Fan fic
Book of Celestial Dawn
11Once there was the void, and with the syntax of a complex ancient language adum filled that void with stellar gasses, gravitational forces, and various other primordial astral occourances. 2With time, star nurseries formed, and adum nurtured the protostars found here into what are now glorious suns. From the accretion disks of these newly born stars, adum skillfully and masterfully crafted protoplanets, guiding their evolution until they were strong enough to orbit their parent on their own. 3With his help, moons, nebulea, asteroids, and all the other natural wonders our universe came into existance, yet adum still felt the emptiness of the void.
21Despite the void containing all manners of natural wonders, adum had yet to finish genisis. On four of his newly created planets, taking mere pattens of energy from his omniscient mind and transforming them into matter, adum painstakingly and meticulously assembled the foundations of life. 2From this emerged the proud and ancient races the Bule, the Mzungu, the Faranji and the Vazaha. 3With this newfound life adum was pleased, and adum rested.
31adum watched closely over his cultures, appointing among each a leader which he would commune with, and teach them his ways. 2Slowly, through his mortal representitives, the peoples of the universe began to understand adum, and the gift they had been given with their very creation. 3Despite his communion with his people, adum realized they would need laws to guide them. These are the laws of adum, taught to the races by his first priests. 4Firstly, thou shallt honour adum above all things. 5Secondly, thou shallt never honour another more than thou honourst adum. 6Thirdly, thou shallt honour all that adum hast created for thee. 7Fourthly, thou shallt make all efforts to protect that which adum hast created for thee. 8Finally, thou shallt make war upon those who fail to uphold the first four laws adum hast lain down. 9These five laws were to comprise the Holy Golden Path and all of adum's children were required to stay upon the Golden Path. Those who fell from it were to face death.
41So adum watched as his children progressed, grew, and evolved, all following the Golden Path he had lain down for them.
Book of Mzungu
11Herein lies the record of the Mzungu, one of the four pillars of adum, created during the Celestial Dawn. 2These records are of all events of importance, until the Time of Ruin. The time when adum's children strayed from the his Golden Path.
21Here follows the line of the holy truthsayers of the Mzungu. 2When adum communed with his child race of the Mzungu for the first time, he appointed unto them a leader, one which would relay his word to his people. 3The first of these Truthsayers was Bakiri. He lived for 117 Mzungu Orbits and from his loin came Rasihd. 4Rashid spoke the truths of adum for a total of 91 Mzungu Orbits and was succeeded by his son, Thimba. 5Thimba lead the Mzungu for a 131 Mzungu Orbits, until his death, upon which his son Khairi succeeded him. 6Khairi kept the feet of the adumites on the Golden Path for a total of 146 Mzungu Orbits, he spoke the ways of adum longer than any other and was replaced by the first female truthsayer, Eshe. 7Eshe upheld the will of adum for a total of 99 Mzungu Orbits and mothered the next truthsayer, 8Azize. Azize was the last of the of the adumite truthsayers, and spoke the will of adum for a total of 82 Mzungu Orbits until his death at the hands of the merciless UrQa.
31As their world grew and with it their knowledge of it, the Mzungu began to seek other means of explaining the natural wonders that adum had created for them. 2They began to forget the teachings of the Truthsayers. They began to forget the very essence of the Golden Path. 3They began to break the very laws that bound them to their creator. 4adum was deeply upset at his people's disobedience and his grief was turned to anger before long. This anger would turn to wrath before long.5All hope was not lost though, for adum sensed some who still upheld the traditions of their fathers, and continued to offer tribute to their creator. 6He called out to those still loyal to him, telling them of a great plague from beyond their stars that would arrive to seal their destruction should they continue to stray from adum's will.
Arctic Munkey
A short story
"Stinking, Sawtooth X's, Gamma's, Emperor cursed Warp 2! I hate it!" Lieutenant Purgatory flung his DWO to the ground.
"Sure isn't like the Warp 0 of home," agreed Trooper ken le survivant, turning to look at the Lieutenant while he used his Gimmo to saw through a Space Blue Gamma that charged in without warning.
"Can't understand how anyone can fight in this," added Trooper Gurjit. He waved his scanners at the dense hollowness of space in front of his viewing bay.
Just then, a movement rustled the scanners of Lieutenant Purgatory's radar to the right and the squad spun round, DWO's at the ready. For a moment it was impossible to see what caused the disturbance. Then a burly figure appeared out of nowhere, his ship being covered with the greatest of cloaks. Five other soldiers followed him into view where Purgatory's squad sat, waiting.
"Been listening to your boys for half an hour. You sure make one hell of a racket," their leader drawled. "Lucky there ain't no Pantalones nearby, they'd have been on you quick as a forgone on a newb."
