Sol Missions

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Tie-in from Cadet Missions

Location: Cadet Academy, Cadet Academy

  • Agent: Cadet Rico
  • Mission: To Sol
To Sol!

"That was some fine work out there, and it finally looks like the Nexus, but more importantly, Earth, is safe.
Now that we won't be dealing with the Volcom, things should be a lot quieter around here, and that's how I like it.
Anyway, I just finished typing up the offical report on all that's transpired here",
Cadet Rico drops what seem to be endless volumes on his desk, they land with a loud 'thud'.
"I need someone to take these to the main Earthforce Headquarters, they need to be updated on what went on here".
Cadet Rico grins, and takes a look at the thick stack of paper. "I think you can handle a job this tough".

* Experience given.
* Reward: Enforcer Rank

Head to Sol, the Main Headquarters of Earthforce, and deliver the full report of the Volcom pirates to the Enforcers.

Location: Earthforce Headquarters, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: To Sol
To Sol!

"Ah, this seems to be good news from the Forward HQ for once!", says Enforcer McDouglas.
"Volcom Pirates threating security of Earth ... planetary security level raised to brick red ... 
Simon investigated and destroyed the threat ... security level lowered back down to sunset orange. Yes,
everything seems to be in order, and we here at Earthforce are proud to have an upstart young Cadet such as yourself in our ranks.
As a symbol of our gratitude, take this Enforcer Rank, we would advise you use it to further your knowledge of Peacemaking.
There's a new threat on the horizon, and we need all the help we can get. How about you try out for Enforcer, Simon?"

Tie-in to Paxius Missions

Location: Earthforce Headquarters, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: New Arrival
New Arrival

Hello, Simon. I think we may have a task for you. It has come to our attention that we have new arrivals in this universe;
a full contingent of the Paxian race. Maybe you could go and say hi to them for us? I heard they are friendly.

* Credits given: 1000
* Experience given.

Find the Paxius galaxy and go meet with Devanar in there.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: New Arrival
New Arrival

Welcome, Simon! How nice of you to come by and say hello. Are you here to help us? We have a lot of work for you.

In Service of the Paxians

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent:
  • Mission: In Service of the Paxians
In Service of the Paxians.

A lone Paxian approaches you as you enter Earth Central.
   "Simon, I have been sent here by the Grand Navigator, Hailesh concerning matters of extreme importance.
Should you find yourself in a position to aid us, seek him in Paxius; but go quickly, this matter can not wait!"

* Experience given.

Meet with Grand Navigator Hailesh in Paxius.

Location: Serenity, Paxius

  • Agent: Grand Navigator Hailesh
  • Mission: In Service of the Paxians
In Service of the Paxians.

"You are very resourceful to have found me here. Yes, we have a use for you, Simon.
One who has proven themselves an able explorer is a resource not to be wasted."

Tie in to East Vindia Missions

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Greg in Shipping
  • Mission: Gone Gold
Gone Gold

"I hope that you have a bunch of extra cargo space, because I'm in a bit of a pickle.
Our normal shipping company has lost most of its fleet to Inferno pirates! Our latest video game,
'Star Sonata XXVI: Rule the Hyper-Multi-Dimensional-Universe' has gone gold and I have to get them to our retailers!
Pablo is the manager of Gravitational Games. You'll find his store in Lush Incision in the Shadow system."

* Credits given: 25000
* Experience given.

Deliver computer game crates to Pablo at Lush Incision in Shadow.

Location: Lush Inciscion, Shadow

  • Agent: Pablo
  • Mission: Gone Gold
Gone Gold

"Simon, there's no time to lose, quickly to the next stop!"

Location: Lush Inciscion, Shadow

  • Agent: Greg in Shipping
  • Mission: Gone Gold
Gone Gold

A vid-phone call comes in for you. It's Greg from the shipping department, "That was just the first stop.
We have several other retail distributors scattered throughout the universe!
Take the rest of the packages and drop some more off at Lava Visions in the Lavanite system."
Greg adds, "Evardia is the manager of Falafal Fun, the well known falafal and gaming cafe. He's a cool dude.
If you get there before his store opens maybe he'll give you a low-ion falafal."

* Credits given: 50000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ion Rebirth

Deliver computer game crates to Evardia at Lava Visions in Lavanite.

Location: Lava Visions, Lavanite

  • Agent: Evardia
  • Mission: Gone Gold
Gone Gold

What are you reading this for? Quickly, onto the next station!

Location: Lava Visions, Lavanite

  • Agent: Evardia
  • Mission: Gone Gold
Gone Gold

Evardia shuffles through some paperwork, and then turns to you. "Oh my, I almost lost the next order!
 That would have been embarrassing, wouldn't it?
 It seems my associate Bob in Free Market is desperately in need of merchandise for his new store.
 Fill this order and he might have a special reward for you!"

* Credits given: 50000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ship Mastery Augmenter 0

Deliver computer game crates to Bob at von Mises in Free Market.

Location: von Mises, Free Market

  • Agent: Bob
  • Mission: Gone Gold
Gone Gold

I found this augmenter lying around, but I don't seem to have a ship to use it on!  Perhaps you could make use of it?
 But hurry up and get going - the rest of those games won't deliver themselves!

Location: von Mises, Free Market

  • Agent: Bob
  • Mission: Gone Gold
Gone Gold

"The last shipment of games is due in East Vindia shortly.
 If you make the delivery promptly, you might impress Ismail enough for him to invite you into his merchant guild."

* Credits given: 25000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Trader Signet

Deliver computer game crates to Ismail at East Vindia Trading Post in East Vindia.

Location: East Vindia Trading Post, East Vindia

  • Agent: Ismail
  • Mission: Gone Gold
Gone Gold

Thank you so much Simon!
 It seems like I have been waiting forever for this shipment, but I am so glad that you made it.
 Here, take this signet, it will let others know that you are an accomplished trader.

Blue Pirates (Portion available to f2p)

Note Carrying

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Officer Redgrove
  • Mission: Note from Redgrove
Note from Redgrove

A beleagured Officer Redgrove approaches you, "Salutations, Simon.
We've been having a lot of trouble recently with these Blue Alpha pirates. I need some help.
Officer Johansson over there in Enforcer Station owes me a favor. Please carry this note to him."

* Credits given: 2500
* Experience given.

Deliver a note to Officer Johansson at Enforcer Station in Sol.

Location: Enforcer Station, Sol

  • Agent: Officer Johansson
  • Mission: Note from Redgrove
Note from Redgrove

Hmm, what's this you have? I suppose I better take a look. Thank you for your efforts, Simon.

Location: Enforcer Station, Sol

  • Agent: Officer Johansson
  • Mission: Note from Johansson
Note from Johansson

Officer Johansson fidgets uncomfortably, "I must give a response to Officer Redgrove. Would you mind delivering it?
I'm rather busy here."

* Credits given: 2500
* Experience given.

Deliver note to Officer Redgrove at Earth Central in Sol.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Officer Redgrove
  • Mission: Note from Johansson
Note from Johansson

Officer Redgrove greets you eagerly, "Let's see what good tidings you bring from Officer Johansson!" He reads the note once,
then twice. You begin to feel uncomfortable as he scans your face as if he's looking for some form of trickery.
"I thought it was a joke. I swear I thought it was a joke."

Hunting Alphas

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Officer Redgrove
  • Mission: Hunting Blues
Hunting Blues

"It's really unbelieveable," whines Officer Redgrove.
"To think that Officer Johansson would manipulate my good faith in such a base manner!" He storms about furiously.
"Unbelievable. He claims that upon careful examination, you -- yes, you -- would be perfect for handling this problem.
Can you believe it?"

* Credits given: 100000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Redgrove's Thumper

Kill 6 Space Blue Alphas and return to Officer Redgrove in Sol.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Officer Redgrove
  • Mission: Hunting Blues
Hunting Blues

The surprise on Officer Redgrove's face is evident,
"By jove, I do declare that there may be something to Officer Johansson's assessment. Nicely done."

Reports from Free Market

This is a tie-in from Free Market Missions

Location: von Mises, Free Market

  • Agent: Free Market Administrator Oliver
  • Mission: Blue Pirates Attack
Blue Pirates Attack

Please! Help us! We are being raided daily by forces of the Blue Pirate! The police has to know, help us!

* Credits given: 1000
* Experience given.

Deliver a note to Enforcer McDouglas at Earth Station in Sol.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Blue Pirates Attack
Blue Pirates Attack

Enforcer McDouglas reads the note you give him then looks at you grimly, "This is sad news, we indeed have to do something.
Simon, are you up to the task? You think you have what it takes to join the Enforcers?"

Find a Blue Whisper

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Blue Scout Investigation
Blue Scout Investigation
Simon, I knew I could count on you! The Enforcers have a great need for new recruits like you.
Now, according to this report, the first thing we need is more information about a new ship the Blue Pirates use;
a Scout class. I heard those ships are looking after some rare commodity. Bring that to me and we shall study it.

* Credits given: 5000
* Experience given.

Bring a Blue Whisper to Enforcer McDouglas. They can often be found in the ruins of Blue Alpha Scout type ships.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Blue Scout Investigation

Blue Scout Investigation

Great job, Simon! Good information that you brought back, let me study this for a moment.

Find a Space Blue Alpha Scout Blueprint

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: More Blue Scout Investigation
More Blue Scout Investigation

We need to know more about those scouts. I might have found why they need those Blue Whispers by now,
but I need confirmation. Find me a blueprint of the Scout ships and bring it to me.

* Credits given: 10000
* Experience given.

