Specialization Missions
From Starsonata Wiki
Location: Earth Central, Sol
- Agent: Scabras 3000
- Mission: Specialization?
Specialization? "Ever wonder if there is something more for you out there?" says Scabras 3000. "I am sure you must find it enthralling to travel the universe in your ship finding work where and whenever you can, but have you not ever wanted to do more?" He looks at you and sighs. "To actually be 'good' at something other than flitting back and forth between stations trying to make a quick bankroll?" Seeing your still blank expressions, Scabras 3000 continues almost showing anger. "I guess I will have to put it bluntly. Do you have any idea how WORTHLESS you are? You have had no formal training in ANYTHING that makes you more useful than ANYONE else out there.... There are PIRATES out there who are more knowledgeable on specialized ship systems, BLOODY PIRATES! YOU CAN BARELY KEEP YOUR SHIP TOGETHER! FOR THE LOVE OF ZEUS, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!?" You tell him to calm down and that you get the picture already. "Anyway, if you are intrested in actually making something of yourself, in ACTUALLY being USEFUL to others in the Universe, perhaps you should go meet with my superiors, the Seven Sages. Although, from charade I have just witnessed, I do not think even Athena could help you... but they are a bit more understanding. Perhaps they can salvage you. Maybe you will master the Foodmotron 3000 Delux, and can become a spaceport food service worker. Regardless, you will find them in Lyceum. Zeus help their souls when you arrive..." As you leave you hear a blatant remark about how depressing Scabras 3000 thinks it all is anymore, and another concerning 'ending it all' to escape 'the nitwits of the Universe'. * Experience given. Summary Meet Solon 3000 in Lyceum to learn about skill specializations.
Location: Lyceum, Lyceum
- Agent: Solon 3000
- Mission: Specialization?
Specialization? "Welcome to the Lyceum Simon," says a wizened old man. "I am Scabras 3000, one of the Seven Sages, and I think I can help you in your search to create a... purpose... for your existance. "Hmm? Ah, of course! Scabras 3000 sent word of your coming the moment you left Earth Central, we have been waiting for you since. Here, come with me and behold the beauty of this place." As you walk, Solon 3000 begins to talk to you. "Unlike Scabras 3000, who informed us of your imminent arrival, I feel you have potential. We will teach you in stages, imprinting patterns on your very brainwaves with our advanced Neurotraining facilities. It takes a strong mind to learn all we have to offer on specializations, what you have learned thus far pales in comparision -- for instance, the training you have received on how to operate weaponry. "With the proper imprinting we offer, we can hone those abilities to make you an expert beyond what you ever dreamed possible. Imagine the ability to control the very flow of plasma from an energy cannon, increasing it's range and strength in the fraction of a second it takes you to fire it. With time and effort, you could learn to do that. "This training is very specialized though, and that limits how much you can learn. I will let you speak to the other wise ones, they will explain more on what exactally we can teach you."
Combat Focus
Location: Lyceum, Lyceum
- Agent: Pittacus 3000
- Mission: Combat Focus
Combat Focus "Solon 3000 tells me that you are interested in learning skills that you may have thought were unobtainable to one such as yourself. And so I see I am right. "You wish to learn the fine art of Combat? To synch the systems of multiple weapons to allow firing them all at once? Or perhaps you seek to lie in wait for your enemies and outrange them with decimating damage. You may even learn to upgrade your arsenal and armour. Please do remember though Simon, if you choose the path I lay before you, there is no turning back without the extreme risk of damage to your brain. Our imprinting is very extensive, and attempting to remove it could lead to your death. "Due to the amount of information we will imprint, you will also be locked from choosing another Focus. Are you willing to make that commitment?" Pittacus 3000 looks at you with a discerning eye. "Hmm, I see you are set in your ways. If you wish to being the neural training, return to me with proof of your devotion. I shall accept nothing less!" * Reward Skill: Combat Focus through lvl 1 Summary Speak with Pittacus 3000 again after you have aquired a Lyceum Class Signet. If you decide to train Combat Focus, you will not be able to train in any other Focus. Training Combat Focus will unlock the ability to specialize as either a Berserker or a Sniper.
