Paxian Holocubes
Paxian Holocubes are datalogs of ancient events as recorded by the Paxians. They can be extracted from rare Paxian ruins sometimes found on planets scattered throughout the universe. An adventurous miner can also find them in the asteroids of the Enigmatic Sector.
[hide]Item Information
- Tech: 0
- Weight:5
- Size: 1
- Description: Reports from ancient times.
Paxian Holocube Messages
Paxian Holocube I
Datalog, Captian of the Pax Selenologica, Stargazer: Using this ships sensitive sensors, I've been assigned to documenting this anomoly. From all current reports, it seems to be nothing more than a rouge black hole, most likely expelled from a distant galaxy during a galactic merge. Luckily, I've been able to keep my research vessel at a safe distance from the anomoly, but depending on the quality of the data received from this distance, we may be forced to move closer. I sincerely hope this doesn't come to pass, I have a very bad feeling about this disturbance, and the closer I get, the worse I feel about it.
Paxian Holocube II
Datalog, Captian of the Pax Selenologica, Stargazer: I've been forced to scan the anomoly at a closer range, and the readings are extremely confusing. The spacial disturbance seems to be of a temporal nature, and emitting extremely dense collections of quantum particles at high velocity. This is not a black hole like we originally thought it to be, and I think it's much more dangerous. Between the random blasts of what seems to be chronoton discharge and the gravitation pull the anomoly has on my ship, shields are barely holding. Hopefully we will solve this mystery and be able to return to the research outpost soon. I fear the crews investigating this enigmatic occurance are in grave danger.
Paxian Holocube III
Datalog, Captian of the Pax Selenologica, Stargazer: Something extremely strange has taken place, and I am suprised that I am even here to make this report. After an extremely high discharge of chronoton particles from the anomoly, a small group of rifts formed and merged with it. My ship, as well as some of the others in the vicinity were somehow pulled through the disturbance during it's growth period, as it it was a mere wormhole. When we exited, navigational sensor data showed no change in position, but now I know we are in a very different place. Based on star drift extrapolation, I calculated that we are eons away from our original position in time, in the past. We've no way to return to our normal time currently, so I've authorized the colonization of the nearby planet of proper suitability for the Paxian crews. I will continue to make log entries in the hopes that one day, Paxius will learn of our fate.
Paxian Holocube IV
Datalog, Paxian Colony on planet P-03251: Over a few generations the original landing party has more than quadrupled and this planet has started to become our home. We've continued studying this region and have come up with a plausible theory as to what has happened here. In our time, there is a supergiant star here continues to grow. We think that eventually the star will became so massive that it will collapse creating the the anomoly that sent us here. We cannot estimate when this will happen, but we are taking precautions to protect future generations when it does. We have also made first contact with the Mzungu who we only knew as extinct in the time we came from. They are an extremely advanced race and have aided us in various colonization projects. We assume that if the Mzungu still exist in this time, the Faranji, Bule and Vazaha do as well, but we have yet to encounter them. Perhaps one day we'll meet and learn about their races as well.
Paxian Holocube V
Datalog, Paxian Colony on planet P-03251: Things have been going very poorly since our first encounter with the UrQa. Just as in the time we came from, they're hostile and have nothing other than malicious intent. We've been forced to defend our border colonies with increased resolve as their attacks have increased in frequency. It's merely a matter of time before we can no longer hold our defenses, and are overcome by the flood of the UrQa invasion. All hails to the Mzungu have been met with no response, we fear that after the cataclysmic asteroid impact on their homeworld they were overrun by the UrQa as well. We have received limited contact from the Bule and Vazaha, but they are facing the same threat we are. We record this knowing that it's merely a matter of time until our proud race is destroyed...