Find a Blue Alpha Scout Blueprint. It might be sold in Blue Outpost.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: More Blue Scout Investigation
More Blue Scout Investigation

Nice! I will study this blueprint and will let you know my findings soon. Great work as usual, Simon!

Blue Scout Hunting

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: More Blue Scout Investigation
Blue Scout Hunting

The Simon, with your recent work I found out why those scouts are harvesting Blue Whispers.
It's needed to create a new type of powerful interceptor ships.
The scouts must be stopped or we will have an even bigger problem on our hands!

* Credits given: 25000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Enforcer Radar

Hunt and destroy 5 Blue Alpha Scouts.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: More Blue Scout Investigation
Blue Scout Hunting

Great hunting, Simon! I knew the Enforcers could count on you, here is your reward for your help.

Blue Pirates (Level 21+)

Disarming the Blue Pirates

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Disarming the Blue Pirates
Disarming the Blue Pirates

The blow the Scouts suffered will certainly set them back for a long time.
However, we need to continue. Simon, we have to disarm them. Bring me back some of their weapons.

* Credits given: 20000
* Experience given.

Find and bring back 3 Blue Bullets Alpha. Note that Scouts don't usually carry those weapons.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Disarming the Blue Pirates
Disarming the Blue Pirates

Good work again, Simon. This will set the Blue back once again, but the work is not done yet. We have to push forward even more!

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Interceptor Hunting
Interceptor Hunting

After investigation of the evidence you have gather this far,
it seems their interceptor ships are a much bigger threat to our security then their scouts are. We need to decimate them.

* Credits given: 50000
* Experience given.

Seek and destroy 5 Blue Alpha Interceptors.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Interceptor Hunting
Interceptor Hunting

Impressive hunting, Simon. We are not done but we are starting to see the end of this threat.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Interceptor Power
Interceptor Power

After hearing your report I'm pretty certain the interceptor ships have some kind of special modification.
We need to find their secret power. This is vital, Simon.

* Credits given: 100000
* Experience given.

Find and return a Blue Interceptor Augmenter.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Interceptor Power
Interceptor Power

Ahhhh! That's how they maneuver so fast. Good job, Simon, as usual I would say!

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Topaz Eye Jimmy
Topaz Eye Jimmy

Reports from other Enforcers have shown that one of the masterminds behind the Blue attacks against Free Market
and other places is in fact a well-known pirate that goes by the name of Topaz Eye Jimmy.
Simon, this mission is dangerous. We have to eliminate him if we want to trade in peace.

* Credits given: 200000
* Experience given.

Find Topaz Eye Jimmy around Blue Outpost and eliminate him!

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Topaz Eye Jimmy
Topaz Eye Jimmy

Good job, Simon, incredible work! I'm afraid we are not yet done though.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Barbe Bleu
Barbe Bleu

Unfortunately, it seems that Topaz Eye Jimmy was just a lieutenant of the Blue underground.
Barbe Bleu is the real culprit here. You have to find him and make him pay for what he has done!

* Credits given: 500000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Enforcer Catapult

Seek Barbe Bleu around Blue Outpost and make him pay for his evil deeds!

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Barbe Bleu
Barbe Bleu

Astonishing work, Simon! The Blue Pirates are fleeing!  I'm sure they will regroup but for now we are victorious.
Here is your reward, well earned on your part. Come talk to me later and I might have something else for you.

Some Blue.. Blueprints

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Some Blue.. Blueprints
Some Blue.. Blueprints

Ahh, you are back to work with us, Simon? Good, it so happens that we've got something just for you.
We need more details about those Blue ships and for that I will need some blueprints.

* Credits given: 250000
* Experience given.

Find and bring back a Blue Alpha Blueprint and a Blue Alpha Interceptor Blueprint.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Some Blue.. Blueprints
Some Blue.. Blueprints

The pieces of the puzzle are coming together.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Blue X1
Blue X1

We've A\analyzed the blueprints we got from your last mission, Simon,
and have come to the conclusion that Topaz Eye Jimmy and Barbe Bleu
are using a specially modified Interceptor with even more advanced capacity. We need to find out the details.

* Credits given: 500000
* Experience given.

Bring back a Blue Alpha Advanced x1 Blueprint.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Blue X1
Blue X1

Ah! The now infamous Blue Advanced x1 design.  What a great piece of work.
However, I'm afraid to say it's not just the ship itself that made those two pirates powerful.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Barbe Bleu's Mod
Barbe Bleu's Mod

Even though the X1 ship design is great by itself, it doesn't explain all of Barbe Bleu's power. We need something else.

* Credits given: 1000000
* Experience given.

Find out what makes Barbe Bleu's ship special and bring back evidence of it to Enforcer McDouglas.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Barbe Bleu's Mod
Barbe Bleu's Mod

Now we know! With this critical piece of information Barbe Bleu won't pose a threat to the Enforcer guards anymore.
Great job, Simon. Only one mission remains for you before you can be accepted as a full Enforcer! Are you ready?

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Moving on
Moving on

It seems it was from Barbe Bleu's x1 design and a few modifications that the superior Blue Beta
was made and another whole new threat was created.
To prove yourself as an Enforcer we want you to find one of those new ships and dispose of it.

* Credits given: 100000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Enforcer

Find and destroy 1 Space Blue Beta ship.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Moving on
Moving on

Simon, I salute you! I knew I could count on you for all your work with the Enforcers.
You have been a significant asset and I would like to welcome you fully within our ranks.
Here is the Enforcer, a ship that hopefully will make you proud in being one of us! Make great use of it.

Enforcer Station

Enforcer Gear

These Mission are unlocked after completing the "Moving on" mission above.

Enforcer's Gyrophare

Enforcer's Attitude

Enforcer Radar

Sergeant's Radar

Enforcer Catapult


Sergeant's Enforcer

XP level: ~1232

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer Galton
  • Mission: Sergeant's Enforcer
Sergeant's Enforcer

Hello Enforcer Simon. I'm Enforcer Galton, the officer in charge of Enforcer gear and weaponry.
By proving you are doing good work for us we can provide you with advanced Enforcer gear.
Use it wisely and for justice!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Sergeant's Enforcer

Bring 100 Enforcer Rank and 1 Enforcer to get 1 Sergeant's Enforcer, a very good,
more advanced police ship that will help you fight crime like no other!

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer Galton
  • Mission: Sergeant's Enforcer
Sergeant's Enforcer

Here Simon, I hope you make good use of it.

Sergeant's Enforcer Augmenter



XP level: ~628

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Pirates!
The days are grim. Pirates are everywhere and causing incalculable mischief.
We need the help of people like you, Simon, in taking them out. Bring proofs of your deeds and we will reward you greatly.

* Credits given: 100000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Enforcer Rank

Bring 10 Pirate Crest to Enforcer McDouglas.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Pirates!

Great job Simon! That was some awsome pirate hunting I take it? Here are your rewards.
You might be able to trade the Enforcer Rank for additional special Enforcer gear once you have done enough work with us.

More Pirates!

XP level: ~755

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: More Pirates!
More Pirates!

The days are grim. Pirates are everywhere and causing incalculable mischief.
We need the help of people like you, Simon, in taking them out. Bring proofs of your deeds and we will reward you greatly.

* Credits given: 5000000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Enforcer Rank
* Reward: Enforcer Rank
* Reward: Enforcer Rank

Bring 10 Veteran Pirate Crest to Enforcer McDouglas.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: More Pirates!
More Pirates!

Great job Simon! That was some awsome pirate hunting I take it? Here are your rewards.
You might be able to trade the Enforcer Rank for additional special Enforcer gear once you have done enough work with us.

Even More Pirates

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Even More Pirates!
Even More Pirates!

The days are grim. Pirates are everywhere and causing incalculable mischief.
We need the help of people like you, Simon, in taking them out. Bring proofs of your deeds and we will reward you greatly.

* Credits given: 25000000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Enforcer Rank
* Reward: Enforcer Rank
* Reward: Enforcer Rank
* Reward: Enforcer Rank
* Reward: Enforcer Rank

Bring 10 Master Pirate Crest to Enforcer McDouglas.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Enforcer McDouglas
  • Mission: Even More Pirates!
Even More Pirates!

Great job Simon! That was some awsome pirate hunting I take it? Here are your rewards.
You might be able to trade the Enforcer Rank for additional special Enforcer gear once you have done enough work with us.

Alsen's Overloader

Location: Enforcer Station, Sol

  • Agent: Colonel Gorick
  • Mission: Got the Blues
Got the Blues

Colonel Gorick impresses you with his strict military dress code. "See these stripes?" he points to his overladen chest.
"They're not just for show, Simon. But we can't fight this war alone. I need your help to take care of that subtle menace,
the Blue Gammas, which plague our universe. It may take you a while to hunt them down, but rest assured: where there is one,
there are more. Colonel Alsen is expecting you over in Earthforce Headquarter. She will reward you for your service. That is all."

* Credits given: 10000000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Alsen's Overloader

Kill 6 Space Blue Gammas and report to Colonel Alsen at Earthforce Headquarter in Sol.
Remember soldier, you need to be a member of Earthforce to dock there, so learn about Peacemaking!

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Colonel Gorick
  • Mission: Got the Blues
Got the Blues

"Stand up straight when you talk to me!" Colonel Alsen demands your respect.
"You've done a good job, and you will get your reward. Now, you must become frecklified."

Constable Station

Blue Pirates Arsenal

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable Roderick
  • Mission: Blue Pirate Arsenal
Blue Pirate Arsenal

As you know Simon, we've been fighting the Blue Pirates for a while now,
and despite our best efforts, they have managed to stay active.
Now, the Blue have started full scale production on their latest fighter, the Space Blue Beta.
This fighter is based on the Alpha Advanced x1, and is a threat to Earthforce that cannot be ignored!
To make it worse, the Blue have upgraded their arsenal, and have a new type of bullet, the Blue Bullets Beta!
Simon, we need you to go out and disarm some of those Betas.
Bring me back their weapons, and maybe our researchers can find something to counter them.

