Silver Arrows
Silver Arrows, or SA, is a team composed of mainly P2P players but still has some F2P players. It is currently run by omega222. The team is the reincarnation of Silver Guardians and previously Silver Empire. It was created just before the start of the 30/7/11 universe. While mostly peaceful, the team has engaged in brief warfare mostly for defense and disputes over galaxies. Note : silver arrows has reincarnated as immortal silver. Guinness 02:25, 11 July 2012 (UTC)
Previously being a strong F2P supporting team, now the team mainly harbors up and coming P2P's. The team's main concentration of bases is in shallow W2 and Celestial Garden.
The team's recruiting requirements aren't set in stone but being at least level 300, having no KoS and being a friendly player are what the team looks for.
Check out our website: Silver Arrows Team Website
If you wish to have an alliance with Silver Arrows just PM the director or one of the councillors.
A very passive team, Silver Arrows will only go to war against another team if provoked.
- Omega222, or better known as "Fearless Leader." Omega222 was originally going to attempt to become the first F2P to become Emporer but gave up on the idea and is now a P2P slowly getting stronger.
- Cpt Lunarion- a moody and highly unpredictable councillor, and prone to turning random things in team chat into corny "yo mama" jokes. He is one of the most powerful members of the team and the backbone of galaxy defense. Once a member of pantalones, he joined Silver Guardians "temporarily" to level with friends, bringing the advanced knowledge of highly experienced players with him. He traded out DM for Shield Monkey and was said to be "the most bass-ackwardest ShM in the game".
- Rootbeer, a light-hearted FC with an extraordinarily bad memory and a marked fondness for a certain soft drink. Occasionally switches ranks with Cpt Lunarion for no apparent reason. Along with omega222 and UV-Radience, Rootbeer is one of the original members of Silver Empire, the team that later became Silver Guardians after treachery in the night.
- UV-Stronghold, a real banana by all accounts. This DM-turned-Berserker has a long history in SS, spanning countless eons, and he has seen the birth and death of the universe many times over.
- Zeo, while not a lot has been recorded about zeo, I'm sure someone will fix up this entry.
- Dauphine, one of the only females on Silver Arrows, this player origianlly joined as Olus' Girlfriend and has now become a strong member of the team. Given the nickname 'Dorithy' by Camsy, this player creeps out everyone else by lovingly describing Olus.
- Altiar, while not a lot has been recorded about altiar, I'm sure someone will fix up this entry. Also known as mac.
Operator and Below
See the current team roster here