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Neurotweaks are items which temporarily boost various ship statistics and are consumed when they are used. Some boost shield regeneration, while others give a quick burst of speed to make a quick escape. You must have the Equipment skill trained to the tech level of the Neurotweak you want to use. Unless otherwise noted, the Neuro Tweaking skill boosts the effectiveness of neurotweaks.
Table column key
- Charge Time - how long in seconds it takes to charge
- Charge Elec - how much energy/second is required to charge
- Energy Use - the amount of energy consumed when activated
- Shield Use - the amount of shields consumed when activated
- Category - only one superitem/neurotweak from each category can be equipped at a time
See Also: Neuro Tweak Icons
Note that neurotweaks without a Charge Time have no cooldown and can be rapidly used.
Name | TL | Size | Effect | Charge Time(s) | Charge Elec | Energy Use | Shield Use | Category | Vis | Weight | Source | Restrictions | Description |
Ace in a Pill I | 0 | 1 | Docking +55.1% for 12 sec, Turning +5.51% for 12 sec, Thrust +55.1% for 12 sec, Weight -3.67% for 12 sec | 1 | BP | Requires 0 in Infinite Knowledge | I'm a leaf on the wind... | ||||||
Honey Spreader | 0 | 10 | Shield Charge +400 for 10 sec, Vulnerability to all +20% for 10 sec | 1,000 | 1 | Can't remove | Spread the honey all over your ship! | ||||||
Micro Stocking | 0 | 1 | Weight +5% for 30 sec, Capacity +30 for 30 sec | 10 | Christmas Drop | What can it hold, Sugarplums or Peppermints perhaps? | |||||||
Precision Pill | 0 | 1 | Docking +339% for 12 sec, Turning +33.9% for 12 sec | 1 | BP | Requires 0 in Infinite Knowledge | Stop the hand shaking caused by your other pills. | ||||||
Temporal Flux | 0 | 1 | Shield Charge -100% for 2.5 sec, Radar +75% for 2.5 sec, Energy Vulnerability -60% for 2.5 sec, Physical Vulnerability -60% for 2.5 sec, Max Speed +10% for 2.5 sec | 250 | 1 | Converted from Chronoton Radiation using Temporal Generator |
Help send your ship outside time. | ||||||
Turbo | 0 | 1 | Max Speed +70% for 3 sec after 1 sec, Thrust +600% for 3 sec after 1 sec, Turning -60% for 4 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 3 sec after 1 sec | 10 | BP | Requires 0 in Infinite Knowledge | Push it! | ||||||
Precision Shot | 1 | 2 | Docking +375% for 12 sec, Turning +37.5% for 12 sec | 50 | 2 | BP | Requires 1 in Infinite Knowledge | Stop the hand shaking caused by your other pills. | |||||
Black Hole Brigand Tweak | 2 | 1 | Range +12.5% for 10 sec, Tracking +25% for 10 sec | 1 | Brigand's Volcom drop | Specialized Pirate Neurotweaking. | |||||||
Blitz Turbo | 2 | 2 | Max Speed +90% for 3 sec after 1 sec, Thrust +720% for 3 sec after 1 sec, Turning -72% for 4 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 3 sec after 1 sec | 100 | 20 | BP | Requires 2 in Infinite Knowledge | Blitz it! | |||||
Candy Corn | 2 | 1 | Max Speed +10% for 30 sec | 5 | 10 | Halloween Drop | Mmm.. Candy Corns! | ||||||
Ghastly Candies | 2 | 1 | Visibility -50% for 30 sec | 50 | 10 | Halloween Drop | WooOOOoooo!!! I'm a ghost now! | ||||||
Jelly's Acidic Remains | 2 | 1 | Shield Charge -10 for 10 sec, DPS +10 for 10 sec | 1 | Space Jelly Drop | Touching this is dangerous? | |||||||
Jelly's Blood | 2 | 1 | Energy Charge +10 for 10 sec | 1 | Space Jelly Drop, produced by Jelly's Heart | Eat that? Are you insane? | |||||||
Jelly's Mojo | 2 | 1 | Shield Charge +10 for 10 sec | 1 | Space Jelly Drop | Power to cure cancer? | |||||||
Neutralized Jelly's Blood | 2 | 1 | Energy Charge +15 for 60 sec | 1 | Hostile Science Mission Reward | Slightly less acidic, for the jelly blood connoisseur. | |||||||
Nexus Convergence | 2 | 1 | Range +6% for 5 min, Tracking +9% for 5 min | 1 | Converge on one target. | ||||||||
Nexus Tweak | 2 | 1 | Max Speed +2.5% for 5 min, Radar +30% for 5 min | 1 | The power of the Nexus is yours! | ||||||||
Oilheart's Afterburner | 2 | 2 | Thrust +210 for 3 sec after 2 sec, Max Speed +20% for 3 sec after 2 sec, Turning -100% for 5 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 3 sec after 2 sec | 10 | 500 | AI Station 10,000 Credits | Pour on the juice | ||||||
Volcom Pirate Tweak | 2 | 1 | Max Speed +5% for 10 sec, Damage +5% for 10 sec | 1 | Volcom, Nexus Wingship, Brigand's Volcom drop. | Specialized Pirate Neurotweaking. | |||||||
Cadet's Attitude | 3 | 1 | Radar +20% for 5 min, Damage +4% for 5 min, Shield Charge +2% for 5 min | 1 | Cadet Academy Mission Reward | Take the Enforcer's Attitude and go Enforce! | |||||||
Mining Booster | 3 | 1 | Damage +5% for 5 sec, Tracking +10% for 5 sec, Capacity +30 for 15 sec | 100 | 1 | Arena Lobby Mission | Mining doesn't have to be hard. | ||||||
Precision Juice | 3 | 3 | Docking +459% for 12 sec, Turning +45.9% for 12 sec | 150 | 3 | BP | Requires 3 in Infinite Knowledge | Stop the hand shaking caused by your other pills. | |||||
Ace in a Pill II | 5 | 2 | Docking +90% for 12 sec, Turning +9% for 12 sec, Thrust +90% for 12 sec, Weight -6% for 12 sec | 250 | 2 | BP | Requires 5 in Infinite Knowledge | I'm a leaf on the wind... | |||||
Enforcer's Attitude | 5 | 1 | Radar +40% for 5 min, Damage +5% for 5 min, Shield Charge +5% for 5 min | 1 | Mission Reward, Sol | Take the Enforcer's Attitude and go Enforce! | |||||||
Nano Stocking | 5 | 1 | Capacity +20 for 30 sec | 10 | Christmas Drop | I wonder if Santa has anything that could fit in here... | |||||||
Santa Donut | 5 | 1 | Turning +200% for 10 sec, Forced Left Turn +1 for 10 sec | 10 | Christmas Drop | Hmm, donuts!!! | |||||||