* Credits given: 1,000,000
* Experience given: 3,000 at level 200

Kill Space Blue Betas and recover 3 of their Blue Bullets. Bring them back to Constable Roderick.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable Roderick
  • Mission: Blue Pirate Arsenal
Blue Pirate Arsenal

Superb Simon! With the data we collect from analysis of these,
we just might be able to find a way to counter the latest Blue threat!
The work is far from over though, we'll need your help again!

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable Roderick
  • Mission: Blue Beta Mod?
Blue Beta Mod?

Welcome back Simon. Your last mission was quite the success, and the analysis of the new Blue arsenal is complete.
Their Beta Bullet is a formidable weapon, but not deadly enough to explain their strength.
Also, their weapon doesn't explain how they can evade our radar detection.
They have to be getting more power from something else, and we want you to find out what.
Go track down some more Blue Beta pirates, and see if you can get their special mod, this is important Simon.

* Credits given: 5,000,000
* Experience given: 3,000 at level 200

Find and kill some more Blue Beta pirates, collect 2 Blue Beta Augment and return to Constable Roderick.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable Roderick
  • Mission: Blue Beta Mod?
Blue Beta Mod?

Aha! I was right, they do have a special mod. Simon, their power makes sense now.
This mod not only enhances their weapons but decreases their visibility.
That's how they can sneak past our radar. Good Work Simon, but we're not done yet.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable Roderick
  • Mission: Undercover Investigation
Undercover Investigation

Ok Simon, we've found out as much as we can about the Blue without some inside information.
We could learn more about the new Blue threat if we had someone in on the inside, and that's your next assignment.
You need to infiltrate the Blue Pirates and see if you can find out anymore about the Space Blue Beta.
You'll need to blend in, so before you head to Blue Outpost, I suggest you find yourself an old Space Blue Alpha and use that.
Good Luck Simon.

* Experience given.

Go over to Blue Outpost and talk to Barbe Bleu, you'll need to fly a Space Blue Alpha so they don't know you work for Earthforce.

Location: Blue Outpost, Blue Outpost

  • Agent: Barbe Bleu
  • Mission: Undercover Investigation
Undercover Investigation

Barbe Bleu looks you over. "A new recruit, eh? Ok, we might have some work for you. Come back here and talk to me later."

Location: Blue Outpost, Blue Outpost

  • Agent: Barbe Bleu
  • Mission: Blue 'Trading'
Blue 'Trading'

I have work for you Simon. We keep trying to smuggle some illegal goods into Sol, but Earthforce has a strong presence there.
So, they keep stopping our smugglers. Perhaps you could sneak our goods into Sol for us, eh?
If you can do this, I might have more important work for you, sound good?

* Credits given: 25,000,000
* Experience given: 2,000 at level 200

Smuggle the illegal weapons into Sol for Barbe Bleu, watch out for the cops.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Blue Pirate Agent
  • Mission: Blue 'Trading'
Blue 'Trading'

"You did ok, I think you can do more important runs now", says the Blue Pirate Agent, looking confident of your abilities.
"Barbe Bleu will let you know when he needs you again, and I'll let him know you did a good job,
I'm sure he'll have even harder work for you, with even better pay".

Location: Blue Outpost, Blue Outpost

  • Agent: Barbe Bleu
  • Mission: Some Blue.. Beta Blueprints
Some Blue.. Beta Blueprints

I have more work for you, Simon. I need these special blueprints for our new fighter delivered to our research galaxy.
It's not a long trip, but we saw some Enforcers around, so I can't leave this station right now.
I expect you'll do a good job, just watch out for the Enforcers, I can't afford them getting a hold of these blueprints.

* Credits given: 2,500,000
* Experience given: 3,000 at level 200

Finally a big break, you have the full technical readout for the Blue's newest fighter,
hopefully when the data is analyzed a weakness can be found. Take them back to Earthforce HQ,
so they can find the Blue Beta's weakness.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable Roderick
  • Mission: Some Blue.. Beta Blueprints
Some Blue.. Beta Blueprints

Constable Roderick looks at you in disbelief. "I don't know how you got a hold of these,
but this is one of the greatest advances in countering the Blue Threat! Take some time off, you've really earned it!".

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable Roderick
  • Mission: Prototype Gamma Assault
Prototype Gamma Assault

You enter the briefing room, and take your seat among the other officers present.
The Earthforce Researcher flicks on a holodisplay and speaks.
"An analysis of the plans provided by Simon has demonstrated a weakness in the Blue Beta. The approach will not be easy.
You will be required to maneuver straight down this trench and skim the surface to this point.
The target area is two only meters wide...". "Wait! Wrong blueprint analysis..", the Earthforce Researcher says sheepishly,
and he switches the display. "Ok, here we go. The Blue Beta is a fast, stealthy and heavily armed ship,
but it does have a weakness, its turning radius.
An agile ship can easily stay behind the Beta fighter and avoid most of the shots fired from the front.
Also, the plans given to us by Simon contained data about a new Blue ship, the Blue Gamma Prototype.
This prototype vessel needs to be destroyed if we are to stop the advance of the Blue. Simon, are you up to the task?".

* Credits given: 100,000,000
* Experience given: 4,000 at level 200
* Reward: Constable

Go destroy the prototype Space Blue Gamma in Space Blue Research.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable Roderick
  • Mission: Prototype Gamma Assault
Prototype Gamma Assault

Simon, you are quite worthy of the rank of Constable now, and I salute you.
You have dealt a blow to the Blue that they won't recover from soon, Good Work.
As a token of Earthforce's appreciation, I'm honored to present you with this, the weapon of a true Constable. Use it with pride.

Constable Gear

These Missions are unlocked once the Prototype Gamma Assault mission above is completed.

Space Blue Fighters

These Missions are unlocked once the Prototype Gamma Assault mission above is completed.

Space Blue Alpha Fighter

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable Roderick
  • Mission: Space Blue Alpha Fighters
Space Blue Alpha Fighters?

You are about to undock when an infolink message requesting your immediate attention appears on the holoscreen.
You obediently press the button and find yourself staring at a familiar face.

"Salutations, enforcer," says Constable Roderick, in his 'I have a mission for you tone of voice'.

"I trust you're not in a hurry?". He doesn't wait for you to sputter a feeble 'no',
as Earthforce regulations require an officer to abandon all duties when adressed by a higher rank,
and continues: "Simon, we have recieved a disturbing report from Ismail and his merchant cartel.
The reports are sketchy but it appears that our old enemy,
the Blue Pirates have developed some sort of a new fighter that their Gamma class assault ships are actively employing."
He pauses to upload a hologram of a very sleek-looking fighter,
and continues while you study the image: "Although the reports of Blue Pirate attacks are not unanticipated,
this fighter appears to be much more advanced than any technology East Vindia has developed.
You understand how important it is for us to remain technologically superior to our enemies, don't you, Simon?."

A pause ensues, and it takes you a couple of seconds to realise that it was not a rhetoric question.
"Yes, Constable," you reply, and Roderick continues, satisfied:
"Excellent, then you will undoubtedly direct all your effort towards getting us a sample of these fighters.
Make sure its not damaged. Oh, and Simon, be careful.
I don't believe the Blue will willingly part with their technology."

With that final bit of wisdom, Roderick signs off.

* Reward: Constable Rank

Obtain a sample Space Blue Aplha Fighter for Constable Roderick

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable Roderick
  • Mission: Space Blue Alpha Fighters
 Space Blue Alpha Fighters?
You dock the Earth Force HQ and help to unload the fighter.
Roderick comes out to meet you in person and gives you a pat on the back:
"Marvelous work, Simon! With this sample,
we should be able to obtain the fighter schematics in no time."

Rogue Researcher

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable Roderick
  • Mission: Rogue Researcher
Rogue Researcher

This time Constable sounds a lot less cheerful, as he contacts you via the infolink.
"Simon, our engineers have run into some sort of a...problem.
It appears that the fighter uses an unknown energy source to power its weapons,
and the MRI scan of the metal alloy used for its armor was not successful."
His voice suddenly becomes quiet: "Simon, I believe I found a solution,
though it might involve certain risks I am not sure you're willing to take.
This fighter, and many other ships the Blue use, was designed by Wernher von Bleu, one of their chief scientists.
After your daring attack on the Beta prototype and Barbe Bleu's destruction,
he left Blue Research and was last reported heading far into the Perilous Space."

The colonel pauses to upload a short biography of the man and continues:
"The fact that he would abandon his post after your assault proves that he was not Barbe Bleu's puppet,
and perhaps we'll be able to convince him to come over to our side.
We do not know his exact destination, but there are only a handful of places in the Perilous Space he could've gone to."
"I am sorry we cannot give you any more details,
but you've shown us that even the impossible can be achieved with enough determination.
Remember Simon, Perilous Space is a dangerous,
desolate place and I don't want to have your death on my concience. Good luck."

* Reward: Wernher von Bleu

Find Wernher von Bleu, former Chief Engineer for the Blue.
He was last seen heading into Perilous Space.
You decide that asking around the tourist hotspots in there would be a good start.

Location: Restaurant at the End of the Universe, The End of the Universe

  • Agent: Wernher von Bleu
  • Mission: Rogue Researcher
Rogue Researcher

You look out the illuminator at the strage, swirling cloud of light outside.
The sight is beautiful and eerie at the same time and you begin to lose track of time just looking at it.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you are awakened by a voice coming from behind:

"Sir, you could get a much better view of the nebula at the observation deck.
I for one have a break coming up in ten minutes and I intend to finish cleaning illuminators by then."

