweak Insto Shield Twist 3 Blueprint
Shade Shield Tweak 19
Use the forces of darkness to cover your shield.
Grants to the user:
    +10,000 flat Shield Charge for 5 seconds
    -50% Visibility for 5 seconds
Replenishes a total of 50,000 shields.
20.0 50 100 1 Shield Regen Tweak Shade Shield Tweak Blueprint
Super Shield Service 20
Feel serviceably healthy again.
Grants to the user:
    +8,000 flat Shield Charge for 10 seconds
Replenishes a total of 80,000 shields.
20.0 250 100 1 Shield Regen Tweak Super Shield Service Blueprint
Palatial Protection 23
Ooh, this feels expensive.
For 10 seconds:
+66% Shield Regeneration 
-10% Vulnerability to Damage
40.0 200 100,000 25 Shield Regen Tweak Kalthi Depths DG drop

Combat Focus

Combat Focus
Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Damage DPE Range Elec/Dam Charging Source Restrictions
Combat Focus Defensive Device 1
Easier to focus on combat with improved defenses
Does a Combat Focus Drone
60.0 15 15,000 10 Lyceum: Locus of Combat Requires 1 in Combat Focus


Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Damage DPE Range Elec/Dam Charging Source Restrictions
Berserker Engagement Device 3
Get in there and grab 'em!
Increases Thrust
Increases Speed
Increases Critical Resistance
Does Engagement Warhead
30.0 66.6 5,000 15 Engagement Device 250 0.12 500 Lyceum: Berserker Halls Requires 1 in Berserker Class
Shield Redistribution Device 9
From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs...
Increases Lifesteal
Stops Incoming Healing
Increases Resistance
30.0 50 9,000 15 Shield Redistribution Device Lyceum: Berserker Halls Requires 1 in Berserker Class
Reactive Hull Explosion 13
Blow up in their faces.
Increases Hostility
Does Berserker Flak Cannon x12
60.0 100 1,500 15 Reactive Hull Explosion 19,912 3.31 240 0.5 Lyceum: Berserker Halls Requires 1 in Berserker Class
Enraged Engagement Device 17
Get in there and grab 'em!
Increases Thrust
Increases Speed
Increases Critical Resistance
Does Engagement Warhead
30.1 226 17,000 30 Engagement Device 350 0.05 500 Lyceum: Berserker Halls Requires 1 in Berserker Class
Enraged Shield Redistribution Device 20
From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs...
Increases Lifesteal
Stops Incoming Healing
Increases Resistance
30.2 116 20,000 30 Shield Redistribution Device Lyceum: Berserker Halls Requires 1 in Berserker Class
Enraged Reactive Hull Explosion 22
Blow up in their faces.
Increases Hostility
Does Berserker Flak Cannon x12
60.2 216 5,100 30 Reactive Hull Explosion 55,350 4.25 240 0.5 Lyceum: Berserker Halls Requires 1 in Berserker Class


Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Damage DPE Range Elec/Dam Charging Source Restrictions
Flak Device 5
Fill space with shrapnel.
Sniper Flak Cannon x8
Flak Effect
60.0 80 1,500 15 Flak Device 3,700 0.77 440 Lyceum: Sniper's Armoury Requires 1 in Sniper Class
Spotter Device 9
Deploy's a mobile drone with an aura.
Increases Rate of Fire
Debuffs Enemies
120.0 58.3 1,500 15 Spotter Device Lyceum: Sniper's Armoury Requires 1 in Sniper Class
Sniper Blind Device 13
Deploy's a Drone with an aura.
Increases Damage
Increases Radar
Reduces Tracking
Reduces Visibility
300.0 23.3 3,900 15 Sniper's Blind Lyceum: Sniper's Armoury Requires 1 in Sniper Class
Skilled Flak Device 17
Fill space with shrapnel.
Sniper Flak Cannon x8
Skilled Flak Effect
60.0 300 5,100 30 Flak Device 33,400 1.85 440 Lyceum: Sniper's Armoury Requires 1 in Sniper Class
Skilled Spotter Device 20
Deploy's a mobile drone with an aura.
Increases Rate of Fire
Debuffs Enemies
120.0 90 5,100 30 Spotter Device Lyceum: Sniper's Armoury Requires 1 in Sniper Class
Skilled Sniper Blind Device 22
Deploy's a Drone with an aura that increases Damage by 33%, and Radar by 200%. Tracking is reduced by 99%, and Visibility is reduced by 66%.
Increases Damage
Increases Radar
Reduces Tracking
Reduces Visibility
300.0 30 6,600 30 Sniper's Blind Lyceum: Sniper's Armoury Requires 1 in Sniper Class