Sub Space Anchor | 5 | 1 | Max Speed -75% for 4 sec after 1 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 4 sec after 1 sec | 100 | 500 | DG Drop | Dig into the fabric of space time to slow your momentum. | ||||||
Nitro | 6 | 3 | Max Speed +110% for 3 sec after 1 sec, Thrust +840% for 3 sec after 1 sec, Turning -84% for 4 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 3 sec after 1 sec | 300 | 30 | Requires 6 in Infinite Knowledge | Nitro it! | ||||||
Precision Crystal | 6 | 4 | Docking +621% for 12 sec, Turning +62.1% for 12 sec | 300 | 4 | BP | Requires 6 in Infinite Knowledge | Stop the hand shaking caused by your other pills. | |||||
Small Candy Bag | 7 | 1 | Weight +15% for 4 min, Capacity +50 for 4 min | 10 | Drop | It can hold some Candy, but it's so heavy!!! | |||||||
The Were Rabbit | 8 | 1 | Vulnerability to all -10% for 2 min, Max Speed -10% for 2 min, Hostility +25% for 2 min | 20 | 0.5 | 200 | 1 | Easter Drop | An angry, angry curse | ||||
Christmas Jelly Candy | 9 | 1 | Max Speed +5% for 5 min | 10 | Christmas Drop | Hmm, food! | |||||||
Constable's Attitude | 10 | 1 | Radar +50% for 5 min, Damage +7% for 5 min, Shield Charge +10% for 5 min, Max Shield +10% for 5 min | 1 | Mission Reward, Sol | Requires 1 in Peacemaking | A nobler tweak for a nobler policeman. | ||||||
Engineer's Bonus | 10 | 1 | Energy Charge +20 for 10 min, Max Energy +10% for 10 min | 10 | Energy Compressmotron 1000 | Decays on leaving Galaxy, Can't be put into Storage, Decays at universe reset | How about some extra energy? | ||||||
Galileo's Telescope | 10 | 1 | Radar +75% for 60 sec | 1 | Mission Reward from Sai's Retreat in Sol | From Galileo Galilei with love. From 8x to 20x magnification! | |||||||
Indian Candy Corn | 10 | 1 | Max Speed +50% for 30 sec | 25 | 10 | Neato! Candy Corns! | |||||||
Oilheart's Better Afterburner | 10 | 2 | Thrust +3900 for 3 sec after 2 sec, Max Speed +100% for 3 sec after 2 sec, Turning -100% for 5 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 3 sec after 2 sec | 50 | 1,250 | Serpica -- 250,000 credits | Pour on the juice | ||||||
Spiked Egg Nog | 10 | 1 | Thrust +1000% for 16 sec, Turning -50% for 16 sec, Max Speed -100% for 4 sec, Max Speed +75% for 12 sec after 4 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 4 sec, Forced Right Turn +1 for 4 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 4 sec after 4 sec, Forced Left Turn +1 for 4 sec after 4 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 4 sec after 8 sec, Forced Right Turn +1 for 4 sec after 8 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 4 sec after 12 sec, Forced Left Turn +1 for 4 sec after 12 sec | 50 | 2,500 | Christmas Drop | Dizzy yet? | ||||||
Stocking | 10 | 1 | Weight +15% for 30 sec, Capacity +40 for 30 sec | 10 | Christmas Drop | This one might be big enough for toys! | |||||||
Irish Potato Candy | 11 | 1 | Capacity +15% for 10 min, Weight -15% for 10 min | 20 | 0.5 | 10 | Christmas Drop | Hmm, Irish Potato Candy! | |||||
Rudolf the Red Nose AfterBurners | 13 | 1 | Thrust +500 for 5 sec, Max Speed +125 for 5 sec, Turning -100% for 5 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 5 sec | 100 | 1 | Go Rudolf Go! | |||||||
Ace in a Pill III | 14 | 3 | Docking +143.6% for 12 sec, Turning +14.36% for 12 sec, Thrust +143.6% for 12 sec, Weight -9.57% for 12 sec | 700 | 3 | BP | Requires 14 in Infinite Knowledge | I'm a leaf on the wind... | |||||
Big Candy Bag | 15 | 1 | Weight +15% for 4 min, Capacity +100 for 4 min | 10 | Halloween Drop | It can hold a LOT of Candy, but it's so heavy!!! | |||||||
Candy Mints | 15 | 1 | Radar +185% for 15 min, Visibility -20% for 15 min, Max Speed +5% for 15 min | 10 | Christmas Drop | Hmm, Candy Mints! | |||||||
Double Sub Space Anchor | 15 | 2 | Max Speed -95% for 4 sec after 1 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 4 sec after 1 sec | 500 | 500 | DG Drop | Dig into the fabric of space time to halt your momentum. | ||||||
Face Hugger's Acid Blood | 15 | 1 | Damage +5% for 10 sec | 500 | 1 | Waste from Face Hugger's Heart | Requires Organic | Can be used to coat projectiles with acid damage. | |||||
Oversized Stocking | 15 | 1 | Weight +20% for 30 sec, Capacity +50 for 30 sec | 10 | Christmas Drop | Lots of room! Can Santa fill it all? | |||||||
Power Nitro | 15 | 4 | Max Speed +130% for 3 sec after 1 sec, Thrust +960% for 3 sec after 1 sec, Turning -96% for 4 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 3 sec after 1 sec | 750 | 40 | BP | Requires 15 in Infinite Knowledge | Power Nitro it! | |||||
Chocolate High | 17 | 1 | Energy Charge +24% for 14.978 sec, Turning +37% for 2.852 sec, Thrust +81% for 9.231 sec after 0 sec, Forced Left Turn +1 for 1.52 sec after 1 sec, Damage +27% for 2.734 sec after 1 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 1.302 sec after 2 sec, Forced Right Turn +1 for 0.254 sec after 4 sec, Max Speed +52% for 3.421 sec after 5 sec, Turning -37% for 3.64 sec after 6 sec, Shield Charge +421 for 5.474 sec after 9 sec, Forced Left Turn +1 for 0.574 sec after 12 sec, Forced Left Turn +1 for 0.826 sec after 13 sec, Max Speed -99% for 0.978 sec after 12 sec, Damage +27% for 1.165 sec after 13 sec | 281 | 193 | 47,100 | 10 | SO MUCH SUGAR AND CHOCOLATE! I CAN'T TAKE IT! | |||||
The Were Rabbit's Wrath | 17 | 1 | Weapon Recoil +5% for 5 min, Damage +5% for 5 min, Range +5% for 5 min, Tracking +5% for 5 min, Max Shield +5% for 5 min, Energy Charge +5% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | 200 | 1 | An angry, angry curse of power | |||||
Easter Bunny's Afterburners | 18 | 1 | Thrust +150% for 5 sec, Max Speed +175% for 5 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 5 sec | 200 | 1 | Get some extra hop going! | |||||||