You turn around and see an elderly Blue male, clenching a dirty rag and looking very impatient.
Reluctantly you take one last look at the anomaly outside and let the man do his work,
but as you're about to leave, your eyes catch a sight of the nametag hanging off his jacket.

To your surprise it says: 'In training: Wern Bleu.'

A narrow escape

Once this mission is started several Reavers named "Hired goon" and a Green Battleship named "Angry Restaurant Owner" spawn agressively in The End of the Universe and might follow you out of the warp. Wern then shouts, "Oh crap, they're onto us! Pedal to the metal, man!"

Location: Restaurant at the End of the Universe, The End of the Universe

  • Agent: Wernher von Bleu
  • Mission: A narrow escape
A narrow escape

"As you explain the situation,
Wern's face begins to soften and by the time you finish speaking he has a rather hopeful look in his eyes. 

"Well, you can tell the colonel I'd be more than happy to work for Earthforce if it guaranteed my escape from this hellhole,"
he says with a weak chuckle. "After Barbe Bleu was killed,
I figured that with most of the staff fleeing the Blue Research station,
my career as a small spacecraft engineer came to an end.
I decided to have one last adventure and traveled to quite a few places,
then took one of those Starrunner ships and made my way here."

You ask Wern how he came to work in the restaurant, and he continues:
"Simon have you seen the prices here?!
One measly burger costs more than what I made in my entire lifetime and I must've ordered six of them before they brought me the tab.
And with the amount they subtract daily from my wage to pay the 'employee housing fees',
I'm actually losing billions daily!"

At last, you begin to understand Wern's predicament.
You offer to pay his debt,
but that plan is quickly put aside by the fact that doing so would drain EarthForce's budget for the next four or five decades.
Quickly you come up with another solution.

Trying to remain as insconspicuous as possible,
you and Frank start slowly moving towards the dock where your ship is parked...

Leave the restaurant without paying the bill and deliver Frank to Earth Force HQ.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable Roderick
  • Mission: A narrow escape
A narrow escape

"Remarkable Simon, you found him! I trust you did not have any trouble with this latest mission?,"
says Roderick, trying his best not to look at the blaster marks marks etched across your ship's exterior.

You assure him that you didn't.

"Excellent! We already got Wern accomodated and you are welcome to visit him anytime.
He already uploaded the plans for the Space Blue Alpha Fighter to our database, and I believe he's now working on the next generation of these fighters!
I know this is not much of a reward, but I signed the release on one of the fighter blueprints,
and of course you'll have access to further break throughs we are sure to make.
Good luck, Simon and keep up the good work!"

Space Blue Alpha Fighter Blueprint

Not a part of the remaining chain.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Wernher von Bleu
  • Mission: Space Blue Alpha fighter, again?
Space Blue Alpha fighter, again?

Wern greets you cheerfully: "Hello there, Si's_Yes_Man You're saying you need blueprint for the new Space Blue Alpha fighter?
Just fill the forms at the Requisitions Office, I believe you will need some constable ranks as well."

* Reward: Space Blue Alpha Fighter Blueprint

"Bring 5 constable ranks to the Requisition's Office in Earthforce HQ in sol"

Space Blue Delta Force

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Wernher von Bleu
  • Mission: Space Blue Delta Force
Space Blue Delta Force

This time Wern has a little more time than usual, so he strikes a conversation with you.
After discussing the latest news, he seems to remember something important.

"Simon, you're quite an experienced Fleet Commander, right?
In that case, I believe I have some interesting information for you.
Back when Barbe Bleu was in charge of the Blue Outpost, he had an elite fighter squadron, called Blue Delta Force.
Those are some of the fiercest dogfighters in the universe,
and now that their commander is dead,
they might make a fine addition to your fleet if you manage to impress them."

Wern gives you the directions to Blue Delta hangar, and wishes you luck.
As you are about to leave, he turns and says:

"But remember Simon, be careful.
You will be dealing with pirates and pirates look out only for themselves."

* Reward: Gold Dubloon

"Travel to Blue Outpost and locate Barbe Bleu's former squadron."

Location: Blue Outpost, Blue Outpost

  • Agent: Blue Baron
  • Mission: Space Blue Delta Force
Space Blue Delta Force

"You descend into the bowels of the outpost,
trying to make your way through a crowd of various aliens of all shapes, colors and sizes.
Even with Wern's directions you had to backtrack twice and ask a slimy yellow humanoid to show you the way once.

Eventually you make your way to the very bottom of the asteroid,
finding yourself in the service tunnels.
The heat from the maze of pipes above and below you becomes more than uncomfortable
and you have to turn on a portable oxygen purifier before going further. 

After half an hour of searching the tunnels you finally find a large metal door and knock. 

At first nothing happens and the air around you suddenly grows very quiet,
save the breathing of the pipes. Your excitement begins to fade,
and you're considering leaving when the door suddenly slams open.

Immediately you find yourself held at a gunpoint by a well-muscled individual,
obviously of Blue origin and half a dozen Blues behind him.
 You quickly explain the reason for your visit,
but they only lower their weapons after you mention the former Chief Engineer's name.

"Alright," he says. "Let's talk business."

Blue Baron

Location: Blue Outpost, Blue Outpost

  • Agent: Blue Baron
  • Mission: Blue Baron
Blue Baron

"There is one thing we have to get straight before conducting any business,
mister Simon,"  says the muscled man in a heavily accented Terran,
"and that is that I am the best there is." He pauses emphatically,
then continues: "My name is Blue Baron,
and I'm the leader of the Blue Delta Force, the elite group of ace fighter pilots.
We don't care where we fight or what we fight and we'll bring enough tactical
know-how to battle to make even pathetic pink-skin chumps like you into competent marksmen." 

His face twists in an unkind smile and he continues,
not bothering to conseal his obvious disgust with mankind:
"Of course before we even consider going into whatever hell you're sending us to,
you'll have to prove that you're more than a half-wit who paid to have a hole drilled in the side of his ship.
Kill an officer of the Bonnet Gang and bring me his remains as a proof."

You nod, but Blue Baron interrupts you before you have a chance to speak:
"There's also a matter of payment. Our allegiance is not for the lightwalleted,
so don't bother coming back until you can afford it."

Without further pleasantries, two Blue grunts escort you outside and slam the door shut behind you."

* Reward: Space Blue Delta Fighter x 5

Obtain Rackham remains to prove your worth to the Blue.
Also gather 10 Gold Dubloons to pay the recruitment fees.

Location: Blue Outpost, Blue Outpost

  • Agent: Blue Baron
  • Mission: Blue Baron
Blue Baron

Blue Baron grabs the gold greedily, ignoring the steaming remains of Rackham's ship.
Finally he lifts his eyes from the bag of coins and says:

"Alright, some of us are convinced.
Five of my pilots are ready to accompany you, mister Simon,
but the rest will stay until you can afford otherwise. Now get out of here."

Blue baron again

Location: Blue Outpost, Blue Outpost

  • Agent: Blue Baron
  • Mission: Blue baron again
Blue baron again

"So you're back?, snarls the Blue Baron, giving you an incendiary look. Let me guess,
you're incompetence put you into stasis and left those poor bastards for dead?"

Well that is true, but he didn't have to say it like that.

"Lucky for you we only serve one lord and that's the gold coin.
For twenty dubloons we'll give you another chance."

Summary: Obtain 20 gold dubloons to hire more Blue mercenaries."

* Experience given.
* Reward: Space Blue Delta Fighter x 5

Obtain 20 gold dubloons to hire more Blue mercenaries.

Infernal Firelocks

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Nevil Frostbite
  • Mission: Towering Inferno More
Towering Inferno More

"Behold! The next generation in central heating!" You wonder what Nevil Frostbite is on about.
"It gets cold in space, especially out here at Earthforce Headquarter. How to heat our homes?
It's an age-old problem, but I believe I have a new solution.
It lies in the heating mechanism of the 'Inferno' spaceship: a common pirate.
Of course, getting this heating element -- the Infernal Firelock -- can be a little tricky.
It turns out these pirates don't like to share. Not one bit. So you have to encourage them, generally by blowing up their ships.
Get 8 of these items for me, and I'll build you a little something special out of the scraps left over from my research."

* Credits given: 5000000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Enforcer Rank
* Reward: Enforcer Rank

Retrieve 8 Infernal Firelocks from dead Infernos and deliver them to Nevil Frostbite at Earthforce Headquarter in Sol.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Nevil Frostbite
  • Mission: Towering Inferno More
Towering Inferno More

Fantastic! Just what I ordered! Now, here's a little something for you I made out of the last batch I got...

Infernal Tempest Tie-In

Investigation and Infiltration

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable McIntyre
  • Mission: Outer Rim Investigation
Outer Rim Investigation

You enter Earthforce Headquarters and everyone looks rather worried. "You there, Simon. Are you the messenger from the Outer Rim?
No?" Constable McIntyre breathes a deep sigh and continues.
"It's just been so long since we've heard from our officers in the Outer Rim, here at headquarters we're getting a bit worried.
If that's not enough, all our other officers are too busy with the Blue Pirates, so we can't send a team to investigate!
Hey, you look decent enough to hold your own out there, how about you go see what's going on.
We here at Earthforce could really use that kind of help right now."

* Experience given.

Verify or disprove the rumors coming from the Outer Rim. Someone at one of the stations in that region should be able to help.

