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Core is a powerful team, originally led by SwiftEagle. He has since become mostly inactive, relinquishing power to Outcast. They are a peaceful team, but will not hesitate to fight when provoked.

Team Policy:

Our Members must be self sufficient but members who need the help will be given it with no questions asked. Level 750+ is a requirement, but exceptions will be made if we deem you suitable.

bencee16 is the  coolish  guy in Core 

Black Phoenix is just the Second :p

Recruitment Policy:

Players who are recruited must be mature and know how to handle themselves, scammers and exploiters will NOT be tolerated at any cost. Background checks will be ran, including asking your previous two team leaders their oppinion on you. No person may join until after a team reforendum, there must be a unanimous vote for a player to join. After this the player will be on a one week probation until they become full fledged members.

PM any one of us for details, or to apply for a team alliance.

Peace out.