Terraforming Project Blueprints
Terraforming Projects are construction projects initiated from a user base built onto a planet or moon.
Unlike other item/ship type of constructions they give bonuses to planetary suitability or extractor slots. Finished projects are normally visible to planetary scanners.
Some projects require completion of lower tech projects or some planetary features before they can be started. Like always in construction projects, a Blueprint is required that needs to be equipped to the base. They can only be built once per planet or moon, but it does not matter which base builds them.
All Terraforming Project Blueprints are 1 time use, 1 size, 2k weight, and have no max workforce.
Suitability = MAX 125%(Planet Suitability + Colonial Administrator modifier + planet projects modifier)
- NOTICE: Values marked with * are total values together with required project.
Name | TL |
Bonus Suitability |
Bonus Extractors | Metals | Manhours needed to make | Initial Material | Periodic | Required Project | Description | Location |
Atmosphere Scrubbing Planetary Blueprint | 9 | +5% | none | 5k | 50k | none | 25M Credits, 5k Fembot, |
none | Builds Pre-Fabricated Atmosphere Scrubbing Project, Dispatch a squad of fembots to disperse the deadly fumes. | Handel's Cove - 1M |
Atmosphere Cleansing Project Planetary Blueprint | 12 | +15%* | none | 50k | 250k | none | 500M Credits, 10k Fembot, 10k Gravity Controller, |
Atmosphere Scrubbers | Builds Pre-Fabricated Atmosphere Cleansing Project, Property values will soar if your planet doesn't smell like rat dung! | Handel's Cove - 10M |
Atmosphere Scraping Project Planetary Blueprint | 16 | +25%* | none | 500k | 1.25M | none | 1B Credits, 50k Fembot, 50k Gravity Controller, |
Atmosphere Cleansers | Builds Pre-Fabricated Atmosphere Scraping Project,Send an army of fembots to give your world that "new planet" smell! | Handel's Cove - 100M |
Low Gravity
Name | TL |
Bonus Suitability |
Bonus Extractors | Metals | Manhours needed to make | Initial Material | Periodic | Required Project | Description | Location |
Dark Matter Injection Planetary Blueprint | 9 | +10% | none | 2,500 | 50k | 5 Dark Matter, 5k Cyborg, |
50k Nuclear Waste, 50M credits |
none | Builds Pre-Fabricated Dark Matter Injection, No gravity? No problem! | Underworld - 1M |
Extended Dark Matter Injection Planetary Blueprint | 12 | +15%* | none | 2,500 | 250k | 15 Dark Matter, 5k Cyborg, |
250k Nuclear Waste, 250M Credits |
Dark Matter Injection | Builds Pre-Fabricated Extended Dark Matter Injection,, Your people will feel grounded when they give in to the dark side. | Underworld - 1M |
Total Dark Matter Injection Planetary Blueprint | 16 | +25%* | none | 2,500 | 1.25M | 25 Dark Matter, 25k Cyborg, |
1.25M Nuclear Waste, 500M credits |
Extended Dark Matter Injection | Builds Pre-Fabricated Total Dark Matter Injection, Can we possibly fit in more dark matter? We sure can! | Underworld - 1M |
Name | TL |
Bonus Suitability |
Bonus Extractors | Metals | Manhours needed to make | Initial Material | Periodic | Required Project | Description | Location |
Global Cooling Project Planetary Blueprint | 9 | +10% | none | 2,500 | 50k | 20 Freon Foundation | 5k Psion Icicles, 150M credits |
none | Builds Pre-fabricated Global Cooling Project, You people will feel much better when they're not catching fire. | Glass Matrix - 1M |
Global Freezing Project Planetary Blueprints | 12 | +20%* | none | 2,500 | 250k | 100 Freon Foundation | 15k Psion Icicles, 500M credits |
Global Cooling Project | Builds Pre-fabricated Global Freezing Project, Your people will feel better when their crops don't catch fire. | Glass Matrix - 1M |