Sitting Duck | 18 | 1 | Max Speed -99% for 10 sec, Weight +1000% for 10 sec | 200 | 1 | It's not the duck hunting season! | |||||||
Urchin Thorn | 18 | 2 | Tractor Strength +40% for 20 sec, Turning -50% for 20 sec, Max Speed -10% for 20 sec | 10 | 500 | Thorns everywhere! | |||||||
Stolen Christmas Candy | 19 | 1 | Max Shield +30% for 5 min, Weapon Recoil +10% for 5 min, Hostility +50% for 5 min | 10 | Generated by Grinch's Quantum State Phenomenon Stocking | Can't remove | You know, it does taste better! | ||||||
Ace in a Pill IV | 20 | 4 | Docking +179.3% for 12 sec, Turning +17.93% for 12 sec, Thrust +179.3% for 12 sec, Weight -11.95% for 12 sec | 1,000 | 4 | BP | Requires 20 in Infinite Knowledge | I'm a leaf on the wind... | |||||
Aveksaka Gupta Rakta | 20 | 1 | Visibility -99.999% for 15 sec | 1 | Akhara Vizvadrz AI drop | Decays on leaving Galaxy, Can't be put into Storage, Decays at universe reset | Coating your ship with this may or may not make it harder to see. | ||||||
Candy Pumpkins | 20 | 1 | Max Speed +100% for 30 sec | 50 | 10 | Halloween Drop | Hmm... Candy Pumpkins taste like wax! | ||||||
Chimney Squeeze | 20 | 1 | Weight -30% for 15 min | 10 | Christmas Drop | Hmm, Chimney Squeeze! | |||||||
Easter Bunny's Mini Resurrection | 20 | 1 | Shield Charge +1000 for 10 sec, Damage -75% for 12 sec | 50 | I shall be protected! Somewhat... | ||||||||
Gigantic Stocking | 20 | 1 | Weight +25% for 30 sec, Capacity +100 for 30 sec | 10 | So big Santa could dock his sleigh here!!! | ||||||||
Oilheart's Best Afterburner | 20 | 2 | Thrust +8000 for 3 sec after 2 sec, Max Speed +200% for 3 sec after 2 sec, Turning -100% for 5 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 3 sec after 2 sec | 100 | 2,500 | Rare Drop | Pour on the juice | ||||||
Sivar's Focus | 20 | 1 | Range +10% for 5 min, Max Energy +20% for 5 min, Hostility +15% for 5 min | 1 | Retribution and Justice, contained. | ||||||||
Olympian Travel System | 21 | 3 | Thrust +10000 for 2 min, Max Speed +200% for 2 min, Turning +120% for 2 min, Max Shield -50% for 2 min, Weapon Recoil +200% for 2 min | 100 | 2,500 | Mission: Travel like a Godly Messenger; 2 Shard Tokens | from here to there in style | ||||||
Perilous Movement | 22 | 1 | Max Speed +25% for 10 sec, Thrust +100% for 10 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 100 | 1,500 | 1,000 | Kalthi Depths DG drop | Tweak yourself | |||
Perilous Scope | 22 | 1 | Range +25% for 5 sec, Radar +65% for 5 sec, Range -25% for 5 sec after 5 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 600 | 1,000 | Kalthi Depths DG drop | Tweak yourself | ||||
Peacekeeper's Resolve | 23 | 1 | Max Speed +10% for 1 hr, Turning +15% for 1 hr, Thrust +20% for 1 hr, Weight -30% for 1 hr, Visibility -25% for 1 hr, Radar +100% for 1 hr | 50,000 | Paxian Foothold trade-in | Empower your agility, stealth, and vision. | |||||||
Peacekeeper's Source | 23 | 1 | Max Energy +40% for 1 hr, Energy Charge +20% for 1 hr, Electric Tempering -7.5% for 1 hr, Tracking +12.5% for 1 hr | 50,000 | Paxian Foothold trade-in | Empower your energy and targeting systems. | |||||||
Peacekeeper's Will | 23 | 1 | Max Shield +30% for 1 hr, Shield Charge +15% for 1 hr, Vulnerability to all -2.5% for 1 hr, Damage +7.5% for 1 hr | 50,000 | Paxian Foothold trade-in | Empower your shield and weapons systems. |
Blocker Tweaks
Blocker Tweaks
Name | TL | Size | Effect | Charge Time(s) | Charge Elec | Energy Use | Shield Use | Category | Vis | Weight | Source | Restrictions | Description |
Pumpkin Seeds | 1 | 1 | Vulnerability to all -10% for 20 sec, Shield Charge -50% for 20 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Blocker Tweak | 10 | 10 | Halloween Drop | What?! Pumpkin seeds have shells?! | |||
Simple Blocker | 2 | 1 | Vulnerability to all -50% for 2 sec, Weapon Recoil +100% for 2 sec, Shield Charge -50% for 2 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 20 | Blocker Tweak | 1 | Random Drop | Deflect Incoming Ouchies | |||
Salted Pumpkin Seeds | 5 | 1 | Vulnerability to all -17.5% for 20 sec, Shield Charge -50% for 20 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Blocker Tweak | 15 | 10 | Halloween Drop | What?! Salted Pumpkin seeds have shells?! | |||
Blocker | 10 | 1 | Vulnerability to all -75% for 2 sec, Weapon Recoil +100% for 2 sec, Shield Charge -50% for 2 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 50 | Blocker Tweak | 1 | Drop | Deflect Incoming Ouchies | |||
Seasoned Pumpkin Seeds | 10 | 1 | Vulnerability to all -25% for 20 sec, Shield Charge -50% for 20 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Blocker Tweak | 10 | 10 | What?! Seasoned Pumpkin seeds have shells?! | ||||
Advanced Blocker | 18 | 1 | Vulnerability to all -95% for 2 sec, Weapon Recoil +100% for 2 sec, Shield Charge -50% for 2 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 100 | Blocker Tweak | 1 | Drop | Deflect Incoming Ouchies | |||
Perilous Blocker | 22 | 1 | Vulnerability to all -25% for 5 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 5,000 | 5,000 | Blocker Tweak | 100,000 | 1,000 | Kalthi Depths DG drop | Tweak yourself | |
Red Block Pill | 23 | 1 | Vulnerability to all -92.5% for 5 sec, Items and Weapons Disabled +1 for 5 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 5,000 | Blocker Tweak | 50,000 | A secret Red Rogue formula, designed to withstand the test of time. |
Damage Tweaks
Damage Tweaks
Name | TL | Size | Effect | Charge Time(s) | Charge Elec | Energy Use | Shield Use | Category | Vis | Weight | Source | Restrictions | Description |