"Thanks for the advice, Sergeant..." Purgatory said sourly.
"No, Captain. Captain Desert Rat, Leader of Infinite Dreams," the newcomer replied, his eyes blazed pure white as they stared out from the telecom. "You trying to link up with Imperium bases?"
"Yessir! Seems like this damn Warp 2 doesn't want us to get there though," Purgatory answered quickly.
Desert Rat gestured to his squad who started to efficiently cut away the Monochrome Tints blocking the trail.
"How does anyone survive in this hellhole?" Gurjit asked half to himself.
"This ain't nothing, boy!" laughed Desert, his pearly teeth shining though the telecom.
"Yeah that's right. you Infinite Dreamers come from the deepest hellhole in the galaxy.." ken said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"That's right, boy!" Desert exclaimed, turning his gaze to Ken. "We're from the worst place you could imagine, worse than anything this little place has got to offer."
"Yeah, yeah. Two-hundred foot Big greens, Forgones that pOOn joo in one.... We heard the stories already," Ken grumbled.
"That's just what you off-warpers know, boy. Let me tell you about the real Warp 3," Desert drawled with a lop-sided smile. "You boys been here for 3 days but I wouldn't give you more than 1 hour in Warp 3. You don't have to worry about the large critters you've heard about. You can hear 'em coming miles away and they're easy to avoid. It's the little things that are the real danger. Them Zebucarts, for one; about the size of your thumb and they don't wait till you're dead to start feeding. Seem 'em strip a ship to the last bolt in an hour. Termites are about as bad. They dig their way into your ship then secrete ooze that numbs where they bite, so you don't feel a thing. They crawl their way under your skin and into your blood-stream to lay their eggs. The eggs get spread all 'round your body. Then when their young hatch, they start eating at your brain, your heart, your bones. Ain't nothing no one can do to save you from the termites if they get in.
"But this place is just warp 2.. nothing special," he told them.
Desert looked to where his men had eliminated the AI. "Better get moving, boys." he told them, pointing along the now clear trail. "You don't want to be out here at dark. Not with them pantalones around. See ya'll!"
As Lieutenant Purgatory started up his ship and set off along the trail, he glanced up at the telecom, and saw Desert rat give a friendly wave before switching off the screen. Then he merged with space once more....
Nothing against imperium.. first team i thought of. And im sure you wouldn't have a problem in warp 2 or 3 :D.
On the Ground
“Advance!” The order rang across the comm.-net like a clarion call. The battle brethren surged forward without hesitation, guns roaring as their bullets battered at the Mercenary’s galaxy. Return fire from the Merc’s lashed out at the Pantalone army. Tracer fire and screaming shells filled the vast air, ricocheting of their armour plating and forcing them to struggle forward as if into the teeth of a storm. But the galaxy had to be captured, the Mercenary threat had to be silenced.
Brother Retyu was struck square in the chest. Flecks of his armour sprayed across his faceplate, as he struggled to keep himself upright. He failed and went down on one knee. Not two yards away brother Thanar fell with two fist-sized holes though his abdomen, his bright blood mixing with the dark earth. At that instant the heavy weapons of Bizman spoke with one voice and the perimeter buildings were rent by fiery explosions. Almost immediately the Merc’s firing slackened to sporadic bursts.
Retyu heaved himself upright, the armour grinding as it tried to keep up with his movements. He levelled his gun and blasted at a figure silhouetted in a ruined window. The body disappeared under the hail of explosive fire and Retyu boosted the power to his legs to lope forward and regain his place in the battle line.
His armour hadn’t been the same since he had to have replacement parts from another battle; his armour needed many repairs and replacement parts to be useable again.
Retyu caught up with brother Fordail and Brother MagicFlame as they prepared to assault the outer wall. Convivial’s armour was scarred in a dozen different places where he had been hit but he calmly slammed another clip into his gun as if at morning firing tires. MagicFlame gave the signal and they stormed through a break together. To their left and right more armoured brethren burst through the perimeter walls.
A number of Merc’s spilled out of the shattered building like a red tide, beyond them NOBODY unleashed another salvo of gimmos into the heart of the on-coming pantalones. At such close range it was devastating, fire and smoke exploded all about and Retyu felt his helm ring like a bell as red-hot shrapnel ricocheted off it. Convivial fell with a curse, his arm torn away at the elbow. Yells and gunshots filled the air as the Mercenary’s closed in on the battered Pantalone members. Retyu and the others took up firing stances and pumped shots into the oncoming red wave. Even Convivial manage to heft his gun in his remaining hand and open fire. Every shot punched another howling Mercenary off his feet but they raced forward oblivious to casualties, bloodlust twisting their bestial faces. The remaining brethren were so outnumbered that they would likely be swept away by their onslaught.
