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[[Missiles]] are guided projectiles: they do damage upon impacting a target, oftentimes much more than any conventional weapon of a similar [[Tech Level]] could do. Missiles are therefore a good choice for players looking to increase their damage throughput, albeit a sometimes expensive one.
'''Missiles''' are guided projectiles: they do damage upon impacting a target, oftentimes much more than any conventional weapon of a similar [[Tech Level]] could do. Missiles are therefore a good choice for players looking to increase their damage throughput, albeit a sometimes expensive one.
To use '''Missiles''', a player must have a [[Missile Launchers|Missile Launcher]] equipped and an appropriate [[:Category:Crates|Ammo Crate]] in their inventory. Ammo Crates Type I through III can be opened to yield either 10, 25, or 50 missiles, respectively.
To use missiles, a player must have a [[Missile Launchers|Missile Launcher]] equipped in their inventory. The launcher cannot be higher tech than the ship, and any missiles the player wishes to use cannot be higher tech than the launcher.
Missiles will attempt to fly towards whatever target was selected when the Missile was launched. They can be destroyed or knocked off course just like ships can, but some (if not all, needs checking) Missiles contain an inbuilt '''Missile Stabilizer''' reducing effect of concussions by %50.
To use missiles, you must target an enemy and use the missile, the missiles launched will then fly at their target (or will fly around you if they cannot see the target) and attempt to hit them, if the enemy leaves the star system or is killed, the remaining missiles will self destruct. They can also be shot down from enemy fire before reaching their target, and will despawn if they reach the end of their lifespan.
Most '''Missiles''' have [[Resistance|Resistances]] to [[Mining]](75%) and [[Radiation]](100%) damage and a vulnerability to [[Physical]](200%) damage.
Note that missile weapons will not apply the effects listed in the Side Effect column, those are only applied on missile impact.
However, [[Gunner_Class|Destruction]] will be applied on both weapon hit and missile impact.
See also: [[Base Missiles]].
See also: [[Base Missiles]]
== Sortable Listing ==
== Missile Information ==
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2" width="100%" class="bigtable sortable"
{| width="78%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
|- align="center"
! Name
! Name  
! TL
! Tech
! Size
! Size  
! Weight
! Damage Type
! Damage
! Splash Range
! Flight Time
! Launch Energy
! Launch Energy
! Damage
! Damage Type
! Min Range
! Speed
! Max Range
! Lifespan
! Side Effect
! Min/Max Launch Distance
! Source / Comments
! Source
! Restrictions
! Skill Needed
! Weight
! Description
! Description
! Notes
| Vulcaroid Missile  
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Cadet Missile|Common}}
| 3
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| 1  
| 1
| 300  
| 5
| ?
| class="energy" | Energy
| Physical
| 2,300
| 150
| 150
| ?
| 7
| ?
| 770
| [[:Category:Crates|Ammo Crate]] from [[Vulcan]]  
| 2.99
| none
| 50
| 1,000  
| 100
| Physical damage payload that leaves fires!
| [[Cadet Missile Launch Device]]
| Slow down them criminals
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Zebu Missile|Common}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">0</span>
| 1
| 5
| class="mining" | Mining
| 1,800
| 7
| 500
| 3.60
| 50
| 100
| [[Zebu Missile Device]]
| Open fire
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Vulcaroid Missile|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">3</span>
| 1
| 20
| class="physical" | Physical
| 3,500
| 10
| 720
| 4.86
| 50
| 300
| [[Ammo Crate - Vulcaroid Missile]]
| Vulcan missile
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Prototype Blue Photon Stock Missile|Common}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| 1
| 30
| class="energy" | Energy
| 5,000
| 300
| 7
| 1,600
| 3.12
| 50
| 300
| [[Ammo Crate - Prototype Blue Photon Stock Missile]]
| Mass produced by Blue Photon for multi-purpose defensive needs!
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Small Armor Piercing Missile|Common}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| 1
| 30
| class="mining" | Mining
| 4,000
| 7
| 1,100
| 3.64
| 50
| 300
| [[Ammo Crate - Small AP Type III]]
| Mining damage payload delivered to a single target
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Small Kinetic Missile|Common}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">5</span>
| 1
| 30
| class="physical" | Physical
| 5,500
| 7
| 1,200
| 4.58
| 50
| 300
| [[Ammo Crate - Small Kinetic Type III]]
| Physical damage payload delivered to a single target
| Small Kinetic Missile  
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Small Flare Missile|Uncommon}}
| 5
| <span style="color:lightgreen">6</span>
| 1  
| 1
| 1000
| 35
| 250x5
| class="energy" | Energy
| Physical
| 6,000
| 150
| 2 minutes
| 10
| 50/2000
| 2,100
| [[:Category:Crates|Ammo Crate]] from [[Missile Factories|Small Kinetic Type I/II/III ]]
| 2.86
| none
| 50
| 1000
| 400
| Physical damage payload delivered to a single target
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
| Light up your prey
| Small Armor Piercing Missile
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Fire Opal|Uncommon}}
| 5
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| 1  
| 1
| 1000
| 40
| 500x5
| class="surgical" | Surgical
| Mining
| 7,800
| 75
| 360
| 2 minutes
| 10
| 50/2000
| 3,300
