Paximinus Missions
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[hide]Meet the Paxians/UrQa
Alphora's Request
Location: Paximinus Prime, Paximinus
- Agent: Ambassador Alphora
- Mission: Alphora's Request
Alphora's Request "Greetings ambassador!" Alphora marches into your room and grins at you, he blinks and you cannot resist shuddering. "Oh my! We have a problem, we like made a critical error in a ration delivery and if we dont get the owner 25 more it'll look bad for us. I'll pay you a whole twenty five thousands credits if you can get me outta this mess!" * Credits given: 25000 * Experience given. Summary Get 25 rations for Alphora
Location: Paximinus Prime, Paximinus
- Agent: Ambassador Alphora
- Mission: Alphora's Request
Alphora's Request "May the gods be with you human, you've saved my reputation. Thanks, here's your reward." He pulls out a hefty credstick.
Explore the anomaly
Location: Paximinus Prime, Paximinus
- Agent: Jirahae
- Mission: Explore the anomaly
Explore the anomaly Jirahae is a Paxian, and has asked you to meet him for a reason. "As you know, Simon, you have quite an efficient combat record. If you can handle yourself in combat, you must have guts. My species, we're not like that, no, not particularly combat minded at all. We much prefer trading and keeping out of dangerous paths. Anyway, I was wondering if you could help me with something. Our race enjoys exploring as well, and we have contacted several races, but alas, we have a problem. There is an anomaly in the wormhole we use to venture from our universe to trade with another race and we need to send someone to see if it's currently safe. Are you willing to put your life on the line for us?" * Credits given: 20000 * Experience given. Summary Explore what's on the other side of the anomaly, which can be found to the South West of this station.
Location: Paximinus Prime, Paximinus
- Agent: Jirahae
- Mission: Explore the anomaly
Explore the anomaly Jirahae looks at you as you tell him of the unusual ships you have seen. "You have no idea about the UrQa and Iq'Bana? Oh god this is terrible. They are a very strange race indeed. Technologically advanced, but they don't even try to trade, they just to kill and conquer. You're lucky those were only their scoutships! Indeed, I'm sorry we sent you into such a dangerous situation. Here is something to compensate you and if you dont mind me asking now, we have important things to discuss."
Meeting the Hermit
Location: Paximinus Prime, Paximinus
- Agent: Jirahae
- Mission: Meeting the Hermit
Meeting the Hermit Jirahae is still not done with apologizing, but you take him up on the offer to try and "Do something more" to forge bonds between Humanity and other races. "I'm really sorry, I cannot ask you to go out and die, but there is one thing you can do, there is a strange Hermit. He goes the name of Zobitan and he knows how you can kill the UrQa I'm sure. He was to be one of our few combat pilots, but now he just lives apart from everyone and everything else. You should be able to find him if you search to the north of this base." * Experience given. Summary Meet Zobitan the Hermit, he should be in a small shelter base, north of the Paxian spacebase.
Location: Zobitan's Hut, Paximinus
- Agent: Zobitan
- Mission: Meeting the Hermit
Meeting the Hermit Zobitan is slightly older than you expected. "Of all the people they had, they had to send a human, didn't they?" he moans. "Dont worry, I am not talking as though you're a bad pilot or anything like that, but it's hardly good for our race to send others to their deaths for the benefit of not losing our own. That's why I left the council all those years ago. A pilot like me never fitted in amongst those cowards. Still lets see what you can do."
Zobitan's Quest
Location: Zobitan's Hut, Paximinus
- Agent: Zobitan
- Mission: Zobitan's Quest
Zobitan's Quest Zobitan relaxes as you re-enter his room. "The Ur Iq'bana are a strong race, very tough to hurt at least. Ah, but I do happen to know they have a major weakness, that being heat type weapons. Their ships don't like that at all. Mind you, if you can pump out enough energy damage you can also destroy them, but that's inefficient. Don't even bother using lasers, heh, not even the mighty Equanimizer can destroy the Ur Iq'bana, for it only ever uses laser weaponry. My task for you is to go out and kill some of the Ur scouts on your own. Meanwhile I'll see if I got my old weapons lying around. Go and prove yourself young zotowan! * Experience given. * Reward: Zobitan Beam Summary Kill 5 Uj'qii scouts for Zobitan, proving your worth as a fighter.
Location: Zobitan's Hut, Paximinus
- Agent: Zobitan
- Mission: Zobitan's Quest
Zobitan's Quest The old Paxian smile with joy when you dock safely by his home. "I'm so glad you're alive, although I wish I could have found this sooner. It's a weapon I made when I had to fight the Ur Iq'bana back in the Throne Wars. It's the Zobitan Beam, not as clumsy or random as a pulse gun. It was an elegant weapon for a more civilized time... I'm going to give this to you, for I feel you will need it more than I now. Thank you." He hugs you and walks off into his house, but hurries back a few minutes later. "Please keep this safe, it still got alot of good crispy memories in it."
Strike Back
Location: Paximinus Prime, Paximinus
- Agent: Jirahae
- Mission: Strike Back
Strike Back Jirahae looks up at you. "I got back to my office as soon as I heard you'd docked with the Zobitan Beam, congratulations. Zobitan doesn't like us much, he likes to keep to himself these days. Obviously you impressed him. We have a problem though, they have set up drones to protect the anomaly and I think they're going to send a more powerful ship through! You must kill the drones opening the wormhole and prevent a larger threat to spread into our galaxy!" * Credits given: 500000 * Experience given. * Reward: Paxian's Storage Summary Destroy the drones using the Zobitan's Beam, bring back their remains so we can confirm that you've destroyed the threat.
Location: Paximinus Prime, Paximinus
- Agent: Jirahae
- Mission: Strike Back
Strike Back "You've done it! I'm so proud! Jirahae greets you as you dock. "I cannot thank you enough, you saved us! Here is something from our race to yours, I hope you find it usefull."
Meeting more Paxians
Location: Paximinus Prime, Paximinus
- Agent: Jirahae
- Mission: Meeting more Paxians
Meeting more Paxians There are more Paxians like us in this universe. Since you proved yourself to be an ally of our race, I would like you to go meet more of our race in one of our bigger outposts, Paxius. Hopefully there Devanar will be able to take you under his wing. * Experience given. * Reward: Ancient Pax Medal Summary Find Devanar in Paxius. Paxius is located past Deep Space and involves a long exploratory journey!
Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius
- Agent: Devanar
- Mission: Meeting more Paxians
Meeting more Paxians Welcome Simon! Jirahae sent words of your arrival. He said you were of great help against our bitter enemy, the Ur race. Here is a token of our gratitude, I hope it serve you well.