Then it happened. A section of wall collapsed inward and a massive hulking form crunched in over the rubble. He stood twice the height of a man and was so bulky that it looked more like a walking tank than an armoured man. Without breaking stride it raised the multi-barrelled cannon set into the angled armour plates of its arm and opened fire on the Merc’s. Explosions ripped through their ranks like a scythe. With joy Brother Retyu recognised the ancient heraldry that Bizman displayed, and charged forward into the heart of the Mercenary bulk.
[Enter three Admins.]
- When shall we three meet again?
- In greece, italy, or even spain?
- When the newest patch is done,
- When graphics are improved for the sun.
Code Herder.
- That will be ere the set of sun.
- Where the place?
- In Sol I think.
Code Herder.
- There to meet with Miqqo90.
- I nerf, forsooth!
- Starsonata calls:--anon:--
- Fair is foul, and foul is fair:
- Shoot lasers through the fog and filthy air.
[Admins vanish.]
Scene II. A camp near Forres.
Alarum within. Enter Nas2, Tobal, Donalbain, Lennox, with Attendants, meeting a bleeding Some Praetorian noob
- What a DG mineself wert impressed,
- The way thou handled thyself Tobal and Miqqo90,
- Both.
- The GaT is mine Nas, Take this 300 mil,
- It should pay for some new armor.
- lol.
Some Praetorian noob
- I wish to tell the start of this story,
- Lol, for it is one that will fill the hearts of many with cheer,
- It be the story of Tobal, Miqqo 90,
- The betrayal of caps,
- As told by Retyu,
- For he is like modest and other stuff like that,
- But this be the story of what happned in Starsonata,
- And since Retyu is tired, this play will be like not long at all.
- O Tobal we fought hard mine friend, let us go to your
- base and land and party, and get pissed on vent!
Some Praetorian noob
- And this the story begins, and they all get completely stoned, and from their
- Dillusional illusions the admins appeared. But Nas2 and Miqqo90 and the
- rest of the praets were too much out of it to think however Tobal heard
- their words. (forsooth)
- I'm going to puke (retching sound into mike)
Thunder. Enter the three Admins
- Jeff, you got that blinkin' patch working yet?
- Yeah but it's a bitch, and Code keeps pinching my fries
Code Herder
- I feel pretty sick. Sod this I'm off for a Kebab (cue laughter)
- I nerfed them once
- I nerfed them twice
- and all the rest for me!
- You're drunk again atlum
- Aye
Code Herder
- Me three
- I think the Izer has too much hull,
- The Elec bonus has got to go,
- THe pax needs to be hurt more by mining,
- Hull expanders suck,
- I think everything is overpowered,
- Nerf,
- Nerf,
- Nerf,
- lol
- Pwned
- lol, someone quit.
Code Herder
- All
- We are the Admins,
- The Mighty Admins,
- We Pwn all the NOOBs
- We Own SS,
- Adum is Gone,
- More money for Us,
- Let's get a better Server,
- And nerf all of the noobs!
Enter Tobal stoned
- Such drasting nerfing foul admins, you bastards! WTF u done to my dark fist?
- All hail, Tobal! hail to thee, you stupid noob!
- All hail, Tobal, hail to thee, You lord of nothing you!
Code Herder
- All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be steal Nas2's pass while he's STONED!
- Noob!
- Pwned
Code Herder
- Lol (Wheres the frigging pizza?)
- Lesser than Nas2, and greater.
- Code, wheres the Marijuana.
Code Herder
- Tobal, just frigging go and pinch the password,
- He's given you his details so this story can progress.
- Ok noobs, smell ya later
Admins vanish
- Flourish. Enter Nas2, Raven4, Mauty, Inferno!, and Slaves
- Have we done the Iq Bana DG yet?
- My lord, the noobs we sent in there,
- But an hour ago, have not come back,
- I fear they are all stasissed.
- Meh, I want cookies.
Enter Tobal,
- Oh Tobal, I like you and trust you heres my password.
- Why thank you. That was kind (Ya noob)
- Come into my base,
- Let's do some heroin
- (Buisness)
- Sweeeeeet Beeeeeeans
- This is some crap shit.
- I am getting old and my porp pwns everything.
- I shall retire to bed.
Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see.
Enter Miqqo90, reading a letter
- Miqqo90
- I am to be the one to take out the Capitalist bases, DWO doesnt suspect me.
- Don't screw this up bitch..
- I won't darling, I'd be mad to.
- Yes, we shall attack them tonight, but I have a surprise....
- Hautboys and torches. Enter dudes from Praetorians
- Sweet base Tobal, full argo, very nice.
