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This page is a list of '''Augmenter setups''' that others have found useful or work well.
This page is a list of '''Augmenter Setups'''. Some of these setups may be situational and/or outdated. Please refer to [[Augmenters]] page for more details and use your own judgement or if you're new, ask an endgame player for an opinion before committing to a setup blindly for your own safety.
*See Also [[Ships]].
*See Also [[Augmenters]].
**Sorted by tech, then alphabetically.  
== Skill Class ==
Lemon/Rhezmyn/Jiraque and Dr. Kobaldstein are slowly working on adding more setups once they are tested a bit further on live with the Healing Revamp patch February 12th, 2021.
=== Tech Category ===
==== Ship Name ====
*'''Tech:''' Tech of ship.
*'''Type:''' Type of ship. (HF, LF etc.)
*'''Augs:''' The augs the player suggests.
*'''Cost:''' Cost of the augs, unless stated otherwise.
*'''Notes:''' Why this setup is good, and info about it.
*'''Bonuses:''' Percent bonus the augmenters do, not including AT or anything else that may affect it.
**Organized so that Damage is left-most, anything related to damage (Recoil, range etc.) is just to the right of that, then shields and regen, then energy and regen, then anything to do with your ship. (Capacity then speed then turn/thrust/radar etc.)
*'''Negatives:''' Percent negative the augmenters do, not including AT or anything else that may affect it.
**Organized so that Damage is left-most, anything related to damage (Recoil, range etc.) is just to the right of that, then shields and regen, then energy and regen, then anything to do with your ship. (Capacity then speed then turn/thrust/radar etc.)
*'''Another Setup'''
*'''Bolded Stats are top 3 bonuses'''
*''Italic stats are unimportant stats, but higher % than top 3 bolded''
== [[Berserker Class]] ==
= Speed Demon Setups: =
=== Tech 0-9 Ships ===
=== Tech 10-19 Ships ===
==== [[Tortoise]] ====
*Tech: 15
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: 2x Adv. Good Rage, 1 Adv. Good Invig
*Cost: 192 million in credits, 96 titanium sheets, 2,400 prom, 8 Good Energy augs, 8 Good Elec augs, 16 Good Damage augs, 16 Good Firing Augs
*Notes: Good for pumping out large amounts of damage quickly. Keep an eye on your shields though, an Adv. Good Defensive can be swapped in for one of the Adv. Good Rages.
*Bonuses: N/A
*Negatives: N/A
==== [[Porpoise]] ====
T20 Budget Setup:
*Tech: 17
Greener Augmenter, Speed Demon Mastery Augmenter, Speed Demon Mastery Augmenter, Zeus(+) Augmenter OR Albatross Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: 2x Ares, Athena
*Cost: 1.3B
*Notes: Great all round setup, nice RoF, shield regen, elec regen, shields, damage, turning, radar. If you really want RoF use Ares+ instead.
*Bonuses: +24% Damage, '''+69% RoF''', +50% Shield, +44% Shield Recharge, '''+56% Energy Recharge''', '''+200% Radar''', +32% Turning.
*Negatives: N/A
=== Tech 20 Ships ===
T20 Endgame Setup:
The Emperor's Augmenter, The Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, The Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, Sup. Obliteration Augmenter
==== [[Equanimizer]] ====
T22 Starter Setup:
*Tech: 20
The Emperor's Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: 2x Berserker Mastery, PtE
*Cost: 12B+
*Notes: Great shields and good energy, holds aggro but crappy damage.
*Bonuses: +10% Damage, +69% Weapons Hold, '''+90% Hostility''', -56% Elec Tempering, '''+322% Shields''', +40% Shield Recharge, '''+189% Energy''', +25% Energy Recharge.  
*Negatives: N/A
==== [[Pax Astronomica]] ====
T22 Meme DPS Setup:
*Tech: 20
Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter
*Type: Freighter
*Augs: PtE, Sup. Combo, Zeus
*Cost: About 18bil
*Notes: Very good for Solo DGing, better shields and recovery with very small sacrifice to shields (Works well as Speed Demon aswell)
*Bonuses: '''+64% Damage''', +10% Range, +18% Tracking, '''+106% Shield''', +40% Shield Recharge, +22% Energy, '''+100% Energy Recharge''', +10% Speed, +12% Turning, +25% Thrust, +10% Capacity.
*Negatives: -25% Radar
==== [[Rosmarinus]] ====
T22 Tank DPS Setup:
*Tech: 20
Perilous Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, Spacy Sup. Combined Augmenter.
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: Superior Combined, 2x Zeus
*Cost: About 13bil
*Notes: Very low shields, requires shield monkey support, INSANE DAMAGE (Best used with Vjacks)
*Bonuses: '''+94% Damage''', +15.7% Range, +18% Tracking, '''+25% Shield''', +22% Energy, '''+118% Energy Recharge''', +10% Speed, +12% Turning, +25% Thrust, +10% Capacity.
*Negatives: -25% Radar
*Augs: Berserker Mastery, Albatross, Zeus
*Cost: 15-19B
*Notes: Great for tanking and DPS, switch Zeus for Zeus+ for more range and DPS.  
== [[Engineer Class]] ==
T22 Balanced Setup:
=== Tech 0-9 Ships ===
Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Selenite Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter
==== [[Rosburst]] ====
T22 Balanced Setup:
*Tech: 4
Lunarian Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, 2 Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: Hestia(+), (Speedy) Minor Capacity
*Cost: ~40m with +/Speedy augs
**With +/speedy: '''+80% Energy''', '''+50% Shield''', +8% Speed, +20% Hull Space
**Without +/speedy: '''+70% Energy''', '''+40% Shield''', +20% Hull Space
*Negatives: +40% Vis.