Fleet Focus
Location: Lyceum, Lyceum
- Agent: Chilon 3000
- Mission: Fleet Focus
Fleet Focus "Solon 3000 tells me that you are interested in learning skills that you may have thought were unobtainable to one such as yourself. "Hmm, you like big ships with big guns, do you? Yes, we can train you to build your own fleet. Maybe you would like to command a massive battleship, laying waste to everything in your path. Or maybe you would like to command a Carrier, launching hordes of fighters and slaves to attack your enemies from afar. You could even project powerful fields to protect and enhance your allies. Yes, we can help you here at Lyceum. "Please do remember though Simon, if you choose the path I lay before you, there is no turning back without the extreme risk of damage to your brain. Our imprinting is very extensive, and attempting to remove it could lead to your death. "Due to the amount of information we will imprint, you will also be locked from choosing another Focus. Are you willing to make that commitment?" Chilon 3000 looks at you with a discerning eye. "It would seem you have made up your mind already, young one. If you wish to being the neural training, return to me with proof of your devotion. I shall accept nothing less!" * Reward Skill: Fleet Focus through lvl 1 Summary Speak with Chilon 3000 again after you have aquired a Lyceum Class Signet. If you decide to train Fleet Focus, you will not be able to train in any other Focus. Training Fleet Focus will unlock the ability to specialize as either a Gunner or a Fleet Commander.
Recon Focus
Location: Lyceum, Lyceum
- Agent: Thales 3000
- Mission: Recon Focus
Recon Focus "Solon 3000 tells me that you are interested in learning skills that you may have thought were unobtainable to one such as yourself. "Ah, I can see it now, you like to fly fast, skirting the perils of the universe while your very life hangs in the balance. Or perhaps you like to lurk in the shadows, waiting for your chance to strike. At the very least, we can train you to assist in gathering intel on your worst enemies. "Please do remember though Simon, if you choose the path I lay before you, there is no turning back without the extreme risk of damage to your brain. Our imprinting is very extensive, and attempting to remove it could lead to your death. Due to the amount of information we will imprint, you will also be locked from choosing another Focus. Are you willing to make that commitment?" Thales 3000 looks at you with a discerning eye. "Hmm, I see you are set in your ways. If you wish to being the neural training, return to me with proof of your devotion. I shall accept nothing less!" * Experience given. * Reward Skill: Recon Focus through lvl 1 Summary Speak with Thales 3000 again after you have aquired a Lyceum Class Signet. If you decide to train Recon Focus, you will not be able to train in any other Focus. Training Recon Focus will unlock the ability to specialize as either a Speed Demon or a Seer.
Location: Lyceum, Lyceum
- Agent: Thales 3000
- Mission: Recon Focus
Recon Focus "So, you will be a master of Light Fighters then: the path of Reconnoissance Focus. I am sure it is a choice you will not regret." Thales 3000 escorts you to the docking bay. "Simon, you will find that you can now dock in Locus of Recon, where you will begin to learn even more advanced skills -- things that we cannot help you with here. I would suggest going there now. "May you gain the speed of Hermes himself!"
Support Focus
Location: Lyceum, Lyceum
- Agent: Bias 3000
- Mission: Support Focus
Support Focus "Solon 3000 tells me that you are interested in learning skills that you may have thought were unobtainable to one such as yourself. This will be no problem for us, we have trained generations of pilots from all walks of the universe. "So, perhaps you wish to help others, repairing damage to their ship, transfering power to their depleted energy banks, or to defend your allies with drones. Maybe you would like to heal damage done to the shields of the weak. Or maybe you would like to take a darker course, and steal shields from your enemies. Regardless, I can help you learn the skills required to attain such greatness. "Please do remember though Simon, if you choose the path I lay before you, there is no turning back without the extreme risk of damage to your brain. Our imprinting is very extensive, and attempting to remove it could lead to your death. "Due to the amount of information we will imprint, you will also be locked from choosing another Focus. Are you willing to make that commitment?" Bias 3000 looks at you with a discerning eye. "It would seem you have made up your mind already, young one. If you wish to being the neural training, return to me with proof of your devotion. I shall accept nothing less!" * Reward Skill: Support Focus through lvl 1 Summary Speak with Bias 3000 again after you have aquired a Lyceum Class Signet. If you decide to train Support Focus, you will not be able to train in any other Focus. Training Support Focus will unlock the ability to specialize as either an Engineer or a Shield Monkey.