Power Doughnut | 0 | 1 | Thrust +210 for 3 sec, Turning +85 for 3.5 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 3 sec, Forced Left Turn +1 for 3.5 sec, Weapon Recoil -15% for 6 sec after 3 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Damage Tweak | 1 | AI Drop (single tweak, crate of 5) | Power up with awesomeness | ||||
Volcom Power Punch | 0 | 1 | DPS +50 for 30 sec | 5 | 2 | Damage Tweak | 1 | Deep Space Volcom Pirate Drop | Decays on leaving Layer | Gives it a pirate-like kick. | |||
Black Hole Gravitas | 2 | 1 | Range +100 for 12 sec, Tracking +33% for 12 sec | 5 | 2 | Damage Tweak | 1 | Deep Space Brigand Pirate Drop | Decays on leaving Layer | Bend space and time to really get those bullets out there. | |||
Tiny Power Punch | 2 | 1 | Damage +5% for 1.5 sec after 3 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 10 | Damage Tweak | 1 | AI Station -- 5,000 Credits | Gather your power | |||
Caramel Apples | 5 | 1 | Weapon Recoil -5% for 60 sec, Damage +10% for 60 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Damage Tweak | 10 | Halloween Drop | Mmm, so good but so sticky! | ||||
Quick Attack | 5 | 1 | Weapon Recoil -11% for 2 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 25 | Damage Tweak | 1 | AI Drop (single tweak, crate of 5) | Better finish them off | |||
Small Power Punch | 6 | 1 | Damage +10% for 2.5 sec after 3 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 20 | Damage Tweak | 1 | AI Drop (single tweak, crate of 5) | Gather your power | |||
Truffles | 6 | 1 | Damage +8% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | Damage Tweak | 10 | Christmas Drop | Hmm, Truffles. | ||||
Turkish Delight | 8 | 1 | Weapon Recoil -10% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | Damage Tweak | 10 | Christmas Drop | Hmm, Turkish Delight! | ||||
Backstab | 9 | 2 | Visibility -80% for 12 sec, Damage +20% for 12 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 450 | Damage Tweak | 20 | Panther Drop, Lyceum Blueprint | Requires 9 in Infinite Knowledge | From a dark corner of space! | ||
Angel Food Candy | 10 | 1 | Tracking +20% for 10 min, Range +15% for 10 min | 20 | 0.5 | Damage Tweak | 10 | Christmas Drop | Hmm, Angel Food Candy! | ||||
Power Punch | 10 | 1 | Damage +15% for 3.5 sec after 3 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 30 | Damage Tweak | 1 | AI drop (single tweak, crate of 5) | Gather your power | |||
Rapid Attack | 12 | 1 | Weapon Recoil -20% for 2 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 35 | Damage Tweak | 1 | AI Drop (single tweak, crate of 5) | Better finish them off | |||
Barbe Rouge Wrath | 13 | 10 | Energy Charge -50% for 10 sec, Damage +15% for 10 sec, Range +25% for 10 sec, Weapon Recoil -10% for 10 sec, Max Speed +10% for 10 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 500 | 500 | Damage Tweak | 10 | Rare Barbe Rouge drop | Requires 1 in Piracy | You will never get me alive! | |
Vapid Attack | 13 | 1 | Weapon Recoil -30% for 2 sec, Energy Charge +50 for 1 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 35 | Damage Tweak | 1 | AI Drop (single tweak, crate of 5) | Better finish them off | |||
Kotonjata | 14 | 1 | Weapon Recoil -10% for 10 min, Damage +5% for 10 min | 20 | 0.5 | Damage Tweak | 10 | Christmas Drop | Hmm, Kotonjata! | ||||
Power Punch Z | 14 | 1 | Damage +20% for 4.75 sec after 3 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 40 | Damage Tweak | 1 | AI Drop (single tweak, crate of 5) | Gather your power | |||
Popcorn Balls | 15 | 1 | Weapon Recoil -10% for 60 sec, Damage +15% for 60 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Damage Tweak | 10 | Halloween Drop | Mmm, so good but so sticky! | ||||
Vampire Bite | 15 | 1 | Damage +10% for 5 min, Shield Charge +50 for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | Damage Tweak | 10 | 10 | Halloween Drop | He bit me! Bad Vampire, bad! | |||
Ambush | 16 | 3 | Visibility -80% for 12 sec, Damage +25% for 12 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 800 | Damage Tweak | 30 | Drop (crate of 5), BP | Requires 16 in Infinite Knowledge | From a dark corner of space! | ||
Power Punch GT | 18 | 1 | Damage +25% for 6 sec after 3 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 50 | Damage Tweak | 1 | AI Drop (single tweak, crate of 5-10) | Gather your power | |||
Grinchy Tweak | 19 | 1 | Energy Charge -20% for 15 sec, Damage +20% for 15 sec, Hostility +75% for 15 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Damage Tweak | 10 | Crate of Grinchy Tweaks, Astro-Grinch drop | Perfect if your heart is two sizes too small! | ||||
Swifty-Spry Attack | 19 | 1 | Weapon Recoil -40% for 2 sec, Energy Charge +75 for 1 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 50 | Damage Tweak | 1 | AI Drop (single tweak, crate of 5-10) | Better finish them off | |||
Assassination | 20 | 4 | Visibility -80% for 12 sec, Damage +30% for 12 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 1,000 | Damage Tweak | 40 | AI Drop (crate of 5), BP | Requires 20 in Infinite Knowledge | From a dark corner of space! | ||
Corrupted Punch | 22 | 1 | Damage +50% for 6 sec after 3 sec, Weapon Recoil +12.5% for 6 sec after 3 sec, Vulnerability to all +10% for 9 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 200 | Damage Tweak | 1 | Corrupted Locker (crate of 5), Kalthi Depths Corrupted Cyborg drop | Somehow it works, that's all you need to know. | |||
Nightfury's Burst | 22 | 1 | Range +20% for 60 sec, Weapon Recoil -20% for 60 sec, Energy Charge +20% for 60 sec, Hostility +20% for 60 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Damage Tweak | 1 | Nightfury's Burst Crate (crate of 25), Timotheus the Red/Ancalagon the Black drop | A dragon's strength in a pill | ||||
