Deep Space Federation
From Starsonata Wiki
[hide]About Deep Space Federation
Greetings... Deep Space Federation is a Training Academy for New players fresh to the game. If you have a million questions - we have answers. The old saying says, Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, Teach him to fish and you feed him for life. DSF is where you will learn to Fish... DSF has an excellent Basic training course, that gets you up and running fully prepared to take on everything up to Warp 2 in just days. We have a fully stocked armory filled with low level modded gear to outfit your ship, and access to the games Most famous and fully stocked shop - Zalistar's Lair! You will have one on one training in all aspects of the game: Everything is covered. How to make money, Combat, economics, gear, slaves, etc... At DSF you will learn how everything works. What's this all cost you might ask? Actually you earn money during your Basic Training! We pay you! Every time you go out with a training instructor, You earn a paycheck! PM Zalistar in game for details.
To seek the Holy Grail!
Team Ranks Updated 09/02/16
Interestingly enough despite being a team for new players DSF is consistently ranked as one of the top 10 teams.