Project Big Chill Planetary Blueprint | 16 | +30%* | none | 2,500 | 1.25M | 500 Freon Foundation | 40k Psion Icicles, 1.25B credits |
Global Freezing Project | builds Pre-fabricated Project Big Chill, Planetary Air Conditioning | Glass Matrix - 1M |
Heavy Gravity
Name | TL |
Bonus Suitability |
Bonus Extractors | Metals | Manhours needed to make | Initial Material | Periodic | Required Project | Description | Location |
Gravity Controller Experiment Planetary Blueprint | 9 | +10% | none | 2,500 | 50k | 500k Microchips, 5M credits |
none | Builds Pre-fabricated Gravity COntroler Experiment, Lighten up! | Gargan - 1M | |
Gravity Controllers Planetary Blueprint | 12 | +20%* | none | 2,500 | 250k | 10k Gravity Controller, |
2.5M Microchips, 250M credits |
Gravity Controller Experiment | Builds Pre-fabricated Gravity Controllers, Medium-scale gravity control | Gargan - 1M |
Maximum Gravity Controllers Planetary Blueprint | 16 | +30%* | none | 2,500 | 1.25M | 30k Gravity Controller, |
5M Microchips, 750M credits |
Gravity Controllers | Builds Pre-fabricated Maximum Gravity Controllers, Let your people feel light again. | Gargan - 1M |
Name | TL |
Bonus Suitability |
Bonus Extractors | Metals | Manhours needed to make | Initial Material | Periodic | Required Project | Description | Location |
Project Little Greenhouse Planetary Blueprint | 9 | +10% | Space Oats +2, Baobabs +2 | 2,500 | 50k | 10 Fabulous Factory Parts | 500k Space Whisky, 1M Baobabs, 10 Petroleum, 50M credits |
none | Builds Pre-fabricated Project Little Greenhouse, A planet-wide campfire | Lavanite - 1M |
Project Greenhouse Planetary Blueprint | 12 | +15%* | Space Oats +4*, Baobabs +4* | 2,500 | 250k | 15 Fabulous Factory Parts | 3M Space Whisky, 5M Baobabs, 50 Petroleum, 250M credits |
Project Little Greenhouse | Builds Pre-fabricated Project Greenhouse, Anyone got a match? | Lavanite - 1M |
Project Big Greenhouse Planetary Blueprint | 16 | +25%* | Space Oats +6*, Baobabs +6* | 2,500 | 1.25M | 20 Fabulous Factory Parts | 5M Space Whisky, 10M Baobabs, 250 Petroleum, 1B credits |
Project Greenhouse | Builds Pre-fabricated Project Big Greenhouse, Some people just want to see the world burn. | Lavanite - 1M |
No Requirements // Will work on moons
Name | TL |
Bonus Suitability |
Bonus Extractors | Metals | Manhours needed to make | Initial Material | Periodic | Required Project | Description | Location |
Deep Core Mining Project Blueprint | 12 | -10% | Metals +5 | 50k | 50k | none | 10k Cyborg, 50 Titanium Sheet, 50M credits |
none | So what if a few peasants fall into holes now and then? | Ring - 10M |
Deeper Core Mining Project Blueprint | 16 | -15%* | Metals +10* | 500k | 50k | none | 25k Cyborg, 50 Titanium Sheet, 20 Laconia Sheet, 250M credits |
Deep Core Mining | Only 15% chance of deadly volcano eruptions. | Ring - 100M |
No Requirements
Name | TL |
Bonus Suitability |
Bonus Extractors | Metals | Manhours needed to make | Initial Material | Periodic | Required Project | Description | Location |
Space Oat Hydroponics Planetary Blueprint | 9 | none | Space Oats +10 | 2,500 | 2,500 | 1,000 Space Oats, |
none | none | Fully enclosed structures for growing space oats | Free Market - 5M |
Orbital Habitats Planetary Blueprint | 9 | +10% | none | 5k | 2,500 | none | 50k Metal, 20k Silicon, |
none | Builds Pre-fabricated Orbital Habitats, Extra living space in space | Free Market - 5M |
Sensible Living Project Planetary Blueprint | 12 | +5% | none | 25k | 500k | 25 Fabulous Factory Parts, | 25k Funky Furniture, 10k Personal Computers, 25k Metal, 50M credits |
none | Builds Pre-fabricated Sensible Living Project, Eh, sensible enough. | East Vindia - 10M |