Perilous Burst | 22 | 1 | Weapon Recoil -50% for 4 sec, Energy Charge -50% for 6 sec, Range -25% for 4 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 1,500 | Damage Tweak | 1,000 | Kalthi Depths DG drop (crate of 5) | Tweak yourself | |||
Perilous Strength | 22 | 1 | Damage +40% for 10 sec, Vulnerability to all +25% for 10 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 2,500 | Damage Tweak | 1,000 | Kalthi Depths DG drop (single tweak, crate of 5) | Tweak yourself | |||
Red Loop Pill | 23 | 1 | Thrust +840% for 3 sec, Turning +3400% for 3 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 3 sec, Forced Left Turn +1 for 3 sec, Items Disabled +1 for 10 sec after 3 sec, Weapon Recoil -40% for 10 sec after 3 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Damage Tweak | 50,000 | A failed Red Rogue experiment in unlimited power, apparently it just makes you spin... and dizzy. |
Energy Regen Tweaks
Energy Regen Tweaks
Name | TL | Size | Effect | Charge Time(s) | Charge Elec | Energy Use | Shield Use | Category | Vis | Weight | Source | Restrictions | Description |
Chewed Power Cables | 0 | 1 | Energy Charge +50 for 30 sec, Max Energy +25% for 30 sec | 5 | 2 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | Space Rat Drop | Decays on leaving Layer | You could probably plug that in for some kind of boost, but that might not be a good idea. | |||
Ion Caipirinha | 0 | 1 | Energy Charge +30 for 6 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 30 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | AI Station 3,000 Credits | A pleasant energy boost | |||
Vis Injection | 1 | 1 | Energy Charge +15% for 3 sec, Energy Charge +10% for 15 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 50 | Energy Regen Tweak | 10 | BP | Requires 1 in Infinite Knowledge | Does that go in your veins or in the engine? | ||
Warmth | 1 | 1 | Energy Charge +7.5 for 1.6 min, Hostility -10% for 1.6 min | 20 | 0.5 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | Drop | A small boost for a loooong time | ||||
Jelly's Acidic Blood | 2 | 1 | Electric Tempering -10% for 12 sec | 5 | 2 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | Space Jelly Drop | Decays on leaving Layer | Make weapons use less electricity by smothering this on the wires! | |||
Amazing Fudge | 3 | 1 | Max Energy +30% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | Energy Regen Tweak | 10 | Christmas Drop | Hmm, fudge!!! | ||||
Ion Salvation | 3 | 1 | Energy Charge +40 for 7 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 40 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | ? | A pleasant energy boost | |||
Warmer Warmth | 4 | 1 | Energy Charge +10 for 1.86667 min, Hostility -10% for 1.86667 min | 20 | 0.5 | 10 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | Drop | A small boost for a loooong time | |||
Chocolate Bar | 5 | 1 | Energy Charge +5% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | Energy Regen Tweak | 10 | 10 | Halloween Drop | So... much.. sugar!!! | |||
Small Chocolate Egg | 5 | 1 | Energy Charge +30% for 5 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 150 | Energy Regen Tweak | 5 | Omnom, yummy yummy. | ||||
Source of Vis | 5 | 1 | Max Energy +15% for 5 min, Energy Charge +5% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | 250 | Energy Regen Tweak | 10 | BP | Requires 5 in Infinite Knowledge | Infinite Energy | ||
Ion Rebirth | 6 | 1 | Energy Charge +65 for 8 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 65 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | Random Drop | A pleasant energy boost | |||
Quantumum Injection | 6 | 2 | Energy Charge +25% for 3 sec, Energy Charge +15% for 15 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 300 | Energy Regen Tweak | 20 | BP | Requires 6 in Infinite Knowledge | Does that go in your veins or in the engine? | ||
Warmy Warmth | 7 | 1 | Energy Charge +16 for 2.13333 min, Hostility -10% for 2.13333 min | 20 | 0.5 | 16 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | Drop | A small boost for a loooong time | |||
Sacrificial Rebirth | 9 | 1 | Energy Charge +80 for 9 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 80 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | Drop | gain energy by sacrificing a puppy | |||
Satanic Rebirth | 9 | 1 | Energy Charge +80 for 9 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 80 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | Unobtainable | gain energy by sacrificing a puppy | |||
Source of Quantumum | 9 | 2 | Max Energy +25% for 5 min, Energy Charge +10% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | 450 | Energy Regen Tweak | 20 | Lyceum BP | Requires 9 in Infinite Knowledge | Infinite Energy | ||
Chocolate Covered Raisins | 10 | 1 | Energy Charge +10% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | Energy Regen Tweak | 10 | 10 | Halloween Drop | So... much.. sugar!!! | |||
Medium Chocolate Egg | 10 | 2 | Energy Charge +40% for 7.5 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 250 | Energy Regen Tweak | 20 | Easter Drop | More eggs for me? | |||
RDDS | 10 | 1 | Energy Charge +200 for 6.5 sec, Max Energy +2000 for 13 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 200 | Energy Regen Tweak | 5,000 | Bipolar -- 20,000 Credits | Requires 1 in Drone Mastery | Rapid Drone Deployment System | ||
Lasting Resources | 12 | 1 | Energy Charge +100 for 8 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 200 | Energy Regen Tweak | 5,000 | Absolution -- 24,000 Credits | Requires 1 in Berserker Class | For these long days out in the cold, cold empty space. | ||
