Volcom Outpost Missions
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[hide]Volcom Pirates
Volcom Cartel, Inc.
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Vorian the Rogue
- Mission: Volcom Cartel, Inc.
Volcom Cartel, Inc. "We have an initiation process, if you survive, you're in. Not many survive", says Vorian the Rogue, still glaring. "Those that do survive usually fail. We enjoy imprisoning them. If you think you can hack it, and we don't think you have what it takes, you have to do this for us". Vorian the Rogue points to a large crate on a hover-dolly. "That crate has some stuff in it, stuff that we supply to the Nexus station. Get it there for us, and be quick. If you do good, we'll think about lettin' you in". * Credits given: 25000 * Experience given. Summary Deliver the latest 'shipment' to Nexus Station in The Nexus for Vorian the Rogue.
Location: Nexus Station, The Nexus
- Agent: Volcom 'Merchant'
- Mission: Volcom Cartel, Inc.
Volcom Cartel, Inc. The Volcom 'Merchant' looks at you and smirks. "Another one trying ta join da Volcom. Well, let's see what ya got for me". The Volcom 'Merchant' unloads the shipment from your ship, and examines it. "Ya got it here fresh enough to sell. Maybe ya make it, maybe not. Get back to Vorian the Rogue anyway".
Vorian's Final Test
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Vorian the Rogue
- Mission: Vorian's Final Test
Vorian's Final Test "We got reports that you got the cargo to our merchants fast. That's good for you", Vorian the Rogue says. "We still don't think you'll make it, and that wasn't the hard part". Vorian the Rogue points to a stack of very sleek black containers. "See those, those have special stuff in them. Paxian stuff and Paxian stuff makes us money, lots of it. We want you to go pirate some Paxian freighter and get us that stuff. If you get it, you're in. If you don't, you better not come back to us. Now get lost". * Credits given: 35000 * Experience given. * Reward: Volcom Dynamo Summary Collect 5 Paximinus Cargo Containers to prove to Vorian the Rogue you can prey on merchants!
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Vorian the Rogue
- Mission: Vorian's Final Test
Vorian's Final Test "We think you have what it takes, so we're going to let you in", says Vorian the Rogue. Unexpectedly his face seems to morph and his malicious glare turns to a rather crooked smile. "I don't let many in, so welcome aboard. Oh, and don't get too comfortable, you cross me and I always have room in my cells". Vorian the Rogue also give you a small compact package that look like an energy source for a ship, good work!
The fearless leader's leader?
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Vorian the Rogue
- Mission: The fearless leader's leader?
The fearless leader's leader? You enter Vorian the Rogue's office again, and are greeted by that creepy smile. It chills your spine. Wondering if you liked the glare better, Vorian the Rogue speaks. "You wonder why I called you here Simon? Of course you do. Not too long ago, I started building a Volcom to end all Volcoms. The wealth I could have obtained with it would have made me the richest pirate in the universe... but some Earthforce lackeye stopped me. You see, I needed microchips to build it, and I had found a source of them that would have allowed the Volcom to finish. But after months of planning, my efforts to raid Microfabulous were stopped. I don't know who did it, but I know it was Earthforce". Vorian the Rogue's look begins to harden again, but he returns to the smile. "I found another group of pirates that hate Earthforce as much as I do, and they're going to help me get my revenge. Simon, go meet the Blue Pirate Agent". * Experience given. Summary Meet up with the Blue Pirate Agent at Blue Refuge in Deep Space. This station is rumored to be near the Balance Point. The Blue Pirate Agent will give you information on the Earthforce defenses. Be careful! Watch out for Cadet patrols!
Location: Blue Refuge, Deep Space
- Agent: Blue Pirate Agent
- Mission: The fearless leader's leader?
The fearless leader's leader? So you're the Volcom sent by Vorian the Rogue. I hope you didn't let Earthforce know you were coming here, they're always looking for excuses to come after pirates like us.
Defenses? No problem!
Location: Blue Refuge, Deep Space
- Agent: Blue Pirate Agent
- Mission: Defenses? No problem!
Defenses? No problem! "I don't need to tell you why we're doing this for you guys. We hate Earthforce just as much as you do", says the Blue Pirate Agent. "In fact, Barbe Bleu has been looking for an opportunity like this for a long time, problem is, there's no way we could get enough ships into the Nexus to take Earthforce down at their weakest point. Hopefully this information I ... stumbled upon ... will give you the edge you need... We'll see anyway". Blue Pirate Agent tosses you a small datadisc. "Hide this well and watch out for Cadets, I'll stay here in case you need the Blue's help again". He sighs as he walks away, "We're taking a big risk letting you small guys deal with Earthforce for us". * Credits given: 100000 * Experience given. Summary The Blue Pirate Agent has given you schematics detaling Earthforce's defenses. Get them back to Urzod right away!
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Urzod
- Mission: Defenses? No problem!
Defenses? No problem! You enter Vorian's office expecting to see that creepy smile, but are greeted by another person instead. "You must be Simon", the stranger says. "I'm Urzod, and since Vorian is occupied with some 'special' matters right now, you'll report to me. Now, what did you bring the Volcom from the Blue Pirates?".
Whiskey Outpost
Location: Volcom Outpost, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: Urzod
- Mission: Whiskey Outpost!
Whiskey Outpost! "Hmm. This information looks pretty useful", Urzod says, reading the output on the screen embedded in Vorian's desk. "HA! Here we go, it seems our friends, the Blue Pirates, gave us something we needed. There is a lightly defended Earthforce station that we could raid, and better yet, it has just what Vorian is after. Microchips!" Suddenly Urzod is interupted a familiar laughter followed by a horrified scream coming from the cracked door at the back of the office. Urzod closes it and continues. "Anyway, since Vorian is busy, I'm in charge. I'll send some Volcom over to Whiskey Outpost now and you need to go help 'em out. Get back here with those microchips!" * Credits given: 250000 * Experience given. Summary Destroy the defenders of Whiskey Outpost in Cadet Academy and collect 5 Crate of Earthforce Microchips for Vorian the Rogue! It's time to get the Giant Volcom built!
Gold Dubloons
Gold Dubloons!
Location: Volcom Garrison, Volcom Outpost
- Agent: The Mysterious Pirate
- Mission: Gold Dubloons!
Gold Dubloons! "So, your lookin' to be eviler then the devil and raise hell for merchants?!" says the one armed man, his name still unknown. "Heh, if you really want to be a pirate, you need to get ahold of some Gold Dubloons! Every Pirate needs to have a stash of loot to be respected, so you need to start hoardin' it!" He laughs and then stops to cough for a few seconds, and finally continues after readjusting his eyepatch. "Since your new, I'll go easy on you. Bring back proof to me that you slaughtered one sorry little merchant, and I'll start you on your way to being the most feared pirate in the universe!" * Experience given. * Reward: Gold Dubloon * Reward: Volcom Cloak Summary Bring The Mysterious Pirate a Scorched Trader Signet.