Location: Random Station, Random Warp 1 Galaxy

  • Agent: Earthforce Agent
  • Mission: Outer Rim Investigation
Outer Rim Investigation

Hell is it good to finally see someone from HQ out here!
We've been unable to send a messenger for weeks since the ones we do send get captured, and being under siege,
it's hard to get supply shipments in. I think you might be able to help us more here, let me prepare a message for HQ.

Location: Random Station, Random Warp 1 Galaxy

  • Agent: Earthforce Agent
  • Mission: Incriminating Evidence
Incriminating Evidence

The Earthforce Agent returns and hands you a datadisc.
"This disc has a message for HQ as well as a holorecording of the latest attack.
Earthforce was too busy fending off the Blue Pirates, so busy that they didn't give proper attention to the Infernal Faction.
Well, you see what mess we're in here because of that.
Get this to my commanders in Sol, once they see it they'll take action against this band of rouges."

* Credits given: 250000
* Experience given.

Deliver the Datadisc to Constable McIntyre in Sol. It contains extremely important evidence so be quick and be careful.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable McIntyre
  • Mission: Incriminating Evidence
Incriminating Evidence

Constable McIntyre plays back the recording and has a very grim look. He turns to you. "Thank you Simon,
this was a very important message and it needed to get through. By risking all to deliver this,
you have done Earthforce a great service and we shall not forget it.
If only we had more officers to go and deal with the Infernal Faction in the Outer Rim..."
Constable McIntyre sits down and starts to think.
"Simon, you've already proven you have what it takes to serve Earthforce,
how about you sign up for service and then we could send you to deal with the Infernal Faction.
How's that sound Constable Simon?"

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable McIntyre
  • Mission: Undercover

Good to see you here for the briefing, we're sending you on assignment.
The Infernal Faction used to be a small time organization,
so small that we here at Headquarters never considered them a security threat,
and left the Merchants Guild to deal with their petty pirate raids. But, it seems that we were wrong.
For some reason, they've started hitting larger convoys and even attacking stations in the Outer Rim areas!
After analyzing the data in that holorecording, we think we have some idea of what's going on. They're building up resources!
Why they've started to amass building materials we have no idea, but it can't be good. Now, this is where you come in.
We need you to infiltrate the Infernal Faction, to go undercover and find out what they're up to.
After planting a tracking beacon on one of their fighters, we've managed to locate their hideout,
so you should probably start there. This isn't going to be easy, so be careful Simon.

* Experience given.

Infiltrate the Infernal Faction.
To do this, you'll need to blend in, and you can find refitted Inferno Class heavy fighters in Glass Matrix to help.
You've been given map data to their hideout, so head out.

Location: Alpha Research Station, Infernal Tempest

  • Agent: Deep Orange
  • Mission: Undercover

Upon exiting your ship, you are greeted by a large glowing photosensor. *DEEP ORANGE TO INITIATE 05947.
Welcome to the Infernal Faction initiate number ZERO FIVE NINE FOUR SEVEN.
You will be trained and indoctrinated fitting the masters orders. You will learn to think as he does.
You will serve the Infernal Faction with your life. Failure to do so will result in death by the master or another party.
Report back here for further assignment.*

Loyalty Test: Kill the Earthforce captive

Location: Alpha Research Station, Infernal Tempest

  • Agent: Deep Orange
  • Mission: Loyalty Test
Loyalty Test

*The master requires that all initiates prove their loyalty before further training is administered.
For this purpose the master has imprisoned captives within this galaxy. You are to terminate these captives.
Failure to comply will result in your termination.
Success will result with further training and placement into one of the masters programs. Simon TO CONTAINMENT THREE.*

* Experience given.
* Reward: Infernal Battery
* Reward: Firestream

You've been asked to show where your loyalty to the Infernal Faction.
Enter the Holding Cell and destroy whatever prisoners awaits you there.

Location: Alpha Research Station, Infernal Tempest

  • Agent: Doktor Kobaldstein
  • Mission: Loyalty Test
Loyalty Test

Upon your return you at stopped by a man veiled in shadow. "Hallo Simon.
Based on your performance thus far, du are zu be assigned zu me, so allow me zu introduce mein selbst.
Ich bin Doktor Kobaldstein". The man steps out of the shadows to reveal a rather statuesque yet eccentric human.
"Du are zu be given access zu mein laboratories and du musst research für mich.
Hier, take these, they vill help du with your further assignments".

Field Research

Location: Alpha Research Station, Infernal Tempest

  • Agent: Doktor Kobaldstein
  • Mission: Constructautomaton 4000
Field Research

Ah Simon, the time ist now für dein erste assignment.
Jetzt, the Infernal Faction ist not ready zu assault something as grosse as Earthforce,
so ich hab been vorking on harnessing the power of the sun my laboratory orbits.
Solar Radiation can produce levels of energy that astound most,
aber sadly du musst be close zu the sun that produce this radiation zu utilize it.
Vith my neue technique ich have found a vay zu capture this power,
and zu allow it zu be stored in an Infernal Cell und dann released spater.
Ich need du zu go und fabricate these cells für mich, so ich can vork on increasing their power output.
My supercomputer Deep Orange vill instruct you further on how zu complete this task für mich. Auf weidersehen.

* Credits given: 1000000
* Experience given.

Doktor Kobaldstein has sent you to create Infernal Cells and deliver them to him.
Earthforce would be very interested in these, perhaps you should deliver them to Headquarters in Sol instead.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable McIntyre
  • Mission: Field Research
Field Research

Excellent Work Simon! These power cells you've brought to us will be sent to our scientists right away for analysis!
You may have done it, this data could give us insight as to exactly what the Infernal Faction is planning!
We'll give you some R and R for a job well done, but get back here right away!

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable McIntyre
  • Mission: Research Grants? TERMINATED!
Research Grants? TERMINATED!

Simon, the scientists here at HQ have finished analyzing the power cores your brought to us, and we know at least this.
Those are a source of energy that we here at Earthforce could  only dream of discovering.
The technology.. it's years beyond what we can manufacture, impossible for us to even consider replicating.
With the Infernal Faction producing something that can store and release that much juice,
there is no telling what they could pull off.. perhaps even a direct attack on Sol if they could create enough!
The Infernal Faction is now a serious security threat, and they must be dealt with immediately!
Simon, you need to go back to Infernal Tempest, and take out Doktor Kobaldstein,
this is the only way we can stop this from getting any worse.
While you're there, it wouldn't hurt to get a hold of his research data either,
these power cells would be a great advantage for Earthforce and that should tell us how to make them. Good Luck.

* Credits given: 2500000
* Experience given.

It's time to take the Infernal Faction down. Go out and destroy Kobaldstein and recover his research data.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable McIntyre
  • Mission: Research Grants? TERMINATED!
Research Grants? TERMINATED!

Hmm.. We thought taking out the Doctor would cause the faction to crumble, it seems we were wrong.
Doktor Kobaldstein had to report to someone even higher up, someone known only as 'Diablo'. Our work is far from over,
but before we start tracking down the actual leader of those pirates, we need to finish shutting down the Doktors program.
Get back here at oh-nine hundred for the briefing Simon. By then we should have more intel for you.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable McIntyre
  • Mission: Into the Inferno
Into the Inferno

Before Earthforce makes it move against Diablo, we need you Simon to mop up the remnants of Doktor Kobaldstein's project.
Reviewing the Doktors research data gave us vital information as to exactly what was going on in there,
and exactly what needs to be shut down. First, he has apprentices that are mining the key elements of his Infernal Core,
they then deliver those resources to depots near the asteroid belts,
where they are picked up and delivered to his labs by Infernal Bulks. You need to stop the Miners and the Bulks.
After you've taken out his supply chain, you have to destroy his Solar Collection Stations.
He has ten orbiting The Inferno, and they can collect mass amounts of radiation from that star thus fueling his project.
Finally, you have to destroy the Omega Lab. The majority of the Infernal Cells are produced there,
and we have to hit that target before the faction can manufacture more.
After you've stopped all production from the labs in Infernal Tempest, get back here.
We'll be working on plans to take out Diablo.
Recon shows that there is increased security in the area now, so good luck Simon, and be careful.

* Credits given: 4500000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Constable's Blocker

The Doktor's research was quite extensive, and you need to shut down his project entirely.
Take out 5 Solar Collection Stations, 3 Goblin Miners and 2 Infernal Bulks.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable McIntyre
  • Mission: Into the Inferno
Into the Inferno

Simon, you are to be commended. You've single-handedly stopped Doktor Kobaldstein's research project,
and given us data that should help us turn the tide on other fronts.
The threat isn't entirely eliminated though, Diablo and his faction still remain.
You'll have plenty of time to rest before we send you out to finish the job though, you've more than earned it.
Oh, before I forget, take this. It's a special item granted to very few, use it with pride, Constable Simon.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable McIntyre
  • Mission: Cleaning House
Cleaning House

You walk into Earthforce HQ, and are greeted with a firm handshake by Constable McIntyre.
"Welcome back, I trust you enjoyed your break? Good, now lets get down to business.
Without the good doktor, the Infernal Faction has lost some of its resolve,
but it'll take a lot more than just that to break their will.
We sent scouts out and it seems they're still gearing up for an attack, Infernal Cells or not".
Constable McIntyre walks over to a water cooler and gets a quick drink. He clears his throat and continues.
"I'm not going to lie to you Simon, this is going to be dangerous, very dangerous.
You need to stage a full scale attack on the Infernal Faction, solo.
We can't offer any back-up right now, we just got hit again by the Blue, but we can't delay this attack either, it's too risky.
If you don't want to do this, HQ will understand, but this is most desperate hour. Help us Simon, you're our only hope".

* Credits given: 7000000
* Experience given.

