Lunacy Missions
From Starsonata Wiki
[hide]Apprentice's Ward Missions
Millie's Burger
Location: Sonata Asylum, Lunacy
- Agent: Mad Scientist
- Mission: A small snack
A small snack Hello there. You came all this way for a lunch? How brave of you. Don't you think it's a bit too much trouble to come here for a lunch, no? Here, sit down and let me go fix you a super burger. Hmm, it seems the rats got away with my stock! Those damn rats, what are we going to eat? You think you could get me some burgers? I will cook them however you prefer. Then we will talk about your apprenticeship. That is why you are here, right? * Experience given. Summary Bring a great burger to the Scientist.
Location: Sonata Asylum, Lunacy
- Agent: Mad Scientist
- Mission: A small snack
A small snack Ah, Simon! Now I can cook, give me a few moments...
Shakespeare's Work
Location: Sonata Asylum, Lunacy
- Agent: Mad Scientist
- Mission: Some Old Text
Some Old Text Good snack, heh? I thought you would like it. So, do you want to be my apprentice? How nice of you to offer your body to science... I mean your devotion. I'm currently researching some of the past great writers. You would not by any chance have found something like that in your interstellar travels? If you bring some great work to me I will translate some of it for you and maybe I have something else for you too. Yes, I should be done on this little project soon... * Experience given. * Reward: Apprentice's Ward Summary Find some great writer's work for the Scientist.
Dementium Blueprint
Dementium Fragments
Location: Sonata Asylum, Lunacy
- Agent: Mad Scientist
- Mission: Dementium Research
Dementium Research Hello there. As you probably know I'm a great researcher, hmm. Well if you didn't know you will now. Anyway. I have heard rumors of a new substance making its way into our universe called Dementium. I would like to study what it is. Can you help me with that? * Experience given. Summary Bring some Dementium Fragments to the Mad Scientist.
Location: Sonata Asylum, Lunacy
- Agent: Mad Scientist
- Mission: Dementium Research
Dementium Research Good job, Simon! It seems as if this is not true Dementium... just a very unstable form of it. I will study this and let you know if anything new comes up.
Platinum Bar and 100 Promethium
Location: Sonata Asylum, Lunacy
- Agent: Mad Scientist
- Mission: Dementium Research
Dementium Research After days of research on this very unstable matter, I have come to the conclusion that the only way to make it more stable would be using promethium and some platinum. * Experience given. * Reward: Dementium Blueprint Summary Bring 100 Promethium and 1 ton of Platinum to the Mad Scientist.
Demented Gear Blueprints
Demented Shield Blueprint
These missions give blueprints for demented versions of Lil' Thang, Titan Shield+, Jumbawa Jugga, and Undershirt.
Location: Sonata Asylum, Lunacy
- Agent: Mad Scientist
- Mission: (Shield Name) Research
(Shield Name) Research My current Dementium research is showing that it is possible to combine some elements of stable Dementium with the way shield waves work. The result should be a much more quantum-spatial design! For a price I can show you how it is done. * Experience given. * Reward: Demented (Shield Name) Blueprint Summary Bring 1 Dementium to the Mad Scientist.
Demented Misdirection Blueprint
Location: Sonata Asylum, Lunacy
- Agent: Mad Scientist
- Mission: Misdirection Research
Misdirection Research My current Dementium research is showing that it is possible to combine some elements of stable Dementium with the way shield waves work. The result should be a much more quantum-spatial design! For a price I can show you how it is done. * Experience given. * Reward: Demented Misdirection Blueprint Summary Bring 2 Dementium to the Mad Scientist.
Demented Give and Take Blueprint
Location: Sonata Asylum, Lunacy
- Agent: Mad Scientist
- Mission: Give and Take Research
Despite asking for 5 Dementium, the mission actually requires 2 Dementium.
Give and Take Research My current Dementium research is showing that it is possible to combine some elements of stable Dementium with the way shield waves work. The result should be a much more quantum-spatial design! For a price I can show you how it is done. * Experience given. * Reward: Demented Give and Take Blueprint Summary Bring 5 Dementium to the Mad Scientist.
Demented Planetscanner Blueprint
Location: Sonata Asylum, Lunacy
- Agent: Mad Scientist
- Mission: Demented Planetscanner Blueprint
Demented Planetscanner Blueprint I have some good news! It's possible to combine some dementium to create a powerful planetscanner! This should allow you to scan deep under the surface. Careful though! You might need alot of solar pannels to operate it. For it eats quite a lot of energy. * Experience given. * Reward: Demented Planetscanner Blueprint Summary Bring 1 Dementium to the Mad Scientist.
Electrical Engineering 20
Location: Sonata Asylum, Lunacy
- Agent: Georgie Frooth
- Mission: Supercharged Surfing
Supercharged Surfing After resupplying at Sonata Asylum Trade Emporium you return to your ship to find some of the Mad Scientist's experiments have chewed through your energybank's power cables. Conveniently, you remember seeing an advertisement for a small energybank repair shop not too far from the hanger. With a sigh you head over and enter the dark dirty little shop, blind for a moment until your eyes adjust to the light. "So brah -- what brings your to my humble little shop?" a not so young man with shaggy hair asks. His accent gives him away as a star-surfer from the astro-waves of Baade's Galaxy B. You explain the problem to the man who is obviously under the influence of some kind of narcotic. "Woah! Thats like totally baddass! I can help ya out, but you gotta do something for me. The Mad Scientist keeps taking my stash to use in his experiments. If you give him a good spanking I'll fix up your cables and even show you how to use some of the wickedest energies in the verse. We got a deal bro?" * Experience given. * Reward Skill: Electrical Engineering through lvl 20 Summary Go give the Mad Scientist a whoopin and come back to Georgie Frooth in Lunacy, and he'll fix up your power cables and teach you some rad shit dude!
Location: Sonata Asylum, Lunacy
- Agent: Georgie Frooth
- Mission: Supercharged Surfing
Supercharged Surfing You walk back into Georgie Frooth's shop to find him completely engulfed in a cloud of grey-green smoke. "Woah dude! That was the sickest battle I ever seen! Totally radical dude! Simon, you rock hardcore! Sure, I'll fix up that gear for ya, but first... I need some chips, I've got major munchies bro!"