Skinning System
Every file located in the Star Sonata 2/Content
directory can be customized by players to create their own skins. Almost all aspects of the Star Sonata 2 client are customizable and located within this "Content" directory. This includes user interface (UI) layouts, graphics, models, textures, and more. To create your own skin, simply make a new folder inside the "Content" directory and give it a unique name.
The game client automatically detects all available skins at startup and loads them alphabetically. When multiple skins modify the same files, the skin earliest in alphabetical order takes precedence. For example, if two skins named "Alpha" and "Omega" both modify the galaxy map, the client will use the galaxy map from the "Alpha" skin. The "Default" skin provided by the game always has the lowest loading priority.
When creating your custom skin, you don't need to copy every file from the Default game directory. Only include files you've modified along with their relevant index files (such as game_data\images.xml, UI\XML\root.xml, etc.). Your skin's directory structure should follow the structure of the Default directory. If it does not, your skin may fail to load properly.
The client prioritizes loading files from your skin's directory first; if a file isn't found there, it uses the files located back in the Default directory. Never modify files directly within the Default directory, as game updates will overwrite your changes. Instead, copy files to your custom skin's directory and edit them there. This ensures your modifications are preserved across game updates.
The game client can read any compressed .ZIP file. Once you've finished creating your skin, you can compress your skin for easy installation. The file path within the zip file should look similar to: Content/
To share your skins with the community, please post them in the Modification channel on the official Star Sonata Discord, along with a few screenshots and a direct download link or GitHub link to your skin file.
Note: The use of third-party modifications is at your own risk. If you have an issue with a skin, you should direct your feedback to the skin's developer.