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'''Planetary construction projects''' are construction projects initiated from user base built onto planet or moon.
#REDIRECT [[Terraforming Project Blueprints]]
Unlike other item/ship type of construction they give bonus to planetary suitability or extractor slots. Finished
projects are normally visible to planetary scanner when used on targeted planet or moon.
Some projects require completion of lower tech project or some planetary features before it can be started. Like
always in construction projects [[Blueprint]] is required that needs to be equipped to base. They can only be built
once per planet or moon. [[Terraforming Project Blueprints]]
= Terraforming Projects =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="88%" class="wikitable sortable"
|'''Bonus suitability'''
|'''Bonus extractors'''
|'''Required planetary feature'''
|'''Required Project'''
|Sensible Living Project
|Even people who live in the cold can live sensibly
|Atmosphere Scrubbers
|Dark Matter Injection
|Low Gravity
|Your people will feel grounded when they give in to the dark side
|Deep Core Mining
|Metals <nowiki>+</nowiki>5
|Global Cooling Project
|Gravity Controller Experiment
|Heavy Gravity
|Let your people feel light again
|Orbital Habitats
|Extra living space in space
|Project Little Greenhouse
|Space Oats <nowiki>+</nowiki>2, Baobabs <nowiki>+</nowiki>2
|Space Oat Hydroponics
|No effect
| Space Oats <nowiki>+</nowiki>10
|Grow some space oats in a contained and safe environment
|Atmosphere Cleansers
|<nowiki>+</nowiki>10% *
|Atmosphere Scrubbers
|Extended Dark Matter Injection
|<nowiki>+</nowiki>20% *
|Low Gravity
|Dark Matter Injection
|Your people will feel grounded when they give in to the dark side
|Global Freezing Project
|<nowiki>+</nowiki>20% *
|Global Cooling Project
|Gravity Controllers
|<nowiki>+</nowiki>20% *
|Heavy Gravity
|Gravity Controller Experiment
|Let your people feel light again
|Project Greenhouse
|<nowiki>+</nowiki>15% *
|Space Oats <nowiki>+</nowiki>4, Baobabs <nowiki>+</nowiki>4 *
|Project Little Greenhouse
|Atmosphere Scrapers
|<nowiki>+</nowiki>15% *
|Atmosphere Cleansers
|Deeper Core Mining
|<nowiki>-</nowiki>15% *
|Metals <nowiki>+</nowiki>10 *
|Deep Core Mining
|Maximum Gravity Controllers
|<nowiki>+</nowiki>30% *
|Heavy Gravity
|Gravity Controllers
|Let your people feel light again
|Project Big Chill
|<nowiki>+</nowiki>30% *
|Global Freezing Project
|Project Big Greenhouse
|<nowiki>+</nowiki>20% *
|Space Oats <nowiki>+</nowiki>6, Baobabs <nowiki>+</nowiki>6 *
|Project Greenhouse
|Total Dark Matter Injection
|<nowiki>+</nowiki>30% *
|Low Gravity
|Extended Dark Matter Injection
|Your people will feel grounded when they give in to the dark side
<nowiki>*</nowiki> NOTICE: Values marked with * are total values together with required project

Latest revision as of 03:20, 14 July 2010