==== [[Enforcer]] ====
T22 Balanced Range Setup:
*Tech: 5 (Req.: 5 in Equipment)
Selenite Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, 2 Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: 2× Hestia+, Basic Capacity
*Cost: ~90mil
*Bonuses:  '''+125% Shield''', '''+224% Energy''', +30% Hull Space
*Negatives: +96% Vis.
==== [[Restless Spirit]] ====
T22 Balanced Tank Setup:
*Tech: 5
Lunarian Augmenter, Selenite Augmenter, Qa'ik Urk'qii Akk'oj, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augmenters: Basic Capacity
*Cost: 20-50M
*Notes: None
==== [[Pax Christmasicus]] ====
T22 Balanced Tank Setup:
*Tech: 5
Lunarian Augmenter, Selenite Augmenter, Ult. Warrior Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter
*Type: Freighter
*Aug: Hestia+
*Cost: 40m
*Bonuses: '''+50% Shield''', '''+80% Energy'''
*Negatives: +40% Vis.
=== Tech 10-19 Ships ===
T23 Balanced Tank Setup:
Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, Empyreal Estelle Augmenter
==== [[Serenity]], [[Didus Ineptus]], [[Pax Celestica]] ====
T23 DPS Tank Setup:
*Tech: 12
Celestial Rage Augmenter, Adamantiumized Delquadrikamdon Augmenter, Selenite Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter
*Type: Freighter(s)
*Augs: Hestia+, Std. Shield, Std. Energy
*Cost: 50-60mil
*Notes: This setup gives you more shield and energy bank, perfect for the beginning DM. You can also switch out the Hestia+ with a Std. Energy if you need more energy bank. If you are low on cash, use a normal Hestia to save 18 mil.
= Seer Setups: =
*Augs: 2x Adv. Std. Invigorating, Adv. Std. Defensive
*Cost: 450-600mil
*Notes: This setup was originally posted by PhysicalAbuse, I decided to repost it here. Although very expensive, it is vastly superior to the 50-60mil setup.
*Negatives: None
T20 Starter Setup:
*Augs: Hermes(+), Hestia(+), Hebe
Seer Mastery Augmenter, Zeus(+) Augmenter, Green(er) Augmenter, Pick/Conclusion Augmenter
*Cost: 300-400mil with plus augs, ~145mil with regular augs
*Notes: This DM setup works very well with the Serenity, due to the speed boost given by the Hermes and Hebe augs, though it also works well with a Celestica. It's main advantage, however, is the large energy bank and decent shield recharge. Hebe aug can be obtained through Acropolis missions. (Side note: Hermes' and Hestia's visibility cancle. Hermes has -50% Vis and Hestia has +50% Vis, which cancle. Hestia+ has +40% Vis and Hermes+ has -55%, which come out to -15% Vis)  
**With plus augs: '''Energy +180%''', Shield +50%, '''Speed +30%''', Turning +10%, Thrust +65%, RoF +25%, Visibility -15%, Docking Speed +120%, '''Sheild Recharge +35%'''
**With regular augs: '''Energy +170%''', Shield +40%, '''Speed +25%''', Turning +10%, Thrust +60%, RoF +25%, Docking Speed +100%, '''Sheild Recharge +30%'''
==== [[Basil]] ====
T20 Endgame Setup:
*Tech: 15
The Emperor's Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter, Sup. Obliteration Augmenter, The Art of Stealth Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: 2x Poseidon, Heph
*Cost: 500m
*Notes: Great for droning if one cannot afford/ do no want to use/ cannot find a drone aug, tanks very well, extreme energy bank.
Could definitely swap the heph for a drone aug. Use a CeBo+.
*Augs: 2 Bouquet, 1 Poseidon
*Cost: About 200mill
*Notes: Great for a speedy Droner, superior to the above setup in everything but shields. Extremely high Regin for energy and really high bank for Energy as well, carry a CeBo+ or an Infernal Battery, and a few Solar Pannle IV's and your all set.
=== Tech 20 Ships ===
T22 Starter Setup:
Combined Aspect of the Lion Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter Ultimate Art of Stealth Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Stealth Augmenter
==== [[Pax Astronomica]] ====
T22 Endgame Setup:
*Tech: 20
Lunarian Augmenter, Selenite Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Stealth Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Stealth Augmenter
*Type: Freighter
*Augs: 2x Engineer Mastery, Poseidon+
*Cost: 1.5-2.5B
*Notes: Cheap setup for DMs. Nice energy, energy regen and shields, the tractor bonus come in handy too.
*Bonuses: +15% Damage, '''+123% Shield''', +50% Shield Recharge, '''+300% Energy''', '''+110% Energy Recharge''', +21% Tractor Strength, +44% Trans. Efficiency
*Negatives: -25% Range
== [[Fleet Commander Class]] ==
T22 Greedy DPS Endgame Setup:
=== Tech 0-9 Ships ===
Selenite Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Stealth Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter
=== Tech 10-19 Ships ===
==== [[Earthforce Frigate]] ====
*Tech: 10
*Type: Capital Ship
*Augs: 2x Fleet Commander Aptitude
*Cost: 200m-250m
*Notes: Coupled with the frigates built in bonuses, it creates a good all around level 100-300 ship. Gives lots of shields, shield regeneration, and Energy.  Use it to tank enemies and let your fighters, wild, and or tame slaves to do the damage. Can also be used as a good slave setup.
*Bonuses: '''+69% shield bank''', '''+44% shield regen''', '''+125% energy''', +10% speed, +44% visibility, +21% hull space, +21% RoF
*Negatives: +44% visibility
==== [[Earthforce Destroyer]] ====
T22 Meme DPS Endgame Setup:
*Tech: 13
Lunarian Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter
*Type: Capital Ship
*Augs: Posiedon+, Fleet Commander Aplitude
*Cost: 500m (Excluding the 1b credit ship)
*Notes: Gives lots of shields, shield regeneration, and Energy. Use it to tank enemies and let your fighters, wild, and or tame slaves to do the damage. Destroyer's range bonus cancels out the range nerf from the Pos+ aug
*Bonuses: +15% damage, '''+100% shield bank''', '''+86% shield regen''', '''+50% energy''', +5% speed, +20% visibility, +10% hull space, +10% RoF
*Negatives: -25% range,
=== Tech 20 Ships ===
T22 Tank Setup:
Qa'ik Urk'qii Akk'oj, Qa'ik Vazuk Akk'oj, Ultimate Art of Stealth Augmenter, Selenite Augmenter
== [[Gunner Class]] ==
T22 Balanced Setup:
=== Tech 0-9 Ships ===
2 Lunarian Augmenters, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Stealth Augmenter
=== Tech 10-19 Ships ===
==== [[Earthforce Battlecruiser]] ====
= Berserker Setups: =
*Tech: 17
*Type: Capital Ship
*Augs: Ares+, Athena+
*Cost: 5B+ (Excluding Ship)
*Notes: This gives really good mining damage and awesome shields. Use a mining weapon.
*Bonuses:+36% Damage, +60% RoF, +50% Shield, +20% Shield Recharge, +25% Energy Recharge, +15% Turning, +200% Radar
*Negatives: N/A
==== [[Porpoise]] ====
T20 Budget Bank Setup:
*Tech: 17
Green(er) Augmenter, Green(er) Augmenter, Berserker Mastery Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: 2x Ares, Athena
*Cost: 1.3B
*Notes: Great all round setup, nice RoF, shield regen, elec regen, shields, damage, turning, radar. If you really want RoF use Ares+ instead.
*Bonuses: +24% Damage, '''+69% RoF''', +50% Shield, +44% Shield Recharge, '''+56% Energy Recharge''', '''+200% Radar''', +32% Turning.
*Negatives: N/A
=== Tech 20 Ships ===
T20 Endgame Bank Setup:
Vulture Augmenter, Sup. Barrage Augmenter, The Art of Destruction Augmenter
==== [[Equanimizer]] ====
T20 Endgame DPS setup:
*Tech: 20
Sivars Augmenter, Combined Aspect of the Lion, Combined Aspect of the Zebra
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: Zeus+, PtE, Gunner Mastery
*Cost: 22B+
*Notes: Great damage, shields, elec and range.
*Bonuses: '''+81% Damage''', +56% Range, +10% Weapons Hold, '''+65% Shield''', +40% Shield Recharge, '''+75% Energy Recharge''', -18% Elec Tempering.
*Negatives: N/A
== [[Seer Class]] ==
T22 Budget Sustained Setup:
=== Tech 0-9 Ships ===
Combined Aspect of the Lion, Combined Aspect of the Lion, Zeus+ Augmenter
=== Tech 10-19 Ships ===
==== [[Bule Super Sidhe]] ====
T22 Endgame Sustained Setup:
*Tech: 16
Selenite Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Destruction Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: 2x Athena(+), Space Blue Gamma Aug
*Cost: 500M+
*Notes: All around good for Seer's, use a high damage weapon like a Venu Jack or Merc Diss.
=== Tech 20 Ships ===
T22 Endgame Sustained Setup:
Selenite Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Lunarian Augmenter
==== [[Death Striker]] ====
T22 Budget Sustain Setup:
*Tech: 20
The Emperor's Augmenter, Conclusion Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter
*Type: Light Fighter
*Augs: Sup. Combo, Qa, Athena+, Zeus+
*Cost: Around 40B
*Notes: Very good setup, provides everything Seer needs.
*Bonuses: '''+153% Damage''', +26% Range, +18% Tracking, '''+162% Shield''', +22% Energy, '''+98% Energy Recharge''', +10% Capacity, -50% Visibility, +125% Radar, +10% Speed, +12% Turning, +25% Thrust.
*Negatives: N/A
==== [[Panther]] ====
T22 Aggro Sustain Setup:
*Tech: 20
Combined Aspect of the Zebra, Combined Aspect of the Zebra, Perilous Augmenter
*Type: Light Fighter
*Augs: Sup. Combo, Qa, Athena+, Zeus+
*Cost: Around 40B
*Notes: Very good setup, provides everything Seer needs.
*Bonuses: '''+153% Damage''', +26% Range, +18% Tracking, '''+162% Shield''', +22% Energy, '''+98% Energy Recharge''', +10% Capacity, -50% Visibility, +125% Radar, +10% Speed, +12% Turning, +25% Thrust.
*Negatives: N/A
*Augs: 2 Sup. Combo, Qa, Athena+
*Cost: Around 40B
*Notes: Superior to above setup in every way other than damage per shot capability.
== [[Shield Monkey Class]] ==
T22 Endgame Sustain Tank Setup:
=== Tech 0-9 Ships ===
Lunarian Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Zarkara Sattva
=== Tech 10-19 Ships ===
==== [[Porpoise]] ====
T22 Aggro Sustain Endgame Setup:
*Tech: 17
Qa'ik Urk'qii Akk'oj, Grand Moff Augmenter, Grand Moff Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: Excellent Combined x3
*Cost: 5B +
*Notes: Good all around ship.
*Bonuses: +33% Damage, '''+64% RoF''', '''+95% Shield''', '''+64% Shield Recharge''', +52% Energy, +64% Energy Recharge, ''+95% Radar'', ''+72% Docking'', +22% Turning
*Negatives: N/A
*Augs: 2x Ares, Athena
*Cost: 1.3B
*Notes: Great all round setup, nice RoF, shield regen, elec regen, shields, damage, turning, radar. If you really want RoF use Ares+ instead.
*Bonuses: +24% Damage, '''+69% RoF''', +50% Shield, +44% Shield Recharge, '''+56% Energy Recharge''', '''+200% Radar''', +32% Turning.
*Negatives: N/A
=== Tech 20 Ships ===
T22 Starter Bank Setup:
Sivar's Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Destruction Augmenter
==== [[Apprentice's Ward]] ====
T22 Endgame Bank Setup:
*Tech: 20
Nightfury's Anger Augmenter, Ult. Barrage Augmenter, Ult. Barrage Augmenter/Ult. Obliteration Augmenter
*Type: Freighter
*Augs: 2x Shield Monkey Mastery, PtE