- Very nice indeed.
- Yes, it's pwnsome, I think that...
- You can dock here safely for the night and go to sleep.
- Yeah why not?
- Go to sleep then. (I want to take your fucking account bitch!!!)
- The weary one sleeps. He dreams
- Exeunt
Enter Tobal
- Thus I did it.
- I took his account.
- The stupid noob slept in my base.
- I transferred all his Items.
- It... It was good.
- I am now Nas2... as well as Tobal.
- They will never know.
- I have all his good shit.
- What's this...
Tobal's Mother
- Hey Rob, go to bed, you been up for like 4 days.
- Heh I just Pooned Nas2
Tobal's Mother
- Whatever Rob... Good night. I and your father are going out to the movies.
Enter Retyu and Mr Dead
- What the Fuck is going on?
Mr Dead
- Betrayal! Injustice! Those fucking Impy bastards! .
- What's Tobal done!?!!!
Mr Dead
- It aint toby wuggums!
- WTF?
- Miqqo-fucking-90 tossed the fucking shields
- What the fuck! That fuckign noob!
Mr Dead
- What is that!?!
- Hmm, a PM from RobC
- He has podded me brother...
Mr Dead
- Ima make an alt and toss shields on Tobal's team.
- Caps are finished...
Enter Miqqo and Tobal
- Good work Miqqo90
- Caps are finished.
- Did you enjoy it.
- Yeah lol. Fuckign noobs. Wheres my 4 bil.
- Oh I'm fuckign sorry... Did I forget to mention?
- Wha...?
- I dont deal with Traitors. Fuck off.
- IMA KWIT!!!kjgrj;akra;bjk;bjra;rg;rg;bbrg;jarg;b knl;fvn;newn;gk
- agk;bjwg;jkgagb;j;bjkragkakjgba;krjgbra;kjebg;arkgbjk
- argkjagb;kkrjarb;;brbj;rkgb;jk
- Stop that
- thaareijoarijargi'orgi'o
Enter Raven4 and Tobal
- Praets are dead and Eternals are here.
- Long live me, I am emperor. It is poonage.
- I know you took Nas2s account.
- I didnt lol
- Meh I dont care
- Is this an Urka Qa I see before me!?!
- Let's kill Rainer
- Ok. (Shoots Rainer)
- Oh noes I am dead!
- Lol... Die noob.
Exit Tobal and Raven4
New scene a room: TObal sit at computer.
Retyu and Mr Dead enter with pointy things.
There is much gore and stabbing and the universe is safe once again.
Oh, and Retyu pushes Miqqo90 off a balcony.
The origin of Man
The Origin of Man is a subject which everyone seems to stumble across during their life. Many believe that Man, in its current form, evolved from apes. Yet many others believe Man is a creation of a Divine Being. That, however, was before humans conquered space. Over thousands of years, scientists had created, improved and refined technology to the point where space travel was both possible and viable. With this new path to explore, Man stopped being the primeval jelly which it once was and became the feared monster it is now.
There is only one way to look at the Origin of Man, and that is to look at the origin of one man. In particular, one by the name of Robin Cooper. Just like half of his prehistoric species Robin was male. Being male in the year 3058 meant he was expected to become something important and, just like half of male population, he failed. He failed in such a manner that by the age of 26 the only hope for him was to enroll in Space Academy. Which, in itself, was a festering cauldron of barely human, barely sentient college drop-outs.
Robin Cooper was accepted into the Space Academy under pity, like most of his kind, and was trained to a barely competent standard. He specialized in Light Craft Engineering which allowed him to grasp the extreme basics of Propulsion. Armed with this knowledge and four years of being harassed by a small green alien, Robin finally set out to get some sort of sponsorship. At least, that was his plan.
Chapter 1
“Good morning.” blurted a cheery voice into Robin’s left ear.
“Ugh…what time is it?”
“Bzzzrrt…twelve past fifty six?” replied the cheery voice.
“That’s not even a time…now go away.”
Robin brushed his hand roughly in the direction of the cheery voice and happened to strike lucky. The little green alien flew across to room and landed in the corner with a decisive ‘Flop’. Sulkily the little alien picked itself up, brushed the dust of its eight legs and disappeared into one of the many holes in Robin’s cabin.
During the happy days of the Chaotic Universe sponsorships were plentiful. Robin had no trouble finding one after he left the Space Academy, although he now wished he chose a different sponsor. Robin was on a ship called the Omega Chicken; named after a mystical bird which lived a thousand years before. He was stationed on the ship as the Chief Engineer and was up for promotion. This basically meant if the Captain died Robin would be in charge. Luckily for Robin, today was the day he would be promoted. He just didn’t know that yet.
