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I am yugioh, on Core. I am an ex-collector of all things rare and shiny. My current main ship is an Earthforce Dreadnought, and I am a gunner.

I was previously on The Forgotten Colonies, but I was booted for antagonizing Helro in all chat.

I was also on Infinity until recently, but left after the team started to stagnate, with most of the best members going to Core and runs happening sparodically at best.

My alts include yugioh2, yugioh 2, shadow124 and Kealan.

History of yugioh

I, like all others, started as a noob in a zebucart. I started before The Nexus existed, so I had a pretty rough beginning. I worked my way up to a tear, eventually, then I quit for several months. When I came back, after seeing an ad for the game and remembering how fun it was, I got a restless spirit, then a Pax Christmasicus. I filled it with the best gear possible, a combination of rare ruin items and Gigantic items, and used that for several months.

I became P2P, though, and quickly outgrew it. I got a mini mad scientist, and then a zebumaster. I used a combination of arson drones and various weapons to kill Space Blue Betas until I could get a parsley, then became a Multifirer under the old skills. I bought $50 worth of credits from Bizman, who gave me a gift of 1 billion free with my purchase. I used that money to buy gear for the parsley, which I soon upgraded to a Warden. I used up most of the money quickly, so I was poor again soon enough. I used a variety of weapons to kill Space Blue Gamma and MF Slumberchromes in my Warden, such as DWOs, OHLs and BBGs. Back then, however, I did not really believe in Gear Glue, never being able to afford more than 1 or 2 at once, due to losing weapons so often, for not believing in gear glue.....

Anyway, after I became fed up with the expenses of MultiFirer, I became a Sniper under the old skills, buying a Bule Super Sidhe and gearing it with the very last of my money, combined with money from selling the Warden and most of the weapons. I did not have weaponry 20, so I used a delayed blast hunleyite. Although it was difficult to use, being a giant thorax, I became able to kill BGs with it. I was only level 300 around then, and this was my main, so I considered this quite an achievement at the time. I used the ship for only about 50 or 75 levels, quickly becoming annoyed with the difficulty of hitting a target with a thorax when it flies away since it doesn't see you.

I then sold the BSS, bought a porpoise and augs, and began leveling much more easily. I soon came acroos a cheap anniconda scale, and after 4 attempts, I got shielding 20. Minch then sold me an extremely overpriced modded zebra hide. It had +20% bank and he charged 2.5 billion credits for it. It allowed me to tank BGs without them breaking my regen, though, so I was satisfied. I trained off MF slumberchromes, BGs and the occasional juju DG until level 500, where I stayed for quite a while, becoming bored with the game due to my inabity to get a T20 ship, and the dull repitition of leveling.

Then the new skills came out. I wanted to be gunner badly, but did not have enough skill points. I became a speed demon during the temporary universe, leveling very quickly to make Gunner before the real universe came out. Once I was level 625ish, I switched to Gunner, and loved it. I had signifigent problems powering weapons in my 2 ares 1 athena porpoise, of course, with so much RoF.

Then, I was lucky enough to find a ticket to the end-game. I was down in warp 3 rather deep, having put off exploring the new uni for long enough, when I came across Sputty Nutty! I quickly asked (Well, begged) my team to kill him for me, since I had been waiting so long for a T20 ship. They came, with some extra firepower from JAWSS. They managed to kill him rather quickly, and after a small amount of debate with JAWSS, it was agreed that I should get the commod, since I had found him in the first place.

I diligently added Sputter Nutters as often as possible until it was ready. Thanks to the bug involving a Trader mission in Iq' Bana giving far more money than it should, which most of the people capable of getting there used, I was able to afford my augs, 2 superior combineds and a Gunner Mastery. I loved it! I had almost 2,000 hull and went over 150 speed, a huge improvement from my old Porpoise. I was also able to power much better weapons. I still didn't have weaponry 20, so I bought a pair of catapults, which tore through most enemies very quickly.

After this, the missions for skills came out, so I was able to get Weaponry 20 within days of their release by taggging along with Pantalones. I bought pairs of everything I could afford, which meant most entry-level Tech 20 weapons. I had 2 venu mags, 2 venu jacks, 2 venu rays, 2 mad thoraxes and 2 dark fists.

I continued using my Izer until about level 900, when I bought my Earthforce Dreadnought. I had to sell lots of stuff, including stripping my level 500 droner alt, yugioh2, of every piece of gear worth selling, but I finally managed to buy one. It was a good thing I did, too, since it was DIE's last one and i had to leave for a month the next day. When I was back from summer camp, I went on a series of uber runs in my izer, acquiring a few somewhat valuable items to sell. I sold off most of the weapons from my izer, most of my rares and my izer's gigantic fission to afford augs, a PtE and a gunner mastery, as well as 2 capital armageddon lasers.

Recently, I upgraded my capital armageddon laser prototypes to capital armageddon lasers. I am currently in the process of collecting weapons to use for my equanimizer. I will use this for runs, and occasional DGing, since my dreadnought is too slow for many runs, as well as doing relatively little damage.

History of yugioh2

I started this character while I was still a F2P, planning on making it a droner alt, since they were so strong when killing F2P bases and drones, which was still possible back then. I went P2P and soon forgot about all characters but my main, trying to get one character as strong as possible before working on alts. Once I got my main in his porpoise, I decided to start an alt. I began leveling with drones in a paximinus, with three magic attacks. I quickly upgraded to a Pax Christmascious with arson drones.

At about this time, the new skills came in, so I promptly abandoned this alt to begin training my main some more. Once my main was in his izer, I leveled a bit more and bought a parsley. It was a decent DM ship, although I did not use it for long. I leveled quickly, and soon purchased a Paxian Selenologica for my alt. I originally augged it with an Engineer Prowess, Defensive Prowess and Offensive Prowess, but as soon as I did the Drone Aug nerf was implemented. I re-augged my ship, removing the Defensive Prowess and replacing it with a Poseidon+. I then bought several nice pieces of gear for it, including a Vazaha Haven 9 and a gyroscopic modded giga ion justice.

With this setup, using Titan Drones, I could easily kill multiple Big Greens or Forgones without losing a drone. I usually had to sit on the warp and warp in and out every few seconds to prevent myself from dying, but I only used Gear Glue 10 so if I did it didn't really matter. Once I hit level 500, I wanted a dreadnought for my main, so I sold off all the gear and augs in my Paxian Selenologica.

After I had bought and augged my Dread, I got a vulture for this char, and turned him SD. It was hard at first, since I had neglected core skills such as weaponry to power-level, but I eventually managed it with an Urqa'Ka and handy DG full of Jujus. I quickly leveled weaponry, shielding and equipment, getting a GnT, venu mag and some panther items. However, I have sold the Venu mag and GnT to afford a ZSpitter for my main, so once again this alt was unuseable. However, I did not like how the 2 ZSpitters worked on my main, so I traded them both and a few other things for a Merc Mag, then bought a new GnT, so this char is back and stronger than ever.

I plan to buy a Death Striker (or possibly Panther) and augs soon, as well as UBER gear such as a PoT.

Current Collection


Quartz Charger Fission

5 Blob's Modified Titan Drones

Entrophy Quartz Charger

Past Collection

Two Jelly's Laser Beams

Giant Volcom

Maggot Master

Rat Hatchery

Tag Torpedo

Superior Hostile Aug

Shipform Whippet

Shipform Dark Fighter

Many Itemform AI ships