*Cost: 12B+
*Notes: Great for healing, lots of shields. PtE can also be changed for an Albatross Aug for increased healing.
*Bonuses: +25% Damage, +10% Tracking, +21% Range, -32% Hostility, '''+56% Trans. Power''', +32% Trans. Efficiency, '''+376% Shield''', '''+101% Shield Recharge''', +25% Energy Recharge, +21% Capacity.  
*Negatives: N/A
*Augs: 2x Shield Monkey Mastery, Ares+
*Cost: 9B+
*Notes: Very Cheap in comparison to other things, sup. class tokens are cheap, Also its provides all around good stats....
*Bonuses: +14% Damage, '''+60% RoF''', +10% Tracking, +21% Range, -32% Hostility, +56% Trans. Power, +32% Trans Efficiency, '''+189% Shield''', '''+72% Shield Recharge''', +25% Energy Recharge, +21% Capacity, +15% Turning.
*Negatives: N/A
==== [[Death Striker]] ====
T23 Endgame Bank Tank Setup:
*Tech: 20
Nightfury's Anger Augmenter, Celestial Rage Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Destruction Augmenter
*Type: Light Fighter
*Augs: 3x Sup. Combo, Exc. Combo
*Cost: 10-12B - Prices fluctuate a lot.
*Notes: Good for fighting and healing.
*Bonuses: +67% Damage, +18% RoF, +15.7% Range, +64% Tracking, '''+144% Shield''', +18% Shield Recharge, '''+108% Energy''', '''+93% Energy Recharge''', +33% Capacity, +20% Docking, +33% Speed, +50% Turning, ''+95% Thrust''.
*Negatives: -70% Radar
== [[Sniper Class]] ==
= Sniper Setups: =
=== Tech 0-9 Ships ===
=== Tech 10-19 Ships ===
==== [[Parsley]] ====
T20 Budget Starter:
*Tech: 13
Green(er) Augmenter, Zeus(+) Augmenter, Athena(+) Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: Std. Combo, Good Combo, Solid Rock
*Cost: Around 500m
*Notes: Works well and can hold its own.
*Bonuses: '''+40% Damage''', +21% RoF, +15% Tracking, '''+153% Shield''', +20% Shield Recharge, '''+43% Energy''', +10% Capacity, -20% Visibility, +20% Thrust, ''+100% Docking''
*Negatives: +15% Weight, -2% or 3% Speed, -5% Turning
==== [[Porpoise]] ====
T20 Endgame Setup:
*Tech: 17
Combined Aspect of the Lion, The Emperor's Augmenter, Sup. Obliteration Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: 2x Ares, Athena
*Cost: 1.3B
*Notes: Great all round setup, nice RoF, shield regen, elec regen, shields, damage, turning, radar. If you really want RoF use Ares+ instead.
*Bonuses: +24% Damage, '''+69% RoF''', +50% Shield, +44% Shield Recharge, '''+56% Energy Recharge''', '''+200% Radar''', +32% Turning.
*Negatives: N/A
=== Tech 20 Ships ===
T22 Balanced Setup:
Selenite Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter
==== [[Reaver]] ====
T22 Meme DPS Setup:
*Tech: 20
Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: Zeus, Ares, Athena
*Cost: 2-5B
*Notes: Good DGing and leveling ship.
*Bonuses: '''+61% Damage''', +5% Range, +30% RoF, +50% Shield, +20% Shield Recharge, '''+70% Energy Recharge''', '''+200% Radar''', +15% Turning
*Negatives: N/A
== [[Speed Demon Class]] ==
T22 Meme DPS Setup:
=== Tech 0-9 Ships ===
Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, Ult. Insanity Augmenter
===Tech 10-19 Ships===
T22 Balanced Setup:
Selenite Augmenter, Lunarian Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter
==== [[Parsley]]====
= Gunner Setups: =
*Tech: 13
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: Posieden(Helios), Bellarmine, Good(Std.) combo
*Cost: 400M +
*Notes: A setup thats more aimed at tanking, beware the low range.
*Augs: Gonzales, Bellarmine, Good Combined
*Cost: 500M +
*Notes: Gives lots of shield, speed, energy regen, tracking, and a small range boost and hull boost
==== [[Spearhead]](+) ====
T20 Budget Bank Setup:
*Tech: 14
Green(er) Augmenter, Green(er) Augmenter
*Type: Light Fighter
*Augs: Hermes+, Hephaestus, Hestia+
*Cost: 350M +
*Notes: Everything a SD needs except energy regen, recommended to use CeBo Pack and some solar panels.
*Bonuses: +10% Damage, +30% Tracking, +50% Shield, +25% Shield Recharge, '''+224% Energy''', '''+50% Capacity''', +2% Speed, +55% Thrust, '''+120% Docking'''.
*Negatives: -20% RoF, +7% Visibility.
T20 Endgame Bank Setup:
Sup. Barrage Augmenter, Sivar's Augmenter
==== [[Porpoise]] ====
T20 Sustain Setup:
*Tech: 17
Combined Aspect of the Lion, The Emperor's Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: 2x Ares, Athena
*Cost: 1.3B
*Notes: Great all round setup, nice RoF, shield regen, elec regen, shields, damage, turning, radar. If you really want RoF use Ares+ instead.
*Bonuses: +24% Damage, '''+69% RoF''', +50% Shield, +44% Shield Recharge, '''+56% Energy Recharge''', '''+200% Radar''', +32% Turning.
*Negatives: N/A
*Augs: 2x Athena, Ares
*Cost: 1.3B
*Notes: Really good damage and shields.
*Augs: 3x exc combined
*Cost: 3B
*Notes: Nice all round setup, covers everything you need apart from speed. 
==== [[Bule Super Sidhe]]====
T22 Sustain Setup:
*Tech: 16
Capital Offensive Augmenter, Capital Offensive Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: Exc. Combi, Exc. Combi, Exc. Combi
*Cost: 3-4.5bil
*Notes: Good settup for regen on shields and energy, awsome rof, watch the shields though
*Negatives: Might need to use diffusers allot to cover resists and shields.
=== Tech 20 Ships ===
T22 Endgame Bank Setup:
Ult. Barrage Augmenter, Ult. Barrage Augmenter
==== [[Equanimizer]] ====
T22 Balanced Setup:
*Tech: 20
Grand Navigator's Offensive Augmenter, Capital Offensive Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: Zeus, Sup Combo, PtE