Expedition Team Results // Will work on moons // Expedition Team Blueprint
Name | Bonus Suitability | Bonus Extractors | Required Project | Description |
Nothing Found | none | none | none | Nothing of value found. |
Expedition Team | none | none | none | Send out a team to explore this place. |
Underground Caverns | none | 12 Metals, |
none | More materials! |
Monoliths | +3% | none | none | Ancient monoliths scattered around the place. |
Seismic Activity | -10% | 4 Metals, 4 Silicon |
none | Does this place ever stop sha..ak..ing!! |
Abandoned Cities | +10% | 8 Titanium, 4 Metals |
none | Signs of an ancient civilization. |
Gem Caverns | none | 4 Diamonds |
none | Gems everywhere!! |
Hostile Life | -20% | -8 Space Oats, -8 Baobabs |
none | Life just seems to want to hurt you here. |
Toxic Lakes | -30% | none | Toxic lakes make it hard to terraform. | |
Fertile Soil | +25% | 6 Space Oats, 8 Baobabs |
none | Fertile soil makes it much easier to terraform. |
Abandoned Factories | none | 32 Metals |
none | Signs of an ancient civilization. |
Acid Rain | -15% | -16 Metals |
none | Make sure to bring your plastic umbrellas! |
Native Population | +20% | none | none | Someone already lives here. |
Gold Mines | +5% | 4 Gold |
none | Woooyee! Them gold mines! |
Tribble Nests | +3% | none | Everywhere you see! TRIBBLES! | |
Promethium Pits | none | 2 Fermium |
none | Snatching the fire of the gods. |
Abandoned Missile Silos | none | 4 Laconia |
none | Signs of an ancient civilization. |
Time Dilation Fields | none | none | I swear I just shaved. | |
Abandoned Steampunk City | +10% | 12 Copper, 8 Metals |
none | Can't let all that copper go to waste. |
Oil Fields | -3% | none | Oil fields as far as the eye can see. | |
Silver Plains | none | 8 Silver |
none | Plains of silver. So clean. |
Luminous Lakes | +3% | 8 Vis |
none | Vis rich lakes! |
Jelly Bean Fields | +3% | none | Jelly beans everywhere! | |
Floating Islands | +15% | none | none | Floating islands in the sky! |
Garden of Eden | +50% | none | none | Beautiful gardens everywhere! |
Cybernetic Life | none | 24 Silicon, 12 Metals |
none | Life always finds a way. |
Savanna | +10% | 12 Baobabs, |
none | Savanna!! |
Scallywags | -25% | -24 Metals, -24 Silicon |
none | Damn pirates! |
Plasma Fields | none | none | Glowy fields of orange and blue! | |
Tin Flora | none | 12 Tin |
none | Flora made out of tin? |
Starter Expedition Team Results // Will work on moons // Starter Expedition Team Blueprint
Name | Bonus Suitability | Bonus Extractors | Required Project | Description |
Nothing Found | none | none | none | Nothing of value found. |
Expedition Team | none | none | none | Send out a team to explore this place. |
Underground Caverns | none | 12 Metals, |
none | More materials! |
Monoliths | +3% | none | none | Ancient monoliths scattered around the place. |
Seismic Activity | -10% | 4 Metals, 4 Silicon |
none | Does this place ever stop sha..ak..ing!! |
Hostile Life | -20% | -8 Space Oats, -8 Baobabs |
none | Life just seems to want to hurt you here. |
Toxic Lakes | -30% | none | Toxic lakes make it hard to terraform. | |
Fertile Soil | +25% | 6 Space Oats, 8 Baobabs |
none | Fertile soil makes it much easier to terraform. |
Abandoned Factories | none | 32 Metals |
none | Signs of an ancient civilization. |
Native Population | +20% | none | none | Someone already lives here. |
Floating Islands | +15% | none | none | Floating islands in the sky! |
Cybernetic Life | none | 24 Silicon, 12 Metals |
none | Life always finds a way. |
Savanna | +10% | 12 Baobabs, |
none | Savanna!! |
Scallywags | -25% | -24 Metals, -24 Silicon |
none | Damn pirates! |