Splinter Faction
Splinter Factions beginnings started off with a small group of us who split off from Sheilds. A few older players, some newer. Since then, things have seemed to have progressed at an almost alarming rate, having already reached the top 15 teams, with team score rising as the days pass.
We are generally a neutral team, do not actively seek pvp, but will defend ourselves should the need arise(depending on circumstances). We are all easy going, friendly and helpful, who love to have a laugh and a joke every now and then. Our aim is to be a strong and highly independent team, focusing on continual improvement on both the individual side and the team side. Having said that, we aim to do as many runs as possible with the resources we have online at the time, and try to exercise a need before greed policy.
Recruiting is somewhat open. Recruiting isn't restricted to any particular level or class, it's based on the individual, though we would prefer applicants to be over level 300(exceptions are made). Ideally the applicant would have to have a good team attitude and gel with the rest of the team. Be as independent as possible, but also be willing to give a helping hand should the need arise. Trouble makers, scammers, leaches, ninja looters etc will not be tolerated, neither will continuously disruptive members. We are actively recruiting European, and Australasian/Asian to try and beef up them time zone's activity a bit.
Those that make up Splinter Faction.
- FuII Metal
- john12345
- B33R
- BaRR
- CH33S3
- CerealKiller
- Dj69
- Doctor Puggles
- Doom Man
- F1SH
- G Spot
- Geoman11
- H.M.A.S Bob
- Housewife
- Meruva
- Monkey warrior
- P1NT
- Phoenix Rising
- Phoenix Rising(CA)
- Redox
- Shield Monkey!
- SinsOfOurFathers
- Stoner Dude
- T.H.S. Nemesis II
- T.H.S. Redemption
- Tuka
- Valkyrie
- mmhh
- --PsYcho--
- 9mmPepRally
- Aldebaran
- AllSi'sBase
- Bear6
- Bo Jackson
- Damer Flinn
- Dawa
- Didn't_Say
- Enji
- Gun NZ
- KillerDawa
- Scrixx
- SerjicalStrike
- SerjicalStrike2
- ShadowNZ
- Shield NZ
- Si's Frisbee
- Si's_Yes_Man
- SimonV2
- Sky Haussmann
- Soldier X
- TK28
- ZoZZiE
- chrissyboy
- chrissyboy22
- dontkillme
- immr.bob
- mark3939
- satan child
- scoin
- score
- scorin
- --x NuCleUs x--
- -=Pegasus=-
- Alexander Anderson
- Annihilator
- Badly Behaved Baboon
- Balin
- Blacknator(builder)
- Danger
- Galwar
- Herostratos
- JAY**
- Jon Snow
- Kill or be Killed
- Lemon Fresh
- Lieutenant General
- Mooiswhatcowsay
- Parkway Drive
- Phoenix Rising
- Phoenix Rising(CA)
- Podmeister
- Space Blue Alpha Scout
- Subjugator
- Tito2
- Tito3
- USS Voyger
- Underdawg
- Xantumal
- Xenosys
- Zena
- Zeturial
- Zombie Cow
- axx3
- blacknator(knight)
- chemist
- cirolino
- eXecutor
- nighthade
- pissienator
- starbot
- weep
- Angel eyes
- Doom Child
- Doom's Pirate
- Qaser
- spybot
- vazaha pilot