The Dark

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Revision as of 06:08, 6 July 2009 by Grunt (talk | contribs) (Updated location of both the Radar 19 and 20 bases for the current uni)

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Who knows what lurks in The Dark? This galaxy may appear empty at first, but as you begin to squint you can just make out the sillouettes of planets and... is that a base?
Within the depths of the shadows scurry tiny ships, the Darkholes and the even Darkerholes, barely visible with even the most advanced radar rigs.

Seers are honored as the guides for this galaxy, trained to see what lies unseen to others.
Radar 19 and 20 can be trained at the two shrouded bases in this galaxy through missions as well as Equipment 18 requiring Dark Remains as commodity.

Location of the bases July 2009:

The Radar 19 & Equipment 18:
1793 NNW of the warp gate. Galactic Locator coordinates: {-226,18}.

The Radar 20:
6549 North of the warp gate. Galactic Locator coordinates: {-498,-4806}.

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