Strawberry Pancakes
From Starsonata Wiki
Strawberry Pancakes is a team that is a split off from pantalones.
Which later on disbanded after being wiped by Traders
"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
"Where secrecy reigns, carelessness and ignorance delight to hide - skill loves the light."
"Knowledge comes by eyes always open and working hands; and there is no knowledge that is not power."
Those that make up the body of SP.
- Novus
- Laptop Boy
- phil
- -7-
- -=T=-
- /dev/null
- 123456798
- 9mmPepRally
- Ampithor
- Anasazi
- Archetype
- Arlenm
- Assasssin51
- Atomic
- Atreyu
- Bageese
- Barfbag
- Blade NZ
- Blaze NZ
- Bling
- Bo Jackson
- Coca Cola
- Colossus
- Comatose
- Core
- Cyanide
- Deific
- DodoBirdMIA
- Drone Raptor
- Eh?
- Epileptickiwi
- EvilMonkey123
- F.E.A.R
- Fleet NZ
- Forge of Galaxies
- FracOMac
- FullOfChaos
- Gun NZ
- Joker Of The Hell
- Legend CJ
- Loid
- Lord CJ
- Nathaniel Lighting
- Nice Big Brown Ass
- Nubulous
- NukeACow
- Oblivion
- PureDark
- Rainer
- Random Bird
- RobC
- Robert_C
- Runtime Error
- Sarek
- SerjicalStrike
- ShadowDestroyer
- ShadowNZ
- Shield NZ
- Soldier V
- Soldier X
- Sonota One
- Stilleto
- Stryfe
- Sup Guys
- Swift
- Tango
- Teh Fihgtre
- The Borg
- The Unknown...
- Trader647
- Tycenvo
- Vigoratus
- _7_
- ciderjack
- demonte
- flying zamboni
- fordail1
- kiko
- kiko5
- knight1
- mark3939
- me me
- moral bankruptcy
- ralf cart
- swingarm
- trinity46
- ullisses2
- vittorio
- BlueAlpha
- BringTheRain
- Capt. Westlake
- Chigist
- Corrosion
- Dark Phantom
- Dark Phantom Base Layer
- Darken Rahl
- Destructive Package
- Eurus
- Farquhar
- Feurza
- Glowing Rectangle
- Horrid Scream
- Ionic
- ItchyPoopskid
- Joachim
- Locking Death
- Long Haul
- Longhorn1969
- Metamorphises
- Milton Bradley
- Monkey Thing
- Mr Spacely
- My Monkey
- Mycroft
- Pantera
- S2161
- Salt Assault
- Simon Jester
- Slave
- Spacely's Sprokets
- TREE8125
- Tech5
- The Dream Corp
- Tychu Gelchu
- Veris
- Whammo
- all about the bejamins
- captain rob
- commanderM
- zerker rob
- SPIFF 3000
- Verus
- Veruss
- butterface
- Consigner
- Liberty
- Mr Lloyd Captain
- Risky
- TheShaftofDiscipline
- duck and cover!!
- Camsy