Time to work your way to Diablo, but there is an entire faction in your way. I guess you'll have to take 'em out.
Kill 7 Inferno, 4 Goblin and 1 Doom Guard in Infernal Tempest.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable McIntyre
  • Mission: Cleaning House
Cleaning House

I can't beleive it, but you did it. Somehow you pulled it off, and now the Infernal Faction is on it's knees,
so it's time to behead it. Once we cut Diablo from the picture, the faction will fracture and the remnants will scatter,
and sol should be finally safe.  HQ will plan the final attack immediately, so get back here soon for the breifing.
I have to say it, Simon, you're one hell of an officer.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable McIntyre
  • Mission: Fragment the Faction (Constable)
Fragment the Faction (Constable)

With the rest of the faction still crippled from your last blow, the path to the leader is wide open.
Recon shows that he's holed up in Diablo's Inferno, so you need to head there and take him out.
Before you go though, we have some valuable information on Diablo we think you should know.
Diablo flies a specially modified Cleft Thorn heavy fighter.
His ship has extreme resistance to quite a few damage types, but his hull can be breached if you hit him with the proper weapons.
Finally, watch out, he has very deadly close and long range attacks, and all of them draw their power from suns.
HQ advises that you pack some heat shields and don't be suprised if you get burned.
You've done very well up to now, I expect you'll continue your excellent work, good luck Simon.

* Credits given: 20000000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Constable

It's nearly finished, only Diablo remains, and it's time to take him out.
Head to Diablo's Inferno, and send him to his own personal hell.

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable McIntyre
  • Mission: Fragment the Faction (Constable)
Fragment the Faction (Constable)

Simon, Sol is safe once again, and it's all thanks to your tireless efforts.
Earthforce couldn't have done it without you, and we're extremely greatful.
To honor your service of Earthforce, I've been cleared to give you this,
a very special ship granted to only the best of Constables.
I can't think of anyone better to give it to myself, and you should be proud you've earned it.
Fly this in your quests to further enforce justice throught the universe, for you are truely a Constable now Simon.
Constable's Aid

Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol

  • Agent: Constable McIntyre
  • Mission: Fragment the Faction (Constable's Aid)
Fragment the Faction (Constable's Aid)

With the rest of the faction still crippled from your last blow, the path to the leader is wide open.
Recon shows that he's holed up in Diablo's Inferno, so you need to head there and take him out.
Before you go though, we have some valuable information on Diablo we think you should know.
Diablo flies a specially modified Cleft Thorn heavy fighter.
His ship has extreme resistance to quite a few damage types, but his hull can be breached if you hit him with the proper weapons.
Finally, watch out, he has very deadly close and long range attacks, and all of them draw their power from suns.
HQ advises that you pack some heat shields and don't be suprised if you get burned.
You've done very well up to now, I expect you'll continue your excellent work, good luck Simon.

* Credits given: 20000000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Constable's Aid

It's nearly finished, only Diablo remains, and it's time to take him out.
Head to Diablo's Inferno, and send him to his own personal hell.

Laboratory Research (Repeatable)

Location: Alpha Research Station, Infernal Tempest

  • Agent: Deep Orange
  • Mission: Laboratory Research
Laboratory Research

*SUBMIT ACCESS CODES. Welcome Simon, access to the masters laboratories granted.*
You enter the sterile room and quickly walk over to a desktop monitor.
*Infernal Cell fabrication, a process designed by the master.
Reagents required: 7 units of Solar Radiation. 3 units of Xeno Isotopes.
Catalyst: 3 units of Neutron Rods. All reagents can be found surrounding the Inferno.
Return with reagents and automated systems will fabricate Power Cells.
Reagents are extremely unstable, time spent collecting reagents must be minimized. Simon TO ASTEROID FOUR*

* Experience given.
* Reward: Infernal Cell
* Reward: Infernal Cell
* Reward: Infernal Cell
* Reward: Infernal Cell
* Reward: Infernal Cell

Collect 7 units of Solar Radiation, 3 Neutron Rods and 3 Xeno Isotopes.
Bring them to Deep Orange so it can fabricate Infernal Cells.

Location: Alpha Research Station, Infernal Tempest

  • Agent: Deep Orange
  • Mission: Laboratory Research
Laboratory Research

*Initiating fabrication. All bioforms are required to exit laboratory due to intense radiation.*
You leave the lab and return when after it has be purged.
*Reaction successful. 5 units of Infernal Cells have been fabricated. Radiation purged. Simon TO COLLECT CELLS. Simon TO LAB ONE*

Contructautomaton 4000

Once the initial mission has been done, the gear missions are unlocked.

Location: Alpha Research Station, Infernal Tempest

  • Agent: Doktor Kobaldstein
  • Mission: Constructautomaton 4000
Constructautomaton 4000

"Ich hab another task für du" says Doktor Kobaldstein as he scribbles formulas and calculations on a whiteboard.
"Du hast seen that station in the asteroid field, ja?
Ich hab constructed it in order zu build the equipment that the Inferal Faction requires.
Currently though, it ist nicht functional. Für it zu vork, ich need du zu boot up its programming. Kannst du für mich das tun?"
* Experience given.

Doktor Kobaldstein needs you to boot up the Constructautomaton 4000. Deleiver the program disk to the Infernal Armory.

Location: Infernal Armory, Infernal Tempest

  • Agent: Constructautomaton 4000
  • Mission: Constructautomaton 4000
Constructautomaton 4000

*PROGRAM INITIATING... PERSONALITY CORE ONLINE. Constructautomaton 4000 online and functional.
Welcome to the new user friendly fabrication plant, the Infernal Armory.*
Infernal Battery
Doomed Shielding
Doomed Box
Doomed Engine
Doomed Radar
Solar Collection Drone

Warden Missions

These missions open around level 250.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: Ring World Under Attack?
Ring World Under Attack?

Hello Simon, my name is Warden Sigonus of the Warden Earth Forces.
We are currently looking for brave young Wardens to help us defend the universe against pirate forces. Are you still with me?
Good. We have some urgent matters for you to attend to.
We have heard reports that the once majestic Ring World station is being blockaded by the forces of the pirate Bonnet.
We need you to go into that system and verify that for us. Be careful, they may have laid some traps so only go in heavily armed.

* Credits given: 250000
* Experience given.

Scout Ring World's galaxy for signs of pirate attacks. Be careful of a possible trap.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: Ring World Under Attack?
Ring World Under Attack?

Simon, we're glad to see you made it out alive! So there is a massive trap at the entrance of the Bonnet system?
That's bad news. Yet we need to help Ring World somehow.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: Ring World
Ring World

Simon, thanks to you we now know that Ring World is under blockade by Bonnet forces.
We need you to go there and see if you can help the station somehow. 

* Experience given.

Go to Ring World and ask Ring World Administrator Jewel Staite what they need.

Location: Ring World, Bonnet

  • Agent: Ring World Administrator Jewel Staite
  • Mission: Ring World
Ring World

Finally, a friendly face! Simon, we have been under blockade by Bonnet forces for weeks now. Can you help us?

Location: Ring World, Bonnet

  • Agent: Ring World Administrator Jewel Staite
  • Mission: Famine

The one thing we need most desperately are rations. We still have a few thousand people aboard the station that need to eat.
We can pay with some universal credits too.

* Credits given: 3000000
* Experience given.

Bring 5000 rations to Ring World.

Location: Ring World, Bonnet

  • Agent: Ring World Administrator Jewel Staite
  • Mission: Famine

Thank you, Simon, here is your money. Hopefully with that shipment the urgency of our situation will be reduced a bit.

Location: Ring World, Bonnet

  • Agent: Ring World Administrator Jewel Staite
  • Mission: Energy

Now that we have some food, our next pressing need is that nearly all of our energy resources are depleted.
If we can't get any nuclear waste soon we won't even be able to maintain life support. Can you help us with this problem?

* Credits given: 5000000
* Experience given.

Bring 5000 Nuclear Waste to Ring World.

Location: Ring World, Bonnet

  • Agent: Ring World Administrator Jewel Staite
  • Mission: Energy

Again, thank you; here is your money. Now, for the matter of eventually getting out of here?

Location: Ring World, Bonnet

  • Agent: Ring World Administrator Jewel Staite
  • Mission: Drones

Bonnet forces have installed drones all around the station as you can see.
These drones are really problematic and are preventing any escape attempt by a civilian ship from the station,
not including the danger the pirates also pose. Go talk to Warden Sigonus in Sol and tell him about the drones.

* Experience given.

Go speak with Warden Sigonus in Sol and tell him about the drones.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: Drones


Indeed, Simon, those pirate drones could really be a problem if we try to evacuate the civilians.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: Drones

We need to study those drones in more detail, Simon. Do you think it is possible to bring back a specimen of those drones?
That way we would be able to mount a better offense against Bonnet.

* Experience given.
* Reward: MicroFragment Dissipator Ultra
* Reward: MicroFragment Dissipator Ultra
* Reward: MicroFragment Dissipator Ultra

Bring back a Pirating Drone.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: Drones

Good job, Simon, our experts will study them. Hopefully we will be able to see the start of a solution to this crisis.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: First Strike
First Strike

We found a weakness in those drones you brought back. With this information, we will mount our first attack.
You now want you to go in their system and take out some of the Bonnet pirate gang.
Good luck, Simon. Report to Ring World afterward.

* Experience given.

Kill 6 Basil and 6 Parsley in Bonnet galaxy then report to Ring World.

Location: Ring World, Bonnet

  • Agent: Ring World Administrator Jewel Staite
  • Mission: First Strike
First Strike

Simon, nicely done. It's time for an even bigger blow now.