The Omega Chicken was trading in a Galaxy called the Nexus when the Navigation Computer made a fatal mistake and warped the ship and her crew into the criminal abyss named the Volcom’s Hideout. While Robin was asleep, the Omega Chicken engaged a fairly large number of enemy ships in combat. Through sheer luck the ship survived the ravenous attacks by the Volcoms. The only casualty was the Captain, who died from a heart attack. With no Captain and Robin as the future, many of the crew chose to use their Escape Pods to get away to safety. Luckily for Robin, three people stayed behind. Hank, Shuin and Dave were the remaining crew. Not by choice because all the Escape Pods ran out. Hank was the Chief Engineer’s Apprentice and soon to be Chief Engineer, Shuin was the Communications Officer and Dave was the small green alien.
At three past ten, Robin decided to get up and have a coffee. As he walked past the bridge towards the hole called The Kitchen, he failed to notice the smashed view screens and flickering lights. Standing by the fridge, which was the warmest place in the ship, he drank his coffee in detached thought. He couldn’t help but think that it was eerily quiet; there were no screaming people with burning oil on their faces and there were no mumbling priests or crying babies.
After considering the lack of noise, which took half an hour, Robin walked onto the bridge. What he found did not remotely disturb his puny mind, the only thought that crossed it was, ‘What a mess…’. With complete contentment, Robin started to move bodies into piles and to straighten tables and chairs. Just as Robin was about to lift up the Captain’s Seat, Shuin slithered (as far as humans can slither) into the Bridge.
“That’s yours now,” she said.
“I know,” Robin replied.
“So…where are we going?”
Robin pondered a while before he answered this extremely hard question, well, at least hard for a man of his small IQ.
“To a place…far, far away.”
This is how modern Man in the times of Star Sonata became. A man of small stature and a moustache with the IQ of a regular Martian Cow. A lower than standard man called Robin Cooper was the first of the Human Race to explore past the outer reaches of known space, visiting places such as Rumble Mumble, The End of the Universe and Bipolar. Along the way he and his crew of three left little notices floating in space, they eventually evolved due to radiation making the small skin flakes merge with the paper to form the feared Big Green alien ships. So the next time your ship gets ripped to shreds by a Big Green, remember Robin Cooper.
The End
2kool4skoolster (Purgatory)
Now little humans, I will tell you a tale of a mysterious race. Not only powerful, having mastered nuclear waste and fermium, but also a strange substance called promethium. They controlled a vast empire of monstrous ships named Serenities, for the word of peace, Celestia, for the heavens, and Astronomica for the stars. This was the holy trinity of the Paxian race, and all was well. Until one day, deep in space, a small planet launched its first test flight of a promethium powered ship. The ship flew into space and was an instant success. The people of the world, however, did not celebrate, for they did not know how to. Instead they built more of the dread machines, overrunning their small system's other planets with a growing stream of blood-red ships. They called themselves the Urqa, and this is where our story begins.
Pax Celestia ID 0475
Classification: Exploration Vessel to unknown special anomalies
3:49 Eastern Galactic Arm Time (EGAT)
"Sir, approaching coordinates of first recorded energy anomaly." The small newly recruited merchant looked proud of his speech, but, unfortunately, the commander was used to the military terms and found it quite ordinary. "Crew, set radars to maximum and foreshields to standby. I don't want to be caught by surprise by whatever this is." This order from the commander however, had much more impact and had many of the new recruits scuttling around on their three legs.
And then the ship was hit. Hard. The rear stabilizer fin was knocked off, and the ship was dead in space. Any thrusting would cause them to spin wildly without any chance of righting themselves. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, because that's when the ship was hit again.
It would not return home.
Paxius Prime
3:56 EGAT
"Commander Zzyka, come in, come in." Of course they wouldn't get a reply. There was nothing to say. The ship had been hit by a massive heat missile. The families of the brave Paxians would have much reason to grieve tonight, General Gharya thought to himself.
This posed a problem. The Paxians has been the only intelligent race in the whole universe until now, and their merchant empire stretched from galactic arm to galactic arm. A ship being shot down was not only unexpected… it was a threat.
Gharya hated what he knew he had to say. What would put the galaxy on a teeter- totter of war and would send the cities into panic. But his duty called, and for the first time in millennia, he turned on the alarm PA system over every room in the empire.
"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed Paxians of the Hryo Galaxy, listen closely. As of 3:52 EGAT, a Paxian exploration vessel was shot down while exploring special anomalies. And as of 4:35 EGAT, we are at war with this mystery foe. Please report any and all disturbances to the government immediately. Thank you for your time and DO NOT PANIC!"