| [[:Category:Crates|Ammo Crate]] from [[Missile Factories|Small AP Type I/II/III ]]
| 2.36
| none
| 50
| 1000
| 500
| Mining damage payload delivered to a single target
| AI Drop Prism Empires
| Brilliant chunk of hot crystal
| Medium Kinetic Missile  
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Small Entanglement Missile|Uncommon}}
| 10
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| 1  
| 1
| 2000
| 40
| 3200x5
| class="energy" | Energy
| Physical
| 10,500
| 200
| 2 minutes
| 10
| 50/2000
| 3,500
| [[:Category:Crates|Ammo Crate]] from [[Missile Factories|Medium Kinetic Type I/II/III ]]
| 3.00
| none
| 50
| 2000
| 500
| Physical damage payload delivered to a single target
| [[Ammo Crate - Small Entanglement Missile]]<br/>On missile impact injects Small Nuclear Sludge Pile (radiation damage, -25% speed)
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
| Uncouple your prey from the Planck skein
| Medium Armor Piercing Missile  
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Small Incendiary Missile|Common}}
| 11
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| 1  
| 1
| 4000
| 40
| 5000x5
| class="heat" | Heat
| Mining
| 7,700
| 75
| 360
| 2 minutes
| 7
| 50/2000
| 3,400
| [[:Category:Crates|Ammo Crate]] from [[Missile Factories|Medium AP Type I/II/III ]]  
| 2.26
| none
| 50
| 2000
| 400
| Mining damage payload delivered to a single target
| Visibility +500% for 5s
| [[Ammo Crate - Small Incendiary Type III]]
| Heat damage payload delivered to a single target
| Large Kinetic Missile  
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Small Surgical Strike Missile|Common}}
| 15
| <span style="color:lightgreen">7</span>
| 1  
| 1
| 2700
| 40
| 5000x5
| class="surgical" | Surgical
| Physical
| 7,100
| 250
| 2 minutes
| 7
| 50/2000
| 3,000
| [[:Category:Crates|Ammo Crate]] from [[Missile Factories|Large Kinetic Type I/II/III ]]  
| 2.37
| none
| 50
| 3000
| 400
| Physical damage payload delivered to a single target
| Forced Thrust +1 for 1s, Max Speed -10% for 5s
| [[Ammo Crate - Small Surgical Strike Type III]]
| Surgical damage payload delivered to a single target
| Eggsile
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Small Disintegrator Missile|Uncommon}}
| 15
| <span style="color:lightgreen">9</span>
| 2
| 1
| 650
| 50
| 1250
| class="radiation" | Radiation
| Physical
| 13,000
| 80~?
| 30s or 1min
| 10
| 50/2000
| 4,800
| [[Eggbox Crate]] from [[Easter]] Drop
| 2.71
| none
| 70
| 10000
| 700
| How is this going to work? Cover their view ports with egg?
| Surgical Vulnerability +2% for 5s
| Has 5000 vis, seems buggy
| [[Ammo Crate - Small Disintegrator Missile]]<br/>Shoots surgical pulse, on weapon hit injects Small Acidic Drop (energy damage)
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
| Erode your prey's resistances
| Explosive Space Rat
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Small Paxian Missile|Uncommon}}
| 15
| <span style="color:lightgreen">9</span>
| 1  
| 1
| 50
| class="energy" | Energy
| 19,400
| 10
| 10
| ?
| 5,800
| ?
| 3.34
| ?
| 70
| ?
| 700
| ?
| Energy Vulnerability +5% for 5s
| [[Grotesque Undead Rat]]
| [[Ammo Crate - Small Paxian Missile]]
| none
| 3,000
| What's that bulging sore on it's side?
| The Paxian answer to an UrQa problem.
| Carcass Missile  
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Medium Kinetic Missile|Common}}
| 16
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| 1  
| 1
| 1000
| 55
| 5000
| class="physical" | Physical
| Heat
| 26,300
| 100
| 7 seconds
| 7
| 50/2000
| 4,200
| [[Missile Generators|Carcass Missile Generator]]
| 6.26
| none
| 70
| 10000
| 700
| If its worth killing, its probably worth overkilling
| splash 1000 at 100 range.
| [[Ammo Crate - Medium Kinetic Type III]]
| Physical damage payload delivered to a single target
| Large Armor Piercing Missile  
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Small Blue Photon Stock Missile|Common}}
| 16
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| 1  
| 1
| 6600
| 55
| 12500x5
| class="energy" | Energy
| Mining
| 23,700
| 75
| 450
| 2 minutes
| 7
| 50/2000
| 5,700
| [[:Category:Crates|Ammo Crate]] from [[Missile Factories|Large AP Type I/II/III ]]  
| 4.16
| none
| 70
| 3000
| 700
| Mining damage payload delivered to a single target
| [[Ammo Crate - Small Blue Photon Stock Missile]]
| Mass produced by Blue Photon for multi-purpose defensive needs!
| Zaphragi Cheetah Missile
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Small Bunkerbuster Torpedo|Uncommon}}
| 16
| <span style="color:lightgreen">10</span>
| 1  
| 1
| 4000
| 55
| 20000x3
| class="physical" | Physical
| Surgical
| 28,600
| 350
| 900
| 20 seconds
| 10
| 50/2000
| 8,000
| [[:Category:Crates|Ammo Crate]] from [[Missile Factories|Armada WMD Factory]]
| 3.58
| none
| 80
| 3000
| 800
| Faster than any other missile on the prairies
| Transference Vulnerability -20% for 5s, Shield Charge -10% for 5s
| [[Ammo Crate - Small Bunkerbuster Torpedo]]
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
| Hasta La Vista, Baby
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Medium Armor Piercing Missile|Common}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| 1
| 60
| class="mining" | Mining
| 24,600
| 7
| 4,600
| 5.35
| 90
| 900
| [[Ammo Crate - Medium AP Type III]]
| Mining damage payload delivered to a single target
| Flaming Lantern Missile
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Prahetivisa Ekam|Uncommon}}
| 17
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| 2
| 1
| 350
| 60
| 7000
| class="physical" | Physical
| Heat
| 37,200
| 200
| &nbsp;?