Location: Ring World, Bonnet

  • Agent: Ring World Administrator Jewel Staite
  • Mission: Bulker transport
Bulker transport

The Bonnet are more vulnerable now with all those Parsley and Basil destroyed. You have to strike quickly at their supply line.
Find and destroy 5 of their Bulkers. Hopefully this will choke off their operation here. Report to Warden Sigonus afterward.

* Experience given.
* Reward: Warden Sidearm

Kill 10 Bonnet Bulkers and report to Sol for further instructions.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: Bulker transport
Bulker transport

Good job with the freighters, Simon, I think this was a serious blow to the blockade attempt of Ring World.
Here, take this Warden Sidearm, you are going to need it for the next step.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: The Heads of the Gang
The Heads of the Gang

We now need to find where the heads of the Bonnet pirate gang are hiding.
This is a scout mission; find where Bonnet and McCoy are hiding.

* Experience given.

Find where Bonnet and McCoy are hiding.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: The Heads of the Gang
The Heads of the Gang

Good information gathering, Simon. So that's where they've been hiding after all.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: End of Tyranny
End of Tyranny

Now that we know where they are we need to put an end to their tyranny. Simon, good luck.

* Experience given.

Seek and destroy Stede Bonnet and McCoy.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: End of Tyranny
End of Tyranny

Incredible work, Simon, what you did was of great importance! We are nearly done with this pirate gang now thanks to you.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: The Basil and Parsley threat
The Basil and Parsley threat

Now to understand the Basil and Parsley threat completely
and put an end to this terror all across the galaxy we need one more thing from you.
We need you to find a Parsley and a Basil blueprint and bring both items here for further study.

* Credits given: 50000000
* Reward: Warden

Bring a Parsley and a Basil blueprint.

Deflector Missions

Hunt for the source of these signals

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: Hunt for the source of these signals
Hunt for the source of these signals

Simon, your name came to us as someone able to solve mysteries. We were sent recently a distress call from a system outside our normal jurisdiction,
stating that their defensive drones had gone wild. However, the source of this signal is beyond us, as the last part of the signal was corrupted.
We need you to search out this system and report back to see if Earth Force can aid them 

* Experience given.

Find the system with malfunctioning drones; it is your task to find it!

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: Hunt for the source of these signals
Hunt for the source of these signals

Ah, this is most vexing. It appears that their drones have been infected with a deadly virus.

Aid Deflector

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: Aid Deflector
Aid Deflector

Simon, thanks to you we now know that Deflector is under blockade by its own drones. We need you to go there and see if you can help the station somehow.
It is up to you to find a safe path past those drones!

* Experience given.

Go to R and ask Deflector Praetor Bugnacious what they need.

Location: Fluxial Pull, Deflector

  • Agent: Deflector Praetor Bugnacious
  • Mission: Aid Deflector
Aid Deflector

Finally, a friendly face! Simon, we have been under blockade by our drones for weeks now. Can you help us?

Solving the drone issue

Location: Fluxial Pull, Deflector

  • Agent: Deflector Praetor Bugnacious
  • Mission: Solving the drone issue
Solving the drone issue

Simon, thank you for coming to our assistance.
As you can see, our drones have been attacked by a hostile virus and now fire on everyone trying to reach our station!

We think that pirates did this in order to starve us out so that they could get hold of our new ship research.
Although we are by nature a solitary research base, we still need those supplies to survive!

If you could provide us with that aid, we will tell you, and Earth Force, of our new ship designs.

Please bring us 2,500 rations, 2,500 nuclear waste and 2,500 microchips; this will allow our station to survive this blockade.

* Experience given.

Go out into the wider universe and find the supplies and give Deflector Praetor Bugnacious what he needs.

Location: Fluxial Pull, Deflector

  • Agent: Deflector Praetor Bugnacious
  • Mission: Solving the drone issue
Solving the drone issue

Thank you Simon, this will ensure we hold out against those pirates!

The Orca!

Location: Fluxial Pull, Deflector

  • Agent: Deflector Praetor Bugnacious
  • Mission: The Orca!
The Orca!

Simon, you have saved us! Sadly, the drones are now permanently set to their defensive position... however,
I dare not turn them off, as the pirates will easily over-power us. We need Earth Forces help here!
If you take the Blue Prints of our newest ship design back to Earth Force, I'm sure that they will be able to think of a solution to our problems! 

* Experience given.

Go back to Earth Force with an Orca Blueprint and ask Warden Sigonus what solution he suggests.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: The Orca!
The Orca!

Ahh, Simon, so you return. With new ship designs no less! This is excellent!

The Deflector Solution

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Warden Sigonus
  • Mission: The Deflector Solution
The Deflector Solution

Simon, we can see from these plans that Deflector had designed an excellent stealth drone ship;
with this in our arsnel, we can defend Sol and Earth Space much more easily. However, we owe the scientists in Deflector our gratitude and aid still.
Judging by the schematics and our knowledge of their defensive grid,
I think the best bet is to provide them with sufficient materials to replace any losses over time.
If you could deliver these drones to Deflector, I am sure that they will be grateful.
I should think that 4 titan drones,  10 bounce drones,  2 warptastic drones should bolster their defenses enough to allow them to survive.

* Credits given: 500000000
* Experience given.

Take the drones to Deflector

Location: Fluxial Pull, Deflector

  • Agent: Deflector Praetor Bugnacious
  • Mission: The Deflector Solution
The Deflector Solution

Ahh, Simon, so you return. With new ship designs no less! This is excellent!

Personal Missions

Earth Central

Diana's Jellies

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Diana Rumplemort
  • Mission: Diana's Jellies
Diana's Jellies

"Too much to do, not enough time," muses Diana Rumplemort. "Could you help a lady out?
I need these apricot jellies delivered to my cousin Frida in Free Market."

* Credits given: 10000
* Experience given.

Deliver apricot jellies to Henrietta Turngood at von Mises in Free Market.

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Henrietta Turngood
  • Mission: Diana's Jellies
Diana's Jellies

You find Henrietta Turngood and deliver the jellies. "Oh, brill! I mean, have you tried these things? Here have one."
You have to admit, they're rather tasty considering the source.

Note for Poppyjuice

Location: Earth Central, Sol

  • Agent: Bradford Dickens
  • Mission: Note for Poppyjuice
Note for Poppyjuice

"Yes... no... I don't know." Bradford Dickens seems unsure. "It's hard to tell. I guess... I guess I need more information.
Simon... help me. Travel to Ring. Find Arthur Poppyjuice. Show him this note... he will know what to do."

* Credits given: 15000
* Experience given.

Deliver  to Arthur Poppyjuice at Rock Harbor in Ring.

Location: Rock Harbor, Ring

  • Agent: Arthur Poppyjuice
  • Mission: Note for Poppyjuice
Note for Poppyjuice

You find Arthur Poppyjuice and deliver the jellies. "Oh, brill! I mean, have you tried these things? Here have one."
You have to admit, they're rather tasty considering the source.

Enforcer Station

Maggot Mo More

Location: Enforcer Station, Sol

  • Agent: Freeman Grieveworthy
  • Mission: Maggot No More
Maggot No More

"Ho ho ho, Simon." Freeman Grieveworthy seems to be in a good mood. "Great day, is it not? And why should it not be?
We're living free and peacefully under the bright blessed stars, with our freedoms intact.
And it's people like you who keep things that way. Yes, you are a sort of guardian. A pillar of your community.
What do such fine fellows such as yourself do to keep their upstanding reputation?
Why, they take care of problems such as our recent maggot infestation.
I'm not talking about rotting meat, I'm talking about Flyswatter Maggots.
They are everywhere these days, being a complete nuisance.
Go forth and thin their population and our community will reward you appropriately."

* Credits given: 50000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Enforcer Rank

Kill 10 Flyswatter Maggots and return to Freeman Grieveworthy at Enforcer Station in Sol.

Location: Enforcer Station, Sol

  • Agent: Freeman Grieveworthy
  • Mission: Maggot No More
Maggot No More

Excellent work, Simon, you have done well. Those maggots won't be bugging us anymore.

Pyrite Funeral

Location: Enforcer Station, Sol

  • Agent: Archibald Automaton
  • Mission: Pyrite Funeral
Pyrite Funeral

You are grabbed by Archibald Automaton. He wails, "They killed my son, those murdering fiends!
Those Pyrites, those evil Goldenboy Pyrites. They have no respect for android life.
I want you to take that spaceship of yours and seek my revenge. An eye for an eye is rubbish -- that was in the old days.
I want serious AI blood. Kill ten of them. Ten, for my son! I'll be waiting for you in Sol."

* Credits given: 100000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Enforcer Rank

Kill 10 Goldenboy Pyrites and seek out Archibald Automaton at Enforcer Station in Sol.

Location: Enforcer Station, Sol

  • Agent: Archibald Automaton
  • Mission: Pyrite Funeral
Pyrite Funeral

Simon, you have brought joy to a vengeful man. Don't give me any of that sad crap about how this is a tragedy. I feel good!

Kill some Tints

Location: Enforcer Station, Sol

  • Agent: Sandy Gray
  • Mission: Black and White
Black and White

"Do you see the universe in black and white, Simon?" Sandy Gray gazes mournfully through a starport. "I hope not.
It's really in shades of gray. It's these complexities that give life both its difficulty and its meaning.
Some creatures cannot understand this, and wish to enforce monochromacity on all they touch.
Seek them out, if you can. Destroy them."

* Credits given: 1000000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Enforcer Rank

Kill 10 Monochrome Tints and return to Sandy Gray at Enforcer Station in Sol.

Location: Enforcer Station, Sol

  • Agent: Sandy Gray
  • Mission: Black and White
Black and White

Simon, you have moved the universe one shade closer to gray. For this I thank you.

