Easter 2011
StarSonata's first ever Easter event! Involving 3 new AI, 2 new ubers, 2 new galaxies and various items.
[hide]The AI
The three new AI consist of Eggboxes, Medium Eggboxes and Large Eggboxes. These roamed around the universe. Being destroyed fragments of a convoy fleet shipping Chocolate eggs and other goodies to the Easter Warren.
The ubers
The two ubers consist of the Easter Bunny himself, and his, 'resurrected' counter-part, the Zombie Easter Bunny. The two reside in the same galaxy, of Bunny Hideout, but only one is there at a time. You can get a contract to kill the Easter Bunny from Elmer Fudd.
The galaxies
The two galaxies are Easter Warren and Bunny Hideout, Easter Warren being the home of these rabbits, and Bunny Hideout where the Easter Bunny lives. There is a space station in Easter Warren handing out various missions.
New items
Here are some of the items added in this event.
- Chocolate Egg
- Red Easter Egg
- Orange Easter Egg
- Yellow Easter Egg
- Green Easter Egg
- Blue Easter Egg
- Purple Easter Egg
- Violet Easter Egg
- Golden Easter Egg
- Easter Bunny's Mini Resurrection
- Small Chocolate Egg
- Medium Chocolate Egg
- Large Chocolate Egg
- Gigantic Chocolate Egg
- Chocolate High