Fleet Focus

Fleet Focus
Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Damage DPE Range Source Restrictions
Forward Operating Base Deployment Device 1
Deploy a temporary FOB to support your fleet
Forward Operating Base
45.0 20 15,000 10 Lyceum: Locus of Fleet Requires 1 in Fleet Focus

Fleet Commander

Fleet Commander
Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Damage DPE Range Source Restrictions
Commander's Defensive Protocol 8
Reinforce your fighters with special command.
Grants to all allied fighters within 1,000 range:
    +25% Resistance to Damage for 10 seconds
    +80% Shield Charge for 10 seconds
30.0 333 10,000 25 Defensive Protocol Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 1 in Flight Controller
Commander's Offensive Protocol 9
Bolster your fighters with special command.
Grants to all allied fighters within 1,000 range:
    +60% Damage for 7.5 seconds
    +25% Radar for 7.5 seconds
30.0 333 10,000 25 Offensive Protocol Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 1 in Flight Controller
Dirty Bomb Device 9
Set them up the bomb.
Dirty Bomb
300.0 13.9 1,500 15 Dirty Bomb 180 Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 1 in Fleet Commander Class
Commander's Flanking Protocol 10
Maneuver your fighters with special command.
Grants to all allied fighters within 1,000 range:
    +60% Speed for 5 seconds
    +30% Thrust for 5 seconds
    +Forced Thrust for 5 seconds
30.1 166 10,000 25 Flanking Protocol Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 1 in Flight Controller
Commander's Tactical Protocol 11
Hone your fighters with special command.
Grants to all allied fighters within 1,000 range:
    +50% Range for 5 seconds
    +25% Tracking for 5 seconds
    +100% Projectile Speed for 5 seconds
30.0 250 10,000 25 Tactical Protocol Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 1 in Flight Controller
Commander's Aggressive Protocol 12
Enrage your fighters with special command.
Grants to all allied fighters within 1,000 range:
    +100% Hostility for 3 seconds
    +100% Lifesteal for 3 seconds
    -25% Recoil for 3 seconds
30.0 333 10,000 25 Aggressive Protocol Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 1 in Flight Controller
Captain's Defensive Protocol 14
Reinforce your fighters with great command.
Grants to all allied fighters within 2,000 range:
    +33% Resistance to Damage for 10 seconds
    +60% Shield Charge for 10 seconds
30.0 1000 100,000 50 Defensive Protocol Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 2 in Flight Controller
Captain's Offensive Protocol 15
Bolster your fighters with great command.
Grants to all allied fighters within 2,000 range:
    +80% Damage for 7.5 seconds
    +50% Radar for 7.5 seconds
30.0 1000 100,000 50 Offensive Protocol Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 2 in Flight Controller
Captain's Flanking Protocol 16
Maneuver your fighters with great command.
Grants to all allied fighters within 2,000 range:
    +72% Speed for 5 seconds
    +45% Thrust for 5 seconds
    +Forced Thrust for 5 seconds
30.0 500 100,000 50 Flanking Protocol Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 2 in Flight Controller
Amplified Field Amplification Device 17
Amplifies field generators by 300% and decreasing range to a maximum of 500 for 5 seconds.
Advanced Field Projector Amplification
30.0 2666 5,100 51 Field Amplifier Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 1 in Fleet Commander Class
Captain's Tactical Protocol 17
Hone your fighters with the greatest command.
Grants to all allied fighters within 2,000 range:
    +66% Range for 5 seconds
    +33% Tracking for 5 seconds
    +100% Projectile Speed for 5 seconds
30.0 750 100,000 50 Tactical Protocol Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 2 in Flight Controller
Captain's Aggressive Protocol 18
Enrage your fighters with great command.
Grants to all allied fighters within 2,000 range:
    +200% Hostility for 3 seconds
    +200% Lifesteal for 3 seconds
    -33% Recoil for 3 seconds
30.0 1000 100,000 50 Aggressive Protocol Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 2 in Flight Controller
Admiral's Aggressive Protocol 20
Enrage your fighters with the greatest command.
Grants to all allied fighters within 3,000 range:
    +300% Hostility for 3 seconds
    +300% Lifesteal for 3 seconds
    -50% Recoil for 3 seconds
30.0 3000 1,000,000 100 Aggressive Protocol Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 3 in Flight Controller
Admiral's Defensive Protocol 20
Reinforce your fighters with the greatest command.
Grants to all allied fighters within 3,000 range:
    +50% Resistance to Damage for 10 seconds
    +80% Shield Charge for 10 seconds
30.0 3000 1,000,000 100 Defensive Protocol Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 3 in Flight Controller
Admiral's Flanking Protocol 20
Maneuver your fighters with the greatest command.
Grants to all allied fighters within 3,000 range:
    +84% Speed for 5 seconds
    +60% Thrust for 5 seconds
    +Forced Thrust for 5 seconds
30.0 1500 1,000,000 100 Flanking Protocol Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 3 in Flight Controller
Admiral's Offensive Protocol 20
Bolster your fighters with the greatest command.
Grants to all allied fighters within 3,000 range:
    +100% Damage for 7.5 seconds
    +100% Radar for 7.5 seconds
30.0 3000 1,000,000 100 Offensive Protocol Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 3 in Flight Controller
Admiral's Tactical Protocol 20
Hone your fighters with the greatest command.
Grants to all allied fighters within 3,000 range:
    +75% Range for 5 seconds
    +50% Tracking for 5 seconds
    +100% Projectile Speed for 5 seconds
30.0 2250 1,000,000 100 Tactical Protocol Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 3 in Flight Controller
Amplified Dirty Bomb Device 20
Really set them up the bomb.
Amplified Dirty Bomb
300.0 45 5,100 51 Dirty Bomb 300 Lyceum: Fleet Shipyards Requires 1 in Fleet Commander Class


Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Damage DPE Range Source Restrictions
Matter / Anti-Matter Beam Device 3
Annihilation warning
Does Matter Laser
Does Anti-Matter Laser
15.0 50 1,500 15 Matter / Anti-Matter Beam 1,860 2.48 580 Lyceum: Ordnance Testing Grounds Requires 1 in Gunner Class
Ion Missile Device 9
An EMP can sap their energy.
Super Ion Missile
30.0 83.3 3,900 39 Ion Missile Device Lyceum: Ordnance Testing Grounds Requires 1 in Gunner Class
Super Nuke 13
Stop worrying and learn to love the bomb.
Super Nuclear Missile
60.0 200 3,900 39 Super Nuke Lyceum: Ordnance Testing Grounds Requires 1 in Gunner Class
Supreme Matter / Anti-Matter Beam Device 17
Annihilation warning
Does Matter Laser
Does Anti-Matter Laser
15.0 300 5,100 51 Matter / Anti-Matter Beam 16,650 3.7 580 Lyceum: Ordnance Testing Grounds Requires 1 in Gunner Class
Supreme Ion Missile Device 20
An EMP can sap their energy.
Supreme Ion Missile
30.1 166 6,600 66 Ion Missile Device Lyceum: Ordnance Testing Grounds Requires 1 in Gunner Class
Supreme Super Nuke 22
Stop worrying and learn to love the bomb.
Supreme Nuclear Missile
60.0 400 6,600 66 Super Nuke Lyceum: Ordnance Testing Grounds Requires 1 in Gunner Class

Recon Focus

Recon Focus
Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Damage DPE Range Source Restrictions
Recon Loot Pockets 0
Shove that loot in your pockets, while bulging your weapons out of alignment.
Gives 50 Hull Space
Disables Weapons
60.0 1 2,000 1 Recon Loot Superitem Lyceum: Locus of Recon Requires 1 in Recon Focus, Requires Light Fighter
Harmonic Shield Restoration Device 1
Harmonizes the shield while out of combat to regen faster
Does a Harmonic Shield Restoration Tweak
3.0 33.3 15,000 10 Lyceum: Locus of Recon Only charges out of combat, Requires 1 in Recon Focus
Recon Loot Pouch 10
Store that loot in your pouch, by throwing your weapons in the back.
Gives 100 Hull Space
Disables Weapons
60.0 1 2,000 1 Recon Loot Superitem Lyceum: Locus of Recon Requires 1 in Recon Focus, Requires Light Fighter
Recon Loot Briefcase 13
Wegde that breifcase between your weapons.
Gives 150 Hull Space
Disables Weapons
60.0 1 2,000 1 Recon Loot Superitem Lyceum: Locus of Recon Requires 1 in Recon Focus, Requires Light Fighter
Recon Loot Sack 17
Sack it! Including the weapons!
Gives 300 Hull Space
Disables Weapons
60.0 1 2,000 1 Recon Loot Superitem Lyceum: Locus of Recon Requires 1 in Recon Focus, Requires Light Fighter
Recon Loot Backpack 20
Frontal backpack storage, shame it blocks your weapons.
Gives 400 Hull Space
Disables Weapons
60.0 1 2,000 1 Recon Loot Superitem Lyceum: Locus of Recon Requires 1 in Recon Focus, Requires Light Fighter
Recon Loot Payload 22
Put loot in that duct taped payload container in front of your weapons. For the long trip back home.
Gives 600 Hull Space
Disables Weapons
60.0 1 2,000 1 Recon Loot Superitem Lyceum: Locus of Recon Requires 1 in Recon Focus, Requires Light Fighter


Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Damage DPE Range Source Restrictions
Nanite Infusion Device 3
A coup de grace, of sorts. Tracks damage output to target for 5 seconds, then delivers 150% of the damage dealt again. Also gives -25% Vulnerability, +1000 Visibility for 5 seconds.
Nanite Infusion
Nanite Hardener
60.0 150 1,500 8 Nanite Infusion Device Lyceum: Seer's Conclave Requires 1 in Seer Class
Super Bug Device 3
Super bug your enemies, yk2?
Does a Seer Super Bug Beam
30.0 66.6 1,500 8 Super Bug Device 5,000 2.5 210 Lyceum: Seer's Conclave Requires 1 in Seer Class
Plague Device 9
Spread it like the bouncing plague
Plague Cloud x5
15.0 100 2,700 13 Plague Device 3,000 2 300 Lyceum: Seer's Conclave Requires 1 in Seer Class
Cloakpedo Mine 13
Stealthy Combo Attack. Reduces enemy rof by 25% - 50%. Heals allies for 3000.
Smoke Screen
Cloakpedo Platform
30.0 40 3,900 20 Cloakpedo Mine Lyceum: Seer's Conclave Requires 1 in Seer Class, Neurobound
Damage Re-Distributor Injector 15
Damage is the way to go.
Does a Damage Re-Distributor Buff
15.0 4 2,000 25 Seer Virus -8 240 Lyceum: Seer's Conclave Requires 1 in Seer Class
Hidden Nanite Infusion Device 17
A coup de grace, of sorts. Tracks damage output to target for 7 seconds, then delivers 175% of the damage dealt again. Also gives -33% Vulnerability, +666 Visibility, for 7 seconds.
Hidden Nanite Infusion
Hidden Nanite Hardener
60.0 200 5,100 15 Nanite Infusion Device Lyceum: Seer's Conclave Requires 1 in Seer Class
Hidden Super Bug Device 17
Super bug your enemies, yk2?
Does a Hidden Seer Super Bug Beam
30.0 416 5,100 15 Super Bug Device 45,000 3.6 210 Lyceum: Seer's Conclave Requires 1 in Seer Class
Hidden Plague Device 20
Spread it like the bouncing plague
Plague Cloud x5
15.0 500 3,000 30 Plague Device 15,000 2 300 Lyceum: Seer's Conclave Requires 1 in Seer Class
Hidden Cloakpedo Mine 22
Stealthy Combo Attack. Reduces enemy rof by 25% - 50%. Heals all allies for 9,000.
Smoke Screen
Hidden Cloakpedo Platform
30.0 30 6,600 33 Cloakpedo Mine Lyceum: Seer's Conclave Requires 1 in Seer Class, Neurobound

Speed Demon

Speed Demon
Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Damage DPE Range Source Restrictions
Demon Tracking Device 3
Lock onto your target, give em hell like a demon. -50% range to you, -20 speed to target, +100% damage to target for 5 seconds.
Does a Speed Demon Target Tracker
30.0 100 1,500 8 Demon Tracking Device Lyceum: Speed Demon Centre Requires 1 in Speed Demon Class
Overdrive Device 9
Turn your engines into a power source for your weapons!
Increases Energy Recharge
Lowers Electric Tempering
Forces Thrust
Lowers Speed
30.0 1 2,700 8 Overdrive Device Lyceum: Speed Demon Centre Requires 1 in Speed Demon Class
Escort Device 13
Escort your allies! gives your allies +15 Speed for 15 seconds and gives yourself +50% Evasion for 4 seconds.
Does a Escort Tweak
37.5 0.8 3,900 8 Escort Device Lyceum: Speed Demon Centre Requires 1 in Speed Demon Class
Quickened Demon Tracking Device 17
Lock onto your target, give em hell like a demon. -50% range to you, -30 speed to target, +100% damage to target for 7.5 seconds
Does a Quickened Speed Demon Target Tracker
30.0 200 5,100 15 Demon Tracking Device Lyceum: Speed Demon Centre Requires 1 in Speed Demon Class
Quickened Overdrive Device 20
Turn your engines into a power source for your weapons!
Increases Energy Recharge
Lowers Electric Tempering
Forces Thrust
Lowers Speed
30.0 1 60,000 15 Overdrive Device Lyceum: Speed Demon Centre Requires 1 in Speed Demon Class
Quickened Escort Device 22
Escort your allies! gives your allies +25 Speed for 15 seconds and gives yourself +50% Evasion for 5 seconds.
Does a Quickened Escort Tweak
30.0 1 6,600 15 Escort Device Lyceum: Speed Demon Centre Requires 1 in Speed Demon Class