*Cost: 16-20B
*Notes: Uber shields, good damage and elec, gives some speed, hull and some other good stuff, good for tanking some shots. Can use Zeus+ if you want more range and other random goodies.
*Bonuses: '''+64% Damage''', +10% Range, +18% Tracking, '''+106% Shield''', +40% Shield Recharge, +22% Energy, '''+100% Energy Recharge''', +10% Capacity, +10% Speed, +12% Turning, +25% Thrust. 
*Negatives: -25% Radar.
*Augs: 2x Sup. Combo, Exc. Combo
*Cost: 12-13B
*Notes: Cool speed, nice hull, great RoF, more agile than setup above.
*Bonuses: '''+45% Damage''', +10% Range, +18% RoF, +39% Tracking, '''+95% Shield''', +18% Shield Recharge, '''+71% Energy''', +64% Energy Recharge, +21% Capacity, +21% Speed, +34% Turning, ''+56% Thrust'', +20% Docking.
*Negatives: -30% Radar.
*Augs: 2x Sup. Combo, Zeus
*Cost: Around 10B
*Notes: Good Shields, damage, speed and elec regen. Also has some space for gear.
*Augs: Sup. Combo, Zeus, Albatross
*Cost: Around 19B
*Notes: Good Shields, damage, speed, range and elec regen.
==== [[Reaver]] ====
T22 DPS Setup:
*Tech: 20
Grand Navigator's Offensive Augmenter, Adamanturized Rage Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: 2x Zeus, Athena
*Cost: 2-5B
*Notes: You will need a decent energy but it is quite good for damage.
*Bonuses: '''+109% Damage''', +10% Range, +50% Shield, '''+84% Energy Recharge''', '''+200% Radar'''.
==== [[Rosmarinus]] ====
T22 Bank/Tank Setup:
*Tech: 20
Grand Navigator's Offensive Augmenter, Grand Navigator Offensive Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: 2x Superior Combined, Albatross
*Cost: Over 20B
*Notes: Amazing hull and speed, great for solo DGer's.
*Bonuses: +32% Damage, +32% Range, +20% RoF, '''+81% Tracking''', '''+150% Shield''', +48% Energy, '''+94% Energy Recharge''', +21% Capacity, +21% Speed, +25% Turning, +56% Thrust.
*Negatives: -56% Radar, +125% Visibility
*Augs: Superior Combined, 2x Zeus
*Cost: About 13bil
*Notes: Goes over 200 speed while dealing loads of damage. Best used with magcannon type weapons.
*Bonuses: '''+94% Damage''', +15.7% Range, +18% Tracking, '''+25% Shield''', +22% Energy, '''+118% Energy Recharge''', +10% Capacity, +10% Speed, +12% Turning, +25% Thrust.
*Negatives: -25% Radar.
==== [[Death Striker]] ====
T22 Balanced Bank Setup:
*Tech: 20
Nightfury's Anger, Grand Navigator's Offensive Augmenter
*Type: Light Fighter
*Augs: 2x Sup. Combo, Athena+, Zeus+
*Cost: 25B+
*Notes: Aimed to max out the damage per shot, shields are nice however may struggle with weapons that guzzle alot of energy.
*Augs: 2x Sup. Combo, Albatross, Zeus+
*Cost: 35B+
*Notes: Great range and tracking, the shields and elec regen are also good. 
*Augs: 3x Sup. Combo, Albatross
*Cost: 20B+
*Notes: Great range, shields and tracking, elec regen is also nice. The setup has a respectable amount of hull and speed thrown in as well.
*Augs: 3x Sup. Combo, Zues+
*Cost: 25B+
*Notes: Reasonable range and shields. Elec regen is decent as is the damage, speed and hull.
==== [[Panther]] ====
T22 Meme Dps Setup:
*Tech: 20
Nightfury's Anger, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter
*Type: Light Fighter
*Augs: 2x Sup. Combo, Athena+, Zeus+
*Cost: 25B+
*Notes: Aimed to max out the damage per shot, shields are nice however may struggle with weapons that guzzle alot of energy.
*Augs: 2x Sup. Combo, Albatross, Zeus+
*Cost: 35B+
*Notes: Great range and tracking, the shields and elec regen are also good. 
*Augs: 3x Sup. Combo, Albatross
*Cost: 20B+
*Notes: Great range, shields and tracking, elec regen is also nice. The setup has a respectable amount of hull and speed thrown in as well.
*Augs: 3x Sup. Combo, Zues+
*Cost: 25B+
*Notes: Reasonable range and shields. Elec regen is decent as is the damage, speed and hull.  
*Augs: 2x Sup. Combo, Zues+,PTE
T22 Crit Dps Setup:
*Cost: 30B+
Ult. Barrage Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter
*Notes: Reasonable range tons of sheilds,sheild regen. Elec regen is decent as is the damage, speed and hull.  
== No Class ==
T23 Tank DPS Setup:
=== Tech 0-9 Ships ===
Celestial Rage Augmenter, Nightfury's Anger
==== [[Hotrod Plus]] ====
= Fleet Commander Setups: =
*Tech: 5
*Type: Light Fighter
*Augs: 3x Artemis, 1 Aphrodite, 1 Basic Speed
*Cost: 20-45 Million, Not including the cost of the ship itself.
*Notes: Fast and can out-range most all AI, good for f2ps.
*Bonuses: +15% Damage, +15% RoF, '''+95% Range''', '''+174% Tracking''', '''-72% Visibility''', +15% Speed, +25% Turning, +43% Thrust, '''+100% Docking'''.
*Negatives: N/A
*Augs: 2x Artemis+, Aprodite+, Basic combo, Hestia+
*Cost: 150 million
*Notes: Better than 3 artemis, 1 aphrodite, 1 basic speed in every way
*Negatives: Visibility +40%
*Augs: 4x Basic Firing, 1 Hestia+
*Cost: 40 Million. Basic Firing: 5 million, Hestia+: 20 million
*Notes: Works best with thoraxes. Sit in front of the AI and unload your energy banks, run, and come back and pick up the remains. Also works well with Hotrod(normal), So is more available to newer players.
*Bonuses: '''+69% Rate of Fire''', +12% damage, +46% tracking, +46% radar, '''Shield +50%''', '''Energy +80%''',
*Negatives: Visibility +40% ''With an ordinary Hotrod, in order to have enough space to scoop loot you may need to sacrifice having a good shield''