That would keep them on the edge of their seats. Now to find this enemy and their weakness. But no searching would be required, for on his viewscreen came a face. A face unlike any he had seen before, it was blood- red with horns on the top and a nasty sneer somehow achieved with a beak. And miraculously, it spoke Paxian.
"Hello General Gharya, we've been watching you." It said.
"Who are you, explain your actions and origin." This seemed like something good to say since Gharya was making first contact with an alien species.
"I am Urqa' Qijoo, the leader of the Urqa race. We are one, we are all. We came from the hive mind of a mighty insect and grew, and developed intelligence. We have developed massively superior radars and have been watching you. And listening. We will destroy you. This universe is ours."
At that the viewscreen went blank, and the General had a lot to think about.
Paxian Militia Headquarters
Fighter Bay
6:09 EGAT
"MOVE LADIES MOVE!! THE URQA WAIT FOR NO MAN!!" The voice of the squadron was feared, but respected for his undeniable skill. As Squadron Leader Zobitan shouted orders, new recruits flooded into thousands of small Paximinuses, the only battle-ready ship in the Paxian fleet.
Then it came. The much- dreaded order to turn off the forcer field and look out the window. But there was no black of space, there was just red. Blood- red.
The nervous pilots were scared out of their minds but flew their ships out anyway. They realized this could decide the fate of Paxius to come. The first pilot made it out of the bay. In a split second his ship was annihilated by a massive beam coming somewhere from the mass of enemy ships. The rest of the Paximinuses were taken out this way also, except for one. Zobitan managed to turn his deflector shields on full, and when the fleet shot him, it took out a minor chunk of their forces. He darted in and out, using his modified heat laser, destroying waves of Uj' Qii, but a shield can only take so much. A newer, more powerful fleet was approaching that his laser couldn't dent. So he ran. And ran until he found Paxius Prime to tell them of their defeat. Obviously the government hadn't expected them to win anyway because they were building a massive bomb. A bomb not only to destroy all ships in a 100 light-year radius, but also to blow a hole in the space time continuum. Of course, they were going to leave the area 101 light years away, blow the bomb, and push their moving planet into the void. The planet itself was a miracle in design, they has planted charges in Paxius Prime's crust and blown it to where all that was left was a spiky blue ball. When they directed the core's heat to certain spikes, they could produce thrust, and if they powered the planet themselves, they put it through hyperspace. And that is what they did. The bomb wiped out more then half of the Urqa fleet, and they slipped into the Purgatory left behind.
System: Paxius in the Sol Universe
12:47 EGAT (even though the east galactic arm doesn't exist anymore.)
"Hello?" A faint cry echoed from the massive stations docking bay. The Paxians has hid there for some time now, and with the anomaly not closing and the threat of an Urqa army coming they were overjoyed.
"Hello brave adventurer, how can we, the humble people of Pax, assist you? Although we have lost our empire, our people, and our honor, maybe we can earn your trust. Can you please explore the Sol system of this galaxy? I hear it is the center of this human empire."
"UBER!!! Tell me what to do!" And Adum forged another successful relationship from a dying people, to save them from the armies of the Urqa.
Well, did you like it? And here I am, an old man… you would have never guessed I was a fighter pilot in my days. But here I am, just the old hoot Zobitan in his little hut. I have need of your assistance though. It seems the anomaly has gone the wrong way. We can now go back and forth through the Urqa galaxy. Watch out, for it has become a place very different than the light we left it as. Go, save the universe! Save the Paxian Empire! DOWN WITH THE URQA!!!!!!!!!!
Colour (Kesku)
Colour Wars
Some believe that the Goldenboys are a race of their own, others believe that they are merely a faction of Paxians or Terrans. All are wrong.
Goldenboys are a collection of races who have all come together and are bound by one thing. Money.
Goldenboys first appeared when a Terran freelance prospector named Thomas Béu came across a slow-moving asteroid passing through Gham, a galaxy far out in Warp-2 space. Thomas scanned this asteroid for any precious metals and discovered several different metals perfect for construction of ships and stations.
Upon gathering his crew and mining the metal out, they shipped it back to a refinery they owned in Yagill. The ore showed no signs of impurity and was successfully refined. However, as the processed metal bars came out the other end, Thomas and his crew were bewildered when this metal had somehow turned bright yellow. At first some of the crew rejoiced, thinking it had turned to gold, but later scans proved it to be nothing more than the ore they had mined. The only difference was, it was yellow.
Béu decided to scrap his crews' previous ships and use the parts to create new ships using the yellow metal. He pondered marketing these new ships for a ridiculous price. However, he decided to simply make ships of his own design. He, and his crew agreed, that when people saw golden ships enter their galaxies, they would have incredible goods to sell. Afterall, if someone had a ship of gold they must be rich!