Easter Bunny's Power Juice | 13 | 1 | Turning +15% for 7.5 min, Thrust +125% for 7.5 min, Energy Charge +20% for 7.5 min | 20 | 0.5 | 200 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1,000 | 10 | Lasts longer, much longer. | |||
Warmalicious Warmth | 13 | 1 | Energy Charge +28 for 2.4 min, Hostility -10% for 2.4 min | 20 | 0.5 | 28 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | Random w3 Drop | A small boost for a loooong time | |||
Energon Injection | 14 | 3 | Energy Charge +40% for 3 sec, Energy Charge +20% for 15 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 700 | Energy Regen Tweak | 30 | BP | Requires 14 in Infinite Knowledge | Does that go in your veins or in the engine? | ||
Chocolate Crispe Cake | 15 | 1 | Energy Charge +10% for 7.5 min | 20 | 0.5 | 100 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1,000 | 10 | Look what the kids made for... Not us... | |||
Large Chocolate Egg | 15 | 3 | Energy Charge +45% for 10 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 150 | Energy Regen Tweak | 50 | Easter Drop | Even more? Om nom nom! | |||
Peanut Butter Cups | 15 | 1 | Energy Charge +15% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | Energy Regen Tweak | 10 | 10 | Halloween Drop | So... much.. sugar!!! | |||
Rich Christmas Pudding | 15 | 1 | Max Energy +50% for 8.33333 min, Energy Charge +20% for 8.33333 min, Capacity +25% for 8.33333 min | 5,000 | Energy Regen Tweak | 10 | Rich and Delicious, Dont ask what its made from! | ||||||
Sacrificial Renewal | 15 | 1 | Energy Charge +90 for 10 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 150 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | gain more energy by sacrificing a cat | ||||
Satanic Renewal | 15 | 1 | Energy Charge +90 for 10 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 150 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | Drop | gain more energy by sacrificing a cat | |||
Mega Warmth | 16 | 1 | Energy Charge +38 for 2.66667 min, Hostility -10% for 2.66667 min | 20 | 0.5 | 38 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | Random w3 Drop | A small boost for a loooong time | |||
Sacrificial Salvation | 18 | 1 | Energy Charge +100 for 12 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 200 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | gain the most energy by sacrificing 2 cats | ||||
Satanic Salvation | 18 | 1 | Energy Charge +100 for 12 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 200 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | Drop | gain the most energy by sacrificing 2 cats | |||
Source of Energon | 18 | 3 | Max Energy +35% for 5 min, Energy Charge +15% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | 900 | Energy Regen Tweak | 30 | BP | Requires 18 in Infinite Knowledge | Infinite Energy | ||
White Chocolate Candy Pretzels | 19 | 1 | Max Energy +40% for 15 min, Energy Charge +15% for 15 min | 20 | 0.5 | Energy Regen Tweak | 10 | Christmas Drop | Hmm, White Chocolate Candy Pretzels! | ||||
Apollo's Rebirth | 20 | 1 | Energy Charge +120 for 15 sec, Max Energy +1500 for 15 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 250 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | DG Drop | The power of a sun, in your hands! | |||
Apollo's Warmth | 20 | 1 | Energy Charge +63 for 4 min, Max Energy +2000 for 15 sec, Max Energy +1000 for 15 sec after 15 sec, Max Energy +500 for 15 sec after 30 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 63 | Energy Regen Tweak | 1 | DG Drop | The power of a sun, in your hands! | |||
Energy Cocktail Injection | 20 | 4 | Energy Charge +60% for 3 sec, Energy Charge +30% for 15 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 1,000 | Energy Regen Tweak | 40 | BP | Requires 20 in Infinite Knowledge | Does that go in your veins or in the engine? | ||
Gigantic Chocolate Egg | 20 | 4 | Energy Charge +55% for 10 sec | 150 | Energy Regen Tweak | 100 | Wow, this is BIG! | ||||||
Source of Infinite Energy | 20 | 4 | Max Energy +40% for 5 min, Energy Charge +20% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | 1,000 | Energy Regen Tweak | 40 | BP | Requires 20 in Infinite Knowledge | Infinite Energy | ||
Red Glow Pill | 23 | 1 | Energy Charge +120 for 5 min, Max Speed +20 for 5 min, Hostility -20% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | 38 | Energy Regen Tweak | 50,000 | A semi successful Red Rogue experiment, designed to make their ships glow brightly. It works, sometimes... |
Healing Tweaks
Healing Tweaks
Name | TL | Size | Effect | Charge Time(s) | Charge Elec | Energy Use | Shield Use | Category | Vis | Weight | Source | Restrictions | Description |
Last Stand | 6 | 2 | Max Speed -20% for 7 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 0 sec after 0 sec, Transference Power +25% for 7 sec, Transference Efficiency +25% for 7 sec, Warp Interdiction +1 for 7 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 300 | Healing Tweak | 2 | ? | Requires 6 in Infinite Knowledge | To the death! | ||
Last Defense | 20 | 4 | Max Speed -40% for 7 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 0.1 sec, Transference Power +50% for 7 sec, Transference Efficiency +50% for 7 sec, Warp Interdiction +1 for 7 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 1,000 | Healing Tweak | 4 | BP | Requires 20 in Infinite Knowledge | To the death! |
Shield Regen (and Bank) Tweaks
Shield Regen (and Bank) Tweaks
Name | TL | Size | Effect | Charge Time(s) | Charge Elec | Energy Use | Shield Use | Category | Vis | Weight | Source | Restrictions | Description |