*Augs: 3x Basic Capacity, 2x Blue interceptor,
*Cost: 25m
*Notes: Good for all classes but droners benefit the most, you wont have the RoF or the speed but youll have the hull to pack the bigger equipment.
*Bonuses: 90% Hull, 50% Turning, 200% Thrust, 20% Damage
=== Tech 10-19 Ships ===
T20 Budget Speed Clear Setup:
Hera(+) Augmenter, Hera(+) Augmenter
==== [[Porpoise]](+) ====
T20 Endgame Speed Clear Setup:
*Tech: 17
Sup. Smuggling Augmenter, Sup. Smuggling Augmenter
*Type: Heavy Fighter
*Augs: 3x Hermes+
*Cost: 1B Including Porpoise, 1.75-2B with Porpoise+. Hermes+: 200m
*Notes: Nice speed, cool vis, nice shield regen, crazy docking speed, great for exploration with a decent hull. (Scouting/Exploration)
*Bonuses: '''+95% Shield Recharge''', -272% Visibility, '''+72.8% Speed''', ''+272% Thrust'', '''+964% Docking'''.
*Negatives: N/A
=== Tech 20 Ships ===
T20 Tank Setup:
The Art of Commanding Augmenter, The Art of Commanding Augmenter
==== [[Pax Astronomica]] ====
T22 Endgame Speed Clear Setup:
*Tech: 20
Ult. Smuggling Augmenter, Ult. Smuggling Augmenter
*Type: Freighter
*Augs: 2x Hera, Calypso
T22 Endgame Tank Setup:
*Cost: 6B excluding ship. Hera: 1-2b, Calypso: 2b
Grand Navigator's Defensive Augmenter, Grand Navigator's Defensive Augmenter
*Notes: Awesome speed and agility, cool hull, good for prom runs. (Scouting, Exploration)
*Bonuses: '''+110% Tracking''', '''+125% Energy''', '''+81% Capacity''', +69% Speed, +94% Turning, ''+192% Thrust'', -30% Weight, ''+400% Docking''.
T22 Endgame Tank Setup:
*Negatives: -56% Radar.  
Ultimate Art of Commanding Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Commanding Augmenter
T22 Meme Tank Setup:
Hephaestus' Skin Augmenter, Hephaestus' Skin Augmenter
T22 Meme Shield Bank Setup:
Grand Moff Augmenter, Grand Moff Augmenter
T23 Meme Tank Setup:
Celestial Forge Augmenter, Grand Moff Augmenter
= Engineer Setups: =
T20 Budget Hybrid Setup:
General Ops Mastery Augmenter, Zeus+ Augmenter, Ares+ Augmenter, Combined Aspect of the Lion
T20 Endgame DPS Setup:
The Emperor's Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter, Adamantiumized Rage Augmenter, Combined Aspect of the Lion
T22 Starter Hybrid Setup:
Vaidya Bhava, Vacohara Psu, Hades Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter
T22 Cheaper Endgame Hybrid Setup:
Mechanical Hound Augmenter, Hephaestus General Mode Augmenter, Selenite Augmenter, Vacohara Psu
T22 Endgame Hybrid Setup:
Mechanical Hound Augmenter, Qa'ik Banu Akk'oj, Selenite Augmenter, Vacohara Psu
T22 "Budget" DPS Setup:
Ares' Rage Augmenter, Deimos Augmenter, Heracles Augmenter, Conclusion Augmenter
T22 "Semi-Budget" DPS Setup:
Conclusion Augmenter, Ares Offensive Mode Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter
T22 "Semi-Budget" DPS Setup:
Conclusion Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter, Adamanturized Rage Augmenter, Ares Offensive Mode Augmenter
T22 Endgame DPS Setup:
Divine Wattage Augmenter, Lunarian Augmenter, Qa'ik Vazuk Akk'oj, The Emperor's Augmenter
T22 "Budget" HPS Setup:
Mechanical Hound Augmenter, Nightfury's Patience, Poseidon Defensive Mode Augmenter, Hephaestus's General Mode Augmenter
T22 Endgame HPS Setup:
Mechanical Hound Augmenter, Ult. Rejuvenating Augmenter, Poseidon's Defensive Mode Augmenter, Qa'ik Banu Akk'oj
T22 Endgame HPS Setup:
Mechanical Hound Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter, Ult. Reviving Augmenter, Poseidon's Defensive Mode Augmenter
T22 Endgame Hybrid Setup DPS/Tank-Oriented:
Qa'ik Banu Akk'oj, Qa'ik Urk'qii Akk'oj, Selenite Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter
T23 Endgame DPS Setup:
Crescent Augmenter, Qa'ik Urk'qii Akk'oj, Selenite Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter  --- The Supplementary Emperor's Drone Controller
= Shield Monkey Setups: =
T20 Budget Setup:
Shield Monkey Mastery Augmenter, Shield Monkey Mastery Augmenter, Shield Monkey Mastery Augmenter
T20 Mixed Healing/Stealing Endgame Setup:
The Emperor's Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter, Sup. Obliteration Augmenter
T20 Endgame Setup:
The Art of Healing Augmenter, The Art of Healing Augmenter, The Art of Healing Augmenter
T22 Endgame Setup:
Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter
T22 Endgame Setup:
Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter, Vaidya Bhava
T22 Endgame Setup:
Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter, Vacohara Psu, Vaidya Bhava
T22 Endgame Setup:
Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter, Ult. Reviving Augmenter
T22 Endgame Setup:
Mechanical Hound Augmenter, Ult. Reviving Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter
T22 Stealing Setup:
Vaidya Bhava, Qa'ik Urk'qii Akk'oj, Qa'ik Banu Akk'oj
= Legacy Setups =
Archive link for legacy setups from before February 12th, 2021. Use at your own risk.
[[Legacy Augmenter Setups]]
=Additional Resources=
*Also see: Ship Calculator http://www.andsimo.com/StarSonata/
Here is some money making guides: [[http://wiki2.starsonata.com/index.php/Guide_to_funding,_income,_and_credits|Guide to funding, income, and credits]] and [[http://wiki2.starsonata.com/index.php/F2P_Money_Making|Free to Play: Money Making]].
== Bases ==
=== Kit ===
[[Category: Guides]]
[[Category: Guides]]
[[Category: Ships]]
[[Category: Augmenters]]

Latest revision as of 17:13, 26 April 2023

This page is a list of Augmenter Setups. Some of these setups may be situational and/or outdated. Please refer to Augmenters page for more details and use your own judgement or if you're new, ask an endgame player for an opinion before committing to a setup blindly for your own safety.

Lemon/Rhezmyn/Jiraque and Dr. Kobaldstein are slowly working on adding more setups once they are tested a bit further on live with the Healing Revamp patch February 12th, 2021.

Speed Demon Setups:

T20 Budget Setup: Greener Augmenter, Speed Demon Mastery Augmenter, Speed Demon Mastery Augmenter, Zeus(+) Augmenter OR Albatross Augmenter

T20 Endgame Setup: The Emperor's Augmenter, The Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, The Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, Sup. Obliteration Augmenter

T22 Starter Setup: The Emperor's Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter

T22 Meme DPS Setup: Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter

T22 Tank DPS Setup: Perilous Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, Spacy Sup. Combined Augmenter.

T22 Balanced Setup: Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Selenite Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter

T22 Balanced Setup: Lunarian Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, 2 Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter

T22 Balanced Range Setup: Selenite Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, 2 Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter

T22 Balanced Tank Setup: Lunarian Augmenter, Selenite Augmenter, Qa'ik Urk'qii Akk'oj, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter

T22 Balanced Tank Setup: Lunarian Augmenter, Selenite Augmenter, Ult. Warrior Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter

T23 Balanced Tank Setup: Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Fast Killing Augmenter, Empyreal Estelle Augmenter

T23 DPS Tank Setup: Celestial Rage Augmenter, Adamantiumized Delquadrikamdon Augmenter, Selenite Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter

Seer Setups:

T20 Starter Setup: Seer Mastery Augmenter, Zeus(+) Augmenter, Green(er) Augmenter, Pick/Conclusion Augmenter

T20 Endgame Setup: The Emperor's Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter, Sup. Obliteration Augmenter, The Art of Stealth Augmenter

T22 Starter Setup: Combined Aspect of the Lion Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter Ultimate Art of Stealth Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Stealth Augmenter

T22 Endgame Setup: Lunarian Augmenter, Selenite Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Stealth Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Stealth Augmenter

T22 Greedy DPS Endgame Setup: Selenite Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Stealth Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter

T22 Meme DPS Endgame Setup: Lunarian Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter

T22 Tank Setup: Qa'ik Urk'qii Akk'oj, Qa'ik Vazuk Akk'oj, Ultimate Art of Stealth Augmenter, Selenite Augmenter

T22 Balanced Setup: 2 Lunarian Augmenters, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Stealth Augmenter

Berserker Setups:

T20 Budget Bank Setup: Green(er) Augmenter, Green(er) Augmenter, Berserker Mastery Augmenter

T20 Endgame Bank Setup: Vulture Augmenter, Sup. Barrage Augmenter, The Art of Destruction Augmenter

T20 Endgame DPS setup: Sivars Augmenter, Combined Aspect of the Lion, Combined Aspect of the Zebra

T22 Budget Sustained Setup: Combined Aspect of the Lion, Combined Aspect of the Lion, Zeus+ Augmenter

T22 Endgame Sustained Setup: Selenite Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Destruction Augmenter

T22 Endgame Sustained Setup: Selenite Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Lunarian Augmenter

T22 Budget Sustain Setup: The Emperor's Augmenter, Conclusion Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter

T22 Aggro Sustain Setup: Combined Aspect of the Zebra, Combined Aspect of the Zebra, Perilous Augmenter

T22 Endgame Sustain Tank Setup: Lunarian Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Zarkara Sattva

T22 Aggro Sustain Endgame Setup: Qa'ik Urk'qii Akk'oj, Grand Moff Augmenter, Grand Moff Augmenter

T22 Starter Bank Setup: Sivar's Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Destruction Augmenter

T22 Endgame Bank Setup: Nightfury's Anger Augmenter, Ult. Barrage Augmenter, Ult. Barrage Augmenter/Ult. Obliteration Augmenter

T23 Endgame Bank Tank Setup: Nightfury's Anger Augmenter, Celestial Rage Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Destruction Augmenter

Sniper Setups:

T20 Budget Starter: Green(er) Augmenter, Zeus(+) Augmenter, Athena(+) Augmenter

T20 Endgame Setup: Combined Aspect of the Lion, The Emperor's Augmenter, Sup. Obliteration Augmenter

T22 Balanced Setup: Selenite Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter

T22 Meme DPS Setup: Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter

T22 Meme DPS Setup: Twisted Tesla Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter, Ult. Insanity Augmenter

T22 Balanced Setup: Selenite Augmenter, Lunarian Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter

Gunner Setups:

T20 Budget Bank Setup: Green(er) Augmenter, Green(er) Augmenter

T20 Endgame Bank Setup: Sup. Barrage Augmenter, Sivar's Augmenter

T20 Sustain Setup: Combined Aspect of the Lion, The Emperor's Augmenter

T22 Sustain Setup: Capital Offensive Augmenter, Capital Offensive Augmenter

T22 Endgame Bank Setup: Ult. Barrage Augmenter, Ult. Barrage Augmenter

T22 Balanced Setup: Grand Navigator's Offensive Augmenter, Capital Offensive Augmenter

T22 DPS Setup: Grand Navigator's Offensive Augmenter, Adamanturized Rage Augmenter

T22 Bank/Tank Setup: Grand Navigator's Offensive Augmenter, Grand Navigator Offensive Augmenter

T22 Balanced Bank Setup: Nightfury's Anger, Grand Navigator's Offensive Augmenter

T22 Meme Dps Setup: Nightfury's Anger, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter

T22 Crit Dps Setup: Ult. Barrage Augmenter, Ult. Obliteration Augmenter

T23 Tank DPS Setup: Celestial Rage Augmenter, Nightfury's Anger

Fleet Commander Setups:

T20 Budget Speed Clear Setup: Hera(+) Augmenter, Hera(+) Augmenter

T20 Endgame Speed Clear Setup: Sup. Smuggling Augmenter, Sup. Smuggling Augmenter

T20 Tank Setup: The Art of Commanding Augmenter, The Art of Commanding Augmenter

T22 Endgame Speed Clear Setup: Ult. Smuggling Augmenter, Ult. Smuggling Augmenter

T22 Endgame Tank Setup: Grand Navigator's Defensive Augmenter, Grand Navigator's Defensive Augmenter

T22 Endgame Tank Setup: Ultimate Art of Commanding Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Commanding Augmenter

T22 Meme Tank Setup: Hephaestus' Skin Augmenter, Hephaestus' Skin Augmenter

T22 Meme Shield Bank Setup: Grand Moff Augmenter, Grand Moff Augmenter

T23 Meme Tank Setup: Celestial Forge Augmenter, Grand Moff Augmenter

Engineer Setups:

T20 Budget Hybrid Setup: General Ops Mastery Augmenter, Zeus+ Augmenter, Ares+ Augmenter, Combined Aspect of the Lion

T20 Endgame DPS Setup: The Emperor's Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter, Adamantiumized Rage Augmenter, Combined Aspect of the Lion

T22 Starter Hybrid Setup: Vaidya Bhava, Vacohara Psu, Hades Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter

T22 Cheaper Endgame Hybrid Setup: Mechanical Hound Augmenter, Hephaestus General Mode Augmenter, Selenite Augmenter, Vacohara Psu

T22 Endgame Hybrid Setup: Mechanical Hound Augmenter, Qa'ik Banu Akk'oj, Selenite Augmenter, Vacohara Psu

T22 "Budget" DPS Setup: Ares' Rage Augmenter, Deimos Augmenter, Heracles Augmenter, Conclusion Augmenter

T22 "Semi-Budget" DPS Setup: Conclusion Augmenter, Ares Offensive Mode Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter

T22 "Semi-Budget" DPS Setup: Conclusion Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter, Adamanturized Rage Augmenter, Ares Offensive Mode Augmenter

T22 Endgame DPS Setup: Divine Wattage Augmenter, Lunarian Augmenter, Qa'ik Vazuk Akk'oj, The Emperor's Augmenter

T22 "Budget" HPS Setup: Mechanical Hound Augmenter, Nightfury's Patience, Poseidon Defensive Mode Augmenter, Hephaestus's General Mode Augmenter

T22 Endgame HPS Setup: Mechanical Hound Augmenter, Ult. Rejuvenating Augmenter, Poseidon's Defensive Mode Augmenter, Qa'ik Banu Akk'oj

T22 Endgame HPS Setup: Mechanical Hound Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter, Ult. Reviving Augmenter, Poseidon's Defensive Mode Augmenter

T22 Endgame Hybrid Setup DPS/Tank-Oriented: Qa'ik Banu Akk'oj, Qa'ik Urk'qii Akk'oj, Selenite Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter

T23 Endgame DPS Setup: Crescent Augmenter, Qa'ik Urk'qii Akk'oj, Selenite Augmenter, Twisted Tesla Augmenter --- The Supplementary Emperor's Drone Controller

Shield Monkey Setups:

T20 Budget Setup: Shield Monkey Mastery Augmenter, Shield Monkey Mastery Augmenter, Shield Monkey Mastery Augmenter

T20 Mixed Healing/Stealing Endgame Setup: The Emperor's Augmenter, The Emperor's Augmenter, Sup. Obliteration Augmenter

T20 Endgame Setup: The Art of Healing Augmenter, The Art of Healing Augmenter, The Art of Healing Augmenter

T22 Endgame Setup: Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter

T22 Endgame Setup: Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter, Vaidya Bhava

T22 Endgame Setup: Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter, Vacohara Psu, Vaidya Bhava

T22 Endgame Setup: Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter, Ult. Reviving Augmenter

T22 Endgame Setup: Mechanical Hound Augmenter, Ult. Reviving Augmenter, Ultimate Art of Healing Augmenter

T22 Stealing Setup: Vaidya Bhava, Qa'ik Urk'qii Akk'oj, Qa'ik Banu Akk'oj

Legacy Setups

Archive link for legacy setups from before February 12th, 2021. Use at your own risk.

Legacy Augmenter Setups

Additional Resources

Here is some money making guides: [to funding, income, and credits] and [to Play: Money Making].