Galileo's Plight

Galileo's Pight

Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Galileo's Plight
Galileo's Plight

Ah, I didn't see you come in, I was a bit busy refocusing my telescope, I get a wonderful view of Jupiter from here.
Well, if you haven't heard already, I've landed in a bit of trouble.
Cardinal Bellarmine and his followers in Absolution are forcing me to renounce my Copernican views!
You would think by now they would have given up their belief that Sol revolves around Earth,
but it seems their type is quite stubborn. 
Perhaps you can help me Simon, I'd hate to be labeled a heretic, I'd be excommunicated!
I need you to go find out exactly what's going on in Absolution. I'm not quite sure how to deal with what's going on,
and as a man of science, I must have more information before I make a decision on this matter.

* Credits given: 25000
* Experience given.

Explore Absolution for Galileo.

Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Galileo's Plight
Galileo's Plight

Hmm.. this is just as I feared, they are relentless aren't they?
It seems they are going to excommunicate me unless I renounce my beliefs.
I'd like you to come back to see me a little later, perhaps by then I'll have decided what to do.

Interstellar Absolution

Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Interstellar Absolution
Interstellar Absolution?

The followers of the Cardinal claim they can grant absolution, but I wonder how honest they are with their duties.
I've heard rumors that for a price you can buy indulgences! If this is so, they are corrupt,
and they have no right to persecute me. If it isn't I suppose I must submit to their demands.
Simon, can you return to Absolution, and disprove or substantiate these rumors?
Bring me back any evidence you can find regarding this, for as you know I always seek to make informed decisions.

* Credits given: 100000
* Experience given.

Bring 3 Solar Cleansing back to Galileo so he learn the truth.

Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Interstellar Absolution
Interstellar Absolution?

I cannot believe it, they are selling indulgences! To command the professors of astronomy to confute their own observations,
but then to force them to submit to immoral men?! I cannot stand for this!
I'll have need of your help again soon, be sure to return Simon.


Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Abstructor?

This corruption must cease, and thus I have another task for you Simon.
Since you brought me proof of the vile actions committed in Absolution,
I'd think it's best that you be the one to confront the Cardinal's followers.
Head to Absolution once more and let them know that they must repent for these actions.
After they have given their answer, return here with anything else you might have found.
Be cautious though, the followers are sure to be upset when they find their sins have been discovered.

* Credits given: 150000
* Experience given.

Bring 1 Abstructor back to Galileo so he can study it.

Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Abstructor?

My God, I can't believe that anyone would use such a device on any of their fellows! It's inhumane!
After seeing this, I have a hard time believing they will repent. I don't like where this is going Simon.
Return here later, I have some serious thinking to do.


Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Penance

We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves,
and it seems the Cardinal's followers have no plans of repentance for their actions.
I hate to see it come to this, but there seems to be no other course, this matter is ours to deal with now.
I want you SiSimon to go exact judgment on those corrupt few who judge others unfairly.
They're most likely to be found somewhere near the Cardinal's cathedral in Penance.
Come back safely my friend, and be sure to keep me informed.

* Credits given: 150000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Galileo's Telescope
* Reward: Galileo's Telescope
* Reward: Galileo's Telescope
* Reward: Galileo's Telescope
* Reward: Galileo's Telescope

Find and kill 7 Seraph in Penance.

Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Penance

How sad that this had to pass, but what has been done is done... Oh, what’s that?
You say the Seraphim were quite hard to see? Hmm.. I think I have something that might help you with that next time Simon.

Destruction of an Effigy

Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Destruction of an Effigy
Destruction of an Effigy

Having traveled to Penance now, I'm sure you've seen the cathedral.
That is the Cardinal's headquarters from which he rules his diocese, and that as well must fall.
Simon, you must return to Penance, and do your best to destroy that cathedral.
As much as it hurts me to send you on such a task, I cannot think of any other way to end the corruption found within Absolution.
Since you will be at the cathedral, I have one other task for you. I need you to bring back the blueprints for the cathedral.
The Cardinal is strong, and within those blueprints, I might be able to find a weakness to help you should you meet him.
Don't be rash in completing these tasks, prepare and take caution, it shall not be easy.

* Credits given: 150000
* Experience given.

Destroy Cardinal Bellarmine's cathedral. Make sure to bring back the Cathedral Blueprints so Galileo can study them.

Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Destruction of an Effigy
Destruction of an Effigy

That must have been quite a challenge, and it is good to see you back here safe. Ah, so you did find the blueprints as well?
If you would, hand them here.
Hmmm... I'll need to spend some time studying these, come back in a bit Simon, and I'll let you know if I've found anything of use.

Galileo's Note

Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei's Note
  • Mission: Rescue Galileo!
Rescue Galileo!

You enter Galileo’s laboratory, there is no sign of Galileo, but you find a hastily scrawled note on his table.
"Simon, it seems while you were out the Cardinal finally found me!
I've barricaded the doors, but its only a matter of time before they break their way in.
Listen carefully, after researching everything you've brought me,
I think I've made a breakthrough in finding the Cardinals weakness!
Cardinal Bellarmine and his followers, being as cold hearted as they are, can't stand heat!
Be sure to use this against them. I think they've made it through the first doors, they'll be here any minute now.
You must come and rescue me! Make haste Si's_Yes_Man, time is of the essence!"

* Credits given: 10000000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Vicar's Robes

Rescue Galileo, Cardinal Bellarmine is holding him in Judgment.

Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Rescue Galileo!
Rescue Galileo!

Thank heavens you got here when you did! They were going to do more than excommunicate, they were going to kill me!
Anyway, I found these where the Cardinal held me, perhaps they could be of use to you.
Be sure to visit me again, I am very grateful for what you've done.

Galileo's Telescopes (Repeatable)

Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Galileo's Research
Galileo's Research

Back again Simon? Well, I'm in need of a few items to continue my research, perhaps you could help me one more time.
Go out, and locate some Vis and some Silver for me, and I'll be sure to make it worth your while.
Hm.. I think I'll even let you use my telescope!

* Credits given: 1000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Galileo's Telescope
* Reward: Galileo's Telescope
* Reward: Galileo's Telescope
* Reward: Galileo's Telescope
* Reward: Galileo's Telescope

Bring Galileo 2 Vis, 3 Silver, 5 Ablution Crystals and 2 Silver Bar.

Return from Hell?

Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Returned from Hell?!
Returned from Hell?!

Ah, thank you for coming Si's_Yes_Man, I have the most dire of news!
You would think that when you killed Cardinal Bellarmine during my rescue,
he would have been banished forever, but alas, somehow he is back! Even worse, he is up to his old tricks again,
and I fear we have little time before he returns to take his vengeance!
Simon, if I could only find the source of his power, we might be able to send him away for good.
Now, I need you to bring me a few things so I can research this, and make haste, we have little time to spare!

* Experience given.

Bring Galileo an Abstructor, Ablution Crystals and 2 Silver Bars so he can research the source of Cardinal Bellarmine's power.

Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Returned from Hell?!
Returned from Hell?!

Good Simon, you found everything I needed and even better you did it quickly!
Now if you could give me a bit of time, I need to experiment with these items,
and hopefully I should find out what we need to know!

Dispatching Bellarmine, Again.

Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Dispatching Bellarmine, Again.
Dispatching Bellarmine, Again.

EUREKA! I've got it Simon, what you brought me proved to be most useful!
I finally understand how Bellarmine managed to return and where he gets his powers from!
Now, see here, last time when you rescued me, I assumed we had to exploit Bellarmine's weakness,
but little did I know how little that mattered! Bellarmine's true power lies in the Excommunicator,
his treacherous weapon which he used to punish those he saw fit for his wrath.
If you can wrest that vile device from him, he shouldn't ever be able to harm the innocent again!
Hmm.. despite the fact you know what to do now, finding him might prove a problem.
I've heard he's hiding himself until he's ready to reclaim Absolution.
Never the less, you must hurry Simon, find and get rid of him for good!

* Experience given.

Find Cardinal Bellarmine, he's said to be hidden in a Dungeon Galaxy.
When you find him, kill him and be sure to scoop the remains of his dreadful weapon.

Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Dispatching Bellarmine, Again.
Dispatching Bellarmine, Again.

Finally Simon, it should be finished, and without his Excommunicator, he should be unable to return from Hell,
you've done us all a great service. Now if you would, let me have those remains.
I believe I'll study them since for I am simply amazed by the power this weapon once held.
Should you return Simon, I'll keep you informed of my discoveries.


Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Excommunicator

I spent a very long time studying the remains of the Excommunicator, and I think it's power could be harnessed for noble purposes.
If I could repair this weapon, I would be honored to give it to you.
Now, fixing the Excommunicator going to be quite a task, and I will need many items to do it.
Simon, do you think you could go find all that I need to fix it? Ah, wonderful, here is a list of what I'll need, good luck!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Excommunicator

Galileo would like to reconstruct the Excommunicator for you, but to do so he needs quite a few items.
Bring him some Titanium, some Vis, some more Ablution Crystal and a Gold Bar so he can do this.

NOTE: requires: 15 Titanium, 15 Vis, 5 Ablution Crystals, and 1 Gold Bar

Location: Sai's Retreat, Sol

  • Agent: Galileo Galilei
  • Mission: Excommunicator

"Excellent! I see you've managed to aquire everything I needed Simon! Now, if I can just get all this together..."
Galileo walks back to his laboratory, and after what seems to be quite a long time and quite a few loud noises, he returns.
"There we go, it should be functional again. Here, Simon, you take it and make good use of it,
I'm sure it'll be much safer in your hands, just don't lose it!
Should Bellarmine get his Excommunicator back, there's no telling what he could do!"