| 50/2000
| [[:Category:Crates|Ammo Crate]] from [[Halloween|Halloween]] drop
| none
| 2000
| Flaming Skull of Dooom.
| 10
| 6,300
| 5.90
| 90
| 900
| Physical Vulnerability +2% for 5s
| Alien acid spraying protectiles.
| Medium MIRV Rocket
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Small Vortex Torpedo|Uncommon}}
| 17
| <span style="color:lightgreen">11</span>
| 1  
| 1
| 6000
| 60
| 5000x7
| class="physical" | Physical
| Mining
| 37,200
| 105
| 960
| &nbsp;?
| 10
| 50/2000
| 8,400
| Built from Medium MIRV Rocket Production
| 4.43
| none
| 90
| 2000
| 900
| [[Ammo Crate - Small Vortex Torpedo]]
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
| Black Hole Attraction
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Medium Entanglement Missile|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">12</span>
| 1
| 65
| class="energy" | Energy
| 42,700
| 10
| 9,800
| 4.36
| 110
| 1100
| [[Ammo Crate - Medium Entanglement Missile]]<br/>On missile impact injects Nuclear Sludge Pile (radiation damage, -37% speed)
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
| Uncouple your prey from the Planck skein
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Medium Incendiary Missile|Common}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">12</span>
| 1
| 65
| class="heat" | Heat
| 31,400
| 510
| 7
| 9,600
| 3.27
| 100
| 1000
| Visibility +1000% for 5s
| [[Ammo Crate - Medium Incendiary Type III]]
| Heat damage payload delivered to a single target
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Medium Surgical Strike Missile|Common}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">12</span>
| 1
| 65
| class="surgical" | Surgical
| 29,100
| 7
| 8,400
| 3.46
| 100
| 1000
| Forced Thrust +1 for 1s, Max Speed -15% for 5s
| [[Ammo Crate - Medium Surgical Strike Type III]]
| Surgical damage payload delivered to a single target
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Small Lancer Missile|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">12</span>
| 1
| 65
| class="heat" | Heat
| 34,100
| 510
| 10
| 13,100
| 2.60
| 160
| 1600
| Range -25% for 5s
| Shoots heat beam, on weapon hit injects Critical Fire (heat damage, 30 visibility)
| Thunderbolts and Lightning, very, very frightning
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Small MIRV Rocket|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">12</span>
| 1
| 65
| class="mining" | Mining
| 34,100
| 10
| 4,600
| 7.41
| 50
| 500
| [[Ammo Crate - Small MIRV Rocket]]
| Fly my pretties, fly
| Fly my pretties, fly
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Tiger Missile|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">12</span>
| 1
| 65
| class="heat" | Heat
| 34,100
| 10
| 4,100
| 8.32
| 50
| 500
| Jungle AI drop
| A crippling blow.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Space Blue Missile|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">13</span>
| 20
| 14,000
| class="energy" | Energy
| 200
| 30
| 450
| 0.44
| 50
| 2000
| Space Blue Missile Crate<br/>Shoots rad Beam
| The power - or is it the annoyance? - of blue.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Medium Disintegrator Missile|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 1
| 75
| class="radiation" | Radiation
| 44,200
| 10
| 10,300
| 4.29
| 140
| 1400
| Surgical Vulnerability +5% for 5s
| [[Ammo Crate - Medium Disintegrator Missile]]<br/>Shoots surgical pulse, on weapon hit injects Medium Acidic Drop (energy damage)
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
| Erode your prey's resistances
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Prahetivisa Dve|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">14</span>
| 1
| 75
| class="physical" | Physical
| 73,600
| 10
| 9,200
| 8.00
| 140
| 1400
| Physical Vulnerability +5% for 5s
| Alien acid spraying protectiles.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Eggsile|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| 1
| 80
| class="physical" | Physical
| 89,900
| 10
| 5,300
| 16.96
| 80
| 800
| Easter AI drop
| How is this going to work? Cover their view ports with egg?
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Large Kinetic Missile|Common}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| 1
| 80
| class="physical" | Physical
| 82,700
| 7
| 8,100
| 10.21
| 150
| 1500
| [[Ammo Crate - Large Kinetic Type III]]
| Physical damage payload delivered to a single target
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Medium Blue Photon Stock Missile|Common}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| 1
| 80
| class="energy" | Energy
| 74,500
| 600
| 7
| 11,000
| 6.77
| 150
| 1500
| [[Ammo Crate - Medium Blue Photon Stock Missile]]
| Mass produced by Blue Photon for multi-purpose defensive needs!
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Medium Bunkerbuster Torpedo|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| 1
| 80
| class="physical" | Physical
| 89,900
| 1200
| 10
| 15,200
| 5.91
| 160
| 1600
| Transference Vulnerability -25% for 5s, Shield Charge -12% for 5s
| [[Ammo Crate - Medium Bunkerbuster Torpedo]]
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
| Hasta La Vista, Baby
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Medium Paxian Missile|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">15</span>
| 1
| 80
| class="energy" | Energy
| 80,900
| 10
| 13,500
| 5.99
| 160
| 1600
| Energy Vulnerability +7% for 5s
| [[Ammo Crate - Medium Paxian Missile]]
| The Paxian answer to an UrQa problem.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Carcass Missile|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 1
| 85
| class="heat" | Heat
| 78,200
| 10
| 9,300
| 8.41
| 90
| 900
| Max Shield -10% for 7s
| Vulture in-built Carcass Missile Generator.
| Can't remove
| If it is worth killing, it is probably worth overkilling
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Large Armor Piercing Missile|Common}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 1
| 85
| class="mining" | Mining
| 71,900
| 7
| 7,900
| 9.10
| 160
| 1600
| [[Ammo Crate - Large AP Type III]]
| Mining damage payload delivered to a single target
| Red Photon Plasma Missile
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Medium Vortex Torpedo|Uncommon}}
| 20
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 3
| 1
| 1000
| 85
| 2100
| class="physical" | Physical
| Heat
| 109,000
| &nbsp;?
