Talk:Augmenter Setups
If you want this too be your exclusive page lemon put your name at the top... lrellok.
[hide]Template -- Klestiko 16:02, 16 March 2008 (PDT)
If anyone has a better template for this, which im sure you do, feel free to change the current one into the better one. Also, I do not know how to make a "Contents" bar (Index, w/e you want to call it) so if someone could also do that, thanks!
- You need to condense the setups. For example, if there are 3 different SD Izer setups, make it so that there is one izer heading and 3 setups underneath it. so that when you click on the SD izer button in the table of contents it takes you to all of the SD izer setups. Also, put the ships in tech order then alphabetical order, currently they are all over the place. you might also want to put in a total stat boost section in each entry, so that you can easily look over all of the stats the setup changes. Do not account for AT skill in this boost, just do the raw calculations with the augs. -Simon 10:42, 18 March 2008 (PDT)
Re: Template -- Kles 14:41, 18 March 2008 (PDT)
Ok, I think its better now, what do yah think?
- Some have the tech and some don't :/ but much better oganization, still need raw stats, but thats something that can come later when someone is bored. Should make a slot for it in each setup tho so that its easier to update later. -Simon 16:31, 18 March 2008 (PDT)
The T20 ones don't have the tech, cause there uhh, T20. Also, for the raw stats, if one aug gave +10% shields, and another gave +15% shields, would that be +25% shields or +26.5% shields? (What im asking is, do the augs stack, or are they calculated separately?) --Kles 17:07, 18 March 2008 (PDT)
- i would have put the tech just to keep it the same format. A +15% and a +10% is 1.15x1.10 which is...1.265 which is +26.5 % like you said. They multiply, they dont add. -Simon 17:24, 18 March 2008 (PDT)
Yeah I guess it does make it look prettier. And now that I got my question answered, ill work on the bonuses the setup gives since I got nothing better to do. --Kles 17:31, 18 March 2008 (PDT)
- okies coolz :D -Simon 17:46, 18 March 2008 (PDT)
14 Ships left, this defo takes a fair amount of time... --Kles 18:55, 18 March 2008 (PDT)
- very cool :D-Simon 20:02, 18 March 2008 (PDT)
The reaver
are the stats shown including the effects of the itan OL? cause most people will use one with a reaver. So i dont know if that should be included or not.
Re: The reaver -- Kles 16:56, 9 April 2008 (PDT)
No, stats are of the augs and only the augs. Doesn't include any skills that may affect the augs (AT or IT), doesn't include the in-built stats of the ship, overloaders, or anything. Just augs. States that at the top I am sure. --Kles 16:56, 9 April 2008 (PDT)