Béu began construction on a new ship. These blueprints became the prototype for the very first Goldenboy Pyrite. Once the prototype Pyrite was ready, Béu took the ship for a test run. Unfortunately, Béu and his co-pilot were killed in a critical malfunction as the ship exited the hangar.
Béu's crew honored him with the creation of further ships, and the prototypes for the very first Goldenboy Coin, Bar, Ingot and Nugget were born.
Several years later the crew had gained significant advertisement from flying bright yellow ships through many inhabited galaxies and the Béu's crew had swolen in numbers.
Soon Pyrites, Ingots, Nuggets, Coins and Bars were mass produced for the huge amount of new men around. These men were expert traders and their profits rocketed. Eventually a meeting declared that this new "faction" were to be named GoldenBéus in honor of their founder.
A few generations later the spelling had devolved into Goldenboy and the Goldenboys we know today were spawned forth, trading throughout the universe...
Not many people are entirely sure what The Blue are. Some say that they are a race of blue skinned, fish-like aliens. Others presume they are mixes of different races united under one banner. All are possibilites, but not truth.
Only one fact is known. They are pirates.
Countless merchants, traders and explorers have fallen prey to Space Blue attacks, and people know they are a threat. What people do not know, however, is Space Blue origins.
Although it was never documented, The Blue were a product of the Bule empire. Bule scientists created a race genetically, but not aesthetically, similar to their own. These creatures were created through gene splicing and embryo infiltration. The Bule took DNA from wildlife and implanted it into their own embryos. Although this was deemed as immoral, the Bule government lmew the UrQa were on the horizon and needed more pilots to help fend off this menace with as minimal Bule lives as possible.
Many experiments failed and were killed and disposed of, but eventually the Bule succeeded. They had created a race similar to their own in everyway but appearance. Since these new creatures were similar genetically, they thought to name them similarly also. And so they dubbed these new creatures The Blue.
The Blue were advertised publicly, using the humorous, play-on-words name to try and avoid too many questions about Blue origin. The Bule Government claimed the Blue as a "Medical breakthrough" and usable as "personal servants, to make your lives easier in this harsh times."
Before The Blue could be marketed and used as alternate pilots for Bule military the UrQa attacked and swiftly wiped out the Bule homeworld.
Their creatores eliminated, the only survivors from the onslought was a small payload of Blue hatchlings contained in cryogenic stasis. Thanks to Bule cloaking technology these refugees were able to escape destruction and soon landed on a large asteroid in a unknown galaxy.
The hatchlings were eventually defrosted by a malfunction in the cryogenic stasis pods, and the hatchlings were awoken. These small, immature Blues quickly banded together and survived on rations stored in the ship. These Blue had an abnormal evolution rate, and were able to survive 50 years off of 12 packs of rations between 4 of them.
Eventually an EathForce scout located the crashite and, maybe being the biggest EarthForce mistake in history, rescued the poor survivors. The Blue were brought back to an EarthForce colony and learned how to read, speak and, unfortunately, breed. 2 of the Blue adopted a female sex, and the other 2 male. Thanks to Bule DNA they were quickly able to multiply and the population of the colony was at breaking point.
The Blue offspring thought themselves superior and began comitting crimes and doing as they please on the colony, and so the EarthForce drove them all off. The Blue left in Bulks, the cargobays filled with their brethren and eventually they settled far off in a distant galaxy.
The Blue have evolved since then and are now the pirates you know today, still bearing grudges on EarthForce for their exile...
According the Monochromian lore, the Monochrome species originated when their god, Sclera, had tired of the complicated lives that other gods, who's names were never documented, lived. Sclera sealed himself in his own reality and, to entertain himself he created Achromat and it's two moons; Void and Blanc. These planets were supposedly shaped to be bear, simple and calm. In order to support life Sclera also created a small, red giant which he named Puce.
The Monochrome homeworld, Achromat, was a moderately sized planet with a thick atmosphere.
Achromat, being a dim, rocky planet, lacked large seas. In fact, oceans only occupied 2% of the planet's surface.
The sky remained transparent at all times, and so, even during the day when the tiny, slowly dying red giant illuminated the homeworld, the stars and blackness of space could be seen.
With a natural curiosity Monochromes longed to explore outside their bland homeword.
Eventially, Monochromes had taken to space. They dubbed their system Pura and began to develop ships which, of course, remained white and colourless.
Although the Monochromes strongly believe that the universe should be presented only in black and white, they have discovered, much to their disdain, that their beliefs are unfounded in other species.