Go to Acropolis
Location: Lyceum, Lyceum
- Agent: Cleobulus 3000
- Mission: Lyceum Class Signet
Lyceum Class Signet "So, you need a Class Signet as proof to one of our Sages that you are prepared to learn the knowledge they offer? This is a simple task, and will merely require a short trip to our associates in the Acropolis. Go there and return with a Honorary Mark and I will give you the Signet you require to advance." Summary Go to The Acropolis and obtain a Honorary Mark.
Location: Parthenon, Acropolis
- Agent: Myson 3000
- Mission: Lyceum Class Signet
Lyceum Class Signet "So, you need an Honorary Mark?"
Receive an Honorary Mark
Location: Parthenon, Acropolis
- Agent: Myson 3000
- Mission: Lyceum Class Signet
Lyceum Class Signet "You were sent here by Cleobulus 3000 to obtain an Honorary Mark? Yes, I see, you wish for him to exchange it for a Class Signet so the Sages will allow you to train advanced skills. We have ambitious spacefarers who visit all the time for this reason. Here, take this Mark and return to Cleobulus 3000 in Lyceum and he will give you the Signet you require." * Reward: Lyceum Class Signet Summary Return the Honorary Mark to Cleobulus 3000 in Lyceum.
Location: Lyceum, Lyceum
- Agent: Cleobulus 3000
- Mission: Lyceum Class Signet
Lyceum Class Signet "I know that was not much of a task, but hopefully you had time to think about the path you are about to follow. "It is on our best interest that we insure everyone we train understands the choice they are going to make. That is why we, the Sages, send pilots on such a meaningless chore. "Regardless, if you have returned here, you have made up your mind. Here is the Signet you seek."
Combat Focus Finish
Location: Lyceum, Lyceum
- Agent: Pittacus 3000
- Mission: Combat Focus
Combat Focus "The glory of war! It was our advanced training that led to the defeat of the Zaphragi and similar foes in ages past. Despite being researchers, we have not forgotten to research the secret arts of combat! You my friend, you will follow in the footsteps of many great warriors who have gone before you! Simon, you will do well I think. Yes, you will thrive on the path you have chosen. Go now to the Locus of Combat, your recent training has unlocked it for you. There, you will aquire skills so advanced that we could never dream of helping you with them here. May the might of Ares go with you!"
Fleet Focus Finish
Location: Lyceum, Lyceum
- Agent: Chilon 3000
- Mission: Fleet Focus
Fleet Focus "So, you are interested command. Interesed in leading a fleet of allies against foes that could overwhelm you. Yes, the burden of the path you have choosen is a heavy one, but the rewards are innumerable by any standards. With this path you have chosen you will be controlling an armada from your flagship, just as if you were the king of the Gods himself. I wish you the might of Zeus as you leave this station and head for the Locus of Fleet. Yes, that is where you will be going now for further training. Farewell."
Recon Focus Finish
Location: Lyceum, Lyceum
- Agent: Thales 3000
- Mission: Recon Focus
Recon Focus "So, you will be a master of Light Fighters then: the path of Reconnoissance Focus. I am sure it is a choice you will not regret." Thales 3000 escorts you to the docking bay. "Simon, you will find that you can now dock in Locus of Recon, where you will begin to learn even more advanced skills -- things that we cannot help you with here. I would suggest going there now. "May you gain the speed of Hermes himself!"
Support Focus Finish
Location: Lyceum, Lyceum
- Agent: Bias 3000
- Mission: Support Focus
Support Focus "I knew you would choose this path the moment I met you. You seemed to me from the start that would sacrifice for the benefit of others. Yes, you will not regret this choice. You shall enter in glorious battle with your allies and although you will not fight directly, your support will be invaluable to those you are with! You will protect as Athena did in ages past, so I wish you her wisdom as I see you off. Go now to the Locus of Support, you will now find it unlocked and there you can futher your knowledge!"