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Revision as of 09:44, 10 April 2016 by andsimo (talk | contribs) (Added details regarding +1% bonus to shipscanners)

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Make Peace, not War! Join the police forces today!

Peacemaking allows you to dock at Earthforce Headquarters in Sol if you have level 1. It requires 4 SP per level and grants 1% bonus to Shipscanners*. Some police gear requires varying levels of Peacemaking; the Constable and Constable's Aid both require Peacekeeping 10 to pilot. Training Peacekeeping does not inhibit you from training Piracy in any way.

The current max for peacemaking is 10.

  • Bonus to Shipscanners: +1% Range, +1% Power Rating, +1% Max speed difference

Where to Train

Location Level Requirements Notes
Sol 5 Enforcer Rank Train at Enforcer Station
Sol 10 Constable Rank Train at Earthforce Headquarters (Requires Peacemaking 1 to dock)