In the early years of the Monochromes they learned to live with the few colours that the universe had addorned, such as the purpley-blue tinge of wormholes and the various hues of planets. However, the monochromes weren't happy about other races and their colourfull ships. The Monochrome populous was angered to see how Paxians and Terrans used bright colours on the various freighters that entered Monochrome space for trade. Although no merchants were ever attacked, the Monochromes never fully trusted the merchants. Terran merchants found it difficult to sell their goods. One particular merchant attempted to trade fruit to passing residents on a colony orbiting the Monochrome homeworld, it is assumed that the transaction did not end well, as the Merchant was imprisoned for greatly offending Monochrome belief. In order to moniter the distrusted Terrans and Paxians the Monochromians began to moniter all traffic that entered their system.
The Monochromes, eventually, came across the Blue, who had only recently sprouted up. These ships aggravated the Monochromes to no end, but in order to maintain peace throughout the galaxy, privateers were told to hold their fire unless attacked, and all Monochrome military was stationed only to attack with a valid reason that would not get them into trouble.
One day a ship entered the Monochromian system. The Monochromian Military HQ station, which orbited Blanc, picked up the signal. It was a ship of unknown origin and design. It was predicted to be Terran until it came into veiw. This ship, to the Monochrome's horror, was bright yellow...
"FIRE ON THAT SHIP!" These words from the Monochrome Military Commander's mouth are the triggering of the Colour Wars.
After a Goldenboy merchant had entered the Monochrome home system, it caused great disruption amongst the Monochrome populous. The Monochrome Military Commander was outraged at the sight of this ship. Within seconds the entire Monochrome Fleet had fired upon one, small Goldenboy Pyrite. Needless to say the Pyrite was eliminated within split seconds.
Little did the Monochrome know, the Goldenboys kept track of their ships, and seeing that one had suddenly dissapeared while in Monochrome space, they assumed the worst. A small Goldenboy scout was sent in to investigate. They found a few peices of scattered, badly charred debris from a Pyrite and contacted the Goldenboy station in Yagill.
The tranmission reported that the ship was clearly destroyed, but the channel was suddenly lost when contact was broken. It was clear that the Monochromes were serious.
These small, seemingly insignificant actions lead to countless skirmishes and dogfights between Goldenboys and Monochromes in galaxies all over the universe. One of the notable conflicts was the battle of Reugie...
Reugie was home to a small colony of Terrans and an EarthForce research base close by on the planet Rawflip. The battle started as a Monochrome patrol was ambushed by several Goldenboy Ingots hiding nearby, concealed by a Dark Sun in the vicinity. The patrol swiftly lost numbers but an emergency signal was quickly sent out. A smallscale battle began between the surviving Monochrome Tints of the patrol and the ambushing Ingots. Soon, the distress signal was responded to, and within moments a small assault fleet of several Tints and a pair of recently constructed Hues. The Ingots couldn't deal with the new firepower, and were quickly overwhelmed. All Ingots were swiftly eliminated. Most were destroyed in space, but one lost and engine and plummeted down and crashed on the nearby planet Rawflip. The lone survivor sent a distress call to the Goldenboy HQ, and upon hearing about the Monochrome force in the area, they sent their own fleet to retaliate.
The Monochromes assumed they had secured Reugie, but as they were preparing to leave they noted several contacts warping in from across the galaxy. Goldenboys.
The Goldenboys had amassed an Armada. Atleast 20 modified Pyrites swarmed the area while several Bars flew in for support. The battle raged on and the colonists of Rawflip watched the explosions and laserfire in the skies...
Battle of Reugie
The Monochrome fleet was slowly being pushed back by the Goldenboy armada and The Goldenboys were getting just a little bit cocky. Monochrome command took note of this, and decided to unleash an experimental weapon. A prototype ship called "Slumberchrome Zeta".
The battle continued to go on, and the Hues were slowly being pushed back as their Tint support were shot to peices one by one. The Hues were preparing to retreat when the Slumberchrome arrived with some Tint support.
The Tints began to engage the Pyrites with their brethren while the Slumberchrome pushed towards the Goldenboy defensive line. Pyrites swarmed the Slumberchrome to no effect, and as it neared the Goldenboy Bar support craft, it opened fire. A wall of rockets, lasers and projectiles flew from the Slumberchrome, totally obliterating the Goldenboy armada in a manner of seconds.
Goldenboy HQ were shocked by this, and one of their most powerfull mobilizations has just been lost. They ordered all ships not in key defensive locations back to fortify Goldenboy HQ.
With the majority of their allies lost, the remaining Goldenboys fled while the Monochromes cheered. Their victory inspired the rest of the Monochrome forces, and morale of the whole fleet was boosted greatly. The Slumberchrome was a massive success and they were put into mass construction...