Support Focus

Support Focus
Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Damage DPE Range Shield Use Source Restrictions
Support Drone Device 1
For your daily support needs
Support Drone
60.0 20 15,000 10 Lyceum: Locus of Support Requires 1 in Support Focus


Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Damage DPE Range Shield Use Source Restrictions
Super Thunder Drone Device 3
Deploys a drone of electric excitement
Does a Super Thunder Drone
60.0 20 5,000 50 Thunder Drone Device Lyceum: Engineer's Workshop Requires 1 in Engineer Class
Super Capacitor Device 9
Use spare energy to charge this super capacitor, then instaneously release it to your advantage
Does a Super Capacitor
450.0 20 9,000 90 Capacitor Device Lyceum: Engineer's Workshop Requires 1 in Engineer Class
Repair Rejigger Drone Device 13
Repair Rejigger Drone Deployment to repair damages
Does a Repair Rejigger Deployment Drone
60.0 50 13,000 130 Repair Rejigger Drone Device Lyceum: Engineer's Workshop Requires 1 in Engineer Class
Heavy Thunder Drone Device 17
Deploys a drone of electric excitement
Does a Heavy Thunder Drone
60.0 100 17,000 170 Thunder Drone Device Lyceum: Engineer's Workshop Requires 1 in Engineer Class
Heavy Capacitor Device 20
Use spare energy to charge this super capacitor, then instaneously release it to your advantage
Does a Super Capacitor Mk II
300.0 46.6 20,000 150 Capacitor Device Lyceum: Engineer's Workshop Requires 1 in Engineer Class
Heavy Repair Rejigger Drone Device 22
Repair Rejigger Drone Deployment to repair damages
Does a Heavy Repair Rejigger Deployment Drone
120.0 100 22,000 220 Repair Rejigger Drone Device Lyceum: Engineer's Workshop Requires 1 in Engineer Class

Shield Monkey

Shield Monkey
Name Tech Description / Actions / Notes Charge Time Charge Elec Weight Size Category Damage DPE Range Shield Use Source Restrictions
Field Hospital 5
Large Emergency Shield Regen
Field Hospital Drone
Large Group Blocker
93.8 1.6 2,500 25 Field Hospital 150 Lyceum: Shield Monkey Laboratories Requires 1 in Shield Monkey Class
Shield Inversion Device 9
reverse shield polarity
Shield Inversion Vulnerability
Shield Inversion Beam
12.0 16.6 45,000 45 Shield Inversion Device 4,000 20 350 4,000 Lyceum: Shield Monkey Laboratories Requires 1 in Shield Monkey Class
Shield Battery 13
An extra store of shields for when needed
Shield Battery Discharge
60.2 8.3 65,000 65 Shield Battery Lyceum: Shield Monkey Laboratories Requires 1 in Shield Monkey Class
Large Field Hospital 17
Large Emergency Shield Regen
Large Field Hospital Drone
Large Group Blocker
90.1 22.2 17,000 170 Field Hospital 2,000 Lyceum: Shield Monkey Laboratories Requires 1 in Shield Monkey Class
Large Shield Inversion Device 20
reverse shield polarity
Shield Inversion Vulnerability
Large Shield Inversion Beam
12.0 41.6 200,000 200 Shield Inversion Device 30,000 60 390 30,000 Lyceum: Shield Monkey Laboratories Requires 1 in Shield Monkey Class
Large Shield Battery 22
An extra store of shields for when needed
Shield Battery Discharge
100.0 10 220,000 220 Shield Battery Lyceum: Shield Monkey Laboratories Requires 1 in Shield Monkey Class