| 1260
| &nbsp;?
| 10
| 50/2000
| 14,500
| [[:Category:Crates|Ammo Crate]] from [[Missile Factories|Red Photon Missile Factory]]
| 7.52
| none
| 180
| 3,000
| 1800
| Red Photon specialized missile
| [[Ammo Crate - Medium Vortex Torpedo]]
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
| Black Hole Attraction
| Large Lancer Missile  
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Zaphragi Cheetah Missile|Uncommon}}
| 20
| <span style="color:lightgreen">16</span>
| 6
| 1
| 4000
| 85
| 3000
| class="surgical" | Surgical
| Heat
| 72,400
| ~340
| ?
| 10
| 1200/5000
| 12,700
| Built from Large Lancer Missile Production
| 5.70
| Gunner class 20
| 270
| 3000
| 2700
| Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightening.
| Shoots heat damage beam type weapon. Does add destruction debuff up to 5% debuff to resists. (Missile acts as a slave giving half class skills, and only single fires allowing half effectiveness of destruction.)
| [[Ammo Crate - Zaphragi Cheetah Missile]]
| Faster than any other missile on the prairies.
| Large MIRV Rocket
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Flaming Lantern Missile|Uncommon}}
| 20
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 4
| 1
| 10000
| 90
| 12500 x8
| class="heat" | Heat
| Mining
| 93,400
| 105
| 30s
| 10
| 50/2000
| 8,800
| Built from Large MIRV Torpedo Production
| 10.61
| Gunner class 20
| 100
| 3000
| 1000
| Fly my pretties,fly
| Forced Left Turn +1 for 3.5s
| splits into several smaller missiles
| Hot Pumpkin Crate
| Flaming Skull of Doom
| Large Bunkerbuster Missile
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Large Entanglement Missile|Uncommon}}
| 20  
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 6
| 1
| 90
| class="energy" | Energy
| 117,000
| 10
| 15,600
| 7.50
| 200
| 2000
| [[Ammo Crate - Large Entanglement Missile]]<br/>On missile impact injects Large Nuclear Sludge Pile (radiation damage, -50% speed)
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
| Uncouple your prey from the Planck skein
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Large Incendiary Missile|Common}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 1
| 90
| class="heat" | Heat
| 85,900
| 660
| 7
| 15,200
| 5.65
| 180
| 1800
| Visibility +1500% for 5s
| [[Ammo Crate - Large Incendiary Type III]]
| Heat damage payload delivered to a single target
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Large Surgical Strike Missile|Common}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 1
| 90
| class="surgical" | Surgical
| 79,500
| 7
| 13,300
| 5.98
| 180
| 1800
| Forced Thrust +1 for 1s, Max Speed -20% for 5s
| [[Ammo Crate - Large Surgical Strike Type III]]
| Surgical damage payload delivered to a single target
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Medium Lancer Missile|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 1
| 90
| class="heat" | Heat
| 93,400
| 660
| 10
| 20,700
| 4.51
| 300
| 3000
| 3000
| 10000
| Range -33% for 5s
| Physical  
| Shoots heat beam, on weapon hit injects Large Fire (heat damage, 90 visibility)
| 105
| 30s
| Thunderbolts and Lightning, very, very frightning
| 50/2000
| Built from Large Bunkerbuster Missile Production
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Medium MIRV Rocket|Uncommon}}
| Gunner class 20
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 3000
| 1
| Hasta la Vista baby.
| 90
| Deals area of effect damage and damages the user, Knockback
| class="mining" | Mining
| 93,400
| 10
| 7,300
| 12.79
| 100
| 1000
| [[Ammo Crate - Medium MIRV Rocket]]
| Fly my pretties, fly
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Prahetivisa Tra|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">17</span>
| 1
| 90
| class="physical" | Physical
| 130,000
| 10
| 11,500
| 11.30
| 200
| 2000
| Physical Vulnerability +7% for 5s
| Alien acid spraying protectiles.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Large Disintegrator Missile|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| 1
| 100
| class="radiation" | Radiation
| 108,000
| 10
| 14,300
| 7.55
| 240
| 2400
| Surgical Vulnerability +7% for 5s
| [[Ammo Crate - Large Disintegrator Missile]]<br/>Shoots surgical pulse, on weapon hit injects Large Acidic Drop (energy damage, -50% radar)
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
| Erode your prey's resistances
| Large Burst Missile
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Large Vortex Torpedo|Uncommon}}
| 20  
| <span style="color:lightgreen">19</span>
| 3
| 1
| 100
| class="physical" | Physical
| 180,000
| 1440
| 10
| 16,900
| 10.65
| 240
| 2400
| [[Ammo Crate - Large Vortex Torpedo]]
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
| Black Hole Attraction
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Large Blue Photon Stock Missile|Common}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| 1
| 105
| class="energy" | Energy
| 173,000
| 750
| 7
| 14,400
| 12.01
| 240
| 2400
| [[Ammo Crate - Large Blue Photon Stock Missile]]
| Mass produced by Blue Photon for multi-purpose defensive needs!