Shield Salve | 0 | 1 | Shield Charge +20 for 12 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Shield Regen Tweak | 1 | AI Station 4,500 Credits | temporarily raises the spirits of your shields | ||||
Titanium Plating | 0 | 10 | Max Shield +15% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | Shield Regen Tweak | 10,000 | Requires 0 in Infinite Knowledge | Reinforce that armor. | ||||
Zombie Rat Dung | 0 | 1 | Physical Vulnerability +50% for 10 sec, Max Shield +20% for 10 sec, Max Speed -20% for 10 sec | Shield Regen Tweak | 10 | BLECCHHH!!!! I'm... becoming... undead! | |||||||
Christmas Candy Cane | 1 | 1 | Max Shield +20% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | Shield Regen Tweak | 10 | Christmas Drop | Hmm, so good! | ||||
Titanium Shielding | 1 | 10 | Shield Charge +10% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | 50 | Shield Regen Tweak | 10,000 | BP, UZ Drop | Requires 1 in Infinite Knowledge | Reinforce those shields. | ||
Favorite Rum Balls | 4 | 1 | Shield Charge +15% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | Shield Regen Tweak | 10 | Christmas Drop | Hmm, rum balls!!! | ||||
Laconia Plating | 4 | 20 | Max Shield +20% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | 200 | Shield Regen Tweak | 20,000 | BP | Requires 4 in Infinite Knowledge | Reinforce that armor. | ||
Shield Salvation | 4 | 1 | Shield Charge +80 for 10 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Shield Regen Tweak | 1 | AI Station 80,000 Credits | feel healthy again | ||||
Laconia Shielding | 5 | 20 | Shield Charge +15% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | 250 | Shield Regen Tweak | 20,000 | BP, UZ Drop | Requires 5 in Infinite Knowledge | Reinforce those shields. | ||
Merchant Shield Salvation | 5 | 10 | Shield Charge +100 for 12 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Shield Regen Tweak | 10 | Lyceum, Locus of Support, 40,000 Credits | Requires 1 in Support Focus | Consumed in bulk quantities | |||
Shield Magic | 6 | 1 | Shield Charge +333 for 6 sec, Damage -50% for 6 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Shield Regen Tweak | 1 | Random Drop | feel healthy again, no energy required | ||||
Adamantium Plating | 8 | 30 | Max Shield +25% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | 400 | Shield Regen Tweak | 3,000 | BP | Requires 8 in Infinite Knowledge | Reinforce that armor. | ||
Shield Soother | 9 | 1 | Shield Charge +400 for 10 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Shield Regen Tweak | 1 | Drop | feel healthy again | ||||
Adamantium Shielding | 10 | 30 | Shield Charge +20% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | 500 | Shield Regen Tweak | 3,000 | UZ Drop and Lyceum Blueprint. |
Requires 10 in Infinite Knowledge | Reinforce those shields. | ||
Insto Shield Tweak | 11 | 1 | Shield Charge +1000 for 3.5 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Shield Regen Tweak | 1 | Random Drop | feel healthy again | ||||
Easter Egg Collector | 13 | 1 | Capacity +250 for 1 sec, Shield Charge +1000 for 5 sec after 1 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 200 | Shield Regen Tweak | 1 | Easter Drop | Helps you get the goodies | |||
Shield Cerate | 13 | 1 | Shield Charge +1000 for 12 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Shield Regen Tweak | 1 | Drop | feel healthy again | ||||
Insto Shield Tweak 2 | 15 | 1 | Shield Charge +4500 for 4 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Shield Regen Tweak | 1 | Random Drop | feel healthy again | ||||
Werewolf Bite | 15 | 1 | Max Speed +15% for 5 min, Max Shield +50% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | 200 | Shield Regen Tweak | 10 | 10 | Halloween Drop | He bit me! Things are gonna get hairy! | ||
Rabbit Hair Brush | 16 | 1 | Shield Charge +1000 for 5 sec, Damage -15% for 5 sec, Shield Charge -20% for 10 sec after 5 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 200 | Shield Regen Tweak | 1 | Brush your hair into a more protective layer | ||||
Shield Poltice | 17 | 1 | Shield Charge +2000 for 12.5 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Shield Regen Tweak | 1 | Drop | feel healthy again | ||||
Triple-Chocolate Candy Cane Kisses | 17 | 1 | Max Shield +25% for 15 min, Shield Charge +15% for 15 min | 20 | 0.5 | Shield Regen Tweak | 10 | Christmas Drop | Hmm, Triple-Chocolate Candy Cane Kisses! | ||||
Merchant Shield Poltice | 18 | 40 | Shield Charge +3000 for 12 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Shield Regen Tweak | 10 | Lyceum, Locus of Support, 200,000 Credits | Requires 1 in Support Focus | Consumed in bulk quantities | |||
Insto Shield Tweak 3 | 19 | 1 | Shield Charge +6000 for 5 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Shield Regen Tweak | 1 | feel healthy again | |||||
Shadow Shield Tweak | 19 | 1 | Shield Charge +5000 for 5 sec, Visibility -50% for 5 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 50 | Shield Regen Tweak | 1 | Use the forces of darkness to cover your shield | ||||
Super Shield Soother | 20 | 1 | Shield Charge +4000 for 10 sec | 20 | 0.5 | Shield Regen Tweak | 1 | Drop | feel healthy again | ||||
Zombie Bite | 20 | 1 | Max Speed -10% for 5 min, Max Shield +50% for 5 min, Vulnerability to all +7.5% for 5 min | 20 | 0.5 | 200 | Shield Regen Tweak | 10 | 10 | Halloween Drop | He bit me! I'm un-dying! | ||
Perilous Shield Booster | 22 | 1 | Shield Charge +1500 for 10 sec, Capacity -90% for 5 sec | 20 | 0.5 | 600 | Shield Regen Tweak | 1,000 | Kalthi Depths DG drop | Tweak yourself |
Junkyard Pills
These neurotweaks provide long lasting bonuses and are NOT affected by neurotweaking.
Junkyard Pills
Name | TL | Size | Effect | Weight | Source | Restrictions | Description |
Junkyard Balance Control Pill | 5 | 1 | Thrust +10% for 1 hr, Turning +10% for 1 hr, Max Speed +5% for 1 hr | 1 | Neurobound | The description of this pill says that any personal powers that boost the effect of pills will not work on this pill. | |
Junkyard Defensive Aggression Pill | 5 | 1 | Max Shield +20% for 1 hr, Weapon Recoil -5% for 1 hr | 1 | Neurobound | The description of this pill says that any personal powers that boost the effect of pills will not work on this pill. | |
Junkyard Generic Amplificator Pill | 5 | 1 | Shield Charge +30% for 1 hr, Max Shield +30% for 1 hr, Range +15% for 1 hr, Tracking +15% for 1 hr, Radar +100% for 1 hr | 1 | Neurobound | The description of this pill says that any personal powers that boost the effect of pills will not work on this pill. | |
Junkyard Health Regeneration Pill | 5 | 1 | Shield Charge +15% for 1 hr, Energy Charge +5% for 1 hr | 1 | Neurobound | The description of this pill says that any personal powers that boost the effect of pills will not work on this pill. | |
Junkyard Looter's Touch Pill | 5 | 1 | Capacity +300 for 2 sec, Shield Charge +500 for 2 sec | 1 | Neurobound | The description of this pill says that any personal powers that boost the effect of pills will not work on this pill. | |
Junkyard Marksman's Aim Pill | 5 | 1 | Tracking +25% for 1 hr, Range +10% for 1 hr, Visibility -10% for 1 hr | 1 | Neurobound | The description of this pill says that any personal powers that boost the effect of pills will not work on this pill. | |
Junkyard Quickened Abilities Pill | 5 | 1 | Weapon Recoil -10% for 1 hr, Max Speed +15 for 1 hr | 1 | Neurobound | The description of this pill says that any personal powers that boost the effect of pills will not work on this pill. | |
Junkyard Regenerative Aid Pill | 5 | 1 | Shield Charge +200 for 1 hr, Energy Charge +100 for 1 hr | 1 | Neurobound | The description of this pill says that any personal powers that boost the effect of pills will not work on this pill. | |
Junkyard Regenerative Powershot Pill | 5 | 1 | Energy Charge +10% for 1 hr | 1 | Neurobound | The description of this pill says that any personal powers that boost the effect of pills will not work on this pill. | |
Junkyard Revelation Pill | 5 | 1 | Experience +10% for 1 hr | 1 | Neurobound | The description of this pill says that any personal powers that boost the effect of pills will not work on this pill. | |
Junkyard Scanner Magnification Pill | 5 | 1 | Radar +50% for 1 hr, Visibility -15% for 1 hr | 1 | Neurobound | The description of this pill says that any personal powers that boost the effect of pills will not work on this pill. | |
Junkyard Sonatian's Explorer Pill | 5 | 1 | Max Speed +50% for 1 hr, Thrust +50% for 1 hr, Damage -50% for 1 hr, Visibility -20% for 1 hr, Energy Charge -80% for 1 hr | 1 | Neurobound | The description of this pill says that any personal powers that boost the effect of pills will not work on this pill. | |
Junkyard Strengthened Recoil Pill | 5 | 1 | Weapon Recoil -15% for 1 hr, Damage +5% for 1 hr, Visibility +20% for 1 hr | 1 | Neurobound | The description of this pill says that any personal powers that boost the effect of pills will not work on this pill. | |
Junkyard Swiftness Pill | 5 | 1 | Max Speed +10% for 1 hr, Thrust +20% for 1 hr, Turning +15% for 1 hr | 1 | Neurobound | The description of this pill says that any personal powers that boost the effect of pills will not work on this pill. | |
Junkyard Two-way-Radar Jammer Pill | 5 | 1 | Visibility -25% for 60 sec, Radar -85% for 60 sec | 1 | Neurobound | The description of this pill says that any personal powers that boost the effect of pills will not work on this pill. | |
Junkyard Light Feet Pill | 10 | 1 | Weight -25% for 1 hr, Thrust +10% for 1 hr | 1 | Neurobound | The description of this pill says that any personal powers that boost the effect of pills will not work on this pill. |