Red Faction
From Starsonata Wiki
[hide]About Red Faction
Red Faction was an old team from the Client 1 era that had gone inactive. Lemon purchased the team from one of the old members and brought it back with a surge of players splitting off from -13-'s Adamantiumized Souls after some internal disputes around 2014. They then grew in power and eventually ended up taking down Eminence Front with the help of Traders in 2016 Star Sonata BvB - The Battle of Cardaar - Traders and RF VS EF. After that, Lemon (Original Meo) went inactive and Danger (Original TheSmasher15) took the remnants of RF and joined Star Revolution X. The team has since gone inactive and is stored on one of Lemon's alts. --Lemon 09:04, 8 December 2019 (EST)
Destroy all unworthy base builders and avenge ourselves against -13-.
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