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Large Bunkerbuster Torpedo|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| 1
| 105
| class="physical" | Physical
| 209,000
| 1500
| 10
| 20,000
| 10.45
| 260
| 2600
| Transference Vulnerability -30% for 5s, Shield Charge -15% for 5s
| [[Ammo Crate - Large Bunkerbuster Torpedo]]
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
| Hasta La Vista, Baby
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Large Burst Missile|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| 1
| 105
| class="mining" | Mining
| 151,000
| 1500
| 10
| 15,900
| 9.50
| 260
| 2600
| [[Ammo Crate - Large Burst Missile]]
| Requires 1 in [[Gunner Class]]
| Nuke 'em from orbit, it's the only way to be sure
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Large Lancer Missile|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| 1
| 105
| class="heat" | Heat
| 151,000
| 750
| 10
| 23,800
| 6.34
| 400
| 4000
| Range -50% for 5s
| [[Ammo Crate - Large Lancer Missile]]<br/>Shoots heat Beam, on weapon hit injects Critical Fire (heat damage, 30 visilbity)
| Thunderbolts and Lightning, very, very frightning
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Large MIRV Rocket|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| 1
| 105
| class="mining" | Mining
| 151,000
| 10
| 8,400
| 17.98
| 130
| 1300
| 1300
| 2800
| Mining
| [[Ammo Crate - Large MIRV Rocket]]
| 105  
| 30s
| Fly my pretties, fly
| 50/2000
| Built from Large Burst Missile Production
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Large Paxian Missile|Uncommon}}
| Gunner class 20  
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| 3000
| 1
| Nuke em from orbit. it's the only way to be sure.
| 105
| Deals area of effect damage and damages the user
| class="energy" | Energy
| 188,000
| 10
| 17,800
| 10.56
| 260
| 2600
| Energy Vulnerability +10% for 5s
| [[Ammo Crate - Large Paxian Missile]]
| The Paxian answer to an UrQa problem.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Prahetivisa Katur|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">20</span>
| 1
| 105
| class="physical" | Physical
| 209,000
| 10
| 13,200
| 15.83
| 260
| 2600
| Physical Vulnerability +10% for 5s
| Alien acid spraying protectiles.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Honey Shard|Common}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| 0
| 2,500
| class="physical" | Physical
| 48,352
| 90
| 8,000
| 6.04
| 50
| 1800
| Max Speed -20% for 2s, Forced Left Turn +1 for 1s
| Queen Wasp inbuilt Generator
| Can acquire a new target if current target is lost., Visibility: 10,000, Can't remove
| Extremely agile missile, with a nasty shard sting.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Queen's Hive Missile|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| 1
| 110
| class="physical" | Physical
| 242,000
| 10
| 9,600
| 25.21
| 140
| 1400
| Max Speed -20% for 2s, Forced Left Turn +1 for 1s
| Ammo Crate - Queen's Hive Missile
| Extremely agile missile, with a nasty sting.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Red Photon Plasma Missile|Uncommon}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">21</span>
| 1
| 110
| class="heat" | Heat
| 174,000
| 10
| 11,800
| 14.75
| 140
| 1400
| Weight +300% for 10s, Heat Vulnerability +15% for 3s
| [[Ammo Crate - Red Photon Plasma Missile]]
| Red Photon specialized missile
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Ksaravis'ayu|Rare}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| 2
| 230
| class="physical" | Physical
| 300,000
| 12
| 12,100
| 24.79
| 170
| 1700
| [[Ksaravis'ayu Pod]]<br/>On missile impact injects Ksaravisa (physical damage, -10% resistance to damage)
| Deliver a caustic organic acid to your target.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Matra Markata Prahetiayu|Rare}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| 2
| 230
| class="radiation" | Radiation
| 180,000
| 2430
| 12
| 42,600
| 4.23
| 510
| 5100
| Weight +100% for 10s, Inertial Dampening +200% for 3s
| [[Matra Markata Prahetiayu Pod]]
| Launches a salvo of extremely radioactive alien missiles.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Paxian Piercer Missile|Rare}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| 2
| 230
| class="mining" | Mining
| 270,000
| 12
| 16,400
| 16.46
| 170
| 1700
| Damage -12% for 5s after 1s
| Ammo Crate - Paxian Piercer Missile
| Peace obtained through violence is preferable to violence.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Paxian Redeemer Missile|Rare}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| 2
| 230
| class="heat" | Heat
| 270,000
| 12
| 10,800
| 25.00
| 170
| 1700
| Ammo Crate - Paxian Redeemer Missile
| The UrQa do not understand peace. We will give them something they understand.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Visphotakapad Ksaravis'ayu|Rare}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">22</span>
| 2
| 230
| class="physical" | Physical
| 300,000
| 1620
| 12
| 18,400
| 16.30
| 170
| 1700
| [[Visphotakapad Ksaravis'ayu Pod]]<br/>On missile impact injects Ksaravisa (physical damage, -10% resistance to damage)
| Launches a salvo of extremely explosive alien missiles.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Celestial Stasis Missile|Rare}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">23</span>
| 2
| 240
| class="physical" | Physical
| 342,000
| 1680
| 12
| 16,500
| 20.73
| 180
| 1800
| Max Speed -50% for 1s, Forced Thrust +1 for 0.1s
| Trap them in an area.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Celestial Vortex Missile|Rare}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">23</span>
| 2
| 240
| class="physical" | Physical
| 342,000
| 1680
| 12
| 20,700
| 16.52
| 370
| 3700
| Thrust -50% for 4s, Weight -50% for 0.1s
| Suck them in.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Red Burst Missile|Exotic}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">23</span>
| 2
| 240
| class="radiation" | Radiation
| 221,000
| 1680
| 20
| 15,000
| 14.73
| 200
| 2000
| Ammo Crate - Red Burst Missile
| A Red Rogue missile, designed to bring utter destruction to everything nearby.
| {{Linkable Entry Quality|Red Piercing Missile|Exotic}}
| <span style="color:lightgreen">23</span>
| 2
| 240
| class="mining" | Mining
| 265,000
| 20
| 13,200
| 20.08
| 390
| 3900
| Ammo Crate - Red Piercing Missile
| A Red Rogue missile, designed to crack the toughest of targets.
== Lore ==
Missiles are rumored to have been invented when a [[Zebucart]] decided to ram a Fly at flank speed, destroying both ships instantly. While the people of [[Hyperion]] claim to be the aficionados on missile technology, that Zebucart was the pioneer. After the incident, researchers began investigating the possible uses of flinging several tons of metal at another object while travelling at near relativistic speeds. Initial results were promising, as it was discovered that all test subjects were reduced to carbon wisps. However, researchers denounced the technology, claiming that it was too expensive since the missiles had to withstand the harshness of space and also propel themselves to the target. This obstacle was overcome when a valiant undergrad intern decided to pack several hundred pounds of C4 into the back of a cylinder made of reinforced graphite. The resultant explosion annihilated his home planet, but the information he gathered proved invaluable. In any case, missile launchers advanced to the point where they could use anti-matter accelerators in order to propel the missiles. The missiles then only need attitude thrusters for control, reducing costs exponentially. Since then, missile technology has exploded, and the field continues to grow with each passing year.
[[Category:Missile_Bays]] [[Category:Items]]
[[Category:Missile_Bays]] [[Category:Items]]

Latest revision as of 14:24, 6 October 2023

Missiles are guided projectiles: they do damage upon impacting a target, oftentimes much more than any conventional weapon of a similar Tech Level could do. Missiles are therefore a good choice for players looking to increase their damage throughput, albeit a sometimes expensive one.

To use missiles, a player must have a Missile Launcher equipped in their inventory. The launcher cannot be higher tech than the ship, and any missiles the player wishes to use cannot be higher tech than the launcher.

To use missiles, you must target an enemy and use the missile, the missiles launched will then fly at their target (or will fly around you if they cannot see the target) and attempt to hit them, if the enemy leaves the star system or is killed, the remaining missiles will self destruct. They can also be shot down from enemy fire before reaching their target, and will despawn if they reach the end of their lifespan.

Note that missile weapons will not apply the effects listed in the Side Effect column, those are only applied on missile impact. However, Destruction will be applied on both weapon hit and missile impact.

See also: Base Missiles

Missile Information

Name TL Size Weight Damage Type Damage Splash Range Flight Time Launch Energy DPE Min Range Max Range Side Effect Source / Comments Restrictions Description
Cadet Missile 0 1 5 Energy 2,300 150 7 770 2.99 50 100 Cadet Missile Launch Device Slow down them criminals
Zebu Missile 0 1 5 Mining 1,800 7 500 3.60 50 100 Zebu Missile Device Open fire
Vulcaroid Missile 3 1 20 Physical 3,500 10 720 4.86 50 300 Ammo Crate - Vulcaroid Missile Vulcan missile
Prototype Blue Photon Stock Missile 5 1 30 Energy 5,000 300 7 1,600 3.12 50 300 Ammo Crate - Prototype Blue Photon Stock Missile Mass produced by Blue Photon for multi-purpose defensive needs!
Small Armor Piercing Missile 5 1 30 Mining 4,000 7 1,100 3.64 50 300 Ammo Crate - Small AP Type III Mining damage payload delivered to a single target
Small Kinetic Missile 5 1 30 Physical 5,500 7 1,200 4.58 50 300 Ammo Crate - Small Kinetic Type III Physical damage payload delivered to a single target
Small Flare Missile 6 1 35 Energy 6,000 10 2,100 2.86 50 400 Requires 1 in Gunner Class Light up your prey
Fire Opal 7 1 40 Surgical 7,800 360 10 3,300 2.36 50 500 AI Drop Prism Empires Brilliant chunk of hot crystal
Small Entanglement Missile 7 1 40 Energy 10,500 10 3,500 3.00 50 500 Ammo Crate - Small Entanglement Missile
On missile impact injects Small Nuclear Sludge Pile (radiation damage, -25% speed)
Requires 1 in Gunner Class Uncouple your prey from the Planck skein
Small Incendiary Missile 7 1 40 Heat 7,700 360 7 3,400 2.26 50 400 Visibility +500% for 5s Ammo Crate - Small Incendiary Type III Heat damage payload delivered to a single target
Small Surgical Strike Missile 7 1 40 Surgical 7,100 7 3,000 2.37 50 400 Forced Thrust +1 for 1s, Max Speed -10% for 5s Ammo Crate - Small Surgical Strike Type III Surgical damage payload delivered to a single target
Small Disintegrator Missile 9 1 50 Radiation 13,000 10 4,800 2.71 70 700 Surgical Vulnerability +2% for 5s Ammo Crate - Small Disintegrator Missile
Shoots surgical pulse, on weapon hit injects Small Acidic Drop (energy damage)
Requires 1 in Gunner Class Erode your prey's resistances
Small Paxian Missile 9 1 50 Energy 19,400 10 5,800 3.34 70 700 Energy Vulnerability +5% for 5s Ammo Crate - Small Paxian Missile The Paxian answer to an UrQa problem.
Medium Kinetic Missile 10 1 55 Physical 26,300 7 4,200 6.26 70 700 Ammo Crate - Medium Kinetic Type III Physical damage payload delivered to a single target
Small Blue Photon Stock Missile 10 1 55 Energy 23,700 450 7 5,700 4.16 70 700 Ammo Crate - Small Blue Photon Stock Missile Mass produced by Blue Photon for multi-purpose defensive needs!
Small Bunkerbuster Torpedo 10 1 55 Physical 28,600 900 10 8,000 3.58 80 800 Transference Vulnerability -20% for 5s, Shield Charge -10% for 5s Ammo Crate - Small Bunkerbuster Torpedo Requires 1 in Gunner Class Hasta La Vista, Baby
Medium Armor Piercing Missile 11 1 60 Mining 24,600 7 4,600 5.35 90 900 Ammo Crate - Medium AP Type III Mining damage payload delivered to a single target
Prahetivisa Ekam 11 1 60 Physical 37,200 10 6,300 5.90 90 900 Physical Vulnerability +2% for 5s Alien acid spraying protectiles.
Small Vortex Torpedo 11 1 60 Physical 37,200 960 10 8,400 4.43 90 900 Ammo Crate - Small Vortex Torpedo Requires 1 in Gunner Class Black Hole Attraction
Medium Entanglement Missile 12 1 65 Energy 42,700 10 9,800 4.36 110 1100 Ammo Crate - Medium Entanglement Missile
On missile impact injects Nuclear Sludge Pile (radiation damage, -37% speed)
Requires 1 in Gunner Class Uncouple your prey from the Planck skein
Medium Incendiary Missile 12 1 65 Heat 31,400 510 7 9,600 3.27 100 1000 Visibility +1000% for 5s Ammo Crate - Medium Incendiary Type III Heat damage payload delivered to a single target
Medium Surgical Strike Missile 12 1 65 Surgical 29,100 7 8,400 3.46 100 1000 Forced Thrust +1 for 1s, Max Speed -15% for 5s Ammo Crate - Medium Surgical Strike Type III Surgical damage payload delivered to a single target
Small Lancer Missile 12 1 65 Heat 34,100 510 10 13,100 2.60 160 1600 Range -25% for 5s Shoots heat beam, on weapon hit injects Critical Fire (heat damage, 30 visibility) Thunderbolts and Lightning, very, very frightning
Small MIRV Rocket 12 1 65 Mining 34,100 10 4,600 7.41 50 500 Ammo Crate - Small MIRV Rocket Fly my pretties, fly
Tiger Missile 12 1 65 Heat 34,100 10 4,100 8.32 50 500 Jungle AI drop A crippling blow.
Space Blue Missile 13 20 14,000 Energy 200 30 450 0.44 50 2000 Space Blue Missile Crate
Shoots rad Beam
The power - or is it the annoyance? - of blue.
Medium Disintegrator Missile 14 1 75 Radiation 44,200 10 10,300 4.29 140 1400 Surgical Vulnerability +5% for 5s Ammo Crate - Medium Disintegrator Missile
Shoots surgical pulse, on weapon hit injects Medium Acidic Drop (energy damage)
Requires 1 in Gunner Class Erode your prey's resistances
Prahetivisa Dve 14 1 75 Physical 73,600 10 9,200 8.00 140 1400 Physical Vulnerability +5% for 5s Alien acid spraying protectiles.
Eggsile 15 1 80 Physical 89,900 10 5,300 16.96 80 800 Easter AI drop How is this going to work? Cover their view ports with egg?
Large Kinetic Missile 15 1 80 Physical 82,700 7 8,100 10.21 150 1500 Ammo Crate - Large Kinetic Type III Physical damage payload delivered to a single target
Medium Blue Photon Stock Missile 15 1 80 Energy 74,500 600 7 11,000 6.77 150 1500 Ammo Crate - Medium Blue Photon Stock Missile Mass produced by Blue Photon for multi-purpose defensive needs!
Medium Bunkerbuster Torpedo 15 1 80 Physical 89,900 1200 10 15,200 5.91 160 1600 Transference Vulnerability -25% for 5s, Shield Charge -12% for 5s Ammo Crate - Medium Bunkerbuster Torpedo Requires 1 in Gunner Class Hasta La Vista, Baby
Medium Paxian Missile 15 1 80 Energy 80,900 10 13,500 5.99 160 1600 Energy Vulnerability +7% for 5s Ammo Crate - Medium Paxian Missile The Paxian answer to an UrQa problem.
Carcass Missile 16 1 85 Heat 78,200 10 9,300 8.41 90 900 Max Shield -10% for 7s Vulture in-built Carcass Missile Generator. Can't remove If it is worth killing, it is probably worth overkilling
Large Armor Piercing Missile 16 1 85 Mining 71,900 7 7,900 9.10 160 1600 Ammo Crate - Large AP Type III Mining damage payload delivered to a single target
Medium Vortex Torpedo 16 1 85 Physical 109,000 1260 10 14,500 7.52 180 1800 Ammo Crate - Medium Vortex Torpedo Requires 1 in Gunner Class Black Hole Attraction
Zaphragi Cheetah Missile 16 1 85 Surgical 72,400 10 12,700 5.70 270 2700 Ammo Crate - Zaphragi Cheetah Missile Faster than any other missile on the prairies.
Flaming Lantern Missile 17 1 90 Heat 93,400 10 8,800 10.61 100 1000 Forced Left Turn +1 for 3.5s Hot Pumpkin Crate Flaming Skull of Doom
Large Entanglement Missile 17 1 90 Energy 117,000 10 15,600 7.50 200 2000 Ammo Crate - Large Entanglement Missile
On missile impact injects Large Nuclear Sludge Pile (radiation damage, -50% speed)
Requires 1 in Gunner Class Uncouple your prey from the Planck skein
Large Incendiary Missile 17 1 90 Heat 85,900 660 7 15,200 5.65 180 1800 Visibility +1500% for 5s Ammo Crate - Large Incendiary Type III Heat damage payload delivered to a single target
Large Surgical Strike Missile 17 1 90 Surgical 79,500 7 13,300 5.98 180 1800 Forced Thrust +1 for 1s, Max Speed -20% for 5s Ammo Crate - Large Surgical Strike Type III Surgical damage payload delivered to a single target
Medium Lancer Missile 17 1 90 Heat 93,400 660 10 20,700 4.51 300 3000 Range -33% for 5s Shoots heat beam, on weapon hit injects Large Fire (heat damage, 90 visibility) Thunderbolts and Lightning, very, very frightning
Medium MIRV Rocket 17 1 90 Mining 93,400 10 7,300 12.79 100 1000 Ammo Crate - Medium MIRV Rocket Fly my pretties, fly
Prahetivisa Tra 17 1 90 Physical 130,000 10 11,500 11.30 200 2000 Physical Vulnerability +7% for 5s Alien acid spraying protectiles.
Large Disintegrator Missile 19 1 100 Radiation 108,000 10 14,300 7.55 240 2400 Surgical Vulnerability +7% for 5s Ammo Crate - Large Disintegrator Missile
Shoots surgical pulse, on weapon hit injects Large Acidic Drop (energy damage, -50% radar)
Requires 1 in Gunner Class Erode your prey's resistances
Large Vortex Torpedo 19 1 100 Physical 180,000 1440 10 16,900 10.65 240 2400 Ammo Crate - Large Vortex Torpedo Requires 1 in Gunner Class Black Hole Attraction
Large Blue Photon Stock Missile 20 1 105 Energy 173,000 750 7 14,400 12.01 240 2400 Ammo Crate - Large Blue Photon Stock Missile Mass produced by Blue Photon for multi-purpose defensive needs!
Large Bunkerbuster Torpedo 20 1 105 Physical 209,000 1500 10 20,000 10.45 260 2600 Transference Vulnerability -30% for 5s, Shield Charge -15% for 5s Ammo Crate - Large Bunkerbuster Torpedo Requires 1 in Gunner Class Hasta La Vista, Baby
Large Burst Missile 20 1 105 Mining 151,000 1500 10 15,900 9.50 260 2600 Ammo Crate - Large Burst Missile Requires 1 in Gunner Class Nuke 'em from orbit, it's the only way to be sure
Large Lancer Missile 20 1 105 Heat 151,000 750 10 23,800 6.34 400 4000 Range -50% for 5s Ammo Crate - Large Lancer Missile
Shoots heat Beam, on weapon hit injects Critical Fire (heat damage, 30 visilbity)
Thunderbolts and Lightning, very, very frightning
Large MIRV Rocket 20 1 105 Mining 151,000 10 8,400 17.98 130 1300 Ammo Crate - Large MIRV Rocket Fly my pretties, fly
Large Paxian Missile 20 1 105 Energy 188,000 10 17,800 10.56 260 2600 Energy Vulnerability +10% for 5s Ammo Crate - Large Paxian Missile The Paxian answer to an UrQa problem.
Prahetivisa Katur 20 1 105 Physical 209,000 10 13,200 15.83 260 2600 Physical Vulnerability +10% for 5s Alien acid spraying protectiles.
Honey Shard 21 0 2,500 Physical 48,352 90 8,000 6.04 50 1800 Max Speed -20% for 2s, Forced Left Turn +1 for 1s Queen Wasp inbuilt Generator Can acquire a new target if current target is lost., Visibility: 10,000, Can't remove Extremely agile missile, with a nasty shard sting.
Queen's Hive Missile 21 1 110 Physical 242,000 10 9,600 25.21 140 1400 Max Speed -20% for 2s, Forced Left Turn +1 for 1s Ammo Crate - Queen's Hive Missile Extremely agile missile, with a nasty sting.
Red Photon Plasma Missile 21 1 110 Heat 174,000 10 11,800 14.75 140 1400 Weight +300% for 10s, Heat Vulnerability +15% for 3s Ammo Crate - Red Photon Plasma Missile Red Photon specialized missile
Ksaravis'ayu 22 2 230 Physical 300,000 12 12,100 24.79 170 1700 Ksaravis'ayu Pod
On missile impact injects Ksaravisa (physical damage, -10% resistance to damage)
Deliver a caustic organic acid to your target.
Matra Markata Prahetiayu 22 2 230 Radiation 180,000 2430 12 42,600 4.23 510 5100 Weight +100% for 10s, Inertial Dampening +200% for 3s Matra Markata Prahetiayu Pod Launches a salvo of extremely radioactive alien missiles.
Paxian Piercer Missile 22 2 230 Mining 270,000 12 16,400 16.46 170 1700 Damage -12% for 5s after 1s Ammo Crate - Paxian Piercer Missile Peace obtained through violence is preferable to violence.
Paxian Redeemer Missile 22 2 230 Heat 270,000 12 10,800 25.00 170 1700 Ammo Crate - Paxian Redeemer Missile The UrQa do not understand peace. We will give them something they understand.
Visphotakapad Ksaravis'ayu 22 2 230 Physical 300,000 1620 12 18,400 16.30 170 1700 Visphotakapad Ksaravis'ayu Pod
On missile impact injects Ksaravisa (physical damage, -10% resistance to damage)
Launches a salvo of extremely explosive alien missiles.
Celestial Stasis Missile 23 2 240 Physical 342,000 1680 12 16,500 20.73 180 1800 Max Speed -50% for 1s, Forced Thrust +1 for 0.1s Trap them in an area.
Celestial Vortex Missile 23 2 240 Physical 342,000 1680 12 20,700 16.52 370 3700 Thrust -50% for 4s, Weight -50% for 0.1s Suck them in.
Red Burst Missile 23 2 240 Radiation 221,000 1680 20 15,000 14.73 200 2000 Ammo Crate - Red Burst Missile A Red Rogue missile, designed to bring utter destruction to everything nearby.
Red Piercing Missile 23 2 240 Mining 265,000 20 13,200 20.08 390 3900 Ammo Crate - Red Piercing Missile A Red Rogue missile, designed to crack the toughest of targets.