DG Drops

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A bit of info

This is the list of boss level danger factors for Star Sonata 2, for Star Sonata 1 drops go here.

See also New DG AI

Danger Factor Sorting

Dungeons of different Danger Factor drop different loot, whereas those of the same DF drop similar loot. This correlation holds if you consider each level deeper in a dg an additional 10 DF. Please keep these total lists in alphabetical order. For example outside of the dg is the danger factor of the galaxy, inside the first level of the dungeon is +10 danger factor from the outside one, then the next level is +10 danger factor more and so on.

To help get an idea on this system here is a list of some galaxies with there dungeon damage factors for there boss level, commas represent different dungeons whilst slash represents splits. If the splits in the dungeon are the same DF then one number will represent it:

Abres - 50
Alaacho - 130
Aldebaran - 90, 130
Alioth - 90
Alpheus - 120
Alta Sandra - 70
Ambrose - 110
Ankaq - 100
Arind - 110
Armegla - 150
Atik - 120
Arpeggio -  160/180/190
Baade's Galaxy A - 90/100
Belnia - 140/150, 170/180
Bethon - 110
Bilis - 60,70
Blaylock - 100, 120/130
Blue Hold - 100, 90/100, 110
Burg - 110
Cac - 140
Candid - 110/140
Carroll - 150/160
Charron - 120, 130/150
Charteris - 90/110
Chwedyk - 110
Crusher - 120
Cuttlefish - 120
Czerneda - 160/180
Dabih - 90
Dalton - 100
Dax - 110
Debussy - 160, 150/170, 150/160
Delany - 170/180
Devonian - 170
Disch - 120
Dradon - 135
Edasich - 130
Elabre - 130/140
Ellison - 110/140
Emshwiller - 140, 130
Farrulus - 70, 80
Febrezo - 80
Ferra - 105/125
Fisherman's Hook - 90
Flux - 120, 130
Forgotten Man - 130, 120, 120/130
Forseti - 80
Frazier - 140
Freedom - 120, 130
Friendship - 160
Gahan - 140/150
Gaiman - 120/150
Galactic Infraction - 110/120
Gefion - 130
Glade - 160
Gorgonea Tertia - 40
Goshor - 160
Gothica - 100
Goulart - 120
Grania - 140
Grant - 100/110
Gujiko - 90
Holy Zombie - 90
Integral - 110
Iskista - 100/110
Jackel's Cage - 150
Juliet - 50
Keenoat - 110/120
Kij - 110/140
Kobel - 160/190
Kona - 140/170
Konno - 140
Kooistra - 80/100, 100/120
Kotaan - 100
Krusisk - 90, 100
Lanagan - 105/125
Logan - 140/150
Lucid - 120/130
Ludus - 60
MacLeod - 110/120
Maia - 120/150
Mebsuta - 160, 170
Melur - 70
Merga - 60
Minelava - 140
Mofapper - 130
Mondas - 120
Moose Juice - 170
Muzeltr - 130
Nasir - 120
Neotolemus - 90/110
Numa Pompilus - 100
Ophiuchus - 150
Pathos - 180, 160, 150/170
Perga - 145/155
Plastiko - 120
Pournelle - 120
Pretentious - 110
Princess - 90,100
Qokuji - 150
Rasalas - 160
Rasnic - 160, 170
Rastaban - 130
Rey - 150
Rollin - 90
Sagan - 40
Salm - 160
Sambrot - 150/160
Samurai - 150
Sarin - 100
Sasin - 60
Scintilla - 80/90
Silent Trumpet - 140/160
Sodade - 130
Sol - 50
Spica - 145/155
Stross - 130
Sturgeon - 140, 110
Taurus - 120/130
Tenn - 180, 190
Tooine - 110/140
Uppsala - 130
Vespucci - 120/150
Vincent the Bear - 70
Volans - 190
Vonarburg - 185, 165
Wallace - 205
Wasat - 180
Weinbaum - 100/110, 120/130
Wells - 150
Wezen - 145
Wolf 359 - 50
Yin - 160/170
Yokosuka - 145/175
Zandra - 130/140
Zone - 140/150, 160/170


Consider what has been said above, if you are confused about how to check what Danger Factor the boss level is of the dungeon you want to record the drops of ask Simon or me first, if I find that the changes made look wrong I will undo them. Don't add dg loot to the list if it came from a lvl 2.8k Red Wattage, Hawk, Delquadrakimdan, Hive or Uber Ai as they have a different drop table, instead add it to there pages (Hawk, delquad and hive need confirming). Also it is not necessary to record if the loot is modded or not.

DF 10

DF 20

DF 30

DF 40

DF 50

DF 60

DF 70

DF 80

DF 90

DF 100

DF 105

DF 110

DF 120

DF 125

DF 130

DF 135

DF 140

DF 145

DF 150

DF 155

DF 160

DF 165

DF 170

DF 175

DF 180

DF 185

DF 190

DF 200

DF 205

DF 210

DF 220

DF 230

DF 240

DF 250

DF 260

DF 265

DF 270

DF 275

DF 280

DF 285

DF 290

DF 300

DF 310

DF 315

DF 320

DF 325

DF 330

DF 340

DF 350

DF 360

DF 370

DF 380

DF 390

DF 400

DF 410

DF 420

DF 430

DF 440

DF 450

DF 460

DF 470

DF 480

DF 490

DF 500

Unsorted loot

Loot that drops from the boss of a DG. List of DG Drops:

  • DWO
  • Liposuction
  • Ice Sludger
  • Silver Scoop
  • Speedy Augs
  • Spacy Augs
  • Fire Cannon
  • Mini Tug-o-War Scoop
  • Big Battle Scoop
  • (OS) (Giga) Give and Take
  • (OS) (Giga) Misdirection
  • (OS) (Giga) Fission Thrust
  • Venusian Mag Cannon
  • Venusian Ray
  • Venusian Pulse Gun
  • Venusian Motor
  • Venusian Seeker
  • Venusian Safeguard
  • Venusian Jack Hammer
  • Mercurian gear BPs (Ramjet, Bulwark, Pulse gun, Pharos, Disintegrator, Mag cannon, Emission.)
  • Dementium
  • Dementium fragments
  • Promethium crystals
  • Gold nugget
  • Andaman Radar bp
  • Achilles gear bps (Protector, mag, pulse, energy, laser, radar.)
  • Annihilator gear bps (Protector, mag, pulse, energy, laser, radar.)
  • Adamantiumized gear bps (Protector, energy, laser?)
  • Eyerite radar
  • Watchrite radar
  • Artemis Laser tip coating BP
  • Attached/Unattached T20/T18 kits
  • Fortified, Laconia, Demented, Adamantiumized attached/unattached T9-20 station kit bps.
  • Eclipse Blockade
  • Blockade shield bps (Deimos, Lunar, Phobos, Twilight.)
  • Incinerator Bp
  • Conflagrator BP
  • Calcinator BP
  • Greater Immolation
  • Poseidon, the Earthshaker